This Expert Test
Preparation Coach Will
Help Your Student
Achieve Great Results
Leading test prep expert, Dr. Kelly Frindell, has released
a report on SSAT and ISEE test preparation.
The experienced coach provides
you with the guidance you need to
help your children score highly on
standardized tests, such as the
The release of the report aims to answer your questions and concerns
related to the SSAT and ISEE tests and help you guide your children
through the test preparation process.
The report opens with a discussion of
the importance of test preparation.
Though it was once sufficient to perform
a light review prior to test day, that is no
longer the case.
As competition for limited seats in prestigious classrooms has
increased, the best institutions now require scores well above
average to begin considering admission.
Next, the author advises you to ask
schools which exams they accept,
as some schools prefer the SSAT,
others prefer the ISEE, and many
accept both.
The report goes on to discuss when the tests should be taken.
Typically, both the ISEE and SSAT can be taken from October until
the end of January.
However, you are advised to check
the admissions decision dates of your
children’s preferred schools to ensure
that they meet application deadlines.
Dr. Frindell recommends that your children devote part of their
study time to improving their vocabulary, as vocabulary is an
important determinant of performance on both tests.
She suggests reviewing high
frequency vocabulary lists as
an effective study method.
With her test preparation coaching services, Dr. Frindell gives
students the 1-on-1 guidance they need to achieve success.
She works with your children to
accommodate their schedule and
provide them with a customized
learning plan.
Go to to learn more.