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Get your ERTC rebate fast, with the only 15 Minute Refund program available. You'll get audit-proof documentation, and the guaranteed maximum allowable rebate, all in just a few minutes. Visit to learn more about the ERTC program, or to calculate your rebate.

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Published by francis, 2022-05-26 03:15:42

CARES Act ERTC Deadline: Fast Tax Rebate Application & Free Eligibility Test

Get your ERTC rebate fast, with the only 15 Minute Refund program available. You'll get audit-proof documentation, and the guaranteed maximum allowable rebate, all in just a few minutes. Visit to learn more about the ERTC program, or to calculate your rebate.

Keywords: CARES Act ERTC Deadline: Fast Tax Rebate Application & Free Eligibility Test

CARES Act ERTC Deadline: Fast Tax Rebate
Application & Free Eligibility Test

The Employee Retention Tax
Credit program was planned to
continue until the end of 2021 but
was prematurely ended when the
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs
Act was passed, on November 5.
With experts uncertain whether the
deadline for claims will also be
moved up, Free Tax Cash has
created a fast rebate application
that allows you to complete your

claim in a matter of minutes.

The improved application
process is only available from

a single firm of ERTC
specialist CPAs, which has
collaborated with Free Tax

Known as the 15 Minute

Refund program, it
guarantees every employer

their maximum allowable
rebate for a minimum time


Over the last year, the ERTC
has become the largest relief

program in America, with
thousands of small business

owners receiving rebates
averaging $100,000.

 The program has grown even
further with the passing of
several amendments that
expanded the eligibility to

include even more businesses.

Companies with up to 500 full-
time employees are now eligible
for rebates, as well as startups

and non-profit organizations
such as schools, churches, and

If you have already enrolled in

the Paycheck Protection
Program (PPP), you are also
now eligible for tax rebates -
which, unlike the PPP loans, do

not need to be repaid.

Eligible small businesses may claim
up to $26,000 in rebates per W-2
employee. The easiest way to find
out if you are eligible, is to take a
no-cost, no-obligation assessment
on the Free Tax Cash website.

Don't wait until it's too late
and miss out on your rebate
- make a claim today, in 15

minutes or less.

Find Out More At

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