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Funding is available via the platform to help businesses secure inventory, manage payroll, and invest in real estate. Clients can use their line of credit to support marketing efforts, expand business operations or commercial vehicle fleets, navigate cash flow issues, and other emergencies.

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Published by francis, 2021-09-22 18:20:25

Small Business Funding - Line of credit - Cash Flow - Payroll

Funding is available via the platform to help businesses secure inventory, manage payroll, and invest in real estate. Clients can use their line of credit to support marketing efforts, expand business operations or commercial vehicle fleets, navigate cash flow issues, and other emergencies.

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Small Business
Funding - Line of
credit - Cash Flow -


The service matches business owners with hundreds
of competitive offers from top lenders.

The service is designed to help
startups, franchises, and small
business owners quickly find a
line of credit for their business


Ly/dbQOpY5 The launch of Fundwise Capital's 60-second funding estimate
service aims to help small business owners and entrepreneurs looking for
quick unsecured funding to start and grow their businesses.

Fundwise Capital's strategic lender
matching platform searches through
hundreds of lenders to find the best

possible funding option for many
different business needs.

Clients can use their line of credit to support marketing efforts,
expand business operations or commercial vehicle fleets, navigate

cash flow issues, and other emergencies.

Funding searches take just 60
seconds and there is no risk to

the business owners' credit
rating to compare offers.

Fundwise Capital specializes in helping small business owners
find highly specific funding options that are difficult to find.

The firm can also help business
owners find a line of finance for
business types that many lenders may
not consider, including startups,

restaurants, and franchises.

Business owners have found success on Fundwise Capital's strategic
lender matching platform after they have been declined by other lenders or

left frustrated by the extended time many banks take to make a funding

A spokesperson for Fundwise
Capital said, "Small business
owners cannot afford to wait
upwards of 90 days to secure

funding from a bank.

They need answers now.

Fundwise Capital provides the answers that help small
business owners take advantage of the opportunities

they are presented with to grow their businesses."
Fundwise Capital is rated A with the Better Business
Bureau and has hundreds of five-star reviews on all

major business and social platforms.

Contact Us At:

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