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Looking for the best tool to make your website compliant with accessibility laws? Read WMappDigital's report to discover how the UserWay widget can fix potential violations on its own! Learn more at

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Published by francis, 2022-07-21 01:35:22

UserWay Website Accessibility Compliance Tool: Customizable Font & Contrast Options

Looking for the best tool to make your website compliant with accessibility laws? Read WMappDigital's report to discover how the UserWay widget can fix potential violations on its own! Learn more at

Keywords: UserWay Website Accessibility Compliance Tool: Customizable Font & Contrast Options

UserWay Website
Accessibility Tool:
Customizable Font &
Contrast Options

Is your website easy to use for individuals with disabilities? If it's
not, you can get hit with a massive lawsuit that you may not even

be able to pay! Don't take that chance!

WMappDigital shares how
UserWay can help prevent

unnecessary losses!

The company’s report explains that to avoid costly accessibility
lawsuits, your website must be compliant with the ADA, WCAG,

AODA, and EAA.

With the UserWay widget, you can
make your web pages easily

accessible to everyone, and you will
be able to do so in under 3 minutes.

The report informs that the installation process for the
UserWay widget is both fast and simple.

Once your installation is completed, a small
icon will appear on your site, which users
can click on to view an array of
accessibility-friendly options such as a
screen reader, contrast settings,
customizable font size, and text spacing.

Statistics show that the number of accessibility lawsuits is continuing to rise.
Several large-scale companies, fast-food enterprises, and prestigious universities

have suffered losses of over $1,500,000 as a result.

reported that over 265,000

accessibility demand letters were sent
to various businesses, which in most

cases, led to financial settlements.

According to the report, this innovative widget can help prevent
monetary losses as it can scan and analyze your website’s code

and automatically correct any violation-related issues.

Your website’s speed and
functionality will not be

impacted during these times.

In addition to the customizable options in the widget’s menu, users will also be able to select
accessibility user profiles based on their disabilities. Some options to choose from include
motor impairment, blindness, color blindness, dyslexia, and visual impairments.

If interested in seeing how the widget
will enhance your own websites, you
can try it for free for 10 days by filling
out the form located on the website.

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