Easy Pandemic Relief Eligibility Check For SMBs &
Non-Profits | Maximize COVID Rebates
Did you know that almost all small and
medium-sized businesses in the USA
qualify for rebates through the ERTC
You could be eligible for up It's easy to find out if you qualify - just take
$26,000 per employee in this fast pre-qualification assessment from
rebates that you never have to ERC Scope. It's only 5 simple questions,
pay back. and it's absolutely free.
ERC Scope can help you claim rebates It only takes a minute to find
for any business with between 5 and 500 out how much you can claim,
W-2 employees, including startups, new and there's no obligation.
businesses, and non-profit organizations.
Their ERTC specialists
can help you maximize
your rebate, complete
the paperwork, and file
the proper documents.
They can even help you to claim a rebate
if you've already received loans through
the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).
Visit https://www.ercscope.com to
learn more