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Published by francis, 2022-08-06 06:08:17

Booked A B&B? >Top Tips For Being On Holiday When It Rains - Why You Should Cancel releases a controversial article about rainy day activity secrets, which may cause upset amongst single room type B&B owners. More information and the article itself can be found at

Keywords: Booked A B&B? >Top Tips For Being On Holiday When It Rains - Why You Should Cancel

When It Rains It
Pours On Holiday

Don't Let B&B
Owners Read This!

Holiday Lettings Beech Lodge new website blog section has released a potentially
controversial article about "Rainy day activity secrets", bringing some cause for concern, as
the article may upset the every day frantic B&B business owner who wishes to attract new

business from family type bookings.

The 1400 word article examines the
high points and low points of rainy day

staycation ideas, in the pursuit of
providing the best possible experience

whilst on a typical UK staycation.

In non typical manner though, a certain element of the article is
set to spark discontent amongst B&B owners.

Below is a portion of the piece,
which neatly exemplifies the

controversial element: It Doesn't
Have To Be Messy..

Does It? Unlike a normal B&B reservation it is only with a fully kitted
out holiday cabin that enables the gusts to enjoy spending time in a

full kitchen with all the tools supplied.

A spokesperson for Holiday Lettings
Beech Lodge, Robert Blackburn,
says "Of course Holiday Lettings
luxury lodges never sets out to
intentionally upset anybody.

The aim is to stay dedicated to a truer voice.

Although the"Rainy day activity
secrets" article as its termed might

unsettle the every day frantic for
business B&B business owner, the

duty is to the readers.

" Although there has been no backlash as of yet, the possibility exists as the article calls out
the differences between the the fully kitted out luxury holiday lodge and a room only B&B that
charges more often a similar nightly price rate to the new luxury lodge selection provided in

the growing

Holiday Lettings Beech Lodge has been a
provider of in depth articles in the Vacation
Rental and Luxury Lodge Rental market for
over a year and is gaining a surging visitor

rate according to an official googles
analytics performance report.

Holiday Lettings Beech Lodge has stated the future aims for the website are to support and educate the
the business existing and future holiday guests be it those who choose to stay at the companies luxury

cottage accommodations or to support those travellers who have already got something booked

So Holiday Lettings Beech Lodge
hopes any controversy will pass
quickly and re-emphasizes no

offence is or was intended.

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