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Mailermatic is the e-mail autoresponder we've all been waiting for, with unlimited subscribers, unlimited sends, and tons of templates to choose from. Visit to see a full list of features, or to sign up for a free webinar with more information.

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Published by francis, 2022-02-19 06:36:07

Top Cloud E-mail Autoresponder With Spam Protection & Drag-And-Drop Templates

Mailermatic is the e-mail autoresponder we've all been waiting for, with unlimited subscribers, unlimited sends, and tons of templates to choose from. Visit to see a full list of features, or to sign up for a free webinar with more information.

Keywords: Top Cloud E-mail Autoresponder With Spam Protection & Drag-And-Drop Templates

Top Cloud E-mail Autoresponder With Spam
Protection & Drag-And-Drop Templates

If you're looking for a way to make
sure your e-mails don't just get

delivered, but also end up in your
subscriber's inbox instead of their
spam folder, then you should take a

look at Mailermatic.
Over the years, many things have
changed in the way businesses
communicate with their customers,

but one thing that has been
consistent for more than a decade

is the usefulness of e-mail lists.

The new Mailermatic
autoresponder provides a
much-needed update to
managing subscriber lists

and sending out e-mail

The new platform allows you to
import your existing subscriber

lists with a simple one-click
process, and integrate them

into the new cloud-hosted

It includes a variety of new
features that make it easy to
create unique and eye-catching
e-mails from scratch or using
one of many pre-built templates.
The pre-built e-mail templates

allow you to add your own
images, gifs, or videos to the text
of your message and require no

previous experience or coding

All the templates use drag-
and-drop technology to
make creating lead
generation e-mails more

To help you grow your
subscriber lists, the platform
comes with opt-in forms and
plug-ins that allow for auto-list

growth using WordPress.

There are no limits on
subscriber list size or the
number of e-mails that can be
sent and, and no monthly fees

or hidden charges.

It also includes a
comprehensive spam
protection system that ensures
e-mails are delivered to the
recipient's inbox and not caught
in their junk folders.


atic to see a full list of

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