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Do you want your business card to exude opulence? The mTap black digital business card is your best option. You can personalize your NFC-enabled card with your logo and brand name.

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Published by francis, 2022-08-02 03:05:40

mTap Black Custom Digital Business Card Personalized for You

Do you want your business card to exude opulence? The mTap black digital business card is your best option. You can personalize your NFC-enabled card with your logo and brand name.

Keywords: mTap Black Custom Digital Business Card Personalized for You

Black Custom Digital
Business Card from


Are you still using traditional paper
cards that most people just throw
away? Step into the future with digital
business cards that link to your online
profile! mTap introduces its latest
Near Field Communications enabled
device: black custom digital business


Now, you can stylishly introduce
yourself with a business card that
links to your customizable digital

profile, including contact
information, website, videos,
social media, calendar, and more.

Get yours today at
business-card The new NFC-enabled card can be
personalized with a logo or brand name.

The opulent-looking device
allows for more creative

freedom, providing you with
enough area to add more

details about your business,
including rich media links.

Once your business card is
activated, you can begin to

share your profile with
colleagues, prospects, and
customers with a simple tap of

their iPhone or Android.

Because mTap uses state-
of-the-art accessible

technology, receivers of the
cards do not have to
download the app.

mTap explains that not only do
their digital business cards

provide a convenient solution to
keep people more connected,
but they also save trees used
for producing traditional paper


Further details can be found at
cards Want to power up your card and
receive analytics on who has viewed
your profile? For a small fee, you can
upgrade your mTap profile to receive

more exclusive features.

Find Out More At

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