Top Dubai Migrant Consulting Group Offers
Australian Visa & Residency Assistance
Do you want a wealth of job opportunities?
A generous social safety net and security
for your family? Australia beckons!
Call Y-Axis Middle East (+971-0-42-48- The immigration consulting company
3900) today! A welcoming, diverse offers expanded advisory services based
immigrant population in a trouble-free on the Australian government’s increased
(well, almost!) country awaits you! quotas for skilled workers in 2022/2023.
The Albanese government has The country’s strong economy and
announced its intention to accelerate multi-ethnic population make it an
Permanent Residency application especially attractive choice for
approvals - including for those residing skilled migrants.
outside Australia.
Y-Axis Middle East offers you
individualized assistance to help
you target the national and
regional immigration programs
that are most appropriate for
your circumstances.
If you want to increase your English proficiency
scores, Y-Axis Middle East provides its own
accredited in-house IELTS testing centre at its
Dubai offices.
See https://www.y-
ia for more.