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Magic Mind Meditation, a YouTube channel offering a variety of videos for self-improvement and positive thinking, launches a video entitled “Affirmations for Healthy Habits and Lifestyle.” Find out more at:

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Published by francis, 2021-10-05 01:23:25

New Video Features Positive Ambient Music And Affirmations For Improved Health

Magic Mind Meditation, a YouTube channel offering a variety of videos for self-improvement and positive thinking, launches a video entitled “Affirmations for Healthy Habits and Lifestyle.” Find out more at:

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music affirmations health,video positive music improved,video positive music improved health,video positive music health,video positive affirmations,video positive affirmations improved,video positive affirmations improved health,video positive affirmations health,video positive improved,video positive improved health,video positive health,video ambient,video ambient music,video ambient music affirmations,video ambient music affirmations improved,video ambient music affirmations health,video ambient music improved,video ambient music improved health,video ambient music health,video ambient affirmations,video ambient affirmations improved,video ambient affirmations improved health,video ambient affirmations health,video ambient improved,video ambient improved health,video ambient health,video music,video music affirmations,video music affirmations improved,video music affirmations improved health,video music affirmations health,video music improved,video music improved health,video music health,video affirmations,video affirmations improved,video affirmations improved health,video affirmations health,video improved,video improved health,video health,features positive,features positive ambient,features positive ambient music,features positive ambient music affirmations,features positive ambient music improved,features positive ambient music health,features positive ambient affirmations,features positive ambient affirmations improved,features positive ambient affirmations health,features positive ambient improved,features positive ambient improved health,features positive ambient health,features positive music,features positive music affirmations,features positive music affirmations improved,features positive music affirmations health,features positive music improved,features positive music improved health,features positive music health,features positive affirmations,features positive affirmations improved,features positive affirmations improved health,features 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New Video Features Positive Ambient Music
And Affirmations For Improved Health

Eating too much? Pretending you
don't have the time to exercise?
Worry not! This new video offers you
gently spoken affirmations relating to
physical and mental wellness, set

over calming ambient music.

The video lasts just under five
minutes, allowing you to relax

and absorb its messages
without sacrificing a large

amount of time.

Along with the narration and
soundtrack, the other

prominent feature of the
video is its visual

Many fruits and health foods
are displayed throughout the

video, highlighting bright
colors and appealing

With distractions abounding,
busy work schedules and

social commitments, it can be
difficult to consistently attend to

your health.
Experts in the field of mental
health often point to positive

self-talk as a means of
countering negativity in life.

The video's affirmations can be of
use to you when struggling with

internal blockages and self-
defeating interior monologues that
prevent you from making beneficial
changes to your diet and exercise


The video's spoken messages
range widely, sometimes

focussing on personal attitudes
towards food and lifestyle, and
other times being more orientated

towards metaphysical

These statements include: "I give
myself permission to have perfect
health", "I create good health by
talking about and thinking about my

wellness", and "The universe is
blessing me with good health." 

A commentator who
benefitted from the video
said: "These affirmations are

fantastic with amazing
visuals to match!" 

Go to


for more.

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