Get Maximum ERTC Rebate For 2020/21 | Risk-Free
SMB Pandemic Relief Fund Application
What can you accomplish
in 15 minutes, without
working too hard? A bit of
paperwork, a quick
snack, or a conversation?
In just 15 minutes or less, you could LP Consulting has partnered with a
claim up to $26,000 per employee in team of ERTC specialist CPAs to
ERTC rebates from the IRS, and you help you maximize your pandemic
don't even have to do the paperwork. relief funds, absolutely risk-free.
Their 15 Minute Refund
guarantees you the
maximum allowable
rebate for your business,
with no up-front fees.
If you don't qualify, or if
you don't receive a
rebate for any reason,
then you won't be
charged at all.
You can claim ERTC
rebates for startups,
non-profits, and
businesses with up to
500 W-2 employees.
They can even help you claim rebates if
you've already received PPP loans - take
their free eligibility test to see if you qualify.
Find Out More At
https://get26k com