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Vorlex lets you make a profit by sharing your real-world luxury assets with members from around the world. Create your own NFTs in 3 easy steps. Visit to learn how you can make money by sharing access to your assets.

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Published by francis, 2022-05-14 16:00:39

Create Profitable NFTs Based On Luxury Assets P2P Minting & Selling Marketplace

Vorlex lets you make a profit by sharing your real-world luxury assets with members from around the world. Create your own NFTs in 3 easy steps. Visit to learn how you can make money by sharing access to your assets.

Keywords: Create Profitable NFTs Based On Luxury Assets P2P Minting & Selling Marketplace

Create Profitable NFTs
Based On Luxury Assets

P2P Minting & Selling

Traditionally, NFTs have been small pieces of digital art or
songs, but that is only the first use they were put to, not the

limits of the technology.

The Vorlex marketplace has an
NFT minting process that allows
you to sell access to or ownership

of certain luxury goods, for a
recurring profit.

The Vorlex marketplace offers members a chance to experience luxury items
such as sports cars, private jets, real estate, or jewelry, without having to
purchase the entire item at retail prices.

To generate a profit with your own
luxury items, you can create new
NFTs using a simple three-step

process: apply, mint, and sell.

No previous experience or technical skills are required to
create a new NFT, and there is no cost for membership in

the marketplace.

The Vorlex team also helps new
members to drive traffic to their
assets and provides strategies for
increasing the value of your luxury


Vorlex NFTs come in two different varieties, “ownership” and “access.” Ownership
NFTs allow buyers to own part or all of the asset, with most assets being split
among several owners to lower the cost per individual. 

Access NFTs allow buyers to
experience an asset with absolutely
no ownership. These NFTs expire

after a single use and cannot be

When selling an NFT on the Vorlex marketplace, you will receive
90% of the purchase price and will continue to receive a 5%
royalty every time the asset is resold.

You can also offer access to NFTs,
which will allow you to keep

ownership of your luxury goods,
while still using them to generate

recurring revenue.

After purchasing an NFT, members can access their new luxury items
by visiting the Vorlex scheduling service and booking a time for their


Disclaimer: This information does
not constitute investment advice

or any other kind of advice.

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