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Claim your pandemic relief funds before they run out - it's easy, and takes 15 minutes or less. Non-profits, startups, and new businesses can all qualify, take a free eligibility test to find out how much you can claim. Visit to apply today.

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Published by francis, 2022-06-17 03:50:40

Fast Pandemic Relief Funds For Non-Profits: Tax Credit Eligibility Check & Application

Claim your pandemic relief funds before they run out - it's easy, and takes 15 minutes or less. Non-profits, startups, and new businesses can all qualify, take a free eligibility test to find out how much you can claim. Visit to apply today.

Keywords: Fast Pandemic Relief Funds For Non-Profits: Tax Credit Eligibility Check & Application

Pandemic Relief For Non-Profits: Tax Credit
Eligibility Check & Application

Have you claimed your
Employee Retention Tax
Credits yet? While the program
has no official deadline, it does
have a fixed amount of funding.

It's not every day the
government offers to give your
tax money back, so make your

claim soon to be sure you
don't miss out.

In 2020, when the government
started drafting legislation to

create pandemic relief
programs, the primary focus was
on helping small businesses and

their employees. 

To help these small businesses
claim their tax credits before the

program hits its funding limit,
TrimGov has created a 15 Minute
Refund program with the help of a

team of ERTC specialist CPAs.

What many employers may not
know is that pandemic relief

funds are also available to non-
profits, including schools,

churches, clinics, and hospitals. 

Any business that has less than
500 full-time W-2 employees, and
kept staff members on the payroll

through the pandemic, may be
eligible for tax credits using the

new fast rebate program.

 While the maximum amount
claimable will vary based on

several factors, you may
claim as much as $26,000

per employee.

TrimGov’s 15 Minute Refund
program guarantees each
company their maximum
allowable rebate, as well as
provides audit-proof

documentation for IRS support.

 To find out if you are eligible,
you can complete a brief 10-
question form, which requires

no proprietary business

Tens or hundreds of
thousands of dollars could
have your name on it. All you
have to do is claim it before

they run out.

Find Out More At

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