Get Business Mentoring & Networking With Your
Own Team Of Top Entrepreneurs
We've all watched Shark Tank and Dragons Den,
and now IdeaPros gives you the chance to pitch your
new business idea to some of the country's leading
If you think you've got an idea that will Fear not, you won't be grilled by a panel
take the business world by storm, but of fierce tycoons, but you do need to
you need a little help, the team wants have a great idea, the right personality,
to hear from you. and the drive to make it happen.
If you’re successful, the IdeaPros program will They can help you with everything from
offer you mentorship from successful market research and product positioning, to
entrepreneurs with more than 200 years’ manufacturing and sourcing. The end goal is
combined experience in a wide variety of to launch your very own product nationwide.
The IdeaPros program is
intended to provide you
with all the mentorship
and assistance you need
to be a success.
Be brave, be bold, but only the best
will get through. Do you have what
it takes?
Check out so
you can learn more