AIA Colorado Updated October 2019
OPPORTUNITIES /sponsor-advertise
Architects design and manage projects, select products, contract vendors and guide clients in a variety
of industry sectors including commercial, healthcare, residential, hospitality, education and more.
AIA Colorado’s sponsorship opportunities are geared toward providing you with ways to cultivate
strategic relationships with our members who are decision-makers and leaders in the industry.
Sponsorship is the perfect way to gain exposure to more than 2,400 AIA Colorado members, position
your company as a thought-leader and trusted source among the design community, to tap into
commercial potential and to strategically build relationships in an increasingly competitive business
Benefits include exclusivity, presence in AIA Colorado marketing efforts, tickets and recognition at
If you commit to a total program sponsorship of $5,000 or more during the 2019 calendar year, you’ll
become an AIA Colorado Industry Partner, which means you will receive additional organization-wide,
year-round benefits, including complimentary memberships, brand visibility, messaging opportunities,
advertising discounts and special access to engage with AIA Colorado members.
For questions or to become a sponsor, contact Carin Haen;
303.228.3911, [email protected] or visit
Page 1 | AIA Colorado 2019 Sponsorship Opportunities
Determine Your Total Sponsorship Level
Total your sponsorships from the menu on page 3 to determine your Industry Partner level and 2019
organization-wide benefits. For example, two programs sponsored at $2,500 each would total $5,000
and position your company as a 2019 Silver Industry Partner.
Industry Partnership Benefits Platinum Gold Silver
$10,000+ $7,500+ $5,000+
Brand recognition on AIA Colorado website Logo Logo
throughout 2019 Logo Logo Name
Brand recognition on AIA Colorado email newsletter Company
throughout 2019 2
3 Name
Opportunity to provide a ten-minute presentation to AIA
Colorado Board on industry updates or emerging trends 1
Opportunities to submit a blog post to be featured on the 3
AIA Colorado Website Industry Insights Blog
AIA Colorado Professional Affiliate Memberships 4
Free direct-mail list rental from event of choice 321
Free banner ad in AIA Colorado email newsletter 1 11
Discount on other AIA Colorado advertising 50% 25% 15%
Discount (member rate) on AIA Colorado Job Board All Year All Year All Year
Complimentary full conference passes for Practice + 6 one-day 3 one-day 1 one-day
Design Conference passes passes pass
Discount on second adjacent Practice + Design
Conference Expo Hall Booth (purchased after achieving 100% 50% 25%
Corporate Partner status) discount discount discount
Page 2 | AIA Colorado 2019 Sponsorship Opportunities
See details and benefits of each program on pages 4 - 16.
Business of Architecture Series Practice + Design Conference
Sponsor Opportunities
-Series Sponsor SOLD!
-Session Sponsor -WiFi Sponsor $2,500
$750 $5,000
-Student & Volunteer Sponsor SOLD!
Box City Colorado Springs -Lanyard & Badge Sponsor SOLD!
-Host Sponsor SOLD! -Bag Sponsor $2,000
-Builder Sponsor SOLD! $1,500
-Keynote Session Speaker Intro $2,500
-Concurrent/General Speaker Intro
Member Milestone Receptions -Friday Reception Sponsor
-Happy Hour Sponsor $500
-Host Sponsor $3,000 -Sit-down Luncheon Sponsor
-Excellence Sponsor $1,000 SOLD!
-Local Friends of the Reception $500 -Entertainment Sponsor
-Buffet Meal Sponsor SOLD!
-Coffee Break Sponsor $200
Materials Matter Series -Raffle/Networking Sponsor
-Series Sponsor -Phone Charger Giveaway Sponsor
-Session Sponsor
SOLD! -Sponsor Enhanced Profile on App
-Meetup Sponsor
Safety Assessment Program Training Design & Honor Awards Celebration
-Program Sponsor $1,000 -Host Sponsor SOLD!
-Refreshment Sponsor SOLD!
Christopher Kelley Leadership -Excellence Sponsor SOLD!
Development Program -Merit Sponsor SOLD!
-Friends of the Celebration SOLD!
-Various Sponsorships $250-$2,500 -Entertainment/Keynote Sponsor SOLD!
-Premium Table for Ten Attendees SOLD!
Practice + Design Conference Group Mentorship Series
Exhibitor Opportunities
-Exhibitor Booth SOLD! -Opening/Closing Session Sponsor $500/In-Kind
-Second Adjacent Booth SOLD! Branding Sponsorships SOLD!
-Exhibitor-Provided Session SOLD!
-Exhibitor Enhanced Profile on App -AIA Colorado Guest WiFi Sponsor $2,000
-Exhibitor Map Pins on App $200 -ARE 5.0 Library Sponsor
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Business of Architecture Series
AIA Colorado’s successful new program, The Business of Architecture, is designed to provide mid-
career architects with essential career tools for managing a prosperous practice. It is targeted toward
architects looking to take on more responsibility within their current firm or considering starting their
own practice, and aims to give them the business know-how, tools and resources necessary to lead
stable, prosperous firms.
Date: June 7 - November 8, 2019
Attendance: Approximately 25
Audience: Mid-career architects who are interested in leadership roles/starting their own firms.
Location: AIA Colorado office and off-site locations
Opportunities & Benefits
Series Sponsor - $1,500
Exclusive Sponsorship
• Recognition on event website, pre-event marketing materials and program materials
• Opening remarks at each session you choose to attend
• Welcome display table at each session you choose to attend, option to distribute promotional items
• List of program attendees (name and company)
• 2 complimentary registrations for each session of the series
Session Sponsor - $750
Six available
• Recognition on event website, pre-event marketing materials and session materials
• Opening remarks at sponsored session
• Welcome display table at sponsored session, option to distribute marketing giveaways
• 2 complimentary registrations for sponsored session
Session Details
• Friday, June 7 – State of profession, economic trends, firm management, leadership skills
• Friday, July 12 – Vision and organizational structure, firm vision development, financial plans
• Friday, August 2 – Sales, marketing, business prospects
• Friday, September 6 – Human resources, legal issues, liabilities, diversity, insurance, contracts
• Friday, October 4– Presenting your story, presentation skills, management consultant feedback
• Friday, November 8 – Putting together your personal strategy, business development, creation of
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Box City Colorado Springs
A fun, one-day event, which allows children and their families to participate in the process of
architecture and construction. By the end of the day, participants will have learned about design,
permitting and construction through a hands-on activity of building a huge cardboard city.
Date: April 27, 2019
Attendance: Approximately 100
Audience: Families with children in southern Colorado
Location: School or other facility in Colorado Springs
Opportunities & Benefits
Host Sponsor - $750 Exclusive Sponsorship
• Recognition on event website, pre-event marketing materials and event signage
• Welcome and display table, option to distribute promotional items
• Option to hang banner (sponsor provides banner)
• Opening remarks at start of event
• Opportunity for team/staff to participate
Builder Sponsor - $250 Five available
• Recognition on event website, pre-event marketing materials and event signage
• Opportunity for team/staff to participate
Recycling Sponsor - $250
• Recognition on event website, pre-event marketing materials and event signage Exclusive Sponsorship
• Opportunity for team/staff to participate
2018 Box City Event
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Member Milestone Receptions
This year-end celebration recognizes recent architecture graduates, newly-licensed architects,
Architectural Education Foundation scholarship recipients and newly-elevated Fellows.
Date: November & December, 2019
Attendance: Approximately 75 in Denver, 30 in Colorado Springs, 30 in Western Slope (location TBD)
Audience: AIA Members including AIA, Assoc. AIA, FAIA and architecture students (AIAS)
Location: Denver, Colorado Springs and Western Slope
Opportunities & Benefits
Host Sponsor - $3,000 Exclusive Sponsorship - all three receptions/locations
• Ability to make opening remarks from the podium at all three receptions
• Recognition in talking points at all three receptions
• Welcome and display table for promotional items at all three receptions
• Logo recognition on event website, pre-event marketing materials and event signage for all
three receptions
• Two complimentary tickets to each of the three receptions (six tickets total)
• List of attendees (name and company) for each of the three receptions
Excellence Sponsor - $1,000 Three available - All three receptions/locations
• Recognition in formal presentation at all three receptions
• Logo recognition on event website, pre-event marketing materials and event signage for all
three receptions
• One complimentary ticket to each of the three receptions (three tickets total)
• List of attendees (name and company) for each of the three receptions
Local Friends of the Reception - $500 Three available - Choose one reception/location
• Recognition in formal presentation at selected reception
• Logo recognition on event website, pre-event marketing materials and event signage for
selected reception
• One complimentary ticket to selected reception
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Materials Matter Series
Sustainability and building performance matter to our members and their clients. Through this five-
session series, we will provide members with education, training and resources for choosing sustainable
materials that have a positive impact on human and environmental health.
Date: February 15 - June 21, 2019
Attendance: Approximately 25
Audience: AIA Members including AIA, Assoc. AIA, FAIA
Location: AIA Colorado office in Denver
Opportunities & Benefits
Series Host Sponsor - $1,500 Two available - All five sessions in the series
• Opening remarks at each of the five sessions
• Welcome display table at each of the five sessions
• Ability to distribute promotional items and company information at each of the five sessions
• Two complimentary registrations for all sessions
• Logo recognition on event website, pre-program marketing material and overall program materials
Session Sponsor - $750 Five available - Sponsorship of a single session of your choice
• Opening remarks at session sponsored
• Welcome display table at session sponsored
• Ability to distribute promotional items and company information at sponsored session
• Two complimentary registrations for sponsored session
• Logo recognition on event website, pre-program marketing material and session program materials
Session Details
• Friday, February 15: Overview of healthy materials and why they matter
• Friday, March 15: Science of healthy materials, overview of tools, materials and advocacy
• Friday, April 19: Life-cycle analysis overview, health introduction, tool demonstration
• Friday, May 17: Practice integration, calls to action, project teams, project case studies
• Friday, June 21: Materials transparency, risk and selection
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Christopher Kelley Leadership Development Program
Selected through a competitive application, participants are ambitious, young architecture professionals
who are up-and-coming leaders and have the full support of their firms. Together, participants
generate a series of monthly programs focused on leadership development within their firms and their
Date: Runs August 30, 2019 - May 8, 2020
Attendance: 16 participants, plus executive committee members
Audience: Young professionals who are interested in honing their leadership abilities
Location: AIA Colorado office in Denver and off-site at firm offices
Opportunities & Benefits
Please request specific flier of sponsorship benefits developed by the current class. Sponsorship levels
• Benefactor Sponsor - $2,500
• Program Supporter - $2,000
• Scholarship Sponsor - $1,500
• Session Sponsor - $1,000
• Session Supporter - $500
• Reception Sponsor - $1,000
• Yearbook Sponsors - $750
• Lunch Provider – $250/In-Kind Donation
2018 Christopher Kelley Leadership Development Program
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Practice + Design Conference
The largest gathering of architects in Colorado, this conference provides the opportunity to network
with more than 600 design professionals, gain inspiration through keynote presentations, work with
colleagues in interactive sessions and learn about new products and technologies.
Date: October 31 – November 2, 2019
Attendance: Approximately 600
Audience: AIA Members including AIA, Assoc. AIA, FAIA and members of related industries
Location: Breckenridge, CO NEW LOCATION!
Exhibitor Booth - $1,400 - $2,000
• 66 available
• Standard booth in premium location (10 feet wide x 8 feet deep, pipe and drape) - $2,000
• Standard booth (10 feet wide x 8 feet deep, pipe and drape) - $1,900
• Breckenridge Ballroom booth (8 feet wide by 6 feet deep, pipe and drape) - $1,400
• Visibility in online interactive expo hall map
• 2 complimentary full-access three-day passes
Discounted Second Adjacent Booth - $1,100 - $1,600
• Subject to availability in exhibitor floor plan
• Second Standard booth can create double booth (20 feet wide x 8 feet deep, pipe and drape) - $1,600
• Second Breckenridge Ballroom booth can create double booth (16 feet wide x 6 feet deep, pipe and
drape) - $1,100
• Visibility in online interactive expo hall map
• 2 complimentary full-access three-day passes
Exhibitor-Provided Session - $1,500
• 8 available, session providers must also be exhibitors
• 1 complimentary full-access three-day pass (in addition to 2 for booth)
• Session must provide health, safety, welfare (HSW) credits and be approved through the AIA
Continuing Education System
NEW! Enhanced Sponsor or Exhibitor Profile on Conference App - $200
• 25 available
• Boosted company profile in the conference app, which will be used by attendees in place of the printed
• Enhance in-app presence with photos, collateral and video
NEW! Map Pins for Exhibitors on Conference App - $150
• 10 available
• The app will replace the printed program and map of previous years
• Enhance visibility and help users find your booth
• Link to in-app profile if purchased in combination with Enhanced Profile
Page 9 | AIA Colorado 2019 Sponsorship Opportunities
NEW! Phone Charger Giveaway Sponsor - $2,000 Exclusive Sponsorship
• Exclusive co-branding opportunity with AIA Colorado (both logos on power bank phone charger which
will be given to attendees at registration)
• Logo placement on phone charger distributed to all attendees at check-in
• Recognition on event website and signage at check-in
• 1 complimentary full-access conference pass
WiFi Sponsor - $2,500 Exclusive Sponsorship
• Recognition on event website, pre-event emails and event signage
• Ability to create custom splash page with network name for WiFi access during conference
• 1 complimentary full access pass
Student & Volunteer Sponsor - $5,000 Exclusive Sponsorship
• Recognition on event website, pre-event emails and event signage
• 2 complimentary full access passes
Lanyard & Badge Sponsor - $3,000 Exclusive Sponsorship
• Recognition on event website, pre-event emails and event signage
• Custom lanyards & badges with your logo
• 1 complimentary full access pass
Bag Sponsor (Sponsor provides bags) - $2,000 Exclusive Sponsorship
• Recognition on event website, pre-event emails and event signage
• Option to include marketing inserts
• 1 complimentary full access pass
Keynote Session Speaker Introduction - $2,000 Four available
• Recognition on event website and event signage
• Provide opening remarks about company, products and services to estimated audience of 400
• 1 complimentary full access pass
Concurrent Session Speaker Introduction - $1,500 Six available
• Recognition on event website and event signage
• Provide opening remarks about company, products and services to estimated audience of 200
• 1 complimentary full access pass
Page 10 | AIA Colorado 2019 Sponsorship Opportunities
Practice + Design Conference (continued)
Meet-Up Sponsor - $750/day Three available
• Recognition on event website, event signage in meet-up area and conference schedule
• 1 complimentary one-day pass
Friday Reception Sponsor (November 1) - $2,500 Four available
• Recognition on event website and event signage
• Logo on reception drink tickets, option to provide glassware and marketing giveaways
• 1 complimentary full access pass
Halloween Happy Hour Sponsor (October 31) - $2,000 Four available
• Recognition on event website and event signage
• Logo on reception drink tickets, option to provide glassware and marketing giveaways
• 1 complimentary full access pass
Sit-Down Luncheon Sponsor - $2,500 Exclusive Sponsorship
• Recognition on event website and event signage
• Provide opening remarks about company, products and services at Luncheon
• 1 complimentary full access pass
Entertainment Sponsor - $2,000 Two available
• Recognition on event website and event signage
• Introduction of entertainment provider(s) at Welcome Reception
• 1 complimentary full access pass
Buffet Meal Sponsor or Coffee Break Sponsor - $500 Four available
Two available
• Recognition on event website and event signage
• Signage at food/ beverage station
• 1 complimentary one-day pass
Raffle / Networking Sponsor - $300 + provision of a grand prize
• Recognition on event website, event signage
• Speaking opportunity at Welcome Reception or Happy Hour
• 1 complimentary one-day pass
Page 11 | AIA Colorado 2019 SponPsaogrseh1i0p O| ApIpAorCtuonloitriaedso 2019 Sponsorship Opportunities
2019 Design & Honor Awards Celebration
This annual celebration honors the work of AIA Colorado members and recognizes them with a variety
of awards for their innovative designs and their leadership in the profession and community. The awards
will be featured in a variety of media outlets, including Colorado Homes & Lifestyles and Colorado
Construction & Design.
Date: September 13, 2019
Attendance: Approximately 250
Audience: Architects, engineers, contractors, local media and the broader design community
Location: The Cable Center, Denver
Opportunities & Benefits
Host Sponsor – $5,000 Exclusive Sponsorship
• Welcome and display table for promotional items
• Ability to make opening remarks from the podium
• Recognition in formal presentation at the celebration
• Logo recognition on event website, pre-event marketing materials and event signage
• List of celebration attendees (name and company)
• 10 complimentary registrations
• Premium table with reserved seating for 10
Refreshment Sponsor – $3,500 Two available
• Recognition in formal presentation at the celebration
• Logo recognition on event website, pre-event marketing materials and event signage (including at the
• List of celebration attendees (name and company)
• 50 beverage tickets with your company logo to distribute to attendees
• 4 complimentary registrations
Excellence Sponsor - $2,500 Six available
• Recognition in formal presentation at the celebration
• Logo recognition on event website, pre-event marketing materials and event signage/collateral
• List of celebration attendees (name and company)
• 4 complimentary registrations
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2019 Design & Honor Awards Celebration (continued)
Merit Sponsor - $1,500 Six available
• Recognition in formal presentation at the celebration
• Logo recognition on event website, pre-event marketing materials and event signage
• List of celebration attendees (name and company)
• 3 complimentary registrations
Friends of the Celebration Sponsor - $800 Six available
• Logo recognition on event website, pre-event marketing materials and event signage
• 2 complimentary registrations
Entertainment/Keynote Sponsor - $1,000 Completed Exclusive Sponsorship
• Logo recognition on event website, pre-event marketing materials and event signage
• Speaking opportunity to introduce entertainment provider or keynote speaker
• 2 complimentary registrations
Premium Table for 10 Attendees - $3,500 Five available
• Premium table with reserved seating for 10 attendees (includes 10 registrations)
• Recognition in formal presentation from the podium
• Logo recognition on event website, pre-event marketing materials and event signage
• 10 additional refreshment tickets
• List of celebration attendees (name and company)
2018 Design & Honor Awards Celebration
Page 13 | AIA Colorado 2019 Sponsorship Opportunities
Small Group Mentorship Program
Small groups of mentees identify relevant topics and rotate between several mentors who help to
facilitate dialogue and share real-world learnings.
Date: Fort Collins – January - July 2019; Denver – starts in August, 2019
Attendance: Between 9 and 25
Audience: Members in all career stages seeking mentorship
Location: Denver and Fort Collins, mentoring meet-ups held in various firm offices
Opportunities & Benefits
Opening Session Sponsor - $500 or equivalent in-kind donation
Four available
• Choice of location – Denver or Fort Collins
• Recognition on event website, pre-event marketing materials and event signage
• Welcome and display table, option to distribute promotional items
• Opening remarks at start of opening session
• List of attendees (name and company only)
• Complimentary attendance
Closing Celebration Sponsor - $500 or equivalent in-kind donation
Four available
• Choice of location – Denver or Fort Collins
• Recognition on event website, pre-event marketing materials and event signage
• Welcome and display table, option to distribute promotional items
• Opening remarks at start of opening session
• List of attendees (name and company only)
• Complimentary attendance
Page 14 | AIA Colorado 2019 Sponsorship Opportunities
Safety Assessment Program (SAP) Disaster Training
The AIA Safety Assessment Program (SAP) Training provides architects, engineers, building officials
and inspectors with the knowledge and protocol to evaluate homes, buildings and infrastructure in the
following a disaster. The program has benefited numerous communities, resulting in thousands of safety
evaluations and saving municipalities millions of dollars.
Date: Monday, August 26, 2019 (full-day class)
Attendance: 35
Audience: Architects, engineers and building department officials
Location: Castle Rock
Opportunities & Benefits
Safety Assessment Program (SAP) Sponsor - $1,000
Two available
• Opening remarks for either the morning or the afternoon portion
• Welcome display table at the venue and ability to share company information and promotional items
• Logo recognition on event website, pre-program marketing materials and overall program materials
• One complimentary registration for the Safety Assessment Program (Note: Only licensed architects,
licensed civil/structural/geotech engineers, and certified building inspectors can complete the course
to be certified building evaluators)
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Branding Sponsorships
Opportunities & Benefits
AIA Colorado Guest WiFi Sponsor - $2,000
Exclusive Sponsorship
Opportunity to feature a customized password incorporating your company name. Your logo, company
name and customized password will be included on cards handed to all guests who visit AIA Colorado
for the 2019 year. Sponsorship also includes recognition on the AIA Colorado website and collateral.
Date: Year-round
Audience: Visitors to the AIA Colorado office, members, committees, knowledge communities and task
Location: AIA Colorado office in Denver
Architectural Registration Examination Resource Library Sponsor - $2,000
Exclusive Sponsorship
Exclusive signage opportunity at AIA Colorado’s Denver office where materials are checked out.
Sponsorship will also include recognition on AIA Colorado website and collateral.
Date: Year-round
Audience: Visitors to the AIA Colorado office and members preparing for the exams.
Location: AIA Colorado office in Denver
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