Full time.
Part time.
All the time.
We’re with you.
Mama to Jackson, Finn & Zoë
Founder & CEO
Being a mom is the best job in the world but
it’s also the hardest. Milk Stork’s story starts
with our founder, Kate Torgersen, a mom on a
mission to remove the roadblocks that breast-
feeding moms face every day as they take on
the world. With Milk Stork, Kate hopes to help
ambitious moms maintain their commitment
to breastfeed as they pursue their careers and
chase their dreams.
The Pump & Ship Moms make the world go ‘round.
Whether you’re at work,
Capacity Refrigeration Dimensions away on business,
34 Oz 1 Day supply 72 hr minimum 12” X 5” X 8” running a company,
72 Oz 2-3 Day supply 72 hr minimum 12” X 8” X 8” running a marathon,
or running around,
The Pump & Tote you can probably relate.
We can too.
Capacity Refrigeration Dimensions
No one can do what moms can.
34 Oz ≈ 1 Day supply 60 hr maximum 12” X 5” X 8” Milk Stork makes it easier.
60 hr maximum 12” X 8” X 8”
72 Oz 2-3 Day supply 5
Breast milk storage bags: (6 for 34 oz cooler / 12 for 72 oz cooler)
Circular seals to secure exterior of the cooler
Tote bag for Pump & Tote Kits
STEP 1 Step 1 7
Coordinate CWOITNHFIYROMULROHGOISTTEILCSUpon arrival, confirm with your hotel that they will be able to
with your hotel
assist you with scheduling a FedEx pick-up.
If you haven’t already, confirm that your room will have a
source of refrigeration during your stay.
If your hotel is unable to assist you with a pick up, authorized
FedEx shipping locations with pick up times can be found at
The hotel contact should keep the card with the shipment
Step 1 If shipping ftroohmothelo:teTl:eaTretarhitshipsagpeagoeutoautndanhdanhda tnod tconccoinercigeer.ge.
This package contains breast milk and requires FedEx Priority
Overnight shipping.
A pick up for this package has been scheduled for:
Date of Pick-up: Estimated Pick Up Window:
From: To:
Pick Up Confirmation Number:
Note to hotel contact: If FedEx fails to pick up the package, please re- 9
frigerate the package and contact FedEx (800-Go-FedEx) to confirm
or reschedule the pick up time. FedEx’s contact number can be found here:
Additionally, please notify me immediately of any changes to the pick up time:
Guest Name:
Email Address:
8 Helpful Hint: Mom, take a picture of this card and your package’s
shipping label for your reference.
210 If this is your first time using a Milk Stork cooler kit, please
watch Milk Stork’s “How to Pack” video.
Please make sure your breast milk is refrigerated and not
frozen. Milk Stork coolers are at refrigerated temperature
and frozen breast milk will thaw. Additionally, packing
frozen breast milk will reduce the amount you are able to
fit in the cooler.
If you are using the Pump & Tote, place the cooler in Milk
Stork tote and bring the TSA information card provided
with you during your travels.
1 Activate the Milk Stork Cooler #momonamission
Open the Milk Stork cooler and remove the cooling unit. Turn the
unit over and place it, foil side down, on a flat surface. Press down If shipping to baby: Tear this page out and pack inside cooler. TO GET YOUR MILK HOME SAFELY, PLEASE AM/PM
firmly on the activation button. The cooling unit will begin to cool WATCH OUR PACKING VIDEO
after a few seconds and will reach refrigerated temperature within MOM PACKED & SEALED THIS BOX ON: 13
a few minutes. Please note that the cooling unit will feel cool to the www.milkstork.com/pack
touch, but it will not feel icy. DATE
2 Pack the Milk Stork Cooler TIME ZONE
Your breast milk must be fully refrigerated and stored in the breast
milk storage bags provided. Make sure that all excess air has been
removed from the bags and ensure that each bag is securely sealed.
Apply the tamper proof seals over the top of each bag prior to
packing. Then, fold the bags below the seal and fan them
one-by-one in the bottom of the cooler. Each bag will overlap with
the previous bag at approximately midline. Continue to fan bags in
layers until you have filled the cooler. Do not put any packing
materials in the boxy.
3 Close and Seal the Milk Stork Cooler
Once you’ve packed all of your breast milk bags, replace the cooling
unit with the activation button facing down. Make sure that the
rectangular foam spacer is in place before replacing the cooling
unit. The fit should be snug and the cooling unit should not wobble.
For Pump & Ship, fill out the card on the opposite page and place it
in cooler to ensure that your partner or the baby's caregiver knows
when the milk was packed. Close the box and secure it with the
circular seals provided in the areas indicated.*
3 Launching Your Stork
If you are using the Pump & Ship, hand o your cooler to your
hotel contact who has arranged your FedEx pick up. If you are using
the Pump & Tote, place your cooler in the tote bag provided.
12 * Airport security may open these seals during the inspection process.
Step 2 15
Tear this card out and pack in your first
outbound cooler so that the party receiving
the package knows how to properly
unpack and store your breast milk.
1 Before removing cooling unit, position the Milk Stork cooler
near the refrigerator where the breast milk will be stored. Lift
the cooling unit and set it aside.
2 Take the temperature of the breast milk with a reliable digital
kitchen thermometer to ensure that the delivery meets your
standards for breast milk storage. The temperature must
be taken immediately upon opening the box and prior to
transferring milk to the refrigerator. The milk will warm as it
is exposed to the ambient temperature and should be placed
in the refrigerator immediately after the temperature has
been taken.
The Milk Stork cooling unit cannot be reused. The cooling unit and
Styrofoam insert can be discarded in the trash. The shipping carton
is recyclable.
STEP 3Your breastStep 3
Continue to the next page for
FedEx tracking information.
Continue to page 22.
Step 3
Step 3 1 Confirm that you shipment has been tendered to FedEx by
monitoring its tracking number at fedex.com/tracking.
INSTRUCTIONS You will receive two notification emails from FedEx for each
Pump & Ship Only
• FedEx Shipment [Tracking Number] Tendered to FedEx
18 • FedEx [Tracking Number] Delivered
2 If you do not receive the “FedEx Shipment Tendered to
FedEx” email, this means that your package is still at the
hotel. Contact the hotel employee that scheduled the FedEx
pick up to see if there was a change to arrangements.
If you do not receive the “FedEx Shipment Delivered” email,
please contact Milk Stork Customer Care for assistance.
(See back cover for contact information and hours of opera-
If Toting
Breast Milk
Step 3 23
To ensure your security, all travelers are required to undergo screening. However, TSA
has developed modified screening procedures for children who appear to be 12 years If toting: Tear this page out and hand to TSA Allow yourself more time for airport security.
best way to relieve any concerns during the screening of a child.
For children 13 years and older, TSA’s standard screening procedures apply. Accessible Milk Stork Coolers do not contain dry ice or ice, nor do 25
property of all travelers, regardless of age, must be screened. If there is an alarm, the they contain any hazardous materials, mechanical parts
individual will undergo additional screening. or batteries.
Formula, Breast Milk, and Juice
For the purposes of our screening procedures, an infant is defined as a child who Breast milk, as well as ice packs, freezer packs, frozen gel
must be physically carried by an adult throughout the screening process. A toddler packs and other accessories required to keep breast milk
is defined as a child who receives assistance in walking by an adult throughout the cold, are permitted by TSA
screening process.
You are not required to put your breast milk through the
Formula, breast milk and juice for infants or toddlers are permitted in reasonable X-ray machine, but you and your luggage will be subject
quantities through the security checkpoint. Remove these items from your carry-on to additional screening.
bag to be screened separately from the rest of your belongings.
Following inspection, replace the cooling unit and close
formula, breast milk and juice in excess of 3.4 ounces in your carry-on bag. These the cooler. To maintain refrigerated temperature, keep
liquids are typically screened by X-ray. the cooler closed for the duration of your travel.
Screening Formula, Breast Milk and Juice
Milk Stork Pump & Totes are considered carry-ons.
of the liquid to a separate empty container or dispose of a small quantity, if feasible.
Some airlines may allow breast pumps as an additional
be X-rayed or opened. Additional steps will be taken to clear the liquid and you or carry on without a fee. Check with your airline.
the traveling guardian will undergo additional screening procedures, to include a pat-
down and screening of other carry-on property.
X-ray Screening
from eating food, drinking beverages and using medicine screened by X-ray.
3-1-1 Liquids Rule Exemption
Formula, breast milk, juice in quantities greater than 3.4 ounces or 100 milliliters are
allowed in carry-on baggage and do not need to fit within a quart-sized bag. Remove
these items from your carry-on bag to be screened separately from the rest of your
belongings. You do not need to travel with your child to bring breast milk.
Ice packs, freezer packs, frozen gel packs and other accessories required to cool
formula, breast milk and juice are allowed in carry-on. If these accessories are
partially frozen or slushy, they are subject to the same screening as described above.
You may also bring gel or liquid-filled teethers, canned, jarred and processed baby
food in carry-on baggage. These items may be subject to additional screening.
(Source: www.tsa.gov/travel/special-procedures/traveling-children)
Milk Stork uses a third-party delivery company, FedEx
Corporation (the “Third Party Delivery Service”) to Upon arrival, confirm with your hotel that they will be able to assist you with
facilitate the Services. By agreeing to use Milk Stork’s scheduling a FedEx® pick-up.
service you agree to be subject to our Third Party
Delivery Service’s terms and conditions. If you haven’t already, confirm that your room will have a source of refrigeration
during your stay.
(i) The Third Party Delivery Service has certain domestic service capabilities,
terms and conditions, which can be found at the following link: https://www.fedex. Once your breast milk is ready to be shipped home, work with the hotel shipping
com/en-us/service-guide/us-packages.html. Please note that overnight and Satur- contact to complete the card on the following page. Make sure to note the
day deliveries are not available at every location, that no deliveries are provided on name and contact information of the hotel employee you are working with to
Sundays and certain holidays, and that deliveries to and originating from Hawaii, coordinate the pick up.
Alaska and some rural areas in the United States are subject to longer transit times.
You specifically acknowledge and agree that when purchasing domestic overnight The hotel contact should keep the card with the shipment until it is tendered
delivery, your package may not actually be delivered on the next day due to the to FedEx.
Third Party Delivery Service’s service capability limitations and that it is your res-
ponsibility to confirm that the delivered milk meets your standard for milk fresh- KEY INFORMATION
ness and usability upon receipt. FOR HOTEL
(ii) You acknowledge that Milk Stork is not responsible for any delays, lost packa-
Upon arrival, confirm with your hotel that they will be able to assist you with
you indicated otherwise when scheduling your delivery, the Third Party Delivery scheduling a FedEx® pick-up.
Service is authorized to leave the package at the door of your designated delivery
address. If you haven’t already, confirm that your room will have a source of refrigeration
(iii) In the event you have selected our Pump & Tote or Pump & Check services during your stay.
to travel with our refrigerated packaging, you acknowledge that Milk Stork is not
responsible for any delays, lost packages, inspections, confiscations, mishandling Once your breast milk is ready to be shipped home, work with the hotel shipping
(by airline personnel, TSA agents, or other security and customs agents you may contact to complete the card on the following page. Make sure to note the
encounter in your domestic or international travel), x-rays, or other outside events name and contact information of the hotel employee you are working with to
coordinate the pick up.
order or (ii) your breast milk caused by third parties during your travel.
The hotel contact should keep the card with the shipment until it is tendered
26 to FedEx.
This package contains breast milk and requires FedEx Priority Overnight shipping.
Name of the Hotel Contact who scheduled the pick up: Upon arrival, confirm with your hotel that they will be able to assist you with
scheduling a FedEx® pick-up.
Date of Pick Up: / Estimated Pick Up Window: -
If you haven’t already, confirm that your room will have a source of refrigeration
Pick Up Confirmation Number: during your stay.
Note to hotel contact: If FedEx fails to pick up the package, please refrigerate the package and contact
FedEx (800-Fed-Ex) to confirm or reschedule the pick up time. Once your breast milk is ready to be shipped home, work with the hotel shipping
contact to complete the card on the following page. Make sure to note the
Additionally, please notify me immediately of any changes to the pick up time. name and contact information of the hotel employee you are working with to
coordinate the pick up.
Guest Name:
The hotel contact should keep the card with the shipment until it is tendered
Email Address: to FedEx.
Helpful Hint: Mom, take a picture of this card and your package’s shipping label for your reference.
This package contains breast milk and requires FedEx Priority Overnight shipping. Upon arrival, confirm with your hotel that they will be able to assist you with
scheduling a FedEx® pick-up.
Name of the Hotel Contact who scheduled the pick up:
If you haven’t already, confirm that your room will have a source of refrigeration
Date of Pick Up: / Estimated Pick Up Window: - during your stay.
Pick Up Confirmation Number: Once your breast milk is ready to be shipped home, work with the hotel shipping
Note to hotel contact: If FedEx fails to pick up the package, please refrigerate the package and contact contact to complete the card on the following page. Make sure to note the
FedEx (800-Fed-Ex) to confirm or reschedule the pick up time. name and contact information of the hotel employee you are working with to
coordinate the pick up.
Additionally, please notify me immediately of any changes to the pick up time.
The hotel contact should keep the card with the shipment until it is tendered
Guest Name: to FedEx.
28 Email Address:
Helpful Hint: Mom, take a picture of this card and your package’s shipping label for your reference.
This package contains breast milk and requires FedEx Priority Overnight shipping.
Name of the Hotel Contact who scheduled the pick up: www.milkstork.com/pack
Date of Pick Up: / Estimated Pick Up Window: - MOM PACKED & SEALED THIS BOX ON:
Pick Up Confirmation Number: Date: am/pm
Note to hotel contact: If FedEx fails to pick up the package, please refrigerate the package and contact Time:
FedEx (800-Fed-Ex) to confirm or reschedule the pick up time. Time Zone:
Additionally, please notify me immediately of any changes to the pick up time.
Guest Name:
Email Address: #momonamission
Helpful Hint: Mom, take a picture of this card and your package’s shipping label for your reference.
This package contains breast milk and requires FedEx Priority Overnight shipping.
Name of the Hotel Contact who scheduled the pick up: www.milkstork.com/pack
Date of Pick Up: / Estimated Pick Up Window: - MOM PACKED & SEALED THIS BOX ON:
Pick Up Confirmation Number: Date: am/pm
Note to hotel contact: If FedEx fails to pick up the package, please refrigerate the package and contact Time:
FedEx (800-Fed-Ex) to confirm or reschedule the pick up time. Time Zone:
Additionally, please notify me immediately of any changes to the pick up time.
Guest Name:
Email Address: #momonamission
Helpful Hint: Mom, take a picture of this card and your package’s shipping label for your reference.
Tear this card out and pack in your first outbound cooler so that
the party receiving the package knows how to properly unpack MOM PACKED & SEALED THIS BOX ON:
and store your breast milk.
1. Before removing cooling unit, position the Milk Stork cooler near the refrigerator where Date: am/pm
the breast milk will be stored. Lift the cooling unit and set it aside Time Zone:
2. Take the temperature of the breast milk with a reliable digital kitchen thermometer to
ensure that the delivery meets your standards for breast milk storage. The temperature
must be taken immediately upon opening the box and prior to transferring milk to the TO GET YOUR MILK HOME SAFELY,
refrigerator. The milk will warm as it is exposed to the ambient temperature and should PLEASE WATCH OUR PACKING VIDEO
be placed in the refrigerator immediately after the temperature has been taken.
The Milk Stork cooling unit cannot be reused. The cooling unit and Styrofoam insert can be
discarded in the trash. The shipping carton is recyclable. MOM PACKED & SEALED THIS BOX ON:
“How-To” Time Zone:
Tear this card out and pack in your first outbound cooler so that #momonamission
the party receiving the package knows how to properly unpack
and store your breast milk.
1. Before removing cooling unit, position the Milk Stork cooler near the refrigerator where
the breast milk will be stored. Lift the cooling unit and set it aside
2. Take the temperature of the breast milk with a reliable digital kitchen thermometer to
ensure that the delivery meets your standards for breast milk storage. The temperature
must be taken immediately upon opening the box and prior to transferring milk to the
refrigerator. The milk will warm as it is exposed to the ambient temperature and should
be placed in the refrigerator immediately after the temperature has been taken.
The Milk Stork cooling unit cannot be reused. The cooling unit and Styrofoam insert can be
discarded in the trash. The shipping carton is recyclable.
Tear this card out and pack in your first outbound cooler so that
the party receiving the package knows how to properly unpack 31
and store your breast milk.
1. Before removing cooling unit, position the Milk Stork cooler near the refrigerator where Share your journey and crazy pumping stories with us by tagging
@milkstork and using the #momsonamission.
the breast milk will be stored. Lift the cooling unit and set it aside
2. Take the temperature of the breast milk with a reliable digital kitchen thermometer to
ensure that the delivery meets your standards for breast milk storage. The temperature
must be taken immediately upon opening the box and prior to transferring milk to the
refrigerator. The milk will warm as it is exposed to the ambient temperature and should
be placed in the refrigerator immediately after the temperature has been taken.
The Milk Stork cooling unit cannot be reused. The cooling unit and Styrofoam insert can be
discarded in the trash. The shipping carton is recyclable.
Tear this card out and pack in your first outbound cooler so that
the party receiving the package knows how to properly unpack
and store your breast milk.
1. Before removing cooling unit, position the Milk Stork cooler near the refrigerator where
the breast milk will be stored. Lift the cooling unit and set it aside
2. Take the temperature of the breast milk with a reliable digital kitchen thermometer to
ensure that the delivery meets your standards for breast milk storage. The temperature
must be taken immediately upon opening the box and prior to transferring milk to the
refrigerator. The milk will warm as it is exposed to the ambient temperature and should
be placed in the refrigerator immediately after the temperature has been taken.
The Milk Stork cooling unit cannot be reused. The cooling unit and Styrofoam insert can be
discarded in the trash. The shipping carton is recyclable.
Milk Stork Customer Care
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +1 (877) 242-1306 (U.S. Toll-Free) / +1 (510) 356-0211 (International)
Hours of Operation: Monday - Saturday, 6am - 8pm (U.S. Central Time)