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Temple of Elemental Evil, 1st Edition

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Published by masterdoyle, 2020-10-13 15:16:16

Temple of Elemental Evil (T1-4)

Temple of Elemental Evil, 1st Edition

Gnolls (3): AC 5, MV 9", HD 2, hp 13, 12, chain with 12 large coins upon it (130 gp for ceramic mugs. Several pegs and hooks
8, #AT 1, D 2-8 (bastard sword), SA 1 the whole). on the south wall hold old brown cloaks,
has long composite bow and 20 arrows a leather bag, and a shortbow with a
(D 1-6); XP 54, 52, 44 A hollow log at the bottom of the stack of quiver of five arrows.
wood conceals the bugbear's private stash of
The fireplace on the west wall of this 60 sp, 28 ep, and 47 gp. The bone markers are dominoes, worth 5 gp
room shows that special folk were 128a. SENTRY for the set. The jug holds watered wine, and
housed here. Three battered old chairs The large and heavy quadruple crossbow the leather bag is filled with hard biscuits
are still in place, by a broken bed of large mounted here is manned by one gnoll (hp and dried apples.
size. A wooden box stands near the bed, 6), who can easily watch the 10' wide
with a small keg nearby. Several old north-south corridor through a peep hole. 130. ROOM WITH TRAPEZOIDAL
cloaks hang from wall hooks. Any intruder in the passage is subject to ANNEX
four shots at once, each inflicting 1-8 points
128. ROOM, 20' x 30' of damage. Make "to hit" rolls with a + 5 Seven zero-level guards are barracked in the
Seven gnolls are in the room, one by each bonus, i.e. 9 or better to hit AC 2 when fired 20' square area, ready to fight whenever
door and one deep in the alcove with a by the gnoll sentry. As the crossbow cannot necessary. These men-at-arms are the core
heavy quadruple crossbow (see area 128a). be reloaded and wound in less than two full of the new company of Elemental Earth
They live here with a bugbear who is a rounds, it is unlikely that it can fire twice in Reavers. Each carries a javelin, to be hurled
rogue, liking the gnolls and ogres better a melee. (Use your judgment as to the sen- before closing for melee. They, along with
than its own kind. In case of attack, these try's actions, which should definitely their fellows in area 129, always do their
residents alert those in area 127 (or even the include warning its companions.) best to protect area 133 — but if it becomes
guards in area 129, as applicable). obvious that they are losing a fight, they
The crossbow is not easily moved (encum- might flee (25% chance, check each round).
The alcove is five feet wide and six feet long, brance 400 gp) but can be dismantled for tra-
and houses the once gnoll sentry manning the vel. It can be sold for a base value of 50 gp. Four fighters are quartered in the trapezoi-
special crossbow. A peep hole gives a good 129. GUARDROOM dal area; they are the leaders of the company.
view of the corridor south (see area 128a). Five guards are alert here at all times. One fac- Each is clad in bronzed plate mail and carries
Gnolls (7): AC 5, MV 9", HD 2, hp 13, 10, ing the door, and another posted ten feet up the brown shield with black triangular boss.
the northeast corridor (position G on the They take orders from the cleric in area 137.
9, 9, 8, 8, 8, 6, #AT 1, D 1-8 (battle axe), map), are armed with heavy crossbows and
SA crossbow trap (see area 128a); XP 54, longswords. Each of the others has a javelin, Each fighter carries two javelins for use
48, 46 (x2), 44 (x3), 40 to be hurled before closing to melee. Each before melee, and their leader (Level 4) car-
Bugbear (1): AC 5, MV 9", HD 3 + 1, hp 14, guard wears chain mail armor with a brown ries a javelin oflightning for use in an emer-
#AT 1, D 2-8 (bastard sword), SA can surcoat; each carries a shield covered in brown gency. (The ogres, for example, know of this
throw battle (ranges 1 '72 '74 ", D 3-10), leather and bearing a black triangular boss. and obey accordingly.) Each has average
XP191 This triangle device is also sewn to their sur- Strength except for the L3 leader, who has a
coats. In any disturbance, the guards alert 17 ( + 1 to hit/ + 1 damage).
Perhaps this was once a reception room area 130 (or 128, as appropriate). Each guard
or minor council chamber. Bits of wall carries 2-8 cp, 2-8 sp, and 2-8 ep. Guards (7): AC 4, MV 9", Level 0, hp 7, 5,
coverings still dangle here and there, and Guards (5): AC 4, MV 9", Level 0, hp 7, 6, 5, 4, 4, 4, 3; #AT 1, D 1-8 (longsword),
a once fine hardwood sideboard is cen- SA 1 javelin each (D 1-6, ranges 2'74 "/
tered along the north wall. Atop it are 5, 5, 5, #AT 1, D 1-8 (longsword) or 2-5 6");XP21, 19 (x2), 18 (x3), 17
various dirty dishes, a cask of beer, and (crossbow bolt); SA javelins (D 1-6,
bits of stale bread and dried meat. The ranges 2'74'76"); XP 21, 20, 19 (x3) Fighters (4); AC 2, MV 6", Levels 4, 3, 2, 2,
entire length of the west wall is lined with hp 30, 19, 13, 12, #AT 1, D 1-8 (long-
piles of bedding, divided into eight pal- This 20' square room was obviously a sword), SA 2 javelins each (D1-6, ranges
lets. A small wall font still trickles a sul- guard room. Racks for weapons still 2 '74 '76 "); L4 Fighter has javelin oflight-
phurous smelling water into a stone remain on the eastern wall. A table with ning + 2 (ranges 3"/6'79", D 1-6 + 20
basin in the northwest corner. A stack of 4 chairs takes up the northwest corner. A electricity in 5'x 30' bolt); L3 Fighter
wood lies by the south door, possibly for water barrel, nearly full, stands beside gains + 1 "to hit" and damage; XP 205,
use in some nearby fireplace. A five- the west door, with a bundle of ten 107, 54, 52
foot- wide alcove can be seen in the east torches beside it. A single torch burns on
wall, near the northeast corner. the south wall. Two candles light the The former purpose of this room cannot
table. Some rectangular bone markers be ascertained, but the four bunks in the
Each gnoll has 3-18 cp. The bugbear carries are on the table, by a jug and several south end obviously show that it now
a pouch containing 1-4 of each coin type houses troops of some sort. Pegs on the
(cp, sp, ep, gp, pp), and also wears a gold wall are many, and one holds a brown
cape. A bench is near the door to the
west. Two torches give light to the area.


Syri Nity (order #5099312)

A trapezoidal area through the arch- the room. The ceiling overhead is at least This 10'x 20' hall is lit by two torches, and
way to the north contains four narrow 35' high—possibly more, lost in the contains a bench, and a stool. The walls
cots, four small wooden chests, and a shadows of the supporting arches. The are plastered. Several pegs and hooks have
small wall fountain which dribbles stench of rotting flesh faintly lingers been recently added, from the look of
smelly water into its basin. A long table throughout the area. them, and support a brown cloak, a quiver
with two benches and a chair at head and with 9 arrows, and a hand axe. Several eye
foot complete the furnishings. Light Eighteen stirges lurk in the ceiling vault, bolts are mounted horizontally along the
comes from a lantern, held aloft above nesting in the nooks and crannies of the sup- west wall; a wire runs through them and
the table by a thin chain; two unlit porting arches and buttresses and 90% into the north wall.
torches are mounted on the walls. An undetectable until their attack. They thus
open cupboard by the table holds vari- have a 50% chance of surprise unless some- Each guard carries 1-8 sp and 1-6 gp.
ous dishes and four jugs. one does notice them, or unless an overhead 134. INNER CHAMBER
lookout is maintained. In any event, The south door opens inward and to the
Each guard has 2-8 cp, 2-8 sp, and 2-8 ep. intruders are attacked within three rounds west. Eight guards are quartered here to
Each fighter wears a bronze ring with a tri- of entering the room. When half the stirges protect the areas northward. Though at
angular setting of jet (worth 50 gp). These are slain, the remainder retire to their ceiling rest, they can be ready to fight in a single
rings are passes to any area of this dungeon nests, where ten young remain (which are round. Four of the guards are armed with
level not commanded by a cleric (though one week from maturity). light crossbows. For combat, two of these
undead tend to ignore such niceties...). Each go to the west corners of the room to cover
fighter carries various coins (ep, gp, and Stirges (18): AC 8, MV 3"/18", HD 1 + 1, the door, using bunks as partial cover. (The
pp), the number of each determined by roll- hp 6, 5, or 4 (equal numbers of each), one in the northwest corner is a half-ore.)
ing 2d6 per level of experience (the L4 leader #AT 1, D 1-3, SA attack as if 4 HD, The other pair retires behind a stout mantlet
thus carrying 8-48 of each coin type). blood drain after hit (D 1-4 per round); (blocking the entrance into area 135, as
XP 48 (x6), 46 (x6), 44 (x6) shown on the map), kneeling with cross-
The water in the fountain is smelly but bows at ready. The mantlet has two
drinkable. The jugs in the cupboard hold Close examination of the area reveals bones crosslets at waist height for this tactic, and
water, wine, beer, and fuel oil (three pints and 1-4 cp per searcher each round (to a can also provide chest-high protection for
worth 1 gp each), respectively. Each chest maximum of 40 cp in all). If the floor is care- two others if spears or pole arms are used.
contains nondescript items of clothing and fully searched, a ring of shooting stars may
one leather ceremonial harness with a large, be found; allow a 5% chance of success per While the crossbowmen take their posi-
bronze-hilted dagger (worth 15 gp with the searcher per round (or 100% if a detect tions, 2 swordsmen move to the door to
harness). One chest also contains a scrap of magic spell is employed). This item open it, while the remaining two swords-
parchment, inscribed with a message, in belonged to one of the victims of the stirges, men step behind the mantlet and take up
Common: "Remember to check AUGURY which availed not in this place. glaives (which are kept along the west wall
CHAMBER to see if Belstro was lying!" just inside of area 135), preparing to defend.
The secret door is counterbalanced to
131. SECRET DOOR swing inward at the bottom when a wall Note that combat brings other guards from
stone is pulled to the right. area 135, but only after five rounds pass, as
The shaft which descends from the Temple to 133. ANTEROOM they must first don armor and take up arms.
Dungeon Level Two has a means of entrance Four guards are stationed here at all times.
and egress at this point. The portal is but two One has a short bow, his shield being set Guards (8): AC 4, MV 9", Level 0, hp 7, 6,
feet wide and four feet high, opening by nearby ready for use if melee occurs. Each 6, 5 (swordsmen), 5, 4, 4, 3, (crossbow-
downward pressure (which causes it to sink); of the others has a javelin ready to hurl men), #AT 1, D 1-8 (longsword) or 1-6
it closes automatically one round later. The before closing with opponents. Each wears (glaive, 9' length), SA 4 have light cross-
area beyond has a narrow ledge, which con- chain mail armor, a brown surcoat with a bows (D 2-5); XP 17, 16, 16,15 (swords-
tinues to spiral towards the level below. black triangle sewn upon it, and a shield men), 19, 18, 18, 17 (crossbowmen)
covered in brown leather, whose boss is also
132. HEXAGONAL ROOM a triangular metal device. If attacked, the If more than half of the guards are killed, the
guards defend their position while alerting half-ore crossbowman in the northwest cor-
A partially destroyed stone chair domi- those in area 134 by yanking on a wire ner (a creature of surly mien) tries to surren-
nates this place. It is hewn of brown mar- alarm (see descriptional). der, for he hates his commander (who
ble, veined with black, and stands near tortures and kills ores for sport).
the middle of the north wall. Both arms Guards (4): AC 4, MV 9", Level 0, hp 5, 5,
have been broken off, and the seat is 4, 4, #AT 1, D 1-8 (longsword), SA 3 This 20' square plastered room is lit by
chipped. A piece is missing from the with javelin (D 1-6, ranges 2*74*76"), 1 two torches and a lantern, the latter fixed
back, and the whole is fractured. Rubble with shortbow (#AT 2, D1-6); XP 19,19, to shine upon the south door. The room
and broken furniture are strewn about 18, 18 has been converted into a barracks, as


Syri Nity (order #5099312)

can be seen from the four double bunks to other some lumpy objects. Several large Each fighter wears a bronze ring, set with a
each side. A mantlet stands between this smoked sausages hang from a rope triangular stone of jet (worth 50 gp). The
room and that to the north, giving solid tossed over a ceiling truss. A small cabi- commander wears a gold chain (worth 200
protection to the defenders. Several brown net between the bunks on the east wall gp) under his armor, and carries 10-60 gp
cloaks hang from pegs driven through the holds dishes. and 10-60 pp. The lieutenant carries 6-36 gp
plaster into wall cracks. A jug and several If not used in defense, a cask containing and 6-36 pp.
cups are on the table. Eight small chests are seven gallons of fuel oil also stands near the
shoved under the bunks. north door, and three empty bottles accom- The food on the table consists of a partial
pany the dishes in the cabinet. Fuel oil can loaf of stale bread, a sausage, some fruit,
The half-ore has 1-4 cp and 1-4 sp. Each of be sold for 1 ep per pint (16 gp per gallon). and a small piece of cheese. The wardrobe
the other guards has 1-6 ep and 1-6 gp. The Of the barrels by the south door, one contains clothing only, none of it worth any
jug is half filled with watered wine. Each holds 50 gallons of water, the center one notable value. The lock on the chest is
chest holds only worthless clothing, har- about 25 gallons of beer (worth 15 gp), and secured, and takes 35 points of damage to
ness, etc. the third, hard biscuits. The chests under demolish. The chest holds clothing of no
the bunks, similar to those in area 134, hold value, a quart of excellent brandy, a coil of
135. LOUNGE nothing of value save a dozen torches and a normal rope (50'), and a potion of healing.
pair of normal lanterns. Each guard carries
Eight guards are off-duty here. Action in 1-4 cp, 1-4 sp, 1-4 ep, and 1-4 gp. 137. SLEEPING APARTMENT
area 134 or 136 alerts them, but they do not
participate until they have donned their 136. INNER CHAMBER In the north of this pair of rooms lives
armor and taken up their arms (requiring The fifth level commander of this group and Romag, a curate (L4) and priest of the Earth
five full rounds). Each has two javelins to his third level lieutenant dwell here. They Elemental Temple. He is determined to
hurl before closing to melee; each is dressed directly serve the priest of the Earth Temple. become the leading cleric of the Temple of
as those in 134 and elsewhere. They hope to soon recruit sufficient forces Elemental Evil, and is gathering forces to
to completely control this dungeon level, accomplish this. He would particularly
In desperate straits, the guards use flam- and plan to extend their sway lower. Any enjoy raiding and looting the Water Elemen-
ing oil missiles, taking empty bottles from a previous losses of troops, human or human- tal Temple, and killing its priest.
cabinet on the east wall, filling them with oid, will have resulted in threats of dire con-
fuel oil from a cask by the north door, and sequences from their priest, with the result In the southern room of the pair, through
stoppering them with rags. If truly imper- that they will fight fearlessly. a four-foot-wide concealed archway (cov-!
iled, they roll the whole cask of oil to a point ered by a tapestry), lives Hartch, an adept, i
near intruders, smash the end closest to If they move to investigate battle sounds, He is ready to serve his master (Romag) and ;
their foes (creating an oil spill), and ignite it. these leaders do not bother the clerics to the eager to pass on his commands. i
north (area 137) unless the danger is obvi- If alerted by their guards to the south or j
Combat in this area alerts the fighters in ously extreme. by noise in that direction, Hartsch observes I
area 136, but these reinforcements will Commander: AC 2, MV 6", Level 5 Fighter, through a peep hole in the door, and throws j
ignore more distant noises (such as skir- the large bar on the south door for defense, j
mishing in area 134). hp 36, #AT 1, D 2-9 (battle axe +1); XP That portal may thereafter be destroyed \
310 only by 200 points of damage.
Guards (8): AC 4, MV 9", Level 0, hp 6, 5, Lieutenant: AC 2, MV 6", Level 3 Fighter,
5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, #AT 1, D1-8 (longsword), hp 29, #AT 1, D 1-8 (longsword), SA If the fighting in this area gets too hot
SA 2 javelins each (D 1-6, ranges 2 '74 "/ Strength 17 ( + 1 "to hit", + 1 damage); (assuming that it approaches from the south),
6");XP20, 19 (x4), 18 (x3) XP122 Romag uses his darkness spell, slips into the
concealed alcove to the northwest, gets his
Four walls cressets send smoky light Two cressets illuminate this room. The treasure from a large iron chest therein (see
through this room. The place is plas- area was once lavishly decorated. Two description below), and runs away. If he does
tered, the floor covered with mosaic plush couches, a wardrobe, a small table so, he will be too ashamed to ever return —
tiles. The paintings on the walls display with inlaid wood top, and two padded and his defeat would assure his death at the
scenes indicating that this room was armchairs still remain. A large chest hands of other clerics anyway.
meant for drinking and debauching stands near the couch, by the eastern
(though whether for the clerics of the wall. On the table are a few dented pew- If danger approaches from the north,
Temple or its guests remains uncertain). ter dishes and some food. An unlit can- Romag may (40% chance) hide in the alcove
Eight double bunks are here. A long and dle in a wooden candlestick stands atop to the northeast after alerting Hartsch to
well-made table in the middle of the the wardrobe. summon the guards. He otherwise joins
room is flanked by long benches, plus a Hartsch in getting assistance, and com-
chair at each end. Cloaks on pegs are mands the battle from the rear. Note that
apparent, as are chests under the bunks. the fighters and guards in areas 134-136 use
Three barrels stand just inside the south an appropriate strategy, roughly the same as
door, two containing liquids and the that described in the area descriptions but
reversed in direction. Note also that the
guards in area 133 maintain their post, not
moving to aid the fight to the north.


Syri Nity (order #5099312)

Romag: AC 0, MV 12", Level 4 Cleric, hp to a 10' x 20' alcove. Two hanging lamps 138. LIBRARY
24, #AT 1, D 2-7 (mace + 1), SA spells, illuminate the area. A pillow-strewn bed This large chamber was once an exten-
XP321 is here, as well as a small desk and pad- sive library, as evidenced by the charred
ded chair, a brass stand with several remains of books and litter of broken
First level: command, cure light wounds, staves in it, a low table, two stools, and a tables and chairs. Scraps of torn and
curse (to miss crucial attacks), darkness wardrobe. A fountain in the southeast burned scrolls are tossed here and there.
corner trickles a stream of clean water
Second level: holdperson, resist fire, silence into a wall basin. The walls and floors A careful search reveals several remnants of
15' radius are draped and carpeted. works on the ethos of Chaotic Evil —
The desk contains a bottle of normal ink double-dealing, self-advancement, treach-
Hartsch: AC 2, MV 9", Level 2 Cleric, hp (worth 1 ep), 6 quills (each worth 1 ep), and ery, etc. The tenth such bit examined reveals
13, #AT 1, D1-6 (mace), SA spells, XP 99 10 sheets of parchment (worth 4 gp each), the "sacred" earth triangle and mentions the
but nothing of great value. The hanging "trial of earthy terrors awaiting the fool-
First level: command, cure light wounds lamps are worth 15 gp each. On the low hardy"; this trial awaits "below/elsewhere."
(x2), fear table is a small tome (worth 50 gp to any evil Nothing else of note is in the place.
spell user) detailing the sacrifice of humans 139. STOREROOM
Romag wears chain mail + 2 and carries a to earth elementals. The wardrobe contains
mace +1; the effect of his 17 Dexterity is old clothing, a bag holding nine candles, This area was evidently one where
included in the AC given. He carries a purse and two bottles of very fine white wine strange and potent stuffs were once kept.
containing 3 ep, 14 gp, 9 pp, and a jasper (worth 2 gp each). The brass stand (worth The place is a welter of smashed flasks,
(worth 50 gp). Hartsch wears a gold ring 10 gp) holds two walking staves, one quar- broken pottery vessels, glass shards, all
(worth 25 gp) and a gold brooch set with a terstaff, and a bronzewood rod (which amidst the scattered remains of the con-
triangular piece of jet (worth 150 gp), and Romag uses as a swagger stick) worth 5 gp. tents of these containers — herbs, spices,
carries a purse containing 11 gp and 17 pp. The tapestries on the northern wall cover chemicals, and other strange mixtures
two narrow archways. The easternmost and substances now unidentifiable. Even
The southern face of the door to this leads to a closet-like space where pegs hold the shelves and benches which held these
place is sheathed in bronze, and bears a Romag's ceremonial garb, including a things are now broken and strewn about.
peep hole. The bar on the inside is very brown velvet cassock upon which are The wreckage is total.
thick. The door opens northward, embroidered triangles of gold thread with
swinging west. The walls herein are hung precious stones (8 jaspers and 28 hematites, The last statement is true only to the casual
with tapestries and rugs, and the floor is with base values of 50 and 10 gp, respec- observer. A careful search reveals one item
covered with several layers of carpets. A tively) in the pattern illustrated. of the following list after a full turn of sifting
pair of bronze lamps light the place, sus- through the mass. One is located each
pended on chains from the ceiling. A The western space contains an iron chest, round thereafter, but each may be "found"
brass brazier on a tripod makes the room the key lock of which is trapped with a poi- by stepping on and ruining it. (Have a
both too warm and too stuffy from the son needle. The chest is chained to a ring set player roll Id6 for each; 1-3 indicates ruin.)
smoke of incense. A divan, small table, in the east wall. Inside are a bullseye lantern Items are singular, not duplicated; use Id8
two chairs, and a cupboard stand along and tinderbox, two leather bags (containing for random determination of each, but re-
the east wall. A large armoire with side 183 ep and 240 gp, respectively), a gold box roll duplicates.
drawers stands by the west wall. The set with ivory (worth 350 gp), a potion of 1. A bottle of dull red powder (phosphorus,
table holds a silver flask, several ceramic speed, and a scroll of two cleric spells (ani-
dishes and cups, and some foodstuffs — mate dead and prayer). worth 35 gp)
fruit, shelled nuts, and sweetmeats. 2. A stoppered vial of sparkling red powder

The 15 carpets and rugs strewn about the (ground ruby, worth 1,000 gp)
place have little value — about 3-18 sp each. 3. A bag containing 1-4 amber rods (worth
The silver flask on the table is worth 40 gp,
and holds good brandy. The wardrobe con- 25 gp each)
tains several worthless garments, a pair of 4. A small bottle of yellow powder (pure
sandals and pair of boots, and a normal
mace. The side drawers hold linens, towels, sulfur, worth 40 gp)
and the like. The lowest drawer on the left 5. A tin box filled with yellow powder (saf-
side holds incense and unguents worth 90
gp, with one-half cubic foot of volume and fron, worth 5 gp)
30 gp encumbrance. 6. A tube of silvery fluid (quicksilver, 10 gp

One tapestry on the north wall conceals weight, worth 100 gp)
an archway, leading to Romag's room: 7. A stoppered vial of sparkling black pow-

Behind the large tapestry on the north der (ground tourmaline, worth 500 gp)
wall is a four-foot-wide archway leading 8. A small flask of blackish red liquid (lion's

blood, worth 10 gp)


Syri Nity (order #5099312)

140. MEDITATION ROOM with a passage leading north to a secondary empty; the last one examined contains
This chamber is plastered and painted burial place. Each of the 11 crypts contains strange bits of bone, ivory, rock, and wood
with disgusting scenes and adages. It was the body of a cleric who met death in the rods, cubes, cones, and other shapes. Thf
apparently used as a restful (?) place to service of the Earth Temple. Each body still holder of these objects feels an overwhelm-
which the clerics of the cult might retreat wears the bronze ring with triangular setting ing urge to cast them into the shallow, cup-
and ponder the glories of Earthy Elemen- of jet (worth 50 gp each). One body (ran- like depression in the very center of th«
tal Evil. A huge eye is painted on the ceil- domly determined) still wears a cloak of place. Suggest that their configuratior
ing, and seems to glare down upon all in protection +1. However, for each crypt might reveal answers to simple questions. II
the place. Padded benches still line the opened, a 1 in 6 chance exists for all within 5 players nibble at this, hand them Idl2, 3d£
walls, and several chairs remain intact. feet to contract respiratory disease (no Sav- (of different colors), and 2d4. Explain thai
From the condition of these seats and the ing Throw), and this is automatic for the these are representative of the mystic
look of the floor, this ghastly chamber is crypt containing the magical cloak. The counters of augury, and that they should
still frequented on occassion. vaults are relatively easy to open. cast them after asking some question.
Nothing of value is here. Note: Decrease chances of wandering mon- Use the results of the following charts to
141. BRONZE DOOR sters in this area, and in the corridor leading determine the answer to the question. If
south to it, to 1 in 20 (per turn). appropriate, read the message of the dice on
This portal is shut fast by a massive lock. the 3d6, using each d4 to resolve choices. (Add
Upon its surface are runes (see illustra- All of the stonework here is black, the articles — the, an, a — as needed.) Use only
tion). Possibly they identify what is surfaces being polished to a smooth, the dl2 if the answer is a yes-or-no type.
beyond, or perhaps they are some sort of glossy texture. The domed ceiling 30 feet
warning. overhead shows phosphorescent gleams, Be sure to study all of the dice before
each small dot obviously representing a replying. Answers are nonsense, of course,
These runes form a glyph of warding, which star and the combinations making minia- though some might actually be applicable
inflicts 20 points of cold damage to anyone ture constellations. A broken obsidian by sheer chance.
touching it (save vs. spells for half damage). altar stone stands in the center of the
chamber; the place is otherwise empty. First d6 Second d6 Third d6
The door is solid, and takes 300 points of An arched exit, about 7 feet wide and 12
damage before breaking open. However, feet tall, breaks the smooth curve to the 1 Goto upper/lower room/
any non-magical weapon used in such an south. Upon the upper archway are
attack may (1 in 6 chance, check per hit) carved letters in Common: 2 Seek nearest/ chamber
break upon striking it. farthest object/idol
Inside the door is a rough-hewn crypt, OF HIGH AUGURY 3 Find N/S/E/W stairway up/
143. AUGURY CHAMBER 4 Beware ancient/ altar/temple
Note: Decrease chances of wandering mon-
sters in this area to 1 in 20 (per turn). arcane
5 Shun forbidden/ passage/
This 30' diameter chamber is finished in cursed tomb
polished black stone, similar to the room 6 Oppose secret/mystic being/artifact
immediately to the north. The phosphores-
cent gleamings 40 feet or so above have a Yes/No (Idl2)
bluish cast. In the center of theflooris a cir- 1 Yes or Always
cular depression about one foot deep and 2 No or Probably not
ten feet in diameter. Around it is a low 3 Possibly
stone seat, so low that only halflings could 4 Perhaps or Maybe
comfortably sit upon it — or humans if 5 Positively
they sat facing inward. 6 Never!
Seated as described, visitors notice small 7 Unknown
cuts in the lower part of the seat. These are 8 Ask later
small drawers, spaced at intervals under the 9 Hazy or Clouded
bench. There are eight in all, and seven are 10 Uncertain
11 Unlikely
12 In effect

The secret door to the south opens by pressing
a section of the wall at 7 feet height, and then
pushing it downwards. A three-foot-wide,
five-foot-high opening appears as the block
sinks into the floor. Counterweighted by sand-
bags, the secret doorrisesin one round.


Syri Nity (order #5099312)

144. HALL OF TRIANGLES bowl, and ewer. All of these items are evil, four triangles set with gems) can move
and detectably so; each item (including the freely among the elementals without suffer-
This corridor is sheathed in polished box) is worth 25 gp. ing attack. The wearer can furthermore
brown marble, veined with black. Inlaid in command their movements by verbal
the floor are triangular pieces of polished As with the main entrance of the Upper instructions in the Common tongue (though
yellow marble, forming a definite path Temple, the n the large pair of doors are an they cannot leave this Temple).
leading around the corner to the north. antipathy spell, made permanent upon
The brown of the marble shades toward them. All those who failed any previous Buried under the dirt at each of the IV
beige as it proceeds northwards, but saving throw against this effect cannot positions is great treasure. The digging of
deepens to a dark chocolate hue south- approach the doors; any intruder whose any one area takes 12 man-turns, i.e. 2 turns
ward. Large bronze cressets are staggered saving throws were successful must here for 6 persons, 3 turns for 4 persons, etc. No
at 10' intervals on either side of the hall; again make a saving throw vs. spells, with more than six persons can excavate one area
someone or something obviously keeps the usual -2 penalty, or suffer the effects. at the same time. Nothing is found in any
them fueled and burning brightly. dig until after one full turn of work, regard-
Four earth elementals are here, hidden less of the number of participants.
145. THE EARTH TEMPLE under the dirt floor at four points (indicated
by the letters A, B, C, and D on the map). The first area excavated and searched
Note: Read the entire description carefully An elemental attacks any victim within ten produces 800 gp and a flask, a potion of
before starting play in this area. feet of it, and ceases attacking immediately diminution.
when and if this situation ends.
This great open area is obviously the one The second area produces 200 pp and a
in which the principle of the Elemental Elementals (4): AC 2, MV 6", HD 16, hp suit of ring mail + 1.
Evil of Earth is served. The walls are A = 87, B = 74, C = 71, D = 69, #AT 1, D
rough-hewn sandstone, but the entire 4-32, SD + 2 weapon to hit; XP 4155, The third area produces 28 brown spinels
floor is dark brown earth. 3960, 3915, 3885 (each worth 100 gp) and a morning star + 1.

Some sort of phosphorescent lichen A holy word or wish dispels all of the ele- The fourth and last area excavated and
provides a dim illumination throughout mentals, but otherwise they must be fought searched produces a ring of protection + 1,
the vast area. It grows on walls and ceil- and slain to rid the area of their presence. A rope of climbing, a leather case containing a
ing, supports and arches. Cressets and dispel magic does not affect them. wand of paralyzation (38 charges), and a
wall sconces indicate that, during cere- brass box containing three jars of
monies, other light sources are used. If an intruder enters this room further Keoghtom's ointment.
that 20 feet from any entrance, all four ele-
In the center of the room, occupying a mentals rise up out of the earth and stand 145 F. WEST ROOM
20' square area, is a pyramid of hard- motionless. If the intruder tries to leave, the
packed dirt; the sides rise about six feet, elementals start patrolling, as follows. Four This is probably a robing room, with no
and the top is flat, forming an area about roman numerals surround each letter; each exit save the door you have opened. A
six feet square. Stone steps are set in the elemental moves first to I, then II, III, IV, I padded bench runs the length of the east
four faces of the pyramid. Atop it is a (etc.), taking one round for each "leg" of the wall of this 10' square room. A number
stone column, each of its four faces bear- trip. The elementals continue this patrol as of pegs and hooks are along the north
ing a carved triangle and sporting a pair long as any living thing remains in the area. and south walls, and a large cabinet
of bronze manacles dangling from bolted If all intruders manage to depart, the ele- stands by the west wall. Seven cloaks of
rings. At the base of the south face of the mentals return to their original positions brown cloth are hanging on the pegs,
column rests a bronze box. (the letters) and burrow back down, leaving and three pairs of sandals are tucked
no trace of their patrol or presence. under the bench.
Three doors are in the south wall;
those to the left and right are normal, but If all intruders move directly to the cen- The cloaks and sandals are human-sized. In
the center pair are huge bronze valves. tral pyramid (instead of attempting escape), the cabinet are eight padlocks and their keys
These bear a strange set of silvery- the elementals do not patrol. Instead, they (each set worth 1-4 gp to any Thieves'
glowing runes, obviously chiseled into all move to their IV positions near the pyra- Guild), several large jars of wine, twelve
their face by someone other than their mid) and do not move again for 1 turn, pewter drinking cups, five plates with small
maker. They are sealed shut, with soft unless approached (activating their "attack amounts of different sorts of dirt (red, yel-
iron filling all the cracks. reflex"). The elementals do not climb the low, brown, black, and pale gray), an ivory
pyramid in any case. After their 1 turn of bracelet set with a huge carnelian (worth
The normal doors on the south wall lead to immobility, any elemental that has not had 500 gp), and a bone scroll case. The last con-
areas 145 F and 145 G, described after this 1 ewerful of blood poured upon it actively tains a scroll of protection from earth ele-
Temple area. pursues intruders, reaching up towards mentals, a 10' radius effect produced after
those upon the pyramid, if applicable. six segments of reading; the effect lasts for 5-
The depth of the earth in this room is six (Intruders thereon must be careful of stray- 40 (5d8) rounds, but fully blocks only 24 Hit
feet. The bronze box by the column is not ing too close to the edge....) Dice of elementals, thus stopping only one
locked; it contains a bronze maul, knife, such creature (but giving a -8 AC bonus
EXCEPTION: Anyone wearing the robe against the attack of a second).
of Romag (the brown vestment with the


Syri Nity (order #5099312)

145 G. EAST ROOM Giant Rats (144): AC 7, MV 12V/6", HD sets are regularly spaced along the corri-
A heap of large and small stones fills the Vz, hp 4, 3, 2,1 (36 of each), #AT 1, D1- dor's length, but they are unlit except to
center of this 10' square room. Piles of dif- 3, SA 8 carry disease, XP 11 (x36), 10 the far north. At the angle turn, the walls
ferent types of dirt are in the corners and (x36), 9 (x36), 8 (x36) are decorated with painted scenes show-
along the walls, and only a narrow path ing captives of all sorts suffering death
through the room remains clear. Twelve The rats have no treasure, but 1-12 of each by water, wind, and fire. The pictures
small kegs are stacked along the south coin type (cp, sp, ep, gp, pp) lie scattered seem to emit a fiery glow when watched.
wall, three across and four high. You see no under the litter on the floor. Searchers find
exit, save the door you have opened. one coin per person per round until all are Broad steps descend at the southern-
discovered. most point.
The rocks are worthless, and one is actually 147. ROOM, 20' x 20'
a stone of weight. The dirt is just that. The Three bugbears are on guard in this room. The murals at each of the angle turns (just
kegs are filled with fuel oil for the cressets; They are gaolers and know nothing of the west and east of areas 145 F and G, respec-
each holds just a bit more than seven gallons secret door in the west wall. Their master, the tively) are painted in luminous pigments,
(worth about 16 gp per gallon). On the human turnkey (area 152), is away. They fight producing the eerie glowing but non-
inside face of the door (and probably unde- until they see that the situation is hopeless, magical effect. Careful examination of the
tected while the door is open) is a parchment and then attempt to escape or surrender. scenes reveals that one figure is a robed
bearing a message, in Common. It instructs Bugbears (3): AC 5, MV 9", HD 3 +1, hp cleric with an inset triangle of bronze, obvi-
Romag to pay his fealty to the Water Ele- ously a priest of the Elemental Earth Tem-
mental Temple or else prepare to die horri- 19, 17, 14, #AT 1, D 2-8 (bardiche), SA ple. The broad steps lead down to another
bly. It reminds him that the relative power surprise 50%; XP 211, 203, 191 pair of bronze doors, protected by the
of their elements is reflected in the predomi- The bugbears wear black leather jacks antipathy effect. (See Upper Works main
nance of water to land. Several obscene adorned with a pale brown pattern of two entrance for diagram and full details, or
remarks have been added to the missive, triangles. Each carries 2-16 sp, 2-16 ep, and area 145 for a brief synopsis.)
probably by Romag.... 2-16 gp.
146. PIT CHAMBER This plain room contains little of inter- 149. GUARD ROOM
est. A peg shoved between the blocks of
A relatively short flight of stairs leads stone on the west wall holds a robe of The pit trap outside each southern door to this
down to a 20' long walkway, 10' wide. dull black cloth adorned with a pale room activates when stepped upon, dropping
To the north of the walkway is a pit, 20' brown pattern, a pair of triangles one one victim ten feet (for 1-6 points of damage).
square and 10' deep. The floor of the pit atop the other. In the southeast corner of The pit walls are smooth and not climbable by
is slimy and covered with bones and the room stands an old battered table anyone in heavy armor without assistance.
filth. The rough stone walls are pocked with two chairs, a stool, and a bench Anyone aware of the pits (such as the residents
with small openings near the floor, but (along its south edge) clustered around herein) can walk carefully around their sides,
they become smooth and unclimbable it. A cask is on the table, with some avoiding problems.
four feet above the floor of the pit. earthenware mugs and bits and pieces of
food. Three torches burn in wall sconces, Eighteen guards (Level 0 men-at-arms) are
If more than 100 pounds of weight are on and eight fresh ones lie on the floor. An quartered at this key point, with three leaders
the walkway while no weight is on the lower open cupboard in the northeast corner (Level 3 Fighters). Guards defeated in random
stairs, a trap in sprung. The walkway is bal- displays old plates, several mugs, lumpy encounters (maximum of six in a patrol party,
anced in a cupped socket, and the weight sacks, and a string of small dried sau- plus one Level 3 leader) came from this spot,
upon it causes the ledge and seven feet of the sages. A large water barrel stands near and casualties must be deductedfrom the orig-
wall behind it to tilt sharply down to the the southwest corner, opposite the door. inal numbers given here.
north. The smooth stone offers no hold to
the hapless victims, each of whom takes 1-6 The cask on the table holds two gallons of All of the guards are armed and ready,
points of damage from falling into the pit. beer. The lumpy sacks in the cupboard con- and all have missile weapons (half with light
With the weight gone, the pivoting ledge tain only hard biscuits. crossbows, half with javelins). If alerted by
swivels back to its original position. 148. PROCESSIONAL CORRIDOR noise to the south of the room (such as the
operation of a pit trap), they observe by
At the sound of victims falling into the This 20' wide passage is sheathed in using spy holes in the doors, and may turn
pit, 24 giant rats rush out from their wall marble, veined with black. Its hue dark- valves at the wall basin (location X on the
burrows, being trained to attack after that ens as one proceeds to the south. Cres- map) to flood the pits. They stay ready to
stimulus. Victims lose all shield and dexter- attack intruders not destroyed by the pits.
ity bonuses to armor class in the first round,
as well as initiative, but combat is normal If appropriate, one leader takes half of the
thereafter. Each round, 24 more rats rush troops to circle around to attack intruders
out and attack, until all 144 have arrived. from the rear, using the secret door to circle
north or the longer route through the nor-
mal door (at the end of the southwest diago-
nal corridor) to circle south.

In any engagement, guards try to dis-


Syri Nity (order #5099312)

charge one missile volley, drop their cross- each cell, adding prisoner notes (below). Wonillon, Level 4/4 Fighter/Thief, hp 23 S
bows, and close to melee with swords Note that the doors on the east walls of cells 17 112 W9 D17 Co 16 ChlO AC7(no
drawn. Leaders hold back to throw their a, b, and c cannot be seen or opened from armor), #AT 1, D 0 (no weapons), SA by
spare javelins, and may replace casualties in inside a cell. Careful inspection reveals a professions, SD by race; XP 363
the front line, flank intruders, or pick up tiny opening in each, and probing gives a
and use dropped crossbows. metallic sound (when the probe meets the 151. SECRET CORRIDOR
Guards (12-18): AC 4, MV 9", Level 0, hp 4 cover of the spy hole; see further notes for
area 151). This passage shows disuse; it is dusty,
each, #AT 1, D1-8 (longsword), SA half dirty, and filled with cobwebs. However,
with javelins (D 1-6, ranges 2V4V6"), The cell is 10' square, with closely set someone wearing boots has made use of
half with light crossbows (D 2-5); XP18 stone blocks in wall and floor; the ceiling the place with fair frequency, as shown
each is actually hewn from living rock. Straw by occasional tracks. Three iron doors
Leader (2-3): AC 4, MV 9", Level 3 Fighter, litters the floor, and chains hang from the line the west wall, each with great hinges
24,21,20, #AT 1, D1-8 (longsword), SA far wall. A small drain is in the center of set to bear the weight of such portals.
2 javelins each (D1-6, ranges 2 "74 "Ib "), the floor. Each also has a small iron hatch. An old
each with Strength 17 (+ 1 "to hit"/ + 1 gray blanket hangs on the east wall.
damage); each leader commands six When a door is opened, the inside is found
guards; XP 122,113,110 to be covered with a sheet of rusty iron. No The hatch on each door can slide to the
Each guard wears chain mail armor and car- cell contains any treasure. right, producing a spy hole through which
ries a shield. The shield and the normal garb Eastern Rooms: one may see into the cell beyond.
are adorned with the brown and black trian- The doors of cells a, b, and c are neither
gle of the Earth Temple. Each leader is locked nor barred, but as long as they Behind the blanket is a small alcove with
armored in like fashion, and wears a neck- remain shut, their "ragged human" occu- a cot, small table, chair, lantern, 12flasksof
lace from which hangs a bronze medallion pants (three zombies in each) stay huddled oil, a barrel (one quarter filled with wine),
with a raised triangle (worth 20 gp). Each in their straw, appearing as captives and (of foodstuffs (the equivalent of three normal
guard carries 1-6 sp and 1-6 ep. Each leader course) not speaking. All three zombies of a rations), some old clothing on pegs in the
has 2-12 ep, 2-12 gp, and 2-12 pp. cell attack if their door is opened. wall, an iron chest, and a heap of glittering
The light in this 30' square room comes Zombies (9,3 per cell): AC 8, MV 6 ", HD 2, equipment. The pile is Wonnilon's adven-
from four torches, one on each wall, and turing gear, including leather armor, a
several large candles standing on long hp 10 each, #AT 1, D 1-8, SD 1/2 dam- shortsword, backpack, miscellaneous
trestle tables. Also on the tables, which age from stabbing weapons; automati- items, and a very plain-looking but magical
areflankedby benches, are food, drink, cally lose initiative; XP 40 each dagger + 2 (in a scabbard). From these con-
and knucklebones. The dishes and ves- Western Rooms: tents one might assume (correctly) that this
sels are ordinary pottery. Narrow three- The doors to cells d, e, and f are locked and is the residence of the turnkey (who is pres-
tiered bunks line the north, east, and barred. Cells d and f are empty. Cell e con- ently in area 152).
west walls. The unadorned walls and tains one gnome, bound and gagged and
weapons racks indicate that this room chained to the far wall. The turnkey (see The chest is secured by a large padlock.
was originally allocated as a place for area 152) is not positive that this character Inside are 411 cp, 151 sp, 90 ep, 55 gp, 27
guards. The racks are full of various isn't able to use some form of magic, and so pp, and a small wooden box. Inside this box
weapons and shields. A fountain in the keeps him gagged except during feeding are two potions of healing, which the turn-
south wallflowsinto a wall basin, under times (once per day). key saves for use on particularly choice vic-
which are four large knobs. The gnome's name is Wonnilon. He came tims....
The weapons racks hold 12 spears, 6 jave- to this place to get treasure, of course, since 152. TORTURE CHAMBER
lins, 4 shortswords, 3 hand axes, and 8 he was flat broke. He is Neutral, and claims The solid door to this area is not locked, and
shields. The large knobs under the basin are to be a fighter (but is also a thief). If freed, can be opened easily and quietly if care is
the controls for flooding the pit traps. equipped, and well treated, he considers taken. The turnkey and his bugbear assist-
150. CELLS staying with the party, as the characters ant are here busily engaged in torturing a
This seems to be a line of gaol cells. Each seem powerful (they have, after all, pene- human on a rack, and will therefore proba-
door has a small barred window, and a trated this far) and therefore promise plenty bly be surprised (1-4 on Id6) by careful and
large lock and bar as well. in the way of treasure. If not given a fair quiet invaders.
Use the following general description for share of the proceeds, Wonillon steals to Turnkey: AC 2, MV 9", Level 5 Fighter, hp
make up the difference. If badly treated, he
waits his chance for a good opportunity, 30, #AT 1, D 2-9 (battle axe); XP 240
steals as much treasure and magic as possi- Bugbear: AC 3, MV 9", HD 3 + 1, hp 22,
ble, and sneaks away to leave the Nulb area
entirely. #AT 1, D 1-8 (flail); XP 223


Syri Nity (order #5099312)

The turnkey is wearing chain mail armor, Dungeon #AT 1, D 3-12, SD lightning splits; AL N,
and has 16 Strength and 17 Dexterity (the Level Two SZ M, XP 150 + 6/hp
damage and AC bonuses for which are Ogres (2-4): AC 4, MV9", HD 4 +1, #AT 1,
included in the statistics above). He wears a RANDOM ENCOUNTERS D 3-10 (stone-set club, Id8 + 2); AL CE,
bronze ring with a triangular setting of jet SZL(9'+), XP90 + 5/hp
(worth 50 gp), and has 23 gp in his purse. Roll ld% once per turn and refer to the fol- Trolls (1-2): AC 4, MV 12 ', HD 6 + 6, #AT
Inside a hidden pocket in his surcoat are lowing chart. (A result of 11 or more means 3, D 5-8/5-8/2-12, SA military fork
four tourmalines (worth 100 gp each). The no encounter). If Zuggtmoy is free to roam (range 10', damage 3-10), SD regener-
bugbear is wearing a chain mail shirt and this level, she appears if the result is 00. ates (3 hp per round starting 3 rounds
leather jack with metal plates. In its purse after being damaged); AL CE, SZ L (9'),
are 1-6 sp, 1-6 ep, 1-6 pp, and a rock crystal idlOO Result XP525 + 8/hp
(worth 50 gp). 01 8 bandits, 2 LI fighters, and 1 L4 Zuggtmoy: See Appendix B.
leader, returning to areas 240-244;
Their victim is a man-at-arms, who was with 1-4 prisoners, general food- ROOM KEY
recently taken in a raid which netted other stuffs, etc., and 100-400 (dlOO x 4)
captives (see below). He refused to join the gp in all. 201. GREAT BRONZE GATE
Temple fighters, and so is to be slowly killed This site can be reached from Dungeon Level
here and then fed to the gnolls. 02-04 4-6 bugbears, wandering around One by descending the ramp in area 109.
Victim: AC 10, Level 0, hp 3 (originally 6); looking for food and loot; no trea-
sure. The passage is barred by a huge sheet of
XP13 bronze, the surface of which is covered
Lurid light from a flaming cresset and a 05 1 carrion crawler, no treasure with bas relief faces of evil leering crea-
glowing brazier full of charcoal reveals a 06 1 ochre jelly, no treasure. tures. It is evidently placed to bar further
30'x 20' chamber containing a rack, 07-09 2-4 ogres looking for an undescribed progress north, though 10' wide corri-
iron maiden, cage, and all the other dors lead east and west. This portal is too
unspeakable devices common to a tor- humanoid rumored to have massive to even attempt to raise by brute
ture chamber. Two adjacent 10' square attacked one of their kind; no trea- strength.
alcoves, one to the south and one east, sure.
are barred, their doors held fast by chain 10 1-2 trolls, followers of the troll The gateway can be opened by no less than
and padlock. Two prisoners are in each, chieftain in area 229, coming in to three consecutive knock spells — one each
obviously here to await the tender mer- report; no treasure. for locks, bars, and the gate itself. It can be
cies of the torturers. Two female humans 11-99 No encounter. raised normally from the northern side,
are in the south alcove, and two ores in 00 Zuggtmoy (if free). using a windlass (see area 211). It has not
the east. been opened in several years, as no full-
Details ceremony sacrifices have been made since
The humans are mere country folk, taken in the Temple was overthrown.
a recent raid. They ask to be shown an exit Bandits (8): AC 8 (leather armor) or 7 (with
from the dungeon so that they may return to shield), MV 12", Level 0, #AT 1, D 1-6 Note that this is not one of the four gates
their homes. The ores join and fight with the (shortsword) or 2-5 (light crossbow); AL protected by the permanent antipathy effect
party if given arms (being Lawful and CE-NE, XP 14 + 1/hp to bind Zuggtmoy.
opposed to the Temple followers, despite 202. DOMED CHAMBER
their evil natures) though they desert in any Veterans (2): AC 4 (chain & shield), MV 9", A five-headed hydra guards this chamber,
tough situation. They know a way to get to Level 1 Fighter, hp 9, 6, #AT 1, D 1-8 bound by a leg chain. If any visible creature
the level below (area 153) and the route to (longsword) or 1-6 (spear); AL NE, XP tries to enter, the hydra hisses loudly and
stairs up (near the south end of the level 19, 16 strikes. This brings its keeper from area 203
map, east and west sides). in one round. The hydra has no treasure.
153. SPIRAL STAIR Leader: AC 2 (plate & shield), MV 6", Level Hydra: AC 5, MV 9", HD 5, hp 40 (8 per
4 Fighter, hp 37, #AT 1 or 2, D by
This 10' wide spiral staircase circles weapon (bastard sword, shortbow, head), #AT 5, D 1-6 each; XP 365
clockwise down a shaft 20 feet in diame- spear, ere); AL NE, XP
ter. The stairs have no rail, but otherwise This 40' diameter area has an arched
appear safe and sound. Bugbears (4-6): AC 5, MV 9", HD 3 +1, #AT ceiling some 30 feet high. Its polished
This staircase leads down to area 246 1, D 2-8 (morning star), SA surprise on 1-
(Dungeon Level Two), an empty corridor 3; AL CE, SZ L (7' + ), XP 135 + 4/hp
Carrion Crawler: AC 3/7, MV 12", HD
3 + 1, hp 14, #AT 8, D 0 + paralysis (2-5
turns); AL N, SZ L (9'), XP 580 + 4/hp

Ochre jelly: AC 8, MV 3", HD 6, hp 25,


Syri Nity (order #5099312)

stones indicate that it was once meant for spear before engaging in melee with a morn- 205c. Western side room, occupied by a
some special purpose, lost now under a ing star. If hard-pressed, one bugbear tries human Prefect (Level 5 Cleric)
litter of refuse, bones, and dung. A huge to rouse the clerics in area 205.
metal ring has been cemented into the Bugbears (5): AC 5, MV 9", HD 3 + 1, hp 17 205d. Eastern side room, unoccupied (the
center of the floor, and a heavy iron Curate's bedroom)
chain of about eight feet length is fas- each #AT 1, D 2-8 (morning star), SA 1
tened to the ring. spear each (D 1-6, ranges 1"/2"/3"); XP The half-ore or the Curate (but not both)
203 each will aid guards, but will not disturb the pre-
203. OLD STOREROOM Each bugbear wears a short cape of crimson fect unless absolutely necessary.
Fhe hydra's keeper, a troll, dwells here on cloth. Each carries 2-12 gp, 2-12 ep, and 2-
orders from its master, the priest of the Fire 12 sp. Each of the three priests wears a gold
Temple. Upon hearing any noise from its A fireplace on the east wall and a flowing amulet on a golden chain; the amulet
beast, it grabs its military fork and investi- fountain and basin on the west wall are depicts the symbol of Fire:
gates. Those with proper identification — the most remarkable features of this plas- 205a. ANTEROOM
robes of the Fire Temple or the eight-pointed tered but unpainted chamber. A large The half-ore priest herein is the liaison to the
amulet — can pass, for the troll then shoves table stands in the center of the room, bugbear guards. He wears a red robe with a
the hydra aside and stops its heads from flanked by a pair of benches; all are a bit gold skull emblem, but with plate mail armor
attacking by quick use of the weapon. The too large to be comfortable to humans. underneath, and carries a shield as well. His
troll otherwise not only allows the beast to A sizeable haunch of some sort of cold gold fire amulet on a gold chain is worth 100
attack, but aids it, attacking with the meat is on the table. An old barrel stands gp. He wears a ring set with a large violet gar-
weapon (which it can use long range, strik- in the center of the north wall, and holds net (jewelry value 700 gp), and carries 11 ep,
ing opponents up to ten feet distant and seven spears. Heaps of bedding lie along 16 gp, and 7 pp in his purse.
gaining a +2 bonus to damage, due to the south passageway to the west. Half-ore: AC 2 (plate & shield), MV 6",
Strength). If enemies close on it, the troll
discards the weapon and attacks normally 205. LUXURIOUS CHAMBER COMPLEX Level 3/3 Cleric/Fighter, hp 22, #AT 1, D
(tooth and claw). The troll's only treasure is This complex consists of the following four 3-6 (hammer), Strength 16 ( + 1 damage
a ring of fire resistance it wears. rooms: bonus included), SA spells; XP 315
Troll: AC 4, MV 12 ", HD 6 + 6, hp 42, #AT 205a. Anteroom, occupied by a half-ore First level: cause fear, cure light wounds,
protection from good
3, D 5-8/5-8/2-12, SA military fork Cleric/Fighter (Levels 3/3) who is Second level: hold person
(range 10', damage 3-10), SD regener- ready to reinforce the guards to the
ates (3 hp per round starting 3 rounds north (area 204) This 10' square room is plastered but
after being damaged); XP 861 205b. Main chamber, occupied by a human otherwise unadorned. It is lit by a lan-
Boxes, crates, and barrels line the walls Curate (Level 4 Cleric) who is ready tern and a burning torch, the latter on
of this 30'x 20' chamber. Spilled con- to reinforce the guards to the south the east wall. The room contains a
tents — flour, grain, broken crockery, (area 206) couch, writing table and chair, small bra-
and who knows what else — are mixed zier, and a brass-bound chest; on the
with old bones, broken furniture, splin- table are quills, an inkpot, and a roll of
tered wood, rags, and ordure up to a parchment.
depth of at least a foot. The whole area The locked chest holds garments, a potion
stinks of troll. of poison, and a leather bag containing 37
The containers hold nothing valuable, all gp and 19 ep.
ibeing spilled, rotted, or spoiled, save a 205b. MAIN CHAMBER
small cask holding two gallons of fuel oil The human Curate herein, assistant to the
\ (worth about 16 gp per gallon) and a box chief cleric, is sipping wine and relaxing. His
containing 20 fresh torches. crimson hooded robe has gold embroidered
204. ROOM, 30' x 20' skulls on front and back; his golden chain
Five bugbears are stationed here as guards; and fire amulet are worth 100 gp. He wears
itwo are on watch. In case of attack, the chain mail armor and carries a shield, and
three resting in the western arm of the U- also wears a ring of protection + 1. In the
shaped area arrive one round after the first pommel of his mace is a small but carefully
; two are engaged. Each bugbear throws a set ruby worth 1,000 gp. He keeps 14 ep, 9
gp, and 21 pp in his purse.


Syri Nity (order #5099312)

Curate: AC 1 (chain & shield), MV 9 ", Level ries 5 gp, 38 pp, and 4 zircons (worth 50 gp tions the fire elemental grue, the hargim
4 Cleric, hp 17, #AT 1, D 1-6 (mace), each) in his purse. He wears magical chain The reader learns the descriptive informs
Dexterity 16 (-2 AC bonus included), SA mail and shield, and carries two hammers tion (but not the basic statistics) of this crea
spells, XP 243 — one normal (carried as a spell compo- ture; read aloud from the entry in MM2
nent) and one hammer + 2. page 73. The book is non-magical but wortl
Level 1: command, darkness, light, sanctu- Prefect Alrrem: AC 0 (chain +2 & shield 500 gp(XP value 50).
+1), MV 12 ", Level 5 Cleric, hp 31, #AT A human commander (L5 fighter) and twi
Level 2: hold person, silence 15' radius 1, D 4-7 (hammer + 2), Dexterity 16 (-2 bugbear guards are on guard here. Ead
AC bonus included), SA spells; XP 520 bugbear carries a large spear to hurl befor
This 20' x 30' chamber is thickly strewn First level: command, cure light wounds, closing to melee; each wears a short cape o
with rugs; carpets and tapestries cover light, resist cold, sanctuary red cloth, and carries 3-24 gp.
the walls. Illumination comes from sev- Second level: holdperson, know alignment,
eral candelabra, hanging lamps, and a resist fire, silence 15' radius, spiritual The fighter commands the few forces a
fireplace. Plush furniture and soft cush- hammer the beck and call of the Fire Temple — th
ions are everywhere. The colors are all Third level: cause blindness, prayer troll (area 203), various bugbears, were
bright — scarlet, hot orange, fiery gold, The western side room is furnished simi- wolves (area 208 et al.), and ogres. He com
and brilliant blue. Small tables hold larly to the main room. It contains a mands their respect through his own ability
ewers and cups, and dishes of nuts and large bed, two small side tables, a round that of the clerics, and his robe of entangle
sweetmeats. A large box stands near the table with four chairs, a stand with ment, which is coiled and kept at his belt
fireplace. The plastered ceiling is painted basin, ewer, and a small copper box, a When fighting, he uses it in his left hand
with scenes of demons and humans in wardrobe, and a brass brazier filled with and a sword +1 flametongue (NSA) in hi
lewd activities. Under a heap of pillows brightly glowing coals and giving off right. He wears banded armor + 1 but pre
is a hooded robe of scarlet hue. wisps of sulphurous-smelling incense. A fers not to use a shield. On his gold chain i
large brass chest with a heavy lock is at an eight-pointed fire amulet with a larg
One tapestry sewn with gold and silver thread the foot of the bed. inset garnet (jewelry value 750 gp). He car
is worth 2,000 gp, but the others have no The chest holds clothing, a suit of normal ries a purse containing 6 ep, 20 gp, and 6 pp
worth. The ewers and cups are of pewter and chain mail armor, a normal mace, and a In the pockets of his dark red cloak are I
small worth, and contain wine. The robe sack containing 100 gp. The top of the cop- banded agates, 5 tiger eyes, and 6 pieces o
under the pillows is the garb of an important per box is inlaid with sardonyx, and the good turquoise (each gem worth 10 gp).
guest of the Fire Temple. The box by the fire- whole is worth 150 gp. It holds rare herbs
place is filled with billets of wood, charcoal, worth 200 gp. The wardrobe holds a red silk Bugbears (2): AC 5, MV 9", HD 3 + 1, hj
and kindling for the maintenance of the fire. robe with golden skulls on its back and 19,15, #AT 1, D 2-8 (bastard sword), S/
205c. WESTERN SIDE ROOM sleeves, and with the eight-pointed fire sym- 1 spear each (D 1-6, ranges l"/273")
This is the private chamber of the human bol piqued on its front in garnets (worth a XP 211, 195
Prefect Alrrem, chief cleric of the Fire Tem- total of 3,000 gp).
ple, who is here writing another ultimatum 205d. EASTERN SIDE ROOM Human leader: AC 0, MV 12", Level I
to Romag (area 137). Alrem knows that the This eastern side room is 10'x 20' and Fighter (swashbuckler), hp 49, #AT 1, I
priests of the Water Temple are close to forc- less lavishly furnished. It has a few tapes- 2-9 (sword +1 flametongue); Dexteritj
ing the servants of the Air Temple to align tries and several small rugs, torches 17 (-3 AC bonus included), SA rope o
against him. His written message states, burning in wall sconces, a small table entanglement; XP 490
thus far, "Your rewards will be great if you with a candelabra, a couch, two chairs, a
bend your knee to Fire. Bring all of your chest, and a brazier. A book lies open on This lavishly furnished 30' square cham-
forces here to me now, and swear fealty. If a small stand near the couch. A few serv- ber is dimly lit by torches in sconces on the
you fail to heed this advice..." Alrrem is des- ing pieces of brass and copper are scat- east and west walls. The many cressets and
parate, for his faction (having lost power tered around, on the table and stand. candelabras are unlit. Colors here are hot,
when it led the Temple to defeat) now has The six serving pieces are worth 5 cp each. bright ones — reds, oranges, and yellows.
few adherents and no particular strength in The chest holds clothing, a small silver box The tapestries on the walls depict scenes of
troops; he needs the forces being gathered (worth 75 gp) containing 20 pp and a jew- the triumph of the Elemental Evil of Fire.
by the Earth Temple to counter those of the eled ring (worth 500 gp), and a bone Cushions, low tables, and stools are all
Air and Water Temples. scrolkase which holds a scroll of protection about, but only one chair is here — a huge
from devils. The book on the stand deals wooden seat, laquered red and gilt. A gold
Alrrem wears a robe of deep crimson with with the Elemental Plane of Fire, and men- skull appears on the arm rests and above
a purple lining and gold trim; it has gold the back.
skulls on front, back, and sleeves. His gold
fire symbol (on golden chain) is set with a The arched entry to the northwest passage is
nice ruby (jewelry value 2,500 gp). He has a covered by hangings and a folding screen.
scroll of three spells in a tube at his belt (dis-
pel magic, flame strike, tongues), and car-


Syri Nity (order #5099312)

. PEARLESCENT ROOM lasts but seven hours. Hurry! We must floor. A large cupboard stands against
act now, for our time is fast running out. the north wall. A pair of rust-red cloaks
j No detect spell other than detect magic We can help but once per seven days, hang on pegs by the secret door, the only
jworks in this room. The latter finds the you know!" apparent entrance. A few pieces of dirty
|whole room radiating a dim magical pewterware are on the cupboard shelves,
^essence, with a more powerful dweomer If the party hesitates, the crystal slowly along with two bottles of wine and a
Naming from the crystal sheet (see below). darkens into cloudy obscurity after one bunch of cooking herbs in a glass bottle.
round. If the party complies with the You notice a jumble of weapons and
The floor here is of white marble, the requests, refer to 208 below. The crystal is a other items in the northwest corner.
walls and vaulted ceiling sheathed in magical one-way mirror, protected by a
pearly alabaster. There is a "right feel" to powerful and permanent force field which The dirty pewterware is actually silver, 15
the place, as a place of safety in a storm makes it impervious to harm by anything items worth 10-60 gp each. The bottled herbs
of evil. The room is bare and clean. A less than a godling. Nothing can be seen in are 18 sprigs of wolfsbane. The cupboard cab-
sheet of cloudy crystal substance seems or behind it, even passwall and glassee inet holds a dagger +1, a short sword + 1/
to be set into the northern portion of the being useless against its mighty dweomer. + 3 vs. lycanthropes and shapechangers, and
east wall. As you look, it begins to five silver daggers, under which is a scroll of
brighten, its radiance actually lighting 208. SECRET ROOM protection from lycanthropes (all) flat and
the room! Two manlike creatures with upside-down, as if shelf-paper. Under a loose
wings of snowy feathers and radiant Two werewolves lair here. They serve the floor stone, found only after a careful search,
faces, robed in purest white, appear Fire Temple, bringing loot and victims to is a hole containing 1,629 sp. The pile in the
amidst golden tinted, cloud-like billows. Alrrem (area 205c). The crystal sheet of area corner contains various odds and ends of
A pale blue sky can be seen behind them. 207 is also visible here if a covering of gray adventuring gear (but no food or water), plus
They first peer out at you, and then one cloth is pulled aside. It is a lens of transfor- the following:
speaks in dulcet tones, "What are fair mation, actually placed here for evil pur-
and just folk such as you doing in this poses by Iuz (see Appendix C). 22 arrows, normal
foul place of pain and base wickedness?" 19 arrows, silver-tipped
Upon hearing noise in the adjoining room
At this point, prompt answers from the party (area 207), the werewolves stand before the 1 bow, long
through further utterances from the angelic lens, being seen by those on the other side as 2 bows, short
duo. Threaten a bolt for any "servant of Evil" angelic figures. They see through the crystal 4 crossbows, light
daring to enter this "sanctuary of Good." After normally. If the party balks at disarming 4 crossbow bolt cases (empty)
sufficient questioning, the two figures smile themselves, the creatures step away from 82 crossbow bolts
benignly upon the viewers. They relate that the device and wait to surprise anyone 5 daggers
their attention extends to this place because, entering their secret door, just in case. If the 1 flail
when the Temple was overthrown, Iuz (in His party cooperates, the monsters rush 1 hammer
generosity and renowned kindness) placed through to room 207, gather up the items 1 holy symbol, normal
this haven here, so that opponents of the Tem- left, and quickly take them to their lair. 3 holy symbols, silvered
ple might find refuge in need and gain help Then (and only then) do they return to 1 mace
against their foes. room 207, in person, to deal with the (hope- 2 mirrors, silvered
fully) defenseless party. Those who surren- 1 morning star
The brighter of the two radiant figures der are taken to area 206 (and then to 205). 3 quivers (empty)
now speaks again. "Now, good folk, Corpses are devoured by the werewolves. 3 spears
place each and every weapon you pos- 1 sword, long
sess, all of your holy symbols, magic The fens cannot be removed from the wall 2 swords, short
items, silvered items, and magical herbs by mundane means. If a wish is used, it is
before this crystal — the Window of the either be loosened (25% chance) or shatters 209. PROCESSIONAL CORRIDOR
Planes of Weal — and then quickly step (75%); if the latter result occurs, Iuz immedi-
out of the west door. Count slowly to 77, ately knows what happened and who did it! The walls of this 20' wide passage are
and do not return in that time, for we painted with scenes of gross evil, death,
shall send a Ray of Just Might through Werewolves (2): AC 5, MV 15", HD 4 + 3, and destruction. Some also depict parties
these items. Any flesh in the place would hp 33, 28, #AT 1, D 2-8, SA if waiting in of worshippers and their sacrificial cap-
be blasted to oblivion by the ray, and area 208, surprise on 1-3, SD hit only by tives; each is led by a robed cleric. The
any mortal eye beholding its glory would silver or magic weapons; XP 370, 345 great doors along the southern part of each
be forever blinded. But all your items wall are polished brass, with many more
will be made more effective by a factor of This bare-walled 20' square room is per- vile scenes and runes. Huge rings hang
+ 1, recharged by seven, or otherwise meated by a feral odor. A pair of nest- from their centers, for opening and closing.
doubled in efficacy — though this power like heaps of cloth and pillow lie by the
east wall; bones and litter cover the


Syri Nity (order #5099312)

Close inspection of the wallsrevealsinset sym- protected by a special glyph of warding suit- underneath holds a censer of controlling air
bols of bronze adorning the pictures of the able to the place. They cannot be safely elementals.
priests — a square on a figure wearing silvery touched unless the symbol of the Air Temple Drelb guardian: AC 2, MV 6", HD 5 + 3, hp
gray robes, a circle on a green-robed cleric, is worn and the glyph name, whah-duh, is
and an eight-pointed device on the figure in spoken. Failure in either requirement causes 24, #AT 1, D 3-12, SA appears as wraith,
red. The hinges of the huge doors are well- a whirlwind to suddenly form and spin from shrinks while attacking (90% seems
greased, and this is also discernable with the pit to the altar, inflicting 12 points of retreating), touch chills (victim hit drops
study. A spell keeps the doors from tarnishing. damage to each creature within ten feet of items, cannot function the round there-
its path (save vs. spells to take half damage). after), SD hit only by magic weapons,
209a. SECRET CORRIDOR This also triggers an alarm; the whole area reflects psionk attacks; XP 944
This dusty passage connects areas 209 and gives off an evil-sounding chiming and tin- 211. CORRIDOR OF THE ELEMENTS
225 (Kelno's residence). A gargoyle fountain kling, and the guardian (see area 210a) is
on the northwest diagonal wall spurts milky summoned. The two crystal knives are This 20' wide passageway is strangely lit
but potable water into a stone basin. The worth 250 gp each; the bowl, 1,250 gp. by some obviously magical means. In the
north branch leads to a stairway, which center and the short northern extension,
curves counter-clockwise as it descends to If the braziers are disturbed, they begin it pulses with a disgusting gray luminos-
area 314 (Dungeon Level Three). pouring out clouds of dense, choking smoke ity; to the west it glows with a green radi-
which fills 20,000 cubic feet of volume each ance; and to the east, bands of dull red
210. OCTAGONAL CHAMBER round, continuing for 11-20 rounds. This light seem to float in the air. Each pair of
If the bronze doors in area 145 (Dungeon vapor is heavier than air, and thus builds double doors (to the north, west, and
Level One) are sundered, the stairs therein from the floor upwards. Treat it as a wall of east) is a great brass construction, cov-
descend south to this room. However, entry fog, though each victim within it takes 5-8 ered with horrible scenes and leering
is blocked by another set of like doors, set in points of damage per round from smoke faces. To the south is a huge slab of
the north wall of this area. inhalation. After ten rounds of outpouring bronze, a solid portcullis. A mighty
smoke, any creature within the pit is tele- windlassflankingit to the east obviously
Illumination in this large octagonal room ported to the Air Cavern (area 526). raises and lowers this barrier.
seems to come from everywhere — ceil-
ing, walls, floor — a milky radiance If holy water is poured into a brazier, a The designs in the corridor are very similar
which gives a dim and eerie glow to the Type I demon is instantly summoned and to those in the Processional Corridors (areas
whole scene. Thefloorof this place is 15' attacks everyone within the room. (Note 209). The windlass is secured with a chain
below the level of the normal dungeon that, with two braziers, two demons may be and huge padlock, and a bar is across the
floor, with short broad stairways leading summoned.) Pouring any other sort of liq- gate — unless, of course, either or both have
to it. The ceiling vaults to a height of 40 uid into a brazier causes the smoke to be been opened.
feet. The walls and floor of the room are twice as voluminous and twice as harmful
of polished gray stone with whorls of for one round (after which output and toxic- The central 20' square at the intersection
glittering mica; the floor is partially ity return to normal). Each brazier is worth is "safe," but not so the corridors. Any
obscured by swirling, eddying, softly 10,000 gp, and functions in perfectly normal movement out of the safe area causes the
glowing mist. manner once removed from this Air Temple. walls of the corridor entered to glow
brightly, and elemental forces (see the fol-
In the center of the area is a great pierced The secret door to the west opens to a lowing descriptions) are felt. For each ten
square of bronze, ten feet on a side. A dome flight of steps to area 301 (Dungeon Level feet of travel, 1-6 points of elemental dam-
is pierced in the northern ceiling, a circular Three). age is inflicted; each victim may make a sav-
shaft some 20 feet wide opening directly ing throw vs. spells each time this occurs,
over a pit of the same diameter and five feet The doors to the north bear the familiar and success indicates that no damage is
depth. Immediately to the south of the pit is runes of antipathy. Anyone failing any prior taken. Note that any victim carrying or
a block of alabaster two feet wide, four feet saving throw against the effect (found also in wearing the appropriate Temple symbol
high, and eight feet long. Atop it are two the main Temple entrance aboveground, as automatically succeeds in each of these sav-
knives and a bowl of finest crystal. Flanking well as certain areas within the dungeon) can- ing throws.
the pit are two crystal braziers, suspended not approach the doors; anyone making all
from tripods by chains of silver. Each emits prior saving throws must again, when East: Walls glow fiery red; the smells of sul-
a faint sickly-sweet perfumed smoke. approaching within ten feet, make a saving fur, burning flesh, and hot metal assault the
throw vs. spell, (with a -2 penalty) to avoid nostrils. Victims take heat damage.
The doors to the north are bronze, this effect. West: Walls, floor and ceiling shed a deep
sealed with iron, chained, barred, and green gloom. Movement is slowed to 3" rate
bear a warning inscription in runes of 210a. GUARDIAN (as if moving underwater). A moist reek of
some sort. seaweed and rotting fish pervades the air.
This area quarters a drelb, the guardian of Victims take damage as if drowning.
The altar stone and crystal service pieces are the Air Temple. (See Appendix A, New
Monsters, for a full description.) The room
is otherwise empty — but a careful search
reveals that a section of floor is movable,
being a secret trap door. The small space

Syri Nity (order #5099312)

North: A great rush of moaning and shriek- with glowing hot coals. Tiny forms seem causes salamanders — 16 of them! — to
ing wind strikes the party. It oddly and to cavort atop these coals — perhaps small grow to full size in four rounds. However,
undescribably smells like the winds of age, denizens of the Elemental Plane of Fire. only four salamanders are real; the others
war, and death. Victims take cold damage are mirror images.
and are blown backward 30 feet; each also If a block of charcoal incense is placed in the Salamanders (4): AC 5/3, MV 9", HD 7 + 7,
takes 1-6 points of impact damage when hit- fire pit, it instantly bursts aflame, and the
ting the gate (unless it has been opened). tube — a great bell — sounds loudly, calling hp 44, 41, 40, 37, #AT 2, D 1-6/2-12
212. THE TEMPLE OF FIRE the priests and indicating that faithful wor- (spear and constriction), SA 1-6 heat
If anyone enters by either pair of bronze shippers wish to sacrifice to the Elemental damage added to each attack, SD + 1 or
doors, a permanent unseen servant slams Evil of Fire.... The priests in area 205 cer- better weapon to hit; XP 1265, 1235,
them shut behind the visitors. tainly respond to the noise, if still alive. 1225, 1195
The salamanders cannot move or attack
There can be no doubt that this huge hall Six skulls adorn the apatite altar at the until they reach full size, but thereafter can
of red granite, lit by scores of flambeaux south; each weighs 100 gp. The wrought even leave the fire pit to take appropriate
and pervaded by the odor of heated gold design on the altar can be pried off actions. Each has a spear of red-hot bronze.
metal and sulfur, is the Fire Temple. The (weight 500 gp). The fire in the fire pit is magical and of
great doors of beaten brass reflect the evil nature. Water only causes steam and
leaping flames. Tapestries adorn the Anyone entering the deep fire pit by the vapor to arise from the coals, effectively
walls of the north (wider) section, depict- altar takes 4-24 points of fire damage each causing a wall offog filling the south Temple
ing scenes of fire in evil form. Despite the round (minimum 1-6 for even a touch) area and lasting one round per gallon of
many torches and flaming cressets, the unless magically protected; no saving throw water applied. Holy water quenches one
air seems to carry motes of rust-colored applies. With magical protection, the cubic foot of burning coals per vial, but
luminescence, and the streaks of blue intruder takes no damage the first round, unless all the coals are so quenched, the
and mica flakes in the polished granite and only 1-6 points per round thereafter dead portion flames again one turn later. A
walls appear to leap and dance as if (again, however, with no saving throw). pyrotechnics spell may be applied with
flames, caught within the rock. Items placed within the fire must be saved effect, using up the coals in producing the
for each round, and vs. fireball rather than effect, but the coals gain a saving throw of
A brass tube, 20' long and 2' in diam- normal fire (due to the intensity of the heat). 20 minus the level of the caster; for example,
eter, is suspended from the ceiling by When anything or anyone enters the fire pit, a roll of 16 or better would resist such an
chains of the same metal. Just to the the salamanders (see below) start to grow. effect from a 5th level caster. If the saving
north of it is a shallow fire pit; and to throw is successful, the spell has no effect.
either side of the tube are low stands of The amber liquid in the great copper caul- Affect normal fires likewise has no effect if
brass, upon which are many small blocks drons is fine scented oil with continual light used to reduce the flames, but if used to
of charcoal. To either hand, east and in each. Approved supplicants are to fill a enlarge the fire, the coals burn brightly for
west beyond lines of pillars, are great bowl to pour upon the altar. If any material four rounds and then become absolutely
copper cauldrons, flanking the main area other than copper touches the oil, a sala- cool for another four, after which they burst
of the Temple. Before each such vessel is mander appears in the cauldron, igniting the into glowing heat once again.
an octagonal brass table; on each table 011 and causing a wave of heat that inflicts 2- Beneath the glowing coals of the fire pit is
are 16 bowls and a copper dipper. 12 points of fire damage on each victim a locked iron box; however, it cannot be
within five feet; the salamander then attacks found until after 5-8 rounds of searching,
Continue if the southern (main) Temple is the defiler of the "unholy oil." detect magic or other magical aid notwith-
entered. standing. The box is trapped with a scythe
If the altar is touched prior to pouring the blade; when any item is lifted from the bot-
A glance into the huge pots finds them golden oil upon it, a sheet of flame expands tom of the box, the razor-sharp blade neatly
filled with some sort of glowing amber out 5 feet from the altar in all directions, cuts through anything (no saving throw).
liquid. At the south end of the Temple inflicting 10 points of fire damage to each Any item struck is ruined; a hand thus
stands a translucent block of golden apa- victim (no saving throw). This causes a removed may only be replaced by applica-
tite, three feet wide and high and nine magic mouth on the central skull to bellow tion of a regenerate spell. In the box are two
feet long. Skulls grin from its sides, their "WHO DARES DEFILE THE SACRED ELE- potions offire resistance, a ring offire resist-
forms inlaid with hammered gold. Atop MENTAL FIRE?!" and the noise attracts ance, and a longsword that does not glow.
the altar is the eight-pointed fire symbol clerics and guards nearby (if any). The latter is, however, a frost brand + 3/
(illustrated in area 205), set in wrought + 6 vs. fire creatures. It is Lawful Good (Int
gold. Before this altar is a fire pit of dia- If oil is poured upon the altar, a magic 16, Ego 17) and speaks common, fire giant,
mond shape, ten feet long north-south mouth on the central skull speaks in com- red dragon, and salamander; its primary
and eight feet broad. It appears to be sev- mon, commanding that the faithful now powers are detect evil, detect magic, detect
eral feet deep, and its bottom is covered offer major sacrifice. At this, the flames of shifting walls and rooms, and it has an
the fire pit leap higher, each appearing as a extraordinary power of levitation. (See the
miniature salamander. Visitors must now DMG, pages 165-167, for more details.)
either depart or make a sacrifice, placing a
valuable treasure (worth 500 gp or more) or
living creature in the fire pit, and leaving it
there until destroyed. Failure to sacrifice

Syri Nity (order #5099312)

213. HALL OF VERDIGRIS about 20 feet upwards. Atop each of these wearer all the characteristics of a gargoyle,
columns is a gargoyle-like statue made of and even the mentality in this case; thus —
This huge hall, 40'x 90', has an arched bronze and coated with verdigris. Gargoyles (4): AC 5, MV 9 715 ", HD 4 + 4,
ceiling some 30 feet overhead. The many
buttresses and arches form a tracery of The whole place radiates a dim magic and is hp 28 each, #AT 4, D 1-3/1-3/1-6/1-4,
shadowy dimness; the ceiling's exact pervaded with evil. In use, offerings are SA +1 bonus "to hit" and damage when
height is not discernible. The floor and brought to the fountain and dipped in each first swooping to attack, SD hit only by
walls are covered in slabs of polished basin, highest to lowest, before being placed +1 or better magic weapons; XP 305
stone, apparently azurite-malachite on/in the altar. If this procedure is not fol- each (as if gargoyles)
from the swirls of blue intermingled with lowed, the gargoyles on the plinths give Note that the zombies may be Turned nor-
the deep green. Some magic has evi- chase (see below). mally by a cleric. If one takes 20 or more
dently been placed here, for a soft cloudy points of damage from edged weapons or
greenish luminosity seeps from the walls The altar basin (B) is filled with salt fire, consider the cloak destroyed. If the
and floor, seemingly floating in the air, water, of course. The treasure therein con- creatures are slain without damage to the
making the whole chamber appear as if sists of 42 cp, 37 sp, 60 ep, 51 gp, 23 pp, and cloaks, subsequent examination shows each
deep underwater. This impression is 39 gems worth a total of 1,920 gp (17 varied to be a green-colored zombie. Any charac-
enhanced by the bronze doors, fountain, agates worth 10 gp each, 3 bloodstones and ter donning a gargoyle cloak is able to fly,
and other work; all are covered with ver- 6 zircons worth 50 gp each, and 4 ame- attack, ere. as if a gargoyle, just as did the
digris. Even the damp air seems to smell thysts, 3 red garnets, and 6 tourmalines zombies. However, if a wearer keeps a cloak
of the sea. Several weird things in this worth 100 gp each). If the altar is defiled or on for longer than one turn, apply a 10%
place come to your immediate attention. damaged, or if anything is removed from it, chance per turn (cumulative) that the
the guardian idol animates to pursue and wearer gains the mind of a gargoyle as well,
In the middle of the west wall is a great punish the offenders (see below). and either attacks or flies away (just as
sheet of bronze, a bas relief of an under- would a real gargoyle). Only death or a
water vista — seaweed, shells, and vari- If a sacrifice or donation is properly pre- wish returns the victim to normal form.
ous forms of marine life. The head of a pared with the fountain (A) and placed in the The seaweed wall to the south is merely a
fish-like thing projects from this, a most altar basin, a magic mouth on the idol in the cleverly embroidered but normal drapery. It
hideous visage. Its ghastly maw emits a alcove makes a hooting noise, summoning the conceals another alcove 10' deep and 20' wide,
stream of water, which falls into a tiered occupants of area 214 to receive the worship- with verdigris-covered bronze doors to the
series of four basins. The fourth and pers. If the altar is improperly handled, the south and normal doors to the east and west.
largest never overflows, so it must have idol starts to roll slowly toward the offender,
a drain system somewhere. issuing forth hissing and hooting noises which 214. LOUNGE
likewise alert the occupants of area 214. In
Near the mid-portion of the hall, some either case they appear in 2-5 rounds. Two under-priests are quartered here. They
40 feet distant from the east wall and 30 attack intruders, calling loudly to alert oth-
feet from the north wall, is a bronze altar The idol is actually a juggernaut (C). It ers in area 215 (and possibly areas 220-225).
with many marine creatures sculpted in can roll over victims (inflicting lOdlO points Each cleric wears cowled green robes with a
bas relief upon its sides. It is about four of damage) or reach out in any direction gold circle on front and back, plate mail
feet high and round, with a ten-foot with eel heads, tentacles, pincers, and other armor underneath, and carries a shield and
diameter. Its top is concave, and a shal- attack forms to six foot range, doing so four two hammers.
low basin apparently about two feet times each round and inflicting 2-12 points Under-priest: AC 1 (plate & shield), MV 6",
deep is filled with water. The bottom of of damage in each such attack. This thing is
the basin is filled with coins, a sprinkling not able to turn sharply or reverse direc- Level 3 Cleric, hp 21, #AT 1, D 2-5 (ham-
of gems, and many small seashells. tions unless it first comes to a complete halt. mer); Dexterity 15 (-1 AC bonus
For every ten feet it travels it can tum about included); SA spells, XP 168
In the mouth of a 20' wide alcove three feet; it must travel 30 feet to make a 90 First level: command, cure light wounds,
south of the altar basin stands an idol or degree turn. It is also slow to start; in the light
statue of serpentine stone, expertly first round of animation it can move but ten Second level: hold person
sculpted to depict a writhing, amor- feet per round, but gains 1" additional Under-priest: AC 2 (plate & shield), MV6",
phous agglomeration of fish, eels, movement each round thereafter until its Level 3 Cleric, hp 16, #AT 1, D 2-5 (ham-
octopi, and other marine monsters. This maximum 12" rate is achieved. (For exam- mer), SA spells; XP 153
horrid thing is about eight feet high and ple, in the ninth round of animation it First level: command, cure light wounds,
nearly as broad, the whole forming a moves at 9" rate.) protection from good, sanctuary
globular mass standing about four feet Second level: chant
from the altar basin. The alcove to its Juggernaut: AC 2, MV 1" to 12", HD 10, hp
rear is ten feet deep, the back wall of 66, #AT 4 and 1, D 2-12 (x4) and 10-100; Each cleric wears a gold ring fashioned as a
which is covered by a drapery appar- XP 3924 ten-armed monster; each ring is set with a
ently fashioned from seaweed and water! cabochan-cut peridot held in place by the
Each of the gargoyles atop the triangular monster's tentacles (jewelry value 750 gp).
Each corner of the hall is filled by a tri- columns is actually a zombie wearing a magi-
angular plinth, filling it and extending cal gargoyle cloak. This garment gives the

Syri Nity (order #5099312)

This 20'x 30' room is furnished in rich ness. He uses guile to dupe anyone, strikes Second level: hold person (x2), know align-
green — rugs, carpets, draperies, furni- whenever he has an advantage, and never ment, resist fire, silence 15' radius
ture, etc. Four bronze pedestals (one in admits anyone to be his better unless his life
each corner of the room) hold green is at stake. He is set on becoming chief cleric Third level: dispel magic, prayer
globes of some odd sort, which provide a of the whole Temple when it once more sets Belsornig wears a robe of plain green velvet,
greenish illumination for the area. Two forth upon a course of open warfare against with a gold belt set with lapis and malachite
upholstered armchairs and side tables the land above. (jewelry value 750 gp). In his purse hanging
are to the north. The center of the room from this belt are 21 gp and 14 pp, along
is dominated by a long table with four Belsornig is working to subvert the with an iron key upon which the word
chairs. Upon the table are green vessels humanoids of the Air Temple while threat- "D'LYSS" is inscribed with runes. This word
— a decanter, six goblets, several bowls ening their cleric (Kelno, in area 225) — not is the command to stop the juggernaut in
and plates, a basin, and a small box. A with harm from the Water Temple forces, area 213, and the key opens his personal
high desk stands against the west wall but rather with the machinations of Alrrem chest. He wears a gold ring with a peridot
just south of the door; upon it are a few and the Fire Temple. If captured and ques- bezel (jewelry value 1,000 gp).
scraps of parchment and writing tools. A tioned, he reveals that a Greater Temple is
large wardrobe stands by a door in the two levels deeper, and guides adventurers to This place is swathed in rich green, even
south wall. bring harm to its priests, as he sees an the ceiling being obscured by gossamer
advantage therein. Of course, he bargains green hangings. Tapestries on the walls
The light is simply a form of continual light to have his own Water Temple spared, and show scenes of undersea cruelty and
spell cast upon/in pieces of green but cheap never personally accompanies any expedi- death. A large bronze brazier stands in
quartz (each worth only 1 gp). tion to the Greater Temple, except at the middle of the floor, sending off curls
swords' point. of sweetish fishy-smelling smoke,
The small box on the table holds 6 sug- flanked by hanging bronze lamps which
ared fruits which are coated with a narcotic Belsornig is exceptional, having 15 shed a green glow throughout the room.
substance. If even one is eaten, it causes Strength ( + 1 damage bonus), 18 Dexterity Six plush armchairs are here, each with a
great intoxication, and two or more cause a (-4 AC bonus and two-handed combat abil- matching footstool and low table. On
comatose condition (see Appendix C for ity), and 16 Wisdom ( + 2 saving throw each table is a small decanter, a bowl of
more details). The decanter holds wine. The bonus vs. mind attacks, and spell bonuses nuts and fruits, and a stemmed cup of
entire service fills two large sacks and is included below). In a critical melee he can serpentine. In the center of the west wall
worth 2,000 gp if undamaged, being fash- use a mace in his right hand and his rod of is a couch of green velvet piled with pil-
ioned from fine malachite. smiting (see below) in his left, thus attacking lows. A round table before it holds an
twice per round. He wears plate mail +1 ivory tray, upon which are heaped many
A secret compartment in the back of the and a ring of free action, but does not use a seashells. An armoire stands to each side
high desk holds a scroll of three cleric spells: shield. If Belsornig hears fighting, he inves- of the west door.
resist fire, neutralize poison, true seeing. tigates carefully. If time permits, he places
The wardrobe holds several unremarkable resist fire on himself before appearing, and The ivory tray is worth 50 gp, but the sea-
garments and two green robes of watered may use prayer if his allies are engaged; he shells have no value. Each decanter, bowl,
silk, each with golden embroidery showing might prefer to silence an obviously danger- and stemmed cup is worth 2 gp. The hang-
a squid-like creature with ten arms in a cir- ous spell caster. He knows, of course, that ing lamps contain cheap green quartz
cle. dispel magic can be quite useful against treated with continual light (worth 1 gp
opponents obviously enjoying magical ben- each for the gems, but each lamp worth 25
The south door opens into a 10' wide, efits. If things look bad, he seeks shelter in gp). The brass brazier is worth 30 gp.
30' long room. It contains a pair of beds the Water Temple (area 216).
separated by a folding screen. By each bed is The northern armoire contains a suit of
a small stand, a bronze brazier, a low stool, Rod of smiting: Note that this + 3 plate mail, a shield, a mace, and a green
and a locked chest. Each chest holds cloth- weapon (base damage Id8) inflicts 8-22 cloak. The southern one holds various non-
ing, four texts on the Elemental Evil of points of damage to a golem (including a descript garments, plus a robe of watered
Water (non-magical but worth 250 gp each, juggernaut). It has 14 charges left. Any hit green silk upon which a ten-armed octopoid
XP value 25 each), and a few treasures. The on a golem drains a charge, and a "to hit" creature, stitched in gold thread, writhes
first chest holds a sack with 87 gp, a bronze roll of 20 drains a charge but produces triple from back to front. Where the tentacles
mace (worth 15 gp), and a gold ring set with damage (or destroys the golem or jugger- reach the breast is a gold circle set with 12
a rare green pearl (jewelry value 555 gp). naut target, using a total of two charges for peridots — four small (each worth 100 gp),
The second chest has an old crumpled hand- the blow). four medium-sized (each 500 gp), and four
kerchief (containing 21 pp) and a potion of large (each 1,000 gp). A hook on one side of
water breathing (2 doses). Canon Belsornig: AC -2 {plate mail +1), the cabinet interior supports a censer of
MV 12", Level 6 Cleric, hp 48, #AT 1 or bronze, coated with verdigris. On the floor
215. SALON 2, D 3-8 (mace) or 3-8/4-11 (mace and are 20 blocks of non-magical incense (each
rod), SA rod and spells, SD ring of free worth 10 gp).
This is the residence of the canon Belsornig, action; XP 988
chief cleric of the nearby Water Temple, a
vile person filled with hubris and wicked- First level: command, cure light wounds,
darkness, light, sanctuary


Syri Nity (order #5099312)

The south door opens into another green- lower water Damage, 4-32 points
covered room, 10' wide and 30' long. It otiluke's freezing
holds two chairs flanking a table with 32 fashioned from dark purple tiles, with sphere Paralysis 5-8 rounds
gold dishes upon it (worth 1,900 gp for all, reddish highlights and green orbs. part water Damage, 3-18 points
total weight 800 gp). A desk stands near the purify food & drink Damage, 5-40 points
table, and upon it are writing materials and The pool is an oval, 20' across and 30' purify water Damage, 10-60 points
a small tome. This volume deals with the long, set in a basin of small lapis lazuli water, 1 gallon Damage, 1 point
secret rituals of Water Evil, but is of no tiles. The crystal-clear water allows
value. A bookstand nearby holds six other vision to the very bottom of the basin. If the pool creature is slain (XP 8950), the
similar works. At the south end of the The edge depth appears to be about four crystal dome shatters, inflicting 1-12 points
chamber are a large bed, a small stand, and feet. The floor slopes steeply to the mid- of damage to each creature in the room (no
a locked bronze chest; a large mirror and a dle, to 12 foot depth, where some sort of saving throw). The lapis lazuli basin shat-
trident hang from the wall beside the bed. humanoid is chained. You suddenly ters at the same time. If more than four turns
receive a telepathic message! The triton are spent searching through the remains of
The lock of the chest contains a poisoned is pleading to be released, so that it can the shattered basin, 1-8 pieces of value are
needle trap. Inside are items of normal prevent your deaths when the kraken, found each turn thereafter, to a maximum of
clothing, a coral box (worth 100 gp) which shown on the wall, materializes and four turns (i.e. 4-32 pieces in all; base value
contains 100 tiny seed pearls (worth 10 gp attacks. It will appear at any moment — 1,000 gp each, maximum 5,000 gp each.
each), and a cloak of the manta ray. The tri- so, as many as can, jump into the pool Count each piece found as 100 gp weight,
dent is a magical trident of yearning; in its and help the triton break its chains! Soon 500 gp volume.
handle are a huge aquamarine (worth 5,000 it will be too late!
gp) and a scroll of four cleric spells (purify If the crystals from the dome are exam-
food & drink, flame strike, part water, con- If a detect lie is used while the thing is speak- ined, a coral scrollcase (worth 50 gp, previ-
trol weather). ing, it reveals both the lie and the EVIL of this ously hidden behind the dome) is found. It
thing. The pool itself is an intelligent evil crea- contains a parchment with the following
216. THE POOL CHAMBER ture from the Elemental Plane of Water. Its message:
powerful, alien dweomer masks its alignment
If any cleric or servant of the Water Temple and intent. It speaks telepathically, lies most On three, in six, lies nine — but none
has been questioned, the characters know glibly, and is highly persuasive. The enchained shall ever see
that this is the Water Temple. Since this fac- figure is an illusion, produced by the creature Vile Good cloaked by Fair Evil for eternity.
tion is now the strongest of the four, it is also (though disbelief has no effect). Will you answer, Answerer? Where is
known as the Lesser Temple. your power, pray?
This creature's body is the clear silvery With the whelp of Mitrik and there until
Note that fire spells of any sort do not substance in the pool; though it seems to be doomsday.
function herein as long as the pool is alive water, it is actually a highly corrosive acid.
(see below). Furthermore, no magic, evil, A splash inflicts one point of damage, a 217. TRIANGULAR CHAMBER
traps, ef al. can be detected here; applicable dowsing 1-4 points, and immersion causes An owlbear is kept chained here to guard
spells seem to work, but detect nothing. The 5-20 points per round. If the thing cannot against unwelcome visitors — especially
only exception is detect lie (see below). convince the whole party to jump in, it uses agents of the Fire Temple. As soon as any
a suggestion (as the spell) each round on creature steps into the area, the owlbear
This large room is fashioned of great individual victims. (Once per week the crea- begins hissing, clacking its beak, and sound-
blocks of polished serpentine, save the ture can employ a limited wish to fulfill ing its strange hooting roars. The noise
domed ceiling of polished crystal — another creature's desire.) draws the keeper from area 218 to investi-
made to reflect everything in the room in gate. The owlbear attacks fiercely, barring
a distorted way, concentrating light If a magic item enters the pool, it must be any passage through its chamber, until slain
upon the center of the large oval pool of saved for (vs. acid) or be destroyed; a new or forced back by its keeper. (This monster
water in the center of the chamber. The saving throw must be made for each turn or is not well-fed.)
whole place seems to be lit with a blue- fraction thereof. The monster feeds on
green light from this pool, and at the energy (both of life and magic), and when it Owlbear: AC 5, MV 12", HD 5 + 2, hp 38,
same time the pool seems to absorb light, destroys a magic item, it gains any spell or #AT 3, D 1-6/1-6/2-12, SA "to hit" roll
capturing it in its heart. Pale green spell-like powers of the item! It can produce of 18 or more on claw attack means hug
flames come from eight bronze cressets, these effects only during the four rounds for additional 2-16 damage; XP 529
four on the east wall and four west; the immediately after such an item's destruc-
flames shed light but not heat. Tapestries tion, but can do so in addition to its normal
of vilest sort cover the east and west sec- suggestion attacks.
tions of the north wall. The south wall
shows a mosaic of some great ten-armed The thing has 100 hp, but cannot be dam-
octopoid monster, holding a sacrificial aged by blows or most spells. Only the fol-
victim in each tentacle. The monster is lowing things can affect it:

cone of cold Paralysis 2-5 rounds This area was once of some importance,
holy water (1 vial) Damage, 1-4 points for its walls are plastered and painted,
ice storm Paralysis 1-4 rounds and evidence of carpeting can be seen in


Syri Nity (order #5099312)

the corners, though such is now a ruin. barrel is found to contain drinkable wine. A also a gift from the Water Temple followers.
The floor is covered with litter, filth, sack of mouldering grain in the northeast (DM, be sure that you make saving throws
bones, and possibly much more. The corner also contains a hidden leather sack, for these items if Oohlgrist is attacked by
walls are dirty and stained, with great with 48 pp, 84 gp, and 109 ep. magical means which could damage them.)
chunks of plaster pulled off and gouge 219. ROOM OF BONES A potion of extra healing is concealed in a
marks everwhere else below ten foot This is the quarters of a troll chief named small leather pouch under the pile of old
height. The room stinks. An eight-foot- Oohlgrist, an honored guest of the two cloth.
long chain is bolted to the center of the trolls nearby (in areas 203 and 218), who
floor. serve opposing factions of the Temple. Each If confronted by a party demonstrably
A thorough search of the mess produces 3- seeks to win Oohlgrist's favor, for he can capable of killing him (and thus obviously a
30 each of gp, ep, sp, and cp. bring a score or more of great trolls to align fair match for the various Temple factions),
218. ABANDONED STOREROOM with the one preferred. This room was espe- he tries to parley. (Of course he'd rather eat
This room is the lair of the owlbear's cially decorated for him, and he is brought humans than talk with them, but....) Being
"keeper" (tormentor), a troll. It goes to area choice victims for dinners. Though evil and a tribal leader, Oohlgrist knows rudimen-
217 upon hearing noises of intruders, after cruel, Oohlgrist is wily and cunning. He has tary Common. His first offer is to spare the
first grabbing its 12' long fauchard-fork. If no intention of risking himself or his fol- characters' lives if they pay ransom of gems
intruders are led by anyone wearing the lowers unnecessarily. He intends to milk the or many precious coins. Failing that, he sim-
green robes of the Water Temple (or if the rivalry to the utmost, then joining neither ply tells them to "go away, and Great Ugly
entire group is so garbed, of course), the side unless certain that those involved can Troll Chief spare you"; he has other things
troll shoves the owlbear to the northwest triumph without any great struggle involv- to do, and isn't hungry. If that ploy fails, he
corner and allows passage — making sure, ing him or his trolls. offers his ruby necklace, and then his belt of
afterwards, that they report to room 222, emeralds (but never any of his magic items).
either accompanying or following them. If Something has taken considerable pains
intruders do not identify themselves, or if to decorate this disused storeroom. The Last, he volunteers (so to speak) to aid the
any wear robes of the Fire Temple, the troll walls are covered with a plastering of party in overcoming one of the Elemental
looses the owlbear and attacks itself, using excrement and bones, to form both pat- Temples, and will settle for as little as one-
the pole arm at long range (and gaining a terns and shelf-like bone ledges. Skulls quarter of the loot gained thereby (but first
+ 2 Strength bonus to damage, included leer from these shelves — human, asks for half). Oohlgrist actually fights well
below) but shifting to the usual claw-claw- humanoid, dwarven, and various sorts if he perceives no treachery, and if the char-
bite routine for closer melee if necessary. of other creatures as well. The floor is a acters fight as well. If they try to betray him,
This troll is on fairly good terms with its conglomerate of bones and ordure. A or expect him to bear the brunt of the fight-
counterpart in area 203, as well as with its large armchair and crude table of sorts, ing, he immediately switches sides. Oohl-
fellows in area 219. each fashioned from bones, stand in the grist will not cooperate for any extended
Troll: AC 4, MV 12 ", HD 6 + 6, hp 40, #AT northwest corner. In the southeast cor- period of time. If the characters are weak-
ner is a heap of torn cloth, leather scraps, ened, he turns on them.
3, D 5-8/5-8/2-12, SA fauchard-fork bits of tapestries, and pieces of rugs.
(range 12', D 3-10), SD regenerates (3 hp Suddenly the pile moves, and something 220. SIDE ROOM
per round starting 3 rounds after being rises — a huge troll!
damaged); XP 845 Troll chief: AC 2, MV 9", HD 6 + 6, hp 50, Four bugbear guards are stationed here, in
service to the Water Temple. If they hear
This 20'x 30' chamber is a mess in every #AT 3, D 6-9/6-9/4-14, SA attacks as if fighting in the area, they rush out to see
respect. It reeks of troll, is covered with 10 HD, SD regenerates (3 hp per round what's happening, arriving in only 1 round.
dirt and rubbish, and is littered with bits starting 3 rounds after being damaged), Each wears a green vest-like shirt over
of decaying meat and many bones, wears ring of fire resistance; XP 1050 armor. Each carries 3-12 gp, 3-12 ep, 3-12
strewn haphazardly about the place. Oohlgrist wears bone armor (worth a gem sp, and 3-12 cp.
Some shelves remain on the walls, and a in trade with a troll or ogre) for a -2 AC
few boxes, crates, barrels, and bales are bonus (included above). He also wears a Bugbears (4): AC 5, MV 9", HD 3 + 1, hp
intact, still standing along the walls ring of fire resistance on the little finger of 17, 14, 13, 11, #AT 1, D 1-8 (military
where they were placed — who knows his left hand, a necklace of gold with four fork), SA surprise on 1-3; XP 203, 191,
how many years ago! There is nothing of small rubies given to him by the priests of 187, 179
value in the place. the Fire Temple (jewelry value 4,750 gp),
If the intact containers are searched, one and a jeweled belt given him by the priests This small room was evidently meant for
of the Water Temple (silver with four nice minor functionaries of the Water Temple,
emeralds, jewelry value 5,250 gp). In a for shreds of green draperies still hang
pouch at his belt is a necklace ofadaptation, from the walls, and part of a dirty green
carpet remains in the southwest corner.
Four heaps of material, evidently used as
sleeping mats, are evenly spaced on the
floor. A long bench stands by the east


Syri Nity (order #5099312)

wall, under which is a small keg. A large trolls (203 and 218-219), and plan to defect tie axe), SA 2 spears each (D 1-6, ranges
barrel stands near the north door, with a en masse to the Air Temple if the Water Tem- 1 7 2 7 3 " ) , surprise on 1-3; XP211, 199,
lumpy sack nearby. Several green cloaks ple should win the service of the troll chief- 191, 187, 187, 183
hang from wall pegs. tain. If he sees a party in the company of a
troll, he executes his defection plan. (Natu- Old wall hangings of gray, ivory, and
The small keg contains wine of average rally, the whole thing is encouraged by white cover the north and south walls.
quality; the large barrel holds water. The Kelno — area 225 — who is promising more The east and west walls are plastered and
sack contains some bad-smelling meat, a pay, more food, and less work.) painted with murals showing the evil of
large wheel of cheese, and several loaves of Elemental Air. The four torch brackets
coarse black bread. Under one of the cloaks If adventurers attempt to parley with the are empty. A small barrel is near the east
hangs a battle axe. bugbears, the chieftain will most certainly door, and a large cask by the west.
defect from the Water Temple forces if
221. INNER CHAMBER offered sufficient reward — coins, coins, The small barrel contains beer, the larger,
other treasure, spared lives.... All of the water. In the lining of one of the upholstered
The overseer of the guards of the Water bugbears know of the secret door in the pas- chairs is a ring, lost there long ago (jewelry
Temple is an ogre, who lives here. He is lazy sage to the west, and reveals it if given suf- value 700 gp).
and rather stupid, and comes only if sum- ficient reason to do so.
moned; but due to his horrible temper, the 224. ROOM 20' x 20'
bugbears hate to summon him. He wears a Bugbear guards (4): AC 5, MV 9 ", HD 3 + 1,
padded jack sewn with seashells, and uses a hp 18, 15, 13, 9, #AT 1, D 2-8 (glaive- Four bugbears, the personal guards of the
green drape as a cape. He wears his hair in a guisarme), SA surprise on 1-3; XP 207, cleric Kelno (area 225), are on duty here. Each
topnot held in place by three silver pins, 195, 187, 171 wears a scale mail jack, gray kilt and cape,
each set a with pearl (each worth 110 gp). and has 1-6 pp, 1-6 gp, 1-6 ep, and 1-6 sp. Each
Bugbear chieftain: AC 4, MV 9", HD 4, hp is armed with bardiche and mace, the latter to
Ogre: AC 3, MV 9", HD 4 + 1, hp 29, #AT 25, #AT 1, D 2-8 (morning star), SA + 1 be hurled at foes before melee. They are
1, D 9-18 (3d4 + 6, with huge trident); XP bonus "to hit" and damage, surprise on accompanied by two gnolls who also wear
235 1-3; XP 235 gray kilts and capes, but over chain mail
jacks. These creatures are tolerated well due to
This room is much like the one to the 222a. STAIRWAY (a) Kelno's demand that they be accepted, (b)
south. A pair of beds are shoved their own toughness, and (c) their fast and
together, with a heavy chest beside them. An unlocked normal door here leads to a small accurate use of longbows. Each has 18 arrows
A large table and chair are the only other landing, from which descends a dusty stairway and a longbow, to be used while trying to
furnishings. Three barrels stand along leading directly to area 312 (Dungeon Level avoid close combat. Each carries 3-12 gp, 3-12
the south wall. Three), a dangerous area. Review that area ep, and 3-12 sp.
description before you continue.
The chest is secured with a large padlock, Bugbears (4): AC 4, MV 9", HD 3 +1, hp 20,
which can be broken by four blows from a 223. JUMBLED ROOM 17, 15, 11, #AT 1, D 2-S (bardiche), SA 1
mace or hammer. Inside are various items of mace each for hurling (D 2-7, range 0 7 1 7
apparel, a brass candlestick (worth 1 ep), a This 20'x 30' chamber contains many odds 2"), surprise on 1-3; XP 215, 203, 195, 179
rusted saw, 419 cp, 282 sp, 23 ep, 133 gp, and ends of furniture — three wooden
and 4pp. chairs, two armchairs, a large table, two Gnolls (2): AC 4, MV 9", HD 2, hp 16, 14,
small tables, a desk, three couches, a cot, #AT 1 or 2, D 1-8 (battle axe) or 1-6/1-6
222. ROOM, 20' x 20' and countless cushions and pillows. (longbow); XP 68, 64

Four bugbears are quartered here, as part of Six bugbears herein have accumulated these This plastered, painted chamber was
the guard of the Water Temple. They cannot "treasures". If attacked, they tip over the tables probably one of the many guest rooms of
hear fighting elsewhere, and must be sum- to form a barricade, gaining a -2 AC bonus vs. the Temple. It now holds a cot, two
moned to leave this area. Each wears a missiles or -1 AC bonus in melee. Each is clad in sofas, some cushions, a small table, and
sleeveless overshirt of green and carries 4-16 gray kilt and cloak, the latter with a large black a battered cabinet. The carpeting on the
cp, 4-16 ep, and 4-16 gp. Their chieftain is square sewn upon it to indicate the personal ret- floor is of a gray hue, indicating connec-
quartered in the small room (10' square) inue of the Air Temple. Each has a pair of spears tion to the Air Temple.
immediately to the north, and carries 6 ep, to throw before melee; each carries 1-4 pp and
16 gp, 10 pp, and 4 hematites worth 10 gp 2-8 gp. If attacked from the west, they alert the Inside the cabinet are some old clothes, five
each. occupants of area 224. They will readily receive wax candles, a quart of honey, and a hand
the bugbears from the Water Temple, of course, axe. The small room to the south, quarters
The bugbear chieftain is secretly treating if these cowards indicate their willingness to of the gnolls, has nothing in it but two piles
with the bugbears who serve the Air Temple switch sides. of old tapestries and rags (bedding) and four
(those in areas 223-226) because he and his spears standing in a far corner.
fellows know of the offer regarding the Bugbears (6): AC 5, MV 9", HD 3 + 1, hp
19, 16, 14, 13, 13, 12, #AT 1, D 1-8 (bat-

Syri Nity (order #5099312)

225. GRIM CHAMBER worked with crystal beads and jet to form and food scraps. Four barrels stand
This is the residence of Kelno, the only black squares with shining centers. This is along the south wall. Some large black-
the ceremonial robe of the high cleric of the ish sausages are strung over the ceiling
cleric of the Air Temple—his apprentices Air Temple, worth 1,500 gp. arches. Heaps of old rags and skins are
having been slain by rival factions. He is bit- piled helter-skelter in all the corners; this
ter and full of great hatred for both the Fire A drapery conceals the exit to the east. In place is apparently used as a camp as
and Water Temples. Kelno bargains with that passage is a flowing fountain, set into well as a mess hall.
anyone if he sees profit for himself and harm the wall, and the passage beyond is piled
to these rivals. He has spent all his funds on with arms and armor: The pantry area to the northeast like-
hiring and bribing bugbears, for he hopes to wise shows evidence of use. The shelves
amass a sufficient force to turn the tables on 11 suits of armor (bugbear size, are filled with unappetizing foodstuffs,
the other Temples. worth 50 gp each to bugbears) plus sacks of millet, beets, and meal.
Two barrels contain water, one beer, and
Kelno wears chain mail + 1 and a cloak of 4 battle axes one wine. No treasure is here other than that
protection + 1 (which affects only his sav- 2 fauchard-forks carried by the inhabitants.
ing throws, when worn with magical 4 glaive-guisarmes 227. HALL OF TRIUMPHAL EVIL
armor), and wields a mace + 1. Though he 7 maces (heavy) This huge, echoing hall was evidently
carries a dagger of venom with one dose of 8 morning stars once the scene of great revels celebrating
virulent poison (-2 penalty to victim's sav- 5 quivers (20 arrows each) the triumphs of the Temple. The floor of
ing throw), he is saving it for either Alrrem 16 spears (heavy) the place is littered with skeletons,
(room 205c) or Belsornig (room 215). His 1 sword, bastard skulls, and bones of humans and various
Strength is 15 ( + 1 damage bonus) and Dex- Near this pile is a locked chest, trapped humanoids. Here and there are parts of
terity 17 (-3 AC bonus). (All bonuses are with a poison needle. Inside are only 11 gp, broken chairs, stools, tables, benches,
included in the following statistics.) If hard 28 ep, and 176 sp. sideboards, buffets, cabinets, and cases.
pressed, he uses his darkness 15' radius 226. KITCHEN Much of the wreckage has probably been
spell to escape into the concealed passage to Six bugbears are staying here, new recruits carted off for firewood. Tapestries and
the east (area 209a), trying to reach corridor of the Air Temple. Kelno (225) has them stay trophies still remain on the walls in
209. If enemies are in pursuit, he flees down here in the kitchen where he feeds his troops, spots. The former show scenes of raid-
the staircase to the lower dungeon level, for and harrangues them about overthrowing the ing, looting, pillate, and rapine; trophies
he knows portions of that area fairly well. enemies of Elemental Air Evil so his rivals include mummified heads, torn battle
Kelno the Prefect: AC 1 (chain mail +1), won't learn about his added forces. If sum- standards, hides and skins, battered
moned, the bugbears gladly fight with their shields, sundered armor, and a broken
MV 12 ", Level 5 Cleric, hp 32, #AT 1, D fellows against any opponents. Each has been broadsword. Dozens of empty cressets
4-9 (mace +1), SA spells, SD cloak + 1; given a gray cloak and 20 gp; each also has 1-6 and sconces line the walls. The broad
XP520 ep, 1-6 sp, and 1-6 cp. steps in the middle of the north wall are
First level: command, cure light wounds, Here also are four goblins, kept as ser- of dull black stone, and the descending
protection from good, purify food & vants. They are quasi-slaves, though their stair seems most depressing and
drink, sanctuary masters have promised them a small share horrible—though passable.
Second level: holdperson, know alignment, of the expected spoils, good fun torturing Nothing here has any notable value. The
resist fire (x2), silence 15' radius prisoners, and even a place in the fighting runes of the permanent antipathy effect
Third level: cause blindness forces of the Air Temple. Each goblin has (found on the main Temple entrance, area
The entire room is gray—carpeting, only 2-5 cp. 210, et al.) are here scribed on the steps, 20
plaster, wall hangings, furnishings, Bugbears (6): AC 5, MV 9", HD 3 +1, hp feet from the corridor. No creature of evil
ere—and spartan. Lamps of grayish 17, 14, 13, 13, 11, 10, #AT 1, D 1-8 (bat- alignment can even enter this stairway; no
metal on a small table and a wall shelf tle axe), SA surprise on 1-3; XP 203,191, one having failed a previous saving throw
dimly light the room; a pair of uphol- 187, 187, 179, 175 against this effect can descend the stair more
stered chairs are by the table. On the Goblins (4): AC 6, MV 6", HD 1-1, hp 6, 5, than ten feet. Anyone succeeding at all pre-
table are some pewter dishes and a plain 4, 3, #AT 1, D 1-6 (shortsword); XP 16, vious saving throws against like dweomers
crock half-filled with mead. The shelves 15, 14, 13 must again save here (and again with a -2
hold some foodstuffs, a few scrolls and penalty) or be blocked. Furthermore, the
books, and several human and demi- This place is dirty and full of litter, but same effect is placed on a pair of huge
human skulls. A narrow bed is in the has been used of late. Ashes are in both bronze doors at the base of this staircase
northeast corner, with a small stand fireplaces on the west wall. The long (area 340), which are triple-chained and
beside it. trestles which run down the center of the triple-barred with cold iron.
The scrolls and books are of no value. room are filled with earthenware dishes
The wardrobe holds worthless garments
and a cassock of silver cloth, the latter


Syri Nity (order #5099312)

227a. STAIRWAY and the pot, some sort of gruel of grain and veg- taking several gems and deserting, and so
etables. One skin in the ogre's bed-pile is a giant has been beaten and imprisoned to await
The normal door on the south wall of the weasel pelt, worn and torn, worth 1,200 gp. sacrifice. He gladly joins adventurers in any
corridor bounding area 228 leads to a small endeavors that allow him to kill servants of
dusty alcove, to the west of which descends Each cell is about eight feet square; see the Fire Temple and bring him loot. The
a 10' wide stairway leading to area 328a below for prisoner descriptions (cells 228a other two prisoners are merchants (Level 0
(Dungeon Level Three). and 228b). The prisoners of the Water Tem- non-combatants) from the Nulb area.
ple are planned for sacrifices to conjure up a
228. PRISON ROOM major demon, with which they may over- Brigand: AC 10, MV 12", Fighter 2, hp 15
come all of the other Elemental Temples S12 113 W12 D14 Co 16 Ch 10
The gaoler, an ogre, is dozing on his bedding once and for all. The prisoners of the Fire
in the southeast corner of this area. He needs Temple are slated for death to gain the pro- 229. STORAGE CHAMBER
one round to awaken and rise for a fight. His tection of a powerful efreeti, who may aid
assistant, a bugbear, is sitting at a table along them against the Water Temple. Both groups This place is filled with broken contain-
the diagonal wall (to the northeast), drinking will be very displeased (to say the least) if ers of all sorts. The littered mess on the
beer to wash down his recent repast. their captive sacrifices are freed. floor shows that there has been some
fairly recent traffic, probably to carry off
Neither of these humanoids is aligned 228a. CELL OF THE WATER TEMPLE any remaining foodstuffs.
with any Elemental Temple; their orders
come "from below", and are delivered by an This cell holds four elves. If freed, they 230. GARBAGE ROOM
ettin. The leaders of the various Temples ask to be shown the route out so they can
know this and are afraid to violate the neu- immediately return to their homeland, but This plastered and painted chamber,
trality of the place. Each Elemental Temple express great gratitude and promise rewards probably a secluded place for relaxation
has a cell here to hold prisoners; that of the for their rescuers. Two elves are normal, but when the Temple was in its heyday, is
Earth (southwest) and Air (northwest) are two are Noble—Countess Trillahi of Celene now filled with rubbish. The room is a
empty. The cells of the Water Temple (A) and her consort, Sir Juffer. heap of rotting, stinking garbage, offal,
and Fire Temple (B) hold prisoners. dung, and who knows what else; bones
Elves, normal (2): AC 9, MV 12", HD 1 + 1, and skulls are visible here and there. Part
The bugbear wears a chain mail shirt, and hp 7, 6, no weapons; Dexterity 15 each; of a bronze-bound coffer of some sort
has a purse with 3 pp, 4 gp, and 18 sp. A XP 21, 20 can be seen near the middle of a large pile
"large dagger" at his belt is a shortsword of refuse in the center of the room.
+ 1, but he uses a flail in combat. The ogre Countess Tillahi of Celene: AC 6, MV 12",
is unarmored and uses a club (gaining a + 6 Level 5/4 Fighter/Magic-User, hp 22, no An otyugh lurks here, because the eating
damage bonus, due to Strength). He carries current weapons or spells, Dexterity 18; is good (with occasional fresh appetizers,
39 gp and 28 ep in his purse, along with the XP651 when wandering creatures become too curi-
keys to the cells. ous). It awaits at the center of the large cen-
Sir Juffer: AC 8, MV 12", Level 4/4 Cleric/ tral pile, and attacks if anyone goes beyond
Bugbear: AC 3, MV 9", HD 3 + 1 , hp 20, Ranger, hp 28, no current weapons, no four feet of the entrance.
#AT 1, D 2-7 (flail), SA surprise on 1-3; spells castable (due to curse upon him),
XP215 Dexterity 16; XP 468 Otyugh: AC 3, MV 6", HD 6, hp 32, #AT 3,
D1-8/1-8/2-5, SA disease, SD never sur-
Ogre: AC 4, MV 9", HD 4 + 1, hp 19, #AT Rescuers are asked for their names and prised; XP 956
1, D 7-12 (club); XP 185 places of residence; each will receive 100 pp
5-8 weeks later (XP given at that time). In The bugbears to the north (area 231-233)
An outsided table and two matching addition, the leader of the rescuing party know of this monster and avoid it, having
chairs stand in the northeast, along the will receive a suit of human-sized elfin already lost one of their number to its appe-
diagonal wall. A cask and several leather chainmail (XP 200), and the most gallant tite. Being a good garbage disposal as well,
jacks are on the table, amongst small party member will be sent a ring crafted of they do not wish to kill it.
hunks of cheese and dried meat; some unicorn horn and enchanted with perma-
food scraps have fallen to the floor. nent sympathy, affecting unicorns only (XP The coffer contains a scroll of seven
Nearby is a barrel and a huge pot. Brack- value 500). If the wearer becomes evil or magic-user spells: friends, magic missile,
ets and torches line the walls, but only 3 purposely harms any unicorn, the ring knock, mirror image, web, slow, rary's
contain torches, none lit. A great pile of drops off unnoticed and is forever lost. All mnemonic enhancer. Under the central
hides and skins is in the southeast gifts are directed to individuals, and cannot "nest" of the otyugh is a gold platter (worth
corner—a bed of sorts. be redistributed. 300 gp), 10-40 of each coin type (cp, sp, ep,
gp, pp), and a platinum bracelet (worth
Four bronze-bound oaken doors, each 228b. CELL OF THE FIRE TEMPLE 1,000 gp) set with four opals (each worth
with a heavy bar, padlock, and small 1,000 gp).
barred port, mark the cells. This cell holds three human males. One is
a brigand (HD 2, AL N) who was caught
The cask contains beer; the barrel, water,


Syri Nity (order #5099312)

231. ROOM OF THE ELEMENTS This 30' x 40' room was once quite splen- This 20' square room shows signs of
Four bugbears are on guard here. At the did, if its wall hangings, carpet remnants, having been the sleeping chamber of
and battered furnishings are any gauge. some personage of importance. The
time of the party's approach, one may (60 % Cressets and sconces of bronze line the walls are plastered and bear murals,
chance) be watching through a small port in walls. Four small tables, six chairs, two albeit the plaster is now broken and
the north door. Assuming that the party is couches, and two sideboards are here, as stained and most of the painting is
approaching by way of the outer corridor, well as several boxes and chests. A large ruined. Rugs are still on the floor, and a
the bugbears then cannot be surprised; if the iron pot hangs from a bronze chain in the huge bed stands in the southwest corner.
party continues west, the guards alert those middle of the room (suspended from the Another heap of bedding and pillows
in area 232. Each bugbear wears black place some filagreed lamp once hung) over occupies the northwest corner. A cabinet
armor, indicating that they are in service to a charcoal fire in a bronze bowl, its original stands beside the bed, along with a small
the overall Temple (aloof from the individ- purpose unknown. table, a large wardrobe, and a brazier.
ual Elemental factions and, therefore, the The boxes and chests hold only old cloth- Two lamps hang from ceiling chains, and
other bugbears in this dungeon level). Each ing, food, and junk. The iron pot contains a four sconces adorn the walls.
carries a spear, to be hurled before melee, stew of questionable composition. The wardrobe is stuffed with old cloth-
and each has 2-12 gp, 2-12 ep, and 2-12 sp. The door to the south leads into a 10' x ing, some tapestries (one of which is worth
Bugbears (4): AC 5, MV 9", HD 3 +1, hp 20' room which is filled with various poor 350 gp), a sack of food, 5 bottles of wine,
but edible foodstuffs, some meats and and miscellaneous junk.
13, 12,11,11, #AT 1, D 1-8 (battle axe), cheeses, and barrels of grain, flour, biscuits, 234. STORAGE CHAMBER
SA 1 spear each (D 1-6, ranges l"/2'7 beer, vinegar, wine, and salt.
3"), surprise on 1-3; XP 187, 183, 179,
179 233. SIDE CHAMBER A su-monster lairs here, living amidst the
The walls of this small room are covered The leader of the bugbears and his lieu- stone flying buttresses supporting the roof
with scenes showing all four principles of of this large room. It is near the south end,
Elemental Evil in their most horrible and tenant occupy this room with three females and swings down to attack anyone who
disgusting forms. Some battered and (who are comely, as bugbears go— though comes within ten feet of the south wall. It is
torn furnishings also indicate that this they do not go far in that direction). All are a huge old male which recently migrated to
place was probably once a sitting room clad in black. The leader and lieutenant are this level from that below, having escaped
or lounge for some high Temple official. unusually strong, gaining damage bonuses its captors who kept it chained as a guard
The wall sconces are of bronze, as is the of + 2 and + 1 (respectively) with any held beast. Its last kill was a goblin, before that a
wall basin set in a hemispherical alcove or hurled weapon; each carries a spear in bugbear, and its first was a half-ore; only
in the east wall. A small table, two battle, to be hurled before engaging with their unbroken skulls remain to tell the tale.
chairs, a couch, and a broken cabinet are other weapons. The females are aggressive, The su-monster has gone hungry for some
also in the room. and fight with the males. time now, as the Temple servants enter in
groups and with their weapons pointed
232. SALON The largest male wears a gold chain from upwards. The creature has no treasure.
Seven bugbears, males in service to the which depends a golden skull emblem (jew- Su-monster: AC 6, MV 9", HD 5 + 5, hp 41,
elry value 175 gp), and carries a pouch con-
overall Temple (and thus clad in black) are taining 23 gp, 15 pp, and 6 bits of turquoise #AT 5, D1-4 (x4)/2-8, SA psionics; XP 471
quartered here. With them are six females, (each worth 10 gp). The lieutenant carries 3 This oddly shaped chamber is crammed
who do not fight unless the males are obvi- pp, 14 gp, 5 ep, and 19 sp. Each female has with containers of all sorts—large clay
ously in trouble. All 13 bugbears will lay an 1-6 gp, 1-6 ep, 1-6 sp, and 1-6 cp, and the jars, boxes, barrels, crates, chests, sacks,
ambush if alerted by the guards in area 231, largest also wears a silver earring with a casks, bales, bags, hampers, and others.
and will summon those in 233 to help. mounted jasper gem (worth 100 gp). Some are obviously broken or empty,
Bugbears (7 male): AC 5, MV 9", HD 3 +1, but many seem full. Bales contain black
Bugbear leader: AC 3, MV 9", HD 4, hp 30, cloth and some finished garments
hp 19,16,15,15, 13,12, 9, #AT 1, D 2-7 #AT 1, D 4-10 (bastard sword), SA hurl (cloaks, capes, kilts, etc.). Scores of
(flail), SA surprise on 1-3; XP 211, 199, spear (D 1-6, ranges 1 "12 '73 "), surprise arrows, quarrels, javelins, spears, and
195, 195, 187, 183, 171 on 1-3; XP 255 several dozen hand weapons are in the
Bugbears (6 female): AC 6, MV 9", HD 2, 10' x 30' alcove to the northeast. At the
hp 13,10, 9, 8, 8, 8, #AT 1, D 2-8 (morn- Bugbear lieutenant: AC 4, MV 9", HD 4, hp south end of the place are boxes and sev-
ing star); XP 70, 64, 62, 60 (x3) 25, #AT 1, D 3-9 (bardiche), SA hurl eral huge pottery jars, but near them are
Each male has 2-12 gp, 2-12 ep, and 2-12 spear, surprise on 1-3; XP 235 three humanoid skulls and a few bones.
sp. Each female has 1-6 ep and 2-12 sp.
Bugbear females (3): AC 5, MV 9", HD 2 + 1,
hp 15,13,12, #AT 1, D1-8 (battle axe), SA
surprise on 1-3; XP 125, 119, 115


Syri Nity (order #5099312)

The alcove contains nothing magical. The Nothing here is hidden or of value. The wood is fairly new, and this place is
many containers hold basic foodstuffs— 238. PADLOCKED DOOR in regular use. The sacks are filled with
meal, grain, flour, salt, dried and salted charcoal.
meats, sausages, cheese, biscuits, nuts, This heavy oaken door is secured by a 240. JUNK ROOM
dried fruit, wine, ale, beer, and others. large padlock, apparently used with
235. ROOM, 20' x 20' some frequency as it seems well-oiled. Entry into this room is seen by a guard in
The lock can be picked or broken open, area 241 (q.v.), who is watching through a
The door to this chamber is broken, sun- the latter requiring 30 points of damage. slight tear in the hanging on the south wall.
dered from its hinges and lying in pieces The room is 20' square. Several large
on the floor. The room beyond is a hampers stand along the south wall. This place is filled with old furniture,
shambles—several parts of skeletons, Propped along the other walls and scat- mostly wardrobes, cabinets, armoires,
broken furniture, and charred cloth and tered around the floor are eight shields and chests. Two chairs, a stool, a small
wood. Shredded wall coverings also and many human-sized suits of armor— table, and a couch are in the southeast
show signs of fire. 3 plate, 2 banded, 1 splinted, 6 chain, 3 corner. A shabby carpet is on the floor,
Nothing here is hidden or of value. scale, and 1 of ring mail. and various types of hangings adorn the
236. CISTERN CHAMBER walls. The place is a hodgepodge of junk,
This oddly shaped chamber is bisected Nothing here is magical. All the items obviously altered since the overthrow of
by a curving wall of well-dressed, mor- herein have been taken from various intruders the Temple.
tared stones. The wall is about four feet and dungeon adventurers; some pieces are
tall, and to the south side of it is water, found to bear familiar smithy marks, personal Examination of the various chests, ward-
high enough to almost flow over the top. identification labels (of victims now deceased robes, etc. reveals all sorts of clothing-
Water trickles in from several places and missing from their abodes in towns near merchants' garments, laborers' clothing,
along the east, south, and west walls; and far), and other signs of previous care. All farmers' and seafarers' garb, scribes' robes,
overflow gravitates to floor drains even items are in fair to good condition. In the ham- womens' apparel, and even beggars' ragged
as you watch. pers are the following: wear; hats, cloaks, capes, robes, sandals,
boots, shoes, and others. It seems as if some
Careful examination of the walls and 1 suit chain mail armor, halfling- madman has made an effort to collect cloth-
floor within the cistern discovers that the sized (worth 60 gp) ing of all sorts and types, from the poorest
stones are covered with some form of algae, sort to the finery of a noble or court fop. If
apparently quite slimy and presumably slip- 1 suit plate mail armor, dwarf-sized care is taken in sorting, adventurers can fill
pery. The floor of the cistern immediately (worth 350 gp) three large sacks with good garments, worth
south of the retaining wall is four feet lower 500 gp per sack. A full turn of sorting is
than that in the room, and slopes down to 8 backpacks (leather) needed to fill each sack.
the south about two feet for every five; 14 holy water vials, full
thus, at the far south end, the cistern is 2 lanterns, bullseye 241. SIDE CHAMBER
about 15 feet deep. The overflow drains 3 lanterns, hooded A slightly torn hanging on the south wall
carry the water to the dungeon level below. 1 set lockpicks
2 mallets (wood) of area 240 conceals a door, which is pierced
Anyone trying to stand on the slippery 2 mapcases (leather) by a small window closed with an iron shut-
cistern floor slips on the slimy growth (no 1 mirror, silver ter. The door has no handle on the north
saving throw) and slides to the lowest part 4 mirrors, steel side, and is barred from the south. Behind
of the cistern, drowning in 3-5 rounds unless 17 parchment sheets this door, watching the junk room from his
rescued or light enough to float. In that 6 pouches, small position on a stool, is a guard. While
deepest portion is a large round slime- 5 pouches, large observing the junk room through a tear in
covered object, which is a shield + 2. 4 ropes (each a 50' coil) the hanging, he keeps a firm grip on a piece
237. STORAGE CHAMBER 5 sacks, small of twine, strung between his position and
2 sacks, large that of two other guards currently resting in
This place evidently once held many 52 spikes (iron) the inner chamber (to the immediate west,
sorts of supplies; much of the foodstuffs 6 tinderboxes 10' x 20'). The 10' square cubicle of the
are now scattered and ruined, rotting on 239. STOREROOM watcher's position is separated from the
the floor. Broken containers are tossed This large chamber is evidently used for inner chamber by a large heavy drape.
about, mixed with many bones. storing wood and lumber. Stacks of fire-
wood stand near the entrance, planks If the watcher sees intruders, he pulls the
and beams at the west end. Just inside the twine, which causes a billet of wood to
entry are several large lumpy sacks. thump and alert them, its noise dampened
by the drape between the areas. If anyone
approaches the concealed entrance, the
guard fires a light crossbow through the


Syri Nity (order #5099312)

window (gaining a + 4 bonus to hit), slams sword); XP 17, 15, 15, 14 escape if defeat seems imminent. However,
the shutter closed, and retreats to the inner Leader: AC 2 (chain mail), MV 9", Level 3 Lieutenant Brunk, a half-ore, hates Feldrin
room. All three guards then prepare to fire and desires his command. If the commander
crossbows at intruders breaking through the Fighter, hp 19, #AT 1, D 3-9 (bastard is imperiled, Brunk does not aid him, and
concealed door—but only after alerting the sword); XP 92 may actually assist in his demise if this can
other guards in area 242. A knock spell be accomplished without revealing his acts
opens the bar and the door easily, but the This passage is lined with double bunks, to the troops.
portal otherwise takes 50 points of damage ten in all. Each has a straw mattress, and Bandits (4 at table): AC 4 (chain & shield),
| before collapsing. two small boxes are tucked underneath,
i Each guard wears chain mail armor and head and foot. Three torches are MV 9", Level 0, hp 6, 4, 4, 4, #AT 1, D1-8
i shield, and carries a longsword as well as a mounted in wall sconces, but only one, (longsword); XP 16, 14 (x3)
j light crossbow with 30 bolts. Each has 2-8 on the south wall, is lit. Bandits (2 at doors): AC 6 (scale mail),
gp. If captured and questioned, the guards MV 9", Level 0, hp 6, 5, #AT 1, D 1-10
admit to being part of a raiding force which A not-very-secret door is in the west (halberd); XP 16, 15
scouts for the Temple and generally supplies wall at the bend in the corridor. Above Bandits (2 on stools): AC 8 (leather armor),
it, brings captives, and recruits others (both it, positioned horizontally, is a large MV 12", Level 0, hp 7, 4, D 1-6
human and humanoid) to serve. beam, studded with sharp spikes. It (shortsword) or 2-5 (light crossbow);
seems to be fastened to a hinge at the XP 16, 15
Guards (3): AC 4 (chain & shield), MV 9", west end, and supported by a cord at the Serjeants (2 on beds): AC 4 (chain & shield),
Level 0, hp 6, 5, 4, #AT 1, D 1-8 (long- east, which connects to a fastening on MV 9", Level 2 Fighter, hp 15,12, #AT 1,
sword) or 2-5 (light crossbow), XP 20, the door. None of the bunks block the D 1-8 (longsword); XP 21, 18
19,18 door or stand below the beam. Under duress, the Serjeants admit that
their masters often use disguises to spy in
The guardpost contains only a stool. In Many small but worthless items, such as Nulb, Hommlet, and other towns.
the area west of the drape are two chairs and clothing, footwear, sacks, rope, ef al. are
a table, a barrel with 48 extra crossbow under the bunks and in the boxes, but no This 20' x 30' room is lit by four
bolts, and a cask of water. Two torches burn treasure is here. The south torch is the one torches in wall sconces. This place con-
in wall sconces, and a hooded lantern on the which, if pulled down, opens a three-foot- tains a pair of beds, a trestle table, two
table is lit. Beside the lantern are three mugs wide, four-foot-tall secret door leading to benches, two chairs, a writing table, a
and a jug of wine. area 243. wardrobe, and four stools. At the foot of
each bed is a large chest. A small fire
242. CROOKED CORRIDOR The spiked beam is a trap on the secret burns in the fireplace in the south wall,
door leading to area 245 (q.v.). An attempt over which part of a sheep is cooking on
This area is a cramped barracks for 20 to disconnect (remove) it, if unsuccessful, a spit. A flowing water fountain in the
guards, quarters of those in area 241. Four inflicts 2-12 points of damage to the person east wall spills into a basin below it.
are herein, with their leader, a swordsman making the attempt, as the beam swings Rush mats cover the floor, and a few rag-
(Level 3 Fighter); the others are out on a down and smashes the secret door open ged tapestries adorn the walls. Two small
raiding expedition. All are clad in black. with a crash. kegs (of beer, by their aroma) are on the
Each guardsman carries 2-8 gp; the leader table; numerous drinking vessels and
wears a gold chain (worth 150 gp) set with a 243. ROOM, 20' x 30' dishes are on wall shelves.
large jet gem (worth 100 gp), and carries 27
gp in a belt pouch. Eight bandits (Level 0) are here with two 243a. COMMANDER'S QUARTERS
Serjeants (Level 2 Fighters). Their leaders are Commander Feldrin, a sharper (Level 7
If combat goes badly, the leader pulls a in the small adjacent rooms (A and B). Four
torch on the south wall (which opens a bandits in chain mail are seated at a central thief), lives here. Horned red skulls are
secret door to area 243) and get help from trestle table, drinking beer, their shields set worked on the chest and back of his cloak of
the bandits therein while stepping out of the beside them. Two others in scale mail are protection + 2 and leather armor + 1, and
fray himself. As he is rather arrogant, feel- lounging by the west doors, and two more he wears a similar symbol on a silver neck
ing his abilities to be equal to nearly any in simple leather are seated on stools by the chain (worth 30 gp). His belt pouch is a
test, he does not get the bandits unless fireplace in the south wall, cradling their small bag of holding (1,000 gp capacity)
invaders are obviously winning. trusty crossbows. (They can fire quickly at containing 2-12 of each coin type.
intruders.) The Serjeants are at ease on their
The guards and their leader all wear chain beds in the south corners of the room. Feldrin: AC 1 (leather +1), MV 12", Level 7
mail armor and carry shields. The leader Thief, hp 33; XP 989; S 15 113 W 9 D18
gains a -3 AC bonus due to his 17 Dexterity, Each crossbowman has a case of 20 bolts. Co 15 Ch 17; #AT 1, D 4-10 (broadsword
and a + 1 damage bonus (Strength 15), but All the bandits wear black, and each carries + 2)
does not normally use a shield. 2-8 gp. Each Serjeant carries 21-30 gp.

Guards (4): AC 4 (chain & shield), MV 9", Noise of attack most certainly rouses the
Level 0, hp 7, 5, 5, 4, #AT 1, D 1-8 (long- leaders from their private rooms. Com-
mander Feldrin (see room 243a) fights along
with his troops as long as they seem to have
a good chance of winning, but tries to


Syri Nity (order #5099312)

If captured, Feldrin does not speak unless tries to use his darts (fire rate 3 per round, well-appointed place for important Temple
forced, but he might tell of the Greater Temple with + 1 "to hit" bonus due to 16 Dexterity) guests. A heavy drape hangs on the eastern
two levels below and the fearsome things before engaging, and of course uses his portion of the south wall. A brazier and
therein. (He has been there only a few times and assassin skills if possible. pair of torches (in sconces) both light and
cannot guide adventurers beyond the stairs to Brunk: AC 4 (leather & shield), MV12 ", Level warm the room. The 10' square alcove to
Dungeon Level Three—the flight just north of the north contains a pair of rude cots and a
area 204.) He does speak of therivalriesof the 4/4 Fighter/Assassin, hp 28, #AT 1, D 1-8 small table; the latter holds a flagon and
various minor Temples, laughing at them, for (longsword) or 2-5 (dagger +1), SA 6 poi- several ceramic mugs.
he knows that there are ettins, demons, and soned darts, class abilities; XP 868
other horrible creatures serving the Great The drape covers the south door, so thai
Priests below. He will always attempt to bar- 244. LOUNGE light shows neither from the cracks nor th<
gain for his life, or to escape (as opportunity Light in this room is not usually visible from peep hole. The flagon contains wine.
the southern approach, as a heavy drape 245. RECEPTION HALL
This small 10' square side room is lit by a hangs inside the door. A peep hole therein per-
hanging lamp of dull metal. It contains a mits observation by the occupants. This 40' x 50' chamber was evidently
bed, stand, chair, wardrobe, and chest. one in which new arrivals were hosted to
A small rug is on the floor near the bed. The guards in this room are loyal to the delights of the Temple; at least, this is
A cup, ewer, and box are on the stand. In Brunk, the half-ore bandit lieutenant (see what the wall murals depict. A few
the southwest corner is a black candela- room 243b). This detachment consists of pieces of battered furniture—couches,
brum with four unlit candles. four Level 0 bandits (two human, two half- chairs, and stands—remain along the
ore) and one half-ore leader (Level 3 walls. In the center of the room is a shal-
The lamp is unpolished silver, worth 120 Fighter). Each is garbed in black; the low pool, its fountain apparently
gp. The rug is of quite fine manufacture, swordsman also has a black cape. stopped and the decorative statue, of a
worth 260 gp. The cup, ewer, and box are minotaur sitting on a throne, much dirt-
wrought gold, worth 200 gp, 275 gp, and The two human bandits are scurvy ied. Several skeletons lie about the place,
150 gp respectively; the last contains sweet- knaves who prefer half-ore company to and some odd skulls and bones as well —
meats, the others wine. The chest is locked human. One of this pair watches at a peep mostly humans, but some humanoids
and doubly trapped with a poisoned needle hole in the south door, and alerts the others also. None of the many cressets and
in the lock and poison gas inside, which fills if intruders are sighted. Each wears leather walls sconces are lit; no torches remain.
the whole room unless the trap is removed armor, carries a light crossbow with 20
(save or die). The chest contains clothing bolts, and has 2-5 gp. The minotaur is alive. It wears gray
and the like, a sack (containing 112 pp and leather armor, and is dirtied to appear as il
74 gp), a silver bracelet set with much fine The two half-ore bandits wear chain mail stone, 90% undetectable as real unless stud-
jade (jewelry value 1,700 gp), a small lumpy and shield; each carries a spear, shortsword, ied within 15 foot range—and it attacks
velvet bag (which holds 6 zircons worth 50 and coin purse containing 3 cp, 3 sp, 3 ep, 3 before such an approach. This monster par-
gp each), two potion vials (one healing, one gp, and 1 pp. ticularly hates the bandits; after it killed
invisibility), and a bone scrollcase (with an (and ate) one, they harrassed it, shot it with
illusionist spell, misdirection). The swordsman, leader of this detach- bolts, and have tried to starve it (despite the
ment, is fanatically loyal to Brunk, and will fact that it is here, guarding against
243b. LIEUTENANT'S QUARTERS remain so whatever occurs. He does what- intruders, on instructions from Temple offi-
Brunk, a half-ore Fighter/Assassin, ever Brunk wishes. He wears plate & shield, cials). It therefore charges whenever it sees
carries 31 gp and 4 pp, and has a dagger black-clad intruders, even if it has little
dwells here. As previously noted, he hates with a tourmaline (worth 175 gp) set in the hope of prevailing. It otherwise attacks any-
Feldrin and covets his command. Brunk pommel, which was given him by Brunk. one approaching within 20 feet.
dresses in black leather armor and wears a His 17 Strength gives him a + 1 bonus on "to Minotaur: AC 4, MV 12 ", HD 6 + 3, hp 35,
short black cape as well. His black shield, hit" and damage rolls.
adorned with the device of the red horned #AT 2, D 2-8 butt or 1-4 bite/4-9 (flail),
skull, is specially designed to hold six darts, Human bandits (2): AC 8 (leather armor), SD surprised on 1 only (on Id6); XP 680
each of which is treated with deadly poison MV 12 ", Level 0, hp 5 each, #AT 1, D 1-6 Under the stone throne is a bag with 13
(though the victim gains a + 2 bonus to the (shortsword), SA light crossbow (D 2-5); agates of various types (worth 10 gp each) and
saving throw). He also wears a ring of pro- XP 19 each a scroll of protection from elementals (all).
tection + 2, and a gold earring (100 gp) inset
with a tiny ruby worth 1,000 gp. His purse Half-ore bandits (2): AC 4 (chain & shield), 246. CIRCULAR STAIRWAY
holds 8 ep and 16 gp. MV 9", Level 0, hp 8, 6, #AT 1, D 1-8 This alcove is at the base of a stairway
(longsword), SA 1 spear each (D 1-6,
Brunk knows little of the Greater Temple ranges l"/2"/3"); XP 22, 20 which circles counter-clockwise upward,
—only what Feldrin has told him. In case of leading to area 153 (Dungeon Level One).
attack he alerts those in area 243 or 244 (as Half-ore swordsman: AC 2 (plate & shield),
appropriate) before emerging for battle. He MV 6", Level 3 Fighter, hp 18, #AT 1,
D 2-9 (battle axe); XP 104

The plastered walls, paintings, wall hang-
ings, two couches, and upholstered chairs
in this room indicate that it was once a

74 J

Syri Nity (order #5099312)



Dungeon Level Three

I This level was designed to Zuggtmoy's RANDOM ENCOUNTERS Details
(specifications. When she reigned over the (Ignore in the northern area containing
ilemple, the northernmost portion of the area Black pudding: AC 6, MV 6 ", HD10, hp 55,
(339-353) was for rewarding the "faithful", as Zuggtmoy.) #AT 1, D 3-24, SA dissolves wood &
well as for her personal pleasure. Worship- metal, SD affected only by fire; AL N,
pers could receive audience with their Mis- Roll d % once per turn and refer to the fol- SZ L (7' dia.), XP 1350 + 14/hp
tress or Her ministers without being initiated lowing chart. (A result of 13 or more means
into the secrets of the Greater Temple on the no encounter.) If Zuggtmoy is free to roam Ettins (2): AC 3, MV 12", HD 10, #AT 2, D 2-
level below. Councils and similar matters this level, she appears alone if the result is 16/3-18, SD surprised only on a 1; AL CE,
were likewise conducted in these rooms and 96-98. If the result is 99-00, she appears with SZ L (13' + ), XP 1950 + 14/hp
'chambers. The southern portion of the level others; roll again on this chart, using Idl2,
(the whole) housed Zuggtmoy's trusted ser- to find the exact type, and then roll the Gargoyles (5-8): AC 5, MV 9 '715 ", HD 4 + 4,
vants and her "pets"; a few of the latter still appropriate die to find the number of oth- #AT 4, D 1-3/1-3/1-6/1-4, SA + 1 bonus
remain. ers. "to hit" and damage when first swooping to
attack, SD hit only by + 1 or better magic
When the Temple was overthrown, the All encounters are with monsters from weapons; AL CE, SZ M, XP 165 + 5/hp
magical sealing of the place (to imprison Zug- level 4, except the black puddings (who are
gtmoy) also sealed off the northern portion of simply scavenging). Hill Giants (2-3): AC 4, MV 12", HD 8 + 2,
this dungeon level. The entire wall separating #AT 1, D 2-16, SA boulders (D 2-16, nor-
the northern and southern portions is thus ld20 Result mal ranges 6'713'720 ", indoor ranges 3'7
magical, radiating a strong dweomer. It defies 6712"); AL CE, SZ L (10' + ), XP 1400 +
any attempts to pass through it, whether by 01-03 1 black pudding 12/hp
physical or magical means (including even a 04 1-2 ettins
wish). Similarly, the area cannot be examined 05 5-8 gargoyles Ogres (5-8): AC 3, MV 9", HD 4 + 1, #AT 1,
by crystal ball or other scrying, and cannot be 06-07 D 9-18 (3d4 + 6, with huge trident); AL CE,
penetrated by way of teleport or dimension 08-09 2-3 hill giants SZL(9'+), XP90 + 5/hp
door, plane travel (including Ethereality), etc.. 10-12 5-8 ogres
In short, the area can be penetrated only by 13-95 2-3 trolls Trolls (2-3): AC 4, MV 12", HD 6 + 6, #AT 3,
direct entrance through the sealed bronze gate 96-98 No encounter. D 5-8/5-8/2-12, SD regenerates (3 hp per
(area 340), or by finding a Key in one of the 99-00 Zuggtmoy alone (if free). round starting 3 rounds after being dam-
Elemental Nodes (q.v.) which transfer the user Zuggtmoy (if free) with others— aged); AL CE, SZ L (9'), XP 525 + 8/hp
to one of the Elemental symbols in area 339. roll again (Idl2) to find type.


Syri Nity (order #5099312)

ROOM KEY prevent intruders from passing through area each door is an empty torch bracket.
301. When it hears noise therein, it emerges Each of the four iron doors leading out of
301. DOMED HEXAGONAL CHAMBER and moves to attack all unauthorized visi- the chamber—two on the north wall,
tors. However, it was once fed by clerics of two on the east—is secured by a large
The guardians of this chamber, currently the Air Temple, and so does not attack those lock. A great heap of cloth, pillows, and
in the side rooms (areas 302-305), issue from garbed accordingly—though it requests skins lies in the southwest corner, with a
their lairs to investigate any intruder noises. food from them ("plenty of nice flesh!") and tun, barrel, and sack nearby.
does not allow them passage through an The pot contains a scummy broth, the
This large chamber is empty and bare. iron door (in area 306). remains of the ettin's last meal. One giant
The polished stones of its floor, walls, Troll: AC 4, MV 12 ", HD 6 + 6, hp 48, #AT 3, weasel pelt in the bed-pile is worth 2,000 gp.
and vaulted ceiling are exceptionally The sack nearby is filled with dried, smoked
smooth and closely fitted, and also seem D 5-8/5-8/2-12, SD regenerates (3 hp per meat—probably bugbear or ogre. The locks
to be of remarkable hardness. Each round starting 3 rounds after being dam- on the iron doors can be picked, knocked
sound—footfall or spoken word— aged); XP 909 each (x4) open, or physically forced, though the last
echoes alarmingly in this place. Though This bare room reeks of troll. The floor is option requires 1-4 hours of grueling work,
two brackets for torches are mounted on covered with a filthy litter of dung, creates great amounts of noise, and attracts
each wall (flanking the doors), all are bones, trash, and bits of cloth. An iron the attention of all creatures nearby.
empty. hook protrudes from the far wall, from 307. GROTTO
which a large key depends. A huge iron This is the domain of two leucrotta, pre-
The stairs to the east lead up to area 210 eye bolt is sunk in the stone of this same vious pets of Zuggtmoy. Their den is the
(Dungeon Level Two). wall, and from it runs a thick iron chain, small cave to the southeast of the circular
five feet long, its end broken. The glint of chamber. They are now cared for by the
302-305. ROOMS, 30' x 20' metal can be seen when the rubbish on ettin (area 306), but not nearly often enough
the floor is moved. to suit them; they are voracious.
One description (below) applies to each Scattered on the floor are 2-20 of each
of these areas. Each occupant is a troll, coin type (pp, gp, ep, sp, cp). Searching This circular chamber, some 40 feet in
guarding a key to one of the iron doors in reveals 1-10 misc. coins per turn per person. diameter and 40 feet high at the apex of
area 306. 306. SQUARE CHAMBER its dome, is made to appear as if it were a
An ettin dwells herein. Though he hates natural setting (albeit bleak and disquiet-
In each case, the troll attacks any intruder the trolls (areas 302-305), they are too ing). The walls are hewn to appear as
not bearing the colors and identification numerous for him to do much more than boulders, and detritus is spread by the
symbols of the Greater Temple —black garb harass them occasionally. He serves as an walls. Jagged rocks likewise protrude
and golden skull, or a grinning horned additional guard and beastkeeper. He car- from the perimeter in seemingly natural
skull, or an eye of fire. A visitor with proper ries a firepot on his belt, and one of his clubs manner. Even in the relatively open cen-
identification may demand passage; if so, is oil-soaked (so he can light it and threaten ter, the floor is uneven, with cracks,
the troll fetches its key, accompanies the vis- a troll or two when the opportunity arises). ledges, and loose rock.
itor to the appropriate door, opens the door, A sack hanging from his belt contains 157
and locks it after use. Having entered, a visi- gp, 5 azurites, 6 hematites, and 7 tiger eyes The whole area is dimly lit by a gray
tor may later exit by banging on the door (each gem worth 10 gp), and a box of carved light, with no apparent source but none-
and getting the attention of the ettin in that ivory (worth 100 gp) in which are six blocks theless leaving pools of shadows near the
area, who then fetches the appropriate troll. of incense of meditation. walls. A cold, damp breeze moans and
Ettin: AC 3, MV 12", HD 10, hp 53, #AT 2, sighs throughout, and the air smells foul.
The keys in these rooms fit the doors in D 2-16/3-18, SD surprised only on a 1; A bone projects from a fissure to the
area 306 as follows: XP 2692 east, and near it is a full skeleton clad in
Room has Key to Door (in area 306) The ceiling of this large 50' square cham- chain mail. A leering skull atop a low
302 a (north wall, west door) ber is at least 40 feet high. Over a great slab of rock to the northwest seems to
303 b (north wall, east door) fire pit (now cold) in the center of the taunt you.
304 c (west wall, north door) room hang several large chains, one of
305 d (west wall, south door) which suspends a great iron pot. Several The leucrotta attack anyone foolish
eye bolts are set in the walls, to each of enough to enter their grotto unless the
Special Note, area 302: which is attached a 10' long chain. Beside intruder is a demon or some other monster
The secret door in the northwest wall has obviously involved with the Greater Temple
(on Dungeon Level Four; note that anyone
a concealed ring on its interior side. From bearing the "branched staff", described in
without, it swings inward when pressure is area 427, commands their respect).
applied at the bottom of the panel. The 5'
wide passage connects areas 302 and 315.

A troll lairs here, its sworn duty being to


Syri Nity (order #5099312)

Leucrotta (2): AC 4, MV18", HD 6 +1, hp 34, of an area of 16 foot depth, its sides and Note that noise herein does not attract the
29, #AT 1, D 3-18, SA imitate voices, SD floor sheathed in smooth, highly pol- occupant of area 309a unless intruders are
kick hooves in retreat (D 1-6/1-6); XP 747, ished bronze. The corridor continues on or near the floor of the area. The holes in
707 east 20 feet, opening into a chamber like- the ceiling are the only remnants of an ear-
wise adorned. Further progress is possi- lier plan to construct a hanging observation
The skeleton in the grotto is dwarven, ble by using narrow ledges along the gallery, never completed; Zuggtmoy simply
clad in chain mail + 1. At the bottom of a north and south walls of this corridor, walked along the ceiling to view the speci-
nearby crack (three feet deep and six inches each being a mere six inches wide—or, of men, and others were uninterested.
wide), just a foot or two from the skeleton's course, you may climb down in or tra-
right hand, is an axe + 1. A backpack under verse the depression by magical means. All the bronze is magical, enchanted to
the skeleton contains typical adventuring prevent the area's occupant from burrowing
equipment, and a belt pouch holds eight A few scraps of trash litter the floor— out. The creature will use the ladder if possi-
vials of holy water. a bit of cloth, a small bone, and possibly ble.
a broken dagger. Your lights reflect well 309a. SOUTH CUBICLE
In the den is another dwarven skeleton, from the mirror-like sheets of bronze.
scattered in many pieces. Mixed with the If the corridor ceiling is examined or This is the current lair of an umber hulk,
bones are five quarrels +3, a broken light approached, use the following description. who alternates its habitat between this and
crossbow, a broken shield, tattered chain Some sort of metal gridwork is pressed the northern cubicle. It is occasionally fed
mail, an intact shortsword, and a belt with against the stone overhead. From a point by the ettin (area 306). If presented with the
four small pouches fashioned thereon as part 10' west of the room, it extends east into opportunity, it climbs the ladder in prefer-
of the belt. One pocket holds three gems (an it, being about 35 feet long and five feet ence to attacking intruders, as this is its
amethyst and two pearls, each worth 100 gp); wide; it is affixed to the northern half of most likely means of escape. If freed, it tries
the other three pockets are empty. This belt the corridor ceiling. The grillwork con- to devour one man-sized victim, kill 5-8
magically reduces weight; each pocket can sists of three long bronze rods latticed by others to satisfy its long-pent rage at its cap-
hold 100 gp (or ten pounds weight) as if it were slightly smaller rods at intervals of 18 tivity (whether characters or local resi-
but 1 gp (or a tenth of a pound). However, inches or thereabouts. A heavy bronze dents), and then dig its way out of the
nothing larger than one by two by three inches chain hangs from its east end, in the dungeons.
can fit into a pocket, and the maximum cubic room, down to a point ten feet above the Umber hulk: AC 2, MV 6 " (1 "-6 "), HD 8 + 8,
volume capacity for a pocket is three by six by floor.
twelve inches. (Thus, vials of holy water hp 50, #AT 3, D 3-12/3-12/2-10, SA gaze
would easily fit, but a dagger or wand would (save vs. spells or be confused 3-12
not, in most cases.) The belt is worth 5,000 gp rounds); XP 1900
(XP Value 1,000). Through the south archway is a 10'
cubicle. Its floor is covered with piles of
307a. STAIRS This is a ladder which can be pulled down cloth, skins, hides, and furs, creating a
The exit south from the leucrotta cham- by 250 or more pounds of weight. The west nest-like area in the center. A small basin
end remains fixed to the roof of the passage, of water on the east wall is fed by a small
ber opens into a 10' wide corridor leading as the east end swings down into the pit bronze gargoyle face which spits liquid
west, which ends in a set of stairs. The stairs (working rather as a modern fire escape lad- into the bowl, where a small drain takes
descend 20 feet and turn northward, contin- der). Note that users must keep hold of it or away the excess.
uing down to Dungeon Level Four, area 401. weight it, else it swings back up into storage If 15 man-turns are spent searching this
308. FOUNTAIN position. If used, the noise as it hits the floor room, a pair of small-sized boots of
brings the occupant of the place (in area elvenkind is found. These fit any person of
Horrid faces, carved from the same rock 309a) rushing forth at full speed! gnome size or thereabouts, possibly a small-
as the passage, snarl and vomit forth thin footed human female.
streams of water which are caught in a Read the following if the main chamber is 309b. NORTH CUBICLE
multi-tiered basin. The liquid has an evil observed. Through the north archway is a 10' cubi-
smell, and the basin has become lined cle. Its floor is a litter of bones, shredded
with some sort of aquatic growth. How- The chamber is octagonal, its sides and cloth and leather, broken weapons, bits
ever, the water is probably drinkable. floor still sheathed in polished bronze. of rope, and other items. The room is
The water is rather sulphurous but potable. The six-inch wide ledge extends around it foul, and stinks. Scattered amidst the
309. BRONZE PIT at the height of the entry corridor, 16 feet mess are a few coins of various types.
The corridor, thus far unremarkable, sud- above the floor. In the ceiling, which is Herein are a leather wand case containing
denly drops off. You stand at the brink cleanly cut from the surrounding rock,
are eight holes, each about two inches
across, placed to form a circle in the cen-
ter of the ceiling above the chamber. Two
arched portals near the floor are visible
in the north and south walls, each being
six feet wide and nine feet tall.


Syri Nity (order #5099312)

a wand of lightning (5-50 charges), a pouch notice your presence and cry out for aid! and a scroll of four magic-user spells (spider
which holds five pieces of jewelry (each The rats, foxes, and jackals take no climb, levitate, infravision, extension I).
worth 300-1800 gp), and an alabaster flask notice, but the harpies look up, notice 311. CHAMBER OF STATUES
(worth 25 gp) filled with perfume (a rare you, and open their mouths.
sort worth 1,400 gp). Scattered about are This circular chamber, some 40 feet in
50-300 cp, 30-120 sp, 20-80 ep, 10-60 gp, Most of this area radiates magic. The har- diameter, is lit by four weirdly glowing
and 5-50 pp. If—and only //—all of the pies are actually gargoyles; the prisoners are globular cressets of ancient bronze. The
coins are dug out of the trash, involving 12 actually jackalweres. The rats and foxes are light reveals nine monstrous statues,
man-turns of work, 3-12 gems (each worth illusory, but the jackals and items are real. whose stoney visages are still sufficient
50 gp) can also be found. The deceptions are from a permanent illu- to strike fear into the heart. Beyond a
sion, other elements of which are the cap- smallish blue dragon is a beholder; a fire
3X0. SUNLIT ROOM tives' wounds and chains. giant, manticore, and medusa seem to
stand in frozen conversation; and off to
As soon as you turn the bend in the pas- A few jackals were waiting at the bend in one side are a mummy, an ogre mage, a
sage, you see what appears to be a sunlit the passage, and ran back when intruders wight, and a rakshasa.
area to the northwest. The corridor is were sighted to warn their masters, the jack- The lights are will-o-wisps, shedding a
only dimly illuminated at the bend, due alweres, of the approaching food.... dim violet radiance. They wait until the
to a shimmering haze, but the light characters' attentions are concentrated on
grows brighter towards the area ahead. The initial attack by the gargoyles is pref- the statues (and the items they have, and the
aced by their squawking, slightly similar implied threats; see below). At that time,
Continue if the room is approached. but in no way as effective as that of real har- the 'wisps slowly glide forward, cleverly
pies. As these monsters squawk and fly in to dimming their lights so shadows and light
Just before entering the place, you see attack, the normal jackals also turn to intensity do not betray their movement, and
small dim shapes moving about. Though devour intruders. While these attacks occur, suddenly attack in concert. If two are slain,
the haze distorts them, they appear to be the jackalweres (still playing prisoner) add the others flee. In each of the four cressets is
giant rats and foxes. The area is a 20' x their sleep gazes to disable intruders. If this a star sapphire worth 1,000 gp.
30' room, the ceiling (if there is one) is is noticed or if the gargoyles start losing the Will-o-wisps (4): AC -8, MV 18", HD 9, hp
impossible to see, due to the bright light. fight, the jackalweres "break" their illusory
Blue sky and a hot sun seem to be over- chains, grab their very real weapons, and 40, 38, 36, 33, #AT 1, D 2-16, SD immune
head, but the sky appears close—only 20 move in for the attack while exclaiming to most spells, can become invisible for 2-8
feet up, or thereabouts. their intent to aid the party. The male uses rounds; XP 1680, 1656, 1632, 1596
the longsword; the female, the mace (which Beholder
In each of four alcoves in the northern appeared to be a rod) and the dagger (gain- This statue seems to gaze fixedly upon a
portion of the chamber (two in the north ing two attacks per round). If grappled, scroll tube lying before it.
wall, one to either side, and all about ten they drop their weapons and shift form to The tube is protected by a fire trap. It con-
feet above the floor) sits a harpy, gazing jackal-headed guise, resorting to bite tains a scroll of protection from magic.
with evident pleasure at the scene below. attacks. Dragon
Centered below is a raised slab of rock, From the head formation, this must be a
upon which are chained a man and a Gargoyles (4): AC 5, MV 9V15", HD 4 + 4, blue dragon. It seems to be admiring a
woman. Swarming around this table-like hp 27, 25, 24, 20, #AT 4, D 1-3/1-3/1-6/1- copper bound box which is filled with
slab are a score of jackals and twice as 4, SD hit only by + 1 or better weapon; XP gems.
many giant rats. All are attempting to 300, 290, 285, 265 The box is two feet wide and tall, and
clamber up to devour the victims, but the three feet long. It contains 200 quartz gems
rock is quite smooth and evidently slip- Jackalweres (2): AC 4, MV 12", HD 4, hp 27, (base value 1 gp each, maximum value 10 gp
pery, for only rarely does one of the beasts 22, #AT 1, D 2-8, SA gaze = sleep (save vs. each). The box itself is magical, with invisi-
manage to leap up and attack. The chains spells), weapon use, SD hit only by iron or ble runes scribed upon its front; these reveal
have sufficient slack to enable the prisoners + 1 or better weapon; XP 908, 888 four command words. The first shrinks the
to defend themselves slightly; thus, when box to a twelfth of normal size, with all con-
bitten, the victim can move away or lash Jackals (20): AC 7, MV 12", HD Vz, hp 4, 3, tents likewise becoming minute. The weight
out. Each prisoner has a few bites evident, 2, 1 (5 of each), #AT 1, D 1-2; XP 9 (x5), 8
but more often than not they strike the (x5), 7 (x5), 6 (x5)
attacking beast off the rock. In a concealed space under the rock slab

To tantalize the captives, several items are the monsters' treasures, garnered from
lay atop the slab just out of their reach: a victims since Zuggtmoy no longer takes
large ring with a key in it, a dagger, a such from them. The loot includes 104 cp,
longsword, and a rod of some sort. As 171 sp, 223 ep, 410 gp, 67 pp, 9 gems (roll
you observe this tableaux, the prisoners for random value), two pieces of jewelry
(random value), a potion of plant control,


Syri Nity (order #5099312)

of the shrunken chest, empty or filled, is 30 Ogre mage know the path, and will come to guide
pounds. The second word causes the chest This statue is adorned with a silver chain you". You see a comely head moving this
(if normal sized) to function as one upon around its neck, from which depends a way and that through the huge fungi,
which a Leomund's secret chest spell has silver globe with the face, in bas relief, of evidently following a winding course
been placed (but with no smaller replica the Man in the Moon. through the growths.
necessary!). The third word causes the box The necklace is magical. It holds, and
to return to full size or normal place, as The lamia in this area tends the "garden,"
applicable. The fourth word causes growth keeps permanent (until used), a pebble simi- awaiting Zuggtmoy's return. While at a dis-
to quadruple dimensions, with sides, top, lar to a sling stone which is an Otiluke's tance, she first casts a charm person spell at
and bottom of one foot thickness, huge cop- freezing sphere. This can be detached and the most powerful-looking character.
per bands, and a weight of 1,200 pounds. hurled to 60' range, then bursting and Before checking its success, she then uses
Fire Giant inflicting 4-24 points of cold damage to each suggestion on another character, saying that
victim within ten feet. some fungi cause insanity, and he or she
The mighty right hand of this statue Rakshasa must aid in restraining any character who
bears a spear, held like a dart. insanely attacks others. The lamia then
advances under the illusion of being an
This is a spear + 2, cursed backbiter (see One of the stoney digits of this horrid armor-clad female fighter, while asking the
DMG page 169). statue is circled by a golden ring. (hopefully) charmed victim to turn and
Manticore This is a ring of delusion which performs check the other characters for insanity.
as X-ray vision for one turn before becom-
This stone monster appears to be poised ing absolutely false and useless. The monster then attacks with her
over a crossbow. Wight shortsword +1 (gaining a +1 strength
This is a crossbow of speed, but its string bonus to damage) and wisdom-draining
is missing. It will not fire until a new one is This stone figure crouches before a silver touch, engaging two different opponents if
added with an enchant weapon then placed urn, perhaps some form of funerary ves- at all possible. She does not attack the vic-
upon it, or until a string from another magi- sel. tims of her charm and suggestion spells if
cal crossbow is used. Furthermore, the new The urn is platinum, an ancient votive they seem to have succumbed to the
string will break if a "to hit" roll of a natural worth 20,000 gp. Inside is a fine magical enchantments. She concentrates the touch
20 is rolled for firing a bolt. powder, dust of sneezing and choking, attacks on one opponent, if possible, and
Medusa which spills out if the vessel is examined. continually urges the victim to turn and aid
This figure wears a velvety cloak of deep Each creature within 20 feet at that time is her in attacking the others "who are obvi-
black. disabled for 5-20 rounds, and must make a ously insane, from the fungi". If the victim's
This is a cloak of poisonousness (see saving throw vs. poison or die. None of the Wisdom reaches 2, he or she will comply. If
DMG page 141), which can be handled dust can be recovered or saved for later use. damaged significantly, the lamia flees into
safely but, when donned, instantly slays the 312. EARTH-FLOORED AREA the maze of fungi, casts a mirror images
wearer (no saving throw). spell (producing three images), and immedi-
Mummy The whole floor of this chamber is cov- ately returns to the fray.
This detailed sculpture holds a staff in ered with a noisome earth, soil that con-
one hand and a ceramic bottle in the tains much manure and other rotting Lamia: AC 3, MV 24 ", HD 9, hp 48, #AT 2,
other. things. From this sickening humus spring D 3-8 (weapon)/0 + wisdom drain
The former item is a normal quarterstaff numerous thin-stalked fungi growths, (touch), SA spells, XP 2276
upon which a glyph of warding (blindness) thicker ones bearing strange caps,
has been placed. The bottle holds a pint of spongy-looking growths, and various The monster wears a gold necklace
strong acid (a double-sized flask, for D 4-16 shelf-fungi and tumerous spherical blobs (worth 1,000 gp) set with five star rubies
when thrown as a grenade-like missile, or 4 growing from niches and shelves placed (each worth 1,000 gp). Extremely careful or
splashes to 10' range, damage 1 per splash). along the walls. These latter growths, as magical examination also reveals a pair of
well as a few of those growing from the bracers of defense AC 6 hidden on her long-
floor, give off a ghostly phosphorescent haired legs.
The door at the southwest corner leads to
As you set foot in the place, you hear a stairs up, which end at area 222a (Dungeon
female voice call out a warning to "stand Level Two).
still! Some of the fungi are dangerous. I
312a. STAIRS

The exit at the southeast corner of the
lamia chamber opens into a 10' wide corri-
dor, jogging south and continuing east,
which ends in a set of stairs. The stairs


Syri Nity (order #5099312)

descend 20 feet and turn northward, contin- 315. HEXAGONAL CHAMBER Torch brackets are affixed to the walls of
uing down to Dungeon Level Four, area 401. Six bugbears are quartered herein. Origi- this hexagonal chamber, but without
313. CIRCULAR SHAFT torches. The stone here is of mottled rust
nally, they and their captain were to patrol and moss-green hue. The ceiling arches
This area is not in use; the floor is cov- for intruders and keep the fighting between to a height of about 25 feet in the center.
ered with dried husks, castings, and the factions to a minimum, preventing the A large iron brazier stands in the center
other less definable litter. Heavy webs destruction of the real strength of the whole of the room, and a rude table by the
mask the ceiling, but they are at least 20 Elemental Evil effort. They are thus dressed south wall, with a cabinet nearby. Two
feet up, so it must be some distance in black. They are now simply staying here, heaps of pillows, cushions, and old cloth
beyond. The dust and dirt collected on keeping out of sight and "dogging it" (so to (rugs, tapestries, etc.) lie on the floor.
the strands of spidersilk show that the speak). If they discover intruders or are
monster which made them is probably attacked, they shout to alert their fellows (in The cabinet holds some smoked meat,
no longer here. areas 316-318) or strike the warning gong, cheese, several bottles of wine, and eight
The trap door in the northwest part of the whichever is the more easily accomplished. battered silver plates (worth 25 gp each).
floor is well hidden. A small stone flag must The bugbears do not know of the existence 317. PLEASURE CHAMBER
be lifted to reveal the door's opening ring. of the secret passage which leads to area
Steep steps lead down to a passage, the floor 302. Each has a small bag of unappetizing Four ogres use this room as a lair. They
of which is about 15 feet below that of this foodstuffs and miscellaneous junk, along were originally sent to find out what the
chamber. The steps are worn and relatively with 2-8 pp, 4-16 gp, and 5-30 ep. bugbears were doing; when they found
clean. A small twig broom lies at the bottom Bugbears (6): AC 5, MV 9 ", HD 3 +1, hp 19, them (and their master in area 318), they
of the steps, used to maintain the trap door's decided to stay, liking ease and the promise
obscurity. 17,16,15,12,10, #AT 1, D 2-8 (bardiche), of lots of food and treasure. The former has
314. CHAMBER OF EYES SA surprise on 1-3; XP 211, 203,199,195, been lacking, of late; they are hungry. They
For each turn that the party spends in 183, 175 fight normally, and the weakest of the four
here, a 50% chance exists that an inhabitant Torch brackets are affixed to the walls of is also a shaman, able to cast detect magic
of a connecting room (315-318) will enter. this hexagonal chamber, but without and light each day; he also has a javelin + 2
Use Id4 for random selection. torches. The stone here is of dull ocher. to hurl if hard-pressed.
The plastered walls of this triangular The ceiling arches to a height of about 25
room are covered with paintings of eyes feet in the center. A large iron brazier Each ogre has a large belt pouch contain-
and the symbol of the Eye of Fire—an stands in the center of the room, and a rude ing 10-80 gp and 10-60 pp; the largest also
equilateral triangle with a "Y" shape table by the south wall. Six heaps of old has three carnelians (each worth 50 gp) hid-
within, the branches at the base corners cloth (rugs, tapestries, clothing, and badly den inside his jack. Each ogre gains a + 2
and the stem meeting the apex. The eyes cured animal skins) lie on the floor. strength bonus to damage when using the
are of all sorts—human and monstrous, weapon noted (a huge morning star).
blind-looking, multi-faceted, and of var- 316. HEXAGONAL CHAMBER Ogres (4): AC 4; MV 9"; HD 4 + 1; hp 26,
ious colors—and all seem to stare in Two bugbear leaders (of those in area 315)
hatred, hunger, or fright. 22, 21, 20; #AT 1; D 3-12 (ldl0 + 2);
live here. Each is likewise clad in black. In SA smallest has cleric spells (detect
The chamber has seen rather rough use the event of trouble, these monsters rely on magic, light) and a javelin +2; XP 220,
of late, for there are piles of rubbish scat- their own force, not calling on those in areas 200, 195, 190
tered about, gnawed bones, and signs of 317 or 318. Each gains a + 1 strength bonus
a large fire apparently frequently burned to damage. They flee any unfavorable The walls of this colorful 30' square
in the middle of the floor. Just ten feet encounter if possible. room are covered with mosaics, depict-
south of the steps to the north is a large Bugbear leaders (2): AC 4; MV 9"; ing all sorts of weird and depraved
brass gong, suspended from a hornwood scenes. The floor is a mosaic of like
frame. Two smoky cressets burn on the HD 4; hp 24; 22; #AT 1; D 3-9 (bar- scenes. A few pieces of broken furniture
east and west walls, about midway diche); SA surprise on 1-3; XP 231, 223 are stacked near the fireplace in the west
between each pair of doors. Each leader carries 10 ep, 20 gp, and 10 pp, wall. Two heaps of rugs, skins, etc. are
and wears a gold ring set with a bloodstone (a by the east wall, with two more near the
The stairs to the north lead upwards to symbol the bugbears recognize as direct southeast corner. Between them is a large
area 209a (Dungeon Level Two). The gong authority over them, by order of Zuggtmoy barrel. Two small pots stand near the
can be rung by striking it with any blunt herself) worth 50 gp. The larger wears an elec- fireplace, and a large kettle is suspended
weapon or similar object. The sound will trum armlet (worth 30 gp) and a silver belt over the dead ashes. Two unlit cressets
arouse all those nearby (areas 315-318). buckle (15 gp); the other wears a gold earring are on each wall except the west. There
in one nostril (20 gp). are six in all.


Syri Nity (order #5099312)

The barrel contains 30 gallons of ale; the 319. ROOM, 20' x 20' seems to have been deserted for some
pots and kettle are empty. The oaken door is bronze-bound and time. Several long tables, chairs, and
held fast by a large bar and padlock as sideboards are here, all dusty but other-
318. PLEASURE CHAMBER well. wise in good condition. The tables still
The lock can be picked or destroyed by 25 hold many dishes, platters, drinking ves-
Scorpp, a hill giant, dwells herein with his sels, and containers.
pet wolf (worg) Splot. The giant is a bit points of damage. In four man-turns of searching, the party
smarter than most of his kind—smart The room is 20' square, with some filthy can find two golden settings. Each has four
enough to know that he has discovered a straw scattered on the floor, a small pieces: a flagon (250 gp value), a platter (300
way to live in ease, with slaves (the bug- drain hole in the northwest corner, and a gp), a plate (175 gp), and a salt cellar (50
bears and ogres) but not bright enough to water-filled barrel. Herein are two gp). The weight of each piece is half its gp
understand the consequences of his rebel- humans, an ore, a hobgoblin, and three value.
lion. He thinks of himself as King in this goblins. 322. HALL OF ARMORED SKELETONS
area, and the ogres and bugbears are seen as These are prisoners, captured on raids This 30' wide area is lined with disquiet-
his "loyal subjects" (slaves). He demands ing guardians—or trophies. Thirteen
that half of the food and treasure taken be and kept as food. All are rather skinny and human skeletons stand at attention along
given to him. weak; none will serve with the party. All ask each wall, all clad in various forms of
to be freed; the humans, who are farmers, armor. Each holds a different pole arm or
Scorpp has no intention of returning to also say that the others recently slew and ate missile weapon. Four large bronze stands
the Greater Temple below, liking the free- their friend Charlie. The monsters can be are by each wall, evidently candle hold-
dom and position he has found. He will slain without difficulty, if desired. ers, though no candles remain. Six pairs
fight any intruder, regardless of their garb; 320. ROOM, 20' x 30' of crossed swords and six shields deco-
but black-garbed enemies ensure his abso- rate the north wall.
lute resistance, for he sees such as former This oak door is heavily bound with The armor types and weapons are not
superiors, coming to punish him for his fail- bronze and secured by bar and heavy important; they are all useless, being rusted,
ure to return. padlock. rotten, and decayed. If any of the swords
The lock can be picked or destroyed by 25 and shields on the north wall are touched,
Scorpp keeps two boulders nearby for use points of damage. one falls with a loud clatter, alerting the
as missiles prior to melee. If combat goes The room is 20' x 30', littered with inhabitants of areas 323-324. One of the
badly, he asks for quarter, offering to serve straw. Herein are a gnoll, a bugbear, and shields is a shield +1, bearing the arms of
the opponents if his life is spared. He will, of two ogres. Veluna in canton, with a gold field showing
course, seek to escape or kill his captors, as These creatures are malnourished and crossed billets proper. The four candle
opportunity permits. He does know the way weak; all are sentenced to die for various stands are worth 5 gp each.
to the Greater Temple, and can estimate the acts of disobedience. None will serve with 323. SCARLET ROOM
number of bugbears ("more than fingers 'n' the party. If given the opportunity, they will Eight shadows linger in this chamber,
toes"), ogres ("many"), hill giants ("lots"), try to slay and eat their rescuers; however, awaiting the return of Zuggtmoy and Iuz—
and ettins ("couple-tree o' dem"). they can be slain without problem, due to and thereby a return to the days of feasting
their poor condition. and "sport" in the Temple. They are seldom
Hill Giant, Scorpp: AC 4; MV12"; HD 8 + 2; 321. HALL OF BLACK FEASTING fed, and are thus weak and hungry for life
hp 44; #AT 1; D 2-16; SA boulders (D 2-16, This 40' square room is floored in blocks forces. If they hear noise in area 322, they
normal ranges 6"/13"/20", indoor ranges of alternating red and black stone. The hurry to investigate.
376712"); XP 1928 supports and ceiling are all black. The Shadows (8): AC 7; MV 12"; HD 3 + 3;
walls are plastered and decorated with
Worg, Splot: AC 6; MV 18"; HD 4 + 4; scenes of horrid feasts—a banquet where hp 20,18,16,16,15,14,12,10; #AT 1; D
hp 23; #AT 1; D 2-8; XP 205 ghouls, ghasts, shadows, and vampires 2-5; SA hit drains 1 point strength (vic-
join Temple clerics and demons in an tim recovers in 2-8 turns), surprise 90%
Scorpp wears a black bearskin, pinned at unspeakable repast. The many cressets (undetectable unless brightly lit); SD hit
the shoulder by a silver skull clasp (50 gp along the walls are unlit, for this place only by +1 or better weapon; XP 335,
value). The room description is the same as 327, 319, 319, 315, 311, 303, 295
that for area 317, except that strange fung-
ous growths are also shown in the obscene
mosaics. The room contains one large heap
of bedding, an iron chest with a huge pad-
lock, and a thick rancid stew in the kettle in
the fireplace. The chest contains 622 ep,
2783 gp, 17 gems worth 10 gp each (nine
agates, four tiger eyes, and four bits of tur-
quoise), and a potion of red dragon control.


Syri Nity (order #5099312)

This chamber is red. The floor, walls, aged, their value drops to that of the silver not reveal them.
and curved ceiling are each of a subtly (5 gp). In the cabinet are several worthless
different hue, to jar the vision of the scrolls and books, jars and other containers Groaning Spirit: AC 0; MV 15"; HD 7;
onlooker. The overall impression is holding similarly worthless substances, a hp 39; #AT 1; D 1-8; SA deadly wail (30'
bloody and disgusting. Rotting cushions rope of 32 black pearls worth a total of range); fear on sight; SD hit only by + 1
and divans, all of red cloth and again 16,000 gp (mixed in with several pieces of or better weapon; immune to charm,
each slightly different from another, are worthless jewelry of black paste), a potion sleep, hold, cold, and electricity; XP
scattered here and there. A low round of hill giant strength, and a protection from 2840
table of wood lacquered in orange-red undead scroll. A thorough search takes
stands near the west end of the room; three turns. This place is covered with thick carpets,
upon it is a red serving set of several cups 325. KITCHEN with many cushions spread about. Upon
and a bowl. Each of the two candelabra it lies the mummified body of an elf, face
nearby holds 13 candle stubs. From the appearance of a huge fireplace down just beyond the entryway with the
The red serving set is made of cinnebar, in the north end of this room, and the hilt of a dagger protruding from its back.
the whole worth 450 gp. The candelabra are condition of various containers of Its remains are clad in rotting splendor;
made of solid rose gold; each weighs 1,200 foodstuffs—flour, meal, salt, oil, pre- the garments are of silk and brocade, and
gp and is worth 2,250 gp if maintained in served meats and cheeses—it is apparent jewels gleam from earrings, a necklace, a
good condition, or 1,200 gp if battered, that this kitchen is still used occasionally. bracelet, and two rings. The skeletal
bent, or dismantled. Enough food is here to feed several score right hand clutches a carved stone of
324. BLACK ROOM people for many days. Shelves and long some sort.
As with area 323, eight shadows lurk counters hold containers, foodstuffs,
herein, waiting for the return of the Temple's and cooking utensils: spits, skewers, Near the body is a large curio cabinet,
heyday. If noise is heard, they investigate long forks and spoons, ladles, etc. its door slightly ajar. The cabinet con-
rapidly, seeking life forces upon which they Behind a large open cupboard in the tains mummified portions of humans,
may feed. The strongest shadow carries a south section of the west wall is a concealed demi-humans, and humanoids, as well
short baton-like rod of ebony, which is door. The room beyond contains barrels of as small intricately carved statuettes and
graven with the glyphs of luz and Zuggt- beer, ale, wine, and even a small cask of blocks of ivory, soapstone, and so
moy. This device gives immunity from all brandy (40 pounds, 300 gp value). Also here forth—each depicting something
Turning and undead control in a 10' radius, are 26 crystal goblets and a matching obscene.
but its wielder cannot attack, as two hands decanter; this set fills three backpacks
are needed to carry the rod. (assuming careful packing to avoid break- The dark room has many unused can-
Shadows (8): AC 7; MV 12"; HD 3 + 3; age). The decanter is worth 200 gp; each delabra and wall sconces. Its plastered
goblet, 50 gp. walls are painted with scenes of deca-
hp 20,18,16,16,15,14,12,10; #AT 1; D 326. OPULENT BEDCHAMBER dence, and the tapestries hanging here
2-5; SA drain 1 point strength (victim A groaning spirit, the banshee of the dead and there show similar scenes of deprav-
recovers in 2-8 turns); surprise 90% elf stretched out on the floor of the room, ity. A huge bed stands against the north
(undetectable unless brightly lit); SD hit haunts this place. She lurks behind a folding wall, with a stand of carved wood to
only by + 1 or better weapon; XP 335, screen. When intruders enter the room, she each side. A long, low table isflankedby
327, 319, 319, 315, 311, 303, 295 comes out (and each person seeing her must couches; nearby is another such table
The walls, floor and ceiling of this 20' x make a saving throw vs. spells or flee), wails with three plush chairs. In the southwest
40' area are dull black stone; heavy vel- (and each victim within 30 feet must make a corner a folding screen of uskwood sepa-
vet hangings of ebony hue cover the saving throw vs. spells or die and then rates a wardrobe, dressing table, and pil-
walls, and even the torch brackets along attacks anyone as yet unharmed. The ban- lowed stool from the rest of the place.
uncovered sections are made of a black- shee hates all who now live, and fights
ish metal. Couches and chairs of black fiercely until near extinction, when she Each of the skeleton's four pieces of jew-
wood remain here in good condition, finally tries to escape. If escape is impos- elry (counting the pair of earrings as a single
upholstered in cloth of the same somber sible, she offers a bribe for her survival; she piece) is worth a base value of 2,000-8,000
hue. A large black cabinet stands by the knows where, as a living being, she hid an gp. When checking each piece for detail and
west wall. elven longbow + 1, cloak of elvenkind, and workmanship, apply a -1 bonus to the roll
The four black metal sconces are solid sil- elfin chain mail suitable for any elfin female (on idlO) for the first piece (only). In the
ver, each weighing 100 gp and worth 50 gp or other character of similar size (gp value skeletal hand is a periapt of proof against
due to their workmanship; if badly dam- 500, XP value 100). Note that these items, poison, +3. Under the remains is a small
hidden somewhere near her chamber, will pouch which holds a scroll of six magic-user
remain hidden for many years if she does spells (gust of wind, tongues, polymorph
self, remove curse, airy water, and limited
wish). The cabinet contains 13 carvings
(base value 100-1000 gp each). Two tapes-
tries are valuable, worth 1,100 gp and 850
gp respectively, despite their small size.


Syri Nity (order #5099312)

327. DINING SALON gold, electrum, silver, and copper), but (five bloodstones, two jaspers, and six zir-
Above a long wooden table in the middle no actual coins. A small pottery flask cons), along with the usual 3-18 pp.
of this plastered and decorated room weighs over ten pounds; it contains 100 Roper: AC 0; MV 3 '• HD 12; hp 71; #AT 1;
hangs a large chandelier. Twelve chairs gp weight of quicksilver (mercury),
flank the table. Two sideboards, a cabi- worth 1,000 gp. To describe other items D 5-20; SA 6 strands (range 20-50', poi-
net, and a wheeled cart complete the fur- and materials found, refer to the DMG, son for 50% strength loss in 1-3 rounds);
nishings. pages 218 (the table for magic-user fur- SD body mutability, immune to electric-
The furniture is good but not of great nishings) and 221-222 Appendix K, for ity, half damage from cold; MR 80%;
specific substance descriptions). XP 3886
worth. All the valuable dishes and other
items have been stripped from the room. 330. LABORATORY This inner chamber is obviously an
328. STORAGE AREA abandoned laboratory for magical
This area, 10' wide and 50' long, seems research and experimentation. Four long
This oddly shaped chamber is lined with to haw been meant principally for the benches in this 80' x 20' area are filled
shelves which still contain many empty reading and writing of spells. with paraphernalia of all kinds. A flow-
containers; here are bottles, flasks, alem- ing fountain of water is in the southwest
bics, retorts, and other such parapher- Cressets are fitted to the walls at ten- corner, but almost all of the rest of the
nalia typical to an alchemist's or wizard's foot intervals. A long, slanted shelf is wall is taken up by shelves supporting all
laboratory. On the floor are more mun- along the north wall, with many stools sorts of containers—bottles, jars, boxes,
dane items—a large box of chalk, sacks spaced along its 30' length. Sheets of vel- baskets, jugs, flasks, vials, etc., of all
of charcoal, jugs of turpentine and fuel lum and parchment still lie upon the shapes and sizes. These hold magical
oil, candles of various colors, etc. Suffic- shelf, accompanied on an upper ledge by ingredients of virtually every imaginable
ient material seems herein to stock a quills of many sorts, small pots with sort, from rare herbs and spices to mon-
small shop and supply a magic-user or oddly carved stoppers, and candlesticks. ster parts and fluids. Included are ape
two as well. A small writing desk stands at the west teeth, basilisk scales, cockatrice feathers,
Nothing here is of high value, but the end, and a lectern at the far east; oppo- elephant hide, fox dung, gorgon tongue,
room contains nearly any commonplace site each of these objects is an arched hydra blood, and other materials, of all
item akin to those listed; use your judg- doorway, leading north. Several small sorts of colors and consistencies. Cup-
ment. chairs are nearby, along the south wall. boards sometimes replace open shelves.
328a. STAIRWAY Many open bins are also built into the
The stairs here ascend to the east, leading Careful examination of the inkpots shelves; these contain different sorts of
to area 227a (Dungeon Level Two). reveals one which is filled with magical ink, earth, seeds, bits of fur, dried leaves of
329. ALCHEMY WORKROOM in a quantity sufficient to inscribe seven various sorts, flower petals, bark chips,
The merest glance herein reveals the past spells (and worth 700 gp). The nine rolls of and metals of various forms and types—
purpose of this circular room a place for papyrus (worth 2 gp each) and eleven sheets including rods, wire, small ingots, thin
alchemical experimentation. The walls of parchment (worth 4 gp each) are usable strips, chunks, filings, and powder of
and floor are covered with graven sym- for such work, but the five sheets of vellum iron, brass, tin, lead, zinc, bronze, steel,
bols, glyphs indicating the elements, (worth 8 gp each) are better (-5% chance of and others unknown to you.
metals, and other stuff of alchemy. copying failure; see DMG page 117). The
Benches and work tables line the walls; nine quills here are also of high quality, The paraphernalia on the benches con-
upon them are flasks, retorts, crucibles, worth 2 gp each. sists of the following items:
et al. Three braziers, each of a different
size, are aligned in the middle of the The doorways open into the central labo- First Bench Second Bench
room, piled with plates and dishes which ratory. Under a workbench, in the middle of bellows balance
hold heaps of strange powders, granules, the north wall, lurks a roper, hidden amidst bottles bowls
and crystals. Beakers andflaskshere and materials and apparatus. It may attack cannisters knife
there are filled with odd substances. when two or more victims are within 20' crucible mirror
range; if others are approaching, it waits for file mortar
Careful inspection reveals metal in up to six targets. The roper is large, very flasks pans
powder and chunk form, including 10-40 mean, and hungry. It managed to get in funnel pestle
coins weight of each coin type (platinum, through flues and chimneys, but cannot furnace phials
now escape. It fears the ettin (in area 306) ladle sandglass
and so hides when it comes by, but has metal ingots tongs
picked off a few hapless bugbears sent here retorts vials
from below to fetch magical goodies. The tweezers weights
remains of its prey are in area 331. Note that
the roper has 80% magic resistance, but is
susceptible to fire (-4 saving throw penalty).
It has 13 gems in its gut, each worth 50 gp


Syri Nity (order #5099312)

Syri Nity (order #5099312)

Third Bench Fourth Bench saws, needles, and thread. Several books The containers have been emptied of all
and scrolls lie on one of the shelves. valuable and usable materials. One holds
basins alembics wormy meal, another vinegar. The bones
beakers cauldron Under the linens is a construct, a vaguely are primarily from bugbears, though the
caddy cruets humanoid monster created with various remains of an ogre, a gnoll, and a human
dishes decanter parts of beasts and monsters. It was begun skull are also here.
jars jars as a joke, but wasn't finished, due to the fall
lenses of the Temple. It has an ogre's head and 332. MUSEUM ROOM
jug mixing rods torso, gargoyle forelimbs, bear forelimbs, a
kettle needles bugbear's lower limbs, and the brains of a A lurker above dwells here. It was set as
pipette paddle chipmunk. the guardian of the place by Iuz himself, just
prisms scalpel before he fled back to his own realm. As
spatula spoons The books deal with the anatomy of vari- usual for its kind, the lurker will attack
spirit lamp tubing ous creatures, theories of magical con- without hesitation and fight until dead.
tubes structs, a treatise on the original flesh golem
(dealing only with its nature, not a method Lurker Above: AC 6; MV 179"; HD 10;
The: unknown metals include aluminum, of construction), and medical works. One hp 56; #AT 1; D 1-6; SA surprise on 1-4,
magnesium, tungsten, and others. Each 300 of the scrolls is quite dangerous; if scanned SD 90% undetectable while motionless,
gp encumbrance of materials (contained in a for even a brief time, it summons a babau prey cannot fight except with short stab-
backpack, for example) is worth 1,000 gp if demon (hp 43). Two spell scrolls are here, bing weapons; XP 2284
carefully selected, half that if carelessly one of four magic-user spells (magic mouth,
scooped up, or double value if painstak- fly, charm monster, polymorph other) and This 30' square room contains many
ingly chosen (requiring a full man-turn per one of three cleric spells (animate dead, exhibits of grim sort, hung on the walls
pack). A maximum of 1500 gp encumbrance raise dead, restoration). or displayed in glass cases. Here are
of valuables can be thus gathered. heads of all sorts, a few skulls, withered
The practical joke was to run as follows. and bony hands, flayed skins, banners of
One pack of these materials will produce Use the animate dead to bring the many types, several plain crowns for
1-4 needed or useful items (such as magical chipmunk-brained monster to life. A magic- wear atop helm or helmet, holy symbols
components for spells, potions, and scrolls). user then controls the thing (else it will of Good deities, surcoats, jupons, tab-
To determine suitability for any given use, scurry off in abject terror, chittering away ards bearing arms and shields with like
have the player state what specific item is with its great ogrish jaws, possibly harming decorations, and small items such as
sought, and roll Id6; the sought item is someone in its path of retreat), applying a rings, seals, and sigils. One case bears
found on a 1. (You may allow specific search magic mouth and using charm monster for several maces and similar items, though
for and discovery of powdered gems, types control. Cause the creature to fly out into these are obviously ceremonial and not
of blood, or other unusual items specified the lab while another mage was at work, meant for use as weapons. Cabinets in
by players. If so, allow one chance in 12 per claim (with the magic mouth) to be a demon the center of the room are smashed and
man-turn of search for discovery of an eas- coming to punish some transgression, and broken; many bones litter the floor.
ily recognized item, or the same chance for change itself into the victim's form (actually
other items but counting only those magic- being polymorphed by the controlling The five plain crowns are only worth 1 gp
users searching.) The alcoves to the east mage). All parties then sit back to watch the each. One platinum ring is set with a fine
area are described below. fun. In any event, if the animate dead is diamond (total value 9,000 gp), and 10 of
applied to the body, it rises and behaves in a the rings are of value as jewelry (base value
330a. NORTHERN ALCOVE manner appropriate to its chipmunk brains, 1,000-4,000 gp each). One of the ceremonial
and should serve to amuse the players (and maces is solid silver, set with many gems. Its
This 10' square room contains tripods, yourself, of course!) for some time. value is 12,500 gp as is, or 6,750 gp if dis-
quadrapods, lamps, plumb lines, dividers, mantled and sold for the value of the bullion
candles of different sizes, shapes, and col- 331. STOREROOM (750 gp) and gems (60 worth 100 gp each,
ors, chalk of all sorts, paints of many hues, including equal numbers of amethysts, gar-
and metal devices—small distillers, melt- A few remaining containers and bales nets, and tourmalines).
ing pots, etc. indicate that this place was once one in
which mundane items were stored. It 333. CHAPEL
330b. SOUTHERN ALCOVE now contains a number of gnawed
bones, torn garments, and broken weap- The black stone of this small area is
This 10' square room contains a long ons; the latter items have been tossed draped with several white hangings, one
table heaped with many lengths of plain into a pile. Someone or something has edged in purple, one fringed with gold,
linen. A magical circle is drawn around purposely used this place as a grisly and one cornered in silver. A small altar
the table on the floor. On the shelves are repository for unwanted remains of here is made of wood, painted white;
many body parts and monsters' organs, meals.
each preserved in some solution in a jar
or tank. Here are also scalpels, knives,


Syri Nity (order #5099312)

nearby is a reliquary, containing ashes of This is an illusion. A gem of seeing, true All of Thrommel's rescuers are later
some sort, A silver votive lamp hangs seeing, or similar effect reveals the true sought out by a strong party of humans and
over the altar. Upon the altar is a snowy occupant; see below for details. Similar elves(including clerics, magic-users, fight-
cloth with red runes, stating (in Com- magic also reveals that the silver cross in the ers, and men-at-arms) some 5-8 week later.
mon): coffin lid is a magical broadsword (Fra- These persons ask the characters to accom-
garach, fully described in Appendix C). pany them to Mitrik, chief city of Veluna,
"VENERATE THIS SHRINE OF where Thrommel is pledging himself to her
GOOD, THEN HASTE AWAY, ALL YE The scroll tube contains two scraps of Noble Ladyship Jolene of Veluna. At this
parchment. One is a scroll of two magic- ceremony, each character is knighted (if a
OF TRUE AND GOOD FAITH!" user spells (both strength); the other is a fighter) or made an elder of the land (for all
Affixed to the west (diagonal) wall is a sil- message: "Let the Good ones use their new- other classes). Each is entitled to wear the
ver cross, 2 feet across and 3 feet long. In the found strength to seal in the horror of dark- silver star badge of Veluna and the gold
center of the northern wall is a small niche, ness to prove their faithfulness to right and crown badge of Furyondy. In addition, each
in which stands a silver idol of Pholtus. justice. We who wrote this lacked the power receives a potion of extra-healing, a ring of
This room bears no magic, but evil can be to do so." Of course, it is a ghastly jape at the protection +1, and 2,000. pp. The most
detected to the west. The trappings here are forces of Good. If the coffin's occupant is helpful character (given Thrommel's medal-
to delude those of Good alignment, while viewed truly, use the following description. lion) is also granted one of the following, as
the silver is to discourage any demons from applicable to the class: a book of 12 first
going places they should not. The silver Your powerful magic reveals a figure level Magic-User spells, a necklace ofprayer
lamp is worth 100 gp; the cross weighs 300 completely different from the vampire beads, a shield +1, or a bag of holding (500
gp, and is worth 400 gp. The idol of Pholtus form. You see a handsome mail-clad pound capacity). The second most helpful
is worth 875 gp. human man with golden hair. He is clad rescuer (holder of the ring) receives a war-
334. INKY CHAMBER in a white surcoat, quartered by the arms horse appropriate to the class. If any char-
This bare hexagonal room is dusty, cob- of Furyondy and Veluna and the antlers acter recovered the broadsword Fragarach
webbed, and forgotten. Near the door is of the Knights of the Hart, in red. He and was gladly willing to allow or help
a rag-clad skeleton—probably some wears a gold belt at his waist, with a dag- Thrommel to regain it, that person receives
cleric who met his end herein, from ger. About his neck is a gold chain with the broadsword Scather (also detailed in
unknown causes. The remains obviously an emblem of a crown and crescent Appendix C) from Prince Thrommel. All
harbor no treasure. A vague feeling of moon; on his left hand is a gold ring with rescuers are also honored by those who rule
unease creeps over all who gaze into this a similar device. His shield rests under Furyondy and Veluna.
place of darkness overlong. The place is his feet.
empty. 335. SECRET PASSAGE
If magic is detected for, a strong pulse The coffin's occupant is Prince Throm- This area may be approached either from
comes from the northwest; if evil is sought, mel. Grand Marshall of Furyondy, Provost
the whole room is found to give off a dim of Veluna, a Paladin Lord. He lies in stasis, a the secret trap door above (area 313) or the
radiation of malign power. If the place is powerful illusion causing him to appear as a escape tunnel from outer works (area 4 of
investigated, continue: vampire. His gold belt is worth 500 gp; the the Broken Tower). To run the following
A black iron coffin stands by the north- dagger thereon is a dagger +2/+ 3 vs. large encounters properly, you must be familiar
west wall; its iron lid, in which a silver opponents. His neckchain with amulet is with all the details of this lair and the occu-
cross has been inlaid, lies beside it. Atop worth 2,000 gp, the matching ring worth pants of areas 336 and 337. Review the notes
the lid is a forgotten scroll case. 250 gp. before starting. The occupants should be
An invisible sarcophagus is on the stand. played with intelligence; they should be
Dispel magic, detect invisibility, dispel illu- If taken from the chamber, Thrommel very dangerous.
sion, or dust of appearance reveals the fol- awakens, but is groggy for 1-4 turns, uncer-
lowing: tain about his identity and past. He regains The secret passage leads into a 20' x 30'
The sarcophagus has no top. You see a all his faculties thereafter, becoming cau- room where you are horrified—perhaps
vampire corpse, clad in black and tious, circumspect, and taciturn. If the petrified—to see a huge pale green basi-
appearing hale—except for the stake broadsword Fragarach is in sight, he simply lisk gazing at you.
through its heart. speaks—and it comes to his hand. If it was The lead character must make a saving
left behind, he is not aware of its location, throw vs. petrification. Almost simultane-
but asks if he was wearing one when found, ously, a runnel of flame appears; read from
or whether one was nearby. In any event, he the passage below. The basilisk is illusory; if
asks to be accompanied to the surface; once disbelief is attempted and the saving throw
there, he asks for a horse, claiming urgent made, it is seen as such, and this fact can be
business elsewhere. If any one character is communicated to others, making them
exceptionally good to him, he gives that immune to the effect. If the saving throw is
person his medallion, as a gift. Anyone failed, the victim is petrified, despite the
more than normally polite and helpful to
him receives his ring. Thrommel then rides


Syri Nity (order #5099312)

illusory nature of the beast. The basilisk rounds), SD ring of invisibility; Thief the AD&D® UNEARTHED ARCANA
gazes at one victim per round. Abilities: PP 45, OL 52, F/RT 45, MS 40, book. Details of other new weapons can be
HS 31, HN 25, CW 95, RL 15 extrapolated from existing similar types.
A runnel of flame begins from the east- Smigmal wears leather armor + 1, uses a
ern portion of the chamber and spreads shield + 2, and wields a shortsword + 1 in The wardrobe holds normal clothing of
rapidly from the center, going both north normal combat (or a non-glowing normal various sorts (merchant's, laborer's, and
and south. The moving flame creates a shortsword in assassination attempts). She others). The chest contains more such gar-
line of brightness along the east and west is thoroughly evil, and loves her work. She ments, garrots, a vial of acid (standard 8
walls of the place, and then sends fiery hungers for power to make humans suffer, ounces, D 2-8 as a hurled missile), a potion
streams into a pair of large cressets just at and hates her human ancestry. She sees of polymorphing, and a leather case of six
the corners where the north and south Falrinth as her tool, the one who will best small bottles—four of ingestive poisons
passages enter the basilisk's lair. The aid her in gaining her power. She will fight (types A, B, C, D) and two of insinuative
cressets spring into leaping flames, illu- to protect Falrinth if such action appears (types B and C). The chest has a false top; its
minating the whole area. worthwhile, but will certainly try to save catch is protected by a needle trap coated
herself from certain death. Smigmal wears with insinuative poison type D (save or die).
An unseen servant was commanded to two earrings (each worth 400 gp) and a jew- In the secret compartment are 30 gems
empty a container of volatile oil into a slop- eled belt (3,200 gp), and carries 7 gp and 12 worth 50 gp each (26 bloodstones and four
ing trough, highest above a wall fountain ep in a purse. She knows how most crea- zircons), two pieces of jewelry (base value
and basin on the east wall. Another unseen tures react favorably to bloodstones, and 1,000-4,000 gp each), and a belt with hidden
servant strikes a light to cause the oil to has been trading for and accumulating such pockets (containing 50 pp).
flame, and gravity does the rest. If any sig- for future purposes (see chest, below). 337. SOUTH ROOM
nificant amount of noise is produced by the This plainly furnished 20' square room
party at this time, the occupants of areas is obviously the residence of someone Falrinth, an 8th level magic-user, lives
336 and 337 are alerted. If the party is abso- interested in weapons of unusual sorts. here with Kriitch, his familiar (a quasit). He
lutely quiet, those occupants might (10%) Hanging on the wall are a man-catcher functions as 9th level while Kriitch remains
be warned; if nearly quiet, use 30%. The and several sorts of punching daggers within one mile. Falrinth is very evil and
local inhabitants work together to insure (sprouting from metal gauntlets, double- power-mad. When he becomes aware of
their very lives. bladed with sharkskin crossgrip, and intruders, he has Kriitch investigate in giant
others). Here are wavy-bladed knives, centipede form. It can travel by way of a
336. NORTH ROOM double-pointed knives, center-hilted small twisting aperture in the wall, and
Herein dwells Smigmal Redhand, a half- knives, falchions, and a semicircle of Falrinth can telepathically use its senses,
seven matched throwing knives around a viewing the intruders' actions from a dis-
ore Fighter/Assassin. She is the leman of buckler with a wicked center spike. tance while keeping the centipede (quasit)
Falrinth (in area 337) and leader of the band Barbed javelins, a short spear with a well hidden. He can then select an appropri-
of brigands in the outer ruins (Tower). Upon very broad leaf-shaped blade (capable of ate course of action (hit-and-run, offensive,
hearing noise in the basilisk area, she dons dealing an axe-like blow), an array of defensive, or whatever) based on the
her ring of spell storing (of five invisibility maces with oddly shaped heads (a wolf intruders' powers. While Kriitch remains
spells) and carefully opens the door a crack with an open mouth, a clenched dracon- within 10 feet of Falrinth, each has 25%
to see what is happening. If opportunity ian forepaw, and others) are also here. A Magic Resistance and regenerates 1 hp per
presents itself, she uses one of the ring's light crossbow with a double track, for round. If Kriitch is slain, Falrinth immedi-
charges, creeps out and tries to assassinate firing a pair of bolts simultaneously, ately drops to Level 4 (retaining only five
the most powerful-appearing of the hangs on one wall. Furnishings include a spells—three of first level, two of second)
intruders, attacking from behind the victim. narrow cot, a small stand, a table, two and flees.
chairs, a bench, a stool, a bucket with
Smigmal is disguised as an elf, and if cap- lid, a wardrobe, and a heavy chest with Falrinth: AC 3 (bracers of defense), MV 12",
tured when appearing (due to her attack) iron hasp and padlock. Dishes and food- Level 8 Magic-User (Level 9 with familiar),
will try to dupe the party into believing that stuffs are on the table and on a nearby hp 27, #AT 1, D 2-5, SA spells, SD regener-
she is charmed or otherwise forced to shelf. Several bottles are also on the ate 1 hp per round, MR 25 %; XP 4024 S10
attack, believing intruders to be nasty shelf. 117 W 10 D 17 Co 15 Ch 12
invaders. If this also seems to fail, she tries
to use invisibility to escape, climbs a wall, No weapons here are magical. The cross- Kriitch: AC 2, MV 15 ", HD 3, hp 16, #AT 3,
and hides in overhead shadows. bow has only half normal range, but a single D 1-2/1-2/1-4, SA claw poison (save or
Smigmal Redhand: AC 4 (leather +1) & "to hit" roll is made for both bolts. It loads lose 1 point Dexterity for 2-12 rounds),
as if a heavy crossbow. fear blast once per day (30' radius),
shield +2), MV 12", Level 7/7 Fighter/ SD 25% MR, regenerate 1 hp/round, hit
Assassin, hp 41, XP 4924 S 17 115 W 7 Details on the garrot, mancatcher, spiked only by iron or magic weapons, immune
D 16 Co 17 Ch 14 #AT 3/2, D 3-8, buckler, and falchion sword can be found in to cold, fire, and lightning; XP 373
SA poison on sword (insinuative type B, Falrinth's memorized spells are:
+ 3 bonus to saving throw, Dmg 25 in 2


Syri Nity (order #5099312)

First level: burning hands, charm person, set is in the southeast corner, opposite ture within 5 feet must make a saving throw
hold portal, jump the bed. A rush mat covers the plain vs. poison, with a + 3 bonus, or die. The
floor. A parchment with runes hangs on cloud appears however carefully the chest is
Second level: darkness, 15' radius, mirror the east wall, by a door; another, on the opened, and this trap cannot be removed.
image, Tasha's uncontrollable hideous south wall opposite the entrance, seems The chest contains books filled with written
laughter* to be a map of the dungeon level. gibberish and a papyrus scroll of similar
content; these items dissolve in the gas
Third level: hold person, invisibility 10' The south parchment is trapped with cloud. The remnants seem to be those of
radius, lightning bolt explosive runes, only detectable by thieves spell books and a magical scroll.
or magic-users (the former having a mere
Fourth level: dimension door, minor globe 5% chance, the latter 5% per level). If read 338. HIDDEN ROOM
of invulnerability by anyone but Falrinth or Smigmal (or oth-
ers they instruct), the runes detonate, This 10' x 30' room is certainly where
Fifth level: wall offorce (from level gain due inflicting 12-30 points of fire damage the magic-user inhabiting the room to
to familiar) (6d4 + 6) to the reader (no saving throw) the north actually studied his works.
and to each creature within 10 feet (save vs. Here are all manner of magical appa-
See Appendix D for details. spells for half damage). The explosion ratus. To the north, a workbench runs
Typical offensive strategy: Cast minor destroys the map. The runes can only be about 15 feet along the wall near the
removed by a dispel magic spell. door. The wall here is lined in shelves,
globe and mirror image on self, ready hold, with all sorts of bins and containers.
to be followed by charm and then Tasha's or The map shows no secret doors or secret Over a small fireplace hang several ket-
burning hands. Typical defensive strategies: passages, but reveals everything else in this tles; a brazier, furnace, and bellows are
Jump to escape a tight spot. Darkness and/ area and areas 301-320, including residents. nearby. Along the south wall is a high
or invisibility to allow retreat to area 337, It does not show areas 321-334 (those writing desk, flanked by a pair of book-
with hold portal on the door; continuing to accessed by the the doors in area 306, except stands, each with an unopened tome.
area 338 by the secret door, blocking the the southernmost). The parchment on the
passage by wall of force (placed just inside east wall seems to be a dire warning not to At the far end of the room are a table,
the room to block even the finding of the touch the east door. If read, the warning high-backed chair, and an open cabinet.
secret door) and gathering prized items. If also contains another set of explosive runes Upon the table are a green cup, an iron
on the verge of discovery, Falrinth will (see above for details). The east door leads, box, a scattering of gems, several potion
dimension door to one of two passages— of course, to area 337a. The cabinet con- bottles, and a leather case. The cabinet
either the corridor east of area 313, or the tains clothing and several books, unremark- holds three iron coffers, a crystal ball, a
secret passage to the Tower or outside exit. able works of history and botany. The odd tall pointed black hat, a box of reddish
Falrinth does not dare to remain in the Tem- candle holder is an ancient work in elec- wood, a long brass wand, five large
ple after defeat; he has too many enemies. trum, worth 1,500 gp. The southeast wall books, and a small ceramic statuette.
He plans to use Smigmal as a tool to achieve cresset operates the secret door.
control of the remaining Temple forces, so Falrinth may still be here when characters
he can become ruler of a domain of death 337a. EAST ROOM arrive; if so, he is hiding in the east end of
and destruction equalling, even surpassing, the room, ready to leave (by dimension
that of Iuz (Ambitious, indeed!). Kriitch is a The door to the east opens into a 10' door) if his discovery is imminent or obvi-
gift from the demoness Lolth, who is happy square workroom. Inside are a few bot- ous. The cabinet also holds three ivory
to have catspaws in Zuggtmoy's territory tles containing various spell compo- scroll tubes unless Falrinth has taken them.
(for obvious reasons). Falrinth has devised nents, a bench, six staves of various
the traps and fake lair (337a) to fool woods, and six metal, bone, and ivory The volumes on the bookstands are
intruders who are too powerful to defeat rods. A shelf holds nine wands. Here is bound in leather and bronze, and are magi-
offensively. He wears bracers of defense AC also a brass chest, protected by a lock, cal. The westernmost is a tome ofleadership
6, and carries a purse containing nine gems iron binding, and hasp with large pad- and influence; the eastern, a vacuous gri-
worth a total of 1,350 gp (two moss agates, lock. moire. (Falrinth was afraid to open either
two white pearls, three hematites, a sap- one). The bins and containers hold various
phire and a tourmaline). The spell components are only common spell components (taken from the lab, area
sorts in small quantities—phosphorus, sul- 330), worth 6,000 gp (900 gp volume).
This room is obviously the chamber of a fur, a lodestone, etc. Each of the wands has
magic-user. A thaumaturgic triangle been treated with Nystul's magic aura and The cup on the table is jade, worth 100
stands at the threshold. The shelving thus seems valuable. Three potions are on gp. Falrinth may have taken two gems (a
which girdles the place is filled with all the shelf— diminution, healing, and delu- fire opal and star ruby, each worth 1,000
sorts of stuffed and mummified animals sion of treasure finding. gp). Nine other gems remain—a tiger eye,
and such. A cloak with strange runes moss agate, amber, amethyst, jasper, white
hangs near the east door. A large bed is The chest is rigged so that a cloud of chlo- pearl, pink pearl, topaz, and zircon (the first
here, with a small cabinet, a stool, a rine gas erupts when it is opened; each crea- two worth 10 gp each, the topaz 500 gp, and
writing table with an oddly branched each of the others 100 gp).
candle holder, a brazier, and a pair of
hanging lamps near the bed. A wall cres- Falrinth may have taken a potion ofspeed


Syri Nity (order #5099312)

Syri Nity (order #5099312)

from this table; other remaining are potions sary. The spells on these scrolls are noted center, bordered by a strip of pale green;
of ESP, flying, and sweet water. The leather with asterisks hereafter. the whole gives out undulating sheets of
case holds a wand of a wonder with 50 Book 1: affect normal fires, *burning blue-green light. To the south is a circle
charges. of translucent crystal ringed by a silvery
hands, *charm person, compre- band; the whole sends forth slowly rising
The iron box on the table contains the hend languages, dancing lights, clouds of pale light, that spread and dis-
Orb of Golden Death. The Orb is a gold 'detect magic, enlarge, hold por- appear. To the west is a long diamond
sphere shaped to resemble a human skull tal, jump, message, Nystul's shape with four points radiating from the
without its lower jaw. It radiates evil so magic aura, push, *read magic, sides of the lozenge. The whole is fash-
strongly that Paladins and Good clerics are unseen servant, ventriloquism, ioned of translucent stone mottled red
unable even to touch it (or even the box). *write and amber, outlined in red gold. It sends
Anyone grasping the device gains certain Book 2: continual light, 'darkness 15' up sudden tongues of brightness, planes
magical powers, and instantly knows how radius, ESP, fools gold, forget, of pale fiery light that vanish as quickly
to summon them forth from the Orb: detect 'irritation, 'levitate, 'mirror as they appear.
lie, know alignment, and poison. These image, rope trick, Tasha's uncon-
powers may be used without limit as long as trollable hideous laughter, 'wiz- All of these radiations gleam from the
the Orb is held. The holder can also cause ard lock walls and floor of the hall. Any object in
the great throne in area 10 (of the Upper Book 3: dairaudience, flame arrow, 'hold the center of the four symbols shows the
Temple) to raise and lower. The user's Cha- person, 'invisibility 10' radius, four different illuminations, and the
risma is affected, and other unique details 'lightning bolt, 'protection from ghastly purple of their mix. If you look
apply; see Appendix C for more details. evil 10' radius, 'tongues, water upward long enough, occasional glints
breathing of light can be seen from the vaulted ceil-
The three iron coffers in the cabinet con- Book 4: 'dimension door, 'extension I, ing, that peaks 60' or more overhead.
tain 107 pp, 310 gO, and 228 ep, respec- 'fire trap, 'minor globe of invul- The 30' wide aisle to the west appears to
tively. The crystal is a crystal hypnosis ball nerability, 'monster summoning be the only entrance to the place.
attuned to Zuggtmoy. The pointed hat bears II, wizard eye
cryptic runes; it has no cash value, but is Book 5: contact other plane, 'wall of force Both evil and magic can be found here.
easily recognized by all of Falrinth's associ- The magic radiates from the floor symbols,
ates, and others throughout the dungeon. THE INTERDICTED PRISON the evil from everywhere. Any creature
The ceramic statue is of a frog alone, if OF ZUGGTMOY who steps into the area of an elemental sym-
Falrinth has gathered his items. Intact, it bol and stands there for 3 segments is trans-
represents a frog eating an insect, the latter Note that the methods of arriving in this ported to the corresponding Elemental
being an ebony fly. area are limited. Be sure you are familiar Node: the Air Cavern (circle), the Earth
with all of these means, as well as the vari- Burrows (triangle), the Fire Pits (lozenge),
The reddish wood box is an unfolding ous statistics on Zuggtmoy (imprisoned and or Water Maze (square). The only way to
shrine, inlaid with gold, with a black inte- freed) before allowing any character to escape therefrom is to win through to
rior upon which is inlaid a silver spiderweb, enter this area. another "gate" area or to possess the com-
mother-of-pearl stars, and a garnet orb. As 339. HALL OF ELEMENTAL MAGIC plete Orb of Golden Death, inset with all
the doors of the shrine unfold, an ebony four proper gems.
statuette of Lolth rises from a cavity in the This huge echoing hall is constructed of
base to stand before the web. This icon is polished black stones, which give back Zuggtmoy once used the symbols to visit
worth 6,000 gp, but should be destroyed by odd reflections of your light. The most the Elemental Nodes, and to send screaming
Good characters. striking features here are the symbols set sacrificial victims to their dooms in these
into the chamber floor. places. Now, however, the demoness is pre-
Part of the back of the cabinet radiates vented from entering this hall until all four
magic, but the magical mirror contained To the north is a triangle of dull ecru of the sealed portals are broken. If this has
therein can only be obtained by use of the stone, outlined with some sort of gray been done, she will certainly come here to
brass rod. The tip of this wand-thick object metal; a throbbing radiance seems to thank her liberators, in her own way. If
is oddly notched, and may be used to open spread in dun-colored pulses that wash Zuggtmoy is destroyed, the symbols lose
the side of the cabinet, allowing the mirror over the area. To the east is a great 10' their magic, and the Elemental Nodes them-
of mentalprowess contained therein to slide square of translucent stone, blue at the selves wink out of existence, destroying eve-
out for use. Without this key, the mirror will edges and shading to a deep green at the rything within them at that moment.
be destroyed in any attempt to remove it,
whatever care is taken. The five large books 340. THE HALL OF DREAD
are bound in strange leather, clasped with
iron, and locked. These are Falrinth's This place is horrible and disgusting,
spellbooks, their contents listed below. loathsome and fearsome. The stonework
seems leprous and mottled. Everywhere
Each of the three scroll tubes in the cabi- are sculpted fungous shapes of night-
net (missing if Falrinth has escaped with
them) contains a scroll of seven spells. This
is a selection from Falrinth's spellbooks,
which he can use to start new ones if neces-


Syri Nity (order #5099312)

mare form and coloration. Each column ical means. Zuggtmoy cannot enter this 342. ROOM OF CROWNED SKULLS
rising to the roof above writhes and Audience Hall unless three gates have been The plastered walls of this 30' x 20'
squirms with intertwined fungi. The sundered: the Grand Entrance (above room are decorated with many murals,
walls drip with slimes and ooze revolting ground, area 1), Earth Temple (area 145), depicting scenes in which humans, demi-
exudations. The bizarre reds, disgusting and Octagonal Chamber (210). humans, and humanoids are being robed
yellows, rotten grays and browns, nau- in finery of various sorts and given
seous greens, and hideous blues blend in 341. PLACE OF EARTH AND GOLDEN crowns of gold, adorned by devices of
a vertiginous swirl in the center of the CHAINS skulls. Above all are paintings of a
northern part of the place, wherein golden skull wearing a silvery crown, in
squats a huge sprawling purple throne. This 30' x 40' chamber is a strange which are set gems of red, blue-green,
composite of polished pink stone, golden crystal, and orange-brown. The floor is
This great chair is sculpted to display chains, and a floor of loose earth. Deep tiled in black and yellow squares each a
fungi and human forms, but those black earth covers the entire floor, save foot across. The south wall shows scenes
depicted are shown crying out in pain as for a four-foot-wide walkway which of elemental devastation, and under each
fungi shoot up from their flesh, feed edges the room. The bright metal chains depiction is a chair. Save for cressets, the
upon their dead and decomposing hang from the walls, affixed by rings to room is otherwise bare.
bodies, or grow rampant in their bony the walkway as well. The room is dark;
remains. Even the shape of the throne is the walls show neither cressets nor 343. HALL OF MERRIMENT
abominable; its seat is broad and round, sconces. The plastered walls here show scenes of
with a concave surface and four hemi- revelry and debauchery, involving coro-
spherical indentations, two in front, two Six violet fungi spring up from the center nated individuals similar to those in the
behind. It has wide arm rests but no back of the earthen area. Each is seven feet tall, previous chamber. Those rewarded in
whatsoever. It stands upon a four-tiered with four branches of 4' length; they all the antechamber were evidently taken
dais, the top and 2' high steps of which move to attack any creature on or near the here to be feted. Couches, cushions, and
are carved in bas-relief to depict fungi, earthen area. As they do so, a forest of 50 pillows surround small tables. The place
smut, slimes, molds, jellies, and other small toadstool-like growths also spring up. is in disorder, as if those once here left
horrible growths devouring a compacted These have mock "faces and eyes, which hurriedly. Several stands are tipped over,
mass of living and dead humans. seem to follow their dangerous kin in their as are chairs; stains on the carpets show
attempt to enrich the loam with human where food and drink were spilled and
The demoness must have used this flesh. Whenever a fungus strikes a blow, a never cleaned. Dishes, ewers, and drink-
area to view captives and servants, the happy hooting sounds from the cavities ing vessels lie in scattered profusion. All
former going to whatever unspeakable pocking the caps of these monstrous specta- of the furnishings are of excellent work-
fates awaited them, the latter exalting in tors. manship and materials, but all are dis-
the fact that no similar prospect awaited gusting in what they depict. The walls
them, as long as they served Zuggtmoy If the violet fungi are all slain, the other have many cressets, and bronze candela-
well. fungi all puff forth small spore clouds to a 6 bra and hanging lamps are in the cor-
foot range, attacking as 3 Hit Die monsters; ners.
Projections resembling blighted vege- a victim hit is blinded for 1-4 rounds (no
tation line the walls, and each gives off a saving throw). Any blow or kick will 344. ROOM OF DEMONS
dim but pervasive illumination. Passages destroy one of these lesser fungi, and a This plastered room is decorated with
and doors are in the east and south walls. bright light (such as light or continual light wall murals. All show demons of lesser
Twin valves of bronze in the middle of spell) will shrivel them all in but a single sorts paying homage to humans of evil
the south wall accompany twins of gates round. mien. Here are also scenes of killing and
found elsewhere in the dungeon, com- Violet Fungi (6): AC 7, MV 1", HD 3, hp 24 destruction, obviously showing the
plete with bindings and silvery glowing deeds which made such homage due. A
runes. To the west, a 20' broad flight of each, #AT 4, D 0 + rot (save vs. poison plain armchair of black wood is centered
serpentine steps leads down into a high- or die); XP 231 each (x6) against the east wall, opposite a 10' wide
domed chamber, filled with dim but exit to the west. Many bronze cressets
multi-hued light continually changing in Hooting Fungi (50): automatically hit, MV line the walls, but no other furniture is
color and intensity. 0, HD Vs, hp 1 each, #AT 1, D blindness here.
1-4 rounds (6 foot range); XP 8 each
The large bronze doors have, of course, a (x50)
permanent antipathy spell upon them; all If the earthen floor is searched, it is found
those failing any previous saving throw
against this effect are unable to approach to be 4 feet deep, damp, loose, and rich.
within ten feet of these doors. They are Hidden in the exact center, under the dirt, is
bound in the standard fashion—chained, an ivory case (1,400 gp value) containing a
locked, sealed with soft iron, and bearing wand of illumination (44 charges).
the deeply cut sequence of warning runes.
The secret door in the southwest corner can-
not be opened from this area except by mag-


Syri Nity (order #5099312)

345. HALL OF GLORY demons and the like stood watch when Zuggt- bear an assortment of weapons: longbow,
The walls of this 20' x 40' room are moy held council. quiver of a score of arrows, sword, spear,
frescoed. Two suits of plate armor hang 347. LAVISH CHAMBER and sheaf of four javelins.
from each long wall, north and south;
each is of black metal, enameled with This place is decorated in purples and All of the weapons except the bow are sil-
strange glyphs in pigments of red, white, reds: rugs, cushions, upholstered furni- vered; the arrowheads are solid silver. The
green, and brown, surrounding a golden ture, wall hangings, etc. A large divan, secret door can only be triggered by insert-
skull. The armor is strangely fluted and covered in plum silk worked with nause- ing an arrowhead into a small opening.
spiked; the helmets are wrought to give ating green and orange figures, domi- 349. PLEASURE CHAMBER
the wearer a most frightening appear- nates the north wall. Behind this couch is
ance. Each of the four suits of armor also a tapestry depicting the spherical crea- This spacious chamber is filled with opu-
bears a huge two-handed sword. ture with the mushroom neck and head. lent furnishings: carpets ofrichgolden hue,
These four suits of animated armor guard Before the couch are several stools of cin- nine plush purple chairs, five green velvet
nabar. All of the wood is inlaid with divans, ten cushions of gray watered silk,
this room, attacking all those who enter. mother-of-pearl, showing demons, eight satin ones of deep orange, and six
They are immune to all magic, but can be fungi, and worse. The wall cressets and ottomans of shining black leather. Wall
struck by any sort of weapon. They fight sconces are of bright copper, either murals and tapestries show scenes of
mindlessly, until destroyed, to prevent recently attended or magically kept pol- debauchery amidst a forest of fungi upon
intruders from remaining in or passing ished. Before a throne, a gold bowl con- beds of mold and like places. A throne-like
through the chamber. They will not enter tains platinum pieces. golden seat stands in the room's center.
area 344, but will pursue intruders down the One tapestry shows the round-bodied,
west passageway and all other rooms (areas The bowl is worth 235 gp. It contains 21 elephant-legged, fungi-headed bulbous
346-353) except 340. The golden skull inlaid platinum coins, each marked with the face thing seated on the throne chair, amidst a
on each suit of armor is actual gold, worth of the demoness, with an evil rune on the revelry of fungoid forms.
50 gp. Four topaz gems are also inset in each obverse. These are tokens, showing that the All of the furnishings in this death trap
suit (each gem worth 500 gp). bearer has the special favor of Zuggtmoy. are creatures. The carpet is yellow mold; the
Suits of Armor (4): AC 3, MV 6", HD 9, 348. PURPLE HALL chairs, violet fungi; the couches, green
slime; the ottomans, black puddings; ten
hp 45 each, #AT 1, D 1-10 (two-handed The stones here are of a deep purple pillows are gray oozes, and eight are ochre
sword), SD immune to all magic, dam- color, and all furnishings are of a similar jellies. Walking on the carpet automatically
aged only by blows (any weapons); XP hue: a mauve carpet, lilac and puce wall causes the mold to send forth its poisonous
2140 each (x4) hangings, even a long table with 12 spore clouds, and the touch of warm-
The frescoes show crowned and robed chairs and a larger one at its head are lac- blooded flesh causes any piece of furniture
humans, attended by demons of minor quered violet. Bronze candelabra are on to change to its true form. Zuggtmoy can, of
sorts, and slaves bearing rich rewards the table, and bronze wall sconces are course, relax here and enjoy herself. The
parading in triumph before a horrible placed at regular intervals. This place throne weighs 400 pounds and is worth
bloated figure upon a throne-like seat. The was probably a council chamber. The 50,000 gp intact. It is so wide, however, that
mottled fungous body-sphere of this crea- south wall bears a large map of the Fla- it will not fit into a portable hole or bag of
ture is topped by a toadstool-like growth naess, with the Temple at its center. It holding. If smashed, the bullion value is
with a face upon it. The body has four ele- shows the conquests of the Temple only 3,800 gp.
phantine legs, but no visible arms. Seated shaded in purple, along with dots of pur- Yellow Molds (15 patches, each 10' square):
beside this abomination is an obese male ple, black, red, green, white, and brown.
demonic figure (a cambion, in all probabil- Some cryptic marks are by each dot, AC 9, hp 5 (per patch) MV 0, #AT 1, D1-
ity), also seated on a throne. shown by most cities and towns. 8, SA cloud 10' cube (inflicts damage and
requires saving throw vs. poison or die),
346. CHAMBER, 20' x 30' If read magic is used to examine the map, SD affected only by fire (destroys) and
This plain room is unfurnished, save for its writings reveal the identities of individ- light (causes dormancy for 2-12 turns); XP
a thick carpet on the floor and many uals in many nations. Each is a secret agent 100 each (xl5)
empty wall sconces. Its walls are solid of Chaotic Evil, serving Zuggtmoy, Iuz, and Violet Fungi (9 chairs): AC 7, MV 1", HD 3,
stone blocks, closely set and polished. some aspect of Elemental Evil. If this map is hp 24 each, #AT 4, D rot (save vs. poison
The room has no occupants. taken to the Archcleric of Veluna at Mitrik, or die); XP 199 each (x9)
This area was the guardroom where he will pay a 10,000 gp reward for the infor- Green Slimes (5 couches): AC 9, MV 0, HD 2,
mation, and those responsible earn the high hp 16 each, #AT 1 (if touched), D turn to
favor of Veluna. Continue if the door to the slime in 1-4 rounds, SA eats wood slowly,
east is opened: metal quickly (plate armor in 3 rounds),

The walls of the small room to the east


Syri Nity (order #5099312)

SD affected only by cold, fire, or cure dis- 351. EARTH-FLOORED ROOM locking equilateral triangles and the cir-
ease-, XP 642 each (x5) This place is fashioned of polished cle that rings them, seem to be made of
brown stone. The ceiling overhead is 12 molten electrum. Tips protruding from
Gray Oozes (10 pillows): AC 8, MV 1", HD feet high. No cressets are here, nor any the sides of the central hexagon glow dif-
3 + 3, hp 10 each, #AT 1, D 2-16, SA cor- other place to put torch or candle. The ferent colors; clockwise from the north
rodes metal as pudding, SD immune to floor is dirt from wall to wall—a rich being red, orange, yellow, green, blue,
heat, cold, most 1st lvl. spells (affected dark soil, loosely compacted. The room and indigo. The center of the device
only by blows and lightning), Psi Nil; XP is otherwise empty. pulses a pure purple light.
250 each (xlO) The soil, 6 feet deep, can be thoroughly If all four of the sealed bronze gates have
been broken, this device will take any and
Ochre Jellies (8 pillows): AC 8, MV 3 ", HD 6, examined in 30 man-turns, but no treasure all who step within its purple center to Zug-
hp 15 each, #AT 1, D 3-12, SA Oow is here. This room is where Zuggtmoy once gtmoy's own Abyssal Plane. If not, then
through small spaces, dissolve flesh, SD came to sleep, her stem-legs planted in the nothing happens if it is entered.
lightning divides in half; XP 240 each (x8) loam. The dais is marked "A" on the map. Atop
352. EAST HALL it is a huge throne of silver, set with 666 pre-
Black Puddings (6 ottomans): AC 6, MV 6", cious gems—300 of base value 50 gp; 200 of
HD 10, hp 25 each, #AT 1, D 3-24, SA dis- The polished steps descend some 20 feet base value 100 gp; 100 of base value 500 gp;
solves wood (1 round), metal (chain in 1 into a hall which broadens to a 40' 33 of base value 1,000 gp; and 33 of base
round, plate in 2 rounds, +1 round per width. The floor here is serpentine and value 5,000 gp. Included is every type of
magical "plus"), SD blows or lightning porphyry. The walls are of black marble, precious stone known to man. Each stone is
divides in half, immune to cold (damaged veined with green and purple. Runes of attuned to a demon: a Type I to each of the
only by fire and some spells); XP 1700 each glowing gray and inky black mark the least value; Type II to those of 100 gp; Type
(x6) walls, with glyphs that seem to run and III to those of 500 gp; Type IV to those of
shift into other forms when not viewed 1,000 gp; and babau demons to those of
350. HALL OF SCULPTURE directly. Weird light comes from silver- 5,000 gp. Possessors gain demonic attention
cupped bronze and copper cressets, at a time they least desire it; an exorcise spell
This place is filled with cabinets, lined spaced at 5' intervals on the walls. can be used to cleanse 20-120 (2d6xlO)
with shelves, and even the walls have Strange flames leap from them, in all the gems. If all the gems are pried from the
many alcoves and niches. All bear sculp- colors of the rainbow—first one hue, throne, Zuggtmoy is freed to return to her
tures of ceramic, bone, stone, shell, and then another. The arched ceiling 30' home plane (as if all the bronze gates had
other material. These figures depict above is apparently sheathed with been sundered), but is imprisoned there for
mushrooms of all sorts—toadstool, fun- gleaming silver, reflecting light to the 66 years, after which she may come forth
gus, blight, etc. —in all colors, sizes, and polished walls and floor. with all her normal powers.
shapes. Some dozen or so larger sculp-
tures are made of ivory, inlaid with Three large pedestals stand 20 feet to Atop the dais to the west is a huge throne
translucent materials, and stand on the the west. Each is 12 feet tall and about 30 of silver, adorned with hundreds of pre-
floor, apparently for use as stools by inches in diameter, topped with a metal cious gems. These are set to form leering
those who wish to rest while viewing the skull seemingly cast as part of the pillar. demon faces, skulls, fungi, and like pat-
gallery's offerings. Each likewise bears strange signs and terns; they are of all colors, sizes, and
sigils that shift and change to be unread- shapes. Behind this seat is a huge tapes-
The thirteen stools are shriekers, able. The south pillar is electrum; the try of deep purple, worked in red, green,
enchanted to appear inanimate. If touched, center, gold; the northern, platinum. ochre, and white to show various fungi.
a stool changes to its actual form and wails The electrum pillar can be estimated (if of
loudly; this brings Zuggtmoy if she is able to solid metal) as being worth 50,000 gp. The You find it difficult to see details of the
enter the room, or else alerts her as to the gold pillar is worth about 100,000 gp; the throne or the tapestry behind, for the
intruders' location. platinum, 500,000 gp. west end of the room is dim and
353. GREAT HALL shrouded in a black mist. As you
Shriekers (13 stools): AC 7, MV 1", HD 3, Some 30 feet beyond the odd pillars, the approach, you see a small, fat old crone
hp 20 each, #AT 0, SD noise; XP 95 each hall broadens to 60 feet width. A huge seated on the throne, almost lost in the
(xl3) dais of translucent alabaster commands huge seat. She cringes and shrieks when
the west end of the place. Before this you approach, crying out "You won't get
If 10 man-turns are spent examining the stepped platform is a magical device, set my treasure!" With that, she fumbles
various sculptures, eight valuable ones are in the floor—a hexagon whose two inter- with the arm of the chair, and her voice
found (worth 200-800 gp each). Four others suddenly booms out "You may take my
radiate magic but have no other apparent pillar of electrum. Begone!"
worth; if thrown down, each changes (per-
manently) into a normal shrieker. If intruders attempt to move the pillar, it


Syri Nity (order #5099312)

rises easily (as if a mere staff), and can be the curtained alcove to the west where Zug- opened, she is free to roam dungeon levels
carried by a single person. However, if it gtmoy hides, she sends out a wave of fear; one and four as well; and if the outer gate
comes within 60 feet of the bronze gates in each victim within 15 feet must make a sav- (area 1) is also broken, Zuggtmoy is com-
area 340, the pillar suddenly leaps from the ing throw vs. spells or shrink back. She pletely freed. If characters do manage to
grasp, smashes the gates, and crumbles to hopes to encourage intruders to take the slay Zuggtmoy, remember that the four ele-
dust! If this occurs or if the offer is not throne's gems. If the party leaves before mental symbols in area 339 vanish, and the
accepted, the hag (Zuggtmoy) offers the prying them loose, she assumes her normal Elemental Nodes collapse as well. Charac-
gold column next. Whether refused or form and moves to attack physically. ters may then investigate the corridor-
accepted, the platinum pillar is offered last. Zuggtmoy (still fully bound): AC 0 (body) alcove west of the Great Hall. If Zuggtmoy
surrenders to save her life, she will get out
The first (electrum) pillar is enchanted or -2 (head), MV 6" (walls or ceilings), her treasures and exchange them for safety.
only to break the gates in room 340, and 12" (if in crone form), 15" (normal
crumbles to dust after doing so (worth noth- form), HD 49, hp 222, #AT 2 + 2 or 2, D Beyond the tapestry behind the throne is
ing). The gold pillar breaks those doors and 2-8 each or 2-12 each, SA at will—fear a corridor 80' long and 10' wide. It is
continues upwards, passes corridor areas 15' radius, improved invisibility, pro- unlit and has no furnishings. A recess in
227 and 9, enters the octagonal room (210), grammed illusion, silence 15' radius, the west wall forms a shelf about two feet
and sunders the gates therein, crumbling at crushing damage or stun (see below), SD deep and ten feet long, the niche being
that time. The platinum pillar can, if used regenerates 1 hp per round (2 hp per about four feet tall. On the shelf are only
alone, sunder both gates as the gold, and the round if standing in loose soil); XP four dusty stones.
gates of area 145 as well. If the three pillars 28,770 (if still fully bound)
are each accepted and then used to sunder
gates, the first breaks only the lowest gate, Zuggtmoy may use either of two strategic If all four stones are moved simultane-
the gold breaks only the gate in area 210, ploys in hand-to-hand combat. The first is ously, the rear wall of the niche slides
and the last breaks not only that in area 145 engaging with four pseudopods a maximum upward to reveal the treasures. However, if
but continues unabated to crush the portal of two against a single opponent. A single the stones are moved singly or in some com-
at the Grand Entrance (area 1). Thus, only if hit inflicts 2-8 points of damage, but if two bination other than all at once, the follow-
all three offers are accepted can the pillars succeed in the same round, each inflicts an ing effects occur (keyed per stone):
free Zuggtmoy completely. additional 5-8 points of crushing damage
(for a total for both hits, of 14-32 points, or 1. Blade scythes downwards, cutting off
If all three offers are rejected, continue 6d4 + 8). She may instead choose to trample any body part thrust over the shelf (no
with the following. one opponent if that individual is prone or saving throw)
under 4 feet in height. Trampling consists of
The crone desperately fumbles with the two attacks, each inflicting 2-12 points; if 2. Poisoned darts shoot outward 15 feet;
arms of the throne once again. First an both hit, the victim is stunned for 1-4 before the shelf area is hit by 1-4 darts,
olive ray springs forth, eating a small rounds. If one or more gates are sundered, each inflicting 1-4 points of damage and
hole in the floor; then one of maroon hue Zuggtmoy gains additional powers (usable requiring a saving throw vs. poison to
appears, disintegrating some of the metal at will, to a maximum of one per round), as avoid death in 1-4 rounds.
sheathing in the ceiling. A prismatic follows. Effects are cumulative, of course.
sphere of odd colors then springs up, as 3. Nothing happens for 1 round; then a
even more rays of green and red shoot No gates broken: as above; XP 28,770 lightning bolt streaks the length of the
forth. These beams bounce around One gate broken: continual darkness, corridor, for 60 points of damage (save
inside the sphere, causing swirls of radi- pollute food & drink; revised XP 31,370 vs. spells for half damage)
ance and sparks. Hideous shrieks come Two gates broken: detect good, detect
from the figure bathed in the rays—and magic, levitate, read languages, read magic, 4. A jet of green slime erupts from the back
the hapless crone is blasted, and turns tongues; revised XP 33,970 of the shelf area, spraying an area 20'
into a fine gray ash! Three gates broken: polymorph self, tele- long; each victim in the area must make a
kinesis (up to 10,000 gp), gate (as normal; saving throw vs. poison or be covered.
This is an illusion, of course. The crone, see description of gates), and limited wish
Zuggtmoy, has slipped invisibly behind the once per day; revised XP 36,970 In the secret niche are the following items:
tapestry to see what the intruders will do. Four gates broken: All other powers (see wand of fire (72 charges), rod of smiting (41
Part of the magic which binds the place description of gates); full XP 45,170 charges), ring of feather falling, Daem's
involves greed. When and if Zuggtmoy is If the lowest gate (340) is sundered, Zug- Instant Fortress, a scroll case containing a
freed (whether by the taking of the pillars, gtmoy is no longer imprisoned in area 353 scroll of five magic-user spells (monster sum-
which is still possible at this time, or by the (A and B), but is freed to roam the entire moning 1, death spell, repulsion, maze, sym-
prying of gems from the throne), she can north dungeon (areas 339-353). If the gates bol of discord), and a box containing eight
take all the treasures from this place (includ- at the top of the stairs (area 210) are also potions (animal control, climbing, flying,
ing those secreted in the niche in area B) to broken, she is free to roam dungeon levels healing, invulnerability, philter of persuasive-
her own plane, which she will certainly do if two and three. If the upper gate (area 145) is ness, polymorph self, super-heroism). (The
remaining in the Temple seems dangerous. first potion affects mammals, marsupials, and
If any character tries to explore behind


Syri Nity (order #5099312)


The Great Temple of area 419 is the central for each such symbol, however. One of each defeat and even entrapment therein. If they
command headquarters of all current opera- pair leads directly to the corresponding Ele- have not received the special poem-clue
tions of the Temple of Elemental Evil. mental Plane; the other leads to a nearby (described at the introductory notes to
Recruiting drives, raids, temporary and partial plane, called a Node. The Nodes are Dungeon Level One), review that informa-
long-term plans — all are the products of detailed in section 4 of this adventure. tion and select a method for introducing it.
the leaders herein. If players ignore the fairly explicit instruc-
The elemental nodes form the basis for tions in the poem, or do not leave the
The masterminds of the Greater Temple the whole evil operation. They are as caul- dungeon setting for respite, they will proba-
maintain some degree of contact with Zug- drons, used to mix evil and elemental forces bly blunder into the nodes unprepared. Do
gtmoy herself by way of a special magical in an unholy recipe concocted by Zuggtmoy what you can to channel them back to the
area deep within the compound (area 435). and Iuz over a decade ago. Within the nodes dungeon (by means as detailed in the pref-
Iuz, however, is seen in person on occasion, are special creatures, to be used as future ace to the nodes), so they may obtain
as he visits here to gather information and troops and specialists. The nodes and the another chance at complete success.
to offer advice. The Temple personnel are Orb of Golden Death (see Appendix D)
respectful of both Iuz and Zuggtmoy in a were created together, and are directly and IUZ AND ST. CUTHBERT
practical sense rather than one of awe, see- magically linked. The powers of this artifact PC or NPC actions herein may result in the
ing the Two as great leaders and com- come from the nodes; if the Orb is appearance of the demigod Iuz, the lesser
manders rather than dwelling on their true destroyed, the nodes are likewise (and vice god St. Cuthbert, or both. Should Iuz be
aspects of demoness and demigod. It is only versa, though destroying a plane of exist- attracted or summoned (either by the direct
by Iuz' influence and occasional instructions ence is a far greater task). actions of local residents or by PC errors),
that the humans herein keep some small Cuthbert will probably (90% chance) arrive
measure of order amongst their unpredicta- CHARACTER ACTIONS as well in 2-9 segments; if not, the PCs are
ble minions. surely doomed. Cuthbert will not appear
This dungeon level is a dangerous place unless Iuz does so first. Zuggtmoy's freedom
Zuggtmoy's current location is not even for higher level characters. Cautious or lack of it does not affect Cuthbert's
known to any of the Temple personnel, nor PCs will explore quietly and carefully, and actions in any case.
to Iuz. They are all aware of her imprisoned should quickly realize the dangers herein. If
state, but do not know where that prison they take appropriate measures, such as dis- If St. Cuthbert does appear, he and Iuz
may be. Iuz suspects the true location guise (preferably magical, polymorphing will vanish together in a puff of smoke and
(dungeon areas 340-353), but has been being quite convenient), they might be able thunderclap, as they will not discuss or set-
unable to penetrate it, nor have his fol- to infiltrate, misdirect, encourage chaos, tle their differences in the presence of their
lowers. But none have pressed the matter and generally turn the place into a shambles followers or other mortals. Before their
with great diligence, for several reasons. Iuz without suffering too much damage. On the departure, however, Iuz will first restore his
is satisfied with matters as they stand, at other hand, direct frontal attack is nearly troops with a gesture, and his ancient
least for the moment; he is doing a few suicidal. If necessary, an overzealous party enemy will do the same immediately there-
things with which Zuggtmoy's presence might be surprised, captured, and simply after. This has the effect of animating all
might have interfered. Zuggtmoy is known ejected as soon as they reach the intersection slain evil troops wearing the symbol of Iuz
to be alive and well, as gleaned from her between areas 402 and 409. (i.e. the Temple guards), restoring them
communications with those in the Greater somewhat as monster zombies. Leaders
Temple, so nothing is to fear from that quar- If the party has been ravaging the upper wearing the golden skull are also revived,
ter. And finally, a being more powerful than dungeon levels, those herein will be on alert but as if raise dead and heal were applied.
Iuz — the lesser god St. Cuthbert Himself — status (see Troops & Sentries below), main- Slain PCs are similarly revived by St.
has been involved from the beginning, and taining exact guard positions and ready for Cuthbert, being raised and healed either to
it seems best to postpone the inevitable con- trouble. If characters have allowed any vic- 20% of normal hit points or, if the PC is a
frontation with that august personage for a tims or witnesses to escape, a fairly good follower of the deity, with a full heal (curing
time. Thus, Zuggtmoy's prison will not be description of them will have reached this all but 1-4 hp).
sundered by the efforts of her allies and fol- area, and retribution will be as swift and
lowers. cruel as possible. On the other hand, if PCs TROOPS AND SENTRIES
have carefully explored the dungeons in The troops of the Temple include the rank-
Zuggtmoy's splendid Greater Temple and such a way as to slay few and escape with and-file bugbears and ogres, led by hill
Iuz' chamber north of it (area 433) are maximum gains, they will probably not giants and ettins, all commanded by human
important features of the dungeon level, but have this reputation. The forces of the clerics and magic-users. The troops are used
others are even more critical. Eight long cor- Greater Temple may be relatively unpre- for nearly any sort of task anywhere in or
ridors stretch from the sides of the Temple, pared, and if the PCs are taken, they might near the Temple and its dungeons, being a
each a color corresponding to one of the be thrown to the Nodes rather than extermi- powerful strike force capable of well-
four elements. These corridors lead to per- nated. coordinated attacks under their human
manent magical gates, each marked by a strategists. The Temple guards, who stay
corresponding shape already seen in the If player characters venture into the
upper dungeon levels — a circle for air, tri- nodes on their own accord, without first
angle for earth, square for water, and the obtaining the Orb from its current custodi-
eight-pointed fire symbol. Two gates exist ans (see area 338), they may suffer further


Syri Nity (order #5099312)

here at all times, are a horde of gargoyles 416 1 troll Empty of two per round (ranges 3"/6"/12", D 2-
and trolls, offering either aerial or ground 418 Empty 2 trolls 16) but with a -4 "to hit" penalty due to min-
attacks (or both) against intruders, and hav- 419 2 trolls + 12 ogres + imal proficiency.
ing good resistance and stamina. Guards are 2-8 gargoyles 12 gargoyles
often supplemented or reinforced by troops. 420(x2) Empty 1 hill giant The bugbears by the gates stay out of line-
421 1 hill giant 2 bugbears of-sight from the bulk of the corridor,
Nearly all of the Temple's regular forces 422 1 hill giant 2 bugbears around a corner if possible, with weapons at
wear distinctive garb, even though armor or 423(x2) Empty 1 ettin ready. Note their surprise ability, and the
clothing may not be typical of the race. 424 1 ettin 2 bugbears fact that this could give them several sur-
Only the gargoyles wear none. For ceremo- 425 1 ettin 2 bugbears prise segments of missile fire.
nial occasions, the entire force is attired 426(x2) Empty 1 ettin
suitably, in a color matching one of the four 427 1 ettin RANDOM ENCOUNTERS
elemental forces. However, more protective 428 1 ettin 2 bugbears Roll ldlOO once per turn, and refer to the
garb is the rule at most times. Armor is 429(x2) 2 bugbears table below. Deduct those slain from other
either black leather or blacking on metal, 430(x2) Empty 1 hill giant encounter areas if noted.
with similar shield if one is used. Both shield 1 hill giant 2 bugbears
and armor are decorated, the latter typically ldlOO Result
high on the back. The designs employed Thus, when not on alert, the bugbears and 01-02 One black pudding, scavenging
vary by troop rank. Regular troops (bug- ogres are generally moving about — patrol- 03 Smigmal and Falrinth (with Kriitch,
bears and ogres) wear Zuggtmoy's Eye of ling, cleaning, and/or repairing areas of
Fire, the symbol first encountered in the Dungeon Levels Three and Four. a quasit familiar), heading down
ruins by Hommlet. The guards (trolls, from their rooms (areas 336-337) to
giants, and ettins) and the bugbear and ogre TACTICAL NOTES see Supreme Commander Hedrack
chieftains wear the ensign of Iuz — the grin- (area 417) about some trouble
ning red horned skull so common to the At times other than alerts, the residents caused by the player characters. (If
guards on Dungeon Level Two. The clerics wander a bit from their stations, and may be either of the two has been slain, the
and magic-users wear the emblem of the found up to 50 feet away at any time. They other appears alone; if the PCs have
Orb of Golden Death, a golden skull with- may move to engage intruders if such seems killed or chased off both, No
out a lower jaw but with a jeweled crown. appropriate, but will sound an alarm while Encounter.)
doing so. When an alarm is thus called, the 04-05 1 Ettin, checking on guards
The positions of the residents will depend others will eventually come to take their 06-07 1-2 Trolls, patrolling
on the relative status of the area. If PCs have assigned positions, but this may require as 08-10 3-6 Gargoyles, patrolling
recently been raiding the upper dungeon much as 11-20 rounds of preparation and 11-12 1-2 Hill giants, checking on guards
levels heavily (i.e. if half or more of the movement. 13-16 1-4 ogres and 2-5 bugbears, heading
monsters therein have been slain), the back to area 405 to get a between
Greater Temple will be on special alert for If fighting starts during alert status, those meal snack. They are 50% likely to
intruders. A lighter guard schedule is used stationed at specific points do nor move panic and run if challenged, since
otherwise. The resulting positions are as fol- from those places to engage intruders unless they should be on guard duty some-
lows for the hours of 8 AM to midnight. Cut specifically ordered to do so. They contrib- where.
all numbers in half at other times, using one ute missile fire to melees in the Greater Tem- 17 Zuggtmoy alone (if able to wander
guard to watch a pair of adjacent corridors ple whenever possible, but will keep their this area; otherwise No Encounter)
(420 + 423, 426 + 429) from a position just posts and fight to the death. 18 Zuggtmoy with one of the above
inside the Temple proper. groups (roll again, using 2d8 if able
The gargoyles (who actually live in the to wander this area; otherwise No
Human leaders usually keep position Temple itself) rove the place in groups of 3- Encounter)
behind the main altar (419 A) during alerts, 6, but return to and defend the Temple dur- 19-00 No Encounter
but may be anywhere at other times. A pre- ing alerts, meetings, and so forth. Their Details
ferred tactic is to haste most or all of the primary purpose during an alert is to stop
ogres massed in the Temple while intruders all flying intruders. Their secondary task is Black pudding: AC 6, MV 6 ", HD10, hp 55,
are delayed on the stairs. If the invaders to enter melees by swooping from the air, as #AT 1, D 3-24, SA dissolves wood &
turn off into a barracks area, troops will be they might thereby gain surprise against metal, SD affected only by fire, AL N,
quickly moved into position to cut off possi- opponents already engaged (1-3 on Id6). SZ L (7' across); XP 1350 + 14/hp
ble escape.
During alerts, ettins and giants stand in Ettin: AC 3, MV 12", HD 10, #AT 2, D 2-
Troop and Guard Positions corridors about 10-15 feet from the Greater 16/3-18, SA throw rocks (#AT 2, ranges
Temple area, weapons at ready. They con- 3 '76 '712 ", D 2-16 each), SD surprised
Area Normal Alert tribute to melees in the Temple with thrown only on a 1, AL CE, SZ L (13' + ); XP
Empty 2 trolls boulders, avoiding their comrades if possi- 2400 + 14/hp
401 2 trolls 2 trolls ble (but often not entirely). Note that three
402 2 trolls 2 trolls of the ettins have been instructed by the
409 1 troll Empty giants in rock-throwing, and have a similar
410 capacity for hurling such, at the faster rate


Syri Nity (order #5099312)

Smigmal Redhand: AC 4 (leather +1 & prise intruders. Trolls (4): AC 4, MV 12", HD 6 + 6, hp 42,
shield + 2), MV 12", Level 7/7 Fighter/ The descending stairways empty onto a 38, 35, 30, #AT 3, D 5-8/5-8/2-12, SD
Assassin, hp 41, XP 4924 regenerates (3 hp per round starting 3
S 17 115 W 7 D 16 Co 17 Ch 14 large landing. From there, a passage 20 feet rounds after being damaged); AL CE, SZ
#AT 3/2, D 3-8, SA poison on sword wide and 30 feet tall slopes slightly down- L (9'), XP 861, 829, 805, 765 (525 +
(insinuative type B, + 3 bonus to saving wards to the north, leading to more stairs, 8/hp)
throw, Dmg 25 in 2 rounds), SD ring of an intersection, more stairs, and more corri-
spell storing/invisibility, Thief Abilities: dor. 403. STUDY
PP 45, OL 52, F/RT 45, MS 40, HS 31,
HN 25, CW 95, RL 15 The walls of the landing are covered with This quiet room is the abode of Barkinar
Falrinth: AC 3 (bracers of defense), MV mosaic murals depicting a nauseating scene and Deggum, the commanders of the Tem-
12", Level 8 (Level 9 with familiar), hp of frolicking demons, vile goops and molds, ple Troops and Guards (respectively). They
27, #AT 1, D 2-5, SA spells, SD regener- and giant humanoids, all capering about are usually elsewhere except at night.
ate 1 hp per round, MR 25%; XP 4024 amidst a field of their fallen, torn, and tor-
S 10 117 W 10 D 17 Co 15 Ch 12 tured victims. Two normal beds stand along the north
(See Dungeon Level 3 for Falrinth's usual and south walls, nestled tightly into the
memorized spells. Modify them accord- This stair seems often used, with fresh western corners. Beside each is a wardrobe
ingly if PC raids have caused alerts.) and old footprints of large humanoids all and a small table, the latter bearing a crystal
Kriitch (quasit familiar): AC 2, MV 15", about. Small scraps of food and bits of bone ewer and cup (each set worth 250 gp).
HD 3, hp 16, #AT 3, D 1-2/1-2/1-4, SA lie in the dusty corners of the stairs' risers. In
claw poison (save or lose 1 point Dexter- one corner is a small piece of torn parch- The east wall of the room is dominated by
ity for 2-12 rounds), fear blast once per ment, easily found if characters examine the a great brick fireplace with marble mantle,
day (30' radius), SD 25% MR, regenerate area. Upon it is a faded drawing, its details upon which are various knicknacks col-
1 hp/round, hit only by iron or magic only discernible when held up to a light lected by the two clerics — shrunken human
weapons, immune to cold, fire, and source. It is a crude depiction of a crowned heads, religious paraphernalia, carved figu-
lightning; XP 373 skull, with four lines (each about twice the rines, and other interesting items, with a
Gargoyle: AC 5, MV 9'715", HD 4 + 4, length of the skull's height) emanating from total value of 3,500 gp (averaging 350 gp per
#AT 4, D1-3/1-3/1-6/1-4, SA + 1 bonus the crown, and a circle at the outer end of item).
"to hit" and damage when first swooping each line.
to attack, SD hit only by +1 or better Decorative tapestries flank the fireplace
magic weapons, AL CE, SZ M; XP 165 402. EAST WING on the east wall. The southern conceals an
+ 5/hp open doorway leading to a neat closet, in
Hill giant: AC 4, MV 12 ", HD 8 + 2, #AT 1, In this area live four trolls, sentries for the which the clothing of the two clerics is kept
D 2-16, SA boulders (D 2-16, indoor troops of the Great Temple (who lair in hanging to either side. A full-length mirror
ranges3"/6"/12");ALCE, SZL(10' + ), areas 405-408) and personal guardians of is mounted on the east closet wall. Four
XP1400 + 12/hp their commanders (tose in areas 403 and pieces of gold jewelry (each worth 1,000 gp)
Ogre: AC 3, MV 9", HD 4 + 1, #AT 1, D 1- 404). Two will be here at all times, and all lie on a small shelf attached to the mirror's
10 or by weapon +3, AL CE, SZ L are present at night. left edge. Another identical but empty shelf
(9'+);XP90 + 5/hp is at the right edge; if twisted clockwise, it
Troll: AC 4, MV 12 ", HD 6 + 6, #AT 3, D 5- The trolls' bedding is piled in the north- opens the secret door entrance to a corridor
8/5-8/2-12, SD regenerates (3 hp per east corner of the area, along with 4 small to the mages' room (404).
round starting 3 rounds after being dam- chests. The trolls drag out their bedding at
aged), AL CE, SZ L (9'); XP 525 + 8/hp sleeping times, and keep all their valuables Barkinar worked his way up through the
in their locked chests; each has a key. Inside ranks over the last six years. He came to the
ROOM KEY each chest are 10 cp, 19 sp, 16 ep, 15 gp, and Temple ruins to scavenge treasure, and
1-4 gems of pure black tourmaline (worth stayed to serve and earn even greater
401. PROMENADE 500 gp each). One troll also has a figurine, wealth. Once a lowly cleric of the Earth
This area is normally empty, but is guarded an ebony fly — which is cursed to become a Temple, he became its leader through a
by a pair of trolls (from area 402) during Chasme (minor demon; see MM2 page 38) series of treacherous and bloody maneu-
alerts. If present, they stand by the south after the seventh round of its seventh use. vers. Knowing talent when he saw it,
wall between the stairways, hoping to sur- Supreme Commander Hedrack brought the
The east wall is covered by a huge tapes- mature and experienced Barkinar to the
try which depicts a great battle, apparently lower levels of the dungeons. Barkinar
between the forces of Good and Evil. expects, but does not covet, Hedrack's
Therein, shining humans and winged exalted position. He bides his time, working
humanoids are being blasted to the ground earnestly for the good of Zuggtmoy and the
by magical rays issuing forth from the eyes Temple in any way demanded. He is patient,
of a gigantic, rotund, wrinkled face. The cruel, scheming, and utterly evil — a perfect
tapestry conceals a normal-sized but stoutly officer for this milieu.
reinforced iron-bound door (to area 403).
The trolls have no keys. A corridor about 10 Deggum is a half-elf, a renegade and run-
feet wide and 15 feet high slants off to the away from his people in Welkwood. Drawn
southeast. by rumors of the resurrection of evil might,


Syri Nity (order #5099312)

and by the promises of Lareth (from the during daylight hours, working on his own and sticky from use. This portable hole
Hommlet moathouse ruin) and others like projects, or is otherwise busily conferring with contains Senshock's spell books (see
him, Deggum has found success and a fast clerics, instructing giants, or performing some below), a cloak of poisonousness, one
rise in power through his Temple position. other administrative task. He always carries large flask of oil bearing a fire trap (D 10-
He is personally tutored by Hedrack and his black scarab inscribed with the letters 14 plus 4-24 from the exploding oil), and
Senshock both, and is seen as a great future TZGY, for controlling the curtain behind the 29 potion vials held in six wooden racks.
leader. He carries his spellbook in a pack at altar (area 419 A). The potions include one of nearly every
all times, and studies his craft in his spare type listed in the DMG, except for ani-
moments. The book contains most of the The room is well-appointed, with tapes- mal, dragon, and human control, delu-
same first and second level spells as those of tries on the walls and furnishings made of sion, and both oils. Those of giant
his tutur, Senshock. ebony and rosewood. The bed stands in the strength and control are of the hill giant
southeast corner, adjacent to a small fire- type, of course, those being most accessi-
Each cleric carries a black scarab place in the east wall. A wardrobe stands at ble for materials.
inscribed with the letters TZGY, which is the foot of the bed between it and the door. 4 Four jeweled (but non-magical) bracers,
used to control the curtain behind the main The north wall is filled by a long work- each pair worth 2,000-8,000 gp.
altar (419 A). Barkinar owns potions of bench, with beakers bubbling over small 5 A tiny pocket mirror of life trapping,
extra healing and speed, and Deggum owns flames, bottles and boxes of various rare which causes the first person looking into
potions of healing and growth. They will substances, and other laboratory parapher- it to save vs. spells or be ensnared (as the
use them as needed to combat invaders. nalia. On the west wall is an oaken shelf larger version). If it catches a victim, it
unit, upon which are three large and heavily simultaneously releases its current occu-
Barkinar: AC -1 (plate + 1, shield +2), MV bound books, a group of twelve pieces of pant (a purple worm, hp 88), as it has
12", Level 7 Cleric, hp 60, #AT 1, D by assorted jewelry all bearing a black skull only one extra-dimensional space. The
weapon (staff of striking) or spell, SA motif, three wooden eggs, and two plati- exchange will be so rapid, however, as to
wears boots of levitation, SD spells; XP num medallions with like chains. produce the impression that the victim
1680 was polymorphed into the worm....
S 11 116 W 17 D 10 Co 16 Ch 8 Each of the three books on the shelf is a
trap, of course, and all of the same type. On the workbench are various hairs, liq-
Spells memorized: The books are made of heavy wood, pains- uids, and other items obtained from a vari-
First level: command, cure light wounds takingly painted to look real. A book sticks ety of monsters (but no dragons), along
to anyone who touches it, due to a powerful with powdered gems, quicksilver, and other
(x2), remove fear, sanctuary curse (no saving throw). It remains so until components. The whole is worth 20,000 gp,
Second level: hold person (x2), resist fire, a remove curse is applied by a 9th or higher plus another 500 gp for exotic glassware and
level caster. The jewelry collection is worth utensils. The lot may be gathered and
silence 15' radius, slow poison 25,000 gp for all, each piece being studded packed for travel at the rate of 1,000 gp
Third level: dispel magic, prayer, bestow with diamond chips and onyx; the average worth per turn per person, assuming proper
value of individual pieces is 1,500 gp if the sacks and padding are available.
curse set is split.
Fourth level: cure serious wounds Senshock is the respected and dreaded
The wooden eggs appear to be nothing emissary of Zuggtmoy herself. Just as Iuz
Deggum: AC 2 (chain & shield), MV 12", more than nicely crafted puzzles in which wields power through Hedrack and
Level 5/4 Cleric/Magic-User, hp 21, #AT the pieces are cleverly interlocked, worth Barkinar, so do the scales balance through
1, D by weapon or spell, SA spells, SD 750 gp for the set due to the fine inlay work. Senshock's actions on Zuggtmoy's behalf.
ring of fire resistance; XP 1118 In the center of each egg, however, is a crys-
S 12 115 W 18 D 7 Co 10 Ch 11 tal miniature of the unholy symbol used Long ago, as an apprentice in the local
hereabouts; each figure is worth 1,000 gp, wizard's guild, Senshock learned the busi-
Cleric spells memorized: but should be destroyed by Good charac- ness of potion and wand making, and has
First level: bless, cure light wounds, detect ters. The platinum medallions and chains brought those talents here. He visits the lab
also bear unholy symbols, but need only be (area 330) on occasion, or sends bugbears or
magic, sanctuary (x2) melted down to be properly spoiled, then trolls to fetch the necessary items, but per-
Second level: augury, chant, hold person, worth 200 gp for the metal (or 150 gp each forms all of his work here, in his private
for the original medallions). room.
poison, spiritual hammer
Third level: continual darkness, animate The wardrobe is stoutly made, and has Senshock combines his attention to detail
five secret compartments disguised as parts with grand strategy planning, and is the
dead of the ornamental inlay design. A separate actual source of many of the better tactics
check for secret doors is required for each used by the Temple forces. He has been
Magic-user spells memorized: compartment. Each space is a two-inch assured (by Zuggtmoy) of the position of
First level: magic missile (x3) cube, and the contents are as follows: High Commander and General of all the
Second level: invisibility (x2) Temple's mighty forces once the reconstruc-
1 Six black sapphires, each worth 5,000 gp. tion is complete. Iuz has been noncommittal
404. ROOM, 20' x 30' 2 One carnelian (worth 50 gp) bearing a fire about this, so Senshock is trying to gain Iuz'

The door to this room is wizard locked at 9th trap (D 10-14).
level of magic use. This is the secluded lair of 3 One crumpled black handkerchief, soiled
Senshock, Lord Wizard of the Greater Tem-
ple. He may (40% chance) be here at any time


Syri Nity (order #5099312)

favor in any way possible. hall, and lounge for the rank-and-file troops 406. ROOM, 20' x 10'
The Lord Wizard is a critical part of the of the Great Temple — 12 ogres and 18 bug- Rooms 406a through 406d are used by the
bears. The current inhabitants of the room ogre troops of the Great Temple. Each room
defense plan for the Greater Temple, main- are found by checking the time of day, as is 20' x 10', and 15' tall. Even if not
taining a post behind the main altar (419A) follows. encountered elsewhere, the ogres will only
and adding his spells where needed in be found here 30% of the time. The south-
melees. He will not expose himself until or Meals are at 1-3 PM, 6-8 PM, and 1-3 west room (406e), identical to the others, is
unless invaders are near defeat. Should the AM. During these periods, the area is busy occupied by the bugbear chieftain and sub-
Temple guards suffer defeat, he will take his with 6-9 of each troop type. They take turns chief.
place in the throne room (area 435) to brief eating and then replacing others at their Ogres (8): AC 3, MV 9", HD 4 + 1 (hp 5-8
Zuggtmoy about the events, and will then assigned tasks (wherever that may be), so
teleport out to a well-studied secret retreat ogres and bugbears are strolling in and out per die), #AT 1, D1-10 or by weapon + 3
in Verbobonc. almost continuously. The place is loud and (spear or club), AL CE, SZ L (9' + ); XP
messy. Those in the process of eating are 90 + 5/hp
Senshock is privy to certain secrets of usually also talking, arguing, engaging in Bugbear Chief: AC 3, HD 3 + 1, hp 29, #AT
Iuz', but will never reveal anything of great minor food fights, and so forth. 1, D 4-10 (morning star) or 3-10 (spear),
import. If captured and examined by ESP or SA surprise on 1-3, attack as if 4 HD; XP
similar means, however, Senshock can pro- The ogre shaman (who lairs in area 407) 185 + 4/hp
vide one interesting tidbit — Iuz is working refuses to risk himself in guard duty, and so Bugbear Sub-chief: AC 4, HD 3 + 1, hp 23,
against the Scarlet Brotherhood, and seeks functions as the cook. He is assisted by four #AT 1, D 3-9 (morning star) or 2-9
both Zuggtmoy (whose location is bugbears at all times. Between noon and 4 (spear), SA surprise on 1-3, attack as if 4
unknown even to him) and his mother Igwlf AM, the shaman/cook is 50% likely to be HD; XP 160 + 4/hp
(believed lost in the great Abyss) to aid him here, or 40% likely to be in his nearby 407. ROOM, 40' x 50'
in this task. If charmed or otherwise magi- room, though he may (10%) be wandering Herein lair the ogre chieftain, two leaders,
cally coerced to reveal his secrets, Senshock in the nearby halls carrying a ladle of and a shaman.
will suddenly and mysteriously die, slain by chunky fluid, looking for someone to taste The shaman functions as cook for the
Iuz himself. his latest creation (which has a 30% chance troops, as detailed above (area 405). The
of causing nausea for 1-4 turns). Though other three sleep a great deal, go out on an
Senshock: AC 1 (bracers of defense AC 3), busy at mealtimes, he is otherwise 20% occasional dungeon patrol, or 'supervise'
MV12 ", Level 9 Magic-User, hp 26, #AT likely to be found dozing. their ogre troops at their posts.
1, D by weapon or spell, SA spells, wand In deference to his rank, the ogre chieftain
of fire, SD spells, ring ofprotection + 2, During a one-hour period after each has been given a black scarab which he
ring of feather falling, XP 4012 mealtime, one black pudding may (25% believes is identical to those used by the
S 11 118 W 9 D 8 Co 10 Ch 13 chance) be present, eating scraps for the human leaders. His, however, is inscribed
cook (a friend it recognizes) and generally with the letters TZOY, and will not function
Spells memorized: consuming everything else it is permitted. as the others. He has never put it to the test.
Level 1: detect magic, magic missile (x2), Ogre Chieftain: AC 4, MV 9", HD 4 + 1, hp
At other times a group of 2-5 bugbears, 1- 36, #AT 1, D 4-14 (2d6 + 2, club) or 5-12
unseen servant 4 ogres, or both may be here secretly, trying (Id8 + 3, spear), SA attacks as if 7 HD;
Level 2: detect invisibility, invisibility, web to talk the cook into making a snack but, XP265 + 5/hp
Level 3: dispel magic, haste, lightning bolt through experience with the stubborn sha- Ogre leaders (2): AC 3, MV 9 ", HD 4 + 1, hp
Level 4: charm monster, polymorph self man, expecting scraps at best. Roll Idl2; 33, 31, #AT 1, D 2-12 (club) or 4-11
Level 5: teleport 1 = bugbears, 2 - ogres, 3 = both, 4-12 = (Id8 + 3, spear), SA attacks as if 7 HD;
Spellbook (hidden in the portable hole in his no visitors. XP265 + 5/hp
wardrobe): Ogre shaman: AC 4, MV 9", HD 5 + 3, hp
Level 1: charm person, detect magic, feather The bedpiles of four bugbears are in the 29, #AT 1, D 1-10 (club), SA spells (as
southeast corner of the room. This group is level 3 cleric), SD spells; XP 305 + 6/hp.
fall, magic missile, read magic, shield, composed of the most recent losers in the vari-
unseen servant, write ous gambling games played by the troops, and
Level 2: detect invisibility, invisibility, have lost their bunk privileges to those in area
knock, magic mouth, web, wizard lock 408 (a-f). They are thus also drafted as assist-
Level 3: dispel magic, fireball, fly, haste, ants for the cook, and as tasters as well. They
lightning bolt, tongues have no treasure; they constantly pilfer what-
Level 4: charm monster, dimension door, ever they can, but their belongings are regu-
fire trap, polymorph self larly stripped by the others, or eaten by the
Level 5: conjure elemental, teleport, wall of wandering pudding.
405. COMMON ROOM Bugbears (4): AC 5, MV 9 ", HD 3 + 1, hp 20,
This area is the central meeting-place, mess 15,13,12, #AT 1 or 2, D 2-8 (morning star)
or 1-6/1-6 (longbow), SA missile fire, sur-
prise on 1-3; AL CE, SZ L (7' + ), XP 240,
220, 212, 208 (160 + 4/hp)


Syri Nity (order #5099312)

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