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Published by Santiago De Grandchant, 2019-05-13 23:34:06

Official FS Booklet

Official FS Booklet

The Official Freshman Seminar
Textbook is finally here!!! This textbook
contains all the course information.

By: Santiago de Grandchant


Copyright © Santiago de Grandchant, 2019

By Press, The Official Textbook, Inc…

All rights reserved
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form

without permission in writing from the publisher.


Chapter 1: Know Yourself 4 - Assessment 23
- Getting Organized 5 16 Chapter 4: Navigating Online 24

- Schedule 6 - Internet Safety 25

- Learning Style 7 - More Safety 26

- Recommendations 8 - Evaluating sources 27

- Goal Setting 9 Chapter 5: Public Speaking 28

- Growth Journal 10 - Presentations 29

Chapter 2: Avoiding Plagiarism - Debate 30

- Plagiarism Intro 12 Chapter 6: Annotations & Grammar

- Paraphrasing 13 31

- Quotations 14 - Annotations 32

- Citations 15 - Prepositions 33

Chapter 3: Argue & Research - Said Is Dead 34

- P.E.E 17 Chapter 7: Test Preparation 35

- Introduction 18 - Test Anxiety 36

- Rebuttals 19 - Mind Maps 37

- Super-So-What 20 - Congratulation 38

- Argumentative Essay 21 - Work Cited 39

- Research Paper 22 3


Having a neat working environment and an organized schedule significantly helps

students with their working habits.

Activity: Labeled Study Area

Create a diagram of your study area.
Make sure to include labels and
illumination spots.

Why Create a Study Area Diagram?

- Method of organization
- You can refer to your diagram to improve

your working area
- To see if you work in optimal conditions 5

Activity: Color Coded Weekly Schedule

Create a color coded weekly schedule that includes

1. Getting ready for school Why Create a Schedule?
2. School hours
3. After school activities - Helps manage your time
4. Homework time - Helps you know if you have
5. Free time
enough time to do certain

6. Sleep time - Better performance in an out of


Use the example below as reference.

7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 23:00

Monday Get ready School School School School School School School School Riding Riding soccer soccer Homework Sleep

Tuesday Get ready School School School School School School School School Riding Riding Free Time Homework Homework Sleep

Wednesday Get ready School School School School School School School School Riding Riding soccer soccer Homework Sleep

Thursday Get ready School School School School School School School School Riding Riding Free Time Homework Homework Sleep

Friday Get ready School School School School School School School School Riding Friends Friends Friends Friends Sleep

Saturday Sleep Sleep Sleep Riding Riding Riding Lunch Lunch Lunch Family Family Family Family Homework Sleep
Sunday Sleep Sleep Sleep Riding Riding Riding Lunch Lunch Lunch Family Family Family Family Homework Sleep 6

Knowing your learning style is very important. Knowing the best way in which you learn could
save a lot of time. It will also aid comprehension and your overall academic performance

Activity: Identify Learning Styles
Visit the link below and take the quiz to
identify your learning style.

Once you know your learning style, go to https://www.hopehealth.
the next page for some learning com/one-learning-style-d
techniques. oesnt-fit-all-when-it-com
nications/ 7

Visual Learners:

● Tips:
○ Color code notes, pictures.
○ Use videos and documentaries.
○ Sit at the front of the class.

Auditory Learners:

● Tips:
○ Record your class lecture to study from it.
○ Pay attention to lectures in class.
○ Participate in class discussions.

Tactile Learners: https://www.howdesign. 8
● Tips: ng-end-users-and-meta
○ Get hands-on activities learning. cognition/
○ Experiment to understand activities.
○ Be curious.

A huge part of the student life is to set and accomplish goals. From finishing a homework assignment to
completing a summative presentation, setting up goals help students get organized

Activity: Set a Smart Goal

Create an academic SMART goal and make sure it covers all the aspects of

https://teensma 9

Now that it is the end of the chapter, you will make a Growth Journal to keep track of progress.

Create a Growth Journal Including:
1. Cover: Your name and title of the Growth Journal
2. Page 1: Write the quote, “I have not failed, I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
3. Page 2: Write out your SMART Goal that you made in the previous lesson
4. Page 3: Write out five inspirational quotes that are meaningful to you.
5. Page 4: Sketch 6 detailed steps that you will follow to achieve your goal.
6. Page 5: Make a pyramid, divide it into three sections -

*The following steps will be repeated each week:

7. Page 6: Your 3 big wins this week, 3 positive experiences, and a sketch of what you learned

8. Page 7: Create a chart containing days of the week (row) and your six actions (column).

Then, for each day, place a checkmark if you did the action, if not, place an “X.”

9. Page 8: Free writing - anything you want! 10


Plagiarism is the act of passing someone else's work or 12
ideas as your own. Avoiding plagiarism is one of the most
important skills students learn in school.


Plagiarizing can have some serious consequences. It
can have academic or it may even have legal
consequences. Be sure to paraphrase, quote, and cite
your sources to avoid plagerism



A great way to avoid plagiarism is to paraphrase. To paraphrase means to change the words of a
text or passage while maintaining the essence and the tone of the original piece.

Visit this link for practice:

Steps to Paraphrase:

Step 1- Read the passage to be paraphrased two-three times. 13
Step 2- Circle words you do not understand. What-is-the-best-website
Step 3- Use tools (Context, dictionary, glossary) for the definition -for-paraphrasing
Step 4- Replace your definition of unknown words into the phrase
Step 5- Turn over the original
Step 6- write out/ say paraphrase
Step 7- Review your paraphrase for completeness

Quotes are important writing elements because they offer support and textual evidence
for an argument. It is important to know that quotes can not stand alone. Here are four

ways to introduce your quotes

Introduce With/By:

Complete sentence and a colon: USE THE PURDUE
- Ex: Thoreau ends his essay with a metaphor: "Time is but the stream I go a-fishing in." OWL FOR MORE
Explanatory phrase separated by the quotation with a comma
- Ex: According to Thoreau, "We do not ride on the railroad; it rides upon us." https://owl.purdue.ed
Write a sentence with short quotes citation/mla_style/ml
- Ex: Although Thoreau "drink[s] at" the Time, he can "detect how shallow it is." a_formatting_and_st
Paraphrase it first tting_quotations.html
- Ex: Change the quote into your own word. Then introduce the quote.


Citing your sources is the last step to avoid plagiarism. This gives credit to the author and
makes your writing credible. Using citations, readers can refer back to the sources.

Include these element in the following order for a correct citation: http://wallintermedi
1. Author last name, first name. com/p/citing-source
2. “Title of source. s.html
3. Container,
4. Publisher, 15
5. Publication date (day, month year)
6. URL. (without https://)
7. Access date. (day, month year)

Consult the Owl if there are any questions:


The first step toward writing an amazing essay is to start with a great introduction. A
great introduction includes a hook, background information, and a theses. Remember that
1/argumentative-essay-introducti purpose of the
on-format.html/attachment/how-t introduction is to
o-write-an-argumentative-essay- attract and familiarize
topics-outline-essaypro-intended the reader with the
ction-format topic.

17 The key for an impactful body paragraph of an essay is to
ng-resource/point-evidence follow the P.E.E format. P.E.E stands for Point, Evidence, and Explain. peel-paragraph-writing.html

Try It!!!
Follow This Example:


The rebuttal paragraph

● Concrete evidence
● Credibility

Do not forget to
disprove the best
counter argument for

your topic. 19

The Super So What is the most important part of the conclusion paragraph. The
Super So What should tell the reader why they should care.

The Super So What

should invite the reader to

take an action. It should

be very impacting and

should leave the readerarch?tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=8



nclusion&gs_l=img.3..0i24l thinking.



D-XEQSw#imgrc=tDdv82L 20


An argumentative essay is a type of formal writing that defends a position. This writing includes 4
parts to fulfil.


- Introduction: Hook, background,

- Body: Topic sentence, evidence,

- Rebuttal: Counter Argument,
disprove the argument

- Conclusion: Restate thesis, call
to action-SUPER SO WHAT!!!



A research paper is a collection of different pieces of information about a topic. It must have a

neutral tone and only include facts.
Include: VkKHTr9A9gQ_AUIDigB&biw=1280&bih=615#imgdii=ncJ
- Introduction: introduce topic,
come up with a theses

- Body: include pieces of
information, use data to
communicate a point.

- Conclusion: come up with a
conclusion that gives off a
message and why the paper
was important


Now that you know what the components of each type of essay
are, it is time for a summative!!!

Chose one of the following assignments.

Write an argumentative essay Write a research paper about a
about a technological topic. Chose nature related topic. Chose one of

one of the following topics: the following topics:

- Artificial intelligence - Solutions for Climate change
- Self driving cars - Effects of animal extinction
- Machines and the working - Effects of deforestation


Be Sure to include all the components that are needed to write each assignment.

Visit this link for argumentative essay samples Visit this link for research paper samples: 23
ampleEssays.html lates/research-paper-samples/


As good as the internet may seem, there are many reasons to be https://www.quogueschool. 25
cautious while using it. Today, it is even easier to harm people as the com/domain/73
majority of social media users give of a significant amount of personal
information. Hackers, predators, and kidnappers all constantly navigate

through the web.

Be careful not to ruin your future just because you
do not show your face online.

What you put online, stays online. A high school football MVP
lost his scholarship because of mean comments he posted
years before.

Don’t be dumb.

6 Rules To Be Safe Online:

- Keep Your Identity a Secret: Do not give personal information, not
even small clues a predator could use.

- Keep Your Password to Yourself: Your friend could log into your
account and say awful things you would be responsible for

- Everything Is Permanent: Anything you post or your friends post
about you is permanent. Keep yourself with an impeccable mage

- Behave As You Would Offline: Just because you are behind a
screen you should not behave differently. Use manners.

- Be Careful Meeting Someone Online: Do not meet your virtual
friends in person, they might not be who they say they are

- Your Parents Are Responsible: Any actions you take go back to
your parents. Don’t punish them for your actions.


Not all sources you find on the internet contain
truthful information. Knowing if a site contains truthful
information is an important skill. How do you know if

a site is trustworthy?

Use CRAAP!!!

Visit this link and evaluate
one of the websites that are
given. USE CRAAP!!!
ation 27


Learning to give a strong and impactful presentation is amazing. Many may

think it is simple, but there is much more behind it than just speaking.

Use These Tips For A Killer Presentation:

- Speak With Passion: the audience will connect with
you and listen.

- Use Humor:Makes it fun, authentic, engaging. Don’t

- Use Graphics: Audience will remember more if they
connect with good graphics.

- Keep It Short: Make it brief so the audience does not
lose attention.

- Practice and Keep on Practicing: Memorable 29
presentations are rehearsed thousands of times.

A debate is a formal discussion in which a controversial topic are argued. To
debate effectively use the following tips.

First, you need to know the following Some Tips:
3 terms:
1. Ethos - Ethical appeal used to Argue for what you think is right
Gather concrete evidence and data
convince your audience. Never lose you cool
2. Pathos - Emotional appeal used Be prepared to counter argue
Speak professionally and with confidence
to convince your audience. Respect the time limit and do not interrupt 30
3. Logos - Logical appeal used to

convince your audience.


The 3 purposes of annotations are to understand the text, keep track of change, and
identify areas of interest. How to annotate?

Circle or Underline: Notes on the Margins:

- Main Ideas - Brackets: Identify important passages.
- Characters/Names - Reactions ):) how do you feel regarding
- Vocabulary Words
- Important Ideas or Events. what you are currently reading.
- Margin Madness: Make a connection,

identify what you think or feel, ask
questions, your opinion.

Activity: 32

Visit the this article about global warming. Annotate the text and
refer back to this page to make sure you use all the annotation


Learning these prepositions
can be really hard, especially

since most of us are not
native speakers.

The diagram on the left will
be really helpful to learn
when to use each


STOP USING “SAID”. Instead, use one of these rich and appealing
words. I makes you sound more intelligent and more sophisticated.

https://w https:
ww.pinte //ww w.tea
/pin/486 chert
0369847 ube.c
7013591 om/p
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e 6247



Many people suffer from test anxiety. This
does not help put on your best test-anxiety
performance and manifests in different
ways: 36

Physical:Headaches, extreme sweating,
rapid heart beat short breathing

Emotional: feeling of fear, anger,
depression, helplessness

Behavioral: fidgeting, avoidance,
uncontrollable laughter

Cognitive: ‘going blank’, not concentrating,
no organized thoughts.

Use these techniques to get rid
of anxiety and do your BEST!!!

An effective way to take notes and retain the information is by making a mind

map. A mind map consists of: https://www.projectwizards.

Central Image: Should represent

the topic

Main Branches: Organize your

ideas about the topic

Detailed Branches: Give more

information about the main branches

***Use pictures, color, key 37

No long sentences.

You Have Passed The Course


Work Cited

Centre, Safer Internet. “Social Media Checklists.” Safer Internet Centre, 2017,

“English Composition 1.” ENG 1001: Integrating Quotations into Sentences, 2017,

Purdue Writing Lab. “MLA Formatting Quotations // Purdue Writing Lab.” Purdue Writing Lab, 2019,

“Sample Argumentative Essays.” Sample Argument Essays, 2019,

Toler, Annmarie. “Social Media Cost This Star Athlete His Division I Scholarship-Now He's Trying to Educate
Others.” USA Football, 2010,

“What Is a Research Paper?” Suny Empire State College, 2018, 39

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