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2019 nonfiction Ebook about the 13 colonies with links game and so much more!

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Published by Marison Haessig, 2019-05-22 09:59:15

MY Adventure Though The 13 Colonies.

2019 nonfiction Ebook about the 13 colonies with links game and so much more!

MY adventure though
the 13 colonies.

British flag

By Marison E Haessig

If you click on a Table Of Contents `
underlined word
and it will take Iofgnyaomiut easneoder tvthhidiesereosywmilbloblecalick
you to the

1. A New Beginning In The 13 Colonies
2. A Tour Of My New Life.
3. Homes
4. Food
5. Jobs Of A Adult
6. Chores
7. School
8. The Introduction Of A Better Reality
9. Glossary

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The map of the 13 colonies.

A New Beginning Called The 13 Colonies

Good morrow fellow colonist my name Click here to watch a video
is Charity. You look new in this town and a little
lost let me show you around and tell you about
the 13 colonies. You are most likely wondering
what is a colony? Well a colony is a big piece of
land that is controlled by another country.

who is controlling all 13 colonies? Well no
other then the king of England. The 13 colonies
are divided into 3 sections the new England
colonies the middle colonies and the southern

Here in the 13 colonies it was peaceful,
until all of the taxes started, the king of England
taxed paper, sugar, tea and more. The king of
England keeps taxing my mother and father
along with all of the other colonist I hope it will
stop soon.

A Tour Of My New In Life In My New Village

The first thing that I want you to know about a Click here to play a
colonial village is the market place the market place game
is in the town square. The market is one of the
very few things that the 13 colonies all have in Town hall meeting.

The marketplace is ware mostly farmers sell
fruit, vegetables, eggs, meat and homemade things
like straw hats baskets and many other things. The
reason that most farmers are the ones selling
things at the marketplace is because most of us
colonists are farmers just like my own father he
told me that he wanted to be a farmer because he
wanted to help feed our family.

your food,clothes and Many more things like a
chamber pot you use a chamber pot when either
you can't go outside to use the necessary or it is
the middle of the night and to dark to see we get
all these things at the general store. Feeling ill or all
arsy varsy? Then you can head over to the
apothecary and get some medicine and even see

ray, pardon but my I ask where is your one Homes
room house oh you don't know, oh I see you
are not sure what the homes look like here Click here to play a
in the 13 colonies. game

A cozy home in the 13 colonies are
quite simple there is one room a hearth and
a kitchen. The kitchen was in a different
room some of the kitchen are connected to
the house some are not connected to the
house those are called the summer kitchen
there is another kitchen in the house. Just
like you I am sure, all of my family live
together in my cozy sweet home.

The outside of a colonial home is
different than any other home because
farmers have a farm in the back of there
house. The rich loyal subjects to the king
have fancy gardens with flowers and
decorations. But patriots have very little
decorations in there or big fancy gardens.


When my grandparents first came to the
13 colonies they had brought barrels of
food with them. Unforchinitly as my
grandparents had told me the barrels of
food had ran out in about two to three
years. By the time that had happened no
one was quite sure what to do because
no one know how to grow food or hunt.

People began to get desperate for
food luckily the native americans help us
and taught us how to hunt. The most
common thing that was haunted was deer
and fish. The native americans also taught
people how to farm things like corn beans
squash and meany meany other crops.
My favorite meal is the three sisters
soup it is called the three sister soup
because of what is in the soup there is
beans, corn and squash. My other favorite
is my mother's meat stowe so delicious.

Let me show you around all the jobs in my colonial town. To the left Jobs
here is the blacksmith shop why don't we ask the blacksmith what he
does in a long day of work. “Good morrow young colonist I am a
blacksmith here in the blacksmith shop we make things that are
made out of metal like horseshoes and metal tools like a wrench or
screwdriver and metal screws”.

Post haste come on we need to hurry if we want to get town
in time for dinner. To the left here is the taner let's go in and ask him
about is tuff job. “ Good morrow I here that you are wondering about
my job a young apprentice I see well my job is not so easy here I
turn raw animal hide into leather for things like shoes for the cobbler.
Just down the road here is the miller let's find out more about his
job. “ hello young fellow here at the miller is always a long day of hard
work here at the miller we make flour by grinding corn, We are called
the miller because in order to make corn into flour you need the help
of the mill”.

Oh look one of my favorite job the cobbler I wonder what it is
like to be a cobbler, well only one why to find out lets ask him. “ Good
morrow fellow colonists here at the cobbler is a job that many people
might think is hard but if you keep your nose to the grindstone then it
is esser then you may think and always remember many hand make
light work”.

haza I don't know about you but I sure did learn a lot from
the blacksmith to the taner and from the miller but honestly maybe
this is different for you but I sure learned the most from the


Here in the 13 colonies there are many
chores that need to be done. My chores
are to help prepare meals with my sister
and mother I also collect eggs from the
chicken cope every morning I also help
with sowing, knitting, candle making and
getting water from the well these are all
of my daily chores.

“My brother Charles has many
chores to like helping my dad in the
barn,milking the cow feeding the animals,
getting water from the well and help farm
the crops like corn, beans, squash and

Me and my younger brother share
some chores like making soap and
candles my younger james loves making
soap and candles he always looks
forward to it. Me and my older brother
share some jobs to like milking the cow
and getting some water from the well.


School is not a place for games and fun time here
at the one room schoolhouse our teacher Mr.smith
is very strict and if you miss behave then you
must wear the dunce cap which is quite

The younger children must sit up front and
the older children in the back. When you came to
school you must bring your own firewood to class
and if you don’t then you would have to sit far
away from the fire. I must warn you if you miss
behave to much there will be much wheres
consequences then the dunce cape Mr.smith may
beat you on the hand with a stick.

Haza I have a ida lets ask mr.smith about
teaching “good morrow I hear that you are
wondering about teaching well you have come to the
right place I love to teach but I am very strict don't
have me put a dunce cap on you. When I teach I
have all of my students memorize the lesson being
mesmerized is the best way to learn it.”

A Introduction Of A Better Reality

“So I hope that you liked the tour of my home

“Pray pardon me young lady I think you mean your
home state” interrupts my neighbor.

“ But if this is our oun state then we must have
won the war “That's right young lady after 7 long years it's
finally over” So my parents don’t have to pay all of those
silly taxes anymore? “That's right no more silly taxes and no
more king George.

Did you hear that no more taxes and no more king
hazzah. Do you want to come to my home pa said he has
a supperiz. Good morrow father what is the surprise that
you told me about? “The surprise, we'll take a gander at the
brand new American flag all 13 stripes and 13 stars.” Wow
papa it is so beautiful. “ Yes dear Charlotte it really is and
we worked so hard to get this far and finally have our flag.

Don’t forget with the king out we now have our own
government, romer is that there even is a declaration of
independence. Now with our own government we have our
own laws we are even going to have a president maybe
you and I can be president one day.

To go back to Glossary
the page that
you were on click
on the word

1. Good morrow 1. Good morning
2. Necessary
3. arsy varsy 2. Bathroom
4. Dunce Cap
3. Backwards\ wrong

4. Punishment


Fajardo, Anika. The Dish On Food and Farming In Colonial America. Capstone Press, 2017. Arnéz Lynda. My Life in the American Colonies. Gareth Stevens Publishing,


Arnéz Lynda. My Life in the American Colonies. Gareth Stevens Publishing, 2016.

Isaacs, Sally Senzell. Life in a Colonial Town. Heinemann Library, 2001.

Kalman, Bobbie. A Visual Dictionary of a Colonial Community. Crabtree Pub. Co., 2008.

Kalman, Bobbie. The General Store. Crabtree Pub., 1997.

Fisher, Verna. Colonial Jobs. Nomad Press, 2010.

Machajewski, Sarah. A Kid's Life in Colonial America. PowerKids Press, 2015.

Machajewski, Sarah. A Kid's Life in Colonial America. PowerKids Press, 2015. Kalman,

Bobbie. A Child's Day. Crabtree Pub., 1994.

McGovern, Ann, and June Otani. --If You Lived in Colonial Times. Scholastic, 2005.

Raum, Elizabeth. Scoop on Clothes, Homes, and Daily Life in Colonial America. Capstone Press, 2017.

Kalman, Bobbie. Colonial Life. Crabtree Pub. Co., 1993.

Mara, Wil, and Farré Lluís. If You Were a Kid in the Thirteen Colonies. Children's Press, an Imprint of Scholastic Inc., 2017

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