Project Proposal
Guidance and
Level 4
Professional Diploma in
Creative Enterprise
LEexvteeln4dePdroDfeispsloiomnaaliDniploma in
CMrueasticivePeErnftoerrmpraisnece and Production
Project proposal template
In producing the project proposal, and in Section 2 – Research
preparing for the project realisation, you (Approximately 50 words)
should familiarise yourself with Units3312 and
1o3f tohef tqhueaqlifuicaalitfiocna.tiIonnp. aInrtipcualratirc, uyloaur, syhoouusldhould This section provides you with an opportunity
understand the assessment and grading to record the initial research sources that you
criteria, which will be used to determine intend to use, both primary and secondary
standards of achievement. and the ideas that will support and inform the
development of your project. Your sources
Unit 1332 requires you to produce a project of research should be as wide as possible,
proposal of about 800 words, excluding the including: libraries, museums and galleries;
project action plan and bibliography. Project books and magazines; theatre and live events;
proposals should not be so succinct that film, TV and radio, and websites and
they do not address the requirements listed, digital sources.
nor should they be excessively long and
unfocused. Your project proposal should be You should include references to print or
sufficiently challenging to ensure you have the digital media in the form of a bibliography
best possible chance of meeting the grading presented using the Harvard system of
criteria in Unit 13, the extended project. referencing, within the template provided.
Your project proposal should include: Section 3 - Problem solving
- Centre name and number (Approximately 100 words)
- Candidate name and number
- Project proposal title and date In this section, you should describe how you
- Main area of activity / pathway. intend to overcome problems you are likely
to encounter during the development of your
The project proposal must be word processed proposed project. Give examples of both
and presented under the headings listed here: practical and theoretical problems that you
have resolved through your previous work.
Section 1 - Context
(Approximately 300 words)
This section provides you with an opportunity Include examples of personal initiative
to reflect on, review and summarise your and commitment that you have previously
progress and achievements through the demonstrated and use this to anticipate
the level of comprehension, appreciation,
first 121 units, and the knowledge, skills and knowledge and proficiency that will be
necessary to achieve your identified goals.
understanding you have acquired. What
you know now, and what it means to you, Section 4 - Planning and production
compared with what you knew and could do (Approximately 50 words)
before you started the course, and how this
has influenced your choice of pathway and This section provides you with an opportunity
your project proposal. to outline your planning and organisation
over a period of weeks, and the activities you
It also provides an opportunity for you to will need to carry out in order to successfully
explain your reasons for choosing a particular complete your project within the agreed time-
pathway and to outline both your immediate frame. Your planning should be presented
and longer-term aspirations. You should use within the template provided. It is important
this section to clearly explain the concept and that you consider how you will balance
aims of your personal project, and what you ambition, time and realism in the realisation of
anticipate producing, making reference to the the project. This should include what you are
critical and contextual perspectives within going to do, how you will do it and by when.
which your own work is situated.
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LEexvteeln4dePdroDfeispsloiomnaaliDniploma in
CMruesaticivePeErnftoerrmpraisnece and Production
Project proposal template
The more time and thought you give to Section 7 – Presentation
planning your project, the more successful (Approximately 100 words)
it is likely to be. Remember to include time
spent on: sourcing materials, performing The final section provides an opportunity for
questionnaires, accessing workshops, tutorial you to describe how you intend to organise
and peer group feedback opportunities and and present the work generated throughout
where you will incorporate independent study. the development of your project. You should
You should also outline the resources that consider the most appropriate formats for
you will need and an indication of the form in communicating the development of your ideas
which you will complete and present your final to an identified audience, both visually and
realisation within the allocated timescale. conceptually and how you will present your
conclusions and outcomes.
Section 5 - Practical skills
(Approximately 100 words) Additional requirements, not included in the
800 word proposal:
In this section, you should describe the
practical elements of your project and the - Proposal cover sheet and project title
materials processes and technical skills that - Bibliography
you will need to apply in order to successfully - Project timetable
realise your proposal. -Digital presentation
Give examples of techniques and processes
that you have used during previous units.
This can include the development of a range
of skills used to support and ensure the
successful communication of experiences
and ideas and the resources you will need to
access in order to fully explore the potential of
your project concept.
Section 6 – Evaluation and reflection
(Approximately 100 words)
This section provides an opportunity for you
to explain how you will reflect on and evaluate
your work, as both an ongoing activity and at
the conclusion of the project.
You should describe how you intend to record
your decision making, and how you will
document changes to your ideas as
work progresses.
The evaluation should be referenced to your
stated aims and be reflective and analytical
rather than a description of actions completed.
When working in collaboration with others
you should comment on how this may impact
either positively or adversely and steps you
can take to minimise disruption to your
own progress.
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ELexvteenl 4dePdroDfeipssloiomnaalinDiploma in
MCruesaitcivPe eErnfoterrmpraisnece and Production
Unit 312PProrojejcetcPt rporpoopsoaslaTl etemmpplaltaete
Candidate Name Jack Duggan
Candidate Number
Project Title Fictional Short Story Written to a Brief
Section 1: Context Throughout the process of the Level 4 course, I've had a chance to experiment with my
(approx. 300 words) writing style thanks to my self portrait activity done towards the beginning of the
academic year. For my self portrait, I elected to write a short story detailing a walk
through a local park and the different feelings and sensations I'd experience during said
walk. This gave me a chance to practice something new with my writing and re-assured
me that I hadn't gotten rusty due to not writing regular literature for a while (instead
mostly doing screenplays or notes at home).
It's due to my ability with creative writing and my past history with writing (doing very well
in my GCSEs and enjoying creating worlds/stories as a hobby) that I wanted my
pathway to involve writing. Combining the writing angle with the commissioned nature of
my business, I felt it made sense for my final pathway to be writing a short fictional story
to a specific brief, giving me some limitations similar to what I'd face from an actual
customer of this enterprise idea I'm constructing.
For the creation of this project, I can see myself looking through a variety of writing
prompts or even asking someone I know to give me a brief for a short story. This brief
could include character ideas, settings, genre, estimated length and similar things. Once
I've gotten this brief, I'll begin writing the short story whilst attempting to make sure I stick
as close to the brief's specifications as possible. This should result in a short fictional
story tailored exactly to what the brief (and therefore the hypothetical client) asked for
whilst still maintaining a slight personal touch of my own writing style.
Section 2: Research Due to the nature of my project, quite a lot of my research is going to be from reading
(approx. 50 words) fiction books in order to gain inspiration and ideas for how to write in different genres that
I'm not as used to. Some books that I intend to read as research include the Harry Potter
Series, Ranger's Apprentice: Ruins of Gorlan and the Jurassic Park novel. I may think of
more as I search for further inspiration.
Additionally, I'll be researching some online sources for writing tips and guides to
sticking to a brief; some potential articles to read include
storytelling/42-fiction-writing-tips-for-novelists and
computer-arts/10-ways-handle-creative-briefs-6069730 (this one is more focused on
graphic design than writing, but it has a lot of things I can carry over to writing as I am
writing to a creative brief).
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ELexvteenl 4dePdroDfeipssloiomnaalinDiploma in
MCruesaitcivPe eErnfoterrmpraisnece and Production
Unit 312PProrojejcetcPt rporpoopsoaslaTl etemmpplaltaete
Section 3: Problem The biggest problem I see for the project is running into Writer's Block. This has
Solving (approx. 100 happened numerous times before, crippling my ability to write creatively. This is
words) something to expect as a writer and is something I can deal with by reading
more fiction for inspiration to break the block and/or just taking a break to give
Section 4: Planning myself a chance to refresh my mind.
and production
(approx. 50 words) Another potential problem is finding a way to deal with writing both at College
and at Home. This is an issue seeing as I'm no longer able to access my
Section 5: Practical OneDrive from home, having to resort to the web version instead. This will make
skills (approx. 100 working on the project from both home and college difficult, as any updates I do
words) at home are unlikely to carry over to the college system unless I re-upload the
altered project to the web OneDrive every time. This seems to be the only
solution I can think of at the moment, and would just take a little more time and
be a little more tedious (a small price to pay in order to get more time to work).
In the EPQ that I did for 1st year, I was doing a similar thing to this - writing a
story as a project. For said project, I laid out a plan for the plot and characters,
creating profiles and narrative timelines to give myself a better idea of the story
before I began writing. This is something that I can replicate for this project, and
will require me to look back at those old plans, timelines and character profiles
to create similar plans for this project.
I won't need many resources for the project, seeing as it's just writing a story. All
I will need is access to the internet, Microsoft Word and some time to myself
where I can write. While not necessary, headphones would be good as well so
that I can listen to music/ambience while I write, as that helps me feel more
immersed in my writing and focus better.
Due to the nature of this pathway, I won't need many materials in order to make a good
project. The only materials I'll need are a computer to write the story on and access to
Word so that I can actually write. Additionally, there aren't too many practical skills that
I'll require for the project either. I'll obviously have to apply my writing ability for the
project, as I'll be creatively writing in prose for the purpose of the project. In addition, I'll
have to make sure I'm able to follow the instructions of the brief accurately so that I can
please a hypothetical client's wishes.
Something to consider in terms of practical skills for the project is the potential ways I'll
present the project, which I'll go into more detail on later. Suffice to say, if I present this
project similarly to how I presented my last piece of prose, I'll also need access to a
DSLR camera and will need to ensure both my photography skills and my presentation
skills are good enough, as I'd be reading out my story to the audience with certain
pictures behind me to give a visual aid for the locations of the story (this may be difficult
for a fantasy story, but I'll see if it's feasible once I get a brief).
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ELexvteenl 4dePdroDfeipssloiomnaalinDiploma in
MCruesaitcivPe eErnfoterrmpraisnece and Production
Unit 312PProrojejcetcPt rporpoopsoaslaTl etemmpplaltaete
Section 6: Evaluation In terms of evaluating and reflecting on my project as it proceeds, there's a very easy
and reflection (approx. way for me to determine how well my project is progressing as I work on it - the brief. In
100 words) order to evaluate the project, I'll have to take a look through the story and compare the
narrative points/characters to what is detailed in my brief in order to see how close I was
to the points I had to hit for my 'client'. Depending on how close I get to the brief, I'll
have a fairly good idea of how well the project is going.
In addition to accuracy to the brief, I can also reflect on the overall content of the story:
spelling, grammar, pacing, the dialogue and consistency with the characters and
settings. Getting any of these things wrong or amateur-ish would put doubt in my clients,
leaving me unlikely to get more business from them and even more unlikely to get
recommendations from them to their peers. This is easy to check, as I have a good
understanding of spelling and grammar and can simply proof-read my work as it
Section 7: Presentation When thinking about how I will present the development of my work, the only
(approx. 100 words) appropriate option I can think of due to the nature of my project is presenting it via a
PowerPoint Presentation. On this presentation, I could include screenshots of the story
as I'm writing it, showing the progress of my work and going into detail about the
choices and changes I made throughout the development of the project as well as why I
made said changes. This would allow my audience to clearly see the differences
between the developing project and the final product visually as well as hearing my
analysis of what exactly I felt I had to change and why that was.
Doing it through a PowerPoint presentation also gives me a chance to use some
creative flair with the way I format the presentation - I can create a good looking
presentation that shows the information I'm talking about effectively and creatively,
without filling the screen with too much boring text.
Proposed Research • Rowling, J., 1997. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. London: Bloomsbury.
Sources and • Rowling, J., 1998. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. London: Bloomsbury.
Bibliography (Harvard • Rowling, J., 1999. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. London: Bloomsbury.
Format) • Rowling, J., 2000. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. London: Bloomsbury.
• Rowling, J., 2003. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. London: Bloomsbury.
• Rowling, J., 2005. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. London: Bloomsbury.
• Rowling, J., 2007. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. London: Bloomsbury.
• Flanagan, J., 2004. The Ruins of Gorlan. Sydney: Random House.
• Crichton, M., 1990. Jurassic Park. Unknown: Alfred A. Knopf.
• Writing Forward | Creative Writing Tips and Ideas. 2022. 42 Fiction Writing Tips for
Novelists | Writing Forward. [online] Available at: <
storytelling/42-fiction-writing-tips-for-novelists> [Accessed 22 February 2022].
• Shaughnessy, A., 2006. 10 ways to handle creative briefs. [online] Creative Bloq.
Available at: <
creative-briefs-6069730> [Accessed 22 February 2022].
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Project Action Plan and Timetable
Week Date Week Activity / What you are Resources / What you will
Beginning intending to do - including need to do it - including
1 independent study access to workshops
3 28/02/2022 Do background research by reading the Requires the Harry Potter books, most
4 Harry Potter Series of books whilst of which I already own at home. Also
5 taking notes on what inspires me/what I requires access to a computer so I can
6 can do differently take notes.
8 7/03/2022 Finish reading the Harry Potter series Requires the Harry Potter books, most of
9 14/03/2022 (due to wednesday and thursday of last which I already own at home. Also requires
week being taken by work experience). access to a computer so I can take notes.
10 Also begin reading the Jurassic Park Requires the Jurassic Park novel, which I
novel currently don't own.
Look for a potential 'client' who I can Requires me to go to people and ask them
get a brief from. Could range from my if they could give me a brief for a short story
family to my friends to random people I - may require me to make a Google Forms
don't know. document if I send it out to more people.
21/03/2022 Begin planning according to the brief Requires access to a computer so I
28/03/2022 given to me. Making character profiles, can write down all of my planning for
4/04/2022 timelines, looking back at past future use. Requires access to the brief
11/04/2022 inspiration, etc. I was given last week.
25/04/2022 Continue planning according to the Requires access to a computer so I
2/05/2022 brief given to me. At this point a short can write down all of my planning for
treatment of the plot for the story future use. Requires access to the
should begin to be written. brief I was given in Week 3.
Take some time to relax during Half Term, Requires access to a computer so I
making progress on the planning can write down all of my planning for
assuming I have the free-time. This week future use. Requires access to the
is for de-stressing and giving myself a brief I was given in Week 3.
Requires access to my OneDrive so I
Finish the planning stages and proof-read can read through all my planning
all of my documents to make sure I've documents. Requires access to a
gotten everything as I want it. Additionally computer with Word so I can begin
begin formatting the document for the formatting the story.
story (title page, contents, etc)
Requires access to a computer with
Begin writing the story, being careful to Word so I can write the story. Requires
ensure I follow the brief and my plans at access to my planning documents and
all times. If possible, keep up my brief so that I can cross-reference
communications with my 'client' as I and make sure I'm doing things right.
progress with the work.
Requires access to a computer with Word so I
Continue writing the story, following the can write the story. Requires access to my
notations from last week. Additionally planning documents and my brief so that I can
allow time to recover from Writer's Block cross-reference and make sure I'm doing things
should it occur right. Requires access to any kind of books so
that I can try to escape Writer's Block
Continue writing the story, following the
notations from week 8. Additionally allow Requires access to a computer with Word so I can write
time to recover from Writer's Block the story. Requires access to my planning documents and
should it occur my brief so that I can cross-reference and make sure I'm
doing things right. Requires access to any kind of books
so that I can try to escape Writer's Block
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Project Action Plan and Timetable
Week Date Week Activity / What you are Resources / What you will
Beginning intending to do - including need to do it - including
11 independent study access to workshops
13 9/05/2022 Continue writing the story, following Requires access to a computer with Word so I can write
14 16/05/2022 the notations from week 8. the story. Requires access to my planning documents and
23/05/2022 Additionally allow time to recover my brief so that I can cross-reference and make sure I'm
30/05/2022 from Writer's Block should it occur doing things right. Requires access to any kind of books
so that I can try to escape Writer's Block
Ideally finish the story. Proof-read
over the entire thing to make sure Requires access to a computer with
that I've stuck to the brief and there Word so I can write the story. Requires
aren't any glaring mistakes. access to my planning documents and
my brief so that I can cross-reference
Communicate with 'client' if possible to and make sure I'm doing things right.
get their feedback on how closely it hit
Requires access to a computer so I can email my
what they imagined. Begin the client (if not someone I know). Requires access to
PowerPoint Presentation to detail the my finished story (ala OneDrive). Requires access
progress of the story. to a computer with PowerPoint as well as
screenshots of the progress of my story (taken
Finish the PowerPoint
Presentation detailing the during development).
progress of the story, with
screenshots throughout the thing. Requires access to a computer
with PowerPoint as well as
screenshots of the progress of my
story (taken during development).
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