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Published by rezarusdyana, 2023-10-05 23:15:11

Implementation Tactical Approach to Student Motivation and Games Performance in Futsal


Keywords: Tactical Approach,Motivation,Futsal

Implementation of a Tactical Approach to Student Motivation and Games Performance in Extracurricular Futsal Learning Reza Rusdyana1 , Sucipto2, , Lucky Angakawijaya Roring3 1 Physical Education Health and Recreation, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia 2 Physical Education Health and Recreation, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia 3 Physical Education Health and Recreation, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia *Corresponding Author: [email protected] Copyright©2021 by authors, all rights reserved. Authors agree that this article remains permanently open access under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License Abstract Implementation of the appropriate approach can have an impact on optimal futsal game performance as well as on the motivation of the students themselves. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the tactical approach on students' futsal game performance skills and the effect of the tactical approach on student motivation. The method used in this research is quasi experiment with one group pretest-posttes design. In sampling using simple random sampling technique, namely randomly selecting students who take part in extracurricular futsal, totaling 28 students. The instrument uses the Games Performance Assesment Instrument (GPAI) which measures student game performance including decision making (DM), skill excecution (SE), and supporting (Sup), and the Sport Motivation Scale-II (SMS-II) to measure motivation to play futsal. The population in this study were all students who participated in extracurricular futsal at Kutawaringin 1 Junior High School, totaling 30 people with a sample of 28 people. Data analysis in this study used a prerequisite test, namely the Shapiro-Wilk test, then the t test using the Paired Sample T-Test test and the N-Gain Score test to determine the effectiveness of the tactical approach with the help of the SPSS 25 application. Based on data processing and analysis, it was found that there was a significant effect of the tactical approach on playing skills and student motivation. Thus it can be concluded that through the tactical approach provides a significant influence on student motivation and game performance. Keywords Tactical Approach, Game Performance, Motivation, Futsal 1. Introduction Physical education has a clear role to achieve Bloom's taxonomy domains, including cognitive, affective and especially psychomotor skills [1,2] and its realization can be done in extracurricular learning. One of the appropriate learning is learning futsal games because it stimulates the growth and development of children[3] . However, there are still many students who feel bored, uncomfortable, forced, and unhappy to participate in physical education learning, this is caused by teachers who still ignore cognitive and affective aspects because they are imagined by sports achievements [4] . The ideal approach to be applied in physical education, especially learning sports games, is a tactical approach with steps (1) students are involved in simple games; (2) Mastery of basic techniques is based on the needs that arise from students' questions after playing simple games; (3) Children are involved in simple games; (4) Solving tactical problems in the game. The simple explanation is "Game-drill-game" and "Important questions" are given if there are obstacles in the game process due to not mastering the techniques or tactical problems in the game[5] . Through the application of the tactical approach students are given the opportunity to solve problems in the game and learn techniques in real game situations[6], because children aged 10-14 years are happy with organized and structured games[7], considering that motivation is a psychological phenomenon arising from the consequences of a person's intention, need, interest, pleasure, or desire[8], the tactical approach can generate motivation and students enjoy the learning process more[9]. In addition, in the tactical approach students are given freedom in solving game problems and learning techniques in real situations, this approach can also improve students' playing skills in soccer learning, or indirectly students learn techniques and tactics at the same time and so[10] . Based on the theories that have been explained that the tactical approach provides fun in the physical education learning process, besides that students are given the opportunity to learn techniques in real game situations, and

the characteristics of children aged 10-14 who are happy with the game. So this research is focused on playing skills in futsal learning and student motivation towards futsal games. 2. Materials and Methods This study uses a quasi-experimental research method by applying a quantitative approach. Then the design in this study is one group pretest-posttest design 2.1. Participant The population in this study were all students who participated in extracurricular futsal at Kutawaringin 1 Junior High School, totaling 30 people with a sample of 28 people, then sampling using simple random sampling technique. 2.2. Instrument The instrument in this study used a games performances assessment instrument (GPAI). There are seven aspects that are the focus of assessing playing performance, but for research needs only three aspects, namely decision making, skill execution, and support are used to obtain games performances results. in the use of instruments in the pretest and posttest, the researcher observes directly together with two other observers and the average of the three observers is taken in data processing. Then to measure the level of motivation to exercise adapt from the Sport Motivation Scale-II which consists of 18 questions representing six factors including amotivated, external, introjected, identified, integrated, and intrinsic regulation. 2.3. Procedure This research will be conducted on extracurricular participants at Kutawaringin 1 Junior High School Bandung. The time needed for this research is 12 meetings, with details of the number of meetings one week 4 meetings, namely on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays starting at 15.00 WIB - 17.00 WIB, then in 12 meetings 2 tests were carried out for treatment, namely 1 time to do the initial test (pre-test) and 1 time to do the final test (post-test). To analyze and get clear conclusions in this study, the researchers arranged the research steps to get more accurate data. First, the Pre-test stage is the initial test (pretest) of futsal skills and the administration of motivation questionnaires to the sample group. Second, the Implementation stage, namely providing treatment (treatment) video-based inquiry learning model to the sample of extracurricular students of SMP Negeri 1 Kutawaringin. Third, the stage of determining the number of meetings in providing treatment or treatment, in this study the researchers determined that the treatment would be carried out 12 times a meeting, with different materials. Fourth, the Post-test stage, namely the final test (posttest) to determine the improvement in futsal game performance and motivation questionnaire after treatment. Fifth, the data analysis stage, namely the data obtained is then processed and analyzed using statistical methods. 2.4. Data Analyze Data are reported descriptively as mean ± standard deviation. Data were checked for normal distribution using the shapiro-wilk test. The paired sample t-test was conducted to determine the significant effect, with the significance level set at 0.000 <0.05. Then to see the effectiveness of the learning model, the N-Gain score test was conducted. Statistical analysis of this study was carried out using Spss version 25 statistical software. 3. Result and Disscussion As in table 1 about descriptive statistics, it is known that the pretest value of playing skills has an average value of 1.13 with a standard deviation of 0.18, while the posttest value of games performances has an average value of 1.67 with a standard deviation of 0.12. The pretest value of motivation has an average value of 63.43 with a standard deviation of 2.82, while the posttest value of motivation has an average value of 74.11 with a standard deviation of 5.11. Tabel 1. Descriptive Statistic N Min Max Mean SD Games Perpormances Pretest 28 0.85 1.44 1.13 0.18 Posttest 28 1.47 1.98 1.67 0.12 Motivation Pretest 18 58.00 69.00 63.43 2.82 Posttest 26 62.00 83.00 74.11 5.11 Based on table 2 regarding the results of the Paired Sample t-test, it was found that the average difference between pretest and posttest game performance was 0.52 with a sig value. 0.00 <0.05, it can be concluded that the tactical approach has a significant effect on student game performance. Then it was found that the average difference between the pretest and posttest of students' futsal playing motivation was 10.67 with a significance value of 0.00 <0.05, it can be concluded that the tactical approach has an influence on students' futsal playing motivation.

Tabel 2. Result Paired Sample t-test Mean SD Different T-Point Sig. Games Perpormances Pretest 1.13 0.18 0.54 -28.73 0.00 Posttest 1.67 0.12 Motivation Pretest 63.43 2.82 10.67 -15.30 0.00 Posttest 73.11 5.11 Based on table 3 regarding the results of the N-gain Score test on the measurement of futsal game performance and student motivation to play futsal, for improving games performances has an N-gain value of 0.635 which indicates that the N-gain value is moderate because the Ngain value is 0.3≤ g ≤ 0.7, then for increasing student motivation to play futsal has a value of 0.405 which indicates that the N-gain value is moderate. Then the Ngain percent increase in student games performance is 63.5% which indicates that the effect of the tactical approach on games performance is quite effective because the N-gain percent value is between 56-75%, while for the N-gain percent value of student motivation is 40.5% which indicates that the application of the tactical approach is less effective because the N-gain percent value lies between 40-55%. It can be concluded that the use of the tactical approach in extracurricular futsal learning is quite effective in improving students games performances and less effective in increasing student motivation for futsal games in the sample used. Table 3. N-Gain Score N-Gain Score Description N Gain N Gain Percent N Games Performances 0.635 63.5% 28 Quite Effective Motivation 0.408 40.8% 28 Less Effective The results of this study indicate that the application of the tactical approach in extracurricular futsal learning has a significant effect on the results of students' futsal game performance and students' motivation to play futsal, this is evidenced by hypothesis testing through the Paired Sample t-test which indicates that the significance value is 0.00 <0.05 for the games performances variable[11] and motivation compared to the traditional approach [12] , meaning that the tactical approach has a significant effect on both variables. Then on the other hand to see the effectiveness of the use of learning approaches researchers use the N-gain test. Judging from the results of the N-gain Score test, the tactical approach to games performances has a percentage value of 63.5%, this indicates that the tactical approach to games performances is quite effective with the lowest student skill improvement of 10% and the highest of 72%. So the tactical learning approach process provides an influence in an effort to improve the learning outcomes of football skills with significant results[13]. The significant influence is because through the tactical approach connecting tactics and skills by emphasizing the right timing in the implementation of skills in the right time[14] . Based on the Paired Sample t-test, the application of the tactical approach to student motivation to play futsal has a significant effect as well, this is evidenced by the significance value of 0.00. the application of the tactical approach students spend time having fun and enjoy playing, so that it can generate motivation and pleasure in the learning process, especially for students who have less ability[15]. With an average value before being treated 63.43 out of a maximum value of 90 or a percentage value of 70%, it can be seen from the pretest value that student motivation is quite high, and after being treated the average value becomes 74.11 out of a maximum value of 90 or a percentage value of 82.3%. By doing the N-gain test, the percentage of student gain value is around 40.8% with an increase in the lowest gain value of 9.68% and the highest gain value of 72%, it can be concluded that the use of tactical approaches to student motivation seen from the student gain score is less effective because it lies between 40-55%. Thus it can be concluded that the application of the tactical approach can provide an increase in games performances and motivation to play student futsal with a significant increase. On the other hand, judging from the N gain score, the tactical approach is quite effective in improving students' games performances, but for students' motivation to play futsal based on the gain value, the tactical approach is less effective in increasing. 4. Conclusion Based on the results of data analysis and research findings that have been carried out, it can be concluded that the application of the tactical approach has a significant effect on games performances in student futsal learning, and the application of the tactical approach also has a significant effect on playing motivation in student futsal learning.

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