Table of Contents 1
SECTION 1 Leadership Development 03
SECTION 2 Specialty Programs 14
SECTION 3 Employee Development 17
Committed to your Development
At London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC), we’re dedicated to the development of our
leaders and employees. We invest in our talent through professional development
programs and ongoing skill building opportunities. We recognize that the success of LHSC
is dependent on the capability of our most vital resource - our people.
The 2019/20 Development Calendar describes the workshops and development
opportunities available to leaders and employees in the upcoming year. We look
forward to partnering with you in your development journey and to continue building an
effective and engaged workforce here at LHSC.
Leadership Development Audience Type
Browse through the calendar to find workshops designed for your level of leadership.
ALL All leaders C Coordinator C/M Coordinator / Manager
M Manager D Director M/D Manager / Director
LLeeaadderersshihippDDeevvelelooppmmeentnt Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence ALL Leading with EI C
for Coordinators
In this session we will explore the It’s not always easy to be a leader. Effective
fundamentals of Emotional Intelligence, leaders those that are self-aware, have
self-awareness and self-management. the ability to self-manage, empathize and
We will practice tools and techniques for connect with their teams. Most of us need
managing in the moment and enhancing to cultivate and build those skills over
mindfulness at work. time. In this workshop, we will explore
how to lead with emotional intelligence as
Participants will have an opportunity to higher levels of EI and increased resilience
create their own personal Intentional can help to reduce stress while positively
Change Plan to guide their EI development impacting the effectiveness of your team.
journey and increase assertiveness in the
workplace. Duration: 2-hour workshop
Prerequisite: Emotional Intelligence
Duration: 4-hour workshop
Intentional Change Plan: ALL Reboot your ALL
Supporting your Team Intentional Change Plan
In this interactive workshop, we will explore Does your Intentional Change Plan
how you can best support your team (ICP) need a reboot? In this interactive
members with their Intentional Change workshop, reconnect with your journey to
Plans and EI journey. We will review basic your ideal self through exploration of the
EI concepts and tools and then introduce 5 discoveries of the ICP, a framework to
a helpful conversation guide that can create a personalized change plan that is
enable productive conversations to tailored to you. Dedicated time to work
support your team in writing and enacting on your ICP and support through each
their Intentional Change Plans. stage is provided.
Duration: 2-hour workshop Duration: 2-hour workshop
Prerequisite: Emotional Intelligence Prerequisite: Emotional Intelligence
And you?
When will you make that long journey into self?
Compassion Teamwork Curiosity Accountability
Leader Well-being LLeeaaddeersrhshipipDDeevveeloloppmmeennt t
Mindful & Compassionate ALL Building your Resilience ALL
Leadership Capacity with HeartMath
Based on the work of Kristin Neff and When the brain and heart are out of sync,
Chris Germer, this practical, interactive our nervous system signals are chaotic and
workshop will explore the many benefits we tend to get frustrated, anxious or angry
of using mindfulness and compassion more easily. It’s like driving a car with one
practices in order to strengthen your foot on the gas and the other on the brake.
ability to remain authentic and connected It’s a jerky ride, we waste gas and the car
to your values while leading others. wears out faster.
This workshop also discusses the merits In this 2-hour workshop, learn the HeartMath
of cultivating self-compassion so you are Quick Coherence technique to neutralize
able to be more responsive, flexible and stressful feelings and bring you back into
resilient when leading others and in your coherence.
daily life.
Duration: 2-hour workshop
Duration: 3.5-hour workshop
Compassionate ALL
This workshop introduces Compassionate
Communication, a four-step model based
on the work of Dr. Marshall Rosenberg. The
model helps us to express ourselves more
clearly and honestly, listen effectively and
hear with empathy.
It is both an attitude and a set of skills that
can enhance personal and professional
relationships and strengthen our ability to
effectively meet challenging interpersonal
issues with compassion.
Duration: 2-hour workshop
Prerequisite: Emotional Intelligence
For dates, times and registration, visit ilearn:
LLeeaadderersshihippDDeevvelelooppmmeentnt Building ALL
Stronger Teams
As leaders, we are only as strong as our
teams and it is an ongoing journey to
build a strong, resilient team. In this
workshop for leaders, we will explore tools
and techniques to build team resilience
over time. Increased resilience across
your team supports team members to
respond effectively to pressures, resolve
workplace issues and support each other
in challenging times – all markers of a
strong team.
Duration: 2-hour workshop
Cultivating the Practice of ALL Building a Culture of ALL
Gratitude in Health Care Recognition & Appreciation
Research has found that gratitude is good As leaders, there is much we can do to
for our bodies, our minds, and our relations ensure that our team members feel seen,
with others. Developing a practice of appreciated and meaningfully recognized
gratitude goes beyond just saying ‘thank for their contributions and efforts. This
you’. It’s about cultivating an outlook workshop introduces practical tools and
on life and a way of approaching life’s examples of how you can recognize and
challenges. In this experiential workshop, appreciate your team in ways that are
participants will experience a variety of resonant and meaningful to them.
gratitude practices that can reduce stress
and increase feelings of well-being. There Duration: 2-hour workshop
will also be an opportunity to reflect on
how to help your team practice gratitude Showing gratitude, appreciation
in the workplace. or sympathy for a colleague
is easy with LHSC’s eCards.
Duration: 2-hour workshop Show your appreciation -
send an eCard today!
Compassion Teamwork Curiosity Accountability
Personal Effectiveness LLeeaaddeersrhshipipDDeevveeloloppmmeennt t
Change and Transition C Leading Change M/D
In this workshop, participants will deepen This interactive workshop focuses
their understanding of the human side on tools and strategies for creating
of change (people’s feelings, needs, sustainable change, responding
motivations and emotionally-charged effectively to resistance and engaging
reactions to change) and build their skills key stakeholders. Lessons learned
for leading people through change and from LHSC leaders bring to life the real
transition. challenges and solutions of executing
a successful change strategy that will
Duration: 4-hour workshop deliver sustainable results for our
patients, families and staff.
Duration: 4-hour workshop
Taking Action on ALL Cultivating your ALL
Survey Results Learning Agility
In this workshop, leaders will familiarize In our rapidly changing work environment,
themselves with the presentation of survey the ability to take past experiences and
data, learn how to interpret results, discuss apply learnings into new situations is
strategies for sharing outcomes with their critical. Agile learners are self-reflective,
teams, as well as learn to implement and adaptable and resourceful. They are able
monitor action plans that will result in to recognize how their prior learning
meaningful and lasting change for their can be adapted into a new situation in a
teams. unique and creative way. In this workshop,
we explore the concepts of learning agility
Duration: 2-hour workshop and steps you can take to cultivate yours.
Duration: 2-hour workshop
The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Curiosity has its own reason for existing.
Albert Einstein
For dates, times and registration, visit ilearn:
Coaching Essentials C M/D Business Writing for Leaders ALL
Coaching Essentials is a training program This half-day interactive workshop
that develops a leader’s core coaching introduces how to be effective with your
skills so they can help to develop their written communications, including:
team members’ ability to effectively - Make your writing clear, concise, and
solve problems and to improve results. correct.
Participants will learn how to integrate - Develop an appropriate writing style.
coaching skills into a problem solving - Know how to apply the general principles
conversation. The program provides of written communication.
leaders with tools and resources to Practice is key to improving your written
help them to continue cultivating their communication and there will be time
coaching skills post-workshop. The in the workshop to do this. Ideal for
workshop is highly interactive and includes those with 2 or more years of leadership
significant time for practicing coaching in experience.
pairs and triads. Workshops are available
for coordinator and manager/director Duration: 3-hour workshop
Know, Show and Grow your ALL
Duration: 1-day workshop Personal Leadership Brand
Course Fee: $30 A personal leadership brand conveys your
identity and distinctiveness as a leader.
A strong personal brand evolves as your
position or level of leadership changes. In
this workshop, we will engage in a three-
step personal branding process, and learn
techniques to enhance your brand.
Duration: 4-hour workshop
Compassion Teamwork Curiosity Accountability
Achieving Results LLeeaaddeersrhshipipDDeevveeloloppmmeennt t
Influencer™ ALL Getting Things Done ALL
Drawing on the skills of successful The art of stress-free productivity. GTD’s
influencers, Influencer™ teaches powerful practical framework – Collect, Clarify,
principles for change. Learn how to use Organize, Review & Execute – will help
systems thinking tools and skills; diagnose build the mental models required in
the real causes behind behaviour this age of multi-tasking and overload.
problems; effectively motivate and enable Research shows mental clutter, or
others—regardless of formal authority, information overload, has significant
and more! negative effects on our productivity,
relationships, happiness, and overall
Bring to class a real “influence” challenge quality of life. Within this session you
project that you will work on and apply will implement a trusted framework that
the learning to throughout the program. will simplify getting the right things done,
decrease your stress, and free your brain
Duration: 2-day workshop up for productive thinking.
Course Fee: $250
Duration: 1-day workshop
Course Fee: $225
Introduction to Finance ALL
for Leaders
As a leader you will discover the thousands
and thousands of dollars spent every
year in providing top quality care to our
patients. Staffing patterns, overtime and
sick coverage account for approximately
80% of the organizational spend. The
remaining 20% is supply related. In your
role you will be working with your team to
control expenses. In this workshop you’ll
learn about the types of costs incurred
in the delivery of service, opportunities
to controlling supply costs, key financial
terms and business ethics.
Duration: 3-hour workshop
For dates, times and registration, visit ilearn:
LLeeaadderersshihippDDeevvelelooppmmeentnt Project Management: ALL Project Management: ALL
Essentials Small to Medium Projects
In this workshop, you will be introduced In this interactive workshop you will
to LHSC’s project management learn about the key project management
methodology, the practical ways to use processes and explore the most critical
project management skills, and the user- elements of any project. Using a step-
friendly tools and resources available. Join by-step practical approach, you will
us to explore how you can benefit from be introduced to the LHSC tools and
using project management techniques in resources to support you to manage a
your own initiatives. small- to medium-sized project from
beginning to end. Bring your own project
Duration: 4-hour workshop to the workshop.
Duration: 1-day workshop
Booster: Enhance your ALL Crucial Accountability™ ALL
Project Management Skills
This half-day booster session is for Crucial Accountability™ introduces a
individuals who are currently managing powerful set of skills to resolve the
a project and would like to deepen most challenging accountability issues.
their understanding of LHSC’s project In this program, you will learn tools for
management methodology and enhance resolving violated expectations, broken
their project management skills. commitments and bad behaviour. This
workshop will engage you with extensive
Duration: 4-hour workshop in-class practice, group participation, and
Prerequisite: Project Management personal reflection as you explore and
master these crucial skills.
Duration: 1-day workshop
Course Fee: $200
“Do the best you can until you know better. Then
when you know better, do better.”
Maya Angelou
Compassion Teamwork Curiosity Accountability
Leadership Accountability ALL Leadership Accountability ALL LLeeaaddeersrhshipipDDeevveeloloppmmeennt t
& HR Systems: Part 1 & HR Systems: Part 2
In this workshop, we will review leaders’ As a companion to Part 1, this workshop
responsibilities to plan, monitor, and will support leaders in meeting their
control the human resources of their responsibilities as noted in the Time and
department. Leaders will be introduced Pay Policy. This hands-on workshop will
to using Workbrain to approve overtime, take leaders through the various human
review and manage balances such as resources monthly employee time and
vacation or overtime, interpret timesheets pay reports (also known as the R: Drive
and run reports. Through group HR reports) available, including monthly
discussions and hands-on practice with pay detail, sick time, demographic, and
Workbrain, the Leadership Accountability vacation reports.
& HR Systems (Parts 1 & 2)meets the
requirements defined in section 2.11 of Duration: 1.5-hour workshop
the Time and Pay Policy. Prerequisite: Access to R: Drive reports
Duration: 2-hour workshop People & Culture ALL
Prerequisite: Access to Workbrain Lecture Series: Hot Topics
LHSC’s People Services team will debrief
on lessons learned from recent employee
and labour relations cases, recruitment
cases, as well as the latest and greatest
in the field of human resources. An
opportunity to listen and learn from
interesting and complex human resources
issues, and participate in the open
question and answer period.
Duration: 2-hour workshop
Effective Performance ALL
Development Conversations
In this interactive workshop, participants
will explore how to write clear
performance appraisals and hold effective,
development-focused conversations with
their team members.
Duration: 2-hour workshop
For dates, times and registration, visit ilearn:
LeadSeprescihialpitDyePvreologrpammesnt 14 Specialty Programs
Specialty Programs
Charge Nurse Development Program
The Charge Nurse Development
Program (CNDP) is specifically-
designed for charge nurses at LHSC. It
is a comprehensive program that
gives charge nurses the opportunity to
reflect on and examine their practice.
The CNDP program focuses on core charge
nurse skills that support the business and
enhance a charge nurse’s influence and
For more information, contact us at
[email protected]
Emerging Leader Program
The Emerging Leader Program (ELP) enables
staff to build their leadership capabilities
through a series of workshops, gain insight
into the expectations of a leader at LHSC,
and explore whether management is a fit
with their personal goals.
Exploring the
Path to Management
Are you considering a leadership role at
LHSC? Join our discussion about informal
and formal leadership and learn about
the development and support offered to
frontline staff through the Emerging Leader
Program. One of our Coordinators will also
share their personal journey into leadership.
Duration: 1-hour session
For more information, visit the Emerging Leader Program webpage:
Compassion Teamwork Curiosity Accountability
Specialty Programs 15
Clinical Educator Development Program
The Clinical Educator Development Specialty Programs
Program (CEDP) was designed in
partnership with Nursing Professional
Practice to respond to the development
needs of Clinical Educators at LHSC.
CEDP is a robust, blended learning For more information, contact us at
curriculum consisting of 13 workshops [email protected]
Learning Design
ePresentation Development
Facilitation Skills
Assessment & Evaluation
The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself
in the service of others.
For dates, times and registration, visit ilearn:
LeadSeprescihialpitDyePvreologrpammesnt 16 Specialty Programs
Consultant Development Program
The Consultant Development Program
(CDP) is specifically-designed for
consultants at LHSC. It is a comprehensive
program that gives consultants the
opportunity to reflect on and examine
their practice. The CDP focuses on
core consultancy skills that support the
business and enhance a consultant’s
influence and impact. The program
includes 10 workshops, starting with the
initial workshop, Consultancy Skills that
Add Value.
For more information, contact us at
[email protected]
Insight. Influence. Impact.
Consultancy Skills that Add Value
This is the starting point of the Consultant
Development Program. In this interactive
workshop, you will connect with different
consultants from across LHSC to explore
core consulting skills. Participants will be
introduced to our 5-phase consultancy
model and will be provided with practical
tools and techniques to deepen their
consultancy practice back on the job.
Duration: 4-hour workshop
Course Fee: $70
Compassion Teamwork Curiosity Accountability
Employee Development
Emotional Intelligence Compassionate Communication LeEamdperloshyeipe DDeevveellooppmmeenntt
In this session we will explore the This workshop introduces Compassionate
fundamentals of Emotional Intelligence, Communication, a four-step model based
self-awareness and self-management. on the work of Dr. Marshall Rosenberg. The
We will practice tools and techniques for model helps us to express ourselves more
managing in the moment and enhancing clearly and honestly, listen effectively and
mindfulness at work. hear with empathy. It is both an attitude
and a set of skills that can enhance
Participants will have an opportunity to personal and professional relationships
create their own personal Intentional and strengthen our ability to effectively
Change Plan to guide their EI development address difficult interpersonal issues.
journey and increase assertiveness in the
workplace. Duration: 2-hour workshop
Prerequisite: Emotional Intelligence
Duration: 4-hour workshop
We cannot change what we are not aware of and
once we are aware , we cannot help but change .
Sheryl Sandberg
For dates, times and registration, visit ilearn:
LeEamdeplrsoyhiepe DDeevveellooppmmeenntt 18
Mindful Self-Compassion
for Professional Caregivers
Self-compassion is a way of emotionally
recharging your batteries. Based on
the work of Kristin Neff and Chris
Germer, this workshop looks at the
science of mindfulness, self-compassion
and resiliency. You will discover how
cultivating self-compassion can help you
to remain resilient in your work, contribute
to establishing healthy boundaries with
patients/clients and create the foundation
for following through with self-care
Duration: 3.5-hour workshop
Our successes and failures come and go—they neither
define us nor do they determine our worthiness.
Kristin Neff
Compassion Teamwork Curiosity Accountability
Resume Writing and Interview LeEamdperloshyeipe DDeevveellooppmmeenntt
Skills for Job Applicants
This session addresses targeted strategies
for resume writing and preparing for
job interviews. Learn how to effectively
highlight your knowledge, experiences
and abilities on your resume. Also learn
how to become better prepared for
behaviour-based and scenario-based
questions at the interview.
Come and learn strategies that you can
use right away in your next interview!
Duration: 3-hour workshop
Project Management Booster: Enhance your
Project Management Skills
In this interactive workshop you will
learn about the key project management This half-day booster session is for
processes and explore the most critical individuals who are currently managing
elements of any project. Using a step- a project and would like to deepen
by-step practical approach, you will their understanding of LHSC’s project
be introduced to the LHSC tools and management methodology and enhance
resources to support you to manage a their project management skills.
small- to medium-sized project from
beginning to end. Bring a project to the Duration: 4-hour workshop
workshop. Prerequisite: Project Management
Duration: 1-day workshop
Visit The Learning Hub to explore more:
For dates, times and registration, visit ilearn:
LeEamdeplrsoyhiepe DDeevveellooppmmeenntt Presenting a Positive Improving Workplace
and Professional Image Communication
People form judgments about others Successful work groups are comprised
in the workplace based on behaviour, of individuals who know how to
attitude, speech, and appearance. The communicate effectively with multiple
impressions that individuals communicate stakeholders in a variety of settings and
to others (positive or negative) can help circumstances.
move them ahead professionally, or can
slow down their career progress and even This session will review the key skills that
create conflict in the workplace. enhance our ability to work well with
others by providing information about
Duration: 1-hour workshop speaking confidently and assertively,
creating a supportive communication
Negotiating Respectful climate, listening effectively, and asking
Interpersonal Boundaries clear questions.
At work, and at home, individuals are Duration: 1-hour workshop
regularly negotiating their own needs with
those of others. Choices need to be made Building Resilience
between competing priorities. When
boundaries are set, while consulting with Research shows that individuals can
key stakeholders before making decisions, improve how well they adapt to
cooperative relationships are created. This challenges and adversity. This session
session will outline how to consciously set will help break negative thought patterns
time, task, and role boundaries in order to and offer healthier ways of thinking and
create successful relationships. behaving. Participants will be introduced
to a variety of effective, practical tools to
Duration: 1-hour workshop improve physical health, respect mental/
emotional health, and cultivate a strong
Building Working Relationships social support network.
Every time people interact, there is Duration: 1-hour workshop
an opportunity to build or damage
a relationship. Improving the quality
of relationships in the workplace can
enhance productivity and reduce conflict.
This session will review three key tools to
address relationship challenges.
Duration: 1-hour workshop
Compassion Teamwork Curiosity Accountability
21 LeEamdperloshyeipe DDeevveellooppmmeenntt
70:20:10 Model for Development
To get the most from your learning
and development, be intentional in the
development activities you select, and
in the reflection before, during and after
your learning experiences.
Be clear on the outcomes you are
wanting to achieve (what do you want
to be able to do or do differently as a
result of the development) then consider
the 70:20:10 mix of activities that will
support you to achieve those outcomes.
My development goal for 2019/20:
70: Experience
Learn and develop through experience and reflection
(stretch assignments, new experiences)
20: Social
Learn and develop through others
(feedback, coaching, networks)
10: Formal
Learn and develop through structured programs
(workshops, online, education)
I will know I have accomplished my development goal if...
For dates, times and registration, visit ilearn:
LeEamdeplrsoyhiepe DDeevveellooppmmeenntt 22
The Science of Happiness
Scientific studies have shown that 50%
of our individual differences in happiness
are determined by our genes, 10% by
our life circumstances, and 40% by our
intentional activities.
This one-hour session will introduce
participants to some of the research-
based “happy habits” that can be adopted
to increase levels of happiness and well-
Duration: 1-hour workshop
Life is an opportunity, benefit from it. Life is
beauty, admire it. Life is a dream, realize it.
Mother Teresa
The Journey to Wellness:
One Step at a Time
Many of us use the beginning of a new
year to renew our commitment to living a
healthier lifestyle, but how often are these
resolutions kept?
This session will examine what wellness
means and provides simple steps to help
participants set their own health goals
and keep them on track for achieving
their personal definitions of wellness.
Duration: 1-hour workshop
Compassion Teamwork Curiosity Accountability
The Learning Hub
Guide your own learning. Access the
learning you need - when you need it. The
Learning Hub provides access to a variety
of self-led resources on a variety of topics.
Each hubspot includes links to videos,
articles and other valuable, easy-to-use
Visit The Learning Hub:
Team Toolkits
Everything you need to make your next
team meeting a success! Team Toolkits
combine activity with discussion-focused
learning in key topics and can be facilitated
in 30-minutes or less. All handouts and
slides are provided.
Available on The Learning Hub: