5 Surprising Facts You Never Knew About Emerald Eternity Ring
It's no surprise that the emerald eternity ring is one of the most popular rings and has
an increasingly famous engagement ring trend. Not only are they
the best ornament to begin a special occasion, but they are also
a way to confess your everlasting love as well. With its elegant
appearance and known relaxing powers, these rings have been
desired for centuries for good reason.
Another rare and special jewel, emerald diamond eternity band is considered to have
the most personality because of its shine that adds value to the whole look.
For those interested in knowing about the emerald eternity ring, below are a few facts
that we bet you didn’t know about these beautiful rings:
1. Emerald eternity ring has different sparkle than the diamonds
Firstly, emerald eternity ring will offer green flashes, unlike “diamond-like” rainbow
shine. This is because Emerald’s refractive index is 1.566 –
1.600, whereas diamond’s is 2.42. That means that when light
enters an Emerald, it does not reflect it as much as a diamond.
Instead, their sparkle is softer and less flashy than the
2. Emerald eternity ring has a long history
Emeralds have been mined for over 4000 years and are associated with mystical
powers and uses! Ancient Egyptians considered them a symbol of eternal youth.
Romans thought gazing into them was useful to relieve stress and eye strain.
3. Ring Shape & Metals have deep significance
The circle shape, when attached into an engagement ring, means infinity. Also, the
metals used to make these rings have their own meanings too. Gold symbolizes wealth
and spiritual positivity. Similarly, silver signifies empathy.
4. Emerald eternity rings are Often More Expensive than Diamonds eternity
When majority of the people think of rare or expensive gemstones their first thought is of
diamonds. But it is emerald that is among the rarest of all gemstones as it is of higher
5. Emerald Eternity makes great engagement ring
Spiritually, just like sun and the moon, all the cyclic shapes means endless bond of love
and romance. This is why rings are one of the most popular choices for weddings and
End Note
Emerald eternity ring is a precious gemstone viewed as a sign of wealth and royalty for
centuries. Learn these 5 surprising facts about why they’re a great option since then.
Check out https://www.eternityus.com/
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