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Published by cynthia6gomez, 2021-12-04 03:29:02

Eye lash bus final project

Eye lash bus final project

Cynthia Gomez Page
Eye lash Extension class
San Jacinto College
Mrs. Brown class

Cover Page

Belizma Beauty & Lash’s

Let Me Beautify You Eyes!

Business Project

Cynthia Gomez Page
Eye lash Extension class
San Jacinto College 1
Mrs. Brown class

Table of Contents

. Busines Cards………………………………………1

. Resume …………………………………………….2
. Mission Statement………………………………….3
. Business Policy…………………………………….4
. General Health and Safety Guideline……………5
. After Care Instructions……………………………6

.Covid-19 Form…………………………………….7

.ClientConsent Form (Eyelash Extension) ……8
.ClientConsent Form (Lash Removal)……….9

.Client Consent form(Covid-19)……………….10
.Picture(Table set up)……………………………..11
.Pictures (Before /After)……………………..12
.Salon menu(prices)……………………………..13

Cynthia Gomez Page
Eye lash Extension class
San Jacinto College 2
Mrs. Brown class
Cynthia Gomez
Business Cards
Belizma Beauty & Lash
Cynthia Gomez
518 Hoffman St
Belizma Beauty & Lash Hou, Tx 77020
518 Hoffman St
Hou, Tx 77020
713-591-6308 Beautify your eyes Cynthia Gomez
Beautify your eyes
Belizma Beauty & Lash
Cynthia Gomez
518 Hoffman St
Belizma Beauty & Lash Hou, Tx 77020
518 Hoffman St
Hou, Tx 77020
713-591-6308 Beautify your eyes Cynthia Gomez
Beautify your eyes
Belizma Beauty & Lash
Cynthia Gomez
518 Hoffman St
Belizma Beauty & Lash Hou, Tx 77020
518 Hoffman St
Hou, Tx 77020
713-591-6308 Beautify your eyes
Beautify your eyes

Cynthia Gomez Page
Eye lash Extension class
San Jacinto College 3
Mrs. Brown class


Cynthia Gomez

Contact:713 591-6308


September – December ,2021 References

Apply Classic Eye Lash Mrs. Brown
Color Lashes Instructor: San Jac
Glitter Lashes college
Properly Sanitize and Eyelash/Cosmetology
Disinfect Instruments.
Eyelash Extension Contact:832 590-1234
Specialist Technician
Mrs. Villeral

Instructor: San Jacinto

Eyelash Extension

Belizma Beauty& Lash’s

Employment Education

VA Hospital VAMC Houston Community

09/2007-present College San

Endoscopy Dept Jacinto College

Assist doctor with August 1994- May
procedures 1995
September 2021-
Set up room for December

Clean and disinfect

Cynthia Gomez Page
Eye lash Extension class
San Jacinto College 4
Mrs. Brown class

Belizma Beauty & Lash’s Mission Statement

My mission is to understand the client personal needs
and to learn what makes them look
and feel better, each client is unique.
Clients should leave feeling glamours, so let me

“Beautify your Lash’s”.

Cynthia Gomez Page
Eye lash Extension class
San Jacinto College 5
Mrs. Brown class

Belizma Beauty & Lash’s Polices.

Please arrive 5 minutes early, if your 10 min late your canceled and lose deposit.
Please be kind and arrive on time.
Give 24/48hour notice for cancelations or reschedule.
There will be a $30.00 booking fee, if not canceled with in 24hour its non-refundable.
No extra people allowed only eye lash client
A courteous conformation text will be sent out the day before your appointment.
Make sure eyelashes and eyelids are free of make-up and oils or there will be a charge.
Eyelash extensions take 1hour 30 to two hours to apply.
Procedure is completely pain free.
Procedure will be performed lying down on a cushioned bed with eyes closed and no talking while
lashes are applied one by one to your natural Lashes.
If you have fever or cough please cancel appt!
You must wear face mask at all times!
If you have any allergies or health issues, please inform me first...
Cell phones must be on silent
Please wear no make-up , there will be a charge to remove make-up
No Extra Quest allowed.
I will not infill another person work, a removal and full set is required in that case so-there is an
extra charge for removal of eyelash extension.

Cynthia Gomez Page
Eye lash Extension class
San Jacinto College 6
Mrs. Brown class

Belizma Beauty & Lash’s

Print Client Name: ______________________________________________________________

Phone Number: ____________________Email: _______________________________Date___________

• General Health History

Please check any of the following that applies to you .

*( )Allergy to adhesives band aid or medical tape? ( )Allergy to surgical glue or nail glue Seasonal
allergies? ( ) are you 18 years or Older? ( ) Any illness or Disease ,Hepatitis ,AIDS, Skin?*( )Allergy
to glycerin/ gel patch? ( ) Eye illness or injury Blepharitis (inflamed eyelid) ( )COVID-19

* ( )Permanent eye-makeup or Eye lift?( ) Any eye discharge?( ) Dry eye syndrome?
( ) Fungus*( )Drugs that can cause temporary hair loss. ( )Major Surgery within last 120 day?
( )Conjunctivitis(Pink eye). ( )Back pain. ( ) Sensitive eye.( )Eye site or sores?

★ Any client reporting one or more of the above conditions shall be advised to consult their physician
before undergoing a procedure.

•( ) Have you ever had eyelashes extensions before?

•( ) I do consent to having my eyes closed and covered for the duration of the 120-180 minutes

( ) I hereby agree to have eyelash extensions applied to my natural lashes and under extensions are
semi-permanent and consent to the placement and / or removal of the eyelash extensions by the
eyelash extensionist.

( )I understand and agree to the after-care instructions and for any unexpected circumstance that
have happened due to not following these instructions are in my own risk.

( )I understand that there are risks associated with having artificial eyelashes and in rare
circumstances eye or skin irritation and discomfort may occur.

( )I understand that because of the natural lash cycle and wear/tear, I need to maintain my
extensions with touch up appointment recommended about every 2 to 3 weeks for keep-up.

* If you agree to the terms and conditions and all is Truthful Please sign.

Client Signature: __________________________________ ________________Date___________

Cynthia Gomez Page
Eye lash Extension class
San Jacinto College 7
Mrs. Brown class

Belizma Beauty & Lash’s



*Use oil-free makeup remover to . * Don’t get lashes wet for 24 hours

take off eye cosmetic . *Avoid Exposure to heat/steam

*Groom and clean Lashes with Lash . *Avoid using waterproof mascara

or baby Shampoo use Lint free . *Don’t use cosmetics with oils around

swabs daily to avoid build up . eye area

*Pat lashes dry when washing face . *Don’t pick/pull or rub extensions

*Brush lashes daily with lash wand . *Don’t use eyelash curler

*Sleep on back or side . *Don’t sleep on your face or use eye

*Lash refills every 2-3 weeks . mask

(The longevity of eyelash extensions depends on how well you take care of them)

Cynthia Gomez Page
Eye lash Extension class
San Jacinto College 8
Mrs. Brown class

COVID-19 Eyelash Extension Form

Client Name__________________________ Date_____


I knowingly and willingly consent to having eyelash extension procedure
during COVID-19.

To prevent the spread of virus and to help protect each other, I agree I must
always wear a mask and sanitize my hands. I verify that I haven’t traveled
outside the United States in 14 days or to countries that have been affected
by COVID-19, I also confirm that I don’t have any symptoms of COVID-19 or
been around anyone who has it. I understand and read all questions and
completed it truthfully.

Please check the following:

( ) I agree to obey the rules of the salon during my appointment.

( )I confirm I have not been diagnosed with COVID in last 14 days.

( )I verify that I’m not waiting for lab test results for COVID-19.

( ) I verify I don’t have any COVID-19 systems.

( ) Yes ( ) No. Have you received COVID-19 vaccine?

Client signature: _________________________________

Eyelash Extensionist:_____________________________

Cynthia Gomez Page
Eye lash Extension class
San Jacinto College 9-A
Mrs. Brown class

Eyelash Extension Consent Form

I agree to have eyelash extensions applied to my natural eyelashes and/or removed
and retouched. By signing this agreement, I consent to the placement and removal of
eyelash extensions by the Eyelash Extensionist professional, Lashes are semi-

( )I understand that there are risks associated with having artificial eyelashes
applied to my natural lashes or removed from my natural lashes, I further
understand that as part of the procedure, eye irritation, pain, itching, discomfort, and
in rare cases, infection or blindness can occur. I agree that if I experience any of these
medical conditions with my eye lashes, I will contact the eyelash extensionist
immediately and consult a physician at my own expense. I understand that even
though the certified eyelash extension professional applies and/or removes the
artificial lashes using the proper technique, instruments, tapes, cleansers, eye pads,
adhesives, and removers used may irritate my eyes or require a physician follow-up
care and subsequent removal of the eyelash extensions.

( )I understand and agree to the care instructions provided by the eyelash
extensionist for the use and care of my eyelash extensions

extension professional immediately and consult a physician at my own
expense. I understand that even though the certified eyelash extension
professional applies and/or removes the artificial lashes using the proper
technique, instruments, tapes, cleansers, eye pads, adhesives, and removers used
may irritate my eyes or require a physician follow-up care and subsequent
removal of the eyelash extensions.

( )I understand and agree to the care instructions provided by the eyelash
extensionist for the use and care of my eyelash extensions.

( )I understand and agree to having my eyes closed and covered for the
duration of the 60–180-minute procedure. I understand that if I fail to lie flat
and still it may prevent proper application of eyelash extensions. I understand

Cynthia Gomez Page
Eye lash Extension class
San Jacinto College 9-B
Mrs. Brown class

that failure to lie still may cause the undereye pads/tape to move and cause
irritation/injury to my eye(s). I understand that eye irritation/injury may

result in the need to consult a physician and the physician cost will be my

( ) I have read and understand the Eyelash Extension Aftercare and agree to do
my part to maintain my lashes. I realize and accept the consequences of failure
and will follow to these instructions may cause the eyelash extensions to fall
out, damage the extensions, and/or decrease the time the lashes will last.

( )I have completed the Eyelash Health & History Form and agree that all
information provided by me is complete and true.

( )This agreement will remain in effect for this procedure and all future
procedures conducted by the eyelash extensionist. I read English and
understand that this consent agreement is legal and binding. I have read and
fully understand all information in this agreement. I am over the age of 18
and consent to the agreement and treatment for this procedure.

I release my Eyelash Extensionist, and all liability associated with this
procedure, which is performed with the utmost safety and proper application
using tools and products that the Extensionist has professionally been trained
to use and has sanitized all implements. There is no guarantee for the bonding
time of the eyelash extensions. The Extensionist is not responsible for any errors
,understand that there are many factors that may affect the life of the
extensions such as: water and moisture contact, weather conditions, and
activities involving exposure to high/low temperatures and aftercare.

By signing below, I verify that I have read and understand all statements and
also agree to them.

Client Name: __________________________________________________Date:__________


Cynthia Gomez Page
Eye lash Extension class
San Jacinto College 10
Mrs. Brown class

Table set-up

Cynthia Gomez & After Page
Eye lash Extension class 11-A
San Jacinto College
Mrs. Brown class



Cynthia Gomez Page
Eye lash Extension class
San Jacinto College 11-B
Mrs. Brown class

Before & After

Cynthia Gomez Page
Eye lash Extension class
San Jacinto College 12
Mrs. Brown class

Before & After

Belizma Beauty &Eyelashes

Price List

Classic Lash’s …………………………………….$65.00
Color Lash’s (10-Lash’s) ……………………..$15.00
Glitter Lash’s (4-Lash’s)………………………$15.00
2 week Refill ………………………………………$40.00
Lash Removal ……………………………………$30.00

Cynthia Gomez Page
Eye lash Extension class
San Jacinto College
Mrs. Brown class

Cynthia Gomez Page
Eye lash Extension class
San Jacinto College
Mrs. Brown class

Cynthia Gomez Page
Eye lash Extension class
San Jacinto College
Mrs. Brown class

Cynthia Gomez Page
Eye lash Extension class
San Jacinto College
Mrs. Brown class

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