famaly lobster box (3-4pax) | RM310
Boston lobster x 1 , mussel , prawnx8 , seafood aglio
oglio x2 , french toast x 4, coated fries , soup of the
day x 4 , drinks x4
Single Losbter box (1pax)| RM198
Losbter x 1/2 , lamb loin x1, cheese baked scallop x1,
seafood oglio aglio x 1 ,truffle cheese tiger prawn x 1 ,
soup of the day x 1 , drinks x 1
lobster sandwich set | RM218
Boston lobster x 1/2 , lobster bisque x 1 , lobster
sandwich x 1
lobster sandwich | RM98
Boston lobster x 1/2 , with sandwich
*family lobster box
*lobster sandwich set
*single lobster box