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Published by syida syida, 2021-05-24 22:32:44



Collected by Jill Bennett o
Illustrated by Nick Sharratt

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For Cath - NS Acknowledgements

For Ashok Kachru Pandit, Musema She Hassan Arnold Adoff, "My Mouth" from Eats (Lothrop Lee & Shepard

Yesuf and all ActionAid's children, ©Books, 1979). Arnold Adoff 1979. Reprinted by permission
remembering specially Gultno Aliye - JB
of the author and Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books, a division of
The compiler's royalties in this book are being William Morrow & Company, Inc.
donated to ActionAid, Hamlyn House, John Agard, "Snow-cone" from / Din Do Nuttin (Bodley
Archway, London N19 SPG
Head, 1979). Reprinted by kind permission of lohn Agard c/o
Caroline Sheldon Literary Agency.
Mary Ann Hoberman, "Meg's Egg" from Yellow Butler, Purple
Great Clarendon Street, Oxford OX2 6DP
©jelly, Red Sam, Black Bread (Viking, 1981) 1981 by Mary
Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford.
It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, Ann Hoberman, reprinted by permission of Cina Maccoby
scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in
Literary Agency.
Oxford New York
Lucia & lames Hymes, Jr., "Oodles of Noodles" from Oodlei
Athens Auckland Bangkok Bogota Buenos Aires Calcutta of Noodles© 1964, by Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing
Cape Town Chennai Dar es Salaam Delhi Florence Hong Kong
Istanbul Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Company, Inc. Reprinted with permission of the publisher.
Mumbai Nairobi Paris Sao Paulo Singapore Taipei Tokyo Leiand B. Jacobs, "Taste of Purple" from Is Somewhere
Toronto Warsaw
© ©Always Far Away'., 1967 by Leiand B, Jacobs, 1983 by
with associated companies in Berlin Ibadan Allan D Jacobs. Reprinted by permission of Henry Holt and

Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press Company, Inc.

in the UK and in certain other countries ©lohn Kitching, "I Like Cabbage", 1991 John Kitching, first

©Arrangement and Selection copyright |ill Bennett 1 992 published in Twinkle Twinkle Chocolate Bar {OUP. 1991).
©Illustrations copyright Nick Sharratt 1992
Reprinted by permission of the author.
The moral rights of the author and artist have been asserted
Judith Nicholls, "Brian's Picnic" and "Popalong hopcorn",
First published 1992
First published in paperback 1994 © Judith Nicholls, first published in Popcorn Pie (Mary
Reprinted in paperback 1994 (twice), 1996 (twice), 1997,
1998 (twice), 1999 Glasgow Publications, 1988). Reprinted by permission of the

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, author.

stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any Grace Nichols, "Sugarcake Bubble" from No Hickory, No
means, without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University
Press. Within the UK, exceptions are allowed in respect of any fair ©Dickory, No Dock, John Agard and Grace Nichols 1991
dealing for the purpose of research or private study, or criticism or "Have a Mango" from Cof7)e On Into My Tropical Garden,
review, as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act,
1988, or in the case of reprographic reproduction in accordance ©Grace Nichols 1988. Reproduced with permission of Curtis
with the terms of the licences issued by the Copyright Licensing
Agency. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside these terms and Brown Croup Ltd, London on behalf of Grace Nichols.
in other countries should be sent to the Rights Department, Oxford
University Press, at the address above. jack Prelutsky, "Chocolate Milk" from Rainy Day Saturday

This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way Wm(Greenwillow Books, a division of Morrow & Company).
of trade or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, hired out or otherwise
circulated without the publisher's prior consent in any form of © Jack Prelutsky 1980.
binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without ©dive Riche, "The Wobbling Race", 1991 Clive Riche, first
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published in Twinkle Twinkle Chocolate Bar {OUP, 1991).
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Although every effort has been made to secure copyright
ISBN 0-19-276133 1
permission prior to publication this has not proved possible in
Printed in China some instances. If notified the publisher will be pleased to
rectify any errors or omissions at the earliest opportunity.

Collected by Jill Bennett
Illustrated by Nick Sharratt

Oxford University Press

Meg's egg



A regular egg

Not a poached

Or a fried

But a regular egg
Not a devilled

Or coddled
Or scrambled
Or boiled

But an eggular egg


-^ /?\i'V Sugarcake bubble ^de^i'ca

ff^^ Sugarcake, Sugarcake
Bubbling in a pot
Bubble, Bubble Sugarcake
Bubble thick and hot

Sugarcake, Sugarcake
Spice and coconut

Sweet and sticky
Brown and gooey

I could eat the lot.

Grace Nichols


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wr //nniur mnfrjii fniuii- Tinniii; ffiimif 'wiiiiif iHimi •minr"" fiiiuum

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Taste of purple
Grapes hang purple

In their bunches^
Ready for
September lunches.
Gather them, no
minutes wasting.
Purple is
Delicious tasting.

Leiand B. Jacobs


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Oodles of noodles

I love noodles. Give me oodles.

Make a mound up to the sun.
Noodles are my favourite foodies.

I eat noodles by the ton. \

Lucia & James L. Hymes, Jr.

I like cabbage

I like eating cabbage,
Turnip, beetroot, cress.
Very smelly foreign cheese.
And, best, (you'll never guess)
It isn't chocolate or ice-cream.
No, no, it isn't custard.

My very best, my favourite food.

Is sausages with mustard.



Snow-cone nice
Snow-cone sweet
Snow-cone is crush ice
and good for the heat.

When sun really hot

and I thirsty a lot,

Me alone,
Yes me alone,

could eat ten snow-cone.

If you think is lie I tell
wait till you hear the snow-cone bell,
wait till you hear the snow-cone bell.

"./-fl- •.J^ 3i.

Brian's picnic There's . .
jelly next or trifle,
We've . .
everything must go!
cheese rolls, chicken rolls, Quickly, Brian, pass your plate
is it yes or no?
beef rolls, ham;
—choose now, quickly, Brian
bacon, beans or Spam?
We've . .
I WANT A DOUGHNUT! sponge cake, fruit cake,
eat it any way!
We've . . Peanut butter, best rump steak
egg and cress and sausages, what is that you say?
good old lettuce leaf;
come on, Brian, take some now
Judith Nicholls
there's turkey, tuna, beef . .


We've . .
treacle tart and apple tart,

—biscuits, blackberries, cake

Take which one you feel like,

Brian, come along now, take!


The wobbling race
Two jellies had a wobbling race
To see who was the wibbliest.
Then the sun came out and melted them
And made them both the dribbliest.


Have a mango

Have a mango

sweet rainwashed

sunripe mango

that the birds

/, woulda pick

if only they

—had seen it

a rosy miracle

take it from mih hand.

Grace Nichols


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Popalong hopcorn!

I'm a hopalong

popcorn in the pan

uu m"'"yn ui ii—ni]ii- i i» i"il'"' u imi »iii i ii« l i -irn
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i am always hungry

Arnold Adoff



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Sugarcake, popcorn, peanut butter, snow-cones,
biscuits, sausages, wobbling jellies, and oodles of

—noodles all delicious to taste, delicious to eat, and

delicious to read.

Here's a mouth-watering selection of tasty poems by
the same team that gave you Noisy Poems,
People Poems, and Machine Poems.

Oxford University Press £3.99 RRP

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