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Paris Herouni - Armenians and Old Armeniá (english)

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Paris Herouni - Armenians and Old Armeniá (english)

Paris Herouni - Armenians and Old Armeniá (english)

• Upwqwbnmfi (Aragatsotn) =wpwqwb" • mnfi = Upwqwb'}11}1hZhp (ZP2wfiJ!) =

foots of Aragats (its region)

• 'bufi (Van) =q • w • fi =fiw tuwfipp Uh2(1:) = it (is) in life

• Uhqwfi (Sevan) = u • h • qwfi = fiw tuwfipp hw2llPll u}1pm]! = it (is) next heart
of life

• lnnupnmwfi, ntpupw (Kaputan, Urmia) = qwupn(1)m. wfi; mp « up. w = fiw
qwupnJm up tuwfip mfihgllll.= it has one blue life

• U}11}1wfi (Sipan)= u • p • UJ. • wfi = pfip]! uppmfi uwp = it (is) nice round


• tnppwm (Euphrates) = h .1}1p • unn = uwuhPl! (b.pqpp) hwqwuwphgfiJlll.
(qWUJ.llIb upwgfimI) hw, (luwfipp qlnn) = it links parts (of country), (the river

of life)

• Spqppu (Tigris, river) = m • p • q • p • p • u = u}1phtP pu qrn.Jq (qwqUmt),

qbqhgpqpu mbq = my lovely (one of) pair, my beautiful place
• Upwq, Upwpu (Araz, Aracs) = wp • uiq = (hnU1lI1. l}hull1) wpla.

(wp1.a.hW) = (flux to) first Sun (to East)
• bpwulu, Upwpu (Eraskh, Aracs) = hp • wu •[u = uw hpqwp m qbqhgpq (qhm)

= this long and beautiful (river)
• Upgw]:u (Artsakh) = wp. gw]:u = urphmn wfimwn = sunny wood
• Upmwzwm (Artashat) = wp •m •w •zwm = zwm uiphmn tuwfipp mbq = very

sunny place of life

• Upuwtfilp (Armavir) = wp •U • w • tfilp =wptap uwIUl4wfig tuwfipp qwjp = the

life place of Sun people

• SwtlP (nu) (Tavr (os)) = m • w • q. p = (llp) qpw t tnunu luwG.pp mbqhp]!

(tbnfiwZIlPw) = it carries the places of life (montain ridge)

• qlt1Pljllw (Kilikia) = ljll • 1P • ljll • w = (llU) qhU]! 2DlP (bnlJ), qhU]! tuwfip

(gwuwp) = (my) half (is) water (sea), half (is) life (land)
• <l>JlD.fipljllw (Phoenicia) = 1}1. J • m • fi • P .ljll. w = hunlunnnp hu mfihu' wJfi

(bnqwJPfi) qhU]! la. (uJmu) qhU]! tuwfip (gwuwpn) = I have equally: the (sea)
half and (other) half (is) life (land)


Method NI 2 of Armennian Language Analysis shows that the main part of
Armennian words were developed beginning from simple voices (separate let-
ters) to more complex words. We already know the meanings of each letter and
some of two and three letters together (Table 10).

Now we can see the development of words from the very simple to the
other more complicated ones by adding other letters. The specific ''trees''
(just one "arm" of them) are presented in Table 12 for the letter "q" (z) and
in the Table 13 for the letter "q" (k).


Table 12

1~ 2~ ~ ~ 5~ 6

q qwGqwq qwGqwqwmnlG

qwG,qwGbt qwGq (bell) (steeple)

(z) wq,qw (bit) (tang,bell) qwGqqwb qwGqqwbwJ}1G

(begin- (first) qwGwqwG (mass)-noun (mass)-pronoun
(multifarious) qwqwG (beast)
ning) qwqwqwG qwqwqwGwlptp
qwqwGwGng (zoo) (cane) (canehandle)

1~ 2~ 3~ ~ Table 13

q qwp qwpbp 5
(seam, joint)
(k) qw (hard) qwpbPD
(part, half) (there is, qwp (opinion)
have) (milk) (drop) qWPht
«(I)qawmn,or) qw~ qwnnnq{l1)
qwq (will, volition) qwq6mn
(clay) qwtllID (marred by

(chalk) chalk)

uwqwq uwqwqwPInl
(low number)
(little quantity)

This procedure is possible to do with each Armennian letter. And Ar-
mennian language will be acquired. Tables 10, 11, 12 and 13 confirm the logi-
cal, consecutive and alone evolution of Armennian language and its very old
age. At that time (many thousand years ago) it was not possible to adopt any
words from other languages, because they were absent. So the Armennian is
the oldest language on the Earth, beginning more than 40000 years ago, when
Homo Sapiens emerged in Armennia.


When I was working out ELD and its use, I had constantly an unusual
feeling that I am rl~coding very old manuscripts or petroglyphs, which are
very important and magic. I even called (just for myself) ELD a ''Magic Dic-


Indeed, ELD and its use makes understandable very many things: all
words, names, the mind and feelings of people from Paleolithic and Neolithic
time (the stone age) until now, their relation to Nature and to each other,
their love for the beauty and kindness.

Tables 10, 11, 12, 13 confirm that Annennian language and Alphabet are the
first, developedalone (there was nobody to adopt words from) and arisen from the
very old time.

Armennians from the very old time spoke and speak until now to each
other, spoke with their main God AR (Sun) and with their other Gods in
Armennian language, which is the oldest language on the Earth, is God's
language, which gave the beginning to all Indo-European languages and al-


Armennian was the basic language for all Indo-European family of
languages. So there are many hundreds of words which are the same (or al-
most the same) in these languages. These words were adopted from Armen-

IC some words are the same in several languages, it means all these lan-
guages adopted these words from one of these languages. From which one?
From the language where these words have meaning.

In Table 14 some words are presented which are the same in Armen-
nian, English and Russian* and were adopted from Armennian. Some of
words of Table 14 were decoded above, in Items 2.6. and 2.7.

Table 14 is not strange, because many Armennian words were adopted
by Indo-European languages. For example, English language adopted 55%
of words from French language, which comes from Celts (who were Amen-
nians, see PART 3) and 10% from Latin, which comes from Etruscans (who
were Armennians) and from old Greek language, which was formed by
many words adopted from Armennian. In Table 14a some European names
with their Armennian interpretation (etymology) are shown.

Many Armennian words were adopted also by not Indo-European na-
tions, for example, old Egyptian, Arabian, Turkish and other nations. In
Table 14b some Jewish names adopted from Armennian ones are shown.

Ethiopian letters are almost the same as Armennian ones till now.

* It is pity but I know only the said three languages. But I know that many words
(as ocean, mother, hero, czar, Aryan, carpet, soap, car, mathematics, antenna, li-
ter, atom, cat, zero, etc.) of Table 14 are the same also in many other languages.


.N'!! Amennian English Russian Table 14

.N'!! Amennian English Russian

1. Ollqbwfi ocean OKeaH 30. finp new HOBwH
31. qwmm cat KOT
(nu) naaara- 32. ~wpwfi cotton BaTa

2. fiwqwqfiw- naviga- ~R KpOKOAJIA
gntpJntfi tion THrp
Man nopTpeT
3. l1wJP mother 33. qnqnJllll1nt u crocodile
[orenl epOPT
4. hbp(hwJp) father 34. qwqp tiger !AAL6UOH
repoii apxu •••
5. hbpnu hero qaph 35. UIlllmqbp pattern, aMUHh
epapaoH portrait [capora]
6. qbuwp caesar naTpuapx
OKO (OKRo) sepo
7. 1}1wpwqnfi pharaoh 36. pbpI} fort (berth)
ChIll 37. Ur1PImfi Albion ryM6a
8. lJIWUlpll1llN! patriarch 38. wN! ... a r c h •••
AoqJ» 39. wlibfi amen carana
9. wq(fi) eye apueq 40. npp (wfi) orphan
JKeHIqUHa 41. qbpn zero IOAa
10. uwfi}1q son KOBep 42. pntl1p tomb Kyt<ymKa
KapMHH 43. uwmwfiw satan
11. rpnuinp daughter MRCO to hole napK
44. hnj cocoo eChM, R
12. wp}1wg}1 aryan KopOBa eCTh
ABeph 45. qt!qnt KOCTOllKa
13. qpfi queen AOM
14. qWPUlbm carpet (JKeAYAoK)
KapaT nopT
15. qwpl1}1p carmine (xapaKTep) BUHO

16. l1}1u meat KapTa caxap
KapeTa MpaMop
17. qnq cow MaTeMaTHKa 46. UlWPq park A'hRBOA
18. :qnm HRHR
19. mntfi door aHTeHHa 47. bubl1(wJ eom,Iam 3epUP
town aTOM blI, hWJli1I) 3eepup
(home) AUBeHh, nSITHo
AUMepa 48. qnp}1q core
AUTp xosmac
20. umwlInpu stomach AU3aTh 49. wlibfi amen
21. ~swtopne, carat 50. UIDpm port KpUBaR
(Chrrac- 51.}1 wine (gin)
hard) ter
22. Ilwpmbq chart 52. lWllWP sugar
23. qUlJlll 53. l1wpl1wp marble
car 54. I}hq devil
24. l1wpWw- 55. fiwli}1 nanny
mathema- ether
m}1qw tics 56. bpbp zephyr
25. wfimbfiw spot
antenna 57. qb1}1Jnm
26. unnml 58. Ulntm
27. llt (2ntp) atom
liquid, 59. ~l1fiwgmJg compass
28. lltmp lympli
29. lltqbt litre 60. bom curve



N! Armennian names Etymology (see Table 10) Table 14a
1. Utbl!uwfi (Alecsan) European
wp -b -I! - u - wfi = he beautiful names
and hard (as) rising Sun

Ilpmmp (Artour) (he) has sunny house Arthur
3. Upubfi (Arsen) wp - u - b - fi = he comes (as) beau- Andrew
tiful Sun Grant
4. Ulbylbwu (Andreas) wfi - q - ph - w - u = beautiful life Jacob,Jack
comes to him Samuel
5. .l.pwfiq (Hrand) q - p -wfi -m = you make him (to Casper
be) high Gregory

6. .t}..wtUtp (Davith) q -ur -ll- P-P = able man in Anna
straight life Elisabeth
7. .l.wqnp (Hakob) h -wq -n -p = (he) adore source Margaret
of kind soul

8. Uwullbl (Samvel) u -ui -u -ll- bl = (he) beautiful life
arose for us

9. Umbl}1wfi (Stephan) u -m - b -l}1 - wfi = he almost soul
of our home

10. Q.WU11lWp (Gaspar) q - wu - 111 - wp = he (is) beautiful
as Sun

11. Q.ppqnp (Grigor) q -p -p -ll-q -n -p = (the) man
making love with excellent soul
Ufiwhpm (Anahit)
w - fiw -h - P-tn = her life trends
to my home
Ufifiw (Anna)
wfi - fiw= it is she
13. bnuunqlnn (Yegh-
sapet) bIt. -uw - 11Ibm = she (is) chief of

nucleus (purity)

14. btbfiw (Yelena) bl - t - fiw = go to her (she was

15. lTw~wppm (Mar- uwp -I!WP - P-tn = (she) life in sea
stone home


Table 14b

A.rmennian I
N! Their inte(srepereTtaabtiloenlb)meanings Jewish names

II1. wunhiu(iAtt(bArabrnraluun) U - p - p - wd = son of kind life leader Abrarn, Abraham

- wq = m

adore the
2. Uwhwq (Sahak) Su - w-=hI life adores the Isahak
3. ~wqnp (Hakob) un Iakov

-t;h -'!1~-n =~e} adore~the)source

=of km sou a onng the un

4. lTnqubu (Movses) d-n -q-u - bu = I with love to the holy Moisey


5. pupwJbt (Israel) }We- P -ui - bt= (the) man making rising Israel

6. ~$p (Davith) I} - w -u-p -p =able man in straight life David
7. Unqndnfi (Solomon) u -1lIl - nd - nfi =he (has) holy, gener-

ous, wide heart

8. lbqnfi (Levon) t -bq-n - fi =he become as (right) holy Levon,Levan

-R9. -n - fi= he (as) holy, making
Uhwpnfi (Aharron) w -hur Aaron
positive fe

10. mppbd (Ephrem) b -1}1- P. - b -d = (the) man coming to Ephim, Efim

do equal entity

11. (~prwa,) awpnthp q -wp -w = life as rising Sun Sara

12. lpw, lpww (Lia) W-ui = water life (water flower) Lia

13. Ppw, pppfiw (Ira) p -p -w = woman leading life Ira


Carahunge confirms (see PART I) that more than 7500 years ago there
was written language and alphabet in Armennia. Without them such a big
and developed Observatory as Carahunge could not operate for a long pe-
riod of time, getting high results which require centuries of observation. It
was impossible without written language to fix results, to accumulate knowl-
edge and to reach high level of knowledge.


Of course, the first Alphabet was much earlier of Carahunge time and
was simple, with minimal quantity of letters, giving possibility to signify just
main concepts. This Preliminary Alphabet was born perhaps about 17 thou-
sand years ago (XV millennium BC) and had less than 20 letters. Then, de-
veloping step-by-step, this Alphabet after about 7000 years grew to Devel-
oped Alphabet with 34 letters (VID millennium BC) and was in use at Cara-
hunge time (VI millennium BC). These letters are shown in Item 2.4 (Table
9) and are on rocks in Armennia (dated III millennium BC).

Can we restore that Preliminary Alphabet? Let us try. We could keep
the following main principles (Method N! 4):

1. Old letters had to be almost similar to letters of Developed Alphabet
presented in Table 9;

2. The letters ''p'' (r), ''t'' (I) and ''n'' (rr) have close pronunciation, so

it could be one old letter;
3. In Armennian Alphabet there are few groups of letters by three

ones in each, which are phonetically close one to another. These are: "q, g,

L (g, k, ck), "n, ID, p" (d, 1, th), "p, UJ, ~ (b, p, ph), "d, It, g" (dz, ts, ts'),

'1!h..U" (u, v, 0, "d, Z, 1" (z, sh, eh), We can take middle ones;

4. Each next letter in Preliminary Alphabet can be chosen depending
on maximal quantity of words which could be formed by adding the given
letter. I think, this was the necessary reason of new letters arising;

5. The first letter should be ''01'' (a), because it means "first, one" (see
Table 10), it is a vowel and wide spread in Armennian.

Position 4 was the most difficult. I formed many words using different next
letters to find out the necessary order of letters. The second letter was ''p'' (r),

because with ''01'' (a) it gives UP = AR = Sun = wp (ar) and this pair is the most

spread in Armennian language (about 3% of all words).
Then it was proved that these two letters (sounds) with another two letters

(half-sounds) ''h'' (h) and "]" (y) give about 30 words (and "important" ones).
For example: hWJ (Armennian), WJP (man), huijp (father), uij (I), hw (yes), wh
(fear),jwp (lover), wpw (do it),jwpw (wound), etc.

The next productive letters were "t (h)" (e, ye) and "fi" (n), which give ad-

ditional more than 35 words and names, then letter ''ID'' (t) with close sounds ''.I},
p" (d, th) giving additional more than 40 words, then letter ''tt'' (m) adding more

than 50 words, then letter "If' (k) with sounds "q, p" (g, ck) adding more than

120 words, etc.
Doing this, I took 19 letters which form thousands of words (a whole lan-

guage!). These letters are the following: ui, p, J, h, b, fi, ID, U, q, 0, tq, It, It, U, 4, ]!,

tu, 2, 2· I put them in two lines of 10 and 9 letters (see Table 15).


Table 15

10 millennium BC

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0(10)

ID P J h h fi ID U q 0
Bt qn
(i) t II P


tuwG» mllmJPfi bu lJlUlZ- bnpJOLGl! 6pw h}nJpfit }nt(h) qrn..JQ1! hnqLnp
the life giver I mbli entity his is base my (and) pair(es- ofsoul

adore sence)

UI P- et u q n tu 2 2 -
p 1lt d 9 q nt ~ d" 1- 6
-pntnp dWIUl- ~}1thpt! u}1pn IlbuHt It}1wg- fizwfit! zwm hw6btlt
all qwfig springs of love to the dwfi sign very nice

people union

After doing this I was very surprised by two flndlngs;

<D These two lines of letters mean two whole phrases in Armennian

(see Tables 10 and 15) which in English will be the following:

• I adore the life giver (the Sun), his entity is my base and pair (essence)
of my soul,

• The love springs of all people - to (are) the sign of very nice union.

This is indeed a marvellous appeal to kind God, to love, to unity, com-
ing to us from the distance of 12 thousand years!

@ The configuration (structure) of these letters is almost similar to the

configuration of present ten figures (0, 1, 2...•9), see Table 15.
This means that these letters were used also as figures, evolution of

which gives the present configuration of the figures.
All these confirm the following:
1. Method X! 1 and the interpretation of Armennian letters meanings

(see ELD, Table 10) is right;
2. Method X! 2 (''trees'' of letters, see Table 12) is right;
3. Method Xl! 4 and restoration of Armennian Preliminary Alphabet is

4. Present figures and decimal counting system (with zero) were born

in Armennia about 10 thousand years ago. Perhaps, this was kept in secret
and was not adopted (say, by Greeks in I millennium BC) and then decimal


system with zero was forgotten in Christianity time, and was again invented
later in Medieval Europe.

5. Table 15 demonstrates that in Preliminary (12 thousands years ago)
and in Developed (VI millennium BC) Alphabets the same letters as in pre-
sent Armennian Alphabet were used.

The decimal counting system was forgotten for a long time. Meanwhile
it was (and is) very simple and convenient system, which is easy to under-
stand, learn, remember and use. Let us remind that children learn to count
using ten fingers and the word ''mathematics'' in Armennian is ''tiwm • h •
dwm • pqw", which is ''finger comes after finger". It is good that this word
was not forgotten.

Table 15 also tells, that at the very beginning the letters as figures were
used. So perhaps they were used as a table like it is shown here in Table 15a,
which consists of 19 letters, and figures from 0 to 90000. Arithmetical opera-
tions with this Table 15a are easier than with Table 17 shown below. For op-
eration signs, perhaps, the following letters were used: "q" or "ln]" for Ea,

c"I}" fore, "d" for 0, "p" for and "1.." for@(see Table 10), thereat these let-

ters are absent in Tables 15 and 15a.

upwllnplibp 0 12 34 Table 15a
units wp Jh 5 6 7 89
0 wo po JO ho h 6 m dq
lDwuliwllnplibp 0 bu
tens 0 111 P bo uo ho 60 mo do qo
hWP6n1pWllnplibP 1110 ho boo uoo q 1! 10 2 2
undreds 0 qo 1!0 loo 20 20
1110 0 hoo
hWiliwpwlln£libP qoo 1!00 1000 20 0 20 0
t ousan s


ten thoUsands


At first, about 10000 years ago, the line of Preliminary Alphabet of the
first ten letters was used as a decimal figures system (see Table 15a). The simi-
larity between letters and figures is present not only for the first line of letters
but also for the second line (see Tables 15 and 15a).
Later the configuration of figures changed a little (to be the difference be-
tween figures and letters) and figures have gotten the present form. At the same
time initial figures received the names, which are in use until now.
These Armennian old names of figures are possible to decode using
ELD, Table 10. And the result is very interesting: the names indeed have
their own meaning, sense which is shown in Table 16, ''Figures names mean-
ings". This circumstance again confirms that the present figures have Ar-
mennian derivation.


Table 16


basic meaning of letter figure, meaning of figure name
letter (see Table 10) its name uqpqp m~JlIl1!, (pwJg~hnqLnp

0, n~lil 0 (w li)m,wtli)
(n) point, not ing giving the begmmng ut) spiritual
(I) llliq, wnw2Pli (non-material)
one, first 1 pubWe mlipy\ bai P ((mhuysPe~u)
ID qntJq {mJq mlibgwlip oompq (4:d.wb)
pair uebeq we) have close pair (toget er)
(w) hW2npqli ~1l wupwgliml
bIU~0hqloWnpg~r) 2
P (b) next ma es harder
bpq emeu uw (:qbn) nl ~1l (\uwm)
a this not complet yet to e five fin-
J gers)
h hwpbtIlblij}l leopeu
(u) trend to the .•.

h bubu 5 UWmt qlluh liuwli (wllwpmllwb)
lam li e human's head (completed)
t (11) wJli h epli e q pu hW2npq (dbnpp) j\Pw
6 on my next (liand
u it UW~lt hnqm hwuwp
(n) ll eb eg or human soul
(uui) ntli~ qw~mpJmfi
ID hpup 7 (it) as a ility
base Jenep thn UW~t ~li~pfi (1:)
Qu) it (is) nen 0 man
pu luwlip~ mntfit!(wllw£mwb)
U uwpq 8 house 0 my life (comp eted)
man mep liw luwlipp qWllw~ (t) ~wJmfi
b' uwu it (is) stable chi d of ife
part 9 bpbp ~WUliJWW bu mlibgw
q lllib peliet! t ree (tens I have
big lnpu ~mwuliJw1Ubu mfibgw
(q) 10 our (tens) I have

n meweu (fiw) hpliq qWllw~(mwuliJwq) mfip
(he) has five c ildren (tens)
(0) 20 hwpnq dbp wpupli
trend to your Sun (life)
Notes peueweli hwpnq wq~ ~UPfi
1. 1be first thing we can see trend to nation s un (life)
in this Table 16 is that the 30
meanings of all figures were
chosen with main purpose to hn ebu e mfi
make the learning and re-
membering of them as easy as 40
2. Mesrop Mashtots per- pwn ewu e
haps knew something about mli
old meanings of letters, be-
cause using letters as figures 50
he put for 10, letter "d"
(m.cJbr), powerful), for 100, hp e u e mfi
letter ''6'' (wnwqlq, more-
over), for 1000, letter ''ri' 100
(UhCt, big, great).
h ewp e jmp


h ewq ewp



From early Middle Ages up to now (sometimes) Armennian letters in-
stead of figures were used. The same was in Europe. In Table 17, 36 of
Mashtots' Armennian letters and their use as figures from 1 to 9000 are
shown. In VII century AD the first tables of addition, subtraction, multipli-
cation and division were constituted by Armennian mathematician and as-
tronomer Annania Shirakatsi [22].

1 234 5 Table 17
6 789
upwqnpfibp U p q. LI- b
units £1 l: e lU

unuuflunlnp eT p L Iu n 1I ~ :J -'l..
n 0 III Q
hWPJnfuw- ti IT a "U c
qnpfi p B n~ Cl> .R

hwqwpw- n U '-l S P


It is evident that this system of figure -letters had no zero and is ''nine-
mal" (not decimal) which is more difficult in use. This shows that old Ar-
mennian decimal system with zero was forgotten indeed because Table 17 is
more complicated in use than above Table 15a.


Everybody learns at school and university that all alphabets were taken
(adopted) from Phoenician and some of them also partly from so-called
Aramean. And everybody learns that old Greek high culture comes from
Crete-Mikenian culture. And almost all countries quickly adopted Phoeni-
cian alphabet during I millennium BC.

High culture and alphabet are not able to arise in small countries or is-
lands, more over during a short period of time. For high culture and alphabet
development and accumulation from zero, many thousand years, great experi-


ence of great nation with high knowledge, technology, dialects, etc. are neces-

Carahunge, Armennian Language Analysis and many other factors
(see PART 3) confirm that necessary conditions and evolution of knowledge,
technology, alphabet took place only in Old Armennia with its many king-
doms, including Araratian, Kilikian, Phoenician and many other kingdoms.
German historian M.Rimshneider tells that all Greek culture was taken
from Kilikians, Phoenicians, Hittites and Halides (Urartians) who were in-
habitants of Araratian kingdom [61]. All these four countries were Armen-
nian kingdoms (see PART 3). M.Rimshneider also tells, that Greek Alphabet
was adopted from Kilikia [61]. I think it is right because Kilikia is closer to
Greek than Phoenicia, and Kilikian Alphabet was the same Phoenician-
Armennain Alphabet.

Armennian Alphabet arose in the Great Armennia about 15-12 thou-
sand years ago. The fact that Phoenician Alphabet is the same Armennian
Alphabet is shown in Table 9. From 26 Phoenician letters 12 are the same
Armennian ones (46 %), 12 letters are similar (46%) and only 2 letters are
different (8%) from Armennian letters "q" (z) and ''u'' (s).

In Table 18 the evolution ''tree'' of Armennian and Other Alphabets is


Table 18. Evolution of Armennian and Other Alphabets

Armennian language
began 45000 years ago

Armennian written language
25000 years ago

(pictures, symbols, hieroglyphs)


Armennian Preliminary Alphabet
19 letters and 10 figures
X millennium BC

Armennian Developed Alphabet
34 letters

VI millennium BC

Armennian Present Alphabet
39 letters

(recovered in 406 AD by M.Mashtots)

The same Armennian Alphabet of

Armennian Kilikia and Armennian Phoenicia

(beforexvm cent.B~ (beforexmcent.B~

The same The same
(Hiksosean) ~ Indian Greek Jewish Annennian
Alphabet ("~')
Alphabet Brahma - 24 letters Alphabet Alphabet
IX cent. BC X cent. BC
XVII cent. BC Alphabet Jewish I-- XVI cent. BC

~ V cent. BC square ~
Sanskrit letters
IV cent. BC
Old Egyptian Etrusks ID cent. BC
Alphabet Alphabet Arabian

XVII cent. BC VIII cent. BC - Al~habet
28 etters
All All before IV
cent. AD
European Asian and
Alphabets f- Old Latin Alphabets

VII cent. BC


- - ~habet

ID· cent.BC



Table 18 shows that all Alphabets come from Armennian Alphabet. In
literature it is said that all Alphabets come from Phoenician, including so-
called "Aramaean" Alphabet [60].

Phoenicia as well as Kilikian, Hittites kingdoms and many other coun-
tries in West Asia and Anatolia were Armennian Kingdoms and from very
old time spoke Armennian language and used Armennian Alphabet. Never-
theless in XIX and the beginning of XX centuries the opinion was that Hit-
tites language was semitic. But the results of excavations of Hittites capital
town in Anatolia in 20-es of last century confirmed that their language was

Who were Arameans (Aramaeans)? It is said [60] that they were se-
mitic tribes coming from Arabia and in XIV-XI centuries BC lived in Ante-
rior Asia. But "Aram" is typical (very old and present) Armennian name
("Son of Sun") and Armennians lived (and spoke Armennian) in Armennian
kingdoms of Anterior Asia much earlier than so-called "Aramaeans". The
impression is that "Aramaeans" are prepensely concoct tribes with their
semitic background and language. Why was it done?

There are two textbooks for universities "History of Armennian Na-
tion", in Armennian [63, p. 43] and in Russian [62, p. 38], where there are
photos of two different boundary (lands dividing) stones with chiselled in-
scriptions. Below those photos it is written: "The boundary stone of Ar-
tashes I. In Aramaean language".

Artashes I the Kind was Armennian king of Great Armennia in
189-160 BC. He built capital town Artashat (188 BC) near river Aracs in
Ararat valley and a citadel with the help of famous marshal Hannibal, who
returned to his old fatherland after Carthage downfall (146 BC) by Romans..

It was strange to me why did Armennian king inscribe on stones for
Armennian people of Armennia in foreign (so-called "Aramaean") lan-
guage? It was impossible. Why did historians believe that some "Aramaean"
tribes (existed only 3 centuries and even did not have a country) had Alpha-
bet, but Great and old Armennian kingdom had not? I think, that
"Aramaeans" never existed. They were Armennians living in Armennian
kingdoms of Anterior Asia and used, naturally, Armennian language and
Alphabet. To confirm all these I decided to try to read those inscriptions on
stones in Armennian. And the result was excellent.

I rewrote the stone letters (as they were) and saw that many of them
are alike Armennian present letters. The letter which is repeated more than
others could be "a" because it is specific for Armennian language.

I found "Aramaean" Alphabet in some books, including "Armennian
written language" of H.Acharian [56, p. 514] and was very surprised. In ta-
ble of letters "Aramaean" letters which are identical with Armennian ones


were put not in line with the corresponding Armennian letters but in lines of

other letters (not similar). For example, "Aramaean" letter "tq" similar to

Armennian "u;" is put against Armennian ''11'', ''t'' is put against ''It'', ''It'' -
against "h", ''1}:1'' and ''ID'' - against "q", "p" - against "a", etc.

I understood why this confusion was done. It was said from the begin-

ning of Christianity adopting that Armennians had no written language (be-

fore Mashtots) and Armennian books were burned, but chiselled inscrip-

tions on stones were impossible to damage everywhere. So the "Aramaean"

(semitic) language was devised and letters in Alphabet were purposely con-

fused to make impossible to read Armennian old inscriptions in Armennian.

I put "Aramaean" (and also Phoenician) letters in a table accurately

against similar Armennian letters (see Table 9 in Item 2.4) and espied that

from 28 "Aramaean" letters 17 are the same Armennian letters (61 %),7 are

similar (25%) and 4 are different (14%). Here are these Armennian letters

to which correspond "Aramaean" ones:

- The same letters: w, q, q, p, L q, h, 11, U, n, UJ., n, ID, p, g, p, 0 (four vow-


- Similar: 11h, t, et, J, Z, tl (two vowels).
- Different: p, tu, G, u (no vowels).

After this I easily read these inscriptions (of 11 century BC) in Armen-


In Fig. 50 the photo of stone in that book [62] is shown, and in Table 19

the text of inscription is presented in old Armennian (inscriptions are 2200

years old), present Armennian and English translation. In Fig. 51 the photo

of another stone from the book [63] is shown and in Table 20 the text of in-

scription is presented.

Fig. 50. Inscription on Fig. 51. Inscription on
stone from the book [62]. stone from the book [63].


Inscriptions decoded:

Table 19 (see Fig. 50)

Old Armen- Present Armennian English translation

Uq Il* Ilnn}1bG lJquwb" (uiju) qwGqGwb" Beginning from (this) standing
Ilpunulnn' un] Ilwp}1g stone
Ilpunupm' mbpG untilArtait, (the) lord
tbmllt WJU ofthis land is
tbmllt uiju (the) king
pwqwqnpl! bap

Inscriptions decoded:
Table 20 (see Fig. 51)

Old Armennian Present Armennian English translation

.,a**lln}1bG (UJu)qwGqGwb"llwp}1g From (this) standing stone

.m}1 wqbW U}1G1.L. qbp2 (wpL.bW) until the end" (East)
hnIlbpG (hG) are lands
q hn[IlJbp pwqwqnp}1 of the king

All these mean that Armennian written language (Alphabet) existed
about 600 years before Mashtots (about 2200 years before us), and all so-
called "Aramaean" inscriptions are Armennian ones in Armennian lan-

Comparison of present Armennian letters with old Armennian (Phoe-
nician and "Aramaean") letters (Table 9) shows that most of them are the
same. Thereat, it is necessary to remember that present letters configuration
has been corrected few times, and old letters on rocks and stones were out-
side for a long time and are very suffered.

Boundary stones of Armennian King Artashes I the Kind (189 - 160
BC) with inscriptions are in Armennian language with Armennian letters.

• The meaning of letter ''p'' is "standing" according to Table 10.
•• I think, ''the end" means Lake Sevan, because this stone is put in the basin of Lake Sevan.



Armennian language arose in Armennia beginning from the time of
Homo Sapiens, 40 - 45 thousand years ago.

It developed step by step from simple sounds to words, main of which be-
gan (and begin) from "ar" (the Sun, the name of old Main God of Armen-

All these are confirmed by Armennian language analysis.
The first written language (symbols, pictures, hieroglyphs) arose about 25
thousand years ago. Many of these signs came to us and are in use in Armennia
and in other countries (for example, signs of Zodiacal constellations), which
confirms the priority of Armennian written language.
The fact that Armennians have lived in Armennia for all times is con-
firmed also by many geographical names in Armennia, as well as many Ar-
mennian male and female names beginning with "ar". All Armennian main
names came without any change from Paleolithic time (more than 10 thousand
The fact that the cradle of Indo-Europeans and Indo-European languages
was Armennia (Armennian Highland, Mount Ararat), and that from the very
old time (more than 7 thousand years) there was a developed astronomy are
confirmed by many European authors [52,53,37,38, etc.] and also by Cara-
hunge (pART 1). This is also confirmed by the presence in Armennian lan-
guage of many words which have meaning, sense in Armennian and which are
in use (adopted) by many other languages (see Table 14).
The first, Preliminary Alphabet (19 letters) arose in Armennia more than
12 thousand years ago (in X millennium BC). It was the first Alphabet in the
World. Together with the first Alphabet arose and were in use ten figures (with
zero), decimal reckoning and mathematics (this word means in Armennian
''finger comes after finger", Le, reckoning). Later the decimal system and zero
were forgotten and were invented again in Medieval Europe.
The Developed Armennian Alphabet (34 letters) arose in VI millennium
BC and these letters are in use until now (with some correction). All other Al-
phabets in the World came from this Alphabet (Table 18).


In the life of this Alphabet there was an intermption for one century after
Christianity adopting in Armennia as state religion in 301 AD. Then, in 406 AD
Mesrop Mashtots reestablished the written Armennian language with the ex-
isted Armennian Alphabet of 36 letters. Later three more letters were added, so
present Armennian Alphabet includes 39 letters.

The analysis of Alphabet and Armennian language shows that each Ar-
mennian letter has also a definite sense, meaning (coming from old time), which
is shown in Table 10 ''Elements (letters) Dictionary" (ELD). The Method of
ELD composition is shown in Item 2.5. Using of ELD shows that almost each
Armennian word becomes understandable (even many foreign words and
names). The meanings of letters were used in Armennia and other countries,
perhaps, until I millennium AD, and later were forgotten.

Consistent and logical development of Armennian language, Le, forma-
tion of new words by adding a new part (parts) to the existed word, is con-
firmed by ELD and presence of ''trees'' of letters, two examples of which are
given in Tables 12 and 13.

All these conflrm also that Armennian language and Alphabet are the
first which were developed alone (from nobody it was possible to adopt words)
and came to us from very old time.

I think, I was able to restore the Armennian Preliminary Alphabet with
19 letters (see Item 2.11) coming from X millennium BC (Table 15). First 10 let-
ters decoded by ELD gave the sentence: ''I adore the life giver (the Sun), his en-
tity is my base and pair of my soul". The next 9 letters gave another sentence:
''The love springs of all people - to the sign of a very nice union". These were
very big surprise for me. And this means that independent Tables 10 and 15
are right.

The second big surprise was the analogy between letters (of the first and
second lines in Table 15) and figures 1,2,3, ...0 (10) which we are using now.

All these confirm that Table 10 (ELD) and 15 are right, and that present
figures and decimal system of counting with zero come from 12 thousand years
old Armennian Preliminary Alphabet. This is confirmed also by Table 16, be-
cause the names of present figures have definite meanings (explanation) in Ar-
mennian. All these demonstrate also that the letters used in Preliminary and
Developed Alphabets were the same as the present Armennian letters.

I was also able to read in Armennian the inscriptions on land boundary
stones of Armennian King Artashes I the Kind (189 -160 BC). It is said in dif-
ferent books that these inscriptions are in semitic Aramaean language.

The reading of inscriptions in Armennian language confirms that:
- Armennian Alphabet existed before Mashtots (for about 600 years as

minimum) and
- So-called "Aramaeans", "Aramaean" language and Alphabet were in

reality Armennians, Armennian language and Alphabet (Tables 15,


Armennian Language was the first language in the World, the God's lan-
guage, the basis of all Indo-European languages and the International Lan-
guage until IT-I millennium BC.

Armennian Alphabet was the first alphabet from which all other alpha-
bets were adopted.




"Ex Oriente Lux!"
(Light From East!)


History of Christian Armennia with names of kings, patriarchs and
scientists is illuminated and widely represented in many manuscripts, books,
documents and monuments. But History of Old Armennia is illuminated very
weakly and with very big distortions.

This book may be the flrst attempt of short scientific recital of real History
of Old Armennia from the very beginning until the Christianity adopting as state
religion in 301 AD.

The main basics of this PART 3 are PART 1 (Carahunge), PART 2
(Armennian Language Analysis), many results of excavations, results of other
scientific directions and opinion of many other specialists.


Russian anthropologist V.V.Bounyak in his book ''Grania Annenica"·
(Annennian Granium, P.H.) 1927, [65, p. 263] wrote: "Armennoid type (race) is
known from the most early time and has wide dispersal in all regions of
Mesopotamia, beginning from its South part up to source of Tigris and Euphrates,
and further until West end of Anatolian peninsula, from the one side, and until
inside regions of Iran - from the other side. There were not any other race elements
in the oldest population of Anterior Asia. Formation of this type was finished in
Anterior Asia before emersion of European and Asian tribes (Thracians, Ellines,
Turks) who apparently had not made an influence on anthropological type of
population and were dissolved in stable formed Armennoid race".

Other anthropologists Ya.Ya. Roginnskiy and M.G. Levvin in the book
"Antropology", 1978, [67 p.528] (see also [51, p. 28,29]), wrote: "As it is known,
Armennian Highland is one of the places on Earth where the process of formation
of present man took place. Apparently in Neolithic time the Armennoid race of


man was fonned in Anterior Asia and Caucasus. This is proved by results of
excavations in Mesopotamia, Asia Minor and other regions. At IV millennium
BC and, perhaps earlier they had abruptly expressed features of Europeoid race".

N.H. Cochar in the book "Anthropology of Annennians", 1989, [51, p.92],
wrote: ''Time restoration for •.• Annennian population showed that Annennoid
race was already fonned at the minimum 9000 years ago ••. in Annennian
Highland and then propagated to the territories of Anterior Asia and Caucasus".

Mentioned in PART 2 M. M. Zourikkian [64, pp. 25-28] tells about the

opinion of J. Mallbert who, based on archaeological data, wrote in his book

"The Oldest Civilizations of Old East" [81, pp. 79-109] that prehistoric
culture arose in Turkish Mesopotamia (must be Armennian Highland, P.H.)
and in South part of Anatolia (i.e, in Kilikia, P.H.). The Neolithic civilization
discovered in Chattal Hyouk he calls ''the supernova in pale galaxy".

In Soviet Encyclopedic Vocabulary (Moscow, 1987) it is said:
"Armenoid race - Anterior Asia race, which accentuated by some
anthropologists inside the big Europeoid race for the population of
Armennia, adjoined part of Small Asia and also Syria.

Peculiarities: abundant growth of beard of males, cambered back of
nose, almost flat nape" [87, p. 76].


The native territory of Old Armennia included:
1. Caucasus, with South Caucasus (Trans Caucasus) and lands around
mounts Ararat, Aragats, Syunic, Artsakh, Vardenis etc., mount ridges Small
Caucasus, Armennian Par (dance), Geghamma, Aregouni, etc., lake Sevan,
rivers Aracs, Cour, Hrazdan, etc, and seaboards of Black and Caspian seas.
2. Annennian Highland, with mounts Sipan, Nemrout, Marouta, Npat
etc., mount ridges Carouta, Tayk, Cardouka, Annennian Tauros, High
Annennia etc., lakes Kapoutan (Urmia) and Van, rivers Euphrates, Aratsani,
Tigris, Aracs, Chorokh, etc.
3. Mesopotamia, with rivers Euphrates, Tigris, lands of Babylon, Sumer,
Phoenicia, seaboards of Persian Gulf and Mediterranean Sea.
4. Asia Minor (Anatolia), with High Annennia, Annennia Minor, Kilikia,
Kilikian Tauros mounts, seaboards of Black, Mediterranean and Aegean seas.
5. East side of Mediterranian Sea: with Pynikia, Palestine, Lebanan, Syria.

Armennians (Armennoid race) arose in Armennia first around Mount
Ararat, lake Sevan and in Armennian Highland with lake Van, then
propagated in all Caucasus, Mesopotamia and Asia Minor and were the
single population of all these territories from the very beginning (50-40
thousand years ago) until IV-DI millennium BC.


In all these territories Armennians live until now. The territory of
present Republic of Armennia is too small- about 30000 (about 5%
of historical Armennia).

In present time there are many terminological distortions in use. For
example, Armennian Mesopotamia with capital town Arhan (Urpha, Orran,
Eddessia), known as Armennian Kingdom from the old time until the
historical period of 312 BC • 216 AD, now is called North Mesopotamia;
Armennian Highland is called East Turkey (they wanted to change even the
name of Mount Ararat); instead of Armennoid race now is in use Europeoid,
Caucasian and even Anterior Asian race.


The development of human population, especially in early period,
depended on surrounding environment (conditions).

The geographical latitudes of Old Armennia were in limits from about
41°N down to 300N.

In early (the first) period Armennians lived in South Caucasus and
Armennian Highland in latitude limits from 36° to 41° and in longitude
limits of about of 37°· 49° with total territory of about 400 000 sq. km, which
is now called Historical Armennia and where Armennian kingdoms were
developed (see also [93, p. 117] ).

Historical Armennia is the upland with average altitude about 1700 m
and with many extinct volcanic mountain ridges.

Armennian Highland is the geographical name (term) of separate
mountainous territory between Black, Caspian and Mediterranean seas,
which is towering above surrounding territories.

The NW part of Armennian Highland includes the mountain ridges of
High Armennia and is going until the seaboard of Black Sea; the North and
NE parts include Ararat Valley and Armennian Par (dance) ridge and are
going until Rion and Cour rivers and Caspian sea; the SE part (with lake
Urmia) is going until Iranian Plateau; the SW part is going until North
(Armennian) Mesopotamia; and the West part is going until Asia Minor

The highest Mount is Ararat (Big Ararat or Masis with altitude 5165m
and Small Ararat • 3925m) which is beautifully towering above Ararat
Valley (about 900m) with river Aracs, and which is at almost equal
distances from lakes Sevan, Van and Urmia, and also from Black, Caspian
and Mediterranean seas. Mount Ararat with Ararat Valley is shown in Fig.
52, 53 and 54.

The sky in Armennia is usually blue, with the Sun. There are often the
beautiful Sunsets, as shown in Fig. 55.


There are also many other high extinct volcanoes such as Mount
Aragats (4095m, with four tops and a huge crater in the middle of them),
Sipan 4434m, Khachkar 3937m, Kapoutjough 3917m, Gemagan 3609m,
Ishkhanasar 3552m, Tondrak 3542m, Artos 3475m, Rmbasar 3373m,
Mravasar 3343m, Samsar 3285m, Khustup 3216m, Sarmants (Byourakn)
3189m, Mndzour 3188m, Maimekh 3109m, Nemrut 3050m, Maroutasar
2967m, and many others [68].

Armennian Mountains consist of huge quantity of useful stones
(granite, basalt, tuff, obsidian, agate, etc.), metals (iron, copper, gold, tin,
molybdenum, etc.). There are also many big and small rivers, many springs
of cold and pure water. There are large forests in valleys, slopes of
mountains, and many flowers. Let us remember that here was the Biblical

The climate is temperate with not very hot Summer (20°- 30°C), and

snowy but not very frosty Winter (_5°, -15°C). The air is clear, there are
many sunny days (about 360 days per year) and clear sky (starry) nights.

There is the reach animal kingdom: lions, tigers and jaguars (in past),
deers, bears, foxes, goats, harts, wolves, etc., also eagles,. storks, cranes,
swallows, pigeons etc. Many fishes are in lakes and rivers.

Historian Kh.Samouelyan tells that at Stone Age (Paleolithic) in
Armennia there lived even mammoths, bones of which were excavated in
Lorri, near rivers Debbed and Phammbak confluence, in Gyumri (see
Fig. 56 and 57), which are kept in Yerevan Geological Museum, another
skeleton was excavated near village Khnus, which are kept in British
Museum with name "Elephas Armenniacus" [34, pp. 108,109].

Nature of Armennia with mountain relief, variable climate (Summer-
Winter), rich natural resources and other conditions were favorable for life
and development of Stone Age Man and forwarded the fast evolution of his

Fig. 56. Skeleton of a Mammoth Fig. 57. Picture of a Mammoth
excavated in Armennia [34]. painted by Stone Age Man [34].



The territory of Old Armennia and particularly of Armennian
Highland was one of the places where the Stone Age Man arose and
developed with his culture. Archaeological excavations, done in this
territory, particularly in present Armennia, found many camps and
settlements of Stone Age Man with his thousand stone (obsidian, basalt)
instruments, clay dishes, fire-places, bones etc. In Fig. 58 stone hammers
found in Old Nakhichevan salt mine are shown and in Fig. 59 obsidian tools
(instruments) excavated near villages Cham-Megri and Khphchag are
shown [34]. These instruments were in use in Stone Age time of Armennia.

Fig. 58. Excavated in Armennia stone
hammers of Stone Age time [34].

Fig. 59. Excavated in Armennia obsidian
tools of Stone Age time [34].


Many of such settlements with Stone Age Man Paleolithic culture were
excavated in present Armennia in Ararat Valley, on mount Artin (SW slope
of mount Aragats), in cavern Azokh, in Hrazdan gorge near towns Yerevan
and Arzni, villages Lousakert, Shannidar etc. In Historical Armennia such
settlements were excavated in basin of lake Van, in valleys of rivers
Euphrates and Aratsani, on slopes of Armennian Tauros ridge, in valley of
Carbert, etc. [68, p. 5].

According to Armennian Encyclopedia the camps of Ashellian culture
(500-100 thousand years ago) in present Armennia were excavated in places
Satani Dar, Aregouni Blour, Harravvayin Blour, Lousakkert, Karmir,
Jrabber, also near village Azokh in Nagorni Carabakh (more than 300
thousand years ago) [70, v.I, pp. 122, 123,465; 1974].

Armennian historian She Mkrtchian tells about excavations in Azokh.
The huge cavern of more than 3000 sq. m near village Azokh with the big
camp of Stone Age Man was excavated (7m depth). The main finding was
the lower jaw of Stone Age Man who lived 100-50 thousand years ago. In
1979 by the group of international archaeologists he was called "Azokhian"
and it was said that Azokh is "The famous finding of the place of human
oldest civilization" [71].

Before this the remains of Neanderthal man were found out in four
places: Morocco, Germany, UK and Italy. Azokhian is very interesting
because he is the transitive man from Sinantrop (400 thousand years ago) to
Neanderthal man (200-35 thousand years ago), and from Neanderthal man
to the Cro-Magnon man (50-40 thousand years ago) who is the man of
present type (Homo Sapience) [71].

Besides that in Azokh cavern there were found more than 20 thousand
bones of 43 types of different animals, about 6 thousand stone instruments
(tools), many clay dishes and decorations, many fire-places, pictures on
walls, trimmed stones, etc. [71].

Thus, in Armennia, beginning from very old time (more than 300
thousand years ago) and down to 50-40 thousand years ago the Stone Age
Men lived: Sinantrop, Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon men (Homo Sapience)
who was the ancestor of Armennians.


From the very beginning (50-40 thousand years ago) Armennians felt
very well that they are living among Nature, are a particle of Nature. Being
in close contact with Nature they felt its kind and cruel forces all the time.

The kindest and joyous phenomenon in their life (as well as in life of all
animals and plants) was the Sun, giving the light and warmth on which


depended their life. So it is naturally that they respected and loved the Sun
as their father, as the kind, freehanded and unselfish Creator. Their respect
and love to the Sun grew into a belief and worship of the Sun as the God-

They talked with the Sun (AR in Armennian), asked Him to help,
when there were difficulties and were thankful to Him. They spoke with the
Sun in Armennian which was the first language, the God's language.

The Sun-God was the Father of Armennians, the Sun-Father Main
God (lW-=lwJP q.LtuwLlnp UumLlwb) and Armennians were His children,
Aryans, which in Armennian means: "Areyan"= (the people) from the Sun
country. They also knew that the Sun gives light, warmth and life to all
people, animals and plants, so the Sun is the Creator of all Earth, is the
Main God. The full name of the Sun God was "THE GREAT AND ARYAN

AR-FATHER GOD" (UbtTh ru- upp ur-euer- uus-utm,

In fact, Armennians always believed in one God, the AR. Other
Armennian Gods arose much later and were the children of AR or His

Armennian historian L. Shahinian writes that AR was the Creator of
Sky and Earth, the Main God and Father of other Gods, as Armennians
believed [77, p. 4].

It is necessary to note here that later, after the accumulation of
knowledge about the stars and constellations (perhaps before the time of
Carahunge, say 15 - 10 millennia ago), when Armennians understood that
there existed the whole Universe, they extended the concept of God over all
the Universe. This is illustrated by the old Armennian word "Astvats" =
God, where "Ast" means ''the Universe" and ''vats'' means "spread", so
Astvats is the essence "spread in (all) Universe", the part of which is the
Sun, the closest and powerful representative (object) of the Universe.

According to old legends, Armennians believed that they were created
(born) by Universe-AR-Father GOD with (and) Earth-Water-Mother
GODDESS. Her name was "=lUaU=HAYA [haja]". In Armennian this name
means: Hay-ya [haj-ya] (hWJeJw)=I am Armennian",

From the old time Armennians called their own country of Armennia (and
its inhabitants-Armannians) by two equivalent names: Armennia (Armennian)
and Hayastan (Hay=Hi). These names mean: "Ar s men cia (Up.. Uhfi· [nu)
= the country of Sun (AR) men" and "Haya-stan (~wJw • umwfi)= the Earth
(Mother) country", or "Hay-ya-stan = my Armennian country". So these
names came from AR-Father (Fatherland) and from Earth- Mother
(Motherland). This is one more demonstration of the equality of man and
woman in Armennia from the old time until now. Unfortunately, many
authors have a wrong opinion, that Hayastan is the proper-name used by

• The pronunciation of the word "huij = Annennian" is as in English pronunciation of the
word ''high'' (or ''hi'').


Armennians only, and Armennia is the name used by peoples of other
countries. It is a mistake, because: a) both names came from Armennian old
Gods names in Armennian language, as it was shown above; b) all other
countries could not use the same name, but could use different, their own
names, so if everywhere is the same name, it means that the name was taken
from one place (country); c) so these names came from the country in
language of which the words (names) have the meanings, can be explained;
d) as it was shown above, both names have convincing explanation in the
Armennian language. Thus, Armennia and Hayastan are Armennian words.

Later the name Haya was transformed to Armennian name Gayane
and in other languages as "Geya", (the Greek Goddess of Earth), ''Yeva''
(Eve) in Bible, etc.

For Armennians the concept of Mother was so high that even the Sun
after each day in Sunset went to rest to His Mother Le. beyond Armennian
mountains or into sea, ocean. From there came also the word "Armorika",
the old Armennian name of the Brittany Peninsula in NW of France, where

= =lived Bretons Celts Armennians (see below). "Ar-mor-ika" in

Armennian means "The Sun goes to Mother", because all people saw every
day that the Sun sets into the Atlantic Ocean.

The high respect and love to father and mother Armennians keep until
now and it is one of the main Armennian traditions. Armennians, may be,
are the sole nation in the World, who until now swear by the Sun with words
~pu wpL. (to my father's Sun), Unpu wpL. (to my mother's Sun), UpL.u tlqw
(my Sun is witness), where the Sun means also their life.

The kind Sun-God religion Armennians propagated later to many
other tribes and nations during many thousand years. Armennians kept the
Sun-God religion until Christianity adopting as the state religion in 301 AD.

In reality the Sun cult lives also now, because in Christianity the
Father-God is the same Armennian old the Sun-Father-God, whose Son was
Jesus Christ with His kind homily. So, Jesus Christ was (and is) Armennian.

Christianity, this great and civilized religion, could not arise in one day.
It had a big, long time and deep roots and sources and Christianity was born
from the Armennian Sun-Father-God old and kind religion.

Thus to call the Sun religion ''heathen'' or ''pagan'' (hbpwGnuwqwfi) is
not correct. In old Sun religion there were not idols, fetishes, fire, God-
animals, etc., were not any sacrifices or wild dances. It was human and kind
religion of old and civilized nation - Armennians. And until now in
Christianity the God-Father is the Sun (AR).

All these do not mean that I want to return the Sun religion. I want to
explain and to tell the historical truth, as it was.

The adoration of Great and Aryan Sun-Father Main God AR was in
Armennia during about 50 thousand years. AR was the main God in all
Armennian kingdoms and then was adopted by many other countries.
English historian Archibald Says writes: "The adoration of Ara (AR) was


formed in Armennian Highland then propagated to many tribes and nations
of the Old World" [73, p.13].

Indeed, the main Gods in other countries were: RA in Egypt, AARA in
Assyria, ARIA in Babylon, ARAMAZD (ORMOUZD) in Iran, ARES,
APPOLLO in Greece, YAR (YARILLO) in Slav countries, ARALLI in
Georgia, ALLAH in Islam, etc.

The results of research show that Indo-Europeans had one, the same
source of their culture. This is supported by the similarity between the old
Armennian Epos "Sasna Tsrer", Indian Vedas, Iranian "Avesta". This
similarity in its turn confirms that Aryans from the Armennian Highland
propagated to Sumer (at IV millennium BC) and to India, Greece, Iran (at

m-n millennia BC) [73, p. 11].

American researchers Lytle Robinson and Edgar Cayce think that old
culture (sphinxes, pyramids) of different countries (Egypt, Assyria, Persia,
Greece, Yucatan, Mexico, Maya, ete.) is "strikingly similar" and has "a
common source". In the book of L. Robinson it is said: "The name Re or Ra
was attached to the Sun God, the chief of all Gods. He may have come from
Caucasus"[74, p.73].

Now in different parts of Old Armennia the name of Main God AR is
also distorted. For example, the self name of Armennians living around lake
Van (Armennian Highland) was HARD which means: H·AR·D = ~.Up.q=
admirers of the Sun =Armennians. But now this name is used with some
distortion, as Hald or Chald and many authors use it also as the name of
Main God of Chaldeans.

In present Armennia there is a huge quantity of Rock-carvings in the
regions of Vardenis mountains ridge, Syunic (Zangezour), Aragats, in
sources of rivers Yeghegis, Arpa, Vorotan etc. Particularly more than 2000
decorated rocks were discovered at mount Oughtassar near Sissian at
altitude 3300m. Another rock-carving art center is also near Sissian, on
mount Djermadjour, etc.

Armennian historians G.H.Karakhanian and P.G.Satian presented 342
Tables with groups of rock-carvings in the book "Rock-Carvings of Syunic"
[49]. Here we can see the carvings of V - ID mill. BC with the most animals
of old time, as goats, mouftlons, gazelles, deer, aurochs, horses, dogs, wolves,
jackals, panthers, bears, lions, scenes of hunting, etc. There are also many
carved pictures and scenes with the rising Sun, see Fig. 60, 61. The
comparison of these two Fig. 60 and 61 tells the supposition that the wheel
was invented in Armennia (much earlier than V mill. BC) as a model of the
Sun picture.


U 2,5

Fig.60. Rock-carving with the Sun-rising
process (two moments) (V mill. BC) [49].

Fig. 61. Rock-carving (IV mill. BC). The cart
with four wheels pulled by bulls [49].


In Armennia there were also many Sun God Temples in Etchmiadzin,
Zvartnots, Carahunge, Garni etc. The main Temple was in Darrannaghiats
region in Ani fortress, where the center of the main Priest was.
Unfortunately, all Temples were destroyed after Christianity adopting
(except Garni), and on their foundations the Christian Churches were built.
In Fig. 62 the AR-Father God Temple (1-11 cent. AD) in Garni (present
Armennia) is shown.

In Fig. 63 the picture of the AR God standing on the Lion is shown.
This painting was found during excavations and restoration works on one of
inside walls of Errebouni (Yerevan) old castle (VIII cent. BC) [73].

To the West of lake Van, near river Euphrates, on the slope of Mount
Nemrut in Kappadokia (now in Turkey) there is a unique old Monument
with big, 9 m height sculptures (sitting on the thrones) of the Armenian
Main God AR, similar to Him KESAR (title of Armenian Kings), of the
Goddess ANNAHIT, of the God VAHAGN, of the God TIR and also of the
AR God symbols: the Lion and the Eagle.

Unfortunately this unique Monument was destroyed. In Fig. 64 the
Heads of these sculptures are shown [68, p.21]. More details about this
Monument see in Item 3.23.

Christianity as a kind, human religion of the civilized nations was
adopted by Armennians earlier than by other nations because it was the
continuation of their Sun-Father kind and human religion, and also because
the God-Father in Christianity (still now) is the same Armennian Sun-
Father main God AR.

Fig. 64. The destroyed unique Armennian Monument in kappadokia (now
in Turkey) with Heads from right to left of the God AR, the Goddess
ANNAHIT, Eagle, the God VAHAGN , the KESAR, Eagle, Lion [68].



The adoration of the Great and Aryan Sun-Father Main God AR arose
in Armennia about 50 thousand years ago.

Besides AR and Haya Armennians had also other old Gods.

ANNAHIT Goddess, the Daughter of AR. She was very respected and
loved in Armennia, "The Goddess of Maternity", she was named also the
"Golden Mother" and "Golden Birth".

Her main Temples were in Yekkeghiats region of High Armennia, in
Yerizavvan (now Yerznka), in Ashtishat of Tarron (to the West of lake

Van)· where was "Ilfhnhjnn]; Ilpnn = the Throne of Annahit", also in

Artashat, Baggarran, Armavvir and other places.
Her Head, the part of Her smashed sculpture, kept in British Museum,

is shown in Fig. 65.
NAR or NANNE Goddess, the daughter of AR, the Goddess of wisdom.

"Nar" in Armennian means "Leading, Leader". "Nanne (Nanni)" means:
"Mother, Grand Mother", also "Feeding, Feeder".

Her Temple was in town Thil of Darrannaghiats region.

VAHAGN *, the Young and Hardy Vahagn (J!w2fi ~whwqO), the

Fighter of dragons and evil. He was very lovely Armennian God of Courage,
Power, Heroism, Lightning and Battle (later).

The supposing date of His "birth" is 22 946 BC Areg 1 (March 21),
when the first Armennian Calendar (Solar) was begun (see PART 1, Item
'J1.17). The painting of the moment of His birth in Fig. 66 is shown (see also
page 15,1).

He lived with His wife ASTHGIK in castle on the bank of Lake Van.
His main Temples were in Ashtishat (in Taron region), near Lake Van, in
Vaspurakan and in High Armennia. The sculpture of VAHAGN in Yerevan
is presented in Fig. 67. The old sculpture of His Head (made, perhaps, before
the Great Deluge, see Item 3.19) is shown in Fig. 64 (the younger God).

ASTGHIK Goddess (UulJ1l1l1q) (wumtlwbnthp), the Daughter of AR
and Wife of VAHAGN. She was very lovely Goddess of skylight, water, love
and beauty. Her name in old Armennia was given to the planet Venus, the
brightest object on the Sky after the Sun and the Moon. To Her in
"Vardevvar" festal day roses were presented.

"Ast" in Armennian means "Universe", "Astgh, wuUUJ." (the clot of

space matter) means "star", "Astghik" - "little star".
Her Temples were in Ashtishat in Taron region and on bank of Lake


• This word is necessary to read as Vahhaggn.


Her name was adopted by other nations, also proceeded to the names of
their Goddesses as Astart, Ishtar, Issida, and also to the international words
as "astronomy", "star". In Armennian the word "star" (unnnrp-astgh) came
from ASTGHIK (or vice versa).

TIR God, the Writer God, the Secretary of the AR, Protector of written
language, science, and art. He had ''white'' and "black" big books where He
fixed the good and bad actions of people. He also understood dreams.

His Temples were in Yerazzamouyn (Zvartnots) of Artashat region, in
Carahunge, Kaghzvan, Aragats, Van, etc.

The presence of old God TIR also tells about the existence of the
written language in old Armennia.

MIHR (Mardouk) God, the Son of the AR, the God of light, flre,
Protector of equity and truth. His cult arose perhaps in the beginning of ill
millennium BC.

His Temples were in Baggaritch of Derdjan region in Armennia Minor
and in other places.

VANATOUR God with AMMANNOR festal day (the New Year), the
God of fecundity, hospitality, harvest, grape, vine, gladness (joy). This festal
day was celebrated in each home, at each New Year.

His Temple was in Baggavvan of Bagrevvand region.

Armennians were also deifying some of their loved and heroic Kings-
Priests (Kesars). At least three Kesars: Aram, Hayk and Ara the Beautiful
were deified:

- ARAM (Are am = the Son of the Sun), or afterwards ARAMMAZD
(=Areameazd=the first Son of the Sun), the first King (Kesar) of Armennia
in about 40 millennium BC. He was ''the first man", created by God-Father
on Earth (Adam by Bible).

- HAYK [ha:jk], the victor of Bel (Nemrod) who with Babylon army
came to occupy Armennia (2492 BC); Babylon Tower and the Great
Pyramid builder.

By His name was called the Hayk constellation on Sky (now Orion).
The photo of the Hayk Kesar sculpture in Yerevan, victor and powerful
archer is presented in Fig. 68.

- ARA GEGHETSIK (Ara the Beautiful), Kesar, Protector of
Fatherland and Family, who fell in action against Assyrian army with their
cruel and dissolute queen Shamiram (Semiramide), who came to occupy
Armennia (11 millennium BC).

The names of all Armennian old Gods are kept until now also as the
first and family names of Armennian men and women.


Armennian Old Gods with their names (or distorted ones) and their
functions proceeded afterwards to the God pantheons of other nations. For
example, in Egypt AR (RA), Haya (Isida), Aram (Gor), Hayk (Osiris,
Orion); in Palestine Vahagn (Vahhal) and Asghtik (Astart); in Iran Aram,
Aramazd (Ormuzd); in Greece AR (Zeus), Annahit (Artemida), Astghik
(Aphrodita), Tir (Apollo), Vahagn (Herald), etc.


In Kappadokia, on the slope of Mount Nemrut (height 2150m) which
is on the right bank of river Euphrates, near old town Sammosat (near
present Adiyaman, now in Turkey) there is the stone big old Monument, the
Sanctuary of old Armennian Gods with big, 9m Sculptures (sitting on
thrones). They were the Sculptures of Gods:

AR (SUN) - the Main God of Armennians,
KESAR - the Image of Armennian Kings (Kesars), similar to the AR,
ANNAIDT - the Daughter of the AR,
VAHAGN - the young God, Fighter of evil,
TIR - the young God, "Secretary" of the AR,
and also (sitting on smaller thrones) the Symbols of the AR: the Lion and
the Eagle. There are also the stone bar-relieves.
Unfortunately this unique Monument now is terribly destroyed: all
Heads of Sculptures are picked up, their faces damaged, etc. Some Heads
are put separately and were shown in Fig. 64.
More information about the present condition of the Monument we
have taken from the Internet [lOO]. The scheme of the Monument is shown
in Fig. 69. There are three parts of the Monument placed on three big
artificial terraces on slope of Mount Nemrut: the East, the West and the
North ones. The East and West parts (terraces) of the Monument are almost
similar. They consist of 5 big and 4 smaller thrones each for the sitting big
Sculptures. Five thrones for the Gods and four thrones for the Symbols of
AR, Lions and Eagles.
Unfortunately the process of the Sculptures damaging continues also
at present time. For example, in Fig. 70 it is presented the photo (made in
1883) of the East terrace where the Sculptures of the Gods are damaged, but
the Sculpture of the Annahit Goddess still had the Head. In Fig. 71 another
photo is presented (made in 1995) of the same East terrace where the
Sculpture of the Annahit Goddess with Her Head is already absent.
In Fig. 72 the West terrace with empty thrones and damaged Heads of
the AR, Vahagn and Tir are shown. In Fig. 73 the bar-relief of the Lion on
the West terrace (photo 1883) is shown and in Fig. 74 the same Lion bar-
relief with damaged face and body (photo 1996) is shown.


MFigo.n6u9m. eTnht em. scKhaepmpea0dfotkhi•ea


All historical material about the Monument on Mount Nemrut (Fig. 64-69)
is also distorted. The names of Armennian old Gods are changed into the
Greek old Gods names. It is said about the Kesar Sculpture, that it is
Antioch I (king of Kappadokia), and that all the Monument was built as if
by Antioch in I century BC.

AU these are wrong, because:
1. Kappadokia was the part of the Great Armennia from the very old
time (see Item 3.10). As a region of Roman Empire Kappadokia was for a

short time, in n century BC, but in I century BC it was taken back into the

Great Armennia by the Armennian King Tigran 11 the Great.
2. Antioch I would never dare to make his statue and face almost

identical with AR (or Zeus, as it is in above said information from Turkey).
To be similar with AR could be only Armennian Kesars of the Great
Armennia who were the Kings and in the same time the Main Priests. The
word "kes· ar" -s in Armennian means "Half-God", or "Half-Sun", or
"equal to the Sun".

3. The Lion and the Eagle were the Symbols of the AR in old
Armennia only. Later, supposedly, during the Great Deluge, one more
Symbol was added - the Aries (at the same time the name of the first
Zodiacal constellation). So we can suppose that the Monument on Mt.
Nemrut was built before the Great Deluge and, of course, by Armennians.

4. To make this unique and huge labour-consuming Monument it was
necessary to do very big earthwork which at that time could be done only by
powerful King of a big country, as Armennia.


Fig. 52. Mount Ararat (still in Turkey) and Ararat Valley.
View from Armennia

Fig. 53. Ararat. View from Armennian Capital of Armennia

Fig. 54. Ararat and Ararat Valley from Mount Aragats. Winter. Morning.
Painted by P. Herouni

Fig. 55. Sunset on Mount Aragats. Painted by P. Herouni

Fig. 62. AR-Father God Temple in Garni (15 km from Yerevan)

Fig. 6 3. AR..;Father God on Lion. Painting on wall of Erebouni
(Yerevan) old castle (VIII cent. BC)

Fig. 6 5. Armennian old Goddess ANNAHIT.
The head of the golden sculpture.
(Bronze copy - in British Museum)


F i 2. 66. The birth of the God VAHAGN,
the Fighter of dragons and evil.
Painted by P. Herouni

Fig. 67. The sculpture of VAHAGN in Yerevan 141

Fig. 67 a. AR-Father God on Lion. Painting on wall of Erebouni
(Yerevan) old castle (VIII cent. BC)


Fig. 68. Armennian Kesar HAYK.
Sculpture in Yerevan


Fig. 68a. Armennian King Tigran 11 the Great,
the King of Kings.
Painted by V. Gharibian


Fig. 70. Armennian old Monument in Kappadokia (now in Turkey).
The East terrace, photo 1882. The Sculptures of Gods

are damaged, but the ANNAHIT Goddess Sculpture still
on throne and had the.Head


Fig. 71. The East terrace, photo 1995.
The Head of ANNAHIT Goddess Sculpture

already absent


Fig. 72. The West terrace with empty thrones and damaged
Heads of the Gods AR, VAHAGN and TIR


Fi2.73. The bar-relief of the Lion in the West terrace, photo 1883

Fi2.74. The same Lion bar-relief with damaged face and body,
148 photo 1996


The favorable natural and climatic conditions in Armennia contributed
the fast development of people with their knowledge, technology, experience,
and cultural, social and human relations. In Summer people knew that
further again will come Winter, so it was necessary to make preparations: to
make warm clothes from skins of animals, to dry fruits, preserve meat,
firewood, to build warm and more convenient habitable houses, etc. It was
too much work which was necessary to do for many people. Soon many of
them learned to do definite work better and quicker. During this process the
experience, knowledge, technology, tools and instruments, also language and
human relations were developed. Also live-stock and agriculture were
developed. About 45-40 thousand years ago the Armennian (Armennold)
race was formed. At that time there were not any other races all around.

Armennians began to live in settlements and villages, coming to settled
life. They were already not tribes, but communities joined into little states
having top leaders: lords, then King, who was also the main Priest.

In about 40 millennium BC Armennian nation with its language,
culture and country was formed and the formation of the Armennian State
(the first on Earth) was completed.

The State ARMENNIA-HAYASTAN arose on territories of South
Caucasus, around Mount Ararat and Lake Van (Armennian Highland). It
was the first civilization in the World.

The double name Armennia-Hayastan (and Armennian-Hay) comes
from the very old time from the names: AR-Father Main God and Earth
(Water) - Mother Goddess (see Item 3.5). The word "Armennia?" in
Armennian means: "Ar-men-ia=Sun people country". The word
"Hayastan"?" means: "Haya-stane Earth (people) country", "Armennians

The last part of word "Armennia": ''ia (ian)" became the last part of
almost all Armennian family names?" (put after the Armennian first
names), which shows from whose land, side is the given person. For
example, Aram-Aramian, Arshak-Arshakian, Gregor-Gregorian, Movses-
Movsesian, Tigran-Tigranian, etc.

Later, after many thousand years, the last parts of the words
"Armennia" and ''Hayastan'', i.e, ''ia'' (side) and "stan" (country) were

• The word "Armenia" is necessary to pronounce as "Armennia" [arrmenis].
•• The word ''Hayastan'' is necessary to pronounce as [hajasta:n].
••• There are some Armennian family names the last part of which is "ouni". It means "he
has" and comes from lords and kings family names, as Bagratouni, Rshtouni, Amatouni,
Marzpetouni, etc.


adopted by many other languages to designate the name of their countries,
for example: Britannl!!, Brasill!!, Australia, Bulgaria, Italjg, Pakistan,
Afghanistan, India (or Hndkastan in Armenian), etc.

The first King (and main Priest, i.e, Kesar) of the Great Armennia
was, perhaps, ARAM I (Ar s amethe Son of the Sun) and Arramian Dynasty
existed from 40 up to 10 millennium BC.

Aram (Arram), the Armennian old name and the name of Armennian
first Kesar, came to us, and is lovely present Armennian name (and family
name - Arramian). This name is in Bible as Adam, the name of the first man
created by the God (-Father) in Paradise, which by Bible was also in
Armennia, near lake Van, where are the sources of four main rivers: Arraks
(arvak-s = beautiful source of the Sun = going to beautiful East), Arratsani
(the tributary of Euphrates), Euphrates (called also Armennian river),
Chorokh (or Gallis=coming) and maybe also Tigris.

Let me add, that in Sumerian legends the name of the first man is III or HAY
which in Armennian language is the word "Armennian". Also in Zoroastrian
religion (Iran) the name of the first man is HAYOMARD, which in Armennian is
"Hay-o-mard = Armennian holy man". All these coincidencesare not accidental.

Armennians in their State lived in atmosphere of kindness, equality,
freedom and development. It was a long period of peace from 40 millennium
BC until the middle of ill millennium BC when the army of the new forming
Babylon, led by Bel, came to occupy Armennia. It was the first big war in
the World, which took place near Lake Van. This army (of giants) was
shattered by Armennian first organized army led by Kesar Hayk (in 2 492
BC) and Bel was killed by Hayk.

Thus, during the long period of 40-3 millennia BC Armennians were
busy just with creative work: villages and towns building, live-stock and
agriculture, development of knowledge, culture and the first written
language (pictorial, symbolic, hieroglyphic). About 10 thousand years ago
Armennians had the first Alphabet (see PART 2). Also the astronomical
observations of the Sun, Moon and stars were begun from about 25
thousand years ago. The process of the Sky (stars) division to the
Constellations was begun. The Zodiacal constellations were espied, the first
Sun-dials were built. These works were completed in Armennia during 8-3
millennia BC (see PART 1).

The Armennian First Calendar (AFC) was established, perhaps, at the
end of 23 millennium BC. It began approximately at Areg 1 (March 21) of
22946 BC, i.e. 2492+14 Armennian periods (2492+14xI461=22946 years). It
was the first Calendar in the World. It was the Sun (Solar) calendar with
365 days in a year, so it was so-called ''movable'' calendar. More exact
"fixed" Calendar with 365.25 days in a year arose in Armennia about 8
thousand years ago (see Item "Calendar" in PART 1).

At the old period (50-20 mill. BC) also the songs, odes, poems and
dances (ritual and folk) arose and developed. According to the legends at the


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