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Hi-Tech Controls | Camozzi Pneumatic Fittings and Valves | Camozzi Fittings, Camozzi Valves, Camozzi Cylinders, Product Selection

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Published by Sealcon, 2020-07-27 12:40:58

Hi-Tech Controls | Camozzi Pneumatic

Hi-Tech Controls | Camozzi Pneumatic Fittings and Valves | Camozzi Fittings, Camozzi Valves, Camozzi Cylinders, Product Selection

Keywords: Hi-Tech Controls | Camozzi Pneumatic Fittings and Valves | Camozzi Fittings, Camozzi Valves, Camozzi Cylinders, Product Selection



North AlnE'rico

Fittings & Flow Control Valvps Catalog

Edition 8.0


= .r D

£i (

(800) 677~ 8942 I (303) 680· 5159, www.hUechcontr'ol com

Click or Call for at QuoteJ


Welcome to tne world of Camozzl and our new FfHlngs &: flow Cont rol

Vatv(f$ 'CQ,ta'lo g. As port of our to 0 1commitmen to our eua omers.

Ccmozz;i is ,Iaunching this new. improved and upda, ed catalog designed
with on easy-to-u,se and practical fomlo . w ich offers comprehensIve and
innovatlve range of Ittlngs components.

The ccrJiclog includes dear and echnica l images. drawings, dfmens'on
tables, technical specifications ol"\d new tools that will provide you with 0,

better unde.standing or our FiHings. Row ConIToI Valves and Accessories

product line.

You will see the new layout and ,design combines all NPTF/INCH. ProBf .1

and Coated Rtlings within he some sect on . We hove repeated Ihe some
layout end design for tl1e Sp,ln and Non-Sprint BSP/METRIC produc s.

We /"1ope you fJnd 1ne new catol:og and jts overall design changes to be
he!pfu fo you ond your customers.


ISO 9001 SO 14001

'Duy hy day we I y hI improve' 'Durse'lves, Mi'nimize fhe (OIllSUllIpUon ,oF
energy~ water, row malerial and
to extslild Du!r compeler:lclI ond OIU .he p.rodudiofl of 'Wos'le,
ondfotus on recydimg
pro fes,sional.'s miR D ,[ons-tonl 'WDV. wher:e e,r possible.

c< (800) 877-8942/ (303)1I80-S159
Click or Call for I Quolel
c .....x:u


NIC~e!-PIoted Bross Push-ln Fitlongs (Pro·F,re. Standord NPTF. and Cooted) . . . . . . . .. . . .. 6

~ Compos~e Push-In Finlngs ...............................................•....... 24

Nic~eI-PIot&d Bloss DOT Push-ln Fittings " " " " " " " " " , .. , 31

Nic~e!-PIoled Bross Pipe Fittings , . " " " " " " " " " " " " , 37

Nic~e!-PIoted eross PustHn Finings (Sprinf' ond SSP Spot.fooe) . . . . . . . . . . •••••• 62
....:II Compos~e Push-ln 72
N;ckel-Plot&d Bross High Pressure Fillings (SElries 8000) , , , , , , , 76

Nic~e!-PIoled Bross Pipe Fittings ($prln" and SSP Stondold), . , , . ,

Check & Quic~ Exhaust Valves (Series VNR. VSC. VSO) " " " ,.................. .. 92

Pilot.Qperoted Chec~/llJoc~ln.g Valves (series VBO-VBlJ) 95

~CampositeR;ght Angle Row Control Valves (series TMCU. TMVU. TMCO) (Pfo_Fif") ...•... 100

Right Angle Flow Control Votves (GMCU. MCU. GSCU. $CU. GSVU. SVU. 106

MVU. seo, MCO) (Standord NPTF)

BonJo-style Row Control Val~e AssemOly. . 117. 146

In-Une Flow Control Valves (Series RfU) 118

Ball Volves (Series 2940.2930) .. , ., 122

Boll Valves (Series 2960. 293O-N) , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. , ,............ 124

Chec~ & Quic~ EKhaust Valves (SerIElS SCS. VNR.. VSO) 127

Pilot.Qpe!oted Chec~/BIocking Valves (Series VBO. V8U)

~Compos~e Right Angle Row Control Valves (series lMCU. TMVU. TMCO) 134

Right Angle Flow Control VaM;ls (Series $CU. MCU. SVU. MVU. SCO. MCO). 140

RighI Angle Flow Control Vatve5 (SElfies GSCU. GMCU. GSVU. GMVU. GSCO. GMCO 149

In-Une Row Control Valves (Senes RFU, RFO) .... ,.,., .............................• 153

Needle Valve (SeOes 28).. .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... ... . . ... . 157

Nylon ,....................... 160
Polyurethane , "".",.,., 166

Tubing Chemical Resistance Data

a>, HI·TECH (800)1171-81142 I (303)1I80-S1511 www.hltechcontrols .com
Click or Call for I Qllol.1

SILENCEns - BSP/METnlC _............. 168

series 2QOI , 2Q03, 2921 , 2931 , 2938, 2939, 2Q05. RSW .

Adjustoble-D<ophrogm Pressure Switches (series Ptv'I) •• • •••••••••• _•• • • • •• •• 172
Electro-PneumoHc Transducer (Se!es TRP) .••.....•........................•....••• 172
Pressure Indicators (SeOOs 2950) .................................... •• ........... 172


Series 2L ............................................................ • •....... 115
Pneumatically OPE/roted Ampljfie( ValVe (Series 2L) ....... •••••••••••••••... • 177

:::oii!:IiI Hybrid Taque Spec~icaflons ....... ' ...... , ................ . . . . . •. . . . .. . 179

Corrosion Resistance of Electroless Nickel-Ploling ................................. 160

Corrosion l?es!sloncc 01Eleclroklss Nicke\.f'\ating'or Various Foods ........... •• ....... 181

....dI Threod IdentlflCQ'km Guide . . . . . . . • • • . . . . .. • • •• . . 152

[10] MAnKETING MATEniALS .............. . . ..... ". 190

Camoui Subsidlanes .................................................. •• ....... 192

Camozzi Distnbutors . .........•.....•................... •••... ...... •... •.•.••.• 194

a>, HI·TECH (800) 877-8942/ (303)1I80-S159
~ CONTROLS, INC. Click or Call for I Quolel



NPTFliNCH Thread Assembly & Interchange

Composite Fitting Nitkel-Ploted Brass Nickel-plaled Bron
with Pro·Fi'~ Thread
with Pra·fj Tkread with Standard NPTF Thread
(... ml~4·(W
1..' "Sl~.ol.{)ll (01: ISlI).(lHIl)

asp Parallel asp Tapered NPSM Female MPH Female
Pafallel NPl Female Tapered
PHIS Parllilel PT-JIS Tapered

Hybrid Use:

"Q'.'• WlMt lid O~ "b< liTlillVl _lolr illIll.....,1 m poIlI.
.10""'..n>oo, ,....... "._IiP""" '"""' "',..,,''''tdens. m• 111ooo1lll.. l/S", 1/~·. Pi l/S"
IN ...... .m. h ...,,;,.
• hI 1/1" ... (OOliot, 110I (Mltl!l!ybri4!«1lIIt lpt(ilimIMs btl..

"1,1,,(••li••: 11";,, ••1,,1,1 ••41•••1. ,..,11 ••, •• 1.. ~ith It, .....1....
",.'iI' ",••nil "hi. iI DMlT .,.il. r..
(h"k "'1,,101 h"..... ,. "okI 'ltl"ll'. ,0111.. Or " ..,.,."••1",.
,1... 1••1"~..,, i.I......... I.,,,. If''' I. ",-..1.1. 1000i.. "_..,,...I~

~ ,~

lJ 01

,,.. . I,~ .. .11

,,..• "Io!/J " !OIII_.om_'" ,u


....... _ _ Io _ _

t:I), HI·TECH (800) 877-8942/ (303)1I80-S159
Click or Call for I Quoter

SSP/METRIC Thread Assembly & Interchange

Composite Filling Nickel-Plated Bran with Nickel·Ploted Brass with
Sprin Thread Spat-Face C-Ring
(... mH·I!')
1,,_ 50110',1/8) (t.. '\Il+I/81

./lolt llMfOI! m ......Molt J\ttod 1\.1'



NPTF female Female Threlld Female Thread
NPl Femllie Tapered SSP Tapered SSP Parallel
PHIS Tapered PHIS Parallel
sspp IG

Hybrid Use:
f1"""'"• Whoo ..,Ii< !Itbt I....... ,_"
II oI",..1t MPlF """,.
IP""'"....• rMtcol ~tl I/B' otId Ill- IITtfllolgllriOO! loal"~ lor JOlqot ..III (GJIIiIIli"1 ~II"" ~rilll aM (OlII~llOOIiIog Iyl'.
• III J/!" '" 1/1" ........, ow , _ . _ ,.....,...,. ""'" MI. .

HI....,c..I1••: IlITi'l ..11I,,,111" flll.l. ,.. 1.,1I.,.".i,.b.t.T.N".I"t!.l,l.o,,r"l1lIi.~..lOr,,, ,,1,,1.

(I.,. 1I.I~oI t.... .4 ,tri,,;.
........ - .......,.. -...l{r •

,"",, ." ,.'" "Ill" •
.. .'"';r
. " .,;r
r..ti~ ,.11, ~ ONlY 11.ld. 1yt,1r ~T"litlll fl.T ,,~.lf.llIf.!<lnlltlll.,"l I"" Tl tll_ol.Tll.b1'1 J1••~.....Il.

~ ,,~ ~

v• ~ ,~

• ..... _ _ "' _ _ .............. _ _ " ' _ .. tIlI ...III_

t:I), HI·TECH (800)1177-81142 f (303)1180-5 1 511 www.hltechcontrols .com

'ID' CONTROLS, INC. Click or Call for I Quol.l

(800) 677m8942 I (303) 880.51591

CUck rei for QuoleJ

uct G_ ide

[0me zzi ,o~fe rs e Imge sa leetion 0rfi ttin gs

ond oueSSDrii5 suilDlbl~ for (] wid!:! ronge
of (l'pp heorio ns. Sup ef 1(1 ~ld fUtin gs on docces-

sories ure available in different dimensions from

MS [l0·32 UNF] to 1/2" NPTF. Ou fiUing~
rIl ng 9 incIud 8.s he pll tented (Ill dIon g~tond Ingl

P,.0-1; system Inut guaren ee$ lightel1ing or

SE10lltng II nd fodlit[ltcs, ih e r~plloted re mllvul [lInd
r'e DSSembly of the fl tin g.

Nickel-Plated Brass Push-ln Fittings Inch Sizes

Cn'''' 11,..11

I l rII..... ,,'O"lf,

6810 '031~1 It.'!1HI.\

HI·TECH (800) 877-8942/ (303)1I80-S159
CONTROLS. INC. Click or Call for I Quotel

'-t. ~1 NPTF/INtH

composite Push-ln Fl!tings NiCkel-Ploted Bloss 001 Push-ln Fillings

... - -11 -~ .g. .. ..
-.. - .. ~..
\f'. sm.I'bt 00:
1/4.l/16. 3/1. III 1. CU: sm. 1/1. 3;'. 1/1
(_ _ III', 1/~·.l/l·. 1/2', MP1f
(_I.... l/S', 1/",1/1', 1/1', ~m

Nic:kel-Ploted Brass Pipe Fitttngs


,. • U... ..- r.. - , ...f! IIP/MITlIC


Nickel-PkJted Bross Push-ln Fiffings - tvletriC SiZElS
"ir' C?, .!.-.!..".. iF" • •

~=- = -= ~> ~- •

.. .............. - .". - - - .. - .. ..A"'J" n
~.">.> "IJ\, n I
.U. .U. .~. .. •.M '.W. ." f..f
r.bttl~OD.I·(·I·.·'·la· 12·)4
{_hoi, MI. I/a. 1/4. 3/t. l/lIS'

,,- _.....,,, ....,~,~,............. , =c<
,' ~
0," ,_~ .. _ , , , , _ ' ~, _ M'" •• _ ' . MO . . . . . . ., . _

(800) 677m8942 I (303) 880.51591

CUck rei for QuoleJ

Composite Push-ln· ttlngs Nlckel-Plofed BOSS Pipe Fittings - Metric

75tO 2:>ltI :lib11 1"r"J

,~ s"r. ~IQ
I"d.':l!i30 2S31

1560 ISU. 1 :22

,,11 10 I.,ul,. 1Jll"iM

15-26 :![JIiI(l S,rl., :JIll III st, t

Me OD: 4, 6. B. 1D, 11 rnrn ~ ~II

Cconltligcs 1/8. 1/40 3/B, 1n BSP

NiCkel-Plated Sf S8 High Pre-S8Ure Fiffings
800J Series Push-In



(c"n~(liclii MS. 1/8, 1/ . 3/S, 1/2 asp

Tubing and Acoessories

N IJIl 11

rub. m l/B. 5/31, 1/4, /1~. 3/8. 1/2"
rube , ). 6, 8, 10, 12 mm


(800) 677m8942 I (303) 880.51591 m

CUck rei for Quote!

Everybody tal1ks abo qualIty. ~n 2003 Camozzi obto:ined from Det
NorskeVeritas e oe 'fica ions fo
We pr,efer 0 tal about the many th,e Quality Mar'lagement Systems
c-ompanents that werle together to create a
rego,rd'ing UI EN ISO QQOl ;2000
quo ity 8yS em Ihol enSJUrl3'S excellence. not
and for he Envlronmentall Management
only In the final product but Systems UNI EN ISO 14001'1996.
roughoul the entire bu iness process. One of Camozzfs maIn goals. equal to
quallty . nd safety. is he protecion of tt18
Research, technological innovo on. environment and compo "biU1y of ,our
octh/ttSS with the ferritorial con ext in
ainlng respect for jJersonnet which they a e performed.

employee and environmentet safety.
on otol customer core ore all factors
the Camo'zzi considers stra eglO

in he acni VE!ffien of ality reflecting
an unyTeldng commitmen to t e
purs it of excellence,

(800) 677m8942 I (303) 880.51591

CUck rei for QuoleJ

Nickell~ated Brass Push-I - Fi in,gs - :NPTF/I'N;C

Tube (onnec iOlls: Ext'ernlll 00 1/8", 5/32", 1/4 n, 5/16",3/8", 1/2"

Thread (onnec,Uans 0·32 UNF, f8 11 1/4",3/8",1/1" NPTF

R,eusnble thread seol, PTFE senl (ng (feflon ) ~ P'D-"t

Slluu:!lu,d NPTf . (cmoZZi'~ 011 m Tal fH 1119S
erll 1DO ledfvlm ni(~o~pllll!ld brus-s. Full
ID Ubf flow Is alwllf:5 maln'lIrn~d r'Ol mllxlmum
(It foling.s end quit eye e times. "Push-in" on

loc 'h luh qui Iy lind eJrcnllmly.

P,o-f; Ihleed d s.igll ollows ossellllbl1 with Pro-f' /Sr; ,t 10 QUE S lelF (AIONS
ell rODBlIe thre~d PI IOlms.Th m.r rnodU'1
Is Interchangellble r htapClr~d th read fillln~s.

111 :p~ri~l enlin me ~cd ho~ n rocking Itl au

simil'lIl 10 the of Iheo IIper mouel. Sinte lhe

1IlOling ring ~:S mIIde of P1H nenon ). it Is no

ubi t 10 Wor ond con b II drepeOI dly.

tn.Ur611 IIpe lind od SlIOrllnll o;t Dlhllr mol Ji.

Ills ton be replllced, fllmlno lngthe md for
full-I notl! P F'hI od, Inu I duliJlg Ihe f~lIjog
~12e_ Selllill~ i5 o~ni ~ad on rndr~{ld tonu!v,e

~.nd (Iln'ieX SUr ooos.

rit lin~ 5 DJSO avo i'lacle in COli ed thread sealen
Lactile Vlb!Il'Seo S16

(~nne( ·on lind disconnettfon of 'hit ube ten

be !epected severe! trme~ oJld (lin be p,elfolmed
using ~ All hond Qnd ilhow' lnl U Il of 1001.




HI·TECH (800) 877-8942/ (303)1I80-S159 www,hltechcontrols.c. m
CONTROLS. INC. Click or Call for I Quolel

Nickel-Plated Brass Fittings:
Pro-lif-, Standard NPTF & Coated Threads

'ro·FiI~ Slyl~ MPH Thlead 510ftd.,. MPH & MPH (uted Thread

!t-..,f-Cotlet ---iI-Collet


(01111 Col1.1
....• WOO'! brlai ~h plG\l~ 'dtlil.l 'iof1 GIG boditI. 1111I. DmWe
• Ni'hl-PlclTn.1Jl.IIeTol {~tl oed .,llfIU '''; HitIa",I,•• r."., .im """", ,oIf011
• (o!Io! ~ oIl,n iJ""1 ". ,Trl"llrh ood.' bit.., prill'"01 w..'! hoIdiol •
10110I 'bil...iIt" d•
Illblog I....... "'.I,h
.,. ....• H~~I' ptll\"l'1 OlTIlllIlr oIf.. j,..ttt g,ii\1Tr,ogm .im lliQb1Ktslor•
• {olio! "!toll ...,!IoAMII,,",d .. "la•• dll~ of V/isl II.... tI • I.., 'HO oI ....'.....I"lll ..d bobWo-lo.h ..., rim. ilM l' ""....
ogod Nbiq
Oppol,d To t.""V";"'l "bilt'ft"ll" frOll P'lT~oIly "11'bf.I
• I_bill CoIlll 0fId hIlIl ~

"'I• tlisll~1 to IIV llfloOlll!!
• !lilt! (MiaMI I. 1111111IQCkltg, 1b<~0I, lol.UlI, dtlOIIIOII,
hldromboQl olld Ollill flllid lIItdili
• 1D.i.IHSllp~md lIlIIIlrlok, (IJlCkId~1 «Ill0llllfHl Hkk~
Old Hi119 o'~1oIl11
• ~plifltd ...lIlflIld dllolll willi bloaR' 1'lI"ITy 01 hllill; (0lII~
TioallNld lho~\ 10 ~r<1
• light..."pl for Eokf-iml toolin; t loOoli< kodlml,
• (''"1'0'1 oItlig. ,td ,....I4imu.1loa1 ~, fIlln 0Il1<nhU...
l""k~ appI~." 1IIId ,..1101 ,ab 1'l
~r(l·'i nrud Dill,. 1<", u..
• In rrofa, fiT • 1210 r",".. II "",llo4r ~ll. , porod 1, pi
• Fol 10 rlo.IlIIII'~ ,oIIof ....."" oHm ....1..1110 !IIov1
• ',ri"l• lIlT IllllOJ1Gnoo ltltricrioo 10 (lI("r ilnittlllo_ lokmlionl
It.,obl. Snl

__"_ - ___"._ ..,."' ._~' , =c<
, ,,~ . ....~,, .............

(800) 677m8942 I (303) 880.51591

CUck rei for Quote!

Fi .ngs Mod P65~O.. ,

P,.-FI, Mo,r~ (o~ne[lor

PIInG ,I)2-O:Z
'6151 0 'C1-lM
P6,510 53·02 " D ,e F G H. .l 'SW 'SWl
P'S10 53-04
1/3 om 1l.146 lUI a.m lUll! c.m rJ..1J9
P6·51 00 -02
omI/~ DJ.t~ UJC 02~& DJlGl O.~~' 0,aY8
1/6,51 0 04-0'4 VJZ om ll}4o o,m 0.197 0,773 0.411 Bgl6
11'651005 M SAl o..m U·46 J3D a.liD 1lI.807 0.551 G.098

P6S10 os·/Mj 1/~ O.r89 6.461 11.)51 0.197 (U27 O. 72 11.157

P6S1110H6 I/~ ons o.~&1 M3B 0.16 O.S6-6 o.m 0.151
P6S10 06~G2
P~S10 060 I!~ 0.1&8 11.461 u,,~ 0.195 D.93Ii D.148 0.151

P6S11106~6 am5jU
P6SUI06~D8 O,2U, II. 3~ o..&3m D.l9l 119&.~ 0.191

P65 DOS 04· 5/16 D21& o53~ 01>311 O'l~~ 0.9& c.m 023&
PUC'OHl8 om5/1& 0.i4~ mm 023&
OJ~o 0539 Oaq& -

JIM o,m OliO& OJn m,m 1.1112 B.~9 0.191

,lIe o.mD,.m 0.606 0,2~~ I.m 0,6,69 0.276

.va o.m 0..606 0.86~ 0.295 O.9~ 0.18 0.27'

3J8 0111 111106 I.~ 6.315 I.DIM ILllli 0.216

1/2 [I.3~~ IUlO D.lIM o.2~ 1.102 0.146 D:m
omC346 0.720 D.846
1/1 1102 (1m 0,:194

1/2 O.2~8 0.120 l.OD<l 0.335 I o.a66 0.39~

HI·TECH (800) 877-8942/ (303)1I80-S159 www,hltechcontrols.c. m
CONTROLS. INC. Click or Call for I Quotel

RIl'ngs WIod. 6512 and Mod. 6510. ..

.....11,1. (O.OKI., ,~ TNIIAII

• 0•" • • • •• w.,~ .W>
"" •
U, ~
~lll 01031 '" "",~ ~.lll ·-11-
.m.W 0111 OW OJII
'" ". ...iSI1SHl "" ,."'/' ,~ om.~ 0,111 ,m w. ~~

.... ...,mM·ll "on 0.111 ,':.-.
". " "" ""on '/' 0.111 o.m
. .. ...'SIUH2 "
~ ,.~
'" ... .... ...011001-04 ''''0.111 ,W> '.m ISil
... .... ....1105Hl
'" ... ... .... ...illOU-M •~

i51'M002 '110

...i510 "-04
'" . ,., ... ".iIION*
'" ...051101002


'" .... ... ....0\10_2

'" '" .....510_

'" ... ... "'.'110010*

'" '" .... ..lSIOGt-N

'" ... .... ...UIOtll-M

. .... ... ".iSIOOl·06
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" "" '''' '"'Of'Of' .~
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"" "" ,m~. '/' om O.lSl
"" "",m ""I11I o.m
,w> 0.111

o.m o.S\1 om

I.UI7 .~

"I' 111\ 1.111 01\1

'/' 05\1 om '.m 'm om
,on lUI
". , ""'n oJID 1.111 011.

"" "" ""on '/'
"" ""on om c,m I.lOG
, """. ."'""'n 'n ',m •no
1,110 1.111

MiaoRttr.g MOO. 6512

-.~- ........~ • ,.-
_.-.. -.'
,,,, ~"'H" 'Ill 01.117·11
. =c<
__"_ - ___"._ ..,."' ._~'
, ,,~ . ....~,, .............

(800) 677m8942 I (303) 880.51591

CUck rei for Quote!

Flffings Mod. ctJ51 0.,.
IIle(D~JI8dDr wilh (ollid lhrllds



<651(1 02-0'4 1ft! 1/~ 0,354 Q,3-t! Q,6JlI W2 o.9Q~ Iml 0,093

,COS10 53.-02 /32 I/R 0.19'1 C,~t OJ)1 c.m 0.148 D.4n 0.098

c.m'tliS1D.5],04 S/3l
I/~ Q.154 D.~~ D,~3(1 0.906 1I.5~1 D.DIll!

'1;6S1 D04-Q·1 1/4 If& U~7 0.55 B.J15 0'175 n.m 0.151

'(;6S1D 04-0 V· I/~ U:lb 0.&030 m,m 1.l\ot3 05S1 om
'6S100H6 Q, 6 om 1.063 0,146 0,151
1/~ 3fi 0.425

~6S100H2 5/16 I/a 0.3'9 0,63.0 0.315 1.033 O.~51 0.19'1
M3Q 11412 l.lD2 0.S51 0,236
(6$11) OS-O; S/l~ 1/4 o.m

C6SHI05~~6 '5ju 3/3 llm D.&:6 1l..4T2 1.101 11148 llll4

C65HIDtl 02 3ill 1/~ IU'H n.m B.m 11BI 0.£6 n.m
GU1D06-06 J/1l 1/~ 0.551 om om 1.337 0669 e21
<6S:lO 06-08 Jfll o.mJja 0.354 Q.66!l O,B~& 1.1otl 0743 0.216

/2 0.3'7 Q.r06 1.l'tM Ul0 1.161 o.m 0.216

(65 0080 1/2 11- 1ls:63 Q.m Q.~6 W2 1.199 0,148 0.216

aSD OS-Db 1/2 3/B 0.484 0.120 Q,66 IW2 l.240 D.743 D.m
cas· "08-08 1/1 l,n OA25 cm 1.004 !hID 1.181 O. 611 o.m

FIttings Ml:ld, P65.20, ..

Pro-'" cl! ([bmw S·wi~'II1

Mad. N:m E M

NS'lil 02.rQ~2 OD tHREAD 0,~~9 0.31
P6S2D 02·C4 .A D c:
P6S'ZQi 53-<0:2 0,&67 0.315
Ilti lie lim 11.591
P6S20' 53-04 0.639 0.315
P-6S2G 0 >02 VB '/~ em D.b30
0,&89 0.315
P6S20' 04010 5112 1/& D,lJ:ll 0,591 11.787 0.3)4
P6S2Q, O4.(1e. 0,181 0..3).4
sm V 0.13.fl 0,63(1
P65211' 05..Q·7 1/ 1/8 om 0..630 .187 C.3)4 01.6
P6S2D 05414
P65'1O 05-011 1/ 1/4 o.m m,~so 0. 19J' 0,433 0,417

P6S20 06-(12 1/4 :va o.m U50 o,m Ull& D.4iJ3 0551
P6520' 0600 -. VM II em uso o,m O,IUI& e.4iJ3 OJ4~

P652t 06-06- S/I~ lf~ om m,m 0,191 1043 0.512 OJ51
'65:Z~ 06·0a 0,756 1.024 0.512 0.551
P657~ UoG4 omSfl~ 3{8 0,68'9
P652:(101-G6· 0.795 U12( o.m OJ4B
P6576 IIJ·O!; 3/S 1{8 0256 0.14$
OJ3· 1.I114 o.m O.8U
3/8 1{4 0,2)6 O.1~ m,m IJM3 nm 01.6?

3/S ~/8 013'6 O.1~ 0.195 lotJ 0591 0146

:3j8 1/7 D.:D6 C,ISl m.3J~ l,otr3 0,591 0.8&6

1/2 I/~ C,lBO o. 1

1/1 3/B 0,1atl 0,1lO1

1[2 I/l c.,315 0,e17



HI·TECH (800) 877-8942/ (303)1I80-S159 www,hltechcontrols.c. m
CONTROLS. INC. Click or Call for I Quotel

FiItIlgs Mod. 6522 ard Mod. 6520...

-Illit EIlO'O S.h~ ~
- . .~nGH2
•~ ~ , , , .,",", • , , ., ,-
'.1m IH2
"'I"' •~ "".. ,m ,,'",,,, 0.111 "" ""'""" ,""~Jl\ g mo
.. ..U22l1(.l1
,w OHI ,,m., ,~ •
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moot~ ','
''"" '"" ". "" ""," ""tllOaH! "' •• I
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'" ". "" '" "" "" "" ""InOI~ 11.\11

"" 'I' ". '" "" ""U700Hl ,m

'"". '. '" '" '"m004-t4 ;.Ill

"" "" '" ""'I'm004-K

omD,llI unO,l~

'I" ,m 0.1/1

'I' Q,"' ,~ OJl1
'" .".". '"UZOOHI
0,111 ,.m ,~ om
"" '"". """. ... ".U200l-M
... ""UZOO$-lll

'" "" "" ".mOOHl

''"" '".. ... ,,"mo_
O.ltI 05\l a,lIS Q,m

'fl' ""11.1'1 mt om

"" 11.111 un om
0" ,," ,.''N ,~
OJ11 ,~ 0\11 0\11

om lil/ 01\1

'" '" ". ". "" ,.. "" ,"...moOHa
"" Il.lll 0.111

'n U50
'" ". ". "" ""mo_


'" ''"" ". ...UlOOI-II
'n ,'".,' ,,.om OM Ull 0,1.1'
.m ,~ 1m!
"".m 0"' ". UIO '"' 1m!

__"_ - ___"._ ..,."' ._~' c<
, ,,~ . ....~,, .............
II ~

(800) 677m8942 I (303) 880·5159,

CUck rei for Quote!

"ngs Mod. C652o...
mle Elbo.... Sw'wel wilh (oml'C dTh ~e'md~



OD ,R~ 9
(652002: 02
G6S211 02'·04 A D C,
GU2fl1S3·04 1)1 1~ Q13a O,&SQ 0,3~ 0,315 0.412
(6S211 04·1Jc2
<6$,'200 -0 1/~ It~ 0.138 0,68 0,35.4 ~.31S 0.551
<6S20 0 -06
(6520 05~O~ 5/32 1/8 mJa8 D,~5(J 0.354 o.m o.•n
C6520 OS-Dol
(6520, 05~Dli /32 114 0,13B O.&B 0,14 OJI
(652006-02 1/. I/~ ,om 0&69 o"~
C6S'ZO 06.04, !l3~
C6$'ZO 06-06
(6S2006-08 l/~ 1/4 D.157 O,7o? 0,5«) 0.3$4 0.551
C6S2G 08~04
C6S2C1 08"'D6 1/4 3~ US] 0.&89 0,500 OJS4 0,748
C:U2Q' 08.(18 O.4S3 0.411
S/I,6 /8 0.191 O.1M o,m
un M51
S/H I/~ 0.191 o.m o,m
VH :v~ 11.191 11m 0"559 o.m O,4:l3 rl.148

3/11 II 1U56 1U01 1l6SC [I.m

Jf!I 1/4 o.lJ6 0.&50 0511 DS'SI
J./ll J/a OJJ4 D.650
c.m 0.148

S/ll 1/2 O.2a6 USQ 0512 0..&66

1/2 ItA usc O}68 O.sil 0.&69

lfi llll 0.168 LOU O.~91 0.148

l~ 1ft o.lllO 1L16 1.1143 0571 Q.Bl.6

HI·TECH (800) 877-8942/ (303)1I80-S159 www,hltechcontrols.c. m
CONTROLS, INC. Click or Call for I Quotel

RlIhgs Mod. P6430...
--- - ...rto4:JOtHlI
'ro-II'~ 11,1.1"... 1" \,,;..1

".• ,~ MW , , " , ,. ,.,o~ 0.11/ IJ1& OJ1\ om
'. '. ...I't6JOSHI

'. .. .noosH'


'" ...,,,,)004-01

....-- '. ...... .. ....,''''SOO4-01
..- '" '" . .....,,

---- '" ... "".... ... .."...M"_
"""" "" ,'/' oo. ""rn' o~ I) \,/ 1)/1 011\ lUll
0)11 l\\1
0.111 wo 0.\11 1.11> 0,150 .m
'" ", "" '" """.m"o.m 1.\1\ ISII
''''"""" 1111 o~ ~j
"" '" ,".",.m "" ".m"
Hll ~,
". ,.,om
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A~ Mad. 0432 <>'1d t.\od. M30. ~
11,1. 11I"~ Too ~,,;.tl
-..... ..MJHH2 •~ •MW • , , " , ,. ,.,
~ •
'. .6411 SH2 ,'W H. om D.l~
,., "" '" ,,W ~,1. ~.m OJIS ~lll
-M30ti.f2 1.111
"" ""
'.'"'so IHl


..- '.'"'soOlofl


..........----- . ......... . .........6430_
'" ". "" '""" ""Q,I50 a.m G.m
"" ". "" '" ""Q,I38 o~
"" '"". "" "".m 0" o~ 1.\11 a.m 1511

""'" ,,, ""1).1\1 om o~ om
". '"0.111 o~ lUI 1.!71 o~ 1111 lUO
'"" '" ,,..,, "".,. "" "" ".'/' oo. 0w..,
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__ __ -......... UIO ,W 05J1 ~

. ..,"~~ ..... ~'................. -_.........._. _",'.... ........ _... C<

(800) 677m8942 I (303) 880.51591

CUck rei for Quote!

Flftings Mod. C6430...

"r Mol Brand Ie wil hCDaT~d Ihr ads

DtIJ II Oil' iIllllEAIO
A D 'C E F H L '5W 5Wl
G64S0 02:,2
(643053"02 HPTf

C643DS3~ 1/8 1/3 OolJe USO OJIS U73 0.315 0,412
C60tJG 04-112
5,132 1/3 0.138 U5B o.m W8 0,315 0.412
C64 I) 04-04
(643004-06 ijJ2 1/4 0.138 IU~~ 0.02 t3lB D.m lUI

C6 ao 06.0 o.mI/~ 1/11 IUlJ9 8.5ro D.JI~ I.m 0,354 O!411

C6 so 06.06- l/~ 1/4 om OlD? 0,500 m sw

(6-430 0/i·08 1(4 JflI o.m (lj8~ Il500 0..748 ,",

a 3D 011-04 JJ~ 1/ O.2a6 ~o o.sSl D

Ctl.4Jil 01-06 3/8 JfS 0.236 0.8'21 0.18

au'G ~8·0! 3/8 1/1 OJ5Ii O.~OIl 0.&6
1/1 1/4 Mao OJDfI O-J&8 0.148
In 3/11 1}211O D.JI6~ IU6B D.W

1/1 1(2 Dl om o.m

A ngs MxI. 1'6440...

Pro-fit i11~ Run Tile SwivG:1

iHPTf ( E F Hi L M ~w :$W1


c,m .354 11191 1476 Cog

c.mC.I)~I 0191 1.47& 0,&89

UJO Q,m 0.2.50 1.575 O.bB

11.6.30 o.soo 0.197 UU 0.7&1

Oh~O 0.500 lI..7~ l.m 0.781 11.354

USD 0,5lJll D.19S lJ31 D.lar U.5(

om o..1~! 8.~1I DJ~ 1[1~1 1.lf14 8.m

Di ~ om usc Dm 2106 1D14 0,517 Dm
omO.2S6 0.650 It335 :z.1~5 1.043 0.512 0.866
0.315 0.a07 0.169 o.m. '2.106 I. 0.591 o,m

11.315 0.a01 0.768 0.295 1.146 I. 0,,591 0.74

0,315 1t827 0.768 0,335 1.205 I. 0.591 0,860

HI·TECH (800) 877-8942/ (303)1I80-S159 www,hltechcontrols.c. m
CONTROLS, INC. Click or Call for I Quotel

RlIhg:s Mod. 6442 and Mod. 6440..
WII,I.. Too ~.,qj

(800) 677m8942 I (303) 880.51591

CUck rei for Quote!

rigs oct 'P64BO..• SW

, o·f", Mgl! ·Y· whGl .100 J'J3 1.11~ .m
200 .113 1m m
OD 2QO .~9l 1m m

... .m .49'2 1.~ 551

PM50 D'l·02

Fittings Mod. 6451 and Mod. 6450

ole ·Y·~wh l

00 I1ImD L sw u

'64S~ 02·52 1/11 1Q.32 .827 .171 .J


,!l4Slil 02'·C!2 1/11 1/!J
USE! Si-Ci2
>64051104·0,2 SjJ2 1/11

~n I 1/4 1/11

HI·TECH (BOO) 677-81142 I (303)1I80-11159 www,hltechcontrols.c. m
CONTROLS, INC. Click or Call lor I Quolel

Fitli-ogs Mod P6525

"fI-fl~ 1.11•••4m•• Iwi,rI

... ~
, , , ,•~ "W
nmOH2 • • ,w ,w,
nmM-lM '. ....'" '"'I' 'I' 0,151 ,~ "W W:I •
16m_I 'I' 0.151 1.3>1 0.'" 0.1'1
'" '" ". ... ,., "" ""'"' 11111
'" ".'" '"' ", "" '"' 11.\11 0. I~I
0/11 ~ ~511

RIIings Mod. 6500...

lI<Ilo IlN. ~ ...\.....t1
.-..- .. ...~-
...ISOlI 04-lM

....- ".. .."......~-
, , ,.• •~ MW •
, ,'I' 0. 1\1
• •,~ ,on ow J
'" o.m O.lI! 0111 ~
'" '" , ,,,,'I' ,on ,~. om
''"" '" 0.511 O.l/! I.WI lm

RIIings Mod. C65OO. ..

.-..- ..... ..""~~-- •

.. ... .."~-

~ "~ ','
~ MW 0111 •
• , , , , • •'I' 0.111 ~ ..n •

'" ""'I' 'I' ..n01\1 0.411 .~ ,

, ,'I' 0. \\1 ..n

''"" '" '"' ,.,o.m om
_ _-_.___....._,.".......".,.~..~.,......... .......... .. -C<
_~....,... _.~

(800) 677m8942 I (303) 880.51591

CUck rei for QuoleJ

F-ifting Mod. 6403..
Fe mII I GD~nltl(lr


OD mAEIiD sw
II 0 C
1/11 lIB DJt~
lje 1/4 05)1 lUi

Sj32 lfi

604630....02 5/3l 1/4 D.sSl 11591 u
646304·04 W2
646306·011 1/4 I/~ 0.3& Ol~~1 D
6~'63 QIJ-O&
1/4 I/~ C~3 o.~~ a.wI

3jl1 I/~ Dm C.6fJIJ 119~ 0669

o3Je 3/8 DSSI 0.6'06 0.7&1 1.339 6~9

F ngs Mod 6540, ngs MOO 6550,
Union Tee UtliUR lbow


lllMl IDNS. 11M iD

OD 041. 011
6SS0 '02.000 l
gil. 1 C I" l 65505 00' C
D.IJB 11,J§4 l.J78 o.m I/B O.lil8
6540 M·OC' 6.550 'OiS·OD'
"S50 '06-00 Sj32 0.13:8
654053-00' 0.lJ8 ll,J54 1J18 o.m 115'0 ,08·00, 0.151
65 00 ·00' 0.157 UXI 1.57S OJ87 0.1"
6540 00,5-00' ~r16
Dm I:I.~S~ I.m 0.88& D.23~
654006-00' ,[21M OJ50 2.6a1 1.024 0.7&0
mOD8·0D, .7I1C DJ6W 'LOU 3 III


HI·TECH (800) 877-8942/ (303)1I80-S159 www,hltechcontrols.c. m
CONTROLS. INC. Click or Call for I Quotll

F;Mrq; Mod. 6555. __ fiIti'lgs Mod. 6fr£J .
Ull•• T
".,,1. m...

. .'- • ,


.~ ' .

...... ~ ~ ........ • , , , •.SMOHO
... ..• • ",. , , ",. •un 11-13 om 'I"
-.., ,., ""'I' 'I'UII04.04 '" •• '"UN IHIlm WI
. .-'" '" " ".1Sl1_ ""~ ~ ...'" '"U6004-oD'/"mm
111\/ .~ ~ .~ .m m

fitIfi9s Mod. 6580...

U,lo•.....- •~ , • , •

'" .""",H'OIHO '/" -

.. .m,ISIII 001-00
H&OOI-tO ~ TIl! o.S\1
..'" , ,mU&II0\«1
~ !.Ill o.S\1

o.m lJIf
"" ... ..,.~- •
. ''"" . ...~-
~ ~

U1~ 0.111

"~ 111\

~ Mod. 6590...

n.1,1•• Uoin
.....- •~ • , • ~ ,. ,., ,
"" ... . , . ,moOOHO 'I' 1111\ om Ul1
'"UfO ll-OO .JIll] .~ I III ~_\l' G,IS! (I III 11\\1 .~

11OX1 o~ WI 0.\\1 Ull 0\\1 11\\1 O.~
... ""UtoOl«l ON .IUI 0.111 1.1II
... ."..."" ".Ul'ON-OO 0.'"
'"" .. ..-, ". """" ,'Ito01«1 0.'"
IIIX\ om 1,111 0,.
, 1,1l71
.m 1,\1\ ,m
"._...._.. _"_ ___. -,'...._~,........, ,,~................._...... ...~,,........


(800) 677m8942 I (303) 880.51591

CUck rei for Quote!

ODA If G H• r:

6100 '[l7.011 l/1l 0.319 O,l46 D,m ~J] 0.138 Ii
6,70004,,00 -"

6,100'OHO· V32 C3:U 0346 D,m C343 m,~JJ 0,138
1/4 ,~b~ o.m D,U~ D,m o.m om
6700 '03·00 5{16 o.s~J USI 0.109 o.m o.m 0235

3/8 0,612 116.30 o..em 0,616 !USB 0.315

om1/'1 0,140 OJ4S D,148 01l~9 0.413

U2 to.oo I In I
• (dum. a~ 5l

Pi 'ngl Mod. 68((L tting MocI.6810.•.
51~m ,A.dalll~



.-'n. TL

Cr 6B'I0 '02-02 .649 1.141
,68'10 02-04
D.610 D.3504 1.1&1 D.lM 6111lUlotl2 .ild 1.319
D,m ,161 ellW 68'1004·02 .649' WI

OeT~ 1J~1 C,IlO6 681004·04 ,/,4'1 1319
0.&81 1.J19 0.945 68'IOOj·1)4 .108 1200

0,781 1.S75 O.B 6810 G" 04. .708 1.318
,all 0 G6-1IoIi
61110 i111.06 .801 1.299

,6810 OS-~3 .tiOl W6

.90) 1 J)

.,m .90) )411

.m .H4




HI·TECH (800) 877-8942/ (303)1I80-S159 www,hltechcontrols.c. m
CONTROLS, INC. Click or Call for I Quotel
~ Mod. 6900...
D••blt U....

......'"' • , • ,•90001~ ..- , ,
,~ ~
'" "nOlI Il.-110 'I" I.W '~"'". V' 1,1/9

'""SIllJ.OO "

"" ....iUO"_ Il~

li'SO OHt 1,111
'" ".900 04-110 .,,- "'"..moN-ot 'ft
'I' '"''100 05-00 W
......- ". -""UI' ,~,~ ~
... ''"" '"till 1.127

Fil1i'lg$ Mod. 16JH'2...





~ , ,.
'"' •

'"ImOHol V' ~ u" ,.•-"•'

1m 01.04 '" '"~ Itll

__ __ -.. .. ........ ...... ,"~~ "IlJ\ 0100.
·Wlll• ......, . . .

' -_ __",'............ _... c<

~ 11~

(800) 677m8942 I (303) 880.51591

CUck rei for Quote!

Rltings rv1od. 1631-03." ! Fittings Mod. 6610...
Siu ~ Mo lli[,I!I~~





nl A V( f 0 VW

OD' ~/32 10/32. 0.197 OJ~& 0.148 O.J~ o.m 0.346

o.m11\'04 1/8
A H L SW 6610 10~ 02 l/~ 0_l)4 0A,46 D_~l1 C.38"1' C.S I

Him S/Ji 1/8 D.J3 II 11 0.317 OJ I

.551 I/~ 1/8 D.327 11.571 0.382 C~SI

.~~1 1/4 1/4 OSH O.S16 IUM

J4~ 3/B 1/4 0.511 D.516 1H69
S/8 3/&
0.571 o.m Iml

H ngs Mod 062
DCllblc BIInjo

A 10m O.l~l 0.34'!' 1.49£ o.:m D.m
1I~,2D' 5-3 32 ~ Ifil 0.311 11.461
I.'m IWI D.J!l1 [I.~~I
6~20 0\1.07 1/4 1/4 o4m& om
11181 6.571 16 o}~
6620 OC..Q4 1/4


HI·TECH (800) 877-8942/ (303)1I80-S159 www,hltechcontrols.c. m
CONTROLS. INC. Click or Call for I Quoler

RttI'lgs t.'loxj, 2023...


-.... • • • • • ¥

totl )1·32 ,""~ '0/" ~ .m ~ -,-I • I

70730Hll ~ 0

'. '.ton_ 'I' 'I' m '",~ '~" L'J

'" '" ".2013_ ''"" n.


6610 6620 2023 2520

'Hyt>rd lor~ ~ - ( Profit-!'PTF ~ o=mbI9d into Ie<r"de 8SP ports)

,,,ij r"<Oltl••; 110110' "'1.,101 ... 1...1, .0' H I.. ,..11 k<O! I"~" "IMI.
.-..'." " -..."...l/r .

." ,".. "1/4" •
.. ""•.0". _I"iol hI....' I••nil 'I,ip~,,,,.m., I~I ..di.l,
1M!, ~ ONtI. Illid. I.. 'l,bM"lill'tlm Ibot "lfito 111"dooo.lot tiltH I,,.. t...,...odIT'IO~.1 "l"'.....~.

. . . . . .'IIM

~ ... ~ ...


"" '"11.~
'" '" " .'",'tr 11.0
"" "'• 11/I1 _ .... _ 8 _ ........ _ _ 1.~ .. """

__"_ - ___"._ ..,."' ._~' c<
, ,,~ . ....~,, .............

(800) 677m8942 I (303) 880.51591

CUck rei for Quote!

Com,posi e Pushr In Fi "ngs NPTF/INCH

lube dillmefer: 31/8~, 5/3T't 1/4·,5/16",3/8·,1/2- 00

Connections 1/8/ 1/4, 3/8, 1/2 PTF

hes,e ne models nll~e been relmed
In techllQpolYln'el, morn r~ ining1home
tthllicol chllf(l( eis (5 os the e~isHng

(omour fi in gs ronge.

L1gh eigM, II liP able and th e~
allow fas eos,y m~ IImnanto of th~ ulllet
(]lIdl1J8 in leUI ml secL
'II milterillls, bllt he In IIrnol seol,
ron eaflv be re,vded.



~ Ikll US

uoa lDOO 1.m

1.000 10,000 '051
4JMIC l~.m
~D,DOO 2~~7
!.00ll ~.900


HI·TECH (800) 877-8942/ (303)1I80-S159 www,hltechcontrols.c. m
CONTROLS. INC. Click or Call for I Quotel

Composite Fittings: NPTF Threads with

P,o·Fit" Seal

n. ,.. ~.i(ollOI,'io.: (GIIIOIl; 1m moiotoioed "'llIlhn~olll ~,oll(,d Gnd .00I6-III\O_.,d (011,1 Wl'lion by f~rThtl

opTUlIllIng Ino ~im~n~OIn ond lilt do~'l~ ho", Seriel bOOO FI1tIll~ gild fino ConTrol VoI.el.

(ompo\ile B~y M,101 (oll~1 D..o~l. Mltol Coll,r: NilhHlattd blGl1 (alltt IlID1'idl\ IIIptlior
lKisIOllU to sholl, .,11 ond fllj~ ulInpa"d 10 ial.rlol ~l~ I","
M~t~1 "".,j Itl'l. 'ro.e~ m!TII dt~gn gflerl g hlgh!l hohf'n~ fo'lI "Irh !Olie. tube
l!leoll Thot .o~'t KIO!lh IUblfIQ ~h plolnl "blTHinf d8ignl. Mt
Thread Seeling ~ing 00 lill ~ Ilomped on loilit flKt.

(••po.llt 'ody' GIO~.fiht1 ltinlgl'f( rhtIlMpWllnlmOltliolll.
in(lHibly .lrO'g INId lighl".ig~IIIJiTh implOTtd ,I\ill~l' Ig UV "1'0"
nTI, obloliln InG olbtl ItlemllollllbltontOI.lMlded lOOlpglillmole-
rilll OUOW1 101 Imgrol mounting lIolt. ond 0 blllGdtr long' ~ lompln


Plo·li, nl..4 S..I·Rll, D"igl' Itk/lo!lll ItflOli r.lIol.NUltl

1111mbit' ~fIII ~ lip II 41" olll! Ilimillolll llpaltd !hltad\. moking
il idool 101 food PIOUllillg, lobolln, ~otkoging & monifold olltmblitl.

!liminotll rilk 01 pneumoTk IYllefO lonllmlnonlNl hom onTHlootld

Ihltlld ItlIlllm.


{oil,. (1111'
• Ni'hl-Pilin. ~!OI Clllltl GOd I,Ie... ''''
• W.,·t b,,~k lib plolT~ ,,1o~1I "~I.""" o..~lU iltli9~
it.• 1,,,, iMll1 for ,oIItl \'ppolloH T,,,,, 'Ut"llrll • 8'011 "".., .."to"l ,oRlt 'Iabilir,. T,k VI" '~""'lrlr ,Ill! , .
• Collo! lkIigo oIllll 1,..It' .,ip lltl"irll Mdt, h'ul"
~'"'''' .. hlilill rulioo ~'T..T1'"",110,11 JII~"_'
• OIl "laud \~ ,f • Hi"'" IroIdioIg 100t., .,1..._ ,,1,,11
(olio! 111m....d,""'" llIIIod • Wllll'! ~rlTlh tokl ~•• 'b;TI'I;o;" d111i"l
'l,q,IHlh, Ol DPflCSId 10 d~illQ ·~T"'''I\·lIOlll • 111l1~lfI{' 01 "~'o""""t' ~ bohMo·ltIlh 11>" I.... dOl to

,lllIally 101 ..btl nmogod T'bi19

• ItftIOl'Dbll Coilit oad toM IHilIAl • Hip ,.....1....1,lIIy ~H" 11''''1'' 1I';p,.llI"9t1lllJitll ~
,....." Mlloo tHillj

• DO lobo 5;/. IT'''~'' [oll.T IlKt

.. . _"_ - ___,"._~' T~rood 0"'9"
• Rtda<td IDtmw., liflIIllJirhhT T1pj"9 oJ finifIQ rNladI
-,~"._ • RO"VIlblt It1II dtlign. .ilb tMI tl~ld rbrlldl
• fDA/NSf oPPllY1d "olt"oll
• Slm91ifiN mOI~oJd liruil\ "ITII broadtr wf'/ 01 linirli ltmbille-

rioa' OM loh01'Ol1O II~!
• Ullbltf .!igb! fill EOHHrm 100IifIQ & Roboli< laoillifIQ
• (o~po<J dtllp IINt!l OftroO dlmo~1lom fOi "In ollambll!s,

pcl(1~lo; OP~I~gol O~G lo~ttol 'Oblnt'l

., ,,~ . ....~,,........ c<

~_ n~

(800) 677m8942 I (303) 880.51591

CUck rei for QuoleJ

logs Mod, P7524 Pro· if lt1read

Swivel ~lbow.

DIltW/S1DN5 • D Ii H L ,M 5

o,mO~3~ o'J5~ 0.138 035,1

0,J14 o.m 0.138 oJZa o,a~

P1,,24 04·04 1jl ~ 3 0.354 0.191 0.669 0.411 M
P7S24 05·D~ l/~ n.m 1)j54 o.m Q.66i OMI L

P7S2 ·05-0 1/1 lun un 0-191 0118 0,411 I),
P7S24 06·0,2
1/4 (urI 11m Q.1.5~ UJ211 1l.s.~1
P1524 06·04
P7S2406 Oil Jill om om o2i~ om 0,7~8
P1514 06"'011 Vi 0.531 0.531 o.m 11,801 o.m
1/ 0.531 o.sal 0.256 0.807 0551
1/8 O.5Sl Q..63O 0.197 o.n O,5S

o.m1/ 1I.5~1 lIJ311 o.15~ 0.'4)

3fi 11.:591 011311 O19S O,~4,5 01,48

Ims1f' D.~ID O~311 O.JJS 1l.1l6~

o.m1/ o~ao OJ6B l1D2 0,.S9,

Jje OJ5"O 0.168 0.29S 1.1D2 OJ.e

1/2 0.669 0.768 0.335 10m2 0,S66

P,..o·""Flttings Mac:L P7434 Thraod

MIIJI6 Brandl T~~ Swinl


1P73'~ 04-04 A SW
P'7 'Jot, 0+06 5;12 0.412
IP7634 '0&-04 S/3i (L)51
P7434 06-06
'1434, 0-6·003 lj am
P7434 a8-D4
P7414, Ol-I./i 1/4 Oj~1

P74J4. Ol-N l/~ 0.748

JIB o.m

9/8 OJ 8
1/7 1.7110 O.l6-!1 01'15 2.2m 0111

I.Hi 0.7621 om 2.205 U



HI·TECH (800) 877-8942/ (303)1I80-S159 www,hltechcontrols.c. m
CONTROLS, INC. Click or Call for I Quolel

Filings M<xl I'J62~ ~,..·Ii

hlit l_i..1

....., ~

.... • • , ,,•" • ,on c,m
• w 'w
0.111 ,~
"mOHl "" '" "" "'""' '"""om ",I.m'I' I.lll ~III ,~ ~,
Olll ~.41l ON 1.141
PI~14 04.04 '" '"1/11 0\11 0., ON I 141 011/
'" .... . , '"''I' ,mon ,~
PInt 05-04 '" '"' ",.m .mon o~ ON 1141 '00 011/

PIni_ lI.m ~• •

mU0H4 '00 Olfl ,

Rt!'ngs Wood. P7654 ~'o·'1

DuW. Iooj' 1.....1


.... , m• , • • , • • w ow
".~ 5:H'1 "" '" ... "" ""on om

PIlSol 04-0'1 ..... .... . .,.'I' ,,..,, """" " ,'I' 'I' o.m

mSolIM-N ,om 'I' o.m

rm40S'- ." ...'"' ",'I'
''"" .. ...'m '''''''' , "", ",on
ml._ II III o~ lI,m ~, 0\\1

PllS40H6 0111 ,~ II III ~, US! ~w

lUI om 11"/
WI om lilt!

0,11' WI '00 O.1ll

om.~ 1,201 '00

Fillings Wod, 7550 l1tto1gl: MOO. 7540
Dol•• Ill". Uolt. ,..

....., • .....,

.... • ,• •,ON 011/ , ....'SolO JJ
..llSO S3 "" .."".IJ.'OOoI

........ ... . .....,, "" "" "' """" "",
"" .....llSO 1M , •,• , ,
ON ""QU""I ".m"
...15:111 01'I' om "" 1111 om
IUO" 'I" 0"' u" ..

mo. 'o"n
"""",~ OW, on,'I"
"" '"III» om ,n 1.11»
__ .. . __-_ -.. ....... ...... ,"~~
~ c<
' __",'............ _...
11 ~

(800) 677m8942 I (303) 880.51591

CUck rei for QuoleJ

lings MOO. P7Mil Pro fit Three
III Ru nTell $wf'lel

NPT It 5 T 5W

II D ,t,

om O.15~ 0,477

0156 ,3SO U~9 om 0.256 om

0.197 1.191 0128 0.IS7 0.215 o.m

o.m U'10 o.m ow 0.295 0.551

0.29) l.~ 0,151 O.l'9~ 0.148

O.llil 1..91.3 Q.m Q.151 H 0-551

1'14440&·06 0.295 2J&~ D.945 0.151 IUI~ D}46
!P'74144 ~6-0B,
,P144 Q1-04 11m 1421 c,m D.151 lIJli 1IJ&6
IP7~4 ' 08·06
01~ H:JII, l10t ~.m OJ1B l~91
P7444 08·08
0.295 tm 1,102 157 0.37B 0,748

Q.335 t7U 1.102 6,151 o.J78 0.806

Fp 1,logS Mod. 7800 Filings 00.7580


WM.!:NSm ~ AG

M~. i IG 15BO 53 5/31 O.~5
1580'04 If~ 0.453
180m SH S/31 1/4, 5/16 0.S3
1580,Q5 3/8 D.6~Q
7800 M-06 1/4 3jB I/l O.lGB
1,580 'all

75110 ,oa

78000'4008: 1/4 1/2

7300 06-08- 3/8 1/1

a>, HI.TECH (800) 177-1142 I (303)1180-5151 www. hi teo h
Click or Call for I Quolll

fiItrgs Mod. 1555 0 ...... MoO " ' " ~'T
rI"lor. . .
4=J: iT.' o..w. ,... SItlo 'l ••
.r• .. •
.• ,

...-- • • • , • • , -... , , J._
.. .. .... .. ..'SISD-SJ .)
om on• _. .-" "~
... ... ..., ""1SlStwS In
... ... ...lilS_>/.>/. ,~ ~ ~,
-_-. '" ~ ~ ~'"
.'" '" ". ,. ,., , ..1SU_onu• ~ on 'm ".>/. ~ ~,
on ,on,
• ,

•-.. . . ...... .. ... ....,,."••, o•n, • • " • I. ,-
"''""" "",
'I'. .15M II'" , ','m'' ,,.lOll om, om ·
w. ,", 0'"
"" '''' I~ -



.. . ,_ _".__to... ... ... ..."'. "_.,"~" ' _ C<
''M , ~~

(800) 677m8942 I (303) 880.51591

CUck rei for QuoleJ

lng~ Mod. 7545 FI ngs Mod. 7575
M~lIi-Te anllo Id
PlU~l COK$lILT ~A(T(llr'
fOR All''' 1"8,11111; PUAS~((II1SiJnf.OO'~l'

fOil ~V,l!U.!U1Y.

15'450S-C4 1/4' $/32

3/& 'l/4

ngs Mod. P7521l Flfflngs Mod. P75M

EI~~d cdMale- ElbGSwi ~l PlUSl (QHSlllf faClOlly
'OR ItV,lfLil'jUrI';
.1U:U (O:M un "A{tO:ll,

D1MEHSroNS lUlu 1/8
I/~ Sll2 I/I!
P7526 04 02
P1S260404 5{1&· ~f3'l I/~

P7S'lll O~ 02 V16·1/4 3/8
I'15.'l6o 06, 04

FlI ings Mod. P7564 1ings Mod. P7574

,~~tJ '(ON~U fUtOln pwn (oN~lm ficrORY

'fOR AYAILAII 'IiTY. ~Ol "nllUlur't.

1lIlKI. lulu

'4~7 1/8

5/32 1{4,

1/4 1/8
1/4 1/


t:I), HI·TECH (800) 877-8942/ (303)1I80-S159 www,hltechcontrols.c. m
~ CONTROLS, INC. Click or Call for I Quotel

Nickel-Plated Brass DOT Push-In Fittings -

(onneClionsl/S", 1/4", 3/8', 1/2" NPIF

• Mm~ GIII~qufr~mtnTl 101 ftdtlol 001 --
$rtlnda,d SlI,IQO' H (II O. V

• hmllmtm Rtnte: ·2o'f rtl100'f
.o,ki~ ",mu'l 0 . 800 psi

(·.0' F[Qt,d r.T~"iI OY\lil,hI., Co"ll/Il
f,uolY 101 dmlll.1

• IltllIOl", Ni,h1 n,red IIII'SI body
.nil 0 low Itmp.e,oTUlI 8UH~·N O-nllll

• AIQlloliio in ll,ndar~ ,nllod,
COllin Hlwn (l'ibIO"StliI5\6l THRUO

.' Pro-Flf'ltyl,'hro,d

• (~T 11/\1011 fOll'oilobilill

.0_. _ __ _.. _0.0..1 ...
• _ , _001 _


-........- llo:loIm OIsa til 5101

... O!lalllllOl ,...


'/7"liT. 1/1-",l-/l".--


'-"'.lIo ......oI...... -..~

W,lfl', )Jr, 117
__ __ - -........... .,.,,,~~
_ _",'............ _... c<


(800) 677m8942 I (303) 880.51591

CUck rei for QuoleJ


M:1I1~ (onnetlOI

00 I !WI t 'sw SWI
.~ A D t F G H

HPTf m .098


5;J2 1/ 551 ,098
1/4 1/a ,412 .151

1065, 0 06.07 1/4 1/ .412 1.102 .~51 .157

D'6S,~O 06-114 I/~ 3/8 J1:l' I.m J4S .151

l/H 1/8 ,:l9J ~Il& .m m 'W ntll 111.9 151
l/4 m

D65~O 06-116 3/11 JIB 120 _775
D6510, 06008 1/2
3lB 1/ .m
DoSlO 01004 3ft .m
1/1 1/2
Ili no OS·06- .393
1/2 .:1'93
Dina HoGS

Fl ng Mod. [)6lI63 Flings Mod. 06700
hmcl. tClln.dcr Car frdg~

p f Mo. THRrJD .151
~463S3.o2: 5/32 F I,DIN .472
0.6463 S3-G 5,/32 13
Ita Utll 590
Dli4b3, D4.t2 I/~
I/~ Jtl5 1.102 ,m


1liI4U D4~4 I/t 1I~ l.2~m .i91l

1l'6463 06.0" JIll 1/4 1,358 ~19

D6463 06.06 3/3 Jill W7 U?



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W' .f, .1< lo-tGllllfG
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ozwa 'lJO'.'l ~

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.."' "" '" '" "S, W" W llill _06lfG *"061fG

{ f: ,Lf ..•'"• '" "' '"," '" .f,m m, W lItll _06lfG
"•, '"'"~ 00. ~ llllil 010 DOi"I 061'11I

.. .. - .. ......, '", '" ." , •'" • , , • ~~

""!'n ,"qllo,

oeg;lO'iX¥l s6ul1!;l

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•N)MI!IUN 1_lono I JO' lie:] JO ~311:] $':)NI 'S'Oll~NO:)
6US;-OIIl (tOt) I U61-HI (DOl) H:)U'IH
liIa::l' 91 OnU O:lll:l Still'MMM

(800) 617 ~8942 I (303), 680-5159'

CUck or Cal for, Quole!

FI ngs Mod.D65OCI
Mill. Elbaiii'


MM. W:D fA
0650004-02 It t [ f 11 I
ID;6S0C' 04·04
:P6500' 06"'04 I/~ 1{1I .'i1 ~ll .500 .417 .1(,5
:D'6500' 06·06
1/4 1/4 57 m 500 ~n .16)

3/8 1/4 .156 551 &47 ,47'2 .m

aj1 m31ll J56 ~ 12 .24~

ings Mod D0560
U~ion Elboll

01 OD sw
IPa Ma. JlS

106550 06-00 JIB 256 .512
lD-6SS0 oa~oo 1/2 .JIS

F nga Mod, 064.30
8ramh T! Swivel

M4 :A D ( :F Hi L sw SWl
IDlifJO S]~D7
10'6430' SH4 S(J1 II! .1311 .&4i ,J~ .'m U~& lIS .417

~4JOOI·C4, m 1/~ 13B &89 35" mH~&

D64300Hl6 1/~ 1/8 lSI ,~9 .~ I ~'2 3S4
:~4JO 08-'08
1J~ l/4 .lS7 ,70S .500- un 35

I/~ 3/9 .157 ,6089 .500 1.692 .3Stt

3/8 1/4 H ,~6 .64' 1.204 .m
3/8 3/8 ~6 ,ra .&49
tlQ.l .m
3/3 1/1 :.156 ,iJiIS ,~, ..6111
1.2tJ~ 512
1/2 I/~ .m ~ 16' m
2:Jill ~,c 1J69
1/2 318 JI5 .1lIi6 ,m .412
1.Jli2 ~D 14m
1/2 1/1 .315 ,945 .W .'10
2..162 S9D 86'

C-C, t It III

CA:MOUI: 3i4

HI·TECH (800) 877-81142/ (303) 880-5159
CONTROLS. INC. Click or Call lor I Quolel



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_... '. .," ,"~UlN"
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-_ __ -_ _-........ ....."'-~--"",". ~~'-"--"--' ..-" .. c<

lS ~

(800) 617 ~8942 I (303), 680-51591

CUck or Cal for I Quole!

Fl ngs Mod. 06640

Union 'e

lit 00 .1~S SW
) 8 .815
6540, S3.QO 1 <: F .244 .846 .a~
D6StO O4.(JO .!1.2
D65410' 06.00 5/32 .as J~~ 1.1112 .:512
D6SotD 08.f1D IISI 90
1/4 .IS? .500

3fB .15.6 .64~

1/2 .:m ,161

Union ~Y·


,art Nil. OD L

IDb5liD SJ>oO ~1'S2 .i!:!/i .1m 1.4!i1l .3'13

Dli56D U..QD 1/4 23~ ,~ 16~ Ul4 ~'17



a>, HI·TECH (800) 877-81142/ (303) 880-5159 www.hltechcontrols om
~ CONTROLS. INC. Click or Call lor I Quoler

Nickel-Plated Brass Pipe Fittings - NPTFliNCH

(onneOion5 10·32 UNF, 1/8", 1/4', 3/8',1/2' NPIF

Whell in'ftInd ill factory mOUllI0Gll(! or ploat 2500 , 2521
irl'TolI.liOll, ik ,fr•• dilliullr 10 bo conai, whi,h
lill oj lini0'lI.iII bt IIquiTed. 'ipl rolling,

plorid" lOll elfwtn soluliOO 10 mil probl!lII.
Ih. folll.~f of ttlifIQ\ ;"cJudu ITraiQht,

1,.,1,,,,,,1.l~. hhapld, ond m,,, pitn ...

tllVplingl GIllla,t mllablt ill • vlri!!\, oj t1ueod

!.illS up 10 1/2',

Mgt"ogI; tuO!' OIlS UNI S70;

2530 2543 2020

2013 2003 2033

• •I


_-.. _. _ _-,., ..,h•.•_,.",., ... '... _~, r057"" l;r.I/~.!/t", IjT II'!!
_ ,_ _ ..... _. c<
31 ~
....,..,~.!lot"' ....."W""'_"_l


(800) 617 ~8942 I (303), 680-51591

CUck or Cal for I Quole!

ngs Mod. 250:1... gs Mod. 2520...
H ~ HiplI e ./'ldllpler B5PI' hlllll~ - ! PlF Mal.

0 IH L SW If t SW
Mod. 1\
.472 .171 .472 .3l~
I"PTf 75:20 :D2-~ /11
•551 2520.04:-11 /4 1/8 m 1111 11
UmOO2-Qi-2 14>3 2520 '06-3/, . 1/. m '11S 61.W
25'0004-0' . .8611
2520 ,0&-11/2 J,te 412 ~64 W
250006-03 112 .551 UOO .95

1 I Mod. 2521 ~ Flffings • 25...90... H~ f Fe 010 -BSPPMo1c-
educ r rPf - PTF



Mad.. A I H L SW

1M!. II 8 H L 5W UHF

2521 1/1:.&2 I'SP H mOO2'-32 315 11
:ZS11 /4-04
2S11 J/li-Oi I/~ 1/11 .lIli .~3D ..sIt

250'21 12-&8 m1/~ I/~ ~6 66~ • 12 ,669 ,551

Jj8 3/8 3~ 905 187 ,472 .669 .m

111 lfl m 1102 ,9~S .412 .6119 .1~a
,&10 .21 .86-1.
,&10 ,IlU .11611

C< I I • tI

~ 3-6

HI·TECH (800) 877-81142/ (303) 880-5159
CONTROLS. INC. Click or Call lor I Quolel

RI1W1g:l 2543 I fiIli"lgs. Mod. 20:20.
(M,li"l MPIF f•••I. _ "'II FoII.I.
lib... MPif foil,', _ MrIF Mol.



.-..- • , ~ -- . ..... ,. ,.• .•, ,,_.~
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.m --- '" '" ,. ".mYO
". ."IWI_
.M' m - '" '" ,m m
'"nuOHl m .m M' ,~ .~

RIIings Mod. 2013. .. Rthr-ogs Mod. 2(1)3,
£II.. 1m 1...1. _ IPif Fe...I. 1•••1. Too 1m

--... • • ~ .....,

... • • ~
~, -_.~
201al~ '.'I' "'_.~
m .1Il m .1Il
''I.2(1)0"'110 m. -- ''"" "._.~
' '"2011_ m
,~ ~
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'" "... ..__,""_"~_"''''~~'_M''m '.m "
.. . _.... ,._..... .,...,~~_
~_ C<

~-,._" ~ _.~.

(800) 617 ~8942 I (303), 680-51591

CUck or Cal for I Quole!

Fltllf'IglI Mod. 2033.
Femcla (ro~~




20)3: n-ao 10/31 .m .s'i~


'48 .m

9i4 551

l.O4l .m

ngiS Mod. 3033.,

Di5ltiLuIlilB Bllitk -hrmlnultl

liONS T $W

:.Mod. ( F Ii.

In J84 ,~9 .6311

.216 l.m .S66 181

.m I.m 1.0~3 .iS4

.710 U~ U~ 1181


a>, HI·TECH (800)1171-81142 I (303)1I80-!l 1 511 www.hltechco ntrols .co m
Click o r Call f or I QuollJ


(800) 617 ~8942 I (303), 680-5159'

CUck or Cal for I Quole!

ieke-PI,ated Brass Push-I I F"tting'S - -SP/MET Ie

Tube OD 3, 4, 5; 6. 8; 10 12, 14 mm 6317
(onnections M3, M5, ~\7 [10-32 U Fl,
l/B, /4, 3/8, l/2 asp
Reusool,l.! threod selll p:, FE Sillli ring·
lef 011 • Sprin SptInJ
Sprlntlltlings ~rQ designed 10 clln/l ossQrnbly win
oil female II11Md OIm~. BSIP. GAS, ~G~ ond "'R~ Iypes. c.6Ol

The ne mode IS nlenno ngeuble with tope red , reud .spMl 6708

fi tings both 8SPT and BSPP. The ipedel mJJng meth~d I I:CRO E.eHN CAl 5PE(:JfICAliIONS

enhos 0 loe iAg (t imilO! to IItC'! of 0 hel loprd
nthreads. The: sealfng rillg bmude of rIfE aHon ). is

ne subIe, t,e wellf. end (en b:e used repectedlv. NVlon,
oillmin~m and ~o htilS or Glh r maT 'icl clIn be I ~loc d,

e:liml nullng rhe need ror 0 ~ spor [o€e" ondhu5 reducing
the itling size. Sealing [s nchioved on inclined,. {cmOW(I

and COflvex su IrO(es.

Sp'O t- Fa,(ie O~IR:·ng linin -$ erQ oveilm ble in 32 dir·
fel enl models. The seol ing rinQ(O·ring) (Illl be eo~ilv
reploced if I is dcmcged or should Ibm rubbel com~DlJnd
flom whIch it ks lIlode em Ylnh lim e.

- Itro ntUng~s ere cmtru,ted in 14 dlffer~At models.
Til 5oeoll1l9 ring (O-RiJl ) {Om h aosil~ rapl'oced if ir i~
domllg~d or 5hc ulm h Illb b~ r HIDI pound hQIn whi th il i5
mode wao[ w h 1ma.

(IIn"!(~o~ O~ ddi~(olInlllt~iDIl 01 the lube tun b~
repeo ed severo lmes and can be performed usln gone

hOlld o~d Ii hmlllhe U'il! of look

f,or Sprin TOlque S~e(ificIlIIQns. sell r(lge 6.


------ -----

c< I I • tI


HI·TECH (800) 877-81142/ (303) 880-5159
CONTROLS. INC. Click or Call lor I Quolel


Nickel-Plated Brass Fittings:
BSP Threads with Sprint· and Spot-Face o-Ring Seal

Sp,ln~ Styl. BSP Thrud SPOHOI' O-Rlftg BSP Thrud

- ~-(olill 'b- t-Colle1

SP"nt'--\;,"U Splin Stoling Ring ~-SpDt.Fa{e Seal



(olltl Coll.,
• W...·1 h,.....11 "",.Ii< ,Il",," 'iot' OM Mf...; lioro h"lll.
• "Kb~Oltd, A1H11I11I CQlltl GOd 1110051 rift9
• (0111 dlllgft oKt!ll(tlITlllri~ IlItlIgth IlI6trlllgbtl prtlllKl • H;g~1I hoIUg lou•• wi!b 00<i0, '.1.....
.....p.'I.I>...'"• WOO·1 ""ui 11 ·&;I..rioog· ilHigK
or j,biflt ltliliM
• (01.1 ,oItalt _bOllilJll 1MI1fd 011 rtlc.tll sIopo oj flip ,ulh, • I.., UoIK. oI .." 'loao ,od hubbl....'h 0'" ri.. dOl 1•
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"qIIIJ"• 1Ii.....T.. lllo ..Ill fill 01 "" ~ ~!I< lIwaDd
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