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Published by Caast Media Group, 2022-07-08 06:50:51

IAZ Yearbook 2022 Digital

IAZ Yearbook 2022 Digital


Directory of

IAZ Yearbook Arch Awolaja A. B.Es, M.Ed (Lagos)
Awolaja A.
52 122 Adylinn Road, Marlborough Harare

Arch Azevedo B.
Bruno Azevedo
52 Ridgeway North
P.O. Chisipite Harare

Arch Banda M. BAS, B Arch (NUST)


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gates and balustrades

unit 22 | 247 williams way | msasa | harare | +263 4 480584 - 485619 | +263 775 000 100 | [email protected]


Arch Beattie R.H.S. BArch (Hons),
Dip Arch (Mackintosh), RIBA, ACIArb
Stone / Beattie / Munodawafa .
Architectural Studio
39 Arcturus Road, Highlands Harare
P.O. Box HG 74

Arch Bhunu Shava P MSc Arch (Ukraine) 55
Bhunu Architecture

140 Nelson Mandela Street, Harare
P.O. Box HR 924,

Arch Charekwa P
Charekwa Pearl
704 Luna Road, Borrowdale Brooke, Harare

IAZ Yearbook Arch Chikuhuhu O. B Sc Arch, M Sc Arch
Gloar Design Team
56 74 Selous Avenue, Harare

Arch Chikumba C. BAS, B Arch (NUST)
Chikumba Christopher
2/192 Smuts Road,
Prospect Waterfalls

Arch Chimbwa T.
Chimbwa Takunda
1 Harvey Brown Road, Milton Park, Harare


Protects 57



PAINT EXRESS :Cnr Orr Street & Robson Manyika

ATRAK SHOWROOM : 22 George Drive, Msasa

0788805929 0242-447897 [email protected] Atrak.Paints

IAZ Yearbook Arch Gura I. BAS, B Arch (NUST)
Gura and Associates Architect,
58 Principal
Stand No 1019 Off Nursery Road,
Mt Pleasant Harare

Arch Honde T B Arch, BAS (NUST),
M.Arch. (EMU- Cyprus)
Studio Five Architects
No 5 Chaifont Rd, Greencroft Harare

Arch Kamwaza M. BAS, B. Arch
Memorage Architecture

with and


Factory / Showroom : 16993 Sande Crescent, Graniteside, Harare.
Showroom : 169 Cnr. Sam Nujoma / Churchill Ave, Belgravia, Harare.
Contact : (0242)781437 / 781117 / 749176 / 08677174102
Email : [email protected] / [email protected] /

[email protected]

IAZ Yearbook Arch Chirombo L. B.A (Hons) Dip
Arch (Birmingham UK)
60 CITY OF HARARE - City Architects
Municipality of Harare, Cleveland House,
92 Leopold Takawira Harare

Arch Chitolo L. B Arch (Hons)
(Hull) Post Grad (Humberside) UK

Arch Chiwara T.M. BA(Hons) MA (NUST)
Chiwara TMG
Ministry of Public Works
Tel: 0774 394 795


Arch Claypole M., BArch (Natal)
APS - Architectural Planning Studio
HIVE25, 25 Shortheath Road,
Chisipite, Harare

Arch Cochrane G., BAS (UCT) MArch 61

APS - Architectural Planning Studio

HIVE25, 25 Shortheath Road,
Chisipite Harare

Arch Da Cunha Jose Luis Pinto Dip
Arch (Brazil)

Diagraphis Architects

541 Brooke Drive,
Borrowdale Brooke Harare

The Home of Modern paving Designs


Visit Us: Email: Call: 0719451528
86 Lorraine Drive [email protected] 0773019063
Westgate WhatsApp: 0719451529


Arch Dzimwasha J MSc (Arch)
(Gdansk, Poland)
J. Dzimwasha Architects, Principal
4 Meredith Drive, Eastlea, Harare

Arch Dzimwasha S B Arch M Arch 63

Dzimwasha Architectural Practice,

Tel: 0772309290

Arch Dzinotyiwei G. B.Arch MCPUD

Mugedeza TAJ Architect

21 Northampton Crescent,
Eastlea Harare

IAZ Yearbook

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Arch Dzvukamanja T.E. B Arch Hons
Studio Arts Inc

Arch Fox G BAS M Arch (UCT) 65

APS - Architectural Planning

HIVE25, 25 Shortheath Road,
Chisipite Harare

Arch Gacic M. Dip Arch (Belgrade)

Archiplan Architects, Principal

19 Natal Road, Avondale (East Road gate)
P.O. Box 5105 Harare
Tel: 0242 332043 / 0772 773 377
0733 300 700

IAZ Yearbook Arch Kanyanta C B B A Hon Arch,
Dip Arch
66 Architrave Design Group
4 Hill Road, Highlands, Harare

Arch Kawadza R.
Rumbidzai Kawadza
1A Stewart Road, Greendale, Harare

Arch Kurebgaseka W M Dip Arch
(Cheltenham) Dip Arch (Hull)
Kurebgaseka Architecture
20 Rhodesville Avenue, Greendale, Harare
Tel: 0242443571/2


Arch Maboreke GM B Arch
(Kingston) Dip Arch
Maboreke Architect
Mt Pleasant, Harare

Arch Madavo C.B Arch (Lahore) 67

Hillside Harare

Arch Madondo B. B Arch BAS (NUST)
Studio Five Architects
No 5 Chaifont Rd, Greencroft Harare

IAZ Yearbook Arch Madusolumo DU BSc (Hons)
MSc Arch (ABU)
68 Studio Arts Inc, Principal

Arch Maedzenge C.M. Msc. Arch
Collin Maedzenge

Arch Mambanda S. B.A.S.,
Studio Arts Inc
No. 3 Humewood Road,
Woodlands, Bulawayo


Arch Manditsera T.R., B Arch BAS
Studio Five Architects
No 5 Chaifont Rd, Greencroft Harare

Arch Mandizvidza A. B Arch (UCT) 69
Amandiz Architect

50 Van Praagh, Milton Park Harare

Arch Manyara O.,
MA Stone Arch (Verona),
ProDev&Inv (UCT)

Manyara Design Architects

31 Western Road, Greendale Harare

IAZ Yearbook Arch Maonde N N B Arch (CBU)
N. Maonde & Associates
70 10 Louis Road Greendale, Harare

Arch Mashakada B Arch
(New Castle-Upon-Tyne)
Architects Design Centre
7 Malvern Road,
Mount Pleasant, Harare
Tel: 0772 410 334

Arch Masiyanise I. BA Hons Arch &
Dip Arch (Portsmouth|U.K. ARB|MCAZ
Masiyanise T.I Architect, Principal
Avondale, Harare
Cell: 0772 344 907


Arch Masuku N B.Arch, M Arch (NUST)
Masuku Nqobile
415 McCullagh Road, Leeside
Matsheumhlope, Bulawayo
Tel: 0774315491

Arch Matondo T.A. B Arch. 71
Archicraft Architect

5 Beryl Drive, Greendale Harare

Arch Mazhindu V. C., B.Arch, M Arch
Mazhindu Vanessa Chengetai

Avenue, Harare

IAZ Yearbook Arch McComish J Dip Arch (Ldn)
Fip L&Arb
72 Pearce McComish Tarabuku Architects
71 Churchill Avenue, Alexandra Park
P.O. Box 5299, Harare
0772 139 035

Arch Mchibwa T M BAS. BArch
Mchibwa Tatenda M
Suite 15 Westminister Court,

Arch Mhenyu B Arch NCA (Lahore)
Mhenyu Architect
43 Hillside Road, Harare


Arch Morgan S. B.Arch (Cape Town)
M.A; M.Phil (AA, London)
Sarah Morgan Architect

Arch Mthupha M G MSc Arch
Mthupha Practice Architects
23 Wembley Crescent, Eastlea North Harare 73

Arch Mukamba CWP B Arch (UACG)
Mukamba Architectural Practice
25 Tweed Road, Eastlea, Harare

IAZ Yearbook



Arch Mukaratirwa H. MSc Arch
Architecton Design Studio
Newlands Shopping Centre, Harare

Arch Mukura P.S. B.Arch (Copperbelt)

The Design Bureau


BAS, MArch (KZN)

Stone / Beattie / Munodawafa .
Architectural Studio

39 Arcturus Road, Highlands, Harare
P.O. Box HG 74

IAZ Yearbook Arch Murwira E. BAS, B Arch
76 DesignPro Architect
Cyrex Business Centre, 10th Floor,
Northwing Joina City,
Jason Moyo Avenue, Harare

Arch Musekwa R. BAS. B Arch
Up North Architect
Suite SW09 No 1 Adylinn Road,
Marlborough, Harare

Arch Mucheri P Z B Sc Arch, M Sc
PZ Mucheri Architect
113 N Mandela/ 5th St.Harare 2022



Grenville House, Swan Lane 5 Wembley, Cresent Eastlea,
West Bromwich, United Kingdom B70 0NS Harare, Zimbabwe
Call: +44 7447512127 Call: +263 777195569 / 777195575
Email: [email protected] Email:[email protected]


IAZ Yearbook Arch Mugandiwa R. MSc (Cuba)
Ronald Mugandiwa
78 Plot 92 Gold Dust Township
Mazvikadei, Banket

Arch Mugedeza TAJ B Arch (Idaho)
Mugedeza TAJ Architect, Principal
21 Northampton Crescent, Eastlea Harare

Arch Mutsambiwa C.O.S., (Dip. Ing.
Arch.) [ Bauhaus Uni. Weimar]
Mutsambiwa Architect
C/O Masvingo Sports Club,
R. Tangwena Str., Masvingo
P.O. Box 955, Masvingo


Arch Muzwembiri B.M BAS, B Arch
Brain Muzwembiri Architect Inc
14 Westcott Road, Mt Pleasant Harare

Arch Naggo S BAS,B Arch (NUST) 79

79 Belvedere Road, Harare

Arch Nyambuya S BSc Arch
(Hamburg) BA (Hons)

Nyambuya & Associates
1 Exe Road, Vainona Harare

IAZ Yearbook Arch Nyatsanza T R B.Arch (NUST)
M Arch (NUST)
80 Nyatsanza Architect
25 Van Praagh Avenue,
Milton Park, Harare

Arch Pantic L. MA (Florence) Italy
Pantic Architect
47 Edinburugh Rd, Vainona, Harare

Arch Pearce M L Dip Arch (AA)
Pearce McComish Tarabuku Architects
71 Churchill Avenue, Alexandra Park
P.O. Box 5299, Harare


Arch Rowlands B B Arch (UCT)
Rowlands Bruce, Principal
3C Rockyvale Close, Rolf Valley, Harare
Tel: 0772 404 303

Arch Sakupwanya H M Arch (NUST) 81
Sakupwanya Hazvinei

33 Moonie Road, Mazowe

Arch Sanyangore A. B.A (Hons), Dip
Arch Oxford Brookes, 2022 Part 3
Candidate Oxford Brookes

Sanyangore Andrew

Ministry of Local Government
and Public Works

IAZ Yearbook

For Engineering and Construction Supplies



Shop S4 Westgate Centre, Harare Stand 1262, 24 Street Tynwald Industrial, Harare

242 304341/2, 0772 262 869, 0712 203 507 | [email protected]


Arch Shepherd S. G. B Arch C.T
Gil Shepherd Architect
9 David Den Close, Mt Pleasant, Harare
Cell: 0773 724 290

Arch Sibanda P D B Arch 83
Professional Design Studio

R Mugabe Way, Bulawayo

Arch Simela G MSc Arch
HBN Simela Architect

Parkview Bulawayo

IAZ Yearbook Arch Stone P.D. Cert Arch (GSA),
Dip Arch (Mackintosh), RIBA
84 Stone / Beattie / Munodawafa.
Architectural Studio
39 Arcturus Road, Highlands, Harare
P.O. Box HG 74

Arch Tarabuku M BArch(Wits)
Pearce McComish Tarabuku Architects
71 Churchill Avenue, Alexandra Park
P.O. Box 5299, Harare

Arch Temlett G. Dip Arch CAT
Gemma Temlett Architect
3C Rockyvale Close, Rolf Valley Harare



IAZ Yearbook Arch Tvrtkovic M Dip Arch
Archiplan Architects
86 19 Natal Road (gate from East Road)
P.O. Box 5105 Harare
Tel: 0242 332043 / 0772 773 377
0733 300 700

Arch Vengesayi M.C.R B Arch
Vengesayi Architects
10 Phillip Way, Belgravia, Harare
Tel: 0242730550/ 0242790592

Arch Wakatama D B Arch, Dip Arch
Metropolitan Architect

Titon Engineering (Pvt) Ltd 2022


+263 774160560 / 712 581 467 / 737 183122/14

Retired Architects

RETIRED Arch Ahmed I. B Arch
Ahmed I Retired
9 Dunmore Avenue, Queensdale, Harare
Tel: 0772 933 074

RETIRED Arch Clinton MN. B.Arch
Cape Town
M N Clinton (Retired)
5 Ross Avenue, Belgravia, Harare

RETIRED Arch Fleet G A. B Arch
(Bristol) Dip Arch)
Fleet Architecture Retired
1 Lewisam Avenue, Chisipite Harare

RETIRED Arch Wales- Smith A.J. B
Arch (UCT)
Wales - Smith A J Architect (HONORARY)
Fife Avenue, Harare
Tel: 0242723113 / 0242727153


2022 Zimbabwe Architectural
Conference and Awards Dinner

The 2022 Zimbabwe Architectural Conference was merged with the awards dinner, making 89
it one big event. This was an important event considering the fact that the last convention
of this scale was back in 2019. Since that year it had been impossible for the Institute of
Architects of Zimbabwe to host an event of this extent because of Covid-19 regulations.

Like plenty of other industries which have continued to feel the ravaging effects of climate

spared. Adaptation is of the essence more than ever. This means that architects and other
professionals in parallel sectors have to come up with strategic ways to reduce the effects

against climate change and global warming.

Against this backdrop this year’s gala aptly ran under the theme: “Climate Change:
Adaptation and Mitigation Measures in the Built Environment” with a panel of renowned
local and international speakers taking to the podium to give presentations, discussions
and practical solutions on the impact of climate change on architecture and the built

Among those who gave forward thinking presentations were Chris Manyowa of First
Mutual Properties, Tessa Brunette of Arup C.T, chairman of The Green Building Council of
Zimbabwe Mike Juru, Virginia Madiro from the Department of Architecture at NUST, Mick

of green building standards for Zimbabwe. He said his organisation works with the

advocating, educating and training people on the importance of sustainable infrastructure.

He also singled out the lack of mandatory building standards as one of the reasons cities are
sprawling with buildings of inferior standards. He believes that the biggest stumbling block
in green building developments is that green building initiatives in Zimbabwe are largely
voluntary with a large swath of the population ignorant about the discourse surrounding
that. Like other speakers who later gave presentations, he is a proponent of mandatory
sustainable infrastructure policies.

National University of Science and Technology architecture lecturer, Ms. Virginia Madiro,
had to answer whether the current curriculum used in universities was appropriate to the
Climate Change Emergency. She said that indeed, at National University of Science and
Technology, architecture students are being capacitated with skills that position them
in a good place to respond to climate change emergencies through their designs. She

emergency oriented designs.

IAZ Yearbook Concerning Standards for Mitigating Climate Change, the delegates

90 Director Eve Gadzikwa, about her organisation’s role in mitigating the
impact of climate change in the built environment. Gadzikwa said that
her organisation endorses around 100 procedural standards with the
purpose of helping to mitigate climate change impact. These were
there for everyone including architects to implement. She particularly
highlighted the ISO 15392:2019 standard for sustainability in building
and civil engineering works. She also said that architects could reach out

Environmental Management Association on their part, addressing the
prevalent issue of residential, commercial and industrial use of wetlands,
said that they had come up with policies and guidelines individuals or

farm on wetlands. The EMA representatives, Mr. Nondo and Mr. Mangisi,

for any endeavour.

Approach to Adaptation and Mitigation Measures’ which she was able
to tackle at length although in a clear informative manner. She started by
pointing out that mitigation and adaptation were in essence “two sides
of the same coin”. She went on to say that there was a need to look at
past projects for climate change mitigation and adaptation solutions.
She gave examples of the Eastgate Mall and Harare International School
which maintain cool temperatures even without air-conditioning.

Tessa Brunette also had suggestions for reducing climate change impact
on the built environment. She said, “The route to a better future is a net
zero carbon, climate resilient world with a thriving natural environment
and a circular net zero economy. We should be thinking about principles
of designing zero carbon buildings, focusing on reduction of carbon
emissions, and creating diverse environments that support biodiversity.”

She also cautioned architects to “design for the future now”. She further

buildings at a later stage when climate change requires them to, architects
could start designing buildings that can adapt to climate change at the
present moment.

“How do we protect the climate from society? How do we protect society
from climate? We solve complex problems in creative ways.” said Tessa
Brunette towards the end of her presentation.

of First Mutual Properties by saying that the challenges of integration
of climate change mitigation into developments ranged from lack of
awareness, expensive alternatives, weak and fragmented bylaws, to a
lack of government endorsement or leadership and what he called “short-

sustainable carbon negative development. Giving an example of

tremendously in achieving sustainable development goals. He also said

buildings which could lead to a spike in the uptake of the initiative.



IAZ Yearbook

Elsewhere in the discussion, Mick Pearce reminded the audience that in fact the green building rating system

a proper sustainable infrastructure foundation to build on, which is a positive thing.

There should be close collaboration between built environment stakeholders like architects, quantity surveyors,
town planners and engineers in order to bring about the desired climate change impact reduction. In addition,

climate change resilient infrastructure. The government on the other hand, must draft bylaws and policies which
make it easier for the architects’ sustainability focused designs to manifest.

The much-hyped awards dinner followed after the conference had ended. The last architectural awards were in 2014
making it only reasonable to give recognition to projects either conceptualised or completed from 2012 to date.
Each award category was supported by a different sponsor.

Institute of Architects of Zimbabwe President, Tsitsi Dzvukamanja said that the awards were testament to the
resilience of architects even when the deck was stacked against them. The night was dedicated to celebrating
architectural excellence.

Architectural Planning Studio emerged the top winner clinching a total of eight awards including Best Cultural Design
Award, Best Interior Design Award, Best Landscaping and Planning Award and Best Hospitality Design Award.


Sustainable Design Award 1st Prize: Architexture Spatial Design
2nd Prize: Studio Five Architects

Residential Design Award 1st Prize: Architexture Spatial Design
92 2nd Prize: Architectural Planning Studio

Hospitality Design Award 1st Prize: Architectural Planning Studio
2nd Prize: The Stone Beattie Studio

Transport Design Award 1st Prize Studio Arts Inc

Interior Design Award 1st Prize: Architectural Planning Studio
2nd Prize: Architexture Spatial Design

Landscaping & Planning Award 1st Prize: Architectural Planning Studio
2nd Prize: Architexture Spatial Design

Sports & Recreation Award 1st Prize: Architectural Planning Studio

Cultural Design Award 1st Prize: Architectural Planning Studio
2nd Prize: Architectural Planning Studio

Best Concept in the Cultural Design Category Architect Luka Pantic

Institutional Design Award 1st Prize: Architectural Planning Studio
2nd Prize: Studio Arts Inc

Emerging Architect Architect Bokanibuhe Munodawafa
& Architect Hazvinei Sakupwanya

IAZ Life Time Contribution to Architecture George Fleet, retired
Award 2022

Commercial Design Award 1st Prize: Studio Arts Inc
2nd Prize: Architexture Spatial Design

Cultural Design Award [1st Prize]: 2022
Architectural Planning Studio
Cultural Design Award [2nd Prize]:
Architectural Planning Studio

Institutional Award [1st Prize]: Institutional Award [2nd Prize]:
Architectural Planning Studio Studio Arts


Residential Design Award [1st Prize]: Residential Design Award [2nd Prize]:
Architexture Architectural Planning Studio

Interior Design Award [1st Prize]: Interior Design Award [2nd Prize]:
Architectural Planning Studio Architexture

Commercial Design Award [1st Prize]: Commercial Design Award [2nd Prize]:
Studio Arts Architexture

IAZ Yearbook

Landscaping & Planning Award [1st Prize]: Landscaping & Planning Award [2nd Prize]:
Architectural Planning Studio Architexture

Emerging Architect Award: Lifetime Award:
Bokani Munodawafa & Hazvinei Sakupwanya George Fleet

94 Sports & Recreation Award [1st Prize]:
Architectural Planning Studio
Transport Design Award [1st Prize]:
Studio Arts

Sustainable Design Award [1st Prize]: Sustainable Award [2nd Prize]:
Architexture Studio 5 Architects

Hospitality Design Award [1st Prize]: Hospitality Design Award [2nd Prize]:
Architectural Planning Studio Stone Beattie

IAZ Awards 2022

The recent 2022 awards ceremony at the IAZ congress was divided 95
into eleven different categories of which Architectural Planning Studio

Hospitality Design Award and the Landscaping and Planning Award (for
Lookout Café), the Cultural Design Award (for The Arches at Aberfoyle)
and the Interior Design Award (for the Megahey Library at Peterhouse
School). Other winners included Architexture Spatial Design for the
Sustainable Design Award and the Residential Design Trophy, and
Studio Arts Inc. for the Transport Design Award (for the Victoria Falls

Residential and Commercial categories cover most of the work being
done in Zimbabwe, the other categories are rarer opportunities.

Among the most important awards were the IAZ Lifetime Contribution
to Architecture Award which was bestowed on Architect George
Fleet and the Emerging Architect Award given jointly to Bokanibuhe
Munodawafa and Hazvi Sakupwanya. These two awards bookmark

established and mature architects to the newest up and coming talents.


George Fleet studied at Royal West of England Academy School

to what was then Rhodesia and worked for Harvey Bufe & Partners

During his time with Harvey Bufe, Fleet designed the UDC Centre which
was completed in 1975. In this period Fleet worked on a number of
other projects for Meikles Store, including the designs for the grand

for the main Meikles site designing the major extension of the 300 bed
Meikles Hotel. At this time Fleet also designed the Sanlam Newlands
Centre which includes the TM supermarket.

IAZ Yearbook

House, Baker Avenue, a minimalist six George Fleet, architect, growing into Fleet degree in 2009. He started working at
Utria Architects has truly changed the face Stone Beattie Studio in 2011 and achieved
and the PTC HQ, now Runhare House. The of downtown Harare. his Masters Degree in 2014. He became
Columbian architect Victor Utria joined a registered architect in 2020 and in 2022
Among Fleet’s other projects are the became a partner at the Stone Beattie Studio
Jagger’s Wholesalers building in Msasa,

Retirement Village. All of these set the practices in Zimbabwe. Munodawafa

Utria Architecture until Utria moved away standards for future architectural designs. describes his style as contemporary modern

to South Africa in 2012. Together Fleet George Fleet richly deserves the award for a and includes Zaha Hadid, Santiago Calatrava,

and Utria designed a number of iconic lifetime of architectural achievements. Tadao Ando, Glen Mercutt and recently

buildings in Harare which characterise the SAOTA as a few international architects

City’s current identity. Bokanibuhe Munodawafa and Hazvi

has been an artist - painting, drawing and

Runhare House, the new PTC creating sculptures from an early age. While

headquarters, was designed for the architectural journey. They jointly won the Munodawafa describes himself as a bit of a

site on the corner of Fourth Street and award for best Emerging Architects for the dreamer his mother was very supportive of

Union Avenue. Although the structure project they worked on together for the his artistic development and his father helped

is fairly plain it was remarkable for new headquarters for Chimuka Mafunga to guide him towards architecture as a more

the inclusion of various tilted or Commercial Attorneys. The project is a practical career.

fallen pillars which act as sculptural brand new, ultra-modern design for a two

elements. It was also the first building storey building predominantly of glass Hazvi Sakupwanya studied at NUST

to have its water supply provided and concrete. There’s a basement level for University and achieved her graduate degree

their archives and document storage and

significant achievement in light of the she completed her post graduate diploma

current focus on climate change and and auxiliary buildings which will include in Project Management and became a

sustainability. registered architect in 2019. She’s had a

reception area (which is double volume),

Other major projects include the Vengesayi Architects, Maboreke Architects

internal parking for staff and clients and and Pearce, McComish and Tarabuku. From

(completed in 1992) with the central discreet private entrances. If the ground 2012 to 2014 she entered the corporate

96 void in the structure and the Digital world working as project manager for
Exchange Unit with its telephone Innscor Africa (Simbisa). She took an

exchange equipment façade. 99 Jason academic post at NUST for two years

access to private balconies overlooking the before joining Architectural Planning Studio

kind in Zimbabwe) was completed in gardens. The building is in progress and is

1993. Fidelity Life Towers on Raleigh scheduled to be completed before the year APS for a bit of a breather. Sakupwanya

end so the award was made on the basis of acknowledges the mentorship of Geoff Fox,

in 1994.Three Anchor House was plans, drawings, renders and 3D animations.

among the last major construction The design includes suggestions for both

projects in the CBD. It has a strong Correa and B. V. Doshi from India and, of

retail presence on the street level, timber and marble cladding, ceiling course, Frank Lloyd Wright and Mies van de

adequate internal parking and the main bulkheads, lighting designs, porcelain

style where form follows function.

The building is north facing which means

structural block. The tucked in corners Munodawafa and Sakupwanya collaborated

mark it as a unique building in the City and heating and natural ventilation and an and worked well together. The project was

Centre. It also has its own internal indoor/outdoor feel make it a comfortable done privately outside of their respective

borehole and standby generator to workspace. There’s also a central spine of commitments to Stone Beattie Studio and

cope with an envisioned breakdown skylights to augment natural lighting. There APS.

in essential services. Mutual Gardens, is a provision for solar power to be installed

at a later stage. The awards point the way towards a unique

Zimbabwean architectural design directed at

both along the Chase, Emerald Hill. Munodawafa trained at the University of discovering and creating our unique identity.





ISSUE 35 99

2022 IAZ Yearbook

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