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Welcome to our October digital supplement. We are excited about the transformation that has taken place and the uptake by both our readers and advertisers. Indeed the pandemic has been a blessing in disguise as the uptake of our digital thrust has doubled creating an promising future for our partners and ourselves.

In this issue we look at the post Covid-19 landscape in the residential design environment- get insights on how you incorporate these ideas into your home. We feature a stunning property designed by Arch. Bipratip Dhar in Kolkata, India, this i certainly a must read as it has latest trend on interior design.

During this time it is important to continue to live healthy as the pandemic is still upon us, in our health segment we look at ways you can boost your immune and stay healthy.

Happy reading,

Shaana Puwai

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Published by Homes & Styles Media, 2020-10-24 03:59:50

Homes & Styles Digital SUPPLEMENT Oct 2020

Welcome to our October digital supplement. We are excited about the transformation that has taken place and the uptake by both our readers and advertisers. Indeed the pandemic has been a blessing in disguise as the uptake of our digital thrust has doubled creating an promising future for our partners and ourselves.

In this issue we look at the post Covid-19 landscape in the residential design environment- get insights on how you incorporate these ideas into your home. We feature a stunning property designed by Arch. Bipratip Dhar in Kolkata, India, this i certainly a must read as it has latest trend on interior design.

During this time it is important to continue to live healthy as the pandemic is still upon us, in our health segment we look at ways you can boost your immune and stay healthy.

Happy reading,

Shaana Puwai

Keywords: Homes,Magazine,Zimbabwe,Diaspora,Architecture,Design,Supplement


5 11 14

Great Kitchen Residential Design Swarnamani Apartment-
Ideas in Post Covid-19 Kolkata, India



11 Designing for Introvert Versus
Extrovert Personality Types • P. 3

Great Kitchen Ideas • P. 5

22 Post-Corona homes to become

6 21 more tech-savvy…• P. 9

EDITORS Residential Design in Post
Covid-19 • P. 11
Welcome to the first issue of of our digital supplement. We are
excited with the transformation that has taken place and the Swaranami• P. 14
uptake by both our readers and advertisers. Indeed the pandemic
has been a blessing in disguise as the uptake of our digital thrust How To Start A Flower Garden
has doubled creating an promising future for our partners and
ourselves. • P. 21
In this issue we look at the post Covid-19 landscape in the
residential design environment- get insights on how you PUBLISHER
incorporate these ideas into your home. We feature a stunning Exclusive Media (Pvt) Ltd
property designed by Arch. Bipratip Dhar in Kolkata, India, this i UK Distribution by Homes & Styles Magazine
certainly a must read as it has latest trend on interior design. Newsstand Magazine - UK
During this time it is important to continue to live healthy as the office contacts -Agnes Zengeya on
pandemic is still upon us, in our health segment we look at ways email:[email protected]
you can boost your immune and stay healthy.
Happy reading, MANAGING EDITOR ShaanaPuwai
Shaana Puwai
Tinotenda Chiri


Michael Nott | Nicola Holden
Tinotenda Chiri | Epsilonarch

Invictus Design Group

H&S Media | Ravindra Kanade
Fiona Walker-Arnott
Taku Rusere


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[email protected]
Facebook Page:Homes & Styles Zimbabwe



All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in whole of this publication without
written permission is prohibited. The Editor welcomes contributions which, if
accepted at our normal rates and all rights (unless initially specifed otherwise)
remain with the publisher. Integrated Marketing Private Limited is not liable for
any damages that arise from any advertisement placed in this publication by the
advertisers. The advertiser is liable for all damages that are caused either by the
advertisement or listings and relieves Exclusive Media





I am used to spending quite a lot of my days alone, with my husband
out at work, and me quietly working away in my business. However,
spending the majority of time during lockdown under the same roof
as my husband has highlighted to me our different personality types.
I am very much an ambivert. I love socialising with friends and
family, but I equally love spending time on my own in quiet
contemplation. My husband, it appears, is more extroverted than me,
and a geek, and is in his element organising Zoom calls left, right a
centre. So how can we design our homes to cater for the needs of
everyone in them?

It seems that the biggest difference between introverts and
extroverts is in how each prefers to spend their time.

Introverts enjoy spending time alone, or socialising in smaller groups

of friends. Introverts also need time alone to recharge their batteries

after a busy day, and can get lost in their thoughts easily and need

time to process and think through things. HOMES & STYLES MAGAZINE| 3


Extroverts, on the other hand, prefer spending time As selfish as it sounds, having a quiet space to get away
around other people and enjoy larger gatherings with lots from your surroundings so you can recover, process, and
of new people. Extroverts like lots of activity and recharge will help you to show up as the best version of
stimulation. yourself in your job, and with your family and friends.

With the rise in popularity of open-plan layouts, our Think about what you want to do in your quiet room. If
homes are more becoming designed for extroverts. you love to read, add a comfy chair, a reading lamp, and a
space for some of your favourite books. Love to write,
Extroverts will thrive in communal, open-plan spaces draw or paint then try to find a space with a window for
that allow the family to ‘hang out’ together. However, natural light. Keep your space clutter free, as clutter
these spaces don’t work for everyone. equals to distraction and visual noise. And most
importantly, don’t worry about what others think — this
Introverts prefer smaller spaces where they can be alone is your space, so decorate it considering what brings you
with their thoughts. Open-plan spaces can create a joy.
cacophony of noise – kitchen noises, television noises
and device noises on top of regular conversation, which And finally, keep in mind that soft textures like carpets,
can be a major irritant for introverts who may end up curtains, textiles, and upholstered walls help to dampen
depleting their energy levels in order to avoid being sound and allow the peace and quiet that you crave.
thought of as ‘antisocial’. When creating a home from an
introvert, it’s important to carve out places for retreat. Getting the design of your spaces right will allow both
extroverts, introverts, and everyone in between, to
This retreat space doesn’t have to be an extension, or a thrive! That restorative feeling — security, peace, rest —
shed at the bottom of the garden. Find a low-traffic area is something our home environments should provide us
in your house – a guest bedroom, an office that doesn’t all the time.
get much use, or even a cupboard that you can clear out.
If you share your home with other people then this space
can’t be a communal space like a kitchen or living room.





The Kitchen is the heart of a home and However most home owners are now Kitchen countertops are probably the
reflects the beauty of the entire house. gravitating towards darker hues which most important part on any household
As we tend to spend more time in there are grounded in nature, blues, greens kitchen. These are the surface areas
than any other living space it is key to and grey are slowly becoming favorites where food preparation takes place, the
know current trends and products for cupboards and fittings. This is family gathers around to eat and they
which suit your taste, after all modern mainly because these colours have the hold our appliances. As a result
design is about reflecting personality. In ability to inject a sense of warmth and homeowners should make sure that
this article we will explore current, coziness to any kitchen. Mixed wood they have a good aesthetic appeal and
popular design trends in Kitchen design tones are another trend on the rise, are functional.
in regards to colour schemes and here designers mix natural wood and
countertops. painted cabinets. It’s been popular over Granite has remained the number one
the years to paint lower and upper countertop material of choice with good
While the all-white kitchen will cabinets different shades and now we reason. Granite defines elegance in a
probably never go out of style because doing the same with wood. kitchen and can make modest kitchens
it offers a natural glow and feels more seem like luxury spaces. Additional to
spacious, the current trend is to add To make this colour stand out and get the aesthetic appeal it is very heavy and
something special to it so it does not something unique, people are durable and improves a home’s real
seem so sterile. Bronze lighting fixtures, incorporating smokey greys, and estate value.
gold handles on cupboards or dark metallic elements into the black
chairs are a great way to add colour and kitchen.
warmth to an otherwise cool palette.


H&S KITCHENS Another affordable and less luxurious option which is currently
trending is laminates. Laminate countertops are made from
REDEFINE plastic resins, plywood or particle board with a decorative
SYPOAUCRE sheeting glued to the surface. It resists water and is extremely
easy to clean and maintain, however it stains when it comes into
contact with coloured liquids such as juice and wine.

While marble has fallen in design rankings
most designers and homeowners are now
opting for Quartz. This engineered stone is
cost efficient, extremely easy to clean , and
it is resistant to heat , water , bacteria and
stains. Quartz countertops are available in
a variety of colour options and are
probably a great option or busy families.

Granite has remained the
number one countertop
material of choice with good




…thanks to smart solutions.

- by Michael Nott

It will affect the The global Corona pandemic will change how we live forever, just
way we work, shop, as previous global pandemics have shaped our societies. It will
entertain ourselves affect the way we work, shop, entertain ourselves and even our
and even our homes homes and family lives.
and family lives.
The first recorded pandemic dates back to the sixth century AD -
the time of the Roman Empire - when the Plague of Justinian
caused an almost complete breakdown in trade and killed
approximately half the population of the known world. It caused
the collapse of the Roman Empire and ushered in the Dark Ages.

The Black Death in the fourteenth century killed around 25
million people world-wide. The smallpox epidemic in the
sixteenth century killed off large sections of the population in
the New World allowing Europe to conquer vast new empires.


H&S HOME TECH Smart Hubs

The Great Plague (followed by the Great Fire of The Google Hub or the Amazon Alexa are relatively
London) in the seventeenth century led to new ideas inexpensive solutions for home automation. Hubs can
about health and hygiene as well as better, safer be placed around the house and activated from your
building codes. Spanish Flu in the early part of the phone or voice activated. Hubs are great for music,
twentieth century infected around a third of the TV, entertainment systems and you can make a phone
world’s population but lead to major improvements in call, order things online, and control access to your
public health. SARS, Ebola and HIV have continued to home. You can order a takeaway or groceries online,
alter the way the world functions in the 21st Century. then check out the delivery guy on your video security
camera, open the door for him remotely so he can
The current Corona epidemic will no doubt have far- leave the goods in your foyer, and then lock the door
reaching consequences changing our homes and our behind him. You can do all this without having any
lifestyles forever. A significant change, at least in the direct contact. The same would apply for a second
First World, will be how we live and interact within home or vacation home so you could let people in and
our homes in light of the pandemic. out when you’re not there. Smart door locks are one of
the best inventions in the smart home automation set
We’ve already seen a huge increase in the number of up. If you have your kids coming back after school and
people working from home rather than commuting to no one’s going to be home you can set the locks to let
the office on a daily basis. Home offices have become them in easily. Your remote locks let you know when
‘smarter’ and more tech savvy with people connecting doors have been opened and who accessed them and
via email, Skype, conference calls and other social who’s coming and going in your house at various
media platforms. Virtual meetings are becoming an times. Your hub can also be linked to security cameras
everyday thing. Now you can even have virtual tours inside and outside the house giving you total control
of art exhibitions, theatre performances and other and peace of mind.
forms of entertainment.
Of course all of these smart home gadgets rely on two
Homes will become more automated as we become important elements – an uninterrupted power supply
more isolated and wary of public interaction. Many and fast and reliable internet access.
devices will be operated via your phone or voice
activated as we seek to reduce contact. Phones can A generator can supply power when needed and can
already operate your lights, your sound system, your be programmed to turn on and off automatically as
TV, even your washing machine, your fridge, your necessary. A generator can also be wired up to act as a
microwave, your security system and other devices ‘power-cleaner’ to maintain constant electricity input
around the ‘smart’ home. and prevent spikes damaging your sensitive
equipment. The problem is that generators are noisy
Lighting control is a fairly important component of and need to be kept topped up with petrol or diesel,
our current virus control. Light switches in both the making them expensive to run. A solar set up with an
home and the office are touched by many hands every inverter and batteries is initially a big outlay, but
day and can become a vector for transmitting viruses. they’re silent and virtually free to run once installed.
The Internet of Things –IoT – is likely to become far
more prominent in our post-Corona world. You can As far as internet access is concerned it’s probably
turn on or off lights from your phone even when best to go for the highest and fastest speed that your
you’re nowhere near your home, so your house can be service can provide. It will be money well spent. If
fully lit up when you get back. You can also turn lights you’re using a router or Wi-Fi antenna that’s more
on or off or even dim them when you’re at home. It’s than three years old you probably won’t be able to get
not just convenient it also helps to stop the spread of all the benefits of the newest technology. You need a
germs through hand contact. The same applies to strong and reliable signal throughout the house so
other on/off switches around the home as well as that many functions can be used at the same time –
door handles and locks, gates and garage doors. TV, internet, music, conference calls and all your
other applications. The internet is the backbone of all
your devices!

If there’s anything like a silver lining about the Covid

19 pandemic it could be that technology will keep us

safer, healthier and more comfortable in our homes.





BY Epsilonarch
Photographer: Ravindra Kanade

Located on the eighth floor of a high-end residential
complex in Kolkata, India.

The 2500 square foot south facing apartment, was
open on two sides towards the east and west. Open
on three sides, this dwelling design is a suave
combination of simplicity and sophistication. The
existing layout from the builders had four modest
sized bedrooms, a kitchen and a living dining hall
with an adjoining terrace. Meant for a family of four,
the space plan, revolved around designing an
apartment with mostly concrete shear walls, into
separate functional zones, knocking down brick walls
wherever necessary, according to the owner’s
functional needs and aesthetic requirements.

Thus, the entrance opens out to the living and dining
area, a space for puja, a visually open kitchen with
glass partition and a lavish triple height terrace.



With the generously retained large openings on
the east and western directions, with views
extending to the semi open terrace and beyond,
the living dining hall exudes warmth and style.
The kitchen, separated by a glazed partition
wall appears to be a part of the living area
visually, displaying in built wall systems adding
to the elegance. A red travertine wall,
positioned at the front of the passage leading to
the bedrooms that houses a decorative wash
basin, somewhat reduces the linear look of the

The “corridor look” is reduced further, with the
help of the sliding /folding door arrangement,
in the home theatre room adjoining the
kitchen- closed only when necessary for sound
proofing and privacy.

Family portraits of different sizes adorn the
opposite wall of the passage creating an
interesting view as one would saunter along.
The terrace, complete with greenery and a
vertical garden amplifies the grand views of the
urban landscape around.





With not much flexibility available with the existing
concrete shear walls, the bedrooms and washrooms
were retained at their existing positions with minor
civil changes.

All the bedrooms express
warm domestic comfort

with a nod to modern

From the warm colours to the textured surfaces; from
the specially selected furniture to the furnishings and
accessories, everything speaks of elegance through

Some of the additional choices such as rugs, wooden
floors, pendants, vases and paintings are all
contributing towards a totality of warm and homely
experience. With a minimal aesthetic and crisp
neatness, the apartment finds expression through
intelligent use of material, different planes in the
ceiling, carefully chosen furniture and furnishings.



Metropolitan Bypass, KolkataTYPE OF PROJECT : APARTMENT


Care has also been taken with the lighting design, to offer a variety of effects which adds to the dramatic nature. The
bedrooms are minimal and calm, with different colour palettes to suit the inhabitants. A beige Italian marble flows
throughout the apartment colluding with the dark brown veneer and light-coloured walls with a high plain ceiling with
the projection of natural light from the large windows softening the impact of the dark surfaces. Flowing white sheer
fabric adds to the softness by diffusing light and enhancing privacy. Beiges and whites dominate the bedrooms with
soft splashes of colour used in the fabric, furnishing and accessories.






We cannot talk about home Secondly remember that success is The second option to plant is
exteriors without mentioning the in the soil. Gardens should start “perennials”, these are flowers
garden .The garden brings out a with good soil, it is very essential whose root system stays alive in
natural ambience and contributes because that soil is what your the ground even if the top part dies
immensely to the look of any flowers need to be healthy. Soil and will sprout again in spring. The
property. In this article we will which is not too sandy, not too downside to their longevity and
explore how to bring out a pop of sticky with enough organic matter need for less care is that they
colour in your garden by planting is best as it drains well and is bloom for only a few weeks or
flowers, after all flowers are the inviting to plant roots. We would months each year depending on
definition of a garden. also advise to test the PH of the the species. Examples include
soil and fertility as this could daylily, mums, black-eyed susan
If you are looking to start a flower provide guidance on what to plant. and peonies. Perennials make a
garden, the first thing to consider garden look better with age and
is “siting”of your garden. Starting a
garden is just like real estate it is Now we look at what to plant in many delight in the anticipation of
all about location. Make sure to our garden .One option is waiting for their favourites’ bloom
follow the sun as most flowers “annuals”, these are flowers that go time.
thrive in full to partial sun and you
do not want your garden in a place through their whole life cycle in Annuals and perennials can be
that impedes other activities in one growing season from sprouting grown from seed or plants.
your yard. We would also from seed to blooming then dying. Perennials may take a year or more
recommend to start small as They require to be planted each to get established and bloom but
starting on a large space can be year, these include petunias, the effort will pay off in years. If
overwhelming and may turn you off cosmos, marigolds and pansies. you want flowers now, annuals are
from the idea altogether. They are perfect for places you the best but the best choice one
want a lot of flowers but require can make is to combine both in
more watering , fertilizing and their garden .Fewer gardens are
general care, however they are made up of flowers alone. Trees,
hailed for adding brilliant colour to shrubs and vines give a garden
the landscape. architecture and bones. Some of

these flower and add colourful

textured foliage .





Boost your immune system


Having a functioning immune system is very crucial in the More research is necessary, but it is believed that quality
fight against any disease especially now when we are faced exercise and activity, balanced nutrition, emotional and
with global pandemic which has killed a lot of people psychological well being , and lifestyle choices can benefit
worldwide. Developing a strong immune system while you’re your immune system in a big way. Getting quality sleep and
healthy can sustain your body as it familiarizes itself with managing your stress are also meaningful ways to elevate
the new virus in the event you get sick. A functional your immune system.
immune system is very important , the body needs sufficient
vitamins and other nutrients . Try these daily routine practices below to boost your
immune system from morning to night.
General healthy living strategies are a good way to start
giving your immune system the upper hand .Your first key Drink lemon water
defense is to choose a healthy lifestyle and to protect our Lemon water helps with hydration has positive effect on
immunity system by making a deliberate and bold decisions. digestion and it is a simple way to increase your vitamin C
Your immune system can be lowered by smoking , alcohol intake- a key nutrient for supporting the immune system.
and poor nutrition. Some of the signs of a weakened immune
system include high stress levels, you always have a cold, HOMES & STYLES MAGAZINE| 23
your wounds are slow to heal, you have frequent infections,
you feel tired most of the time.


Make food colourful Eat a protein-rich snack Taking natural supplements an herbs -
you can boost your immune system
The different colour pigments in fruits Protein help stabilise blood sugar , through use of natural herbs which
and vegetables actually indicate the provides the building blocks for many of you can even grow in your herb garden.
different health properties they the body’s immune cells.
possess. Have a balanced meal with Supplements rich in vitamin B, C and D
different nutrients, eating a rainbow of Physical Execrices may help flush as well as Zinc may be helpful in
different colours everyday. bacteria out of the lungs and airways. boosting your immune system
This may reduce your chance of getting
Take a walk cold, flu, or other illness. Exercise Get the
causes change in antibodies and white recommended 7 to 8
Walk can help lower cholesterol levels, blood cells which are the body’s
increase vitamin D levels and if you immune system cells that fight disease. hours of sleep a
have access to a green space close by, night.
exposing your immune system to a Get the recommended 7 to 8 hours of
wider variety of beneficial micro- sleep a night. This will help keep your
organisms from the environment . immune system in fighting shape
especially this season of Covid19.


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