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Published by cxthomps, 2016-09-02 02:21:18

Digital magazine project

Digital magazine project

The sporty gamers

Come for sport or games we got them all!

See a fantastic
games like
under tale or
great sport
Send your fan
mail for a
chance to be in
next issue but
act now before
its to late

Learn the best
Minecraft servers
inside with this issue

Contents go to back for

Page 1 contents
Page 2 afl
Page 3 soccer
Page 4 Mario and sonic
Page 5 no mans sky ad
Page 6 under tale
Page 7 Pokémon go
Page 8 oculus ad
Page 9 battle field and call of duty
Page 10 top eight games
Page 11 Nike ad
Page 12 Minecraft
Page 13 YouTube and animator vs animation
Page 14 Pokémon go ad
Page 15 fan mail/advice


The Great Aussie Game by ben

AFL, the great Aussie game. I have been playing AFL for almost 6 years and I
have loved every single bit of it. The win and loses. I started playing AFL
when I was 6 years old and the moment I started playing, I wanted to play
every single day. Now here are some key
points to consider before deciding to play
AFL. My first point is that you need to be
able to wake up even if you don’t want to.
My second point is that you need to know
the important rules which are: no throw-
ing the AFL ball only handballs, you can
only run a total distance of 15 metres
with the ball unless you bounce which
grants you an extra 15 metres to run,
when you are tackling do not sling the player to the ground, if you are being

tackled make sure to try and get rid of the ball,
no tackles above or on the neck or shoulders.
My third point is that you need to accept the
umpire’s decisions, not make you own deci-
sions, not boss the umpire around or tell him
what to do, and the umpire is always right!
Once you have considered these points you can
go and play some AFL!

AFL is simple. All you need to do is to kick the
ball in between the 2 middle posts to get a goal (6 points) or in the side posts
to score 1 point. It is this simple aim (but yet sometimes very hard to do)
that makes it so fun. The ball is constantly going from your team’s hands to
the oppositions hands in a blink of an eye which makes it so competitive. The
game goes for 1 hour and within that time 4 quarters. Each quarter 15
minutes (with a 5 minute break at the end of each quarter). And even if we
don’t win, we get LOLLIES!

Now enough about the game, let’s talk about why I like the game. Because
AFL has such a simple aim, everybody tries to do it and that’s why it becomes
so competitive which is what I like. Now you can compare this to ruby, but
think about this, what would you prefer? Con-
trolled sport or uncontrolled sport? Well I hope
you agree with that you would prefer controlled
sport and that’s what AFL is. A simple and con-
trolled sport. And that is why I like AFL. So come
on and try The Great Aussie Sport and have some
fun! My AFL team is Pennant Hills Demons at Ern
Homes Oval so come and join and play some AFL!

Soccer by joey pie

Why you should play soccer. Fun facts about soccer.

Soccer is a fun game that #The game soccer has been
you can play with friends. It around for over 3000 years
is very easy to play you can but is has changed a lot over
play with very expensive the 3000 years.
equipment with goals with
and the top level soccer #over 270 million people or
balls or you can play by us- 4% of the world plays soccer
ing sticks propped up for a team. (265million
against tree for the game. people+5million referees)
The game is all about hav-
ing fun. #The highest earner of
money from the sport is
Top 10 best players David Beckham who earnt
$46 million a game.
1.Cristiano Ronaldo 2.Lionel Messi
3.Naymar Jn. 4.Zlatan Ibrahimović #It is estimated that 4 million
5.Gareth Bale 6.Luis Suárez people are fans of soccer.
7.Wayne Rooney 8.andrés Iniesta (that is half the world!!).
9.Sergio Agüero 10.Yaya Toure
#The biggest win ever was in
1885, it was Australia vs
American Samoa. The score
was 31-0.

What makes soccer spe-

Soccer is special because it can be
competitive or it can be just for fun.
Soccer is not as violent as rugby or
AFL. It is really fun and easy to play.
All you need is a round ball to play.

It is the easiest game to play.

Out now

Under tale ByScottThompson

Under tale wear do I begin or maybe wear do Easter eggs
you? Under tale is your tale the action that you
take good or bad have a effect every step of the The characters Under tale has many “Easter
way. Would you like to befriend a skeleton or eggs’ and I don’t mean chocolate
just bash him in the head as I said before and I I mean things or secrets from
will say it again under tale is your tale. This other games and real life. For
game offers a combat system that is very example if you go behind one of
different to anything before it and a story that the characters houses you will
drives the game. You will meet complex find a room this room has items
characters too this game is filled with Easter eggs from another game the creator
and jokes of under tale helped to make.

The gameplay The characters there's many Conclusion
characters such as pyruse or
The gameplay in under tale is like nothing else its sans (which are brothers) or Under tale is a fantastic
friendly to new players at the start of the game the caring and compassion game filled with passion
and get tougher at a pace that anyone should toriel (name a play on the interest and content. I
be able to keep with while not slowing down the word tutorial) I could would recommend
game. It has exploration combat and text? Well make a list of all the names anyone to play the game
you might be disappoint from the sound of it but but that would do the but not only that but I will
seeing how the characters react talk to you and game no justice. Nearly go out of my way to say
plus the funny jokes that make up the text make every character has a that this game is not only
it all worth reading. Not only that but a lot of personality that is revealed in a game but a experience
the characters personalities you really only learn the game not to mention but and a work of art under
from the text. a lot of the characters have tale do you kill or befriend
jokes and the makers of under its not only under tale its
Exploration in this game is great you can explore tale have humour even your tale. Credits: toby
hidden areas in the game through searching breaking the fourth wall often fox, toby fox, toby fox do
many areas don’t let you go on past without to make them but even them you get it he is the only
finding something and every time you do the the game is immersive and fun one who made it can take
game will reward you. to play and a great experience a company of people to
some characters are even make a great game or
Combat shouldn't really be called that as its one skeletons and there personality just one
of the few games that let you not kill any one or is defiantly not bear bone he he
anything. Every monster has there own goals he sorry my little joke I will try
traits family as you can see from stages of the not to make more. Any way
game. Combat works where you must dodge the characters are a great fun
to interact with and are a
the attacks of the perfect feature of under tale.
attacker and strike
back or talk in fact
some enemies don’t
attack at all
depending how you

Pokémon is an game where you go Interviewer: so what In a interview/census we
found that most people like
around in the real world and catch place is the best to Pokémon go and play it
more than 3 to 6 hours a
exciting new things such as a charzard catch Pokémon? day this game is a huge
innovation in the gaming
which you can evolve! Not only that Addicted fan: well industry.

but you can battle the best place is in But no game is without its
problems for example
We have ask many people like the the city or areas that Pokémon go's unexpected
popularity with the game as
game and some that don’t and its don’t have a lot of made crashes common and
making it difficult to get into
safe to say that most people like it or players there will be the game but I'm sure there
will be improvement as it
even love it and maybe obsess over more in those would be a waste for
Nintendo to ruin a game so
the game. So lets here what some regions prized like Pokémon go and
we expect to see more
people think of the game! Interviewer: how Pokémon games in this
beloved franchise
Interviewer: so why do you love often do you play Pokémon go?

Pokémon go so much? Addicted fan: well I play a lot by a lot what's

Random guy: because its immersive the time?

and really fun to walk around to see
Pokémon it feels like you almost touch Interviewer: umm 12:38

them! Addicted fan: them today I have played 12

Interviewer: what is the best hours and 37 minutes not much I know.

Pokémon? Interviewer: have you considered you're

fan: magikarp, just watch magikarp go! addicted?

Addicted fan: NO!

By Scott Thompson

Call of duty or battlefield?ByScottThompson

Call of duty and battlefield are both Ram- Now for battlefield the maps are big and Now its time which one is better
bo shooters but both do it very differently expanses and feature vehicles these range well its hard to say because they
for example call of duty features small from a big variety such as a car to a tank are very much the same and not
maps focused on small scale close even a jet but sadly this game often lags at the same time. On paper
because of the stuff put into it. But the battlefield is the better choice
quarters gameplay but battlefield does maps are well designed out with indoor but when you think about it its
the opposite. areas to hide in and open areas for things really personal preference do
First lets start with call of duty or cod as like tanks and feels a lot more detailed you like running around being
we will call it. It’s a small map size with a than cods It has roughly the same maybe Rambo then its cod if you like
good selection of maps and a lot of guns more weapons than the cod franchise and driving tanks or running around
to choose from. When playing maps can has some good ones to. with tanks go for battlefield but
feel like you have played it 50 times
before even though there's a lot of maps It has a single player but its just like cods if you cant decide why not just
only a few are even good. And to add to
the problem is that there small if they story things are a little more interesting not buy either or buy both its

but its still generally the same as cods. your money.

This game has a little bit of team These games can get really simi-

gameplay where you can work together to lar and yet different they each
try to capture something but it doesn't
have there iconic logos and
really matter most of the time if you do but catchphrases marketing and
were bigger and had more areas they it has a squad system that is in the game so such and so forth but what if
would be a lot better. if you want to you can group up with your there really the same in a differ-
friends. Sadly this game is badly optimized ent package that’s for you to
Now what about the guns well there's not and has a bad match making system and a decide not my.
much to say there guns there's is some menu that’s not in the game and has to
interesting ones but they aren't very
interesting and there's usually one that’s start another window to
better than the rest. So once you get it
you wont be using much else. So I get which I personally
wouldn't say that cod is a good game but
more of an ok game that I would rate a hate. I give battlefield a

Top eight games

This year many great and fantastic games are present even ones from last year are still
played but the trouble is which ones best? Cant decide we will do it for you so lets begin.

1 no mans sky is a great game feature a massive universe of 19 quintillion planet size planets not only does
it boast the largest playing size any game has ever had but everyone of those planets is generated proce-
durally. It’s a space game that lets you do what you want I would rate it 10/10.
2 under tale (see on page 12) is a great game filled with interesting story's characters and very unique
gameplay as you travel through the under world under tale is your tale 9.5/10.
3 planet coaster, planet coaster is a theme park builder it lets you express your creativity to new heights
this game will allow you to build what ever you want even though it’s a theme park builder 9/10.
4 civ 6 a fantastic game coming out this year the sequel to an already great game civ 5 civ 6 adds more
and more things gameplay elements and much more I give this strategy game a 9/10
5 xcom 2 is an amazing game that takes you as the commander of a resistance organisation fighting
against the aliens who have tricked the human race to thinking they are good. This game is all about strate-
gy and is very unforgiving 9/10.
6 over watch is a cartoony shooter featuring many class with special albites as you traverse the battlefield.
Filled with icon characters I rate it a 8.5
7battlefield 1 is a great game in the series going away from modern, police or future it goes back to ww1
filled with tanks guns and many other items from ww1 I rate it 8.5
8 far cry primal is a stone age game where you make weapons which can range from a spear to a sling shot
as you go through and tame animals I rate it a 8/10
9 Pokémon go oh boy the hype with this one a great new idea but sadly not much else but having the al-
bite to go out and capture Pokémon is still a go game 7.5/10
10 titan fall 2 titan fall was a good game but its getting a sequel in the form of titan fall 2 a futuristic
shooter where giant robots roam the battlefield it already looks great I rate it 7/10

By Scott Thompson


Buy from local
store now!

By joey

Minecraft is a game is where you can

play as a team or play with a friend or Top 10 Minecraft servers:

just play by yourself. There are many 1.Hypixel (

ways to play Minecraft you can PVP or

PVE (Player vs Player or Play vs Enemy) 2.Mineplex (

It was Created by Mojang and Minecraft

was the most popular game they creat- 3.The Hive (

ed. Mojang is said to be worth $50 bil- 4.Cube Craft (
lion. Mojang was recently bought by

Microsoft for around $10 billion dollars. 5.Mineheroes (

It has 3 main modes. Survival: where

you have to survive hostile mobs. Crea-

tive: You have a endless supply of blocks

and mobs will not attack you. Adven-

ture: Same as survival only you can only

break blocks with the right tools. There

are also ways to play with friends and

family by opening one of your games to

the world with a password if wanted.

But if you want to play with randoms

than you can just play on a server. Serv-

ers are where a person or a group of

people have created a world for anyone

to join. The top 5 Minecraft servers are

below. It is the best online computer

game. (needs WIFI to play online).

YouTube has changed by Scott Thompson

YouTube has changed that’s Not only that but many YouTube and
undeniable but in what way? For channels jokes funny and similar websites
example theres been many unfunny has passed have connected
changes since the creation of through this massive the world through
this popular website like the network of videos. the power of the in-
massive change of google Hundreds get uploaded ternet to allow us
owning it. every hour with infinite to play games send
entertainment to be seen messages and plen-
But theres many more than that on this network of ty of other exam-
sadly it has started to become videos. ples but really
more business focus with tv YouTube is also a
shows being recommended YouTube is a great thing lively hood a job for
more and things like animation it has done many thing many. It’s a great
barely have enough money to like entertain, teach, website with plenty
keep afloat. Many people of the help to get a message of content and I
website have talk about this so out to people and more would recommend
why not bring it to the page and its not only a website but to go and check it
pen or computer page and key- a community and a big out to any of those
board but still it’s a problem. one at that there's many you have been
Whether you care about it or not different type of you living under a rock.
its going on and not just with tubers as they are called
things like YouTube and other that it makes a
websites but other thing in life comparison to real life!
are becoming more money

Animator vs animation! By Scott Thompson

Animator vs animation is a Although that doesn't go
well animation. Its very very successful as he tries
long for a standard to stop the stick figures
animation compared to from his accounts and
most at the time and now. programs its has plenty of
It also show off how well funny joke too its funny and
done a person can make clever with its designs. Not
such clever and great ani- only is there that but
mation and even though there's multiple of them
the simple animation de- maybe more will come but
sign and the backgrounds for now there's 5 of them
are premade the length of even one which is all about
this animation compen- Minecraft! Its funny
sates for that. It follows creative and you should
stick figures on a comput- defiantly check it out!
er as they defend there
selves against the person
controlling the computer
as he try to delete them
to stop any problems

THE FAN MAIL! By Scott Thompson

Hello my fellow readers! I hope you enjoy ADVICE SECTION
this issue and also enjoy well the fan mail
we will answer your question and not only Cant decide what video game to get with your hard earned cash/
that but even give a joke of the month! pocket money well we will tell you if you are looking for a free
game then something like team fortress two might be what your
Todays topics are soccer computers and looking for a free game with hours to spend in it I have personally
games so lets begin shall we spent over 700 hours on it. Now lets move up the price bracket a
good choice would be ark coming in at 30$ it’s a great survival
XXXHIXXX: asks which computer is game based around dinosaurs and you can even tame and ride
the best to get? most of them featuring constant updates its playability is still go-
ing. Now if you have the cash to splash no mans sky is the one to
choose coming at a heavy price tag of 60$ its worth it all as no
Time in the game is the same as the planets which are the size of
real ones as procurable generated and there's 19 quintillion of
them with hundreds of hours worth of content!

Well there's many reasons a
computer might be good but It has
a lot of factors. Like what are you
using it for and are you looking for
a laptop or just a work at home
computer also what price range you
needed to be more specific

TROLLFACE9000: asks how do you ELLO DER: asks what game would you rather have cod or battlefield?
know what the best soccer team is
for you. To be honest I have tried both and they both could improve but I
would rather choose battlefield because of the large maps and
Well the best way to answers that is vehicles and it’s a little more team based but they both need to
ask a friend or look at a popular improve .
team and follow that or maybe just
make up your own mind! THE JOKE
#don'tbesheep OF THE


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Code! Lets see you get this!

Erutuf ni sedoc erom

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