Impilo Yabantu
User Manual
19 Park Lane
3 Floor The Boulevard Umhlanga
Umhlanga Rocks
Transport & Planning
Reg No. 1966/001916/07
+27(0)87 3506660
No part of these specifications/printed matter may be reproduced and/or published by print,
photocopy, microfilm or by any other means, without the prior written permission of Royal SIMS
HaskoningDHV (Pty) Ltd; nor may they be used, without such permission, for any purposes
other than that for which they were produced. Royal HaskoningDHV (Pty) Ltd accepts no
responsibility or liability for these specifications/printed matter to any party other than the impilo yabantu
persons by whom it was commissioned and as concluded under that Appointment. The
integrated QHSE management system of Royal HaskoningDHV (Pty) Ltd has been certified in
accordance with ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and OHSAS 18001:2007.
Impilo Yabantu
This manual is written for the end-user of the Impilo Yabantu
portal, designed as a reference guide to get the user up-to-
speed with the procedures followed in the system
Access the portal:
To gain access to the impilo Yabantu In the address bar of your internet The landing page will have basic
Portal, you can use a web browser browser, type in the address URL of the information about Impilo Yabantu, its
Of your choice SIMS portal : projects, its partner Royal
HaskoningDHV as well as details on
how to communicate with Impilo
And then press enter on your keyboard.
The ZA-SIMS hosted Impilo Yabantu
website will be loaded
impilo yabantu
impilo yabantu
Home : Reloads the home\ Landing Page
impilo yabantu
Impilo Yabantu Services is a newly established company that is a subsidiary of Amanz’abantu Services. It was established to focus
on Operation & Maintenance problems in the Water & Sanitation sector using Social Franchising as a model to implement these
The Company was formed in 2009, specifically for undertaking the Butterworth Water & Sanitation Pilot Project which would
service 400 schools in the Butterworth educational district.
As a result of its successful Pilot project Impilo Yabantu now has an entire operational structure with the necessary procedures,
which is able to service institutional and household sanitation facilities.
Impilo Yabantu Services has a 73% ownership by historically disadvantaged firms and individuals. Impilo Yabantu’ s mission is to
provide affordable and sustainable municipal services, in partnership with Government Departments and Municipalities, to peri-
urban, rural and developing communities, and is committed to:
• A partnership approach with Government
• The development of Local Government on the management of municipal services
• The development of SMME’s or Social Franchisees in Operation & Maintenance of Water & Sanitation programs
• Embodying corporate citizenship & social responsibility in the communities served
• The provision of sustainable and affordable services to all communities
• Recognising women and people empowerment in entrepreneurial development
• Preservation of the environment
• The provision of quality and appropriate solutions
impilo yabantu
About : This will load a page with detailed
information about Impilo Yabantu and what
they do
impilo yabantu
impilo yabantu
Catalog : This will load a page with list of
pictures used as part of the order Catalog
for all the orders and repairs
impilo yabantu
impilo yabantu
Contact : This will load a page with a form you can
fill out if and when you want to contact the system
developer partners of Impilo Yabantu, Royal
impilo yabantu
You will see an additional menu item, Tools. This menu item will
have a drop drown list with all the tools configured for the
Sign In : This will load the portal login page where Once you have successfully logged in, you will see a
particular user account you are logged in with. What tool you are
you can use your assigned username and password message welcoming you onto the system
able to access will be controlled by the level of access given to
your user account.
impilo yabantu
• You will also be able to see your user name at the top right-hand corner of the
menu list.
• To sign or log out of the portal, click on your username displayed on the top
right-hand corner of the menu list and select Log Out from the dropdown list
impilo yabantu
Impilo Yabantu Portal
Impilo Yabantu
To view the Impilo Yabantu
dashboard, click onthe Dashboard
menu item.
• The Dashboard is made up of
oFilter display Dashboard
oAssessment Submission bar
oSchool List Filter
oFieldworker Submission bar
oStatus pie graph
impilo yabantu
The Filters bar shows the options
currently selected as filters for the
dashboard data. You can clear or
reset the filter options by clicking
on the Clear button
impilo yabantu
• The Dashboard counter displays
▪ Total Submissions To Date: Showing the total
number of assessments submitted to date
▪ Total Schools To Date: Showing the total
number of schools assessed to date
▪ Total Franchisees To Date: Shows the total
number of Franchisees that have made a
submission the date.
▪ Project Duration Days: The total number of
days the project has been running.
▪ Avg Surveying Time Minutes: Shows the
average time it takes to do an assessment in
▪ Last Submision Date: Show the date and time
the last submission was made.
impilo yabantu
• Shows a line graph representing the number
of submissions made by a Franchisee in a
month over the past 12 months, colour
coded per Franchisee.
impilo yabantu
• The Fieldworker Graph shows the
fieldworker’s name and the number of
submissions they have made in respect to the
School List filter options.
• You are also able to use the Fieldworker
Graph to filter the dashboard. By clicking on a
fieldworker’s name, the dashboard will display
all the schools assessed and submitted by
that fieldworker. The Dashboard Counters
will also show totals in respect to the data
submitted by that fieldworker.
FIELDWORKER impilo yabantu
• The Status Graph displays the total
number of submitted assessments,
based on the filters selected.
impilo yabantu
• To view the school’s data, you click
on the School Data menu item
under Tools.
impilo yabantu
• To view the school’s data, you click
on the School Data menu item
under Tools.
• The Impilo Yabantu Schools List and the
school’s detailed data page will be
impilo yabantu
School Filter drop down
• The School Filter drop down list
allows you to select the type of
assessment done (General,
Enrolment, Ablution, Water Supply
and Claims) and filters the School
List based on the criteria selected.
See below
impilo yabantu
• You can use the search text field to type
in the name of a school and search for a
particular school to reduce the number
of items returned in the list. By typing the
first two or three letters, the list will be
filtered to match any school names with
that combination of letters, the more
letter you include in your search phrase,
the more accurate you result will be. See
• The Ticks in the green boxes indicate
which assessments have been submitted
for a school.
impilo yabantu
Previous and Next Buttons
• The previous and next buttons allow you
to page through the School List,
depending on the number of schools
impilo yabantu
• By clicking on a school name in you will be able to view
details of the assessments for the selected school on the right-hand
• There are five different tabs which display submitted school data
1. General
2. Enrolment
3. Ablution
4. Water Supply
5. Claims
impilo yabantu
Schools Detailed Info
General tab
• The General tab shows the selected school’s general
information which includes information on the
assessors and the number of times the information
has been reviewed and edited. This list of assessors
list will be found in all the tabs in the Impilo Yabantu
v2 School Data module. See below.
• You can view the name of school, year established,
district of school, Governing Body members’ names and
contact information as well as the school principal’s
name and contact details. You are also able to see
photos associated with the school assessment.
• By clicking the button at the top right-hand corner of
this pane, you can edit all data where there is a drop-
down box by clicking on the down arrow and
selecting from a predefined list of options.
impilo yabantu
Schools Detailed Info
Enrolment Tab
• The Enrolment tab shows the details of all
students enrolled in a selected school, the
gender of the students as well as the
grade they are enrolled in. It also shows
the number of educators per grade as well
as their gender. See below.
Editing Data
• To edit the data for each grade, click on the EDIT DATA
button, this will allow you to check or uncheck the boxes next
to each grade. If the box was previously unchecked (empty)
this means that grade has no data captured or submitted and
will not be shown in the list. If the box next to a Grade is
checked, the grade will be shown in the list below as well as
its data.
• Once a Grade is shown on the list, you can edit (Add,
Remove or Update) the data.
impilo yabantu
Schools Detailed Info
Unchecking a check box
• When unchecking a check box, the system will
display a warning telling you that you are about
to reset the data for that particular Grade and
will ask you if you would like to Continue or
Cancel. If select Continue, the selected grade’s
data will be removed from the list. If you select
Cancel the grade’s data will remain on the list.
See below.
• Once all the changes have been made, you can
save the changes by clicking on the SAVE
• Once the changes have been saved, the system
will display a message saying the data is
successfully saved. Close the message box to
impilo yabantu
Schools Detailed Info
Ablution Tab
• The Ablution tab shows the structural data of the assessed
school’s toilets facilities. (i.e. structure type, window type,
drainage type and provisioned for info).
• Also shown are the number of facilities\ toilets allocated
per Gender Classification, Pedestal type, number of Basins,
Seat Lid type.
• Photos of the facilities are also displayed.
• By clicking the EDIT DATA button at the top right-hand
corner of this pane, you can edit all data where there is a
drop-down box by clicking on the down arrow and
selecting from a predefined list of options.
Is this correct?
Yes, it’s a section which describes which toilets have been
provisioned for.
impilo yabantu
Schools Detailed Info
Water Supply Tab
• The Water Supply tab shows the availability of running
water at the selected school, whether the water is regularly
available, constantly disrupted or there is none. You can then
see the type of disruptions if any.
• You can also see the type of water supply that the selected
school has. This ranges from Municipal supply to borehole,
rain water harvested or a combination of these.
• You can also see the usage of water in litres as well as
whether the selected school has any elevated water tanks
and the condition of the tanks.
• By clicking the EDIT DATA button at the top right-hand
corner of this pane, you can edit all data where there is a
drop-down box by clicking on the down arrow and selecting
from a predefined list of options.
impilo yabantu
Schools Detailed Info
Claims Tab
• The Claims tab shows the details of any repair
claims made for the selected school. These
repairs include Repair Type (e.g. Minor or
Major), Repair Description (e.g. Pan Seal Wax
Ring, 15mm Tap Washer).
• You can also see the quantity of the repairs as
well as the total cost in Rands.
impilo yabantu
Schools Detailed Info
Assessor list and Status
• The assessor list at the top of the Claims tab shows
a list of assessors and their assessment submission
date for a selected school. Also shown is a list of
administrators (by administrator name) who have
edited a submission, the date the submission was
edited, the status of the submission and the date
the submission was updated.
• You are able to click on the status button which
pop up the below Status Change window. This will
allow you to change the status of the selected
submission by clicking one of the radio button
options. Once you have made a selection, you add a
comment in the comment section and then save
the changes by clicking on the Update button
impilo yabantu
Schools Detailed Info
Editing and Saving Data
• By clicking the button at the top right-hand corner
of this pane, you can edit all data where there is a
drop-down box by clicking on the down arrow and
selecting from a predefined list of options.
• Once done with editing the claims data, the will
have turned into a button. To save your
changes, click the Save button, a message saying
the data has been saved will pop up. Click close to
• You can modify the rates per hour by clicking on
the button. To
• You can also draw a report of completed Claims
by clicking on the button. A report with
a list of completed claims will be loaded.
impilo yabantu
Schools Detailed Info
• Several reports are available throughout the site. Their locations on the
site and how to access them is outlined below
1)School Detailed Report
• This is located in the top centre of the school details page
• If you are using the report for the first time, a login prompt will
popup. Reporting contains a second layer of security. You will only
need to login once for the duration of your session. Credentials will
be provided when a user is activated on the system.
• Once logged in the report will be generated. From the report popup,
you can save the generated report as a pdf, word or excel (1). You
can also change the report parameter (2), in this case EMIS number
and rerun the report using the button shown in (3)
impilo yabantu
Schools Detailed Info
2) School BOQ Report
• The claims BOQ report is located under the claims tab on the School
Data page
• This is an excel sheet that automatically downloads when a school
is selected and the “B.O.Q Report” button is clicked. The report
contains open and completed claims.
Date Cost Per
Item Submitted Status QuantityUnit Unit Total Cost
STEEL PIVOT TOILET DOOR 43381.57407 5 No R854 R4270
ELF PLASTIC SEAT (no pedestal) 43381.49785 8 No R126 R1008
DOOR LOCK INDICATOR 43381.57453 13 No R311 R4043
Total R9321
impilo yabantu
Schools Detailed Info
Map View
• Clicking on the Switch View button will load the Map
View page.
• The Map will display data base on the filters you have
• You can filter Layer visibility by clicking the
button map legend.
• The icon means the layer is no
longer visible. The icon means
the layer is visible.
impilo yabantu
Map View