above & beyond proud parents whats happening family news access
Find, Friend & Follow Us Issue 12 | 2018
ays and anniversaries health and safety career opportunities
Meet Johnson A Lasting Calendar
and Markley Alliance Coincidence
As we continue our strategic initiative to They recently met together for five days to hear and evaluate
strengthen Do it Best as the first and best choice presentations from various potential vendors. Following the
for independent home improvement businesses, we're focused presentations, the group will narrow down their choices
on investing in three key areas: information technology, supply and invite the top vendors back for further analysis and
chain efficiency, and people. To ensure that we have an industry demonstrations. From the top vendors, they will choose a new
leading supply chain system, we are completely re-imagining WMS with the Dixon warehouse set to be the first location
what a best-in-class next generation Warehouse Management to implement the new program in FY2020. “This represents
System (WMS) should be. a significant financial and operational investment, so we are
approaching the decision making process with great scrutiny,”
Our current WMS is a homegrown legacy system that was said VP of Logistics Tim Miller.
designed and implemented in the early 2000s and was later
updated in 2008 to include voice pick technology. While it was In addition to getting us on the road to real time, a new WMS
a great solution for its time, a new system that meets today’s will increase a number of functionalities at our distribution
logistics demands is needed to best serve our member-owners. centers. It will provide real time inventory visibility, improve
Team members from our Logistics and IT divisions and managers receiving and stocking efficiencies, increase space utilization and
from each of our warehouses are working together to identify enhance overall safety, quality and productivity for our team.
the best vendor and program for the future. The new system will also enable shorter lead times and improved
services for our members.
Managers from Dixon, Medina, and Sikeston came to Fort Wayne for the vendor demonstrations while managers from our other warehouses joined the
meeting via video call. Current team members working on this project that also helped create the original WMS include: Ken Bloom, Jan Bonnell, Brian
Etzler, Tim Miller, and Jay Young.
© 2018 Do it Best Corp. All rights reserved.
above & beyond proud parents INSUwRhatAs hNappCenEingTIPS family news accessYOUR SECOND PAYCHECK:
Managing your company savings plan retirement
FIND IN-NETWORK PHARMACIES contributions may seem like a daunting task. Thankfully,
there are tools and trusted guidance at your fingertips.
With cold and flu season upon us, make sure you fill prescriptions or visit Fidelity Investments, our savings plan partner, offers easy-
a pharmacy that is in-network. To see a list of in-network pharmacies, log to-use online tools and useful information about your
ays and anninivteorsmaryie.csigna.com, hcleicaklthoannFdinsdafePtryoviders and Ccaorsetelroocpapteodrtuunnidtieers Popular account. Just login to netbenefits.fidelity.com. This website
Searches and select Pharmacies. You can also check prescription costs by is designed to help you plan for your retirement with self-
selecting Pharmacy, then selecting Drug Cost, entering the drug name, guided tutorials and easy-to-adjust investment options.
and then selecting a pharmacy.
BUILDINyoGur ONsecond(pSayTchRecUk CTURALc)eleIbNratTe EGRITY blood donors focus on health
above & beyond proud parents whats happening family news access
At Do it Best we are always focused on how we can help our member-owners grow their businesses. To
devote our attention to that goal it’s important that our infrastructure is in good functioning order at
our warehouses and our corporate office. That’s why the exterior concrete block walls of our Fort Wayne
building underwent maintenance and reconditioning.
A crew worked on the front of the building to repoint the mortar to ensure the wall preserves a watertight
surface. The crew also replaced bad blocks, repainted the wall, and updated the Do it Best Corp. sign with
brighter LED lighting. Last year, the same process was applied to the back wall of the building, and next
year the remaining two sidbeirsthwdiallysbeanrdecaonnndivietirosnareieds. health and safety career opportunities
Our Fort Wayne facility was built in 1948 and has undergone a number of expansions to meet the needs of our growing co-op. These latest
investments ensure that we are able to use the existing structure for years to come, “We want to be good stewards of our business assets
and this project was necessary to ensure the future integrity of our corporate office,” said Facilities Operations Manager Dan Dietlin.
The Lexington shipping team is upholding our initiative to be the first and best
choice in the home improvement industry by providing on time deliveries to
our member-owners. Trans Service, our transportation partner, awards the warehouse with
the best overall time delivery service and Lexington came out on top for the second year in a
row. “Our team is proud to be back to back recipients of this recognition. Shipping lead Chris
McKie and the entire shipping team focuses on getting trucks loaded on time so the Trans
Service drivers can make it to our members’ stores in a timely manner so this award is well-
deserved,” said General Manager Scott Smith.
EASY ACCESS TO Misplaced your most recent copy of Family News? You can easily access an electronic
FAMILY NEWS version any time by signing on to mytoolbox from work or home. We archive an entire
year’s worth of issues in the Family News section. Visit mytoolbox.doitbestcorp.com
and log in with your assigned ntserv\username and password.
2 Issue 12, 2018
MEET DENT JOHNSON On October 29, Dent Johnson advanced into the role of
Vice President of Merchandising. As the newest member
of the senior leadership team, Dent will set the strategic direction of the division as well as oversee
development and project management. Get to know Dent through this Q&A session.
second paycheck Q: What was your impression of Do it Best Q: What do you most appreciate about the legacy of leadership
celewbhraetne you first started? Whbalotoddredwonyoorsu that precfoecduessoynohue?alth
A: The division is in great shape because Steve Markley knew how
here as a place of employment? to keep everyone focused. His high standards have spurred team
members to accomplish great things for our members. The entire
A: Before working at Do it Best, I leadership team here at Do it Best “walks the walk” and embodies a
strong focus on members. No one is worried about titles - if there is
collaborated with Bob Taylor on various Fort Wayne community a problem we all work together to find the best solution.
projects. I also knew Dan Starr from my experience serving on the Q: What do you see as the Merchandising division’s top priority
this year?
Board of Directors for United Way. By spending time with Bob and A: We faarme iilny nthewe sparoccceessss of updating our forecasting and
replenishment system to improve accuracy and precision. We are
Dan I got to learn a lot about Do it Best and the servant-led culture of also looking at how we can help members compete using our
vendor relationships and ecommerce platform. Finally, we are
the company. When I started working here, I immediately experienced focused on how all these projects, and others, help us contribute
to the company’s initiative of being the first and best choice in the
the caring family atmosphere that Bob and Dan had described. independent home improvement industry.
bove & beyQo:nWd hat are you mosptrolouodkpinagrenfotsrward to in yourwrhoaltes ahsaptpheening
company’s VP of Merchandising?
A: Our industry is always changing and I look forward to finding
new and creative ways to help our member-owners compete and
win. There are a lot of hardworking people at Do it Best and I’m
looking forward to leveraging their knowledge and skills to create
profitable merchandising solutions.
Q: In your time at Do it Best, most recently as a divisional Q: In what ways are you active outside of Do it Best?
merchandise manager, what has prepared you most to lead the A: My wife Shannon and I have a 6 year old son named Cole and he
ays and annMAiv:eeIrrncsahmraienysdmisoinstgrdeicveinshiteoarnol?tlhe,anI dwsoarfkeetdy with numecroarueserporopdpuocrttucnaittieegsory keeps us busy. I also serve on the Board of Directors for United Way,
teams on strategic program development, vendor negotiations, and I’m the VP of the Regional Chamber of Northeast Indiana. As a
promotional opportunities and supply chain enhancements. My graduate from Clemson University, you’ll also find me cheering on
experience here has helped me understand the co-op model and the Tigers.
what it means to help our members grow and achieve their dreams.
CATCHING UP WITH Steve Markley Q: What do you value most about the
STEVE MARKLEY stepped into legacy of leadership at Do it Best?
the new role of A: Throughout my time with the company
I’ve been fortunate to be able to observe
Executive Vice good leaders in action at all levels of the
company. Our entire team is full of servant-
President of Operations on October 29. In this position, Steve will minded people who are member-focused and that starts at the very
top. I’ve served under four of the five presidents at Do it Best and
drive growth for our member-owners through our supply chain have had valuable takeaways from each one.
excellence as we continue to make strategic company investments. Q: What do you see as our top priority this fiscal year?
A: I think the company’s top priority is the same as its always been
We caught up with Steve for a quick Q&A session. - helping our members grow and achieve their dreams. Doing that
with a sense of urgency and a continued focus on finding efficiencies
Q: Your career at Do it Best began nearly 30 years ago. What drew in our business operations is very important. There are plenty of
you here initially? initiatives and challenges associated with that, but if we stay focused
A: My first experience with Do it Best was when the company was on that mission we will be well positioned for years to come.
HWI and the whole first floor of our current Fort Wayne location
was a functioning warehouse. I had a summer job working in the Q: In what ways are you active outside of Do it Best?
warehouse during college. I returned to the company after college A: Spending time with my family is at the top of my list. My wife
working in the Plumbing department as an assistant buyer. In both and I just made the transition to being empty nesters over the last
of those positions, I had the opportunity to work with and learn few years. Our three children are all out of college now. We enjoy
from really good leaders, Larry Schortgen in the warehouse and hiking and biking and I do a little running to stay active. Over the
Bud Scheimann in Plumbing. For me, the draw has always been the years, I’ve been involved with Study Connection, Homebound Meals,
quality of the people you get to work with here. and various non-profits in the community along with leadership
positions in our church.
Q: What are you most looking forward to in your role as the
company’s EVP of Operations?
A: I’m looking forward to supporting and working with all
divisions to successfully serve our members. There are always new
opportunities and challenges in our business and working with our
team to seize the opportunities and attack the challenges is a big
part of the adventure and the fun.
Issue 12, 2018 3
Do it Best has a long and rich At Do it Best, we work hard to ensure our
history that we work hard to not member-owners are positioned to compete
only preserve but to pass along and win with the right products, programs
to future generations. That’s why and services. One of the important ways we
we are always on the lookout for do that is through Alliance International, blood donors
items from company days goynoeu-br yse. cond paayscthreactkegic partnership cbeeletwbreaeten our co-op focus on health
Former Do it Best team member and and Home Hardware, a similar company
seasoned industry veteran Joe Mox serving independent home improvement
was in the process of downsizing retailers in Canada. Designed to mutually
and came across old HWI help our combined members grow their
memorabilia he acquired from his businesses by increasing their market share Part of the trip included team building activities to help
years of working here. Looking to and sales through improved merchandising, the two merchandising teams connect with each other.
give it a new home, Joe donated his the Alliance is a unique collaboration that This year’s groups bonded while bowling and conquering
collection to Do it Best, and drove now supports over 5,000 locations in North escape rooms.
from Ohio to personally drop it off America with $7 billion in buying power.
in Fort Wayne. The memorabiliaabove & beyond proud parents whats happening family news access
includes a number of diecast vintage With our members’ continued success in mind, Alliance Executive Director Greg Mann brought the
trucks and a model airplane.
two co-ops’ merchandising teams together at the Home Hardware corporate office in St. Jacobs,
Ontario for the annual Alliance Planning Conference. The primary purpose was to identify buying
opportunities and develop buying projects to pursue in 2019. By collaborating on in-depth line
r second paycheck celebrate reviews anbdlopodroddouncotros pportunities, thefoAclulias nocnehpeaalrtthnership’s goal is to deliver members a total of
$3 million in savings in 2019.
The trip kicked off with introductory presentations and a special message from Home Hardware’s
new President and CEO Kevin Macnab. Additionally, the conference served as a place for
birthdays and annpoitavhreterisrcaifpraiaecnset-stof-rfoamce.DTohoeigtaelBtthehseatrn,adtnhsdaefyHetogymotetoHagradiwn ainrcesaigrteohetbrsouopilndpoilnratdsutuninsittgrieyrsebleasttiopnrsahcitpicseasn, deflfeicairenncfrieosm, aenadch
innovations. “Home Hardware is a successful co-op doing many of the same things Do it Best is.
There is a great opportunity to learn from each other. Our vision is that the Alliance members will
collaborate in every applicable department and level, not just merchandising,” said Greg.
above & beyond proud parents whats happening family news access
ays and anniversaries health and safety Always looking for ways to connect
with the community and increase
VP of Logistics Tim Miller, who once visibility for our industry leading
worked for Joe in Marketing, accepted co-opca, roeeurroWppooordtubnuitrineswarehouse
the donation on behalf of Do it Best. team partnered with their area chamber of commerce to host a special networking event
where over 50 people from local businesses gathered for breakfast. They had the opportunity
to give attendees an inside look at warehouse operations and share with them how Do it Best
serves independent home improvement businesses throughout the western US.
To further our drive of attracting and retaining talented professionals and team
members, our employee referral program rewards staff for referring qualified
candidates who are hired for part- or full-time employment. Our Woodburn warehouse has had
great success with referrals. Recently, Ben Diaz and Ernie Velasco received their $250 merchandise
credit for the referral and hire of great new team members.
4 Issue 12, 2018
to the
The services provided each year by United Way are invaluable to the betterment of
our communities, which is why Do it Best was fully engaged in this year’s campaign, Family
Giving Our Best. Our team collectively raised over $268,000 with the pledges and donations going
toward the enhancements of communities all across the United States. Dixon
Brock Burgess
Fundraising efforts included games, events, and raffles, but none of it would have been possible Cain Crowe
without the giving spirit of each Do it Best staff member. As serious as fundraising can be, team Kyle Dalke
members from our eight warehouses and Burnsville embraced the campaign as an opportunity Shane Gonzalez
to have fun while giving back. This year, Mesquite earned the coveted Spirit of Giving award Tom Harrison
for raising $29,118 and Levi Henderson
Woodburn came in a Donna Mossholder
very close second raising Josh Tabor
$28,273. Tammy Todd
Fort Wayne
We extend our Melanie Miller (third from right) won the Poker tournament in Mesquite that Alex Bonilla Canales
appreciation to the United raised nearly $150 toward the campaign. Cameron Cooper
Way representatives for Greg Ernest
their hospitality toward our Amy Glick
team, and to everyone who Heather Rospond
took part in the planning Kyle Williams
and execution of another Medina
great campaign. Thank you Kristie Biros
to everyone who made a Mark Collyer
pledge to give their best in Jimmy Fazio
their community. Shannon Leahy
Shari Rector
CELEBRATE Colin Slykhuis
Leena Songer
Mesquite team members Stacey Warren and IT Project Manager Mike Beeren Mesquite
Lucio Flores were married on November 3. turned 40 on November 14 and Andres Robles
his co-workers joined him in Montgomery
celebrating his milestone occasion. Dave Acevedo
Shane Allison
The IT team saluted Robert Baker
Application Developer Devens Brown
Kim Hoffmann’s 60th Brad Davis
birthday on October 30. Don Higgins
Dylan Leveque
In honor of Engagement Team members helped Document On November 20, User Experience Dylan Martin
Manager Mike Barley’s 50th Services Specialist Connie Robb Designer Teresa Helbert turned 40 Vianey Romero
birthday, IT team members celebrate her 50th birthday on and fellow team members helped her Yoselin Segura
marked the occasion with November 14. celebrate her four decades of life. Dairis Simpson
decorations and a carry-in lunch Jamie Velasquez
on November 8. Deion Wagner
Tyler Pigg
Cameron Green
Caleb Hanson
Angie Krantz
Field Staff
Russ Goerlitz
Issue 12, 2018 5
Inventory Control Database Developer KENT DIVES INTO
Coordinator Diane Andrew and Paint RETIREMENT
Rorick welcomed Merchandise Manager
her grandson Axel Jenna Myers On October 3, Kent Jackson bid farewell to
Raymond into the celebrated the birth his Do it Best family in Sikeston after over 34
world on October 16. of their son Benjamin years of service. Kent worked in almost every
Raleigh on October 28. area of the warehouse during his tenure with
the company and spent the last several years
in the receiving department. To help him
celebrate, his wife Tammy attended the party
and Kent expressed how much he will miss his
coworkers. With more time on his hands, he
looks forward to nurturing his interest in auto mechanics and honing his scuba diving
skills as a certified search and rescue diver. “Kent’s versatility was an asset to the team
and his years of experience were invaluable,” said Department Manager Mark Ponder.
Eli James was born Copywriter Rachael OUT AND ABOUT: PEET VISITS NEW PLACES
to Auditor Betsy Henry and her
Harris and her husband Mike Graphic Artist Amanda Peet and her husband Tom are on a quest to visit
husband Ian on welcomed their son all 50 states, and a recent trip out West helped them check a few more
October 23. Apollo into the world places off the list. They spent three nights each in Las Vegas, Grand Canyon National
on October 16. Park, and Zion National Park.
ABOVE AND BEYOND: More interested in relaxing and sightseeing than trying their luck at the casinos, the
BREAKFAST OF Peets made sure to see the fountains at The Bellagio and the lights on Fremont Street.
CHAMPIONS They also attended the LOVE Cirque du Soleil show where Amanda got to sing along to
the music of the Beatles and get lost in the artistry of the performance.
Ahead of each market, our Graphics
department works together to make sure During their visit to the Grand Canyon, they explored the South Rim and discovered
everyone who goes to Indy is equipped with just how grand the canyon is. “It was hard to get my brain around what I was seeing
successful signage, presentations, booth and to really understand how deep and expansive the whole thing is,” Amanda said.
designs, handouts, and motion graphics. Additionally, one of the highlights of the trip was watching the sunrise over the Grand
To thank them for all their hard work prior Canyon. They got up early enough to see the stars and waited patiently for the sun to
to our recent fall market, Graphic Design expose the colors of the canyon. “Sunrises are particularly special to me because you
Supervisor Travis Bowersock made his have to make the effort to get up and see them. This sunrise was not only beautiful,
team a hearty breakfast of french toast and but a one-of-a-kind experience because we got to share it with people from all over the
sausage. “I’m really blessed to have the world and talk to them about their travels and backgrounds,” Amanda shared.
best team in the world and this was a way
for me to show our appreciation for their On their way to Zion National Park, the couple stopped in Mesquite, Nevada for
remarkable work,” said Travis. lunch and were only minutes away from our warehouse there. Once at the park, they
strapped on their hiking boots
for some scenic views. Feeling
determined to conquer one of the
steeper trails, Amanda enjoyed
the peace and tranquility at the
top and used her new camera to
capture some stunning shots of the
Now that they have explored
Arizona, Nevada, and Utah,
Amanda and Tom have their sights
set on the Pacific Northwest, but
plan to go wherever the next
opportunity arises. “There are so
many cool places to visit in our
country, and I want to see them
all,” Amanda noted.
6 Issue 12, 2018
Crai Norris is a member of the Former Communications
Lexington shipping team and also Intern Carli Stewart
a member of the South Carolina Army National recently graduated from the Greater
Guard. As part of his service to our country, Crai Fort Wayne (GFW) Fellows internship
was called for extended training and will be away program. The GFW Fellows program
from the warehouse for quite some time. To is a 12-week project-based internship
celebrate his service and wish him well during his designed to bring and keep talented
absence, young people in Fort Wayne.
Lexington Being chosen for the program
team had
patriotic was no easy task. After submitting
and gave a resume, cover letter, letter of Communications Director Randy Rusk joined
Crai a recommendation, maintaining a 3.0 Amanda in attending Carli’s recognition banquet
cake to or better GPA, and nailing a phone for the GFW Fellows program.
share with interview, Carli joined an elite group
his family.
Thanks of college students for the 2018
for your
service, class of GFW Fellows. These participants from Indiana and surrounding areas all lived
together in Purdue Fort Wayne campus housing provided through the program.
Part of the program included placement in an internship, and Carli was matched
with Do it Best. Majoring in communications and public relations at Saint Francis,
interning in our Communications department was a great fit for her. She was also
paired up with Consumer Marketing Specialist Amanda Bentley, who served as her
mentor and guide. “I am so glad the Fellows program gave me the opportunity to
intern at Do it Best. I loved interacting with people from different departments and
getting to experience the family-like culture. The bar is set high now for future jobs,”
remarked Carli.
Partnering with the Greater Fort Wayne Fellows program has provided Do it Best with
a couple of very successful interns, and interviewing is currently underway for a 2019
intern to follow in Carli’s footsteps.
Embodying the spirit of Each year the community of Mesquite puts on a
giving exemplified by Festival of Trees to raise money for the local art
many of our Do it Best staff members, council. Businesses and individuals donate decked out trees
the Lexington team conducted a food for auction and our Mesquite team members got in on the
drive for their local Harvest Hope Food action. They trimmed a tree for the event with a red, white
Bank. Each person who brought in and blue theme to honor veterans. Great job, everyone.
at least 5 canned goods was entered
into a raffle. Team Member Brian Hill
donated over 500 canned goods and
passed out his raffle tickets to fellow
employees so that everyone had a
chance to win. After the collection
was over, Department Manager Patti
Shumpert and Team Member Donald
Kaminer loaded their vehicles with the
food and delivered it to the food bank.
CAREER OPPORTUNITIES As Do it Best Corp. continues to grow, there may be career opportunities
for you to pursue within the company. Visit mytoolbox.doitbestcorp.com
AT DO IT BEST CORP. for a complete list of all openings and contact the Human Resources team
if you’re qualified for and interested in a new role.
Issue 12, 2018 7
Many of our Do it Best
Claims Clerk
team members take their Samantha Cox’s
son Caiden is a
talents outside of work and share their kindergartener at
Aboite Elementary,
gifts with their communities. Such is and his school
is partnering
the case with Graphic Artist Amanda with the World
Wear Project to
Peet. After channeling her love for collect gently
used shoes. World
classic Auburn cars and using her Wear Project is a
fundraising and
artistic abilities, she was selected as the textile recycling
program with
new poster artist for the annual Auburn a three-fold
purpose. First,
Cord Duesenberg Festival held each for every 60
pound box of
Her coworkers were present to congratulate Labor Day weekend in Auburn, Indiana. used shoes the
school fills, they
her and see her reaction when given the With the retirement and eventual receive money for extra school supplies and
framed piece. passing of the festival’s longtime special activities. Additionally, the donations
provide people in other countries with shoes
internationally known artist, a poster they might not have otherwise. Finally, the
project keeps old shoes out of our landfills and
competition was conducted to find someone to fill his shoes and Amanda swept helps cut down on waste. “Over 300 million
pairs of shoes are dumped into landfills every
the competition with her sleek poster design featuring the tail of an Auburn year and it takes a long time for each pair to
degrade. Most people routinely get rid of old
Speedster. shoes anyway so why not help the school, help
others, and help our planet by donating them
It’s been a whirlwind experience for Amanda. As the festival’s artist, she got to the World Wear Project,” Samantha said.
to ride in the parade, take part in festival meet and greets, and see her design
on everything from flags, to posters and T-shirts - even wine bottles. To honor Samantha keeps a few boxes outside her
Amanda for her outstanding accomplishment, VP of Marketing Rich Lynch cubicle in the Finance division and invites
presented her with a framed copy of the article about her that was featured in team members to drop off shoes at any time.
the festival guidebook. Donations can include almost any kind of
wearable shoes for men, women, and children.
CORBIN CONTRIBUTES SERVICE INSIGHTS “I’ve collected about 30 pairs of shoes so far
and I’ll be collecting them through the end of
When former Do it Best team member Ben Wahli invited Loyalty & the school year.” Great work, Samantha and
Online Marketing Manager Corbin Prows to join him as a guest Caiden!
speaker at a class on customer service, he was honored to help. Together they
contributed insights to a group of students at Purdue University Fort Wayne. “I
shared information about how we operate our Best Rewards loyalty program and
stressed the importance of using data to deliver individualized customer service.
Ben used his experience as a realtor and talked about how to create personalized
experiences for every client,” Corbin said.
With the class of about 20 students
from a wide range of industries and
backgrounds, Corbin had the opportunity
to answer specific questions from the
audience to help them advance their
knowledge and education of outstanding
customer service and loyalty.
The Mesquite Cancer Help Society held
a 5K fundraiser and 10 team members
from the Mesquite warehouse participated. Peyton
Smith (fourth from the right) finished second
overall with a time of 21:07, and Miguel Rodriguez
(second from the right) placed third overall with a
time of 21:08. It was a festive event for a great local
cause. Fantastic job, everyone!
8 Issue 12, 2018
Veterans Day is about
honoring all the men and Keeping with tradition, participants got
women who have served in the US Armed into character for the annual Halloween
Forces. As a poignant reminder of the costume contest. There were winners
dedication of our troops, Logistics Lead selected for best groups and individuals.
Ralph Parcell has a calendar in his office Individual prizes went to Mike “Lurch”
showing service men and women in Post (1st), Trisha “Shower Girl” Hinen
action. When the calendar was flipped (2nd), and Courtney “Bob Ross”
to November, fellow team member Dave Herring (3rd).
Grames recognized one of the men in the
photo was his son, Marine Lance Cpl. David The group winners included Spongebob in
Grames Sanchez, who died 12 years ago in Jellyfish Fields (1st), The Spice Girls (2nd), and
a tank accident in Iraq. It was a seemingly “Stick” Around for Halloween (3rd).
coincidental discovery for Dave who always
remembers that his son, like so many others, During an employee board
gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country. sponsored event, team members
“I’m speechless and in shock about the raced against the clock competing
whole thing. I haven’t seen that picture in in minute to win it challenges and
over ten years, but when I saw it on the enjoyed popcorn and apple cider.
calendar I recognized it right away and I
couldn’t stop Staff perused and purchased items For this year’s
staring. All this from the onsite book and gift fair Festival of
time and my son organized by the employee board. Trees, Tammy
is still coming Heffelfinger,
around to Amy Schmitz and
remind me that Terri Wunderlin
he is part of my decorated a
life,” Dave said. beautiful tree
with a White
Dave shows the Christmas theme,
patriotic calendar's complete with
November image, sleigh bells in the
which struck snow. This tree
an immediate will be raffled
memory of the off to one lucky
photo his son sent staff member on
him in 2004. December 12
with all proceeds
On behalf of the Do it Best team, President going to our
& CEO Dan Starr presented Dave with the Parkview
commemorative framed photo on Veterans Day. Christmas Kids
Issue 12, 2018 9
LEXINGTON To celebrate Things got spooky with a costume contest
Thanksgiving, team and pumpkin carving competition.
members enjoyed a
festive lunch catered by Lizard’s Thicket.
Chadonna Burgess Gino Tolentino won the pumpkin carving competition
finished second in the with his white pumpkin pictured on the far left.
costume contest and Pam
Caldwell took first place.
Staff feasted on a Families enjoyed the annual apple and pumpkin picking event at Lawrence
delicious Thanksgiving Farm. The children especially liked the farm’s petting zoo and play village.
potluck spread that
included turkey cooked To thank the warehouse for their business, vendor partner Power Pallet treated team
on one team member’s members to a cookout complete with hamburgers, hot dogs, sauerkraut, and chips.
Traeger Grill and a
beautiful cake made by SIKESTON Team members and their families
Alexis Beaumont. gathered at Beggs Family Farm for a
beautiful fall afternoon. Attendees
Team enjoyed everything from pony rides and pig races to
members pumpkin picking and a haunted hall of horrors.
spirit of
and three
the best
finished 1st, Jason Rudy and his daughter
Gabriella took 2nd as characters from The
Hangover, and Miguel Rodriguez placed
3rd with his piggyback ride costume.
10 Issue 12, 2018
SIKESTON For Halloween, creative costumes WACO
added excitement to the work day.
Team members participated in the annual Team members were feeling full and thankful after their
chili cook off. Ryan Steimle (left) prevailed Thanksgiving luncheon complete with pumpkin and
as the chili cook off winner with Tanika pecan pie for dessert.
Spence (right) in second place and
Michael Bayer (middle) taking third. Staff
could donate money to eat with funds
going towards United Way.
L to R: Veronique Cain (3rd) dressed as
a bloody zombie, Renea Ruppenthal
(2nd) was a toothy dentist known as
Dr. Slobber, Derek Dinkens (1st) was
Lieutenant Dan from Forrest Gump, and
Jennifer Henson (3rd) dressed as a mime.
In addition to effectively securing sensitive information on electronic procedure,
devices, it is important to follow best practices for electronic device but most
disposal. Computers, smartphones, and cameras allow you to smartphones
keep a great deal of information at your fingertips, but when you and tablets
dispose of, donate, or recycle a device you may inadvertently disclose can be reset
sensitive information which could be exploited by cyber criminals. through their
settings. In
Methods for removing data addition,
There are a variety of methods for permanently erasing data from physically remove the memory card and the subscriber identity
your devices (also called sanitizing). module card, if your device has one.
Backing up data - Saving your data to another device or a second • D igital cameras, media players, and gaming consoles - Perform
location (an external hard drive or the cloud) can help you recover a standard factory reset (a hard reset) and physically remove the
your data if your device is stolen. Backing up your data can also help hard drive or memory card.
you identify exactly what information a thief may have been able to
access. • O ffice equipment (copiers, printers, fax machines, multifunction
devices) - Remove any memory cards from the equipment. Perform
Deleting data - Removing data from your device can be one method a full manufacture reset to restore the equipment to its factory
of sanitization. When you delete files from a device—although the default.
files may appear to have been removed—data remains on the media
even after a delete or format command is executed. Permanent data Overwriting - Another method of sanitization is to delete sensitive
deletion requires several steps. For computers, use a disk cleaning information and write new binary data over it. Using random data
software designed to permanently remove the data stored on a instead of easily identifiable patterns makes it harder for attackers to
computer hard drive to prevent the possibility of recovery. This is a discover the original information underneath.
set of commands in the firmware of most computer hard drives. If
you select a program that runs the secure erase command set, it will Destroying - Physical destruction of a device is the ultimate way to
erase the data by overwriting all areas of the hard drive. prevent others from retrieving your information. Specialized services
are available that will disintegrate, burn, melt, or pulverize your
Disk wiping - This is a utility that erases sensitive information on computer drive and other devices. If you choose not to use a service,
hard drives and securely wipes flash drives and secure digital cards. you can destroy your hard drive by driving nails or drilling holes into
the device yourself. The remaining physical pieces of the drive must be
• S martphones and tablets - Ensure that all data is removed from small enough (at least 1/125 inches) that your information cannot be
your device by performing a hard reset. This will return the device reconstructed from them.
to its original factory settings. Each device has a different hard reset
Issue 12, 2018 11
We know that Christmas dinner is one of those traditional meals Starchy sides, from worst to best
where everyone would like to pretend that calories didn’t exist—and 4. C ornbread - 2 x 2 slice with butter, 190 calories, 9 g fat
how awesome would it be if that were actually the case?
(4 g saturated), 450 mg sodium
The good news is that it’s totally possible to enjoy all of your favorite 3. Canned sweet potatoes - 1⁄2 cup, 160 calories, 4 g fat
holiday foods without growing a gut. To help you out, we’ve looked
at the nutritionals for every major player on the holiday table and (0 g saturated), 80 mg sodium
ranked them from worst to best. See how all of your favorite dishes 2. Roll with butter - 130 calories 5 g fat (2 g saturated) 210 mg
stack up.
Appetizers from worst to best 1. Mashed potatoes - 1⁄2 cup made with whole milk, 87 calories,
4. Pigs in a blanket - 4 pieces, 533 calories, 33 g fat
3. Swedish meatballs - 4 pieces, 320 calories, 16 g fat 0.5 g fat (0.5 g saturated), 317 mg sodium
2. P rosciutto-wrapped melon balls - 4 pieces, 100 calories,
Cocktails, from worst to best
4.77 g fat 4. Hot cocoa with peppermint schnapps - 378 calories, 11 g fat
1. Habanero stuffed olives - 0.50 oz., 15 calories, 1.5 g fat 3. Chocolate martini - 330 calories, 6 g fat
2. Hot toddy - 145 calories, 0 g fat
1. Vodka soda with lime - 120 calories, 0 g fat
SAFETY CORNER Presented by your safety committee Watch Out for Fire Starters
CELEBRATE SAFELY Thousands of deaths are caused by fires, burns and
other fire-related injuries every year, and 12% of
Many people choose to travel during the holidays by automobile, home candle fires occur in December, the National
with the highest fatality rate of any major form of transportation. Fire Protection Association reports. Increased use of
In 2015, 386 died on Thanksgiving Day, another 273 perished candles and fireplaces, combined with an increase
on Christmas Day and 355 lives were lost on New Year's Day, in the amount of combustible, seasonal decorations
according to Injury Facts 2017. Alcohol-impaired fatalities represent in many homes means more risk for fire.
about one-third of the totals.
• N ever leave burning candles unattended or sleep
• U se a designated driver to ensure guests make it home safely in a room with a lit candle
after a holiday party; alcohol, over-the-counter or illegal drugs all
cause impairment • Keep candles out of reach of children
• Make sure candles are on stable surfaces
• M ake sure every person in the vehicle is properly buckled up no • Don't burn candles near trees, curtains or any
matter how long or short the distance traveled
other flammable items
• P ut that cell phone away; many distractions can occur while • D on't burn trees, wreaths or wrapping paper in
driving, but cell phones are the main culprit
the fireplace
• P roperly maintain the vehicle and keep an emergency kit with you • C heck and clean the chimney and fireplace area at
• B e prepared for heavy traffic, and possibly heavy snow
least once a year
Decking the Halls
Decorating is one of the best ways to get in a holiday mood, Don't Give the Gift of Food Poisoning
but emergency rooms see thousands of injuries involving holiday The US Department of Health and Human Services
decorating every season. provides some holiday food safety tips. Here are a
• S praying artificial snow can irritate your lungs if inhaled; follow
directions carefully • Do not rinse raw meat and poultry before cooking
• U se a food thermometer to make sure meat is
• D ecorate the tree with your kids in mind; move ornaments that
are breakable or have metal hooks toward the top cooked to a safe temperature
• Refrigerate food within two hours
• A lways use the proper stepladder; don't stand on chairs or other • L eftovers are safe for four days in the refrigerator
furniture • B ring sauces, soups and gravies to a rolling boil
• L ights are among the best parts of holiday decorating; make when reheating
sure there are no exposed or frayed wires, loose connections or • When storing turkey, cut the leftovers in small
broken sockets, and don't overload your electrical circuits
pieces so they will chill quickly
• P lants can spruce up your holiday decorating, but keep those
that may be poisonous (including some Poinsettias) out of reach
of children or pets; the national Poison Control Center can be
reached at 800.222.1222
Find, Friend & Follow Us Issue 12, 2018