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Find, Friend & Follow Us Issue 5 | 2019
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INCOM goes Caring Waggoner
on the road for animals leads the way
The North American Retail Hardware Association (NRHA) is nearly halfway through a yearlong series profiling the home
improvement industry’s leading distributors in their monthly magazine, Hardware Retailing. As the only full-service co-op
for independent lumberyards and hardware businesses, Do it Best was the magazine's featured wholesaler for the month of April.
To help share the Do it Best story in the special insert, representatives from the NRHA came to our Fort Wayne headquarters and met
with President & CEO Dan Starr, EVP of Operations Steve Markley, and VP of Marketing Rich Lynch to learn about our strategic
vision, supply chain initiatives, and marketing approaches. “I want people to know that we are focused on helping our members grow
and compete by creating a first and best choice experience for their customers. For this profile series, I shared how we are doing that,”
said Dan.
Collaborating with the NRHA on the creation of this profile was a great opportunity to communicate what makes us different and
what we are doing to be an exceptional industry leader. In his Q&A session with Hardware Retailing, Steve focused on how our
supply chain plans demonstrate distribution excellence by working to find efficiencies and cost saving solutions. He also spoke on how
innovations like The Color Bar are leading to increased sales for our members.
Looking to highlight how we successfully help members navigate the changing landscape of marketing, Rich elaborated on the Digital
Dashboard and how it enables members to put together a plan encompassing multiple forms of advertising. “Marketing is more
involved than it’s been in the past and with the Digital Dashboard we give members a resource that pulls together multiple marketing
elements for a customized plan,” said Rich.
The final element of the magazine profile included a compelling story on Trio Hardware about how owners Todd and Ritsa Kirschner
confidently designed a brand new store with full support and expertise from our team. “Trio’s story is a great example of a retailer
focused on growth and relying on the resources of its community and its co-op to accomplish something great,” said Communications
Director Randy Rusk who worked closely with the NRHA to assemble the profile. Be sure to read the full story on Trio Hardware
(including online exclusive stories about Ambridge Do it Best Home Center and Bliffert Lumber & Hardware) along with an
in-depth profile of Do it Best in the April issue of Hardware Retailing.
© 2019 Do it Best Corp. All rights reserved.
your second paycheck celebrate blood donors focus on health
Did you know that within your HSA you can reallocate funds
into different investment accounts? As long as you have at least
VISION REIMBURSEMENT $1,000 in your HSA, you can reallocate the remainder of the
funds into different investment options.
Make sure you are maximizing your vision coverage benefit
by electronically submitting your vision reimbursement form. Follow these steps on to learn
This is the most efficient and fastest way to receive your more:
above & beyond proud parents whats happening family news access
• Click Individuals/Employees, then click About HSAs, then click
• Log into Investment Services and scroll down.
• Click on Coverage • Locate the investment enrollment form towards the middle,
• Click on Vision under the picture.
• Click on the Visit Cigna Vision link
• Click Customer Reimbursement Form • Download the investment enrollment form. In the middle of the
• Follow instructions to complete and submit the Online Form screen, under the picture, there is an "HSA Investment Options"
link which will direct you to our annualized rate of returns.
All dental providers can submit their claim to Cigna. Just
present your medical ID card. The provider does not need to Remember, like any investment account, you can realize gains or
birthdays and anniversaries health and safety career opportunities
be in-network to do this. If you wish to pay in full at the time losses. If you have any questions or would like to transfer funds
of service and submit a reimbursement form later, mail the from your HSA checking to your HSA investment, please call the
form, along with the itemized receipt, to the address on the HSA department directly at 866.685.1064.
back of your insurance card.
To provide our INCOM members with accessible training opportunities, Account Executive Amy Onion and Conversion
Manager Brad Woolace held day-long training sessions for Do it Best INCOM Supply and INCOM members at our
Montgomery warehouse. “We regularly offer the INCOM Supply training school in Fort Wayne, but it isn’t always practical for
everyone to travel to Indiana. We decided to host a regional session to make it accessible to members who might not be able to come
to us,” said Amy.
This training session was a condensed version of the regular two-day event in Fort Wayne and it was divided into two parts - one day
for INCOM Supply members and one day for true INCOM Distributor Supply members. Brad created and facilitated the curriculum
and covered topics like value added selling, customer segmentation, and cost to serve. Meanwhile, Amy reviewed the marketing tools
available to both our INCOM Supply and INCOM members such as the Tool Book and Pro Planner. “Because of the nature of their
business, our true industrial/commercial members don’t often come to our markets, so it was great to be able to build in-person
relationships and credibility with these business owners.”
Holding the training at the Montgomery warehouse also provided the opportunity for members to take a tour of the facility and
get a well-rounded view of the supply chain process. Additionally, key vendors were on hand to connect with attendees and
provide product
demonstrations. “This
regional training session
was a success and
we’re looking to do
more events like this
in the future for both
our INCOM Supply and
INCOM members,” said
2 Issue 5, 2019
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proud parents
birthdays and anniversaries
career opportunities
health and safety
LEADERS WRAP UP LDI TRAINING family news access Welcome
The Leadership Development to the
Institute (LDI), created to
advance the skills of company managers
and supervisors, recently wrapped up the Family
last of its four day-long sessions spread over
the first quarter of this year. Throughout
the experience participants tackled topics
on servant leadership, team building, Dixon
performance management, adaptability, Rachael Cornwell
and emotional intelligence. They gained Will Degelmann
valuable insight from our executive leadership team and evaluated case studies, real world business Jason Dziudzek
challenges, and worked in small groups on team exercises. Art Hultin
Caitlyn Linscott
“LDI was a great experience and a wonderful program for our leaders!” said Divisional Merchandise
Manager Jason Stofleth about his time in the class. “I appreciated the deep dive into teamwork Todd Pitman
and being able to apply what we learned with practical case studies. A key takeaway for me was to Aaron Stoudt
make sure I always remember why I’m doing something to help keep perspective and uphold our Killian Vayda
corporate philosophy.” Medina
Others enjoyed the networking opportunities and team building exercises. “Being fairly new to the Corey Brayer
company, LDI allowed me to network and make new friends with fellow team members,” noted Garrett Clark
new HR Administrator Cari Fulker of her experience. “It helped affirm that the people I work with Laura Gibson
truly want me to succeed and are willing to help me when I need them.” Courtney Hammond
Stephen Janidlo
Jarrod Rhodes
Lisa Westfall
Steven Engstrom
Manny Gonzales
Johnny Guerrero
Gio Sosa
Shameeka Amos
Steven Fitch
Mark Herrera
CELEBRATE On April 12, Briyana Anderson
Associate Stephen Cantrell
Renee Dickerson
Manager Lane Dunning
Jordan Jami Gregory
Collins and Brent Revelles
Associate Merchandise
Manager Laci Scheib his wife Molly Waco
and her husband Nick welcomed Lorena Lozanoo
celebrated the birth of their son
their daughter Alice Bennett Scott Woodburn
Maeline on April 14. into the Alex Gaytan Hernandez
Misplaced your most recent copy of Family News? You can easily access an electronic
EASY ACCESS TO version any time by signing on to mytoolbox from work or home. We archive an entire
FAMILY NEWS year’s worth of issues in the Family News section. Visit
and log in with your assigned ntserv\username and password.
Issue 5, 2019 3
CELEBRATE In anticipation of her first child, BLOOD
the Sales team held a baby
shower for Support Coordinator DONORS
Lisa Dudeck.
We thank these Fort Wayne
team members for giving the
To celebrate her milestone birthday gift of life:
on April 13, co-workers enjoyed cake
Michael Burd
and other birthday goodies with Sales Bryan Chamberlain
Department Assistant Mary Thompson.
Brian Christophel
Chris Davidson
Taren Eddy
Laura Frederick
Chad Frederickson
Cari Fulker
Deanna Gallegos
Amy Glick
John Gross
Sarah Krey
Dori Meighan
Steve Myers
Derek Opliger
Julie Raspiller
On April 2, Systems Engineer Rita Roberts
David Isaacs celebrated his Amanda Roy
30th birthday and fellow IT team Jason Stofleth
members decorated his work Dan Walton
space. Michael Zadylak
After 20 years Serving our team in
of service, Sikeston for almost 44
Vicki Blauvelt years, Chris Hampton
worked her clocked out for the last
last day on time on March 25. He
March 22. She spent the majority of
started her his career as a stocker in
career at the bin section before
Do it Best as a going to bulk order fill.
stock clerk in Chris was a man of very
Finance, and few words, but he had a
then joined great sense of humor and
the Logistics wit. Chris' expertise and
team in 2012. warehouse knowledge
In retirement, will be greatly missed,
Vicki looks forward to spending time at her new but the team wished him
house with her husband, fishing in their pond, luck in this new chapter
and entertaining her four grandkids. of his life.
CAREER OPPORTUNITIES As Do it Best Corp. continues to grow, there may be career opportunities
for you to pursue within the company. Visit for a
AT DO IT BEST CORP. complete list of all openings and contact the Human Resources team if
you’re qualified for and interested in a new role.
4 Issue 5, 2019
On Friday, April 5, Elaine Estes wrapped up her career at our Sikeston warehouse.
Since 2003 she worked in various order filling positions and helped grow the
Sikeston employee board into what it is today. “The passion and care she put into planning
events was phenomenal and she spent a great deal of time making decorations or prizes for team
celebrations,” said Department Manager Mark Ponder. “She enjoyed making others happy and
her concern for those dealing with life changes was always very sincere.” In retirement, Elaine
looks forward to spending time with her family and grandkids and will most likely be around to
continue helping with employee board events.
Communications Specialist Lauren
Brune recently represented
Do it Best in a panel discussion on thought
leadership. One of her former college professors
regularly helps organize events for Northeast
Indiana’s chapter of the Public Relations Society
of America and asked Lauren to contribute to
the panel after noticing the large number of
people following the Do it Best LinkedIn page.
“She recognized that our thriving social media
platforms indicate something bigger - that Do it
Best has established itself as an industry leader
and people are listening to what we have to
say,” said Lauren.
Along with Ron Lewis from The Lewis Influence and Christopher Mann from PumpJack Marketing, Lauren fielded questions during
the panel discussion illustrating how she helps Do it Best position itself as an industry leader. “It was a privilege to be a part of the
conversation to share how I help take all our programs and services and communicate them in a focused way that’s meaningful to our
Video Services Supervisor Scott Kopecky has a passion for volunteering where the fur is flyin’ and the tails are waggin’.
Once a week, he serves at the Fort Wayne Animal Care and Control center playing with dogs and getting them out of
their kennels to use the bathroom and burn some energy. “I’ve had pets my whole life and I’ve wanted to do this for years. Now that
my kids are grown and I have more free time on my hands, I decided to give it a try,” said Scott.
While volunteering, Scott interacts with all kinds of dogs. For some, he is a friendly face with a ball and a bag full of treats. For
others, he is a trainer giving commands and getting the dogs comfortable for
adoption. Scott and the other volunteers also share the responsibility of doing
the laundry from the animals’ bedding and helping set up and run special
community events like the recent Easter Bone Hunt at a local park.
“Fort Wayne Animal Care and Control relies heavily on volunteers to do all
sorts of jobs. Right now my service is limited to mainly once a week, but in
the future I want to drive dogs to other centers for specialized care or foster
animals for future adoption,” he added.
Volunteering with Fort Wayne Animal Care and Control has been truly fulfilling
for Scott and he looks forward to his Thursday afternoons when he heads to
the center after work. Even his family is excited to see him doing something he
enjoys and giving back to the community. “I think I get more out of this than
the dogs do. It’s cool to be on the other side of the adoption process, and my
wife and kids are always asking me about my evenings with the animals.”
Issue 5, 2019 5
Team members passionate about
demonstrating the importance of reading
to students in Northeast Indiana recently
wrapped up another year of Real Men Read.
The program offered through Big Brothers Big
Sisters is an opportunity for second and third
grade students to have a male role model bring Patrick (pictured above) and Randy (below) smile for photos with their Real Men Read students.
the magic of reading to life.
“Kids are inundated with visual stimuli and
getting them to look at a book for an extended
period of time can be nearly impossible,” said
volunteer and Merchandise Manager Patrick
Luce. “By going into the classroom and reading
them stories, I’m able to add excitement to the
narrative. The kids become engaged and want
to know what comes next. This program allows
volunteers to jumpstart kids' imaginations.”
Do it Best Corp. has supported the program
since its inception and company volunteer
readers this school year also included Tom
Barfell, Randy Rusk, and Dan Walton.
Since 2006, Young Leaders of Northeast Indiana and DISC Assessment to be the most valuable parts of her
(YLNI) has been offering young professionals the experience. “We spent a lot of time identifying our personal
opportunity to connect with their peers and their community strengths and analyzing how we can use them to make the
while advancing their career skills through the Leadership biggest impact. It was very eye-opening and taught me how to
Institute. Forty people completed the 2019 class, and Product best handle different types of people and situations.”
Content Manager Jessica Waggoner was among the graduates.
Another part of the program provided Jessica with the
With six day-long sessions, the Institute requires commitment opportunity to volunteer at the Ronald McDonald House and
and a willingness to learn from each of the participants selected learn what it means to be a board member for nonprofits in
through the in-depth application process. Jessica chose to apply Fort Wayne. “Before this session, I didn’t really know anything
because of her desire to grow professionally and personally. about serving on a nonprofit board, or how to get started. We
“I had been considering the program for awhile,” she said. discussed what it takes to be involved on a board of directors,
“I’ve been through LDI here at Do it Best and YLNI’s Leadership including the legal aspects and personal responsibilities.”
Institute was an opportunity to learn from people outside of our
industry and expand my connections and understanding of other Having completed the program, Jessica has built valuable
connections with people outside of our industry and knows how
businesses in Fort Wayne.”
to leverage her strengths to better serve others in her community,
The Institute provided valuable insight from speakers and her personal life, and here at Do it Best. She even joined a
community leaders, but Jessica found the Gallup Strengthsfinder committee to help plan a leadership institute for area college
students through YLNI because of the great experiences she had
with the program.
While at the Ronald McDonald House, Jessica (front right) and fellow
Leadership Institute participants handed out toys to children staying in the
pediatrics unit and assisted with administrative work.
6 Issue 5, 2019
VP of HR and General Counsel Gary Furst’s son Caleb is a sophomore
at Blackhawk Christian High School and plays basketball on the boys'
varsity team. Caleb and his team recently won the school's first-ever
state championship at Bankers Life Fieldhouse in Indianapolis.
Caleb, a 6’9’’ forward, started playing basketball in the second
grade and has been hooked on the sport ever since. His keen ability
to get up and down the court and show grace and skill around the
basket earned him a spot on the varsity team his freshman year.
Gary is proud of Caleb's athletic ability, but cares most about his
character. “Caleb works hard both on and off the court. He does well Caleb pictured holding the ball after his team’s championship win.
academically, and he is humble and focused,” he said.
The employee board treated team
members to delicious soft pretzels and
dipping sauces.
enjoyed a
morning at
Crazy Pinz
playing mini
golf, laser
tag, and
bowling with
their families.
members and
their families
gathered for their annual
Easter eggstravaganza
where children colored
eggs and enjoyed an egg
hunt. Later, the Easter In honor of Professional Administrative's Day, the
Bunny made an appearance management team presented Jodi Menz, Malia
and everyone ate lunch on Miller, and Tina Eaker with flowers thanking them
a beautiful spring day. for their hard work.
Issue 5, 2019 7
FOCUS ON HEALTH SAFETY CORNER Presented by your safety committee
Summer is coming and the warm sun feels Staying safe no matter where you go or what you do can
great after a long cold winter. As you are sometimes be as simple as using your resources and a bit of
soaking up the rays, take a few minutes to common sense. To protect yourself and your family against those
protect your skin and help prevent diseases. looking to steal your possessions or information, follow these eight
• Put on sunscreen with sun protective factor (SPF) 15 or higher and
with both ultraviolet A and ultraviolet B (UVA and UVB) protection. 1. Keep your car keys on your night table. If your car is in range
Reapply sunscreen after swimming and excessive sweating. of your bedroom, pressing the panic button will cause the horn to
• Seek shade and consider wearing a wide-brimmed hat. blast and the headlights to flash – potentially saving lives during a
• Cover up with clothing and sunglasses. home invasion by scaring criminals away.
• Avoid using tanning beds and sunlamps. 2. Be careful what information you share on social media.
• Put on insect repellent with DEET or Picaridin to protect from Do not publicly post check-ins to distant locales or respond to
mosquito and tick bites.
invitations to future events that involve all residents of your home –
you may be letting the world know that your home will be empty.
INFORMATION SECURITY: YOU'VE Posting information about your children’s schedules may also
increase the chances that they will be targeted by people with bad
3. Lock up any prescription medications in your possession that
The most common subject lines used in phishing emails targeting are likely to be desired by drug addicts. You do not know the
businesses show how cyber criminals are exploiting urgency and curiosities or addictions of everyone who visits your home. Leaving
personalization in order to trick victims into clicking on malicious such drugs in locations where they can be stolen can lead to serious
links, downloading malware, or surrendering confidential or sensitive problems.
corporate information. Cyber criminals are well aware that people
respond to dozens, if not hundreds, of emails a day – and this is 4. Place a crumpled tissue in the peephole of hotel room doors
reflected in the most common subject lines used when conducting so that nobody can see in. Peephole one-way technology is not
business email attacks. foolproof.
The simple trick that attackers are using is to make potential victims 5. If you receive a call from your credit card company about
think they need to open and respond to the email as a matter of potential fraud on your account, hang up and call the number
urgency, especially if the message is designed to look as if it comes printed on the back of your card. If you are in a hotel and get a
from one of their colleagues or their boss. That could nudge the call to your room from its staff about a problem with your credit
victim into responding quickly without thinking. card or regarding the need to enter your room for a repair or any
other reason – hang up and call back.
According to industry analysis, the top scammy subject lines are
based around the following key phrases: 6. Block people’s view of your hand when entering alarm
codes, PIN numbers, etc. Cameras are recording everywhere and
1. Request 7. Purchase even your own smartphone’s camera may be recording you when
2. Follow up 8. Invoice Due you do not expect it – so, if you do not wish to be recorded, cover
3. Urgent/Important 9. Re: it when not in use. Likewise check any ATM that you use for added-
4. Are you available?/Are you at 10. Direct Deposit on cameras or skimming technology. If the card reader appears to
your desk? 11. Expenses have been tampered with find another machine.
5. Payment Status 12. Payroll
6. Hello 7. Never use a candle for light during a power failure caused by
Today cyber scammers don't need to a wind-related condition until after the weather has passed. If a
send ransomware. They can simply window were to break or wind were to enter your home and knock
use social manipulation to get the over a candle, the situation could go from bad to horrific.
recipient to send a ransom, which is 8. Carry your car keys in your hand when walking in a parking
far cheaper, more effective, and lot. This reduces the amount of time it takes to get into your car
harder to detect. and to start it, reducing your exposure to attack.
To avoid falling victim to phishing
attacks, cybersecurity researchers
recommend the implementation
of multi-factor authentication to provide users with an extra layer of
protection. Those techniques should be combined with user training
and the use of security software.
Find, Friend & Follow Us Issue 5, 2019