above & beyond proud parents whats happening family news access
Find, Friend & Follow Us Issue 7 | 2018
ays and anniversaries health and safety career opportunities
Sikeston makes Getting technical Celebrating
safety top priority in Vegas citizenship
As we continually strengthen Do it Best Corp. as the first and best A record number of prospective members attended the spring market.
choice in the home improvement industry, it’s important to recognize With the rollout of the Transportation Management System (TMS) and
the outstanding energy we created throughout the 2018 fiscal year Orders Without Labor (OWL), we delivered member inventory more
thanks to the commitment and focus of everyone on our team. That efficiently and quickly than ever before. TMS continues to help us
was never more apparent than the second half of the year when the design efficient routes for outbound deliveries with a goal of reducing
industry changed overnight after True Value’s announcement that they the distance our trucks travel by one million miles. And all these
were abandoning the co-op model. Our team took full advantage of shipments were made by a team that is operating safer than ever with
the opportunity and – for the first time in over eight years – we signed a record low DART rate.
over 100 new members and saw a record number of store conversions. Further solutions for effectiveness and streamlined processes included
the deployment of Google Drive. This switch provides our team with a
“What excites me is the tremendous momentum that we continue more secure and effective platform for collaboration. Additionally, the
to build as we drive real change in our industry. It was great to see installation of new network connections at all our RSCs has improved
our invited prospects at the spring market discovering how we can network availability and performance for warehouse operations.
energize their businesses and make them better,” said President & CEO
Dan Starr. To keep that momentum going, everyone on our team is continued on page 2
working harder than ever to enhance our operations and implement
programs to serve our members and staff. Caldwell Lumber is one of the many members who has seen an increase in
paint sales with the installation and promotion of The Color Bar.
In FY18, we continued to show our members that we are the industry’s
premier LBM total solution, and saw a substantial increase in lumber
sales, including adding new members like Sunroc Building Materials
who are projected to purchase $100 million in lumber this year. We
also recognized the need to offer our members the opportunity to
advance the skills of the next generation with the introduction of our
first ever LBM School.
We anticipated members’ product demands by bringing them great
new items from a variety of vendors. Our strong relationship with
Milwaukee Tools has made Do it Best one of their largest customers
worldwide and our members’ business with them is growing at a rapid
pace. Additionally, we introduced our Best Look exclusive label paint
applicators and tools giving members better quality products with
higher margins.
Supplying members with the right products for growth wasn’t enough
on its own. We helped create a demand for these great offerings with
the advancement of the Winning The Weeks That Matter in The Ways
That Matter mindset. By shifting to an integrated consumer marketing
approach, we are now able to bring together all elements of a well
thought out marketing plan to help members win sales. Not to be
overlooked, the launch of The Color Bar created a one-of-a-kind store
within a store experience and all members who installed and promoted
it showed at least double digit growth in both paint and paint sundries
© 2018 Do it Best Corp. All rights reserved.
A CLEAR VIEW ON VISION above & beOyounrdHuman Resourcesprtoeuadmpiasrepnletsased to announcwehaatnsehwapppaerntinnegrship with family ne
REIMBURSEMENTS TicketsatWork. These new discounts are not replacing the current programs
but are intended to enhance our array of discount offers. Now you have
access to exclusive savings on attractions both local and nationwide in one
Vision reimbursement claims can always be mailed to centralized location. Save on everything from movie tickets, theme parks,
the address listed on the claim form. But for ease and and rental cars to Broadway and Vegas shows. Be sure to visit often as new
convenience, I recommend submitting them through products and discounts are constantly being added.
mycigna.com. Sign up today:
Submitting a vision reimbursement claim through ➤ Visit ticketsatwork.com
mycigna.com: birthydoauysr saencdoanndn➤pivaeyCrclshiacerkicekosn the “BechoemaltehcealneMbdresaamtefebtyer” box at thcearteoepr oboplofpotodhrteduonhniotoimerse page focus
➤ Log into mycigna.com ➤ Create an account and use the company code: CPDOIT
➤ Select Manage Claims & Balances You can also place your order by phone by calling customer service at
➤ Select the Vision tab 800.331.6484
➤ C lick on the link “Find claim details on Cigna Vision” MAKING BIG STRIDES AS THE FIRST
➤ Click on Customer Reimbursement Form AND BEST CHOICE continued from page 1
➤ Click on Continue (bottom right)
➤ Enter your information, click Next above & beyond proud parents whats happening family
Various back-end efficiencies were also implemented to fuel member growth.
➤ E nter Services rendered based off the itemized The Vendor Rebate Tracking system helps us effectively track and collect vendor
receipt, click Next rebates, and we are one step closer to eliminating all mainframe processing
➤ M ake sure the Radio button is selected to Submit with the Accounts Receivable refresh, which is scheduled to have this system
Online moved off the mainframe by the end of the calendar year.
➤ U pload the receipt by clicking on the Browse button All of these great innovations and services would not have been possible
and selecting the saved receipt, click Next without our committed staff. To continue to strengthen Do it Best as a
great place to work, we conducted team surveys and sent members of our
➤ V erify all the information is accurate and clickbirStuhbdmayistand awmnniatihnveatrghseaemrsiekesinllts team ntoeehodeuatroltLhebaaednttederrssahsfeieprtvyDeetvheeliorptmeaemnstc.IanFriesnteiatrluloytp,epttooorateutqtnruaiticpietstmheomre
If you need help, please contact Cigna customer service
exceptional people to the company, we launched the new Do it Best Careers
at 800.244.6224 and follow the prompts for the
internet team. website which captures our unique servant-focused culture and highlights the
employment experience of team members.
At all of our RSC locations, safety is a top priority. In May,
our Sikeston team reached one year without a lost time
accident and they continue to maintain a perfect Days Away Restricted
Time (DART) rating of zero. They worked very hard to achieve this goal by
putting heavy emphasis on hazard recognition, coaching, and peer-to-peer
safety feedback.
“You can feel the improvement in the safety culture here as team members
are taking action and not waiting on someone else to fix a problem and
holding each other accountable,” said Sikeston General Manager Will Ryan.
“I’m very proud of the team and their record that means sending folks
home in the same shape or better than they arrived for an entire year,”
Safety Director Steve Rose noted.
To celebrate this accomplishment, department managers prepared and served breakfast to all staff. Additionally, every team member received
a folding stadium seat featuring the Do it Best logo to enjoy at ball games and events.
2 Issue 7, 2018
Dixon team member Gary Team
Mary Black hung up her hat at Do it Best Buccola worked his last day as members
on June 8 after 17 years of service. She a lift operator on April 24 after 45 years with showered
started her career in retail store design Do it Best. Everyone helped him celebrate with Training
in 1995 and completed her career in a retirement party where he addressed his and Events
Merchandising as a content management team with a final goodbye and Department Specialist
specialist. On her special day, she was joined Manager Chris Cassens gave a special speech. Janelle
by her children and the Merchandising team As a farewell Crocker with
where everyone enjoyed cake and VP of gift, they a delicious
Merchandising Steve Markley shared her presented carry-in to
new hire photo. HR Manager Nancy Harris Gary with celebrate the
presented her with a merchandise credit so the chair impending
that she can stop back in and share stories that he birth of her
about her new adventures in retirement. always sat second child.
in before
stretching. On June 2, Merchandise
In his next Coordinator Tina Smith
stage of life, turned 50 and the team
Gary looks helped her celebrate this
forward to milestone birthday!
getting a full
eight hours
of sleep.
Application Design Manager Brian Loucks had people running, and Rise’n and Kendra Radu
Rollin’ for the first annual Warrior Donut Dash. Brian and his friend Tim partnered reached her
with the Fort Wayne Track Club to host a brand new 5K and one mile fun run in Woodburn, IN. milestone 30th
birthday on
Brian was inspired by the students he coached in track and cross country at Woodburn Junior June 9 and her
High and High School to bring a new running experience to the community. “I participated in team made
a bike race a few years ago where each donut you ate would knock off the amount of minutes sure she felt very loved on her special day.
you had to ride, and I ate 12 donuts. It was really fun so I added my own twist on the idea for
the Donut Dash,” he remarked. Everyone in Logistics helped Kris Chester
celebrate turning 50 on June 25.
Brian reached out to Fort Wayne’s favorite spot for breakfast treats, Rise’n Roll Donuts, who
agreed to supply donuts for the event. Church bells were
During the race participants ran half the race, ringing for Senior
ate a donut and then ran to the finish line. Project Manager
In addition to having Rise’n Roll on board, Mary (McKay)
Brian strategically planned the race during Hensley and her
Woodburn’s Summerfest to draw larger husband Jim who
crowds. were married on May 26.
User Experience Designer Teresa Helbert (right) The majority of participants in the race came
and her family participated in the race. Additional from neighboring towns such as Auburn,
team members who ran included Geetha Dasari, Fort Wayne, and Kendallville. “This race was
Trisha Fuller, Jamie Hiss, Laura Loxton, Andrew a fun and unique experience for everyone
McDermitt, and Adam Porter. involved. We had donuts, a parade for
Summerfest that followed the event, and a
great community of people,” Brian said. He
looks forward to more donuts next year and
making the race an annual event.
Issue 7, 2018 3
Our staff is continually thinking of unique ways to serve our
member-owners as well as fellow team members. The shipping
department in Woodburn wanted to do something nice for
Shipping Lead Moises Silva and his wife Andrea who were
expecting a baby. Looking for a way to celebrate the couple
besides a traditional
shower, they organized
a 3-on-3 basketball
tournament and every
participant brought a
pack of diapers and
wipes for the happy
couple. Everyone had
a lot of fun and the
group was able to
present Moises and his
wife with a significant Andrea poses next to the tower of diapers.
stock of diapers!
CONQUERING CANCER After presenting at The Agile Coaching Summit last fall and
connecting with her mentor and former Do it Best team
Dolly member Ryan Ripley, IT Project Manager Nabila Safdar was
Sadzewicz invited to present at the Agile Dev West Conference in Las
(right) and Jeanette Vegas.
Syrowski (left) are two
amazing team members at The conference included five jam-packed days for tech gurus
the Medina RSC who have from all over the world to discover the latest trends in agile
won their battles against methods, technologies, tools, and leadership principles. Nabila
cancer. Surrounded by was among a lineup of over 20 speakers and presented about
strong families and fellow how to create transparent expectations in the workplace and
staff members who supported them during their fights, both build healthy team dynamics.
women agree that a positive attitude and believing they could
make it through the tough days were key to overcoming this As an event speaker Nabila also had the opportunity to
terrible disease. Medina is lucky to have these two strong participate in the Agile+ DevOps Genius Bar where attendees
women. registered to meet with her one-on-one to ask her their
toughest software and tech questions. “The Genius Bar was a
very surreal experience because people I admire in this industry
came to me for advice and viewed me as a subject expert,”
Nabila humbly stated.
To add to the excitement of the whole experience, she also
attended workshops and tutorials to grow her own knowledge
to bring back to the team here. “I told everyone on my team
to be ready for when I return from this conference because
I knew I would come back with lots of excitement and new
ideas,” said Nabila.
CAREER OPPORTUNITIES As Do it Best Corp. continues to grow, there may be career opportunities
for you to pursue within the company. Visit mytoolbox.doitbestcorp.com
AT DO IT BEST CORP. for a complete list of all openings and contact the Human Resources team
if you’re qualified for and interested in a new role.
4 Issue 7, 2018
Graphic Artist Amanda Peet is always ready to get started
on her next art project whether it’s at work or at home. For
the past nine summers, Amanda has painted an art exhibit piece for a
fundraiser through the Downtown Auburn Business Association. “The first
year I saw my community join the art scene, I couldn’t help but want to
jump on board,” said Amanda.
This year, she and 19 other artists were tasked with turning a youth sized
picnic table into a masterpiece. When contemplating an idea for her
table, she stuck with the first concept that came to mind. “I loved playing
checkers as a kid and I wanted to incorporate that memory into my artwork
so I decided to turn it into an interactive game board!”
This project came with its own unique challenges that Amanda embraced
and turned into part of her masterpiece. “Some of the spray paint I used
leaked through the painter's tape so I sanded the whole thing and gave it a
distressed look. In the end, it turned out so much better than I anticipated,”
Amanda remarked.
Her finished checkers board table is on display in downtown Auburn along
with all the other artists’ creations until they are auctioned off in September
with half the money raised going back into the community.
Ben Diaz is a lumber GREAT FINDS, GREAT
PROUD TO BE and building material
AN AMERICAN sales associate Team members in Woodburn held their annual Relay for Life
yard sale. The event collected over $18,000 for cancer research
who first started thanks to the staff who stayed after work to set up and came
working for Do it Best at our Woodburn RSC in the shipping early the day of the sale to make sure everything ran smoothly.
department. But in addition to being a member of our team, “This event is very dear to many team members here in
Ben has another title to be proud of – US citizen. He came to Woodburn who are cancer survivors or who have lost loved
this country from Mexico in 1999 when he was 12 years old ones to this terrible disease,” said General Manager Mark
and has worked tirelessly ever since to be the first person in his Hester. Great job, Woodburn!
family to earn a college degree and gain his citizenship. “After
about 18 years of living in the United States I realized that a Team members and their families showed up at 6 am to help price items.
lot of the most important things in my life have taken place in
this country, and I have learned to love it as my own. Because
of this gratitude, I decided to take the next step and become a
citizen,” Ben said of his journey.
“We are very proud of Ben and his desire to become a United
States citizen. He worked very hard for this for six months
and we are honored to recognize his accomplishment,”
said Western Sales Manager Mike Jones. To celebrate his
achievement, the team threw him a surprise party.
Issue 7, 2018 Members of the community were eager to get deals on discontinued
merchandise for a good cause.
Welcome PROUD PARENTS: HENSON HAS Sikeston staff member Jennifer
to the Henson and her husband Shannon
A HOMERUN EXPERIENCE cheered on their son Gabe at the
Family Missouri High School Baseball
Fort Wayne Coaches Association All Star game
Jerry Burns
Morgan McCloughan in Ozark, MO. A recent graduate of Chaffee High School, Gabe was selected by coaches from
Hugo Ponton
Sam Wickey across the state to participate. This prestigious game was played at the US Baseball Field, home
Teresa Zuber
Medina to the Drury Panthers, and showcased the best players from across Missouri. Though his team did
Doug Bacon
Dawn Kaska not pull out a victory, Gabe was honored to have been selected to play as a second baseman and
Julie Pask
Tori Patch had a great time making memories. To add to the excitement of the day, Gabe’s older brother
Antonio Amador Lane, who is deploying to the Middle East in a few weeks, was in attendance with his wife Emily.
Thomas McDonough
Jorge Perez Covarrubias It was a beautiful moment for Jennifer to have her boys together for this special event.
Jeff Smith
Joel Tornel L to R: Lane, Emily, Jennifer, Gabe, and Shannon pose for a picture at the ball field.
Credit Administrator Anne Guest is beaming with pride because of her
daughter Brady’s incredible softball achievements. Brady helped Ohio
Northern University’s (ONU) softball team become Ohio Athletic Conference Champions
and move on to the NCAA Division III regional tournament where they won twice before
being eliminated. In her sports career at Crestview High School, Brady was a highly
successful athlete in volleyball and basketball, but her true passion has always been
softball. A team walk on at ONU, she is attending school to pursue her dream of being a
Brady’s softball journey has not been easy. During her freshman year, she experienced
two deaths in her family, and had to quickly learn to balance the immense workload that
comes with pharmacy school. However, her perseverance paid off with the opportunity
to play first and third base during the team’s 32-11 regular season. She was also named
1st Team All-OCA and was first on her team for homeruns (5) and second for batting
(0.371) and RBIs (28). “Brady’s drive and resilience have made her very successful and
I am very proud of her for being able to balance the demands of a six-year pharmacy
program while still contributing to her team. It was a blast to watch her and her team
accomplish so much this season! Go Polar Bears!” cheered Anne.
EASY ACCESS TO Misplaced your most recent copy of Family News? You can easily access an electronic
FAMILY NEWS version any time by signing on to my toolbox from work or home. We archive an entire
year’s worth of issues in the Family News section. Visit mytoolbox.doitbestcorp.com
and log in with your assigned ntserv\username and password.
6 Issue 7, 2018
from our
enjoyed a
fun night at
a TinCaps
Staff gathered at Walton Tap for a steak fry and
delicious sides. Everyone left full and several team
members walked away with great door prizes.
Team members During the annual spring fling event
and their sponsored by the employee board,
families got to team members were treated to a
soak up some spread of summer food served by
sunshine at the the executive team all while enjoying
Summer Nights music and fresh air during lunch.
event. Everyone enjoyed food, drinks, games,
and music outside under the pavilion.
INFORMATION SECURITY: BUILDING • B e careful how your discard mail. Shred credit card offers or
A DEFENSE AGAINST ID THEFT mail with personal information.
Fraudsters have been trying to steal your identity and personally • K eep watch. Monitor your credit card, utility bills, and bank
identifiable information for years. But the growing number statements for unusual transactions.
of data breaches at retailers, financial institutions, and credit
agencies mean that you are more at risk than ever. • S tay secure. Enable security functions on your phone and
computer, especially if you have passwords stored or apps that
Once a criminal organization gets ahold of your name, Social link to your financial institutions.
Security number, date of birth, and health insurance info, they
will likely sell every bit of it on the dark web. Once that happens, • P ursue private networks. Be careful when using a public WiFi
others can open credit card or bank accounts, apply for loans, or system and consider using a virtual private network when you
commit any number of crimes in your name. You can’t do much can.
about massive data breaches, but you can take some basic steps
to protect your financial future: • R espond with
caution. Never
• Watch for phishing attempts. A fraudster may send you an respond to
email or contact you online. They attempt to appear legitimate unsolicited
and offer you money back on a new bank account or a great requests for
interest rate on a credit card if you supply them with all of your your personal
personal info. info, whether
online, by
email, phone,
or in person.
Issue 7, 2018 7
SAFETY CORNER Presented by your safety committee FOCUS ON HEALTH:
It’s time for Fourth of July celebrations – fireworks, backyard barbecues, and fun
in the sun. Whatever you have planned, the American Red Cross wants you to stay To many of us The Fourth of July isn’t only
safe while you celebrate with these safety tips. about celebrating our great nation, it's also
about spending time with family and friends,
FIREWORKS SAFETY: The safest way to enjoy fireworks is to attend a public being outdoors, and seeing the fireworks!
fireworks show put on by professionals. But if you are setting off fireworks at Check out these seven tips to ensure you
home, you should follow these safety steps: have a healthy 4th:
• Always follow the instructions on the packaging
• Keep a supply of water close by as a precaution Go light - Make salads and sides the main
• Make sure the person lighting fireworks always wears eye protection course, then throw your meat, veggies, and
• Light only one firework at a time and never attempt to relight a dud even dessert on the grill and enjoy being
• Store fireworks in a cool, dry place away from children and pets outside with your guests.
• Never throw or point a firework toward people, animals, vehicles, structures or
Start an active tradition - An annual activity
flammable materials will be a welcome event to any celebration.
Not only will it get everyone's blood
GRILLING SAFETY: Every year, people get injured while using backyard charcoal or pumping (and put them in a good mood)
gas grills. Follow these steps to safely cook up treats for the backyard barbecue: but it will also give you stories to share for
• Always supervise a barbecue grill when in use years to come.
• Make sure everyone, including pets, stays away from the grill
• Keep the grill out in the open and away from the house, deck, tree branches, or Keep cold food cold and hot food hot -
Be sure you cook all of your food to the
anything that could catch fire recommended temperature to destroy any
• Use long-handled tools specially made for grilling to keep the chef safe harmful bacteria and keep things that should
• Never add charcoal starter fluid when coals have already been ignited be refrigerated in a cooler over ice.
SUN PROTECTION: Even being in the sun for a short amount of time can lead to Make sure your grill is clean - A dirty grill
sunburn or heat exhaustion. Follow these steps to protect your body: can be a cesspool of germs and bacteria.
• Limit your exposure to direct sunlight between 10 am and 4 pm After you are done grilling, do a quick
• Wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a protection factor of at least 15 SPF cleanup of any visible debris and food, then
• Reapply sunscreen often turn up the heat and let the grill burn off a
• Remember to drink plenty of water regularly, even if not thirsty bit. After the grill is cool grab your grill brush
• Avoid drinks with alcohol or caffeine in them for a quick scrub.
• Protect the eyes by wearing sunglasses that will absorb 100% of UV rays
• Watch for signs of heat stroke – hot, red skin; changes in consciousness; rapid, Bring out the lawn games - Encourage
your party guests to bring their favorite lawn
weak pulse; rapid, shallow breathing game instead of yet another dessert. Then
you can take turns trying out all the different
Choose healthy drink options - Don't
waste all your calories on sugar-laden sweet
tea, soda, or beer. You can serve peach tea
sweetened with agave honey and mint or
cucumber sparkling water.
Ditch the sugary desserts - Right now there
is an abundance of fresh fruit available. Cut
up strawberries and melon or grill peaches,
pineapple, or bananas to satisfy your sweet
tooth without expanding your waistline.
Find, Friend & Follow Us Issue 7, 2018