Hardware Store Lumberyard
Drive sales and enhance your marketing with
Best Rewards
Accelerate your business
Discover what you are missing!
Compelling loyalty programs are routinely
used by today’s most successful retailers to connect with their
customers on a more personal level. On average, US households
participate in as many as 29 different loyalty programs, with most
activity focused on about a dozen of them. Nearly all consumers
expect a loyalty program with the companies they do business with.
Our Best RewardsSM customer loyalty program helps you grow your
business by tracking customer purchase data so you can target your
most loyal customers with customized messaging (mailers and emails).
This program offers you a turnkey option to use that data to connect with your
best customers to drive traffic, increase sales and enhance your profitability.
HOME Learn how members are successfully using
CENTER Best Rewards and sign up today!
A home center member leveraged their
customer data to target female shoppers
to invite them to a special Ladies’ Day
event. The promotion, which was driven
by a custom mailed invitation, increased
daily sales by over 500%.
This same member also used custom postcards with exclusive
coupons and seasonal products to encourage additional visits.
Without Best Rewards they would not have known which customers
to contact at the right time of the year with relevant promotions.
With Best Rewards, you own your customer data and can target those customers based
on previous purchases and demographics. Get started by capitalizing on popular shopping
holidays like Father’s Day or create a custom event based on your shoppers’ buying habits.
The best part about Best Rewards is that it is yours – customizable and tailored to your store
to target customers, encourage repeat visits, and increase customer spending.
For more information or to get started with Best Rewards, contact the Retail Programs
department at 260.748.5456 or [email protected].
1 Learn more
at the spring market
CUSTOMERS’ DATA Visit the Consumer
Marketing booth at The
REWARD LOYAL 3 MAP OUT Do it Best Spring MarketSM
CUSTOMERS AND ENCOURAGE THE LOYALTY to talk with an expert. You’ll
CUSTOMERS also want to attend these
ADDITIONAL STORE VISITS Education Day sessions on
May 18 to learn more:
Best Rewards
4SPENDING HABITS Loyalty Program –
Member Panel Discussion
Start your 56
Room 231 at 10:30 am
journey SPEND MARKETING TRAFFIC AND Come to this interactive
session to hear members
TODAY! DOLLARS SALES discuss and answer
questions about how
One lumber member leverages our tiered program option to appropriately they have effectively
reward their high volume contractors without negatively impacting their implemented and operated
their Best Rewards loyalty
bottom line. They also use Point Manager to limit and exclude points by program. Leave this session
SKU and department on items storewide. It’s the perfect way to manage with actionable ideas you
exposure associated with those low margin items. can implement to drive
additional sales to your
$5 500REWARDfor every $5 250forevery POINTS business.
EARNED Why Loyalty Programs
are the First Step to
Members Hardware Store Building an Effective
only Marketing Plan
EXCLUSIVE OFFER Room 136 at 2:30 pm
In this introductory session,
learn how to get started
with the Best Rewards
loyalty program, the
importance of having a
loyalty program, and how
the data can be used to
better market to your
A hardware store uses the FLEX circular to add Best Rewards
customer priced items on the front and back covers. This encourages
customers to sign up for the program and make purchases on additional
items because they are on sale for Best Rewards customers only.
Save the Date 2018 Do it Best Spring MarketSM 2018 Do it Best Fall Market SM
Indianapolis • May 18-21 Indianapolis • October 12-15
Access spring market information How to Build &
with the Market Savings Builder Place Your Order
All spring market buying information, including bulletins, April 16, 23, 30 & May 7, 14, 16
drop ship order forms, pallet specials and the Sneak Peek 11 am and 7 pm EST
Pre-Planner link, will now be accessible through the Market
Savings Builder. Discover the new product research page that For all webinars:
is designed to save you time and money by highlighting pallet Go to readytalk.com, click Join
specials, new items, items you sell, and some of the largest Meeting, and enter the access code
discounted items at the market. The Market Savings Builder 7485607. Then, dial 866.740.1260
goes live on April 16. Join us for a live demo to learn about all to connect to the audio feed with the
the ways you can save by using the Market Savings Builder.
access code 7485607.
Issue 4 2018
Hardware Store Lumberyard Designer: Terri Wunderlin | Editor: Lauren Brune | [email protected]
Do it Best
P.O. Box 868
Fort Wayne, IN