Do I need to be an expert in subjects like math,
english, and science?
Don’t worry about having all the answers. The most important
thing is that you have a willing heart and are present weekly.
You can ask other volunteers or Google answers you
don’t know.
What is the difference between a full-time tutor,
buddy, or substitute?
Full-time tutor - Once a week commitment.
Present every Wednesday from 3:15 - 4:15 pm.
Buddy - Paired with another Do it Best volunteer so you can
take turns tutoring and have someone to fill in for you
when you can’t be there.
Substitute - Available as needed. Often called upon with
short notice when other volunteers have conflicts.
What if I can’t commit to tutoring every week?
We still want you to help. We have a number of substitutes
lined up so if you have a conflict, we can get a substitute to fill in
for you. In addition, you can always participate as a buddy to
share tutoring responsibilities with another team member.
Where do I go and what should I bring?
Study Connection is held in the Breakaway Café during the
school year every Wednesday from 3:15 - 4:15 pm., and all
supplies provided.
How long does the program run and what
happens during the market week?
The program starts in October and runs through May. Study
Connection observes all holidays in accordance with FWCS,
and is not in session during our markets.
What grade are the students in and what
subjects are covered?
Study Connection serves students from Harris Elementary in
grades 1 - 5. In most cases, they need help in math, language
arts, and reading.
Do I get a new student every session?
You are assigned a student at the beginning of the year allowing
for you to get to know the student and tailor your tutoring
sessions to their specific needs.
Contact Celeste Stevens at ext. 5378 to sign up.