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Find, Friend & Follow Us Issue 4 | 2019
birthdays and anniversaries health and safety career opportunities
Time for Sikeston strives for LBM School
Techapalooza continuous improvement builds knowledge
Every spring thousands of people descend on and consumers
downtown Indianapolis for our market. And though it is changing
can sometimes feel routine to us, it’s actually the perfect opportunity faster than
to help our member-owners escape from the ordinary. We get to ever. We
equip them to be leaders in their industry, their market, and their get to help
store. The amazing products, can’t-miss deals, valuable networking members
events, and great educational opportunities we assemble are part of navigate
what makes our co-op a dominant player in the home improvement the complex
industry. landscape
of retail
Ensuring that the spring market is a worthwhile experience for marketing to ensure they maintain relevance in their communities,”
members involves the strategic efforts of many divisions and
departments across the company that start long before market says Consumer Marketing Manager Andrew Hufford.
weekend. Meeting and Expo Manager Vince Slack works years in Meanwhile, the Retail Performance team meets with members to
advance securing blocks of hotels and negotiating with the city of work on strategic store growth. As National Retail Performance
Indianapolis. And don’t forget all the behind the scenes magic that Manager Scott Sproul says, “These members are movers and
happens during market. “We’re the ones making sure security is shakers reinvesting in their businesses. Planning a store expansion or
in place, that doors are unlocked, and that registration is up and rebuild often starts at the market, and when it’s all said and done
running. If no one is talking about these aspects of the market, it our members end up with the best stores in the communities they
means we did our job well. Members shouldn’t have to worry about serve.”
these things,” says Vince.
There are other extraordinary opportunities waiting for members at
When members walk out on the market floor we want them to the market as well. Our LBM team provides valuable insight on how
feel confident navigating the booths and leave the exhibition hall to navigate the volatile world of lumber trading during the LBM
knowing they made the most of their time. That’s why this spring Industry Update, and offers Super Saturday Specials that members
we are changing the plaza layout. “We want to put ourselves in can’t get anywhere else. “This industry comes with its unique set
our members’ shoes and think about how we can maximize their of challenges and the market is a great place for members to get a
experience. Who will be there to help them? Are new offerings refreshed perspective on how to overcome them,” says Lumber Sales
within reach? Is it easy to & Operations Manager Josh Ratcliff.
place orders? By thinking
about these details, we make Our Merchandising team gives members inventory options to
members’ time on the floor consider during the Merchandising Preview, on the floor at the
Launch Zone, and during Sneak Peek . Divisional Merchandise
effective and enjoyable,” says
Store Planning Designer Genni Manager Jason Stofleth will be attending the market for the first
time, and he is particularly excited to see the diversity of products
and vendor offerings all in one place. “With thousands of SKUs
Speaking of the market floor, available to our members, it will be exciting to see so many products
that’s where you can find all together. It’s very cool that we can offer products that are as
our team from Consumer diverse as our members,” says Jason.
Marketing working with
members to help them lead With the tremendous value, resources, and deals we are able to
provide members at the market, it’s clear that our weekend in Indy
with targeted marketing
plans and promotions. “The this May will be anything but ordinary. Many of the preparations
and planning may feel routine, but it’s a critical time to connect with
relationship between retailers
members and equip them to be industry leaders.
© 2019 Do it Best Corp. All rights reserved.
Prepare now to acknowledge
your graduate in Issue 6 of
Family News, set for release
in June. Submissions are
accepted for staff members,
their spouses, children, and
grandchildren. Photos will be
printed in full color so a color
image at 300 dpi or higher
is preferred over black and
white. To ensure accuracy
and streamline the process,
we are only accepting digital
submissions by visiting
mytoolbox or this link. Team
members at our warehouses
can also send info/pictures to
their office coordinator for
entry. Submissions are due
by April 13.
Through automatic payroll deduction, you STEP 1 From your homepage, click on “Quick Links”, select “Contribution
may contribute between 1% and 90% of Amount”
your eligible pay on a pretax basis. In addition, you will
still have the option to contribute between 1% and 10% STEP 2 Select “Contribution Amount and Catch-Up Contributions”
of your eligible pay on an after-tax basis. STEP 3 Enter your desired percentage(s) then click “Change Contribution
Amount” at the bottom of the page.
The Internal Revenue Code provides that pretax
contributions, combined with Roth contributions, cannot STEP 4 Review your elections carefully.
exceed the annual IRS dollar limits ($19,000 for 2019). The
Internal Revenue Code also provides that the combined STEP 5 Click “Submit” to advance to the “Confirmation” screen.
annual limit for total plan year Contributions (company STEP 6 Print the confirmation notice and retain it for your records. The
and voluntary) is 100% of your W-2 compensation or confirmation page will include a confirmation number. Changes made
$56,000, whichever is less. by 8:30 pm Eastern time on a Wednesday will begin with your next
If you have reached age 50 or will reach age 50 during the
calendar year January 1 – December 31 and you contribute If you wish to review or change your investment elections, go to the “Next
the maximum plan or IRS pretax contribution ($19,000 for Steps” section and click on “View and Update Your Investment Elections”.
2019), you may make an additional catch-up contribution
($6,000 for 2018). Unless you elect to make changes to your investment elections, your new
contribution amount will be invested based upon your current elections. If
Log on to netbenefits.fidelity.com and follow these steps you have any questions or encounter issues, please call the Fidelity Retirement
to select or change your pretax, Roth 401(k), after-tax or Benefits Line at 800.835.5095 Monday through Friday, 8:30 am - 8:30 pm
catch-up contribution amounts. Eastern time.
2 Issue 4, 2019
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LET'S TALK TECH career opportunities family news access
For any successful company, it’s important
to create meaningful opportunities for
team members to learn and grow. At our 10th annual
Techapalooza event, staff soaked up knowledge about
your second paycheck celebrate blood donors focus on health
technology, personal growth, and leadership. The week-
long event made educational experiences accessible to
everyone in-house. “Former VP of IT Mike Altendorf
We love the endless energy and During the Do it Best Product Showcase, created Techapalooza as a way to inform, inspire, and
enthusiasm for the industry that team members highlighted recently innovate our staff. Today, it continues to offer a solid
Sherry and Robin have. completed and ongoing IT projects. mix of sessions that benefit all who attend,” said Vice
President of IT John Mergy.
Highlights from the conference included sessions to
train and educate staff on the recently implemented G
above & beyond proud parents whats happening family news access
Suite applications as well as several technical workshops
for team members looking to take a deeper dive into IT
systems. Additionally, member-owners Sherry Bishop and
Robin Smith of Petersburg Do it Best Hardware shared
how they completed a major Retail Performance project
to help them grow their business in a new location.
Other sessions throughout the week featured many
amazing guest and in-house speakers including Mike
Altendorf returning to talk about business leadership
birthdays and anniversaries health and safety career opportunities lessons he’s learned throughout his life. The week ended
with an Innovation Challenge organized as a science fair.
Part of the week’s events included a student project competition where groups from
Purdue Fort Wayne presented their innovative ideas on how to help Do it Best with key Attendees had the opportunity to peruse and vote on
projects designed by teams and staff delivering solutions
initiatives across the company.
to pain points experienced within the company.
SIKESTON SETS SIGHTS ON IMPROVEMENT At Do it Best, we are always looking for ways to
serve our members better. That includes putting
a critical eye to how we can increase productivity
and efficiency in our warehouses. Facilities Operations Manager Dan Dietlin visited our Sikeston location to hold a
continuous improvement exercise focused on best practices in the shipping department. “This is the first time we’ve done something
like this with our warehouse teams. It was an opportunity to analyze our processes and assess what we can do to make them better
for the team members executing them,” said Dan.
Dan, along with General Manager Will Ryan, Department Managers Mark Ponder and Mark Stinson, and team members Bryan
Marshall and Ryan Steimle, participated in a four-day brainstorming and planning session to identify and eliminate pinch points in
the loading area. With all their thoughts in place, the group presented their findings to the entire shipping team. “We were able to
share with everyone ways to optimize processes and reduce touches, time, and travel. We also presented some next steps to help
reach identified goals. I was
impressed with the ground we
covered in the time we were
together. I think this exercise
will prove very beneficial to the
team,” said Dan. The group
later presented their findings
to Logistics divisional leaders
Brian Etzler, Tim Miller, and
Steve Rose.
Misplaced your most recent copy of Family News? You can easily access an electronic
EASY ACCESS TO version any time by signing on to mytoolbox from work or home. We archive an entire
FAMILY NEWS year’s worth of issues in the Family News section. Visit mytoolbox.doitbestcorp.com
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Issue 4, 2019 3
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blood donors
focus on health
your second paycheck
birthdays and anniversaries
proud parents
whats happening
above & beyond health and safety career opportunities family news access
family news access
To provide our member-owners additional buying opportunities between
our spring and fall markets, our Lumber and Building Materials team ran
their week-long March Mayhem specials. This annual sales event helps members stay
competitive by stocking up on inventory at discounted prices on items ranging from
home décor and building materials to roofing and insulation.
birthdays and anniversaries health and safety career opportunities
This year our LBM team worked hard to secure promotions with over 30 distribution
partners and manufacturers. “There is a lot of excitement about the strength of our
industry, and our distribution partners really understand the value in supporting programs like March Mayhem. The activity we have
seen from members reflects the importance of offering promotions like this,” said Building Materials Sales Manager Dusty Weinzierl.
Looking to advance their skills as the next
generation in the lumber and building materials
industry, students from our member-owned yards gathered in
Fort Wayne for the second annual LBM School. This three-day
seminar is product- and sales-focused and designed to give
attendees the opportunity to learn from industry experts, gain
valuable selling skills, and connect with fellow members and
Do it Best staff.
“We need to equip our members with selling skills that are
based on an in-depth understanding of building science,
metrics, and sales methodology. Our independent lumberyards
distinguish themselves through service, and even though we talk about service all the time, we need to show our members what that
actually means,” said Jean Fahy, divisional manager of building material sales.
After getting rave reviews from members who attended last year’s LBM School, industry expert and founder of Building Leaders Rick
Davis returned for a full day of hard hitting training. He challenged participants to think about the science of sales and presented his
methodology for achieving controlled sales success.
Division Manager Todd Hixon kicked off day two with an overview of our lumber department and spoke on the tools and resources
available to members through the co-op. Do it Best vendor partners JELD-WEN and Huber Engineered Woods brought trailers on-site
giving participants the opportunity to see how they could use these services for their own contractor events.
Additionally, forensic building scientist Lucas Hamilton shared important information on building science and how the inner and outer
materials for a project need to work together to function properly and yield the best results. “When our members understand how all
building materials work together, they know how to sell smarter,” said Jean.
Ten vendors brought in their most innovative products so members could engage in hands-on demonstrations and learn about
what cutting edge products they can
add to their stores. Merchandising
Essentials Specialist Cicely Ware was
also present to show members our pro
planograms and provide tutorials on
how Merchandising Essentials can help
them maximize their product mix.
The week concluded with a member
and builder panel discussion where
Mike MacKay from Vassar Building
Center shared how his team strives
to solve problems for builders and
contractors. During this time, attendees
gained valuable perspectives to help
grow their own businesses.
4 Issue 4, 2019
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career opportunities
birthdays and anniversaries
health and safety
VENDORS PITCH THEIR PRODUCTS family news access Welcome
to the
To further position our member-
owners as leaders in their markets, our
Merchandising team met with nearly 60 vendors on
February 28 during the first Open Buying Day of 2019. Family
This event was an opportunity to help our members
differentiate themselves in the marketplace with
innovative products from new vendor partners. Dixon
Jordan Burgess
All prospective vendors were pre-selected through an The next Open Buying Day is scheduled for this fall. Stephanie Butler
online application, and given 20 minutes to present their Liz Haas
product or lines for the opportunity to become a Do it Best supplier. It was a great way for our team to Ryan Kreps
review potential new vendor relationships from all over the country.
Nick Olalde
“This setup allows us to meet with a number of vendors in a relatively short period of time. Not only do we Jason Pack
get to determine if products and programs are a good fit for our members, we also get to educate vendors Jonna Surratt
about our expectations,” said Merchandise Manager Linda Geise. Dakota Zinke
Chyanne Bailey
CELEBRATE On March 14, Sales Roger Link
Karlie White
Support Coordinator
Cindy Eisberg Mesquite
celebrated the birth of Kari Hadland
her granddaughter Elise Eric Valle
Maryanne to parents
Members of the Merchandising team Andrew and Katie Eisberg. Montgomery
threw a baby shower for Associate George Clark
Merchandise Manager Jordan Collins Pricing Analyst Mallory Isabella Corrao
and his wife Molly in anticipation of Bates and her husband Rocky Cronk
their first child. Jordan is all set to be a John welcomed their Bryan DeNicola
dad thanks to his baby toy sash from daughter Bella Kay into Stephanie Garcia
the team. the world on March 7. David Jean Simon
Jesus Jimenez
Carmine Lamattina
Ray Marcus
Claudia Rios
Application Support Analyst Brian Headings Dale Rubino
celebrated his retirement after 26 years in the Jake Stewart
IT division. It was common for teams to want Brian to be a
part of their work as he demonstrated the ability to remain Waco
calm and solve problems even when things got complicated. Gerardo Morales Paredes
To help send him off, President & CEO Dan Starr and VP Bryanna Ponce
of IT John Mergy shared kind sentiments about his drive, Arianna Rivera
character, and teamwork during the party. Nancy Harris Jorge Tremillo
and Brian Reed also paid tribute to Brian with some parting
words. A dedicated volunteer to the Real Men Read program, Woodburn
Brian ended the celebration with an invitation to all team Jordan Espinoza
members to give back to their communities. Brian shared, Jose Ramos
"There's something you get from giving that can't be received Joshua Rocha
any other way." In retirement, Brian looks forward to Erwin Soto
remodeling homes and never setting his alarm clock again.
CAREER OPPORTUNITIES As Do it Best Corp. continues to grow, there may be career opportunities
for you to pursue within the company. Visit doitbestcareers.com for a
AT DO IT BEST CORP. complete list of all openings and contact the Human Resources team if
you’re qualified for and interested in a new role.
Issue 4, 2019 5
On March 1, Ralph Parcell retired after over Beverly Gibson
34 years of serving on our warehouse and retired from our
maintenance team. To celebrate a successful career, staff Sikeston warehouse on March 1
recognized Ralph with a party complete with cake, snacks, after more than 21 years of service.
and special memories. "Ralph will always be remembered Over the course of her career
for his smile, willingness to help others, and his positive Beverly worked in order filling,
‘whistle while you work’ stocking, and receiving. In addition
attitude. No matter how big to being a hard worker, she was
the task, Ralph was always known for her giving spirit and
up to the challenge," said making sure fellow team members
VP of Logistics Tim Miller. received encouragement and
In retirement Ralph looks support. Beverly was also an active member of the employee board and
forward to spending more ensured that events ran smoothly. She even volunteered to be the Easter
time at home with his wife Bunny during the team’s Eggstravaganza. At her retirement celebration,
Chris and getting serious on General Manager Will Ryan honored Beverly for her dedication to the
home improvement projects. team and everyone wished her well in the future.
ABOVE AND BEYOND: AMANDA After a successful first
festival as the new artist
Duesenberg Festival,
Graphic Artist Amanda Peet unveiled her design for this year’s event. The theme of the festival is
the “Year of the Duesenberg” so Amanda decided to focus on the iconic front end of a black and
burgundy Duesenberg displayed in the museum. “There are just so many great details to this car
— the chrome and the colors, everything about it,” Amanda said. “This was a really fun car to do
because there are so many details in it.”
Last year, Amanda’s poster used a blue and black color scheme featuring the back of a Boattail
Speedster, and she wanted to do something just as eye-catching this year. “I like to focus on a
singular part of the car, and this time, it’s the front end,” Amanda said. Her Duesenberg design will
be used on souvenirs, posters, t-shirts, signage, and much more throughout the festival weekend in
September - all reminders of the hard work and talent it took to get to this point.
Team members enjoyed some friendly competition and
salty snacks during a game day event sponsored by the
employee board.
Teams hit
the hoops
during the
by the
Tiffany Mahlan and Darrel Groves Dori Meighan and Beth Crilly were the women’s Ryan Cooley and Skiler Lehman took
were number one in the co-ed category. champions. home the men’s division title.
6 Issue 4, 2019
The employee board served up a St. MAKE YOUR PHONE MORE SECURE
Paddy’s Day treat of sausage and steak
biscuits leaving everyone feeling lucky to be part of a Your smartphone is more precious than app portals. Rooting your Android phone
great team! your wallet, your keys and in some cases, or jailbreaking your iPhone can also prove
your actual computer when it comes to really dangerous. It breaks down your OS
sensitive information. But we all have and provides you access to the basic code
that nagging feeling that we don't do within. If you can get access, malicious
enough to protect our devices beyond code has a much easier route to making
perhaps having a four digit pass code. If changes, too.
you are a smartphone user who wants
to be a little safer, follow some of these 5. Use lock code apps and vaults
tips: If you've got a pass code that gets into
the wrong hands then all your data could
1. Update your software potentially be at risk. With a lock code or
Whether you are running iOS, Android or vault app you can add an extra layer of
MESQUITE Windows, always grab the latest version security. Vault apps allow you to store all
of the operating system available. Part the files that you want to secure within
of the reason you should always have a dedicated area of your device or on an
the latest one is because it closes a lot of SD card. Samsung's Galaxy S5 features a
security loopholes. Most manufacturers fingerprint scanner to hide certain parts
allow you to set your phone to check for of your phone, too. It might not be the
updates automatically, so always make easiest thing to use, but at least you can
sure this box is ticked. be doubly secure that nobody can get
into the places you want hidden.
2. Use a secure lock screen
There are obvious benefits to having 6. Use kid/guest modes
even a basic lock, but while the face lock Kid and guest modes are vitally
on Android might seem fun, it isn't the important. The last thing you want is for
Team members enjoyed a potluck lunch organized by the most secure. Pattern unlocks and pins your child (or your friend) to be messing
employee board. are some of the most secure, but a full around on your phone and to stumble
alphanumeric password is the best. Also across private data, or to later find that
In celebration ensure that any boxes that say "make they have inadvertently called your boss.
of St. Paddy's passwords visible" are unticked. If you Kid and guest modes are prevalent on
Day, the want to take it one step further change most Android and Windows devices, as
employee your pass code regularly in case someone well as being downloadable via the App
board voted spots what you've typed in over your Store on iOS. Make sure you remember
Karina shoulder. your PIN so you can get out of them
Lopez, Jesse 3. Install antivirus software when your child or friend has finished.
McCann and One of the biggest threats to your phone 7. Keep location settings enabled
Peyton Smith as the team members with the most Irish is a virus. The problem appears to be less This is something that is less about
spirit. hazardous for iPhones thanks to Apple's protecting your device from being
strict controlling of the App store. The stolen and is more about getting your
open source nature of Android makes it a phone back if you lose it. On iOS there
WOODBURN To build lot more vulnerable as malicious apps can is the Find my iPhone app which is
be sideloaded onto the device without
exceptionally easy to install and use,
between old being checked by Google. In both cases and a similar technique is available via
and new leads, team members held a this is something that can be countered Android. For Windows Phone go via
pie eating contest where the veteran through the use of mobile antivirus WindowsPhone.com and log in with your
leads fed the rookie leads while blindfolded. software. details to spot its location on a map.
4. Disable apps from untrusted sources
and don't root or jailbreak
While it can be tempting to download
and install apps that aren't found on the
App Store or Google Play Store, these
apps tend to be the ones that are less
secure. Google, Apple, and Microsoft
keep tabs on the apps that are on their
Issue 4, 2019 7
FOCUS ON HEALTH SAFETY CORNER Presented by your safety committee
Once you make the commitment to workout regularly, With longer days and warmer weather
you have to establish some ways to keep yourself you may get the itch to do some spring
motivated. Try these tips to have exercise success. cleaning. It’s also a great time of year to
brush up on important safety precautions
Dress for success around your house to make sure
• Wear comfortable, properly fitted everything is in working order.
sneakers or flat shoes with laces.
Smoke Alarms
• Wear breathable clothing appropriate for the Test your smoke alarms every month and
weather and the activity. replace the batteries at least once a year. If
Make time the alarm makes a chirping sound, replace
• Start slowly. Gradually build up to at least 30 it immediately. Smoke alarms should be in
minutes of activity on most or all days of the every bedroom and in the common areas
week. on each floor of a home. Mount them at
least 10 feet from the stove to reduce false
• Exercise at the same time of day so it becomes alarms, less than 12 inches from the ceiling
a regular part of your lifestyle. and away from windows, doors and ducts.
• Find a convenient place to do activities. Try to Carbon Monoxide Detectors
make it a habit, but be flexible. If you miss an Anything that burns fuel can potentially become a source of
exercise opportunity, work activity into your carbon monoxide (CO). CO alarms should be installed in a central
day another way. location outside each bedroom and on every level of the home.
Keep reasonable expectations for yourself The safety tips for CO detectors mirror those of smoke alarms:
• If you have a high risk of coronary heart change the batteries, test them and interconnect them, if possible.
disease or other chronic health problem, check with your Also, make sure vents for your gas appliances are free and clear of
healthcare provider before beginning a physical activity program. snow or debris.
• Look for chances to be more active during the day. Walk the mall Family Emergency Plan
before shopping, take the stairs, and incorporate stretch breaks The National Safety Council (NSC) recommends every family have
while watching TV. an emergency plan in place in the event of a natural disaster or
other catastrophic event. Spring is a great time to review that plan
• Don't get discouraged if you stop for a while. Get started again with family members. The emergency plan should include:
gradually and work up to your old pace.
• An outline of how your family members will contact one another
• Don't exercise too vigorously right after meals, when it's very hot or and where to meet if it's safe to go outside
humid, or when you just don't feel up to it.
• A shelter-in-place plan if outside air is contaminated; FEMA
Make it fun recommends sealing windows, doors, and air vents with plastic
Choose activities that are fun, not exhausting. Add variety. Develop a sheeting
repertoire of several activities that you can enjoy. That way, exercise
will never seem boring or routine. • A getaway plan including various routes and destinations in
different directions
• Ask family and friends to join you — you may be more likely to
stick with it if you have company. Or join an exercise group, health • An updated first aid kit
club, or community center. Many churches and senior centers offer Unwanted Medicines
exercise programs. The NSC recommends you take unwanted or expired medicines
• Use variety to keep your interest up. Walk one day, swim the next, to a prescription drop box or take-back event near you. The NSC
then go for a bike ride on the weekend. offers free stericycle seal envelopes so you can send your unwanted
medication to be safely destroyed.
• Use music or audiobooks to pass the time.
Window Safety
Track and celebrate your success With warmer temperatures arriving, it's important to practice
• Write down the distance or length of time of your activity and how window safety - especially in homes with young children. Keep
you feel after each session. windows closed and locked when children are present. For a
• Reward yourself at special milestones with non-food items, like double-hung window on an upper floor, open the top sash for
a small gift or shopping trip for yourself. Nothing motivates like ventilation and keep the bottom sash closed. If there are young
success! children in the home, install ASTM-approved limited-opening
hardware, which allows a window to open only a few inches.
Find, Friend & Follow Us Issue 4, 2019