Issue 4
With so many great reasons to
attend the Do it Best Spring Before you go . . .
Market, you may be wondering
how you can make the most
Plan your strategy
of your time in Indianapolis.
You’ll want to use this can’t- Figuring out how to make the most of your
miss market roadmap from our time at the market can be intimidating, but
subject matter experts to help that’s where your territory manager can help.
strategically plan your time at Get in touch with us before heading to Indy so
the market. we can assist you in identifying the vendors,
Download the new market booths, and Do it Best team members best
mobile app so you can positioned to help you grow your business. To
customize your schedule, get the greatest value from the market, you
review all event and education need to go in with a clear strategy, and your Mike Melchi
information, access speaker territory manager is here to help. Territory Manager
handouts and more! Instructions
on how to access the app will
Market Savings Builder
be available on May 3.
All spring market buying information, including
bulletins, drop ship order forms, pallet specials
and the Sneak Peek Pre-Planner link are
accessible through the Market Savings Builder.
Start preparing for the market with useful
tutorials and resources and discover all the time
and money saving benefits of going paperless
Kelly Koeneman by using our enhanced Market Savings Builder.
Order Engagement Manager It all goes live on April 15.
Market Kickoff Don’t leave the market
The kickoff sets the tone for your weekend. until you’ve explored these
If you want to start off feeling invigorated,
you won’t want to miss this. Everyone
needs a good dose of inspiration and
our keynote speaker, Shannon Huffman
Polson, an Apache helicopter pilot, has stories of
grit and leadership that will leave you
ready to do something courageous
in your store.
Rich Lynch
VP of Marketing
Education Day
It can be hard to pull away from your store and invest in educational
opportunities, but we have so many great sessions and workshops
worth attending. If there is a specific challenge or opportunity your
store is facing, we have sessions that will be useful for you. Knowledge
Meagan Baker
is power and we are ready to give you the power to succeed. Member Education & Special Events Manager
May 17–20 | Indiana Convention Center | Indianapolis
Dent Johnson Gary Loosle Laura Williams
VP of Merchandising Divisional Merchandise Manager Merchandise Manager
Merchandising Preview Sneak Peek The Launch Zone
The Merchandising Preview is a At this special buying event, select We are very excited to bring you the
fast-paced high-energy setting for vendors offer amazing deals on high Launch Zone, featuring the most
discovering products that will drive margin items. You can expand your unique and innovative products on
traffic to your store. This event is well merchandise mix while saving $10,000 the market. At our last fall market,
worth your time because while you or more on traffic-driving products. sales from the Launch Zone outpaced
enjoy a great breakfast, you get to Lock in great deals from vendors like our expectations and vendors noted
hear straight from our experts all Channellock, Milwaukee, Libman the increased traffic and enthusiasm.
before you hit the market floor for and more! Check out the Sneak Peek This market, the Launch Zone will
the day. We present you with the Pre-Planner beginning April 29 on move to a can’t-miss location in the
latest merchandising trends and main plaza.
opportunities that you need to know.
Todd Hixson Trisha Hinen Michael Zadylak
LBM Divisional Manager Promotions Manager Divisional Merchandise Manager
Super Saturday Specials Category Solutions Channellock Exclusives
Our Super Saturday Specials on With our Category Solutions you For a full decade, we have provided
drywall, roofing, insulation, foam aren’t getting any old planograms - our members with internationally-
sheathing, concrete, steel, and you’re getting the best items in each recognized product categories
treated lumber are deals you can’t category from the best vendors, at the through the popular and Do it
get anywhere else. And our LBM team best prices. We’ve done the hard work Best exclusive Channellock brand.
provides valuable insights on how to so that you can be confident you are Channellock’s bold look and long-
navigate the volatile world of lumber grouping products that drive the most standing reputation for high quality
trading during the LBM Industry profitability. And this spring there will make them top-sellers for Do it
Update over lunch on Friday. This be a record number of new Category Best members. Give your customers
industry comes with its unique set Solutions to add, including Chain, another reason to shop your store
of challenges and opportunities, and Cable & Accessories, Extension Cords, with the new Channellock multi-tool/
the spring market is a great place to Household Cleaning Chemicals, Tie knives, wheelbarrows, and wet/dry
get a refreshed perspective on how to Downs, and Wet/Dry Vacs. vacs, now made by Shop-Vac.
overcome and maximize them.
Promotional Planning
GAIN KNOWLEDGE The relationship between
that you can use retailers and consumers is
changing faster than ever - data
and analytics are king. We are
ready to help you navigate the
complex landscape of retail
marketing to ensure your Andrew Hufford
Consumer Marketing
company’s relevance for years
Planning & Production Manager
to come. Let our team guide
you in creating the best promotional calendar for your store and your
community. We can show you how to reach the right people, at the
right time, and in the right ways.
Scott Sproul
National Retail Performance Manager
Retail Performance
A new ecommerce program is
Our Retail Performance team meets with coming! It offers many exciting,
movers and shakers who are reinvesting in new features so you won’t
their businesses all weekend long. Planning want to miss the opportunity
a store expansion or rebuild often starts to learn more. Be sure to
at the market, and when it’s all said and attend our education session
done, you will end up with the best store in “A Sneak-Peek at the All-New
the community you serve. And you can see Ecommerce Program”, Corbin Prows
Consumer Marketing
how Merchandising Essentials integrates and schedule time with Product Development Manager
with your POS data. It’s very personalized, your Consumer Marketing
and you’ll get to discover everything Specialist to discuss how it relates to your business. You’ll gain a better
Merchandising Essentials can do for your understanding of what you’ll need to do to be ready to drive more
business. online sales.
All of these publications provide free subscriptions
to their print editions and access to their digital
issues. If you’re not currently a subscriber, use
these helpful links:
• Building Products Digest/Merchant Magazine
NRHA Cost of Doing Business • Hardware + Building Supply Dealer
Study Now Open • Hardware Retailing
• LBM Journal
Your opportunity to participate in the NRHA’s 2019
Cost of Doing Business Study is now! This inclusive • ProSales
benchmarking study is one of a kind in the industry, and • The Hardware Connection
your contribution has great benefits for your business. • Contractor Supply
When you participate, you will receive a collection of
• Industrial Distribution
robust financial resources, and get a complete copy
• Industrial Supply
of the study this fall so you can review
and benchmark your business against We’re posting content daily that highlights our company’s
the industry. Complete the survey now achievements and members’ successes. Be sure to Find, Friend
through June 30. & Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
MEMBERS IN THE NEWS Check out stories published in industry trade publications highlighting the
growth, innovation, success, and giving spirit of fellow member-owned stores.
Benson Guam Big R Escalante Do it Best Friedman’s Home
In addition to overcoming This team gives back Home Center Improvement
the demands of a unique while teaching the next Capturing the humanity in This retailer is inspiring the
market, this retailer has generation the value of home improvement is a next generation of builders by
time to help its community. hard work and community. mission for Karen Munson. hosting STEAM workshops.
Hillsboro Hardware Juergens Do it Center ® Karl’s Hardware Landrum Hardware
The team at this Nashville- Brandon Juergens offers This hardware store caters This retailer offers
based store are experts in tips to build your own to the unique needs of customers great service
custom lighting repair. kitchen garden. the niche industries in its while maintaining
community. cherished elements from
their former building.
Solano’s Alpine Town Hardware & Triple A Do it Best Trustworthy
Hardware General Store Building Center Hardware & Fishing
This California-based chain Euston Hardware & This building center has This hardware store
of stores has team members Rental seen its fair share of understands their fishing
who love their jobs. challenges but comes community and knows
Chic Lumber Co. back stronger every time. exactly what anglers want.
Independent We Stand hit the
road visiting local retailers
and eating great BBQ.