Issue 12
Maximize Your
Start Your Own
Buy Local
A Deeper Connection with Customers
At Do it Best, we know that independent businesses
like yours are a community’s real strength. They
create jobs, generate revenue, and foster a vibrant
culture. That’s why we partner with Independent
We Stand. Their work is all about connecting locally
owned businesses with consumers who understand
and appreciate the value that local operators bring to
their community.
Independent We Stand seeks to celebrate small
business successes by tapping into the buy local movement so it is more accessible to store owners. With our
support of Independent We Stand, you can take advantage of these great resources.
Locals Only Search Engine & Mobile App
Consumers are searching online and on mobile devices for local goods and services. At least
four in every five consumers use the Internet to find local businesses. What’s more, 50 percent
of consumers who conducted a local search on their smartphone visited a store within a day.
Through Independent We Stand, you receive a listing in their Locals Only search engine and
mobile app, complete with contact info, a website link, and a logo. This listing helps put your
business where local-minded consumers will find it, whether they’re searching on a computer,
tablet or smartphone. For help editing your listing, email [email protected] or call
Downloadable Marketing Materials LOG IN AND THINK LOCAL
Creating social media posts and gathering marketing assets might As a Do it Best member, accessing the
seem daunting and time consuming. Independent We Stand offers great resources offered by Independent
seasonal and professionally designed marketing We Stand is free and easier than ever.
materials that provide you Visit and look for
with a free and easy way Business Member Login in the upper right
to promote the localness hand corner of the screen. Your username
of your business. As more is your store number and your password
and more consumers look is your zip code. If you signed up on your
for ways to support small own and are having trouble remembering
businesses, using buy local your password, you can call the Dealer
promotional resources Activation Helpline at 888.787.8497.
throughout your store can help
customers get to know you and
your business better. To explore
the available flyers, social media
graphics and more.
On the cover: On Independent We Stand’s recent Great American River Road Trip, they made a stop at Holmes Building
Materials and sat down with John and Matthew Holmes to learn about their independent spirit and success.
Retail. Rental. Commercial Sales.
Get Inspired by the Shop Small Spirit of Samantha Post
Samantha Post, marketing and human resources manager at T & M Hardware & Rental, saw there was
untapped potential for a shop local movement in Bellevue, PA. She wanted to help preserve the integrity of
the charming town while pushing it forward to be a place that people want to live and shop. Looking to take
Bellevue’s Small Business Saturday to an
entirely new level, Samantha quickly got
She chairs the Bellevue Initiative for Growth
and Revitalization’s Small Business Saturday
(SBS) planning committee, and last year they
greeted shoppers and visitors to Bellevue’s
downtown shopping district with a welcome
station. At the station, Samantha and fellow
committee members provided shoppers with
tote bags, refreshments and treats, as well as a
detailed guide to each of the participating small
businesses in the downtown shopping district.
Thanks to the efforts and planning of Samantha and the committee, the town’s SBS events are doing
better than ever before. And Samantha’s hard work and dedication to local movements like SBS earned
her Independent We Stand and
The North American Retail Hardware
Association’s first-ever Spirit of
Independents Award, presented at
the State of Independents conference
on December 6.
Samantha stands with Co-Founder of
Independent We Stand Bill Brunelle
and Hardware Retailing Publisher
Dan Tratensek to accept her award.
Start your own shop local movement by visiting
Check out stories published in industry trade publications
The annual exercise is certainly valu-
MEMBERS IN THE NEWS highlighting the growth, innovation, success, and giving
able for the store as well. Not only does
chili and soup on a cold day, and all food the Limeberry team benefit from a
hamburgers, buns, soda, water and con-
wealth of youth-focused business ideas
diments. Some groups might also offer
spirit of fellow member-owned stores. diments. Some groups might also offer The annual exercise is certainly valu-
each year, they also build strong, often
hamburgers, buns, soda, water and con-
lifelong connections with young con-
and drinks are available for a donation.
Kibler Lumber promotes the fund-
and in-store signs. The local groups also nity. Some of the students even end up
able for the store as well. Not only does
raisers in its sales fliers, with posts on sumers from throughout the commu- raisers in its sales fliers, with posts on each year, they also build strong, often
and drinks are available for a donation.
Facebook, a banner on the front gate
chili and soup on a cold day, and all food the Limeberry team benefit from a
promote their events, which helps drive working at the store. n
Kibler Lumber promotes the fund-
wealth of youth-focused business ideas
traffic to the store. “People still come
Facebook, a banner on the front gate
every Saturday,” says Conrad, who
lifelong connections with young con-
PaulB Petersburg Do it Best Limeberry Lumber sumers from throughout the commu-
adds that the local groups have raised
about $14,000 this year.
In addition to giving back and sup-
and in-store signs. The local groups also nity. Some of the students even end up
promote their events, which helps drive working at the store. n
traffic to the store. “People still come
from these fundraisers in more direct
The team at PaulB knows how Hardware porting their community, Kibler benefits & Home Center
every Saturday,” says Conrad, who
to the location on Saturdays. Regardless
adds that the local groups have raised
to sell power to the pros. ways, as they bring a lot of extra people about $14,000 this year.
of any positive impact it has on their
These highly effective hand made Area high school students grow
bottom line, Kibler Lumber’ s generous
In addition to giving back and sup-
approach to these fundraisers shows
price signs drive sales. their marketing know-how.
porting their community, Kibler benefits
that community spirit is contagious.
from these fundraisers in more direct
ways, as they bring a lot of extra people
Checkouts limeberry lumber GOes to the location on Saturdays. Regardless
bacK tO schOOl of any positive impact it has on their
hamburgers, buns, soda, water and con-
Limeberry Lumber & Home Center,
bottom line, Kibler Lumber’ s generous
MERCHANDISING diments. Some groups might also offer The annual exercise is certainly valu-
a Do it Best member in Corydon, Ind.,
Chalking It Up “We had these same amounts in the back before, able for the store as well. Not only does
extends its extensive community involve-
approach to these fundraisers shows
dding a new niche or category can sometimes present but the displays helped sales take off, ” he says. that community spirit is contagious.
Another added benefit of the displays was that Smith
chili and soup on a cold day, and all food the Limeberry team benefit from a
ment to a local high school, where it
and drinks are available for a donation.
had the opportunity to show customers how they can use
challenges that require a little elbow grease to solve.
ANearly three years ago, Petersburg Hardware in the products Petersburg Hardware sells for decorative wealth of youth-focused business ideas
Kibler Lumber promotes the fund-
purposes. A recent trend has been using pipe for DIY
works with a marketing class.
Petersburg, Indiana, moved to a new location which grew
By Chad Husted, [email protected]
projects, like wine racks, so Smith used pipe to connect
each year, they also build strong, often
raisers in its sales fliers, with posts on
space allowed the company to enhance its feed department,
Feel the the salesfloor by more than 20,000 square feet. The new another way to utilize it in their homes. , students from the class lifelong connections with young con-
the chalkboard signs to the pallets to show customers
limeberry lumber GOes
work with Owner Scott Limeberry and
Each year
Facebook, a banner on the front gate
present marketing ideas to Limeberry bacK tO schOOl
his team preparing marketing ideas
Power and they quickly realized that a few bags in an aisle would For a step-by-step guide on building this merchandiser, Each year students from a local high school
“Initially, we chose pallet racking to put bags on, but
not meet their sales goals.
sumers from throughout the commu-
Lumber & Home Center in Corydon, Ind.
for the business, with Limeberry lead-
that didn’t allow very many SKUs of different feeds or visit The hARDWARe Connection ■ November 2018 ■ 59
large quantities, ” store manager Eric Smith says. “In our
ers providing valuable feedback, input
and in-store signs. The local groups also nity. Some of the students even end up
area, when people come in, they buy five, 10 or 15 bags
What Pro Customers
sometimes, so we realized we needed to have a lot more in
promote their events, which helps drive working at the store. n
traffic to the store. “People still come
Look for in a T ool Supplier
stock, and we didn’t want it in the backroom. ”
Smith designed and built two 17-foot-long stack displays
and expertise.
every Saturday,” says Conrad, who
Limeberry Lumber & Home Center,
ontractors and professional tradespeople are
By Chad Husted, [email protected]
merchandise several varieties of feed and include product
HARDWARE RETAILING | November 2018 Feel the demand in their power tool department. using pallets, plywood and pipe that allows the business to about $14,000 this year. extends its extensive community involve-
often in a hurry. Theirs is a business where
time very much equals money, and downtime
adds that the local groups have raised
C due to labor shortages, permit issues or
mechanical failures are never welcome.
a Do it Best member in Corydon, Ind.,
information that customers need.
“I wanted the display to mimic our in-store signage, so we
Many customers walking into a hardware store are
framed out thin plywood and painted it with chalkboard paint, ”
looking for something that will solve a problem.
Smith says. “With the chalkboards, we can include facts, like
For professional customers, those problems aren’t usually
a few holes that need patching as much as they are a
In addition to giving back and sup-
few walls that need to be framed up. Those problems need
powerful solutions, and retailers can make the most of that
ment to a local high school, where it
Power tools can be a tricky department to nail down for
Smith says that since they transitioned to the new displays
to change. ”
54 54-60_FEATURE_ Catspot_1118.indd 54-55 impact drivers, saws and grinders. what type of animal it’s for and the pricing, and it’s also easy porting their community, Kibler benefits works with a marketing class.
retailers. While these products are often some of the most
Power their power tool selections. They share how they’ve brought department have grown more than 400 percent. to the location on Saturdays. Regardless work with Owner Scott Limeberry and
high-profile offerings available at home improvement
and put one in the power aisle, the store’s sales in the
from these fundraisers in more direct
stores, margins can be tight on big-ticket items like drills,
While professional customers are certainly concerned with
price, they balance that concern with whether the tool will do
ways, as they bring a lot of extra people
Each year, students from the class
the job they need and hold up to the rigors of the workplace.
How many problems can this power tool solve before they
have to reinvest in another one? Hardware Retailing spoke to
three retailers who have attracted professional customers with
professional customers into their stores and how they’ve
of any positive impact it has on their
maintained their relationships with that customer base.
What Pro Customers November 2018 | HARDWARE RETAILING 11/1/18 9:34 AM 55 that community spirit is contagious. for the business, with Limeberry lead-
his team preparing marketing ideas
bottom line, Kibler Lumber’ s generous
Look for in a T ool Supplier
approach to these fundraisers shows
ers providing valuable feedback, input
Each year students from a local high school
ontractors and professional tradespeople are limeberry lumber GOes and expertise. present marketing ideas to Limeberry
often in a hurry. Theirs is a business where
hamburgers, buns, soda, water and con-
time very much equals money, and downtime
Lumber & Home Center in Corydon, Ind.
C due to labor shortages, permit issues or bacK tO schOOl able for the store as well. Not only does The hARDWARe Connection ■ November 2018 ■ 59
diments. Some groups might also offer
The annual exercise is certainly valu-
mechanical failures are never welcome.
Many customers walking into a hardware store are
looking for something that will solve a problem. When Petersburg Hardware transitioned into a larger location, store manager Eric Smith built his own merchandiser to expand wealth of youth-focused business ideas
and drinks are available for a donation.
For professional customers, those problems aren’t usually
chili and soup on a cold day, and all food the Limeberry team benefit from a
Limeberry Lumber & Home Center,
a few holes that need patching as much as they are a
Kibler Lumber promotes the fund-
his feed department. The customizable displays have helped the department grow sales by more than 400 percent.
a Do it Best member in Corydon, Ind.,
few walls that need to be framed up. Those problems need
powerful solutions, and retailers can make the most of that
raisers in its sales fliers, with posts on
each year, they also build strong, often
extends its extensive community involve-
demand in their power tool department.
Facebook, a banner on the front gate
Power tools can be a tricky department to nail down for
ment to a local high school, where it
lifelong connections with young con-
retailers. While these products are often some of the most 32-37_Checkouts_1118.indd 34 work with Owner Scott Limeberry and sumers from throughout the commu-
11/1/18 9:33 AM
works with a marketing class.
high-profile offerings available at home improvement
stores, margins can be tight on big-ticket items like drills,
Each year, students from the class
and in-store signs. The local groups also nity. Some of the students even end up
While professional customers are certainly concerned with
impact drivers, saws and grinders.
traffic to the store. “People still come
promote their events, which helps drive working at the store. n
price, they balance that concern with whether the tool will do and expertise. adds that the local groups have raised
his team preparing marketing ideas
the job they need and hold up to the rigors of the workplace.
every Saturday,” says Conrad, who
How many problems can this power tool solve before they
for the business, with Limeberry lead-
have to reinvest in another one? Hardware Retailing spoke to
ers providing valuable feedback, input
three retailers who have attracted professional customers with
Each year students from a local high school
and we can get
present marketing ideas to Limeberry
their power tool selections. They share how they’ve brought
about $14,000 this year. it for you. It anchors
professional customers into their stores and how they’ve
Lumber & Home Center in Corydon, Ind.
the store—lets you know you’re in a
In addition to giving back and sup-
maintained their relationships with that customer base.
unique place, the right place. The staff
uses it to make an impact on clientele
that’s very impressive.
porting their community, Kibler benefits
Kibler Lumber 11/1/18 9:34 AM McCabe Lumber ways, as they bring a lot of extra people
“The home showcases categories,”
The hARDWARe Connection ■ November 2018 ■ 59
from these fundraisers in more direct Jerry emphasizes, “more than products.
It acts as an anchor to drive customers
into the showroom to find other prod-
ucts. And it’s not stagnant. It’s always
latest trends.”
COMPETITIVE Intelligence to the location on Saturdays. Regardless
being updated to call attention to the
Who visits? “Pros are our business,
See how Kibler connects with This Ohio yard wows with its can use it in two ways. One, to inform
By Carla Waldemar
75% of it,” says the boss, “and they
of any positive impact it has on their
themselves, and two—the biggest—
community fundraisers. spectacular showroom. approach to these fundraisers shows
bottom line, Kibler Lumber’ s generous
to bring customers to McCabe, via
a dedicated sales rep, to make their
HARDWARE RETAILING | November 2018 end-user, plus remodelers and home
selections. So, the foot traffic is the
54 54 that community spirit is contagious.
builders. Up to 30% of visitors are
walk-ins, looking for better products,
better service, better solutions. It posi-
It’s time for the Of course, price is definitely a topic,”
54-60_FEATURE_ Catspot_1118.indd 54-55 limeberry lumber GOes
tions McCabe as the leader against the
Competition? The boxes, yes.
“But primarily, other independents.
bacK tO schOOl
Jerry concedes, “but as a rule, it cen-
retail ideas of our employees.”
ters on product, availability and quality
Today those employees number
110, and McCabe is always on the
Well, but how do you attract busi-
GrillinG at Kibler lumber Pays show(room)! have a hole to fill. We’re looking for
lookout to hire—“not just when we
ness to an unknown outfit? “Yellow
Off fOr lOcal GrOuPs place no one else was serving.” ing, including shadowing a mentor
Limeberry Lumber & Home Center,
Pages.” (He has to laugh at the term
emerging, younger talent with good
personalities. Smiles!” Then McCabe
today’s millennials wouldn’t even rec-
follows through with ongoing train-
a Do it Best member in Corydon, Ind.,
ognize.) “We cold-called everybody
to tell them who we were and what
we could do for them: service better
plus one-on-one and group training
A dozen years ago, a local nonprofit
extends its extensive community involve-
than the competition, who swept those
November through March on new
organization approached the team
folks under the rug. If they weren’t big
products. “And we promote from with-
ment to a local high school, where it
in, meaning then they are somewhat
at Kibler Lumber’s Mt. Orab location
builders, it was ‘Forget about them’.”
pre-trained,” Jerry stresses.
It worked. But soon those contrac-
about hosting a fundraiser in their
works with a marketing class.
tors wanted more than decks, “so it
To get the word out, the company
parking lot on an upcoming Saturday.
went from decks to everything they
utilizes a variety of marketing media,
including radio (the largest segment),
needed for their other segments: room
Each year, students from the class
Having been an ingrained part of the
additions, porches…. We added what
print and social media. It also hosts
we could in our small facility; then in
events for pros and conducts an annu-
southwestern Ohio community it
al Deck Expo for consumers, involv-
2001 we relocated to a 230,000-sq. ft.
work with Owner Scott Limeberry and
serves through its four Do it Best loca-
ing over a dozen manufacturers and
building where we can house every-
generous refreshments. Average atten-
of first-timers. until we
thing. (We sublet half of it
tions for more than 100 years, the team
his team preparing marketing ideas
dance is over one thousand, with lots
were ready to use it all.)”
at Kibler did more than just say yes.
Then, in 2004, the real reason for
for the business, with Limeberry lead-
To reach new pros, the company
this story came to be: construction of
OHIO DEALER’S mega-showroom can be traced to the owner’s original desire to establish a heavy ers providing valuable feedback, input Each year students from a local high school
In addition to use of their parking
employs outside sales reps to culti-
an industry-leading showroom stocked
vate relationships with builders and
with premier products—12,000 sq. ft.,
lot, they donated food and a grill to
and expertise.
remodelers, stressing special services
the organization, encouraged them to
presence in decking. Oh, wait, they realized: We don’t showcasing windows and doors, deck- present marketing ideas to Limeberry
ing, siding, railing, and the list goes on.
such as delivery via forklift and spec-
But it didn’t stop there. McCabe
ified morning arrival times. “Also, we
sell the food as part of their fundraiser
long-story-short for the moment, in
offer vertically-engaged manufacture
T“beloved, third-generation home- 2001 they erected from scratch one of The hARDWARe Connection ■ November 2018 ■ 59
and let them keep all proceeds raised
of trusses and wall panels. And when it
from the sale. his isn’t going to be one of those have near-enough indoor space. So, built a complete, two-story house with- Lumber & Home Center in Corydon, Ind.
in this showroom to set off, says Jerry,
town yard builds on its legacy” stories.
comes to inside sales, we have 11 reps
the biggest, baddest full-service lum-
“the best of the best, trend-setting
Nope. McCabe Lumber, of Lovelace,
ready to help with remodeling, deck-
ber and building supply facilities for
ing, and maintenance. It lets
products. It anchors the store.
Oh.—20 miles from the Cincinnati
“It didn’t catch on at first with groups
customers know they’ve come to the
metro area and serving Northern
And that’s when young Jerry Tepe
miles around.
right place. It features the best custom
Kentucky and Southeast Indiana as
taking advantage of this, but it’ s really
Upper Left: Customers come to Kibler
products, such as French door interi-
well—didn’t even exist in the 20th
out of high school and did some col-
caught on the last five or six years,”
ors, lots of moulding, a cherry wood
Lumber every Saturday to support a local
century. Today, it’s a blockbuster,
lege while working full-time here.
ceiling, a unique porch floor—a rich
explains Jenny Conrad, sales manager.
THE EXPANSIVE 12,000-sq. ft. showroom offers life-sized displays not only of (top) decking and
organization that grills food for donations.
both in market share and innovation.
With the expansion, I took the reins to
interior and exterior that serves as an
Well, it sorta didn’t exist. There
Now, organizations from throughout
build the lumber side of the business,”
idea-creator. A ‘What if?’ A ‘Can I?’
was a McCabe Hardware back in the stepped into the enterprise. “I’d come Digest 11-18 Layout.indd 19 railing, but also (middle) stairparts and columns, and (bottom) doors and windows.
says Jerry, its present owner. “We got
Upper Right: Kibler Lumber’s Facebook page November 2018 n Building Products Digest n 19
It assures customers that McCabe can
the region are lining up to hold their
’80s. When the urge to expand and
a foothold by specializing in exteri-
supply everything; that we can find it
seize new opportunities to grow took
lets customers know what local group is
ors, remodeling and decking. We paid
fundraisers at Kibler’s Mt. Orab loca-
fire, the McCabe fellas decided to
grilling for donations that Saturday.
launch a decking enterprise to fill an
18 n Building Products Digest n November 2018
tion. They hosted 18 groups in 2016,
21 groups last year and will end up
Middle: The Eastern FCCLA raised money to
underserved niche. attention to a segment of the market- 10/22/2018 2:32:57 PM 10/22/2018 2:33:00 PM
hosting 32 groups this year, accord-
support their trip to the national convention.
ing to Conrad. That is just about every
Bottom: For the past 12 years, Kibler Lumber
Saturday from March into November.
has been turning over its grill on Saturdays to
Digest 11-18 Layout.indd 18 MULTIPLE full room settings sell high-end millwork and more.
In addition to school and church
help community organizations raise money.
groups, fundraisers are held for Scouts,
Lions Club, local library, historical soci-
The fundraisers are always held from
ety, FFA and more. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday. The store dows, entry door, columns and porch railing.
lends the grill and donates hot dogs,
58 ■ The hARDWARe Connection ■ November 2018
HOME FRONT display shows off exterior products, including siding, win-
MULTIPLE full room settings sell high-end millwork and more. our niche.”
“I attribute a lot of our reputation for service to will-call
traffic to the facilities’ layout, incorporating the largest
covered lumberyard in the tri-state area. Customers can
HOME FRONT display shows off exterior products, including siding, win-
drive through the covered facility to the product they’re
dows, entry door, columns and porch railing.
picking up, which means efficiency for them. It’s definitely
“I attribute a lot of our reputation for service to will-call
As with most of your own operations, the past recession
traffic to the facilities’ layout, incorporating the largest
took a bite. To survive and thrive, “We tended to roll back
covered lumberyard in the tri-state area. Customers can
some payroll hours during slow seasons. We’d been grow-
drive through the
about 12% to 15%.” covered facility to the product they’re
ing at a good pace, but those years took away our growth,
picking up, which means efficiency for them. It’s definitely
flattened it. During those years, we lost lots of our com-
our niche.”
petition, many of whom went under. So we were able to
As with most of your own operations, the past recession
And in the future? “Growth is our
rebound in 2010-11, with good growth. We typically grow
business mode. We’re always look-
took a bite. To survive and thrive, “We tended to roll back
ing for new opportunities, new
product mix, new customers.”
some payroll hours during slow seasons. We’d been grow-
ing at a good pace, but those years took away our growth,
What keeps Jerry rooted to the
enterprise? “My passion is seeing we lost lots of our com-
flattened it. During those years,
petition, many of whom went
the long-term relationships being under. So we were able to
created by our people. My
rebound in 2010-11, with good growth. We typically grow
reward is seeing our asso-
them. about 12% to 15%.”
ciates grow.” And growing “Growth is our
And in the future?
business mode. We’re
McCabe right along with always look-
Digest 11-18 Layout.indd 20
ing for new opportunities, new
product mix, new customers.”
Carla Waldemar
What keeps Jerry rooted to the
[email protected]
enterprise? “My passion is seeing
the long-term relationships being
created by our people. My
reward is seeing our asso-
ciates grow.” And growing
20 n Building Products Digest n November 2018
McCabe right along with
Carla Waldemar 10/22/2018 2:33:03 PM
[email protected]
20 n Building Products Digest n November 2018
Digest 11-18 Layout.indd 20 10/22/2018 2:33:03 PM
Take the salesfloor outside.
shoppers a while before they actually step
inside Whitmore Ace Hardware. For much
of the year, an area in front of the store
Get kids excited.
is set up with live plants, patio furniture,
In addition to a brontosaurus,
grills and lawn and garden accessories.
Beisswenger’s is also home to a raptor
It is full of merchandise and is attractive
prowling among the birdbaths and prairie
so customers want to stop and browse.
grass. Children visiting the store love to see
“We’ve created an open-air market look,”
the dinosaurs, along with a Bigfoot, giraffe
says Laurie Becker, director of marketing,
and lion. In the meantime, parents are free
who works with managers at all six of the
Bulk up.
to browse the store’s extensive offering
At Whitmore Ace, outdoor signage and
business’s locations in northern Illinois to
of lawn and garden goods. According to
stacks of soil and fertilizer let customers
create outdoor displays. “We put add-on
know right away: This is a lawn and garden
Neumann, the store’s purchase of the
products on display alongside the live goods
destination. Stacking bagged goods outside
dinosaurs four years ago coincided with
a store sends the message that it’s the place
so customers are not running all over trying
the release of one of the “Jurassic Park”
where customers can get as much as they
need and that prices will be competitive.
movies. “Our local Dairy Queen borrowed
to find what they need.”
Becker is strategic with the layout of the
the raptor for a promotion they were doing
Bulk up.
pallets, too. “We lay out the parking lot
in conjunction with the movie,” he says.
with the best soil toward the greenhouse,
“It’s been worth the investment just for the
putting them closer to the plants,” she
At Whitmore Ace, outdoor signage and
says. “The premium product is out front
At Howard’s Hardware Hank in Arcadia,
advertising we got from that.”
so customers are sure to see it.” When
stacks of soil and fertilizer let customers
merchandising bulk goods, it’s important to
Wisconsin, manager Seth Howard makes
know right away: This is a lawn and garden
watch for torn bags and remove them so
the most of the limited but highly visible
destination. Stacking bagged goods outside
the area stays clean and free of debris.
space next to his garden center. He made
Set the mood.
a store sends the message that it’s the place
the area more inviting with some help from
It’s easy for Malinda Milam, owner of
where customers can get as much as they
a landscaping contractor in town. “We don’t
M Kay Supply in Benton, Missouri, to give
need and that prices will be competitive.
sell the pavers or bricks, but we can give
Customers might be surprised when they
directions to her store. “We tell them to
Becker is strategic with the layout of the
learn that 95 percent of the items making up
customers the name of a local contractor
just look for the 1953 Ford truck with the
the window displays at Cole Hardware are
pallets, too. “We lay out the parking lot
who can help if that’s something they want
actually for sale in the store. Noelle Nicks has
big sign in the back,” she says. When
with the best soil toward the greenhouse,
for their yard,” he says. It’s also one more
a gift for taking ordinary hardware items and
she and her husband were designing the 1 says. “The premium product is out front Use your wit. 7 8 With so much to see outside, it may take
putting them closer to the plants,” she
turning them into unique and eclectic works
store, she wanted to make the outside so customers are sure to see it.” When of art. The displays get people’s attention, step he can take toward improving the
of the business something people would 4 Get kids excited. and often get them in the door. “The window outside of the building. “The more attractive
remember. She also wanted to make watch for torn bags and remove them so display should be an experience, not a store exterior has made it more appealing to
behind glass,” she says. And while her ideas
merchandising bulk goods, it’s important to
customers feel welcome as soon as they the area stays clean and free of debris. are witty and creative, she says creating an people,” he says. “They’re likely to think,
‘If it’s nice outside, the store must be nice
In addition to a brontosaurus,
pulled into the parking lot. “If you feel prowling among the birdbaths and prairie effective display also requires meticulous
attention to detail. “Pay attention to every
Beisswenger’s is also home to a raptor
comfortable, you’ll want to come back,”
Beisswenger Hardware Jebens Hardware Hillsboro Hardware detail of the display, including the backdrop, inside, too.’”
flooring, lighting and levels. Every item has to
she says. “We wanted the store to be
Use your wit.
grass. Children visiting the store love to see
warm and inviting, inside and out.
the dinosaurs, along with a Bigfoot, giraffe
The experience you create on the outside
Learn how this store stands out Eye-catching seasonal displays These window displays are look like a museum piece.” Make it a quick take. 7 Take the salesfloor outside.
and lion. In the meantime, parents are free
Customers might be surprised when they
to browse the store’s extensive offering
has to carry through the entire store.”
from the competition. draw customers in. turning heads in Nashville. Turn heads. 9 Items from both the garden center and gift inside Whitmore Ace Hardware. For much
of lawn and garden goods. According to
the release of one of the “Jurassic Park” 3
shop are on display at the Ace Hardware
learn that 95 percent of the items making up
Passers-by are sure to see something unique
With so much to see outside, it may take
Neumann, the store’s purchase of the
Merchandising: Exterior Displays
the window displays at Cole Hardware are
shoppers a while before they actually step
dinosaurs four years ago coincided with
Nashville, T ennessee. Store manager
manager, creates seasonal displays that
actually for sale in the store. Noelle Nicks has
6 turning them into unique and eclectic works incorporate products popular in his area. grills and lawn and garden accessories.
By Jesse Carleton, [email protected]
Jason Mathias likes to dig up relics from the
of the year, an area in front of the store
See, Stop Celebrate seasons. a gift for taking ordinary hardware items and in the window at Hillsboro Hardware in in Cocoa Beach, Florida. Stephen Nichols, is set up with live plants, patio furniture,
movies. “Our local Dairy Queen borrowed
the raptor for a promotion they were doing
and Shop Festive window decorations have become and often get them in the door past along with unusual items. Arrangements The outdoor display is meant to be so customers want to stop and browse.
in the windows might include old hand
one of the traditions at Jeben’s Hardware in
in conjunction with the movie,” he says.
and power tools that give people a glimpse
of art. The displays get people’s attention,
It is full of merchandise and is attractive
Blue Island, Illinois. Sometimes, they make
“It’s been worth the investment just for the
Using Your Store’s Exterior
to Get Customers Inside
“We use these outdoor areas to give
advertising we got from that.” . “The window
unusual, such as a 3-foot-long wrench or a
the difference between someone stopping 5 Set the mood. of hardware past. It could be something only a sample of what’s inside the store. who works with managers at all six of the
he brontosaurus standing in the outdoor
“We’ve created an open-air market look,”
garden center and poking its head above
display should be an experience, not a store
to come in or just walking by. Employee behind glass,” she says. And while her ideas large bulb used in theater lighting. “We try customers an idea of what they will find in business’s locations in northern Illinois to
Beisswenger’s Hardware has become a landmark
says Laurie Becker, director of marketing,
T around New Brighton, Minnesota. Undoubtedly,
to have fun with it,” he says. “Many of the
most children see it and tug on their parent’s arm to go
have a closer look, which is just fine with Jim Neumann,
Judy T uma blends the old and the new to are witty and creative, she says creating an items are real eye-catchers that people aren’t
co-owner of the business. “The dinosaur draws kids to
and garden area,” he says.
come in the store with their parents and to visit our lawn
that it’s also important to not overwhelm
Beisswenger’s has found a creative way to execute one of
create her seasonal displays, drawing on effective display also requires meticulous used to seeing. I’m not using the windows different areas of the store,” he says, adding create outdoor displays. “We put add-on
It’s easy for Malinda Milam, owner of
the basic principles of retailing. The appearance of your store’s
exterior can have a big impact on how well you attract new
business and keep previous customers coming back.
Of course, you need to cover the basics: The exterior of
props such as an adult-sized rocking horse attention to detail. “Pay attention to every for selling or promotions as much as using customers with too much merchandise. to find what they need.”
M Kay Supply in Benton, Missouri, to give
them to get people’s attention. Then they’re
your building needs to be clean and well-maintained.
products on display alongside the live goods
You need clear signage and parking areas that are well-lit.
directions to her store. “We tell them to
For those first-time customers who venture into your store,
or an antique motorcycle. “Whatever we detail of the display, including the backdrop, more likely to come inside.” “A good display lets them take in quickly
so customers are not running all over trying
what they see on the outside is going to affect their attitude
about what they see on the inside.
just look for the 1953 Ford truck with the
But if you are going to differentiate your store from
every other retailer in town, you want cars to slow down,
might have that is part of our window look like a museum piece.” what you have to offer and give them a taste
them a reason to come inside.
get passers-by to give you a second look and then give
big sign in the back,” she says. When
In the final installment of this year’s merchandising
series, Hardware Retailing takes a look at how retailers
flooring, lighting and levels. Every item has to
display, it’s likely to bring people into the of the business something people would for what is inside. It needs to be free of Cross-promote.
around the country are dressing up their store exteriors to
she and her husband were designing the
encourage customers to stop and shop. For some retailers,
that means highlighting a few of the key products they have
store, she wanted to make the outside
store,” she says. “People love seeing the remember. She also wanted to make clutter and not too busy.” At Howard’s Hardware Hank in Arcadia,
for sale. For others, like Beisswenger’s, it means finding a
unique way to stand out from the crowd.
Let the ideas from other retailers spur your creativity as
you think about how your storefront looks to those on the
outside. Then, go to to learn
strategies for creating innovative and compelling window
at Cole Hardware in San Francisco.
displays from Noelle Nicks, visual merchandising manager
62 HARDWARE RETAILING | November 2018 antiques in the window. It’s a way to get 64 3 Turn heads. 11/1/18 9:35 AM the most of the limited but highly visible
Wisconsin, manager Seth Howard makes
customers feel welcome as soon as they
those hours we’re not open. They often
Merchandising: Exterior Displays people to notice our store even during HARDWARE RETAILING | November 2018 November 2018 | HARDWARE RETAILING 67
pulled into the parking lot. “If you feel
62-67_FEATURE Exterior Displays_1118.indd 62-63
space next to his garden center. He made
comfortable, you’ll want to come back,”
Passers-by are sure to see something unique
the area more inviting with some help from
she says. “We wanted the store to be
in the window at Hillsboro Hardware in
warm and inviting, inside and out.
63 come back just to learn more about us.” 62-67_FEATURE Exterior Displays_1118.indd 64 sell the pavers or bricks, but we can give
a landscaping contractor in town. “We don’t
11/1/18 9:35 AM
By Jesse Carleton, [email protected] 11/1/18 9:35 AM Nashville, T ennessee. Store manager customers the name of a local contractor
See, Stop past along with unusual items. Arrangements step he can take toward improving the
The experience you create on the outside
has to carry through the entire store.”
Jason Mathias likes to dig up relics from the
and Shop
who can help if that’s something they want
for their yard,” he says. It’s also one more
Celebrate seasons.
in the windows might include old hand
HARDWARE RETAILING | November 2018 6 and power tools that give people a glimpse exterior has made it more appealing to
outside of the building. “The more attractive
66 Using Your Store’s Exterior of hardware past. It could be something inside, too.’”
Festive window decorations have become
to Get Customers Inside
one of the traditions at Jeben’s Hardware in
people,” he says. “They’re likely to think,
Blue Island, Illinois. Sometimes, they make
‘If it’s nice outside, the store must be nice
unusual, such as a 3-foot-long wrench or a
he brontosaurus standing in the outdoor
62-67_FEATURE Exterior Displays_1118.indd 66-67 large bulb used in theater lighting. “We try
the difference between someone stopping
garden center and poking its head above
Beisswenger’s Hardware has become a landmark
to come in or just walking by. Employee
T around New Brighton, Minnesota. Undoubtedly, items are real eye-catchers that people aren’t 9 Make it a quick take.
most children see it and tug on their parent’s arm to go
Judy T uma blends the old and the new to
to have fun with it,” he says. “Many of the
have a closer look, which is just fine with Jim Neumann,
create her seasonal displays, drawing on
co-owner of the business. “The dinosaur draws kids to
come in the store with their parents and to visit our lawn
props such as an adult-sized rocking horse
Beisswenger’s has found a creative way to execute one of
used to seeing. I’m not using the windows
and garden area,” he says.
Items from both the garden center and gift
or an antique motorcycle. “Whatever we
the basic principles of retailing. The appearance of your store’s display, it’s likely to bring people into the in Cocoa Beach, Florida. Stephen Nichols,
exterior can have a big impact on how well you attract new
might have that is part of our window
shop are on display at the Ace Hardware
for selling or promotions as much as using
business and keep previous customers coming back.
Of course, you need to cover the basics: The exterior of
your building needs to be clean and well-maintained. 64 HARDWARE RETAILING | November 2018 people to notice our store even during The outdoor display is meant to be
them to get people’s attention. Then they’re
manager, creates seasonal displays that
more likely to come inside.”
store,” she says. “People love seeing the
You need clear signage and parking areas that are well-lit.
For those first-time customers who venture into your store,
incorporate products popular in his area.
antiques in the window. It’s a way to get
what they see on the outside is going to affect their attitude
about what they see on the inside.
But if you are going to differentiate your store from
only a sample of what’s inside the store.
every other retailer in town, you want cars to slow down, 62-67_FEATURE Exterior Displays_1118.indd 66-67 come back just to learn more about us.” customers an idea of what they will find in
those hours we’re not open. They often
“We use these outdoor areas to give
get passers-by to give you a second look and then give
62-67_FEATURE Exterior Displays_1118.indd 64
In the final installment of this year’s merchandising
them a reason to come inside.
series, Hardware Retailing takes a look at how retailers 63 “A good display lets them take in quickly
around the country are dressing up their store exteriors to
different areas of the store,” he says, adding
encourage customers to stop and shop. For some retailers,
that it’s also important to not overwhelm
that means highlighting a few of the key products they have
for sale. For others, like Beisswenger’s, it means finding a
customers with too much merchandise.
unique way to stand out from the crowd.
Let the ideas from other retailers spur your creativity as
you think about how your storefront looks to those on the November 2018 | HARDWARE RETAILING 11/1/18 9:35 AM 11/1/18 9:35 AM clutter and not too busy.”
outside. Then, go to to learn
what you have to offer and give them a taste
strategies for creating innovative and compelling window
for what is inside. It needs to be free of
displays from Noelle Nicks, visual merchandising manager
at Cole Hardware in San Francisco.
62 November 2018 | HARDWARE RETAILING
62-67_FEATURE Exterior Displays_1118.indd 62-63
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