Welcome to the first issue of The Color
Connection, a new quarterly newsletter
focusing exclusively on topics to help you
drive paint sales in your store. Each issue
will also be available on the Paint
Department webpage of
You’ll want to share this information with
everyone on your paint team.
At our spring market we will be expanding the Best Get ahead of the competition and be ready to sell high
Look brand with the introduction of quality Best Look quality Best Look paint applicators to your customers.
paint tools! Don’t miss out on your first opportunity to Check out this video featuring Merchandise Manager
look at these products on the market floor and place Ryan Stopher to learn more.
your order.
Best Look paint applicators have features and quality
Have you updated your paint applicator assortment to improvements that will make them a hot seller in your
the Best Look product line? If not, what are you waiting store. Learn more here.
for? This exclusive Do it Best member brand does
much more than replace previous private labeled To help you profitably transition to the Best Look paint
paint products. In addition to a new premium applicators, we’re offering generous markdown incen-
co-branded line with Wooster, this comprehensive tives that include over 120 updated SKUs. Choose the
update includes brushes, rollers, tray kits, roller planogram option that’s right for you.
frames, and other paint accessories your customers
will be looking for this spring selling season. Once you’ve placed your planogram order, learn more
about the shipping schedule and markdown
Almost all of us have been in a retail store when an It’s likely that someone coming into your store for their
employee approaches us and asks, “Is there some- next home improvement project is going to require
thing I can help you with?” Our default response is more than just a bucket of paint. By talking through the
usually to say something like “Just looking” even if we project with them, you will quickly learn what else they
are really in need of assistance. I’m willing to bet that will need – including products they haven’t thought of
the same thing frequently happens in your store’s yet. Check out these eight time-tested questions you
paint department. You may see someone browsing should be using in your paint department, plus four
the chip rack and the next thing you know they’re ways to offer recommendations that move more prod-
gone after a similar exchange. But by asking the right ucts off your shelves.
questions, you are more likely to capture a sale, fill
your customer’s cart with all the necessary items for
the project – and increase your margins.
1 What are you painting today?
This is a good opener to engage with your customers.
2 Why are you painting today?
Knowing their reason for starting a project today will help you recommend the correct
products for their project.
3 Will you be applying the paint yourself or have you hired someone?
DIY and professional customers have different needs. This question allows you to share
additional suggestions and information or to recommend one of your professional customers
to a DIYer.
4 Do you have a specific color in mind or are there colors you prefer to stay away from?
The customer usually has a general idea about what color they want but will often look for
your advice. Computer matching a color is helpful, too. Consider these follow-ups:
What color is your floor?
The color of the floor will reflect on the walls.
Will you be painting the ceiling white or some other color?
This allows for additional color discussion.
What color is your roof?
If painting outdoors, the color of the roof will influence the siding color.
5 What is the condition of the surface?
Surface condition will influence sheen and the need for primer or surface prep products. A
good paint job is completely dependent on proper surface prep, which customers usually
6 How are you planning to apply the paint?
This question gives you the opportunity to recommend brushes, frames, roller covers, and
more while discussing application techniques. Also, suggest other sundry items like masking
tape, drop clothes, and caulk which could save a trip back to the store and will help make
every project easier.
7 How large is the surface to be painted?
Help the customer determine how much paint they will need to complete the project. No one
wants to run out in the middle of painting a room.
8 When are you planning to paint?
Knowing the timing of the project will allow you to discuss how air temperature and humidity
affects paint.
1 Always start with the best product for the
job. You can always go down in price but it is
much more difficult to go up.
2 Educate the customer. Explain the features and
benefits of the product you are recommending
and why it’s the best one for the job.
3 Close the sale by notating the following:
Color, latex or oil, quantity, product, and sheen.
4 Confirm all information with the customer.
Double checking everything helps you avoid
mis-tints and frustrated buyers!
David Nafziger, owner of Lugbill Supply Center, along
with his son Steve, and Store Manager Dan Beck knew
their paint department needed help, so they sat down
with consultants from Do it Best Corp. to develop a
strategy to grow their paint business.
After analyzing their market, merchandising, product
mix, and associates, it became apparent that a good
first step would be relocating their paint department
from the rear of the store to the front right corner by
the entrance to immediately increase visibility. They
also chose to expand their offerings by adding the Do it
Best Quality Paints and Pratt & Lambert brands to
complement the established Valspar products they
already carried. To make their paint really stand out,
they upgraded their fixtures and installed new flooring.
They even created a customized paint counter to With a great experience in place, they knew they
showcase their paint lines and promotional items. As a needed to enhance their marketing efforts to get the
way to take their paint department from simply word out. They began proudly and regularly promot-
operational to excitedly inspirational, Lugbill went all-in ing paint and sold nearly 250 gallons during their
with The Color Bar to create a store within a store first ever BOGO event. In the year following their
shopping experience for everyone who comes through paint department transformation, they’ve seen a
the door. 19% increase in Rust-Oleum products, a 30%
increase in Wooster brushes, a 54% increase in
“The decision to overhaul our paint department has Cabot stain, and an 84% increase in Minwax finishes,
been extremely impactful for our business. We have all of which they previously carried.
greatly improved our image in the community and
we’re now being seen as a retail paint destination,”
Steve remarked.
“Before we remodeled our paint department, The team at Lugbill saw an opportunity to increase
customers had asked if we were going out of business. traffic and sales in a department that was
Our store is now full and appealing to our customers,” underperforming. By partnering with Do it Best Corp.,
said Dan. we helped them identify a better location for maxi-
mum impact while expanding their product assort-
With the new merchandising and product mix ment, improving their customers’ shopping experienc-
complete, Lugbill also started to note a marked es, and enhancing their marketing to new customers.
increase in female shoppers. This uptick led to their The results of this successful collaboration serve as a
decision to add major appliances and custom kitchens great example of the growth opportunities you could
to their store’s offerings. They remerchandised the discover in your store. Talk to your paint development
entire front of the store which now houses over 50 manager today!
appliance displays and a design center.
Be sure to attend one of the Paint Seller’s Clinics in your area. These clinics are
jam-packed with useful information, tips, and custom content based on your location.
Register now for 4½ hours of specialized training and lunch – all for free. You can
expect to gain sales-building skills that you will use forever. Find locations near you and
register today!
The Do it Best Spring Market is May 18-21 in Indianapolis. Don’t miss the opportunity to
meet our paint vendors, fellow members and Do it Best staff to gain product and
program knowledge while saving big with exclusive market specials.