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All you need to know about the Halloween event, in a neat 20-page book.

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Published by tim.e.bruh101, 2021-11-11 03:46:16


All you need to know about the Halloween event, in a neat 20-page book.

Keywords: Roblox,The Wild West,Halloween










By Timothy Heheboi




Bronze City Books
Published by Bronze City Books
Book design, cover design and illustration

by Timothy Heheboi



CHAPTER 2: SKELETONS ---------------6
CHAPTER 4: WENDIGO ------------------0
CHAPTER 5: UFOS ------------------------0



If you are here looking for the Skeleton horse,
sadly it is completely unobtainable. However,
with this guide, you can learn on how to obtain
all the limited items in this Halloween event.
We have all the limited items listed down
below and where to find them:

Chapter 1: Skeletons
-Pile of bones (bones)
-Cursed lantern (skull lantern)


-Joyful pumpkin

Chapter 2: Forest of Bones
-Cursed Volcanic
-Ceremonial dagger (ritual dagger)
-Zombie bear pelt (Zbear pelt)

Chapter 3: Wendigo
-Wendigo horse
-Wendigo hat (Wendigo mask)
-Wendigo holster

Chapter 4: UFO
-Laser cannon (ray gun, laser gun)



To get into the forest of bones, obtaining
piles of bones, or simply "bones" are a must.

You may ask, how do you obtain these piles
of bones? There are two ways you can obtain
them. One is to kill players, but it doesn't always
drop. The other is to kill skeletons, which will
give a 100% drop chance along with the cursed
lantern or simply skull lantern and the joyful
pumpkin. These undead creatures will only
spawn at designated locations, such as Tribal
Camp (if you are unaware of the changes, you


can no longer spawn there), Sinner's Canyon,
Abandoned Fort and much more.

These skeletons are equipped with three
player-accessible weapons: Peacekeeper
Revolver, Winchester Rifle and Sharps Rifle
(only spawns in Sinner's Canyon). You must be
very careful when you approach them, as they
have pinpoint accuracy and even worse,
penetrate any surface.

The community advises to hunt skeletons
together because it is very hard to do it solo.
However, just because it is very hard doesn't
mean it's impossible. Here are some tricks on
how to easily hunt skeletons solo.

First, get a bow, preferably the bow and
arrow or "normal bow" as a primary weapon.
This is because the skeletons have twice the
amount of health compared to a normal player,
therefore the Sharps Rifle is not a viable option
as it only deals 150 damage compared to the
skeleton's health of 200 points.


Second, get a good fannable revolver.
However, I'd advise against using the revolver as
your main weapon. It should only be used as a
backup in case the skeleton spots you and is
walking to your location.

Third, get the Cursed Volcanic (see how to
obtain in chapter 2) if possible, but it is noted that
it is NOT interchangeable with the normal
Volcanic Pistol. This is because the Cursed
Volcanic has a special x2 multiplier if used
against skeletons and also crazy accurate. This is
an excellent gun to use against skeletons,
arguably better than the bow.

Fourth, go to Sinner's Canyon instead of
other locations. Sinner's Canyon has a special
stack of crates right at the entrance that you can
use to your advantage.

Fifth, go into first-person mode. Bear with
me right here. This is because the third-person
mode is very wonky and first-person mode


allows you to know where the bullet will come
out of, too.

Sixth, with your bow, snipe all 4 skeletons
while in cover. If you keep your body behind the
crates, they won't even be able to spot you.

Seventh, collect your bones ONLY IF you
have eliminated all four skeletons, and make
sure to do it as quick as possible. You shouldn't
go for the Sharps Rifle skeleton's bones unless
they rolled off the bridge onto the ground.

Eight, rinse and repeat as much as you like.
Even if you die, no big deal. Just respawn at
Puerto Dorado.




If you and your friends have not obtained
50 piles of bones, you cannot proceed into the
Forest of Bones. Please read Chapter 1 to read
about how to obtain them. If you are farming
zombie bear pelt, make sure you enter as a
citizen and not an outlaw, as "sinners can never

Now, let's get started. Unlike farming
skeletons, I too advise to go in as a team. The
legendary skeleton is nearly impossible, if not
straight up impossible to kill with a team. Make
sure everyone packs some cooked meat, some



bandage and if possible, get a doctor to come too.
If you can, get a Laser Cannon (see how to obtain
in Chapter 4) too.

Now that you've assembled your squad, you
should get everyone to the gate before opening it.
There isn't a lot of time between opening it and
closing it back again.

Now that you're in the Forest of Bones, it's
a good idea to get everyone on horses and stick
to the right side of the mountains. If you keep on
moving on the right side, you will eventually
come to the gate, where the boss is.

You will need a tactic to kill the Legendary
Skeleton. Never ever forget this: the pillars are
your best friend. It's advised to have everyone
use high DPS weapons, such as the Harmonica
Rifle, Guycot Chain Pistol/Carbine, Winchester
Rifle and much more. You will want to shoot as
much as possible when it is reloading its pistol.



Keep in mind you MUST hold fire when the
Legendary Skeleton has a shield over it. This is
because it repels all bullets when the shield
deactivates. While you wait for the shield to
disable, just make sure to reload your gun instead
of sitting behind the pillars doing nothing. It's
common sense to do so.

Once you've killed the Legendary Skeleton,
it will drop the Cursed Volcanic and Ceremonial
Dagger. Now, you have two choices: wait for the
Legendary Skeleton to respawn or touch the orb
at the centre of the chamber to return to the

By the way, the Forest of Bones is the
location for both the 2020 Halloween Event and
2021 Halloween Event. However, zombie bears
now spawn in replacement of the skeleton horses.




As we all know, the Wendigo is a classic of
all the Halloween events. So, I'm going to give a
quick rundown of it.

Get one or two friends to help you, but
never more than two.

Situate all your friends as spread out as
possible before night falls. This way, you can
easily find the Wendigo in the least amount of

Fences from Bronze City or Callahan
Manor is your friend. The Wendigo simply can't



climb over them. If the Wendigo spawns in
Pinewood Hills or Howling Peak, kite the
Wendigo to the Bronze City Ranch. If it's in
Tribal Forest, The Great Desert or Howling Peak,
kite it to Delores' Ranch, Callahan Manor.

Once you've kited your Wendigo to the
fence, make sure you have high DPS weapons on
you, just like how you clear the Legendary
Skeleton. When the Wendigo teleports (goes up
into a big cloud of black smoke), jump over the
fence to the side Wendigo was on. The Wendigo
always teleports behind you, so do it.

I would suggest using the tents in Tribal
Camp because the Wendigo can't get to them, but
skeletons spawn there now, so eh.




Heads up, the Laser Cannon isn't a very
good weapon, and doesn't even save nor fit in
your bank. The only good reason to use this gun
is for the Legendary Skeleton. The Laser
Cannon has very poor accuracy, so it should
only be used for big hitboxes.

Alright. These Laser Cannons only drop
from UFO's which appear when you see them
and hear them. No server message, nothing.
Once you've found it, just keep following the
UFO. According to my research, the UFOs



don't really have a fixed position, but it is said
that they drop near Silvertown.








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