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Performance Standards Guide for Writing Skills

 Can communicate basic information about themselves and others as well as describe personality using fixed
1 phrases with a lot of support.

 Can communicate basic future plans, events and experiences using fixed phrases with a lot of support.
 Can display minimal ability to spell words and use punctuations in independent writing as well as connect sentences

into two paragraphs with a lot of support.
 Can display minimal ability to produce and modify a plan or draft of two paragraphs in response to feedback.

 Can communicate basic information about themselves and others as well as describe personality using basic
statements with a lot of support.

 Can communicate basic future plans, events and experiences using basic statements with a lot of support.
2  Can spell words and use punctuations in independent writing as well as connect sentences into two paragraphs with

a lot of support.
 Can produce and modify a plan or draft of two paragraphs in response to feedback with a lot of support.

 Can communicate basic information about themselves and others as well as describe personality using suitable
statements adequately.

 Can communicate basic future plans, events and experiences using suitable statements adequately.
3  Can spell words accurately and use punctuations in independent writing as well as connect sentences into two

coherent paragraphs or more.
 Can produce and modify a plan or draft of two paragraphs or more in response to feedback.

 Can communicate basic information about themselves and others as well as describe personality using suitable
statements with very few relevant details.

 Can communicate basic future plans, events and experiences using suitable statements with very few relevant
4 details.

 Can spell words accurately and use punctuations in independent writing as well as connect sentences into two
coherent paragraphs or more with very few relevant details.

 Can produce and modify a plan or draft of two paragraphs or more in response to feedback with very few relevant



 Can communicate basic information about themselves and others as well as describe personality using suitable
5 statements with some relevant details.

 Can communicate basic future plans, events and experiences using suitable statements with some relevant

 Can spell words accurately and use punctuations in independent writing as well as connect sentences into two
coherent paragraphs or more with some relevant details.

 Can produce and modify a plan or draft of two paragraphs or more in response to feedback with some relevant

 Can communicate basic information about themselves and others as well as describe personality with a variety
of relevant details.

 Can communicate basic future plans, events and experiences using suitable statements with a variety of
relevant details.

6  Can spell words accurately and use punctuations in independent writing as well as connect sentences into two
coherent paragraphs or more creatively.

 Can produce and modify a plan or draft of two paragraphs or more in response to feedback with a variety of
relevant details.

 Can display exemplary model of language use and guide others.



The Language Arts Content Standards focus on pupils’ ability to Objectives for Language Arts in Year 6
enjoy and appreciate different text types, to express a personal
response to texts, and to respond imaginatively to texts. By the end of Year 6, pupils are able to:
1. describe in simple language a character’s actions or
The order in which the Content and Learning Standards appear
does not reflect a chronological sequence of classroom learning feelings and explain the reasons for them.
which starts with 5.1.1 and finishes with 5.3.1. Pupils need to 2. respond imaginatively and intelligibly through creating
develop Language Arts skills simultaneously over the school year,
and so will learn from opportunities to practise different Language simple stories and simple poems.
Arts skills in varied sequences in their English lessons.

The Learning Standards for Language Arts ensure pupils benefit
from hearing and using language from fictional as well as non-
fictional sources. Through fun-filled and meaningful activities,
pupils will gain a rich and invaluable experience in using the
English language. When taught well, pupils will take pride in their
success. They will also benefit strongly from consistent praise for
effort and achievement by the teachers with the aim of making
their learning as rewarding as possible. Pupils will also be
encouraged to plan, prepare and produce simple creative works.
In addition, Language Arts also provides pupils an opportunity to
integrate experiment and apply what they have learnt in the other
language skills in fun-filled, activity-based and meaningful



CONTENT STANDARD Demonstrate appreciation through LEARNING STANDARD
5.1 Enjoy and appreciate rhymes, non-verbal responses to: 5.1.1 No learning standard

poems and songs This learning standard has been covered in
Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3

Say the words in simple texts, and sing 5.1.2 No learning standard
simple songs with intelligible This learning standard has been covered in
pronunciation, rhythm and intonation Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3

5.2 Express personal responses to Identify, analyse and respond to 5.2.1 Describe in simple language a character’s
literary texts elements in texts actions or feelings and explain the reasons for

5.3 Express an imaginative response Plan, prepare and produce creative 5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and intelligibly through
creating simple stories and simple poems
to literary texts work with a focus on language use Other imaginative responses as appropriate




Primary Year 6



Primary Year 6 English Language Syllabus

1. Overview
This syllabus sets out the themes, language skills, grammar, language functions and vocabulary that pupils will learn in Primary Year 6. It
explains how
Year 6 content is organised, the place of thinking skills in Year 6, and helping pupils to read and improve their pronunciation. It also sets out
text types suitable for pupils in Year 6.

2. Themes and Topics
The English Language Curriculum for Malaysian Primary Schools emphasises the importance of sustaining the use of the English language
within and beyond the classroom. The curriculum adopts an inter-disciplinary approach and this is reflected within the three broad themes of:

 World of Self, Family and Friends
 World of Stories
 World of Knowledge
The topics of the chosen textbook and the non-textbook lessons, which teachers will create themselves, will all be based on the three themes
Details of themes and lessons can be found within the Scheme of Work document.
3. Contemporary Children’s Literature
The Contemporary Children’s Literature (CCL) component is taught during the Language Arts lessons to expose pupils to different literary
genres such as poems, short stories and graphic novels.

Teachers are to explore texts of these genres to create fun-filled and meaningful activities so that pupils will benefit from the learning
experience and gain exposure to the aesthetic use of the language. The values that MOE Malaysia wish the teachers to impart to their pupils
predominantly appear in the CCL texts and activities relating to them.

The CCL module provides opportunities for pupils to immerse themselves in a variety of literary works and engage them in planning,
organising, producing and performing creative works. This will further stimulate pupils’ imagination, interest and creativity.

Primary Year 6 Syllabus 42


4. Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) and 21st Century Skills
Pupils have frequent opportunities to develop HOTS and 21st Century Skills as they learn English in Year 6. Lessons encourage developing 21st
Century Skills by helping pupils develop aspirational characteristics stated in pupils’ profile according to the Standards-Based Curriculum and
Assessment Document (DSKP), for example, by becoming thinkers and communicators.

Pupils will develop HOTS while learning English by undertaking tasks that encourage using knowledge, skills and values in thinking, applying,
reflecting, problem-solving, decision-making, innovating and creating. These are skills that should be evident across English lessons.

5. Pronunciation
Year 6 pupils will already be able to read quite well at word and simple sentence level. In Year 6 they progress to encounter a variety of text
types which are usually 100 words in length or longer. These text types are listed below. Though pupils have obtained an overall understanding
of sounds and the ways these sounds are usually written, the English spelling system contains lots of exceptions. Examples from the Year 6
word list are the different pronunciations of the bold letter groups in the words: cheap/chemist; beak/break; brave/café; lie/view. Pupils will
continue to need help to read words which do not follow the sound letter patterns which they have learned up to now.

6. Year 6 Content and Learning Standards and Progress through the CEFR
The learning standards for Year 6 indicate what language skills pupils develop when they learn new structures, language functions, and
vocabulary, and recycle1 language from Years 1–5.

By the end of Year 6, most pupils should reach A2 Mid level of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) in the Content and
Learning Standards for Year 6 for Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing and Language Arts. The Content and Learning Standards for Year 6
are listed in full in the curriculum framework documentation.

1 Recycling language refers to re-using previously learned words, structures and language functions in similar or different contexts over a period of time. This
helps pupils to experience using these words, structures and language functions in varied, life-like situations.

Primary Year 6 Syllabus 43


7. Text Types

Text types are intended to be interesting and relevant to the lives of pupils of this age. The text types provided below are appropriate to pupils
in Year 6 who are studying at an A2 Mid level of the CEFR. When designing or choosing Year 6 text types, the teacher’s focus should be on
content which is within their pupils’ interest or experience. The concepts within the text types should generally be concrete and specific rather

than abstract, as is suitable for this age group. The text types should be familiar and should include support for pupils, for example pictures or

titles to support understanding.

8. Suggested Text Types:

Articles Greetings Raps
Blogs Instructions Poems
Chants Interviews Questionnaires
Charts Labels Quizzes2
Crosswords Lists Short forms
Descriptions Maps Songs
Dialogues Postcards Stories
Emails Posters

These text types will often be supported by visuals and would usually be 100 words in length or longer. Other text types which suit pupils’ needs
or interests for example suitable websites or encyclopaedia entries, are of course, possible.

9. Grammar and Language Functions

Pupils encounter grammar and language functions all the time as they learn English. The aim of learning English in Year 6 is to build on a
successful introduction to A1 and A2 level grammar and functions in Years 1–5. In these years, meaning and enjoyment helped pupils to build
positive attitudes and confidence with learning English. Mistakes with grammar are part of the process of learning and are natural and
inevitable. At the early stages of learning a language, positive attitudes, enjoyment and confidence for young children are to be encouraged
more than grammatical accuracy or awareness of a grammatical rule.

In Year 5, pupils continued to focus more explicitly on grammar, increasing their awareness of the underlying conventions of language use.
They should now understand that some words share grammar properties, for example, regular verbs in the past tense.

This growing awareness of grammar should continue in Year 6. Pupils should now be cognitively ready to understand grammar concepts and
these concepts can help their learning. For example, pupils will have heard words like past and present. These are abstract words that refer to

2 Quizzes at primary level contain simple questions, gap filling or drawing. They may contain visuals to aid pupil understanding. See examples of quizzes in

Year 6 textbook.

Primary Year 6 Syllabus 44


tense in grammar. At this point, it is probably useful to extend pupils’ knowledge of English words which are used to describe grammar and
language, e.g. past continuous, present perfect, conditional. Grammar should be taught in a meaningful context and not in isolation. This

should be done through example, practice, correction and use, not long descriptions of grammar points.

Year 6 teachers may also wish to refer to Appendix 1 at the back of this syllabus which lists the structures and functions which were introduced
in Years 4 and 5. Additionally, they can refer to syllabi from Years 1–3 for structures and functions taught in previous years.

10. Year 6 Grammar and Language Functions

The following is a list of grammar and language functions that are suitable for Year 6. The Student’s Book contents page includes more detail
about the grammar areas (in the ‘Grammar’ and ‘Language in use’ lessons) and language functions listed below. The list below also highlights
recycled grammar from Year 5.

Year 6 Grammar

1. Past continuous with past simple
e.g. He was feeding the elephant when it escaped.

2. Used to
e.g. He used to be an actor.

3. Present perfect + ever
e.g. Have you ever been to Sarawak?

4. Present perfect + How long?, for and since
e.g. How long have you been here? For an hour / Since 3 o’clock.

5. Comparisons with as, too and not enough
e.g. He’s as tall as her; It isn’t hot enough.

6. Passive voice
e.g. Cotton is grown in India.

7. Future forms: will and going to
e.g. He will be famous one day; He’s going to play tomorrow.

8. Present simple for future events
e.g. It starts at 7 o’clock.

9. First conditional
e.g. If you rest, you’ll feel better.

10. Modal verbs for speculation: may, might, could
e.g. He may win the race.

11. Modal verbs for obligation and advice: should, must, have to
e.g. What should we wear?; You don’t have to wear uniform.

Primary Year 6 Syllabus 45


12. Reported speech
e.g. He said he loved sugar.

13. Indefinite pronouns and adverbs
e.g. I can’t find it anywhere; Someone will find it.

14. Question tags
e.g. You don’t know me, do you?

Recycle and consolidate (grammar from Year 5)

1. Questions words and phrases
e.g. What time; How often

2. Adverbs: sequencing
e.g. First, Next, After that

3. Conjunctions
e.g. and; or; but; so

4. Time expressions
e.g. the weekend; the summer

Year 6 Language Functions

1. Ask about and describe future plans and events
2. Ask about and describe personality
3. Ask and express rules and obligations
4. Co-ordinate sentences and use simple subordination
5. Describe themselves and other people in detail
6. Describe personality, characters and actions in a story
7. Explain and give reasons for simple advice
8. Express location and position
9. Express numbers: count to 1000
10. Give and agree a longer sequence of instructions
11. Keep interaction going by asking questions
12. Make and give respond to simple suggestions and offer
13. Narrate short stories, events and experiences

Primary Year 6 Syllabus 46


11. Vocabulary

The Year 6 syllabus indicates the vocabulary to be covered and learned in Year 6. The wordlists are organised by category and alphabetically.

Year 6 wordlist is based on common words used by A2 language learners and collected by the Cambridge English Corpus3. The Year 6
wordlist may be modified in the light of an assigned textbook, i.e. there may be additional words available in the textbook. Many of these words
that are introduced in the textbook will be recycled across Year 6 lessons. Lessons in the Scheme of Work may also suggest additional
vocabulary if necessary. Teachers can prioritise other words for pupils to learn or omit some words from the wordlist, if this is appropriate to the
local context.

Pupils are not expected to learn words from the wordlist by heart but rather to understand and use them in a natural topic or context and in
writing and speech in class. Learning vocabulary in Years 1–6 is cumulative. It is also important to remember that pupils build up their personal
vocabulary over time. They consolidate, recycle, re-learn, use and incorporate words from Years 1–5 in their new vocabulary for Year 6.

Learning to spell words with 100% accuracy is not required, as complete accuracy in spelling is above Mid-A2 targets in the CEFR. However,
increasing accuracy of spelling, especially of high frequency words, should be encouraged.

Year 6 teachers may also wish to refer to the alphabetical wordlist in Appendix 2 at the back of this syllabus. This wordlist gives the words
which were introduced in Years 1–5.

Another useful tool for checking the suggested level CEFR level of a word is the English Vocabulary Profile (EVP) which is available at The EVP shows which words and phrases learners around the world know at each level of the
CEFR. The EVP begins with words at A1 of the CEFR. Teachers will have to use their judgment of CEFR classifications of words as how words
are used may vary from place to place or according to the age of users. For example, toy will be a more common word with children and
parents with young children than with adolescents or university students. Jungle will be more common in language in Malaysia and snow will be
more common in language in the UK.

3 The Cambridge English Learner Corpus is an up-to-date database which contains millions of words and structures produced by English language learners

across the world. The corpus is created by Cambridge English and Cambridge University Press. It is used for research and the development of teaching and

learning materials (e.g. textbooks).

Primary Year 6 Syllabus 47

12. Year 6 Core Vocabulary Home KSSR BAHASA INGGERIS SK TAHUN 6
Year 6 Vocabulary by category Materials Weather
Numbers Work
Adjectives Places and directions World around us
Animals School Other
Body Sports and leisure Eid
Classroom objects Toys festival
Colours Time Hajj
Clothes Transport New Year
Family and friends Verbs
Fixed phrases
Free time
Food and drink

Primary Year 6 Syllabus 48

Year 6 vocabulary in Alphabetical order believe v KSSR BAHASA INGGERIS SK TAHUN 6
belt n
act v bin n date (as in time) n
actor n bit n dawn n
actually adv borrow v decide v
agree v break v design n + v
air conditioner n break time n designer n
air conditioning n bridge n dinosaur n
air n burn v disappear v
airport n burnt adj disease n
already adv business n dusk n
Amazing! excl businessman/woman n each det + pron
ambulance n cartoon n Earth n
angrily adv cereal n elbow n
anywhere adv change n electricity n
appear v channel n elevator n
arrive v charity n end v
art n cheap adj energy n
artist n chemist(’s) n engine n
as adv climate n engineer n
astronaut n collect v enter (a competition) v
backpack n college n environment n
bake v concert n ever adv
baker n conversation n excellent adj + excl
band (music) n could (for suggestions) v exercise n + v
bandage n creature n exit n
bank n experiment n
beak n 49 explain v
beetle n

Primary Year 6 Syllabus

explore v history n KSSR BAHASA INGGERIS SK TAHUN 6
extinct adj hole n
fall over v hope v maths (US math) n
fast v how long adv + int mechanic n
festival n hunt v medicine n
fetch v if conj meeting n
file n If you want! excl melt v
fire engine n important adj metal adj + n
fire fighter n information n middle n + adj
fire station n instrument n million n
flag n invent v mind v
follow v inventor n missing adj
forget v job n motorway n
free (no cost) adj join (a club) v movie n
fresh adj journalist n much adv + det + pron
front adj + n journey n must v
frozen adj just adv natural adj
fumes n kind adj news n
fur n land v newspaper n
future n language n once adv
gas n large adj online adj
geography n leave v other det + pron
get to v let v over adv + prep
go out v lie (as in ‘lie down’) v passenger n
group n light adj + n past n + prep
gym n litter n perform (a duty) v
happen v London n photographer n
hard adj + adv look like v pilot n
health n machine plastic adj + n
healthy adj make sure v platform n
hear v manager n police officer n
police station n
Primary Year 6 Syllabus 50 pond n

pour v sledge n + v KSSR BAHASA INGGERIS SK TAHUN 6
prefer v smell n + v
prepare v smelly adj tonight adv + n
programme v so adv + conj traffic n
project n soon adv train v
protect v sound n + v turn off v
quite adv sour adj turn on v
quiz n speak v turn v
recycle v special adj tyre (US tire) n
religion n spot n unfriendly adj
remember v spotted adj university n
repair v stadium n until prep
repeat v stage (theatre) n unusual adj
resource n stay v use v
right adj strange adj view n
ring n stream n washing n
rock music n student n wheel n
rubbish n study v while conj
rule n subject n wifi n
save (e.g. energy) v suitcase n win n
save v sure adj wish n + v
science n surprise n without prep
scientist n sweep v wood n
screen n take (e.g. ‘it takes 20 minutes’) v worried adj
search n + v taste n + v writer n
several adj thank v yet adv
shelf n theatre (US theater) n zero
since prep thousand n zookeeper
singer n through prep
ski n + v tidy adj + v 260 words
skyscraper n tomorrow adv + n

Primary Year 6 Syllabus 51


Appendix 1: Years 4 and 5 Grammar and Language Functions

Below is an overview of grammar and language functions covered in Years 4 and 5. For Years 1–3, please see the syllabus for Year 4.

Year 4 Grammar

1. Adjectives: possessive adjectives and comparison of short, irregular and multi-syllable

2. Adverbs of manner
e.g. loudly, carefully

3. Be going to
4. Conjunction because
5. Could (past form of can)
6. much/many with countable and uncountable nouns
7. Prepositions: after by, down, opposite, out, up, upstairs, downstairs etc.
8. Past simple regular and irregular forms
9. Possessives: use of ’s and s’
10. Pronouns: demonstrative, possessive
11. Question words: whose, why
12. Some/any with countable and uncountable nouns
13. There is and there are
14. Verb + infinitive, e.g. want, ask
15. Verb + ing, e.g. like, love, enjoy
16. What is/was …. like?
17. Go for a + Noun

Year 4 Language Functions

1. Ask about, make and respond to simple predictions
2. Ask about and express and express for simple opinions, for example on a story and

give reasons
3. Contrast routine actions and actions and actions happening at the time of speaking
4. Co-ordinate sentences and start to use simple subordination

Primary Year 6 Syllabus 52


Year 5 Grammar

1. Adjectives: a range of comparative and superlatives forms
2. Adverbs: sequencing

e.g. First, Next, After that
3. Object pronouns

e.g. him; her; them
4. Conjunctions

e.g. and; or; but; so
5. Can for ability
6. Imperatives

e.g. Eat healthy food; Don’t go to bed late
7. Will and won’t for predictions
8. Also
9. Time expressions

e.g. the weekend; the summer
10. Can for permission
11. Questions words and phrases

e.g. What time; How often
12. Will for promises
13. Adverbs of frequency

e.g. sometimes; usually

Year 5 Language Functions

1. Ask about and describe future plans
2. Request, give and refuse permission
3. Describe people, places and objects
4. Express location and position
5. Order food
6. Give examples
7. Make comparisons
8. Express likes and dislikes
9. Give advice and make suggestions
10. Express ability
11. Keep interaction going in short exchanges by asking suitable questions
12. Make and respond to simple offers and invitations
13. Narrate short basic stories and events

Primary Year 6 Syllabus 53


Appendix 2: Years 1–5 alphabetical wordlist combined

Underlined bold words are from the Year 5 syllabus, underlined words in normal font are from Year 4, words in bold are from Year 3, words in
italics are from Year 2 and words in normal font are from Year 1.

a few det amazing back adj + adv + n
a little adv + det and conj bad adj
a lot adv + pron angry adj badly adv
a lot of det animal badminton
a.m. (for time) another det + pron bag
about prep answer n + v bagpipes
above prep any det + pron balcony n
accident n anyone pron ball
across prep anything pron balloon
add v app n banana
address n apple baseball n
adventure n April n basement n
afraid adj arm basketball n
after adv + conj armchair n bat (sport equipment) n
after prep around prep bat n
afternoon n as … as adv bath n
again adv ask v bathroom
age n asleep adj batteries
ago adv at prep of place be called v
alien n at prep of time beach n
all adj + adv + det + pron at the moment adv bean n
all right adj + adv August n bear n
alone adj aunt n beard n
along prep autumn (US fall) n beautiful
alphabet n awake adj because conj
also adv away adv bed n
always adv baby n bedroom

Primary Year 6 Syllabus 54

bedroom n bounce v KSSR BAHASA INGGERIS SK TAHUN 6
before adv + conj bowl n
before prep box n Bye!
begin v boy n café n
behind prep bracelet n cage n
below prep brave adj cake
best adj + adv bread n calendar n
better adj + adv break n call v
between prep breakfast n camel
bicycle n brilliant adj camera n
big Brilliant! excl camp v
bike bring v cap
bird broccoli cap
birthday n broken adj car
biscuit (US cookie) n brother car park n
blanket n brown card n
blond(e) adj brush n + v careful adj
blue build v carefully adv
board n building n carrot
boat burger n carry v
body n bus n castle n
bones bus station n cat
book bus stop n catch (a ball, a fish)
bookcase n busy catch (e.g. a ball) v
bookshop n but conj catch (e.g. a bus) v
boots n butter n caterpillar
bored adj butterfly cave n
boring adj buy v CD n
both det + pron by myself adv cellar
bottle n by prep centre n
bottom adj + n by yourself adv century n
chair n
Primary Year 6 Syllabus 55 change v

chat v clown n
cheese coat n countryside n
cheetah coconut(s) cousin n
chess n coffee n cow
chicken cold crawl
child/children n colour (US color) n + v crayon n
chips (US fries) n comb n + v crocodile
chocolate n come back cross n + v
choose v come on! excl crown n
chopsticks n comfortable cry v
Christian n + adj comic book n cup n
church n comic n cupboard n
cinema n competition n curly adj
circle complete v cushion n
circus n computer game cut v
city n cook n cycle v
city/town centre n cook v dad n
clap v cooker n dance
class n cool dance n
classmate n coral dangerous adj
classroom n corn dark adj
clean corner n daughter n
clever correct adj day
climb v costume n day n
clock n cotton dear (as in Dear Harry) adj
close (your book) cotton n + adj December n
close v cough n deep adj
closed adj could (past of can) v delicious adj
clothes n count v dentist n
cloud n country desert
Primary Year 6 Syllabus 56 diamond

diary n dry adj + v KSSR BAHASA INGGERIS SK TAHUN 6
dictionary n dry v
diet n + v duck evening n
difference n during prep every det
different adj DVD n everyone pron
difficult adj eagle n everything pron
dining room ear n everywhere adv
dinner n earache n example n
dirty adj early adj + adv excited adj
do v east n exciting adj
doctor n easy adj excuse me convention
dog eat expensive adj
doll e-book n eye n
dolphin n egg n face n
don’t worry excl eight factory n
donkey n eighteen fair adj
door n eighty n fall (UK autumn) n
double adj elephant fall v
down adv + prep eleven family n
downstairs adv + n else adv famous
draw v email n + v fantastic adj
drawing n empty adj Fantastic! excl
dream n + v empty v far adj + adv
dress n end n farm n
dress up v English adj + n farmer n
drink n + v enjoy v fast
drive n enormous adj fat
drive v enough adj + pron father n
driver n entrance n favourite
drop v envelope n February n
drum n etc. n feed v
Primary Year 6 Syllabus 57 field n

fifty n for prep of time
fill in v forest get undressed v
film n + v fork n get up v
film star n forty n giraffe
find four girl n
find out v fourteen give v
fine freeze v glass adj
fine adj + excl Friday glass n
finger fridge n glasses n
finish v friend n glove n
fire n friendly adj glue n + v
first adj + adv fries (UK chips) n go
fish frightened adj Go away! excl
fish v frightening adj go shopping v
fishing n frog go to bed v
fit from prep go to sleep v
five fruit go v
fix v full goal n
flat (US apartment) n full adj goat
floor (e.g. ground, 1st) n fun go-kart
floor n funfair n gold adj + n
flour n funny golf n
flower n furry adj good
fly game n goodbye excl
fog n garden granddaughter n
foggy adj gate n grandfather n
food n get grandma n
foot get dressed v grandmother n
foot/feet n get off v grandpa n
football get on v grandparent n
grandson n
Primary Year 6 Syllabus 58 grape n

great her
green her poss adj hotel n
green bean here adv hour
grey here’s house n
grey adj hers pron how
ground Hi! excl how adv
grow hide v how many int
grown-up n high how often adv + int
guess high adj huge adj
guitar n hill human
habitat him pron hundred n
hair n Hindu n + adj hundred n
half adj + n hippo n hungry
hall his hurry v
hand his pron hurt v
handbag n hit v husband n
happy adj hobby n I
hat hockey n ice cream n
hate v hold v ice n
have (fun) holiday n ice skates n
have (got) to v home n + adv ice skating n
have v homework n idea n
he honey n ill adj
head Hooray! excl illness n
headache n hop v improve v
healthy horrible adj In a minute! excl
heavy adj horse n in front of prep
helicopter n hospital n insect n
helmet hot inside adv + n + prep
help v hot dog instead adv
interested adj
Primary Year 6 Syllabus 59 interesting adj

into prep knife n
invitation n know line n
invite v know v lion n
island n koala listen
it ladybird little adj
its pron lake live
jacket lamp n living room
jam n laptop n lizard
January n last adj + adv log
jeans late adj + adv long
jellyfish later adv look after v
juice laugh n + v look at
July n lazy adj look for
jump leaf/leaves look v
June n learn v lorry n
jungle leather lose v
kangaroo left n lots adv + pron
keep leg lots of det
key n lemon n loud adj
keyboard (computer) n lemonade n loudly adv
kick n lesson n love v
kick v let’s v lovely adj
kid n letter (as in alphabet) n low adj
kilometre n letter (as in mail) n lucky adj
kind n library n lunch
king n lift (ride) n lunch n
kitchen lift (US elevator) n machine n
kite lift v magazine n
kitten n like prep + v make a sandcastle
kiwi n lime n man/men n
mango n
Primary Year 6 Syllabus 60 many det

March n money n
market n monkey n need v
married adj monster neighbour n
mat n month n nest n
match (football) n moon n net n
material n more adv + det + pron never adv
matter n morning n new
May n mosque n next adj + adv
Maybe most adv + det + pron next to prep
me pron mother n nice
me too dis motorbike n night n
meal n mountain nine
mean v mouse (computer) n nineteen
meat n mouse/mice n ninety
meatballs n moustache n No problem
meet v mouth n noise n
member n move v noisy adj
menu n Mr title noodles n
message n Mrs title no-one pron
midday n mud nose n
midnight n mum not adv
milk n museum n notebook
milkshake n mushroom nothing pron
mine pron music November n
minute n Muslim n + adj now adv
mirror n my nowhere adv
Miss title naughty adj number n
mistake n near adv + prep nurse n
mix v neck n o’clock adv
model (toy) n necklace n ocean
October n
Primary Year 6 Syllabus 61 of course adv

of prep parallelogram KSSR BAHASA INGGERIS SK TAHUN 6
off adv + prep pardon int
often adv parent n pink
oh dear excl park pirate n
oh dis parrot pizza
old part n pizza n
olives n party n place n
on adv + prep of time pass plane
one pasta n planet n
onion(s) path n plant n + v
only adv pea plate n
open peach play
opposite prep pear player n
or conj pen playground n
orange pencil please
orange pencil case pleased adj
orange juice penguin pocket n
our poss adj pepper point v
ours pron pepper n polar bear
out adv perfect polar region
out of prep perhaps adv pool n
outside person/people n poor adj
oven n pet n pop music n
p.m. (for time) n phone n + v pop star n
page n photo popular adj
paint pick up v post office n
painting n picnic n post v
pair n picture postcard n
pancake n pie n poster n
panda n piece n potato
paper adj + n pineapple practice n
practise v
Primary Year 6 Syllabus 62 pray v

prayer n rainbow n KSSR BAHASA INGGERIS SK TAHUN 6
present n raining
pretty adj Ramadhan n run
prize n rat sad adj
problem read safe adj
problem n ready adj sail n + v
programme n really adv sailing n
pull v rectangle salad n
puppy n red salt n
purple restaurant n same
push v rice n sand
put rich adj sandcastle
put away ride sandwich
put on v ride n Saturday
puzzle n right (as in correct) adj sauce n
pyjamas n right (direction) n sausage
pyramid n right dis say v
quarter n river n scarf n
queen n road n scary adj
question n robot school n
quick adj rock scissors n
quickly adv rocket n score n
quiet adj roller skates n score v
quietly adv roller skating n sea
rabbit n roof n season n
race room n seat n
race round adj + adv + prep second adj + adv
racing (car; bike) adj rubber secret n
radio n rucksack n See you
railway n rug n sell v
rain n + v ruler send v
sentence n
Primary Year 6 Syllabus 63 September n

seventeen skateboard n
seventy skateboarding n something pron
shall v skeleton sometimes adv
shampoo n skip somewhere adv
shape n skirt son n
shark sky n song n
sheep sleep sore adj
shell slow adj Sorry
ship n slowly adv soup n
shoe small south n
shop n smile n + v space n
shop v snack n spaceship n
shopping centre n snail n Spanish
shopping n snake speak
short snorkel spell v
shorts snow spend
should v snow n + v spider
shoulder n snowball n spoon n
shout v snowboard n sport n
show v snowboarding n sports centre n
shower n snowing spring n
sick adj snowman n square
silly so dis stairs
silver adj + n soap n stamp n
sing soccer (UK football) n stand v
sister socks star n
sit sofa n start v
six soft adj station n
sixteen some det steak
sixty n someone pron step n
still adv
Primary Year 6 Syllabus 64 stomach n

stomach-ache n swim v KSSR BAHASA INGGERIS SK TAHUN 6
stone n swimming
stop swimming pool n tent n
storm n swimsuit n terrible adj
story n swing n + v text n + v
straight (on) adv table n than conj + prep
straight adj table tennis n thank you
straight on adv tablet n thanks dis
strawberry tail n that det + pron
street n take the det
stripe n take off v their poss adj
striped adj take out theirs pron
strong take v them pron
such det talk v then adv
suddenly adv tall then dis
sugar n tall adj there adv
summer n tangram there is/are
sun n taxi n these det + pron
Sunday tea n they pron
sunglasses n teach v thin adj
sunny teacher n thing n
super team n think
supermarket n teddy (bear) n third adj + adv
sure telephone n thirsty adj
surname n television/TV n thirteen
surprised adj tell me thirty
swan n temperature n this
sweater temple n + adj those det + pron
sweet ten three
sweet adj tennis throw v
swim n tennis racket n Thursday
tick n + v
Primary Year 6 Syllabus 65 ticket n

tiger trip over
time n trousers wait v
timetable n try n + v wake (up) v
tired adj T-shirt walk n
to prep Tuesday walk up
today adv + n tune n wall n
toes turn want
together TV/television n warm
tomato twelve wash n + v
tomorrow twenty wash up v
too adv two watch n + v
tooth/teeth n ugly watch out
toothache n umbrella n watch TV
toothbrush n uncle n up adv + prep water n
toothpaste n under prep water v
top understand v us pron waterfall n
torch (US flashlight) n undressed) v watermelon n
tortoise n unhappy adj wave n
touch unhealthy wave v
tour n uniform n way n
towel n unkind adj we pron
town n untidy adj weak adj
toy n upstairs adv + n wear
tractor n usually adv weather n
train vegetable website n
trainers very Wednesday
travel v video n + v week
treasure n violin n weekend n
trees visit v well adj + adv
triangle volleyball n well dis
well done
Primary Year 6 Syllabus 66 west n


wet adj world n
whale worse adj + adv
what worst adj + adv
when adv + conj + int would like v
where would v
where pron wow! excl
which int write
which pron wrong adj
whisper v x-ray n
whistle v year n
white adj yellow
who int yellow adj
who pron yes adv
whose int yoghurt n
why int you pron
wife n you’re welcome excl
wild adj young adj
wind n your poss adj
window n yours pron
windy adj yummy
wing n zebra n
wings zoo n
winner n
winter n 1265 words
with prep
woman/women n 67
wonderful adj
word n
work n + v

Primary Year 6 Syllabus



1E.ileen Jessie Ah Guan Curriculum Development Division

2K.alaichelvi Subramaniam Curriculum Development Division

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