Photo: Tourism Malaysia
9Oktober 2017 # G L I SH
• BGTeiomsetetBhOeeu-eItfnsoRtnietnPudutaliannugMTainlagygsiia
The Taste of Malaysia
oktober 17 | october 17 New tourism tax in Malaysia host over 600 swimmers from 70 coun-
A tourism tax has been levied in Ma- tries to compete with each other.
INHALT laysia since 1 September 2017. It is 10 The championships event for disabled
ringgit per person/night. The tax will athletes was first held in 1994. The 9th
03 In Kürze be collected at the checkout. Local res- edition will take place from 29 July to 4
02 Impressum idents are exempt from the tax, as are August 2019.
KULTUR guests in homestays. Business trip to Malaysia
07 Malaysias bestes Beef Rendang The tourist tax in Malaysia had pre- As part of the Civilian Security Tech-
27 Deutschlands kulturelles Flaggschiff viously been postponed twice after nologies and Services export initiative
TOURISMUS fierce protests by the industry. Origi- of the Federal Ministry of Economics
09 Auszeit auf Pulau Tinggi nally, a complex staggered model was and Energy (BMWi), AHP Internation-
planned. al, in cooperation with the Southeast
ADVERTORIAL Modern Malaysia Asian consulting partner Orissa Inter-
30 KLKs Europareise A new free brochure introduces Ger- national, is organising a business de-
man investors to Malaysia. The bilin- velopment trip for German companies
gual manual was commissioned by providing civil security technologies
Bitte beachten Sie: MIDA Frankfurt and produced by Cross and services to Malaysia from 12. to 17.
In einem Teil der Auflage finden Sie Culture Publishing. Potential investors November 2017.
eingefügt zwischen den Seiten 10 und 11 will find valuable information, con- Further information and registration:
das mehrseitige Advertorial tacts, interviews and case studies. The
MALAYSIA auf der ANUGA 2017 volume is rounded off by a selection of aktuelle-termine-und-projekte/
von MATRADE photographs depicting modern Malay- 12-17-november-2017/e
sia. The brochure is available at MIDA Best young chef worldwide
CONTENTS Frankfurt. The winner of the International Jeunes
Contact: [email protected]
02 In Short
02 Imprint German website promotes Johor Chefs Rôtisseurs Competition 2017
CULTURE Tourism Johor is now also present in comes from Malaysia: Amelia MeiVern
04 Malaysia’s best Beef Rendang Germany, at least virtually: the official Ng won against 20 young chefs from
26 Germany’s Cultural Flagship German website all over the world. The World Champi-
TOURISMUS was launched in September. onship and the award ceremony took
08 Time Out on Pulau Tinggi The website offers a basic but pro- place in September in Frankfurt am
EDUCATION & CAREER found overview for tourists. Especially Main, Germany.
23 Carl Duisburg Centren & Malaysia the idyllic islands of Johor, which are
hardly known to German tourists, are
ADVERTORIALS presented here. In addition to valuable
28 KLK’s European Journey information, the website provides links
to other online sources and youtube
Please note: videos. Soon the domain will also be
part of the print run contains offering specific travel offers.
the advertorial On top, Johor also introduced a new
MALAYSIA at ANUGA 2017 fanpage for Germans on facebook:
by MATRADE TourismJohorDeutschland
(included between pages 10 and 11)
9th World Para Swimming Deutsche Bank invests in Malaysia
Championships in Malaysia The economic relations between
For the very first time, the World Para Malaysia and China are to be further
Swimming Championships will be held strenghtened through a billion-dollar
in an Asian city. Kuching, the capital of railway project: China wants to revive
the Malaysian State of Sarawak, will the old Silk Road. Approximately 13 bil-
malaysia insights wird herausgegeben von (ViSdP):
malaysia insights is published by:
RIOBRIOTextwerkstatt & Mediengestaltung
Uwe Fischer Verlag, Kruppstr. 72
40227 Düsseldorf, Deutschland
Tel.: +49-157-70 22 62 07
E-Mail: [email protected]
Auflage/ print run: 2000
lion euros will be invested in Malaysia. NeueTourismussteuer in Kraft Modernes Malaysia
Deutsche Bank also provides funds es- Seit 1. September 2017 wird in Mal- Eine neue kostenlose Broschüre stellt aktuelle-termine-und-projekte/
pecially to finance projects of German aysia eine Tourismussteuer erhoben. deutsche Investoren in Malaysia vor. 12-17-november-2017/e
companies. Sie beträgt 10 Ringgit pro Person und Das zweisprachige Handbuch wur-
Übernachtung. Beglichen wird sie beim de von MIDA Frankfurt in Auftrag Deutsche Bank investiert in Malaysia
German soccer coach in Malaysia Checkout. Einheimische sind von der gegeben und von Cross Culture Pub- Die Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zwischen
Sven Gartung, the former head of Ein- Steuer ausgenommen, ebenso Über- lishing produziert. Potenzielle Inves- Malaysia und China sollen durch ein
tracht Braunschweig’s youth training nachtungen in Homestays. toren finden darin wertvolle Informa- milliardenschweres Bahnprojekt weiter
centre, is the new head coach of PKNS Die Touristensteuer in Malaysia war tionen, Ansprechpartner, Interviews ausgebaut werden: China will die alte
FC in Selangor. The team plays in the zuvor nach heftigen Protesten der und Fallbeispiele. Abgerundet wird Seidenstraße wiederaufleben lassen.
Malaysian Super League. Gartung’s Branche zwei mal verschoben worden. der Band durch eine gelungene Aus- Etwa 13 Milliarden Euro sollen nach
contract runs for two years with an op- Ursprünglich war ein kompliziertes wahl an Fotografien, die das moder- Malaysia fließen. Die Deutsche Bank
tional one-year extension. Staffelmodell vorgesehen. ne Malaysia abbilden. Die Broschüre gibt ebenfalls Gelder. Damit sollen un-
ist erhältlich bei MIDA Frankfurt. ter anderem Vorhaben deutscher Un-
New Ambassador Kontakt: [email protected] ternehmen finanziert werden.
Malaysia has sent a new am-
bassador to Berlin: Ms Sarah Deutsche Website bewirbt Johor Deutscher Fußballtrainer in Malaysia
Nava Rani Al Bakri Devadason Seit kurzem ist Johors Tourismusbe- Sven Gartung, der ehemalige Leiter des
received her credentials from hörde auch in Deutschland vertreten, Nachwuchsleistungszentrums von Ein-
the Malaysian king on 17 Au- zumindest virtuell: Im September tracht Braunschweig, ist neuer Chef-
gust. Her predecessor in Ger- wurden die offizielle deutsche Website trainer des PKNS FC in Selangor. Die
many, Dato’ Zulkifli Adnan, was vorgestellt. Mannschaft spielt in der malaysischen
at the same time appointed Die Website bietet einen ersten An- Super League. Gartungs Vertrag läuft
High Commissioner of Singa- laufpunkt für Touristen. Vor allem die zwei Jahre mit einer einjährigen optio-
pore. Both start their new terms idyllischen Inseln Johors, die deutschen nalen Verlängerung.
in October. Urlaubern kaum bekannt sind, werden
hier vorgestellt. Neben grundlegenden ADA übernimmt RDI
New Consul General Informationen bietet die Website Links Das Kieler Unternehmen ADA Cos-
The Malaysian Consulate Gen- zu weiteren Online-Quellen und youtu- metics International übernimmt RDI
eral in Frankfurt is also headed be-Videos. Schon bald soll die Domain Malaysia. ADA ist nach eigenen An-
by a new representative: Ms auch mit konkreten Reiseangeboten gaben europäischer Marktführer bei
Adina Kamarudin is being suc- aufwarten. Auch auf Facebook wendet Hotelkosmetik und zählt sich auch dar-
ceeded by the new Consul Gen- sich Johor an das deutschsprachige Pu- über hinaus zu denTop-Anbietern in der
eral Mr M. Mukundan. blikum mit der Fanpage TourismJohor- Branche. RDI Malaysia hat sich auf die
Sarah Al Bakri Devadason and Dato’ Zulkifli Deutschland. Produktion und Abfüllung von Körper-
Business seminar in Hamburg Adnan after receiving their credentials pflegeprodukte und Seifen spezialisiert.
The Malaysian Minister for Interna- Neue Botschafterin 9. World Para Swimming Das Unternehmen beschäftigt 110 Mit-
tional Trade & Industry holds a busi- Malaysia wird seit Oktober von einer Championships in Malaysia arbeiter in Kuala Lumpur.
ness seminar on 18. October 2017 in neuen Botschafterin in Berlin vertreten. Erstmalig werden die World Para
Hamburg on the topics of Trade & In- Frau Sarah Nava Rani Al Bakri Devada- Swimming Championships in einer Beste Nachwuchsköchin weltweit
vestment Opportunities in Malaysia. In son erhielt ihr Beglaubigungsschreiben asiatischen Stadt ausgetragen. In Ku- Die Gewinnerin des Kochwettkampfes
addition to the minister, two German aus den Händen des malaysischen ching, der Hauptstadt des malaysi- International Jeunes Chefs Rôtisseurs
companies already operating in Ma- Königs am 17. August. Ihr Vorgänger schen Budesstaates Sarawak, werden Competition 2017 kommt aus Malaysia:
laysia will report on their experiences in Deutschland, Dato‘ Zulkifli Adnan, 2019 über 600 Schwimmer aus 70 Län- Amelia Mei Vern Ng setzte sich gegen
and answer questions. The location is wurde zum High Commissioner von dern ihre Kräfte messen. 20 Jungköche aus aller Welt durch. Die
Sofitel Alter Wall in Hamburg, partici- Singapur berufen. Beide bekleiden ihr Der Wettbewerb für behinderte Athle- Weltmeisterschaft und anschließende
pation is free. Further information and neues Amt ab Oktober. ten wurde 1994 erstmalig ausgetragen. Siegerehrung fanden im September in
registration: Die 9. Edition findet vom 29 Juli bis 4 Frankfurt am Main statt. Neuer Generalkonsul August 2019 statt.
moeglichkeiten_in_Malaysia.pdf Auch das malaysische Generalkonsu- Geschäftsseminar in Hamburg
lat in Frankfurt hat einen neuen Chef Geschäftsanbahnungen mit Malaysia Der malaysische Minister für Interna-
ADA takes over RDI bekommen: Auf Adina Kamarudin folgt Im Rahmen der Exportinitiative „Zivile tionalen Handel & Industrie wird am
The Kiel-based company ADA Cosmet- Generalkonsul M. Mukundan. Sicherheitstechnologien und -dienst- 18. Oktober 2017 in Hamburg ein Ge-
ics International takes leistungen“ des Bun- schäftsseminar rund um die Themen
over RDI Malaysia. MALAYSIA INSIGHTS on Tumblr! desministeriums für Handels- & Investitionsmöglichkeiten
ADA describes itself as With, MALAYSIA INSIGHTS has creat- Wirtschaft und Ener- in Malaysia halten. Neben dem Mi-
the European market ed another platform that compiles up-to-date information on Malaysia gie (BMWi) organisiert nister werden unter anderem auch
leader in hotel cosmet- from all over the internet. The new domain complements our websites AHP International in zwei deutsche Unternehmen, die in
ics and ranks among for English and www.malaysia-insights. Kooperation mit dem Malaysia bereits tätig sind, von ihren
the top suppliers in the de for German content. In addition, you can also find us on Facebook, südostasiatischen Be- Erfahrungen berichten und Fragen be-
industry. RDI Malaysia Twitter andYouTube: ratungspartner Orissa antworten. Veranstaltungsort ist das
specializes in the pro- International vom 12. Sofitel Alter Wall in Hamburg, die Teil-
duction and bottling of bis 17. November 2017 nahme am Seminar ist kostenlos. Wei-
personal care products eine Geschäftsanbah- tere Infos:
and soaps. The compa- nungsreise für deut-
ny employs 110 people sche Unternehmen moeglichkeiten_in_Malaysia.pdf
in Kuala Lumpur. MALAYSIA INSIGHTS aufTumblr! der zivilen Sicher-
Mit hat MALAYSIA INSIGHTS eine weite- heitstechnologien Fluor baut Isononanol-Anlage in
re Plattform geschaffen, die aktuelle Infos über Malaysia zur Verfügung & -dienstleistungen Malaysia
stellt. Die neue Präsenz ergänzt, unsere Websei- nach Malaysia. Der Anlagenbauer Fluor hat von dem
ten für englische Inhalte sowie ihr deutsches Pendant www.malaysia-in- Weitere Infos und An- malaysischen Mineralölkonzern Pe- Darüber hinaus finden Sie uns auch auf Facebook, Twitter und meldemöglichkeiten: tronas den Auftrag für den Bau einer
YouTube: Isononanol-Anlage erhalten. Die Eröff- nung ist für 2019 geplant, die Produk- tionskapazaität soll 250.000 t/a Isono- nanol betragen. 39/2017
by Dr. Shahrim Karim, Universiti Putra Malaysia
4 9/2017 Dr Shahrim Karim
is one of the famous chefs in Southeast Asia and a Malaysian
heritage food authority & specialist. He has been guest in
numerous TV programs such as Masterchef Malaysia and has
published various cookbooks as well as more than 70 scientific
papers on the importance of food as a cultural heritage.
Currently, he is an Associate Professor at the Universiti Putra in
Selangor. He can be contacted at [email protected]
or Instagram @shahrimkarim
Malaysia’s best
Beef Rendang
Rendang is Malaysia’s most popular dish in the country.
It is typically a thick or dry stew made mainly from beef, lamb
and chicken, cooked with selected spices including chilli
paste, coconut milk, onions, lemon grass and galangal. It also
can be made from shrimp, fish, cockles and tapioca shoots.
There are many varieties of rendang from various part of Ma-
laysia, that have different taste, colour and texture. Of course
rendang is always hot and spicy.
It originated in Indonesia. and was brought to the Malay
Peninsular during the immigration of people from Indonesia
500 to 600 years ago. Today, Malaysian rendang has become
one of our national dishes and the flavor is uniquely Malaysia.
Rendang has to be cooked for several hours, so that all of the
flavours will be immersed into the meat.
The nutty and caramelized flavor partly contributed by the
sugar content in the onions and other ingredients made
rendang preparation a complex one. Cooking rendang itself is
an art, from mixing the various spices to determining the final
colour of rendang needs a lot of experience. In cooking, one
could have the same ingredients, but the final taste of the
rendang could be totally different. We believe in a saying “air
tangan”, which literally means water of the hands, everyone
cooking has a unique taste, although the recipe is the same.
Certain types of rendang is served during major festivals,
therefore it is not a daily food that will be on the table.
However, it is more of a celebration food found in wedding
receptions, festivals, and special occasions. Chicken rendang
could be served at a typical restaurant, however beef
rendang is not easy to be found because it takes several
hours to cook them. Yet rendang is a favourite food among
Malaysians. Having the right thickness of the sauce, and
when to stop the cooking process is crucial in order to have a
flavorful rendang.
Beef rendang can be kept for months in a frozen form and
can be reheated and served. In these recipes, I am preparing
the rendang sauce and meat separately. First, the meat has
to be marinated, and later seared and roasted. The sauce is
prepared separately and served with the beef. Traditionally,
the meat is cooked together with the gravy for several hours
until it gets very thick and dry and the meat becomes very
tender. Chicken rendang takes less time.
I hope you enjoy the recipe. Enjoy your meal or, as we say:
Selamat menjamu selera! 59/2017
Tenderloin Beef Rendang
(yield: 4-5) depending on the weight
for each portion of the beef Rendang
Beef Marinate Rendang Sauce /Gravy (10 -15 portion)
1 kg Beef Tenderloin 6 tbsp Red Chilly paste
6 nos Red Onions/shallots – grounded 10 nos Bombay Onions /Red onions - grounded
3 cloves garlic – grounded 8 cloves Garlic –grounded
3 inch ginger – grounded 2 inch Ginger -grounded
2 inch galangal – grounded 1 inch Tumeric –grounded ( or ½ tbsp. turmeric powder)
½ cup vegetable oil 4 stalks Lemon Grass – grounded
Salt – Season to taste 2.5 inch Galangal – grounded
4-5 pieces Kaffir Lime Leaves
Method Mix spices 5 pcs Cardamon, 4-5 Cloves, 1 stick Cinnamon and 3 Star Anise
1. In a medium bowl, combine the 4 cups Coconut Milk
2 tbsp Brown Sugar
grounded ingredients to make a 1tbsp Cumin powder
spice paste, add 2 table spoon of ½ tbsp. Black Pepper (ground)
oil, mix it well and season with salt 2tbsp Coriander (ground)
2. Rub the spice paste onto the beef 1 tbsp Fennel Seed (ground)
tenderloin, and let marinade for 2 ½ cup Pounded Roasted Grated
hours or if possible leave it over- coconut
night Salt to taste
3. To sear, heat the oil in an oven-
proof skillet over medium to high Method
heat until almost smoking. Cook 1. Combine all ingredients for the spice paste in a food processor and
the meat quickly, turning with
tongs, until nicely brown on all blend until smooth
sides and transfer to oven, 200°C 2. In a wok, add some oil and the mix spices, stir until it is aromatic and
4. Roast until done to your liking
5. Allow tenderloin to rest 5 to 10 add the spice paste, and other powdered spices, stir well
minutes before cutting the meat 3. Add in the coconut milk, bring to a boil and simmer until the sauce is
6. Cut the meat into required size and
serve with the rendang sauce cooked and thickened ( the colour should be dark brown)
4. Seasoned to taste and finally add in the roasted coconut paste.
5. If it is too thick, add some coconut milk or liquid to thin it.
6 9/2017
Dr. Shahrim Karim zählt zu den bekanntesten Rendang – das beliebteste Gericht Malaysias
Köchen Südostasiens und ist ein Spezialist für
authentische traditionelle Gerichte. Er war in Rendang ist in der Regel ein dicker oder recht trockener Ein-
zahlreichen TV-Sendungen wie beispielsweise topf, der vor allem aus Rindfleisch, Lamm und Huhn besteht
„Masterchef Malaysia“ zu Gast und hat diverse und mit ausgewählten Gewürzen einschließlich Chili-Paste,
Kochbücher sowie mehr als 70 wissenschaftliche Kokosmilch, Zwiebeln, Zitronengras und Galgant zubereitet
Arbeiten über die Bedeutung der Nahrung als wird. Alternativ kommen auch Garnelen, Fisch, Herzmuscheln
kulturelles Erbe veröffentlicht. Derzeit ist er und Tapioka-Triebe zum Einsatz. Es gibt unzählige regionale
außerordentlicher Professor an der Universiti Rendang-Variationen, die sich in Geschmack, Farbe und Textur
Putra in Selangor/Malaysia. unterscheiden. Gemeinsam ist ihnen, dass sie immer würzig und
Kontakt: [email protected] scharf zubereitet werden.
Instagram: @shahrimkarim
Rendang stammt ursprünglich aus Indonesien, und kam mit
den indonesischen Einwanderern vor etwa 500 Jahren auch auf
die malaysische Halbinsel. Heute ist Rendang unbestritten ei-
nes unserer Nationalgerichte, das nirgendwo anders so einzig-
artig schmeckt. Rendang muss mehrere Stunden lang gekocht
werden, damit alle Aromen auf das Fleisch einwirken können.
Herbal Rice ( 8 – 10 portion) Der nussige und karamellisierte Geschmack, der zum Teil durch
den Zuckergehalt in den Zwiebeln und anderer Zutaten ent-
500 gm White Rice steht, macht die Vorbereitung sehr aufwändig. Die Zubereitung
3 tbsp Oil von gutem Rendang ist eine Kunst, die zu erlangen eine gewis-
30 gm Dried shrimps or small tiny dried baby se Erfahrung benötigt: vom Mischen der verschiedenen Gewür-
shrimps – pan roasted ze bis zur Bestimmung der endgültigen Farbe des Rendangs.
50 gm Fried shallots Dabei kann es leicht passieren, das selbst bei identischen
Salt to Taste Zutaten der Geschmack des Rendangs völlig unterschiedlich
1 stalk Lemon grass – slice thinly ausfällt. Wir haben ein Sprichwort namens “Air Tangan”, das
1 nos Torch Ginger – slice thinly wörtlich übersetzt “Wasser der Hände” bedeutet und besagt,
5 pcs Betel leaves – slice thinly dass jeder Koch seinen eigenen einzigartigen Geschmack
5 pcs kaffir lime leaves – slice thinly kreiert, obwohl das Rezept das Gleiche ist. Entscheidend für ein
2 sprins mint leaf – slice thinly würziges Rendang sind die richtige Konsistenz der Sauce und
2 sprins basil leaves die Kochdauer.
2 sprins laksa leaves or polygonum leaves
Bestimmte Arten von Rendang werden vornehmlich oder aus-
Method schließlich an hohen Feiertagen und zu Festlichkeiten serviert.
1. In a wok over medium heat, add some oil and Zwar findet sich Hähnchen-Rendang durchaus auch auf der
Speisekarte eines typischen malaysischen Restaurants, aber
stir in lemon grass and kaffir lime and sautéed Rindfleisch-Rendang ist sehr selten, auch weil die Zubereitung
for 20 to 30 seconds, and add in the rice mehrere Stunden dauert. Dennoch ist Rendang ein Lieblings-
2. Add in other herbs, fried onions, roasted essen der Malaysier. In gefrorenem Zustand hält es sich einige
shrimps and mixed well Monate.
3. Season to taste and serve with the beef
tenderloin In dem Rezept, das ich Ihnen heute vorstelle, werden Ren-
dang-Sauce und Fleisch separat vorbereitet. Zunächst muss
das Fleisch mariniert und später im Ofen gebraten werden.
Währenddessen kann man die Sauce zubereiten. Dies unter-
scheidet sich von der traditionellen Zubereitung, in der Fleisch
und Sauce zusammen für mehrere Stunden schmoren, bis die
Sauce dick und sämig und das Fleisch sehr zart ist.
Hühnchen-Rendang geht jedoch um einiges schneller.
Viel Spaß mit diesem Rezept und guten Appetit oder, wie wir
sagen: Selamat selera! 79/2017
on TPiumlaeuOTuintggi
von Uwe Fischer
It is holiday, I am splashing in the pool...from the providing refrigerator, air conditioning and TV, but lack-
loudspeakers, Klaus Meine is screaming at me “Still ing a safe and internet connection. It is a place for peo-
Loving You”, albeit in a decent volume. The group ple who don’t mind lying on an wooden deck chair with-
Nazareth takes over with their classic “Love Hurts” out a mattress. This lack of coziness is compensated by
describing the pains of love in full agreement. But not a dreamlike white sand beach, crystal clear water, coral
only love hurts, the acoustic wallpaper on the pool is reefs, a hidden jungle path leading to a waterfall and,
not quite painless to bear, either. last but not least, an absolutely fantastic kitchen. But
Apart from the muzak rock, this place is really paradise. I even this might turn out as another obstacle for some
am taking a break in theTAd Resort on PulauTinggi.The guests: if you have problems getting served food you
small island belongs to the state of Johor and is hardly did not select yourself you will be in trouble. At times,
known even to the locals, and foreigners, especially Eu- when only a few guests are present, kitchen chef Alex
ropeans, rarely get lost here. Boh takes over proofing his extra class by composing
The TAd Marine Resort has 88 rooms and is currently absolutely delicious 5-course menus. No need to strug-
the only operating hotel on the island, but other than gle with a menu card; simply sit down and wait what
me there are only 10 guests here. This may also be due you’ll get served. It is a culinary adverture you will not
to the fact that the fasting month of Ramadan has just regret.
begun. According to resort manager Nizam Bin Ibrahim, I am at Pulau Tinggi for 2 nights, and the first afternoon
at the end of Ramadan all the chalets and villas will be is reserved for doing nothing. Only on my second day I
fully booked. feel it is time for some activities. In the morning, I join
Pulau Tinggi is not necessarily suitable for guests who the group of other guests who are taking a motorboat
expect everything to be similar to Western standards. for a snorkelling trip. The destination is a tiny island,
The TAd Marine Resort is recommended for those who only a few minutes away from Pulau Tinggi. It has a cor-
love quietness and are happy with a simple clean room al reef and many fishes, lured by white bread brought
along by my new acquaintances. As it turns out, they are
all Chinese Malaysians taking a few days off.
8 9/2017
Auszeit auf der Insel Pulau Tinggi: Sanft rauscht 99/2017
das Meer, der Sandstrand ist menschenleer, ich aber
plansche im Pool. Aus den Lautsprechern kreischt
mir, wenn auch in dezenter Lautstärke, Klaus Meine
sein „Still Loving You“ entgegen. Die Gruppe Nazareth
stößt ins gleiche Horn, hadert mit der Liebe – „Love
Hurts“ – aber nicht nur die Liebe tut weh, auch die
Akustiktapete am Pool ist nicht ganz schmerzfrei zu
Abgesehen vom Kuschelrock ist es hier aber wirklich
paradiesisch. Die kleine Insel ist selbst Einheimischen
kaum bekannt, und Ausländer, gar Europäer, verir-
ren sich nur selten hierher. 88 Zimmer hat das TAd
Marine Resort, derzeit das einzige geöffnete Hotel der
Insel, aber außer mir sind gerade mal 10 Gäste hier. Das
allerdings liegt auch daran, dass gerade der Fastenmonat
Ramadan begonnen hat. Resortmanager Nizam Bin Ibra-
him zufolge werden nach Ramadan sämtliche Chalets
und Villen komplett ausgebucht sein.
Pulau Tinggi ist nicht unbedingt geeignet für Gäste, die
am Urlaubsort am liebsten alles so vorfinden wie zu Hau-
se. Wer jedoch die Ruhe liebt, wem ein einfaches sauberes
Zimmer mit Kühlschrank, Klimaanlage und TV, aber ohne
Safe und Internet genügt, wer am Pool auch mal mit ei-
ner harten Holzliege ohne Auflage vorlieb nehmen kann,
für den ist das TAd Marine Resort empfehlenswert. Auf
der Habenseite stehen nämlich ein traumhafter weißer
Sandstrand, glasklares Wasser, Korallenriffe, ein ver-
steckter Dschungelpfad, der zu einem Wasserfall führt
und, last but not least, eine absolut traumhafte Kü-
che. Allerdings – noch so ein Haken – sollte man kei-
ne Probleme damit haben, seine Speisen nicht selbst
auswählen zu können. Zumindest dann nicht, wenn
nur wenige Gäste anwesend sind. Dann verzichtet
man hier kurzerhand auf Speisekarte und Buffet und
überlässt es Küchenchef Alex Boh, was auf den Tisch
kommt. Wer sich darauf einlässt, wird mit absolut le-
ckeren 5-gängigen Menüs belohnt.
2 Nächte bleibe ich hier, aber der erste Nachmittag nach
Ankunft ist erst mal vollumfänglich reserviert für Nichts
Continued from page 8 Fortsetzung von Seite 9
The small island we have been taken to is apt especially tun. Erst an meinem zweiten Tag sind Aktivitäten ange-
for snorchelling. Our boatsmen tell us, for divers there sagt. Am Vormittag schließe ich mich den anderen Gästen
are many other nice places around here as well, and an, und los geht es mit dem Motorboot zum Schnorcheln.
most of Johor’s island world is easily accessible by mo- Ziel ist eine klitzekleine Insel, nur ein paar Minuten von
torboat within a few minutes. Pulau Tinggi entfernt. Dort gibt es ein Korallenriff und
In the afternoon, jungle trecking is on the agenda. The viele Fische, die sich gerne vom mitgebrachten Toastbrot
cool shady jungle is just the right thing now, I suppose, anlocken lassen. Auch fürTaucher soll es hier sehenswerte
but as it turns out I am still all sweat, thanks to the path Areale geben, so beteuert man mir, und wenn man Johors
cheerfully going up and down. Luckily, it is equipped komplette Inselwelt einbezieht, dann dürfte hier sicherlich
with ropes along the route, so that you have a secure so schnell keine Langeweile aufkommen.
hold at any time. Our guide is patiently waiting Am Nachmittag steht JungleTrecking auf dem Programm.
Der Schatten spendende Dschungel ist jetzt genau das
for the untrained tourists, Richtige, denke ich mir, allerdings bin ich dann doch nur
many of them in flip-flops, am Schwitzen, den der Pfad geht munter rauf und runter.
and even offers to carry the Zum Glück ist er mit Seilen entlang der Strecke ausgestat-
children brought along on tet, so dass man zu jeder Zeit Halt bekommt. DerTrecking-
particularly steep sections leiter wartet geduldig auf die ungeübten Touristen, vie-
on his back. The destina- le von ihnen in Flip-Flops, und bietet sich sogar an, die
tion of our little tour is a mitgebrachten Kinder auf besonders steilen Abschnitten
auf dem Rücken zu tragen. Ziel ist ein netter Wasserfall
nice waterfall in the midst inmitten des Dschungels, der sich in einen kleinen Natur-
of the jungle, which flows pool ergießt. Das kühle Wasser lädt zum Plantschen und
into a small natural pool. ein paar Schwimmzüge ein, und natürlich dürfen auch die
The cool water invites to obligatorischen Fotos nicht fehlen.
splashing and a few swimming strokes, and of
course the obligatory photos have to be taken, too.
After the almost one-hour tour I am happy to relax again Nach der knapp einstündigenTour bin ich dann wieder reif
at the pool, where Klaus Meine welcomes me back. This für den Pool, wo mich einmal mehr Klaus Meine erwartet.
time, however, he lamentes his “Winds of Change”, Diesmal allerdings schmachtet er „Winds of Change“,
and I wish he was actually taken literally, because a few und ich wünschte mir, man würde ihn tatsächlich wörtlich
changes in the playlist would surely improve the para- nehmen, denn ein paar Änderungen würden der paradie-
dise’s soundtrack. sischen Playlist sicherlich nicht schaden.
Pulau Tinggi can be reached by motorboat from the Pulau Tinggi erreicht man mit einem Motorboot von der
coastal town of Mersing, the crossing takes about 40 Küstenstadt Mersing aus, die Überfahrt dauert etwa 40
minutes. There is also a second jetty somewhat clos- Minuten. Es gibt aber auch noch einen zweiten näher ge-
er which was built by the Tad Marine Resort, but it is legenen Jetty, der vomTad Marine Resort errichtet wurde,
quite far outside of Mersing and not reachable by public aber ziemlich weit außerhalb liegt und nur mit dem Auto
transport. The crossing from here takes about 15 to 20 erreichbar ist. Die Überfahrt von hier dauert etwa 15 bis 20
minutes. Best season for visiting is between May and Minuten. Am besten besucht man Pulau Tinggi zwischen
September (during monsoon the resort will temporarily Mai und September (während der Monsun-Zeit bleibt das
close). Resort zeitweise geschlossen).
Pulau Tengah, Johor/Malaysia
10 9/2017
MALAYSIAThe Foodies’ Paradise HHaallll 41..21 EC009587c
35 Exhibitors
Fine Food, Frozen Food, Drinks,
Spices & Herbs, Health Food & more
ANUGA 2017
7.-11. October, Cologne, Germany
ANUGA 2017:
Malaysia F&B Industry Shows Strong Presence
56 Malaysian exhibitors at ANUGA 2017 – this marks a record participation. In order to support
Malaysia’s efforts to strengthen its presence in global markets, the National External Trade Devel-
opment Corporation MATRADE organises two Malaysian Pavilions at ANUGA in hall 1.1 and hall 4.2.
“The Malaysian F&B industry is a fast-growing rently exports food and beverages to more than
industry characterised by a large export market. 200 countries worldwide. The sectors’ exports ex-
Malaysia’s most significant F&B exports are in the ceeded USD 4.8 billion in 2016 while the total F&B
oils and fats category, particularly palm-oil based expenditure was USD 32.6 billion,” explains Badrul
products, for which the country is one of the two Hisham.
largest exporters in the world,” says Badrul Hish- Malaysia’s total trade for the month of June 2017
am, Trade Commissioner of Matrade Frankfurt. increased by 7% to RM136.26 billion, up from
Malaysian companies have extensive experience RM127.38 billion recorded in June 2016. Expansion
in supporting major multinational companies in- was mainly generated from trade with China, In-
volved in manufacturing food products such as dia, Japan, EU, ASEAN, USA, Taiwan and Korea.
Nestlé, Ajinomoto, Campbell, Cargill, Mafipro, “Malaysia Pavilions are located in Hall 1.1 and 4.2
Dutch Lady, Kerry Ingredients, Yakult and Co- showcasing the best of Malaysian F&B products”
ca-Cola. Among others, the Malaysian exhibitors adds Badrul Hisham. The Pavilions are organised
at ANUGA 2017 will include manufacturers of fro- by MATRADE, Malaysia’s External Trade Develop-
zen food, confectionery, sauces and pastes, bever- ment Corporation.
ages, flavouring and fragrances. Many exhibitors
have already participated in international trade MATRADE FRANKFURT
fairs before. But most of the companies selected Consulate General of Malaysia
by MATRADE will be presenting their products for Platz der Einheit 1, Kastor-Hochhaus, 17th Floor
the very first time in Europe. D-60327 Frankfurt am Main
The food processing industry is one of the oldest facebook matradeHQ
industries in Malaysia and accounts for about 10% twitter @matrade
of the country’s industrial output. “Malaysia cur- e-mail [email protected]
Table 1 : Malaysia’s External Trade
Year RM Mil Growth RM Mil Growth RM Mil Growth RM Mil Growth
2016 Rate % Rate % Rate % Rate %
2017 (Jan-Jun)
785,934.80 1.1 698,662.30 1.9 87,272.50 -4.7 1,484,597.20 1.5
451,061.00 21.0 408,121.10 23.3 42,939.80 2.7 859,182.10 22.0
Table 2 : Malaysia’s Trade with Germany
Year RM Mil Growth RM Mil Growth RM Mil Growth RM Mil Growth
2016 Rate % Rate % Rate % Rate %
2017 (Jan-Jun)
22,295.90 13.5 23,784.00 1.8 -1,488.00 60.2 46,079.90 7.1
13,147.30 23.1 12,273.30 6.0 874.00 197.6 25,420.50 14.2
Malaysian Pavilions in Hall 1.1 & Hall 4.2
Hall 1.1 D055b Al-Khaleej Industries Sdn Bhd Cooking Oil
Hall 1.1 D055a Coffeeland Sdn Bhd Coffee, Tea And Cocoa
Hall 1.1 C053a Dewina Trading Sdn Bhd Sauces And Paste, Business Consulting, Services Including
Marketing Consulting
Hall 1.1 C056b Dong Sin Food Sdn Bhd "Ready To Eat" Meals
Hall 1.1 C056a Eezdee Intrade Sdn Bhd Cooking Oil, Palm Oil Based Industrial Product
Hall 1.1 C055a Ever Delicious Food Industries Sdn Bhd Confectionary & Cookies
Hall 1.1 C058 F&N Dairies Manufacturing Sdn Bhd Carbonated Drinks, Dairy Products
Hall 1.1 C055b Foodvest Industries (M) Sdn Bhd Jam, Jelly And Puddings, Snacks, Health Drinks
Hall 1.1 D059 Ganda Kota Sdn Bhd Coconut Products
Hall 1.1 D053c Green House Ingredient Sdn Bhd Flavouring, Colouring And Fragrances
Hall 1.1 D057a Gunung Rapat Hiong Piah Sdn Bhd Confectionery - Biscuits
Hall 1.1 B054b HOTSB Marketing Sdn Bhd Sauces And Paste
Hall 1.1 B056b Inno-Wangsa Oils & Fats Sdn Bhd Palm Oil Products
Hall 1.1 B058a Kimanis Food Industries Sdn Bhd Snacks
Hall 1.1 D053b, Koon Brother Sdn Bhd Confectionery - Biscuits
Hall 1.1 F053
Hall 1.1 C054a Linaco Manufacturing (M) Sdn Bhd Coconut Products, Juices And Cordials
Hall 1.1 B058b Malaysian Pepper Board(MPB) Spices And Condiments
Hall 1.1 C057 MATRADE Trade Promotion
Hall 1.1 C050a Miaow Miaow Food Products Sdn Bhd Snacks
Hall 1.1 C053b Nutrix Plantations Sdn Bhd
Hall 1.1 B054a PS Food And Beverage Sdn Bhd Juices And Cordials, Milk, Health Drinks
Hall 1.1 C052c, Ricca Peacock Asia Sdn Bhd Flavouring & Fragrances manufacturer, product certified
Passage 2 - 4 002 by HALAL, Kosher, SGS 22000/9001/HACCP/GMP
Hall 1.1 D057b Rico Food Industries Sdn Bhd Juices And Cordials
Hall 1.1 D053a Sime Darby Plantation Sdn Bhd Cooking Oil, Margarine And Shortening,
Hall 1.1 C052a Stancodex Sdn Bhd Coconut Cream Powder, Coconut Spread, Coconut Milk
Drink Powder
Hall 1.1 C052b Syarikat Thong Guan Trading Sdn Bhd Coffee, Tea, Cereal, Organic Baby Noodle, Organic Stick
Noodle & Organic Steam Noodle
Hall 1.1 C057b Tatawa Industries (M) Sdn Bhd Confectionery - Biscuits
Hall 1.1 D051a The Original Beverage Sdn Bhd Carbonated Drinks
Hall 1.1 C057a Thong Thye Trading Sdn Bhd Snacks
Hall 1.1 B056a Vegeta Manufacturing Sdn Bhd Juices And Cordials
Hall 1.1 C054b Visesha Manufacturing Sdn Bhd Coconut Products
Hall 4.2 E096b Foodswise Network Sdn Bhd Vegetables And Fruits (Processed)
Hall 4.2 E096a Golden Fresh Sdn Bhd Processed Meat, Poultry And Seafood
Hall 4.2 E098a Kellyfresh Food Manufacturing Sdn Bhd Pastries, Bakery Products, Pancakes
Hall 4.2 E096c Kim Yam Trading & Cold Storage Products Roti Pratha, Spring Roll Pastry, Chapatti, Sweet Corn, Bun
Sdn Bhd
Hall 1.1 C057 Trade Promotion
Hall 4.2 E098b MATRADE Processed Meat, Poultry And Seafood
Tilapia House Sdn Bhd
Hall 1.1 C057 MATRADE MATRADE is Malaysia’s exBteursnianletsrasdNeeptwroomroktion HHaallll 41..21 EC009587c
agency and is a non-profit organisation. Our office in Frankfurt, Germany, is one over 40 representations
worldwide, connecting interested International buy-
ers with Malaysian exporters. Find us at ANUGA in:
Al-Khaleej Industries Dewina Trading Ever Delicious Food Industries
Hall 1.1 D055b Hall 1.1 D053a Hall 1.1 C055a
Featured products at ANUGA: Featured products at ANUGA: Ever Delicious was established in 1992. To-
• Red Palm Olein • Brahims Sauces & Paste day, we are one of the leading manufactur-
Contact: ers and exporters of cookies in Malaysia. Our Contact: products are focusing on quality, variety and
[email protected] [email protected] sustainability. We are a Halal, ISO 9001:2008 and HACCP certified company.
Hall 1.1 D055a Dong Sin Food
Hall 1.1 D056b
Featured products at ANUGA:
• ‘Ready to Eat’ Meals
[email protected]
We are a leading manufacturing compa- Eezdee Intrade
ny of Premium Ice-Blended Beverages and
Smoothies in Asia. Our factory is Halal, GMP, Hall 1.1 C056a Featured products at ANUGA:
HACCP and ISO22000 certified. With passion • Chocotime
for innovation and excellence, our product EEZDEE mainly involve in • Just U
line has increased to hundred gourmet fla- the export of consumer and • Berrytime & Chocotime
vors, ranging from coffee to non-coffee prod- industrial food products
ucts. Our brands comprises of Java Blenz®, EEZDEEto overseas market with
Tropicaland®, Teazane® Coffeeland® and
VeLife. Our products are a popular choice the determined VISION of
among the young and matured generation of bringing excellent Malaysian made products
beverage lovers, serving across the HORECA to users all over the world. To secure a more
industry and export market worldwide. Contact: INT
[email protected]
We provide OEM / ODM services as well.
Owing to our strong partnership with inter-
national companies, Coffeeland is currently constant revenue stream and ensure a sus-
gearing towards creating new market seg- tainable growth, we have been designing andEEZDEE mainly involve in the
ments through partnership with distributors developing our own brands for the olein Tawndoto
based on good business integrity and ethical dairy products such as: Aewa, Admiral, overseas market with the
practice. Partner with us, leverage on our ex-
perience and we believe we could add value Spoon, E.B.C., BCC, Royal Chef, Nutri Mexm, ade products to users all o
in you. Crown, Taza
Featured products at ANUGA: Featured products at ANUGA:
• Ice Blended Beverages and Healthy • RBD Palm Olein - Vegetable Cooking Oil
• RBD Soft Oils - Soybean Oil, Canola Oil
and Sunflower Oil
Contact: • Vegetable Fats - Shortening, Vegetable
[email protected] Ghee, Speciality Fats
• Dairy Products - Milk Powder, Sweet-
ened Condensed Milk, Evaporated
Milk, Coconut Milk Powder
Contact: Vege
[email protected] Our Vegetable Fats are
conditions. These Veg
F&N Dairies Manufacturing Foodswise Network Foodvest Industries
Hall 1.1 C058 Hall 4.2 E096b Hall 1.1 C055b
Fraser & Neave is a Malaysian company list- Foodswise specialises in Malaysian Durian FOODVEST manufactures premium quality
ed on Bursa Malaysia’s Main Board with ex- and durian dessert products, ranging from food products and distributes to international
pertise and a prominent standing in the food Durian pulp for direct consumption, to durian markets only.
and beverages business. F&N is amongst the paste for businesses to make durian desserts.
region’s oldest company and has resonated We also manufacture other products such as
with Malaysians for over 130 years and es- durian steamed bun, durian bao, durian mo-
tablished itself as regional player in beverag- chi, and durian ice cream.
es and dairy product categories. Another major product is our Sweet Potato
fries. Sweet Potatoes are healthier, tastier
and more nutritious than traditional fries,
making it a highly demanded product!
Foodswise also offers various frozen tropical
fruit, such as mango, dragon fruit, banana,
and passion fruit.
Featured products at ANUGA:
• Jelly, pudding, dessers, snacks, nuts,
flavoured drinks
[email protected]
F&N is one of the largest carbonated soft
drinks and dairy condensery producer in the
region with six manufacturing plants in Ma-
laysia and two in Thailand. Today, F&N has
spread its wings to more than 49 countries Ganda Kota
worldwide namely Greater China, Middle Hall 1.1 D059
East and Africa. GANDA KOTA SDN BHD is the pioneer in
Malaysia to introduce, distribute and export
Featured products at ANUGA: unique world first coconut chunks under the
F&N strives to constantly enhance its com- • Frozen Durian and products, Frozen name Deli Coco to local and foreign markets.
TRADE SDN. BHD.lifestyles and aspirations of our consumers. DELICOCO is the world’s first great tast-
petitiveness and the relevance of its product Tropical fruit
portfolio in meeting the tastes, preference, • Sweet Potato Fries
F&N will continue to deepen the connection Contact: ing coconut Chunks! Apart from it being a
e expwiothrtbusoinefsscpoartnnesrsuamnd ecornsuamnersdtoindenuqusirty.rfoiaodlswfoiseo@gdmapil.croomducts mouth-watering snack, it is high in nutrients
detowefiftehrrmFe&xNciit’nsempereonmdtisaenVodfIe‘SPnujIorOeymEnNejnotymoinefntat,nbPduermriengwiwnwg.fooedsxwcisee.collment Malaysianhanadvezeloronginschheolflelsifteroal.nTdhneoseruannicqidueityp.roTdhuecstes
overGtoohdneessw’ orld. irressitible coconut chunks can be consumed
in its original form as snack, packed in beau-
‘TEAPOT’ is the undisputed leader in Sweet- tiful coconut-shaped container or in any form
ened Condensed Milk and Evaporated Milk of foil packing and bottle. It is good as a be-
categories and committed to delivery rich fore-dinner snack in restaurants or as tit-bits
creamy goodness and taste to consumer for in pubs, bar and karaoke.
RBD Palm Olein - CP 10, CP 8, CP6their tea, coffee, cakes, confectionery, and a
RBDtwiohPnosla.e rlamngeOofldeelienctaibsletchuleinarliyqpruepidara-fraction obtained by the fractionation of palm oil after cry
controlled temperatures. It is especially suitable for frying and cooking. The liquid olein
fracF• etaiotTunEreAadPOptirTooSdnwuec,etsateannteAddNCUotnGhdAee:nsyedaMrilek the major products exported.
• TEAPOT Evaporated Milk
Contact: Fats, Vegetable
[email protected] Shortening, Specialty Ghee
etable Fats
produced under most selective process conditions and hygienic food safety
getable Fats products are produce a whole range of lauric specialty fats and
The principal activity of the company is to In 2005, Gunung Rapat Hiong Piah
venture into manufacturing of all coconuts Golden Fresh Hall 1.1 D057a
related products for local and global markets. became the
Besides coconut chunks, we have coconut first seafood Featured products at ANUGA:
cookies, coconut candy, coconut poppers, co- company in • Biscuits
conut flakes roll, coconut crumbles, coconut Malaysia to • Confectionary
flakes, coconut fine and coconut slice (chips). be awarded the Marine Stewardship Council Contact:
(MSC)’s Chain of Custody certification. [email protected]
Our coconut products are use in raw materi-
als industries likes chocolates, ingredients, We are always exploring new and original
baking,snack and ice cream topping indus- product lines as well as, charting the next HOTSB Marketing
tries etc. phase of growth with our premium seafood Hall 1.1 B054b
products that are now enjoyed all over the HOTSB MARKETING
Currently we are exporting to Australia, Chi- world. Sdn. Bhd. specialises in
na, Korea, Japan, UK, Holland, Thailand and the production of au-
Dubai. Presently, our global market covers Australia, thentic Asian ethnic
Brunei, Canada, Cyprus, Denmark, France, pastes and curry mixes.
Our Certifications: ISO22K, FSSC22K, HALAL Germany, Hong Kong, Iran, Japan, Korea,
AND KOSHER. Lebanon, Mauritius, New Zealand, Philip- Our products are non-colouring, cholesterol
pines, Singapore, South Africa, Taiwan, UAE, free and made from finest & freshest natural
Featured products at ANUGA: USA, United Kingdom. ingredients. We are certified ISO 22000, HAC-
• Coconut Chunks CP, GMP and Halal .
• Coconut Candy Global certifications: HACCP, HALAL, BRC,
• Coconut Cookies IFS, MSC and ASC.
• Coconut Flakes Roll
• Coconut Crumbles Featured products at ANUGA:
• Coconut Flakes • Kuro Prawns
• Coconut Fine
• Coconut Slice(Chips) Contact:
[email protected]
[email protected]
Green House Ingredient
Hall 1.1 D053c
Golden Fresh
Hall 4.2 E096a
Golden Fresh has been at the forefront of Featured products at ANUGA:
quality and innovation in the frozen seafood • Food Flavouring, Colouring & Fran-
industry since 1989. Combining an uncom-
promising commitment to innovative val- grances
ue-added seafood with continuous product
development using advanced manufacturing Contact:
facilities, Golden Fresh has grown from being [email protected]
one of the largest seafood processors in Ma-
laysia and a global supplier of premium val-
ued-added seafood.
Featured products at ANUGA:
• Instant Cooking Pastes (Chicken Cur-
ry, Fish Curry, Rendang, Fried Chicken
Marinade, Chicken Rice, Vegetarian
Curry, Nyonya Curry Laksa, A sam Fish,
TomYam, Portuguese-Style)
[email protected]
Inno-Wangsa Oils & Fats Kellyfresh Food Manufacturing KimYam Trading & Cold Storage Products
Hall 1.1 B056b Hall 4.2 E098a Hall 4.2 E096c
Soaps have been more of a NEED than a SPRING ROLL Kim Yam Trading & Cold Storage Products
WANT in everyone’s life. Its usage has varied PASTRY Sdn. Bhd. (KYT) was established in 1998.
from beauty to laundry and all the fragrance. The company specializes in the supply cold
among the top producers of soap noodles to 不粘贴 distribution and marketing of temperature
cater the demand in the market, hence we FEUILLE DE PåTE POUR ROULEAUX DE PRINTEMPS FR†HLINGSROLL ENTEIGS LOEMPIA VALLEN controlled Halal frozen food products such as
are delighted to introduce our new beauty Easy Peel KULIT POPIAH FOR ALL meat,seafood, poultry, fruits and vegetables
and laundry soap products. Our beauty soaps 易撕开 as well as chilled dairy and non-dairy prod-
contain glycerin and natural vegetable oil • TRANSSUFIATTAB&LECEHFAOOSLREYNSVTEOTEGRNEOOTSLAPTFRIEIRCAEEENKL• PURPOSES ucts to domestic markets throughout Malay-
that’s moisturizing also mild and gentle to More Crispy! sia.
the skin. Moreover, the laundry soap contains 更加脆口! All products are certified as Halal by the Is-
effective cleaning agent and is gentle to the lamic Development of Malaysia, which meets
the best sellers and its feedbacks from our Featured products at ANUGA:
KULIT POPIAH FOR ALL • Spring Roll Pastry
Featured products at ANUGA: • Chapatti
• Bun
Cooking Oil, Vegetable Ghee, Marga- Approximate HACCP
rine, Shortening and Speciality Fats) 250mm x 250mm (10" x 10") CCEORMTPIAFNIEYD Roti Pratha (Asian Pancake) is one of the re-
• RBD Soft Oils - Soybean Oil, Sunflower 30 Pieces / Feuilles / / Stuks / nowned traditional recipes in Malaysia. Our
Oil, Canola Oil, Corn Oil and Cotton Oil StŸckchen / / / 550g / 19.4ozNETWEIGHT/POIDSNET/ BUMIMAS’S roti paratha is well-accepted by
• Lauric Acid - RBD Coconut Oil Keping / / / / / NETTOGEWICHT all kind of religions and cultures. It has now
• Non-Edible Palm–Based By-Products / become trendy, serving more hearty Malay-
(Laundry Soaps, Multipurpose Soaps, / BERAT BERSIH sian fare due to its distinctive taste. Besides,
Beauty Soaps, Soap Noodles and Fatty it is known as Asian version of flat crispy yet
Acid) / soft pancakes and serves best with curry
Contact: or just dip in sugar. Asian pancakes can be
FROZEN FOOD * STORE BELOW (Ð18¼C/0¼F) considered as main dishes or desserts. Roti
[email protected] Paratha is commonly sold in Malaysia Indian
[email protected] CADANSSEEGRRAVVNIINEHRGVIDOSAURNGCGGHAELSANTGION shops (mamak), hawker centres, restaurants and cafés. It has evolved over years. Nowa-
flavour with different fillings.
50125mm x 125mm (5" x 5") CCOERMTPIAFNIEYD KULIT POPIAH
FOR ALL [email protected]
StŸckchen / / /
Keping / / / /
(Co. No.: 404282-D)
No. 6, Jalan Utama 1/2, Taman Perindustrian Puchong Utama,
47140 Puchong, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.
Tel: 603-8062 1095 Fax: 603-8062 1093 Email: [email protected]
Approximate HACCP
215mm x 215mm / 81/2" x 81/2" CCEORMTPIAFNIEYD
40 Pieces / Feuilles / / Stuks / 550g / 19.4ozNETWEIGHT/POIDSNET/
StŸckchen / / / / NETTOGEWICHT
Keping / / / / /
Kellyfresh Food Manufacturing Sdn Bhd of-
fers delicious oriental spring roll pastry and
puff paratha to retailers and wholesalers
Our products are produced under strict qual-
ity control over the ingredients and hygieni-
cally manufactured by automatic machines
to preserve their quality.
We are a HACCP certified manufacturer for
spring roll pastry and puff paratha since 2002.
Our products are HALAL and suitable for veg-
Featured products at ANUGA:
• Frozen Spring Roll Pastry
• Frozen Puff Paratha
[email protected]
Linaco Manufacturing
Hall 1.1 C054a
Linaco Manufacturing (M) Sdn Bhd was es-
tablished in 1992. Linaco Manufacturing
(M) Sdn Bhd has forged a reputation as a re-
nowned producer and supplier of high-quality
coconut products worldwide.
We produce UHT coconut cream and milk in
Tetra Pak and cans, coconut water, coconut
milk powder and low fat desiccated coconut;
and customised OEM services to our custom-
Linaco’s manufacturing plant in Johor, Malaysia
Kimanis Food Industries Koon Brother Our product are natural, non-GMO and free
Hall 1.1 B058b Hall 1.1 D053b, F053 from bleaching agents, artificial colourings,
flavourings and preservatives.
Featured products at ANUGA: Featured products at ANUGA: Featured products at ANUGA:
• Snacks & Crackers • Biscuits • UHT Tetrapak Coconut Milk
• Confectionary • Coconut Cream/Milk Powder
Contact: • Low Fat Desiccated Coconut
• UHT Tetrapak Coconut Water
[email protected] Contact:
[email protected]
Contact: Malaysian Pepper Board (MPB)
Hall 1.1 B058a
[email protected] Malaysian Pepper
Board is a govern-
ment agency with
its objectives to
promote pepper
planting, research
on pepper and pep-
per products and
to develop and promote pepper industry in
Malaysia. The Board also involves in pepper
Featured products at ANUGA:
• Pepper, Pepper Products and Spice/
Herbs based Products
[email protected]
Miaow Miaow Food Products Nutrix Plantations PS Food And Beverage
Hall 1.1 C050a Hall 1.1 C053b Hall 1.1 B054a
Since 1989, Miaow Miaow has been well Our business activities include edible oils PS Food & Beverage Sdn Bhd. is a food & bev-
penetrated into the domestic market and our packing, energy drink, fruit juice and other erage company, which engages in the man-
products have been distributed to all over palm based products such as vegetable ghee, ufacture and sale of fruit drinks, dairy-based
Malaysia. Apart from the local wholesalers shortening, as well as multipurpose soap. We beverages, and the provision of contact man-
and retailers, the company business coverage also have good relationship with our partners ufacturing services (OEM).
was concentrated in the high traffic outlets around the world to provide you other com- The company was established in June 2013
such as hypermarkets, supermarkets, pet- modities products such as rice, sugar, flour by Mohd Zain Harun, who diversified from his
rol kiosks, as well as the chain convenient and milk powder. Apart from our own brand, flexible packaging and printing business (PS
stores. Our products have been well recog- we also provide private labeling service with Poly Pack Sdn Bhd), the “No. 1 Liquid Pouch
nized by a few hypermarkets by contracted minimum order quantity. Manufacturer” in Malaysia to pioneer the
for house-branding. Ready-to-Drink beverage business packed in
In 1999, we took our first step onto the global Nutrix Plantations flexible pouches in Malaysia in 2014.
stage. To date, our core markets are Middle Sdn. Bhd. was es- The Fruit Drinks segment is developed under
East Countries, Asia Pacific and Africa. Cur- tablished in 2001 the “Origina” brand, which comprise of fruit
rently, we are moving toward United States and has become one drinks and fruit with tea range. Meanwhile
of America and European Countries. of the leading palm oil based products export- “Origina Dairy” carries dairy-based beverag-
Miaow Miaow products ranged from the ex- er in Malaysia. es include our flavoured milk range.
trusion snack to roasting puffed snack, frying Our portfolio of exports includes RBD Palm Leveraging its strengths in manufacturing
puffed snack, deep fried pillow snack and Olein (Cooking Oil), Vegetable Ghee, Shorten- beverages; research and development; as
potato chips. Our product groups will be con- ing, Margerine Dough Fats and other speciali- well as years of manufacturing flexible pack-
tinuously expanded and diversified in order ty fats. All products are available in consumer aging experience, PS Poly Plastic provides
to meet customers’ demand and to maintain packing and are manufactured to parameters key resources and sets strategic directions for
sustainable growth in our business develop- to surpass international food quality and its subsidiary company, PS Food & Beverage
ment. packaging standard. across both industries.
Certifications: ISO 9001:2000, HACCP Featured products at ANUGA:
We export our products to several countries • Origina Apple Juice
Featured products at ANUGA: across diverse cultures and form a vital in- • Origina Blackcurrant Juice
• Prawn Crackers, Cuttlefish Crackers, gredient in a wide spectrum of hygiene, food, • Origina Pomegranate Juice
pastry and confectionary. • Origina Black Tea With Apple Juice
Chicken Crackers, Cheese Rings, Green Our clients are free to choose their products • Origina Black Tea With Lemon Juice
Peas Snack, Hot & Spicy Flavoured preferences from our extensive range of prod- • Origina Green Tea With Peach Juice
Snack and Pizza Flavoured Snack ucts with customized crystal structures and • Origina Green Tea With Pomegranate
Contact: solid fats whereby from this, they will man-
age to obtain the standard and quality that Juice
[email protected] they have desired in their food and products. • Origina Dairy – Chocolate Milk Featured products at ANUGA: • Origina Dairy – Dates Milk
• Palm Olein (Vegetable Cooking Oil) • Origina Dairy – Coffee Latte
Contact: Contact:
[email protected] [email protected]
Ricca Peacock Asia Currently our products are not only market- Its Downstream operations are spread across
Hall 1.1 C052c ed in Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak but also ex- 16 countries, with business activities compris-
ported to Australia, Korea, China, UAE, Saudi ing production of oils and fats, oleochemicals,
Passage Hall 2 Hall 4 002 Arabia, Oman, Yemen, Africa etc . biodiesel, other palm oil derivatives as well as
Ricca Peacock Asia Sdn Bhd with our REKA Featured products at ANUGA: the sales and marketing of these products.
Brand® is a Malaysia top leading and premi- • Jelly, Pudding SDP is also involved in rubber and sugar-
um Food Flavours, Fragrances and Essential • Cereals, Jelly Drinks, Flavoured Drinks cane plantations as well as cattle rearing.
Oil manufacturer with factory headquartered • Snacks In line with its commitment to be a leader in
in capital Kuala Lumpur. • Candy Toys sustainability, Sime Darby Plantation is also
Contact: the world’s largest producer of Certified Sus-
We have our own in-house UK Flavourists tainable Palm oil (CSPO), with an annual pro-
to do R&D on Liquid Flavours (Sweet & [email protected] duction capacity of 2.43 million tonnes, rep-
Savoury), Cloudifying Agent for beverages, resenting approximately 20% of total Global
Flavour Paste & Emulsions, Micro-Encapsu- CSPO production.
lated Flavour Powders, Seasoning Powders Sime Darby Plantation Featured products at ANUGA:
and Savoury Concentrates. Hall 1.1 D053a • Premium Quality Products (Certio Pre-
Our factory facility, processes and prod-
ucts are certified by SGS UKAS certified Sime Darby Plantation (SDP) is the world’s mium Frying Oil, Certio Premium Red
ISO22000, ISO9001, CODEX Alimentarius largest oil palm plantation company by Olein, Certio Premium Dairy Fat Re-
HACCP, WHO GMP, Kosher and under Ma- planted area, accounting for about 4% of placer, Certio Premium Animal Fat Re-
laysia Government HALAL authority. total global production of CPO in 2016, with placer, Certio Premium Shortening)
We have been specially awarded by Malaysia a strong focus on operational excellence, re- • Consumer Products (Leila, Spoons
Government to be “BioNexus Status” Bio- search, innovation and sustainability. As a Brand, Cook Pure Ghee, CBC Brand)
technology company to focus on R&D, cre- globally integrated plantation company, it • Other Quality Products (Bakery, Fry-
ative and innovation centre for: is involved in the entire span of the palm oil ing, Non-Lauric Cocoa Butter Replacer,
(1) Food Flavouring for F&B & animal feed in- value chain, from upstream to downstream Cocoa Butter Substitute, Cocoa Butter
dustries, and Equivalents, Nutritional Lipids, Leci-
(2) Perfumery Fragrances for various FMCG thin)
industries and sectors. Contact:
Featured products at ANUGA:
• Reka SensoRich (Flavouring) [email protected]
[email protected] Stancodex Hall 1.1 C052a
From a core business of manufacturing coco-
nut cream powder, Stancodex has diversified
Rico Food Industries
Hall 1.1 C057b
RICO FOOD INDUSTRIES activities, R&D, renewables and agribusiness.
SDN BHD was incorporat- In Upstream, SDP operates and manages
ed in 1995 as a manufac- plantation estates and palm oil mills located
turing company. The company is operating in Malaysia, Indonesia, PNG, the Solomon Is-
in 5 units of semi-detached factory building lands and Liberia.
covering a total of 80,000 square feet with
workforce of about 150 employees. We are a
manufacturer & exporter of Snack & Cereal,
Jelly & Pudding, Sweets, Chocolates & Beans,
Novelty Toys Candies, Wafer Roll & Pillow.
Stancodex’ production site
in Bagan Datoh, Perak, Malaysia
and expanded into producing and marketing The Original Beverage Tilapia House
coconut-related products, FMCG products Hall 1.1 D051a Hall 4.2 E098b
and industrial-based products. At Stancodex, Featured products at ANUGA:
we are committed to provide products that We are • Processed Meat, Poultry & Seafood
are of consistent quality. Hence, Stancodex a 100% • Premier Tilapia Fish Fillet
has developed a distinctive reputation in Malay- Contact:
achieving recognition from food manufac- sian
turer as a consistent and reliable supplier of owned [email protected]
quality products. company focusing on creating innovative
Featured products at ANUGA: healthy beverage for the mass consumers. As Vegeta Manufacturing
• Coconut Cream Powder – Food Ingre- a young and dynamic company, we aim to be Hall 1.1 B056a
the first mover and category leader to offer
dient refreshing health-drink within the soft drinks Vegeta Manufacturing has been a juice man-
• Dairy Free Coconut Cream Powder market in the world. ufacturer for the past 18 years and is officially
accredited with HACCP and HALAL certifi-
– Food Ingredients Our beverage cate from the Malaysian Government.
• Coconut Spread – Confectionery innovation, Featured products at ANUGA:
• Coconut Milk Drink Powder – Food honeyB™ is the • B2 Energy Drink
world’s first • Tetra Pak UHT Juices
Ingredient halal-certified • Coffee and Hot Chocolate in Can
• Low Fat Desiccated Coconut – sparkling honey • Can Juices
drink, developed • Sparkling Juices
Food Ingredient with the purest Contact:
Contact: intention to of-
fer consumers [email protected]
[email protected] a healthy alter- native to the
coloured, fla- Visesha Manufacturing
Syarikat Thong Guan Trading voured and high Hall 1.1 C054b
Hall 1.1 C052b sugar soft drinks
in the market. Featured products at ANUGA:
Thong Guan’s operation was established honeyB™ is currently available in Malaysia, • Coconut Products
in 1942 as a small family oriented tea mer- China, Korea, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia & Singa- Contact:
chant. Today, we are one of the largest man- pore.
ufacturers and distributors of Tea and Coffee [email protected]
in Malaysia. Featured products at ANUGA:
Certifications: HACCP, GMP, Halal (JAKIM) • Honey B - Sparkling Honey Drink
Featured products at ANUGA: • Carbonated Drinks
• Organic baby noodle, Organic stick Contact:
noodle & Organic steam noodle (Fla- [email protected]
vor: Spinach, Carrot, Beetroot, Pump-
kin, Corn, Green Tea, Charcoal etc)
• Black Tea, Coffee Mixture Thong Thye Trading
• 3 in 1 Instant Teh Tarik, 3 in 1 Instant Hall 1.1 C057a
White Coffee, 3 in 1 Instant Cereal
Contact: ThongThyeTrading Sdn Bhd is the holding com-
pany for Pagoda Foods (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, one
[email protected] of the leading nuts manufacturers in Malaysia
[email protected] established since 1945 with its renowned PA- GODA trademark for marketing its products.
All our products are Halal certified, free from
Tatawa Industries trans-fat and cholesterol and suitable for veg-
Hall 1.1 C057b etarians. No preservatives, artificial colouring
and flavouring are used in processing.
Featured products at ANUGA: Featured products at ANUGA:
• Center filling Cookies & Butter Cookies Snacks
• Crispy Roll & Langue de Chat Roll
• Moon Cake
• Granolar Bar
Contact: Contact:
[email protected] [email protected]
Further Information
Your contact in Germany:
Carl Duisberg Centren
Hansaring 49–51 • 50670 Cologne • Germ
[email protected] • www.studying-in-ger
Your contact in Malaysia:
Dr. Mohamed Rashid Bin Navi Bax
[email protected]
Our partners:
First City Unive
Goethe Institu
German Alum
German Acade
German Emba
MATRADE is Malaysia’s EUROPEAN OFFICES Tel: +33-1-4076 0000 [email protected]
national external trade Paris, FRANCE Tel: +49-69-2475015-10 [email protected]
promotion agency and is a Frankfurt, GERMANY Tel: +39-02-669 81839 [email protected]
non-profit organisation. Milan, ITALY Tel: +3110-4627-759, [email protected]
The Hague, NETHERLANDS Tel: +44-20-7499-5255 [email protected] London, UNITED KINGDOM Tel: +90-212-217-8003 [email protected]
Istanbul, TURKEY Tel: +36-1-461-0290 [email protected]
Budapest, HUNGARY Tel: +48-22-222-1765 [email protected]
Warsaw, POLAND Tel: +380-44-2867128 [email protected]
Kiev, UKRAINE Tel: +7-495-933-5626 [email protected]
Moscow, RUSSIA
Carl Duisberg Centren and Malaysia —
25 Years of Trustful Cooperation
Guest article by Dr. Hanns-Georg Löber
Carl Duisberg Centren
Senior Executive Advisor to the Management
Carl Duisberg Centren ties and other organisations and in establishing networks
looks back on 55 years between German and Malaysian industries.
of international human
resources training pro- It goes without saying that developing our activities in Mal-
grams and a period of 25 years of fruitful coope- aysia the way we did, would not have been possible without
ration with Malaysian ministries, government a reliable partner with deep roots in the Malaysian society.
organisations and the private industry, based on
Carl DumisubeturgaTlratirnuinsgtCaenntderfLroiecantidosnship. We metTan Sri Dató Seri DrYahaya Ibrahim first in the early
nineties, and he became a fricednc.dde from the very beginning.
Based in Cologne, Germany, we describe ourselves as oneStuTadn ySriinYaghaiyna sGtaerterdmreaprnesyenting Carl Duisberg Cent-
of the leading European non-profit service providers in the ren in 1992 and his contributions to our work have given
field of further educatioHanmb,urgpersonal development and a tremendous boost
study programs. Bremen to bilateral relations
Hanover Berlin and our networking
capacity. There is
The wide rangeMünster ofBielesfeldervices of CarPlotsdDam uisberg Centren
comprises management, vocational and advanced trai- no doubt that in Tan
programs, asDüssel- COLOGNE
ning dorf well as GermanLecipzoig ursDeressdenfor foreigners, Sri Yahaya, we have
many university pBornnograms, consulting services for internatio- found an ideal part- nal professionWaieslbadeenduRchianet-Mioainn and the preparation of staff ner and representa-
ersity College of internatSaiaorbnrüacklen companies forMannheim projects related to for- tive. It is due to his Nürnberg
ut eign countries. Karlsruhe tireless efforts that
de/kualalumpur Stuttgart
Malaysia became and
mni Association Malaysia Augsburg will remain one of
We aim for know-Rhadoolfwzell transfer andMunich exchange of experi-
emic Exchange Service
de/kualalumpur on Lake Constance
assy Kuala Lumpur ence, encouragement of development processes, per- the most interesting
sonalityAdlsoeavteyolourpsemrveicenwtotrlhdwroideu!gh experience gained abroad, partners for Carl Duisberg Centren. Over the last years, we
and for w•• oKJaurkaladlartwLau(mIinddpouenr e(cMsoiaal)oaypsiae) ration. have further strengthened our team through Dr. Mohamed
• Beijing (China) Check out our Rashid Bin Navi Bax whom we got to know many years be-
• Moscow (Russia) training center videos fore while he was still in the Ministry of Education. We feel
on youtube!
Carl Duisberg Centren has eight management and langua-
ge trainicndc.gde/fcaceebnootkrescdci.dne/iGnstaegrramm any andcdc.aden/youetuxbteensive network very lucky to have him “on board” as an internationally re-
of representatives and partners around the globe. And we cognised expert in higher and vocational education.
gfairoceeohdisatpcopenyleoCHtbaaotrnrelsamDaruttiniihesngban4eg9trtg–,i5ioCt1mesn•n5to20rte6sh5n7t0tahCotolfooaguCnnreanMrivl aeDlrausyaissrbyiaenvrgerreCypesrneotsoreennn.tIastteiirsvveaiclosefos-EfonrgSTbinPrhoeMeaesdrHcieonorpgladenDeodrefsgoburreoreaadscteiinrvioGtiveeesrrminthaaennydlawstit2h5Myeaalaryss. iFaohlaloswbiencgomaree
are certifieTGedelr.m+a4ac9n(cy0)o22r1d/1i6n2g6-2t8o4 DIN EN ISO 9001.
[email protected] some of the highlights:
Our more than 55 years of experience in adult education • Professional qualification programs for Malaysian ins-
and many success stories are owed to our highly dedicated tructors and executives from Polytechnics, Vocational
personnel - professionals in the field of global communica- Training Centres and Industrial Training Centres. These
tion. advanced programs provide powerful impetus for perso-
nal achievement – and drive for the success of training
Our permanent employees are trained internationally and institutions and their students. The topics include: ad-
enjoy discussions that demand patience and sensitivity. vanced welding, maintenance and repair of electrical au-
Open-mindedness to us is a quality without which our job tomobile systems, industrial automation, mechatronics,
would be unthinkable. plastic production etc. The duration of these programs
is approx. 3 months, the language of instruction is Eng-
Sensitivity to the vagaries of multicultural societies, and lish and participants are carefully guided throughout the
experienced in discerning shades of meaning and buil- course up to their return to Malaysia. Parts of the training
ding spiritual bridges – this is what we expect from our are also organised in Malaysia. The participants of these
colleagues and from ourselves. This is how we have contri- programs benefit from the diverse educational institu-
buted in paving the way between both of our countries, in tions in Germany: to become acquainted with the dual
building bridges between Malaysian and German universi- system of vocational education, to complete advanced 239/2017
vocational and management training courses, to acqui- pics such as “Policy for the future of vocational educati-
re specialist knowledge in a scientific discipline.You may on”, “Curriculum development policy” or “Strategic and
sum it up by saying: Training - Made in Germany. Approx. critical thinking” were covered as well as others such as
25 courses have been completed since 1995. “Educational management information systems”. These
programs were conducted in English and their duration
• Attachment programs for Malaysian senior government varied between two and eight weeks.
officers from various Malaysian ministries and govern-
ment agencies have bridged the gap between approx. • Development of the “Long term Masterplan 2001 – 2010
200 Malaysian representatives and Germany. It has for the Polytechnic Education”. This long term Poly-
successfully taken place eleven times since 1996. The technic Development Plan included many different as-
participants first take part in a seminar about German pects such as: needs analysis, academic planning, phy-
economy, politics, business practices, and culture. Then sical planning as well as cost and financing for the six
they come to Germany and get to know various aspects first Polytechnics and for the fast expanding system as
of doing business in Germany and the EU, human resour- a whole. Our international team of experts has success-
ces and the European Community in general. After that, fully completed this important task in close cooperation
the participants are attached to German companies for with the Ministry of Education.
two weeks. The evaluation of this program shows that
the participants return to their work places with a big • Intensive language courses “German as a foreign langua-
choice of fresh ideas and with new motivation. This is ge” and preparation for the DSH examination (Language
more proof of the importance of personality develop- Entrance Examination for foreigners who want to study
ment through experience gained abroad. The programs in Germany). These were held at UiTM, followed by two
are conducted on behalf of Public Service Department. to eight months bridging courses for the students in Carl
Duisberg Centren in Cologne and Dortmund. Finally,
• Benchmarking visits to German industries and to institu- study counselling and study placement at Universities
tions of higher learning. Since the very beginning of our of Applied Sciences all over Germany. Within these pro-
activities in Malaysia we have been organising benchmar- grams, Carl Duisberg Centren provides comprehensive
king visits for Malaysian decision makers to Germany. On assistance and advice with all formalities, choice of study
behalf of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Hu- courses, accommodation, insurance, language courses,
man Resources, the Malaysian TELEKOM, the Federati- industrial trainings etc.
on of JPK Accredited Centers and others, Carl Duisberg
Centren designed, prepared and conducted programs • German program to prepare O-level students for German
like “Special Education in Germany”, “Technical and Universities of Applied Sciences. This modular program
Vocational Education in Germany”, “The dual system of prepares students for a period of 18 months in Malay-
vocational education and training in Germany” and “The sia and another 8 months in Germany. For the intensive
German system of higher education” etc. German language courses, we bring our highly experien-
ced senior lecturers from Germany to teach at First City
• Staff development training programs for the Ministry of University College / FCUC, our partner in this program.
Education and for the Ministry of Higher Education. To- It lasts six months, and then the AUSMAT program (12
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months) starts. Those students who pass the final exa- Do you want to become a
minations of the AUSMAT course are eligible to further
their studies in Germany. They first take part in another German engineer?
bridging course which includes German, Physics, Mathe-
matics, Chemistry and others. Then they have to com- Engineering study preparation course with
plete a pre-practical training in industry, and finally start Carl Duisberg Centren / Germany
to study at the University of Applied Sciences of their and its partner
choice. All services within this program are provided by First City University College / FCUC, Petaling
Carl Duisberg Centren and its partner First City Univer- Jaya
sity College. After completing more than ten programs Are you a SPM holder
during recent years we have many reasons to be proud of and think of engineering studies
this “product”. All groups who have meanwhile finished at a University of
their preparation and who started to study in Germany Applied Sciences / Fachhochschule
have proved to be among the best, compared to many in Germany?
generations of foreign students who sat for comparable
examinations. In June 2016 we have welcomed the thir- Come and see what we can do for you:
teenth intake.
• Extensive educational counseling and
These are examples for some of Carl Duisberg Centren’s personal mentoring for Malaysian students
most important activities in Malaysia in the last twentyfive since more than 20 years
years. Looking back, we ask ourselves: what are the unfor-
gettable memories? The answer is easy: it was the friend- • Senior German mother tongue lecturers
liness of the people from the very start, the cordial, over- teach you how much fun it is to learn
whelming hospitality and the feeling that we can rely on German
what we have agreed upon. This was and is a perfect basis
for a trustful cooperation and this has led to warm feelings • Be well prepared in Malaysia for a period of
between those colleagues who regularly travel to this be- 18 months (German language and AUSMAT)
autiful country and have come to regard Malaysia as their
second home. • Go on with bridging courses in Germany and
an internship at German companies
Carl Duisberg Centren has become an integral part of Ma-
laysian-German bilateral relations. Many well established • Feel at home in our accommodation
programs go back to activities which we initiated.The most throughout the whole programme
important example in this regard was the “Workshop on the
planning of programmes for Malaysian-German cooperati- • Take part in our intercultural training
on in education and training” which was held in March 1995 and our cultural activities
at the UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia in cooperation with the
Ministry of Education Malaysia. Three German states (Ba- • Feel safe as we take care of your
varia, Baden-Wuerttemberg and North Rhine-Westphalia), insurances in Germany
their government representatives and Universities of Ap-
plied Sciences staff were present and laid the cornerstones • Enjoy our individual personal,
for future common programs. Carl Duisberg Centren was educational counseling and be admitted to
the initiator and organiser of this important event. the University of Applied Sciences
of your first choice
Last but not least, we would like to thank all individuals,
ministries and organisations that have helped us to make • In short: for your smooth pathway to a
our contributions possible. Without the support of the Pub- German Fachhochschule come to
lic Service Department, the Ministry of Education, Telekom CDC / FCUC, the one-stop service provider
Malaysia, First City University College, the Malaysia-Ger- with one of the best programmes !
man Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MGCC), the Ma-
laysian Embassy in Berlin and finally the German Embassy For more information please look at our website:
in Kuala Lumpur, we would not have had the chance to con-
tribute the way we did.
Carl Duisberg Centren is happy to be able to continue its Contact:
contribution in paving the way between both of our coun- Carl Duisberg Centren Malaysia
tries and in fastening the ties between our people.Thus, we [email protected]
will do our part in supporting Malaysia to reach the ambiti- Carl Duisberg Centren Germany
ous goal of “Vision 2020”. [email protected]
First City University College
[email protected] 259/2017
Germany’s Cultural Flagship
Goethe Institute in Malaysia has been active in Malaysia for 55 years
Guest Article by Cultural programs
Rolf Stehle The programs are created in a dialogue with local arts
Director, Goethe-Institut Malaysia scenes and as co-productions with partners. They deal
The Goethe-Institut is the cultural institute of the with current artistic and social issues.
Federal Republic of Germany operating worldwide Annually we organise
since 1951. The Goethe-Institut Malaysia has been in • More than 80 cultural events in all the fields of the arts,
Kuala Lumpur since 1962 and active nationwide with
more than 20 employees. education, science and research, the media and edu-
Right from the start the institute’s main objectives have cation together with our partner institutions reaching
been to promote knowledge of the German language out to more than 50.000 people in Malaysia
in Malaysia, to encourage cooperation in culture and to • About 10 artist residencies in Malaysia
convey an image of an open and contemporary Germany. • Scholarships for 8 Malaysian artists and cultural prac-
Our Work titioners to attend festivals, seminars, residencies in
The Goethe-Institut intends to build bridges across cul- Germany
tural and political boundaries. We trust in the power of
the arts to ask questions and unsettle the status quo. We Library
seek answers to future issues of a globalized world. The We have a still growing library for German language
Goethe-Institut also promotes an understanding of Eu- teachers, students and a reference section for the gen-
rope and develops shared European perspectives. eral public of some 2500 media (books, DVDs, CDs,
Our Methods weekly magazines).
We realize interdisciplinary projects in a spirit of part- Furthermore, our e-library is a virtual library with more
nership in Malaysia. Our institute stands for direct con- than 40.000 titles to choose from, free of charge. Simply
tact and aims at high quality. follow this link to register with our e-library service:
Programs October to December 2017
In the next few months we cooperate with the following
partners and bring guests from Germany to the follow-
ing events across Malaysia:
Language and Educational Cooperation Service 6.-7.10.17:
The Goethe-Institut Malaysia promotes and conveys SoundBridge Festival for New Music with German
the German language as a key qualification for educa- musicians
tion, vocation and understanding. Annually we have 12.10.-19.11.17:
• 950 students of German in Malaysia, most of them Science Film Festival for schools and universities
aiming at studying in Germany, and 1200 language Performances and Workshop Conference for Children
examinations for secondary schools with the Papiertheater Nürnberg
• 10 training programs for Malaysian teachers of Ger- 3.-8.11.17:
man and cultural programs for students of German in Masterclass and piano concerts with Simon Nabatov
secondary schools 9.10-6.12.17:
• Scholarships for 12 Malaysian teachers of German to European Union Film Festival in Kuala Lumpur, George
attend seminars in Germany and for 25 students of Town, Kota Kinabalu, Kuching
German to attend language courses in Germany 26.-29.10.17:
Johor Bahru Film Festival
Kuala Lumpur Experimental Film and Video Festival
Georgetown Literary Festival with Ulrike Draesner
Penang Island Jazz Festival with the Eva Klesse
26 9/2017
kulturelles Flaggschiff
Goethe-Institut ist seit 55 Jahren in Malaysia aktiv
Gastartikel von Rolf Stehle
Direktor Goethe-Institut Malaysia
Das Goethe-Institut ist das seit 1951 weltweit tätige Jährlich organisieren wir
Kulturinstitut der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Das • Mehr als 80 kulturelle Veranstaltungen in allen Berei-
Goethe-Institut Malaysia mit seinen 25 Mitarbeiterin-
nen und Mitarbeitern ist schon seit 1962 in Kuala Lum- chen der Künste, Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung
pur und landesweit aktiv. sowie Medienerziehung in Zusammenarbeit mit unse-
Von Beginn an waren die Hauptaufgaben des Instituts die ren Partnern, die mehr als 50.000 Menschen erreichen
Förderung der deutschen Sprache in Malaysia, die Pflege • 10 Künstlerresidenzen in Malaysia
der kulturellen Zusammenarbeit zwischen unseren Län- • Stipendien für 8 malaysische Künstler und Kulturschaf-
dern sowie die Vermittlung aktueller Informationen über fende zum Besuch von Festivals und Seminaren sowie
Deutschland. für Residenzaufenthalte in Deutschland
Unsere Arbeit
Das Goethe-Institut möchte über kulturelle und politische Bibliothek
Grenzen hinweg Brücken bauen. Wir öffnen Grenzen zwi- Unsere Bibliothek für Deutschlehrer, Studenten und die
schen Kultur, Bildung, Wissenschaft und Entwicklung und Öffentlichkeit umfasst ca. 2500 Medien (Bücher, DVDs,
vertrauen auf die Kraft der Kunst, die Fragen stellt und CDs, Nachrichtenmagazine). Außerdem bietet unser ON-
auch verstören darf. Wir suchen Antworten auf Zukunfts- LEIHE-Service 40.000Titel zum kostenlosen Download:
fragen einer globalisierten Welt. Das Goethe-Institut för-
dert außerdem weltweit das Verständnis für Europa und Programme von Oktober bis Dezember 2017
entwickelt gemeinsame europäische Perspektiven. In den nächsten Monaten kooperieren wir mit folgenden
Unsere Arbeitsweise Partnern und laden Gäste zu folgenden Programmen ein:
Wir verwirklichen in partnerschaftlichem Dialog mit Ma- 6.-7.10.17:
laysia interdisziplinäre Projekte. Unser Institut steht für SoundBridge Festival für Neue Musik
direkten Kontakt und zielt auf hohe Qualität. 9.-30.10.17:
Sprache und Bildungskooperation Filmreihe Stummfilme des Expressionismus
Das Goethe-Institut Malaysia fördert und vermittelt die 12.10.-19.11.17:
deutsche Sprache als Schlüsselqualifikation für Bildung, Wissenschaftsfilmfestival für Schulen und Universitäten
Beruf und Verständigung mit jährlich 24.-29.10:
• 950 Deutschlernerinnen und -lernern in Malaysia, von Vorführungen und Workshop Konferenz der Kinder für
Sekundarschulen mit dem Papiertheater Nürnberg
denen die meisten in Deutschland studieren möchten, 3.-8.11.17:
sowie 1200 Sprachprüfungen Meisterklasse und Klavierkonzerte mit Simon Nabatov
• 10 Trainingsprogrammen für malaysische Deutschleh- 9.10-6.12.17:
rerinnen und –lehrer und Kulturprogrammen für Sekun- EU Film-Festival in Kuala Lumpur, GeorgeTown, Kota
darschüler, die Deutsch lernen Kinabalu, Kuching
• 12 Stipendien für malaysische Deutschlehrerinnen und 26.-29.10.17:
–lehrer zurTeilnahme an Seminaren in Deutschland und Johor Bahru Film Festival
25 Stipendien für Schüler und Studenten zum Besuch 24.-26.11.17:
von Deutschkursen in Deutschland Kuala Lumpur Experimental-Film und -Video-Festival
Kulturprogramme mit Max Hattler
Die Programme werden zusammen mit der lokalen Kunst- 24.-26.11.17:
szene und als Ko-Produktionen mit Partnern organisiert. Georgetown Literaturfestival mit Ulrike Draesner
Sie greifen aktuelle künstlerische und sozialeThemen auf. 1.-3.12.17:
Penang Island Jazz Festival mit dem Eva Klesse Quartett 279/2017
KLK OLEO’s European Journey
Touching Lives in Many Ways…
KLK OLEO is a global supplier of oleochemical products, GeorgeTown Festival 2015 (photo: Pek Min Han)
chemicals made from palm oil and tallow-based products.
Since 2007, KLK OLEO has established its presence in Uwe Halder
Europe and is steadily expanding along the oleochemical Managing Director of
supply chain. Kolb and KLKTensachem
“By combining our specialisation in application know-
KLK OLEO touches lives in many ways….its products how, rapidity, and customer orientation together with KLK
go into everything that we use in our daily life, from the OLEO’s product value chain, we can boost each other’s
moment we wake up to the time we go to bed. For individual capabilities to new levels.This, we can only attain
example, the toothpaste and skincare products that we use together.”
in the morning contain palm-based glycerine and emul-
sifiers. When doing our laundry or cleaning our homes, Ralf Ewering
our home care products contain surfactants and wetting Managing Director of KLK Emmerich
agents. Our industries use lubricants based fluids. For “KLK OLEO‘s commitment to investing in our European
general health, tocotrienols (a “Superfood”) makes a very team and production sites and the combined knowledge in
potent anti-oxidant health supplement. operational excellence bring our customers the value-add to
make the difference in challenging times.”
Introduction to KLK OLEO
Martine Dols
KLK OLEO is part of KLK (Kuala Lumpur Kepong Berhad), Head of Marketing for Kolb
a 110-year-old plantation-based conglomerate listed on
the Malaysian Stock Exchange. Through strategic reinvest-
ment and portfolio expansion, KLK OLEO is now a major
integrated oleochemical player. The group’s downstream
journey started in 1991 with a small fatty acid and glycerin
plant in Malaysia. From this single site, the global footprint
to China, Indonesia and Europe has been expanded.
KLK OLEO now delivers to customers in more than 120 “Working in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural project
countries, working with many MNCs and Fortune 500 teams is exciting because we all bring something unique to
companies. It offers a wide range of products through the the party and are all committed to delivering the best result.
vertically integrated supply chain. Below is the timeline of I find that extremely enriching and fun!”
its European journey.
18 yearbook 2017
Timeline of KLK OLEO’s European journey United to unfold potential — synergies between the KLK OLEO sites
2007 Acquisition of Dr. W. Kolb Holding, a large As a global oleochemical player, KLK OLEO intends to continue
independent manufacturer of nonionic growing to be a reliable and trusted partner, which is able to
surfactants and esters deliver on its promise of quality products, and operates to the
highest standards of operational excellence, through continuous
2010 Acquisition of Croda Emmerich, Germany, improvement and innovation.
renamed KLK Emmerich GmbH, a leading
European producer of oleochemical products The sites across the world are interlinked, products of one site are
feedstocks for another. This set-up is both efficient and reliable
2014 Acquisition of TensaChem, Belgium (renamed and benefits the customers. KLK OLEO is committed to supply
KLK Tensachem), a manufacturer of sulpho- sustainable ingredients; all manufacturing facilities are RSPO
nates in Belgium to complement the down- SCC certified. KLK OLEO is a transparent organisation enabling
stream business of European operations team work across all regions. This results in multi-disciplinary and
multi-cultural teams working together, sharing best practices,
2015 Acquisition of Emery’s oleochemical conducting joint marketing promotions and collaborating on R&D
site at Düsseldorf, Germany (renamed projects to support its global business operations. In synergy, they
KLK Emmerich GmbH) are determined to grow their capabilities to realise new potential.
Kolb is a leading European producer of surfactants,
paper process chemicals and chemical intermedi-
ates, such as fatty alcohol ethoxylates, triglyceride
ethoxylates, sorbitan esters and other chemistries
that are used for wetting, emulsifying, low foaming,
solubilising, viscosity modifying and viscosity
stabilising. These chemicals are used to formu-
late products like detergents and shampoo. Kolb
operates out of two production sites, in Switzerland
and the Netherlands, and processes both natural and
synthetic raw materials.
KLK Emmerich KLK Emmerich
The Emmerich site was acquired in 2010 to enhance
the KLK OLEO footprint in Europe. The plant, which KLK and Sustainable Palm Oil
is over 100 years old, is strategically situated close
to key customers and raw material supply routes in The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) was established
Europe. Possessing world-scale assets, it has in 2004 with the objective of promoting the growth and
production facilities which manufacture a range of use of sustainable palm oil products through credible
fatty acids, hydrogenated fatty acids and glycerin by global standards and engagement of stakeholders.
splitting of vegetable oils.
KLK is a member of the RSPO. It is fully committed in ensuring that
Last year, KLK OLEO expanded its portfolio by its products are produced in a sustainable manner with the RSPO
acquiring a second German plant in Düsseldorf to Principles as the foundation of its sustainable practices. This means
complement its existing plant there. The Düsseldorf that the produced palm oil is environmentally friendly, socially just
site was originally founded by Henkel back in 1910. and it meets economic demands and contributes to nation building
This site has the flexibility to process tallow and in particular developing countries where oil palm is grown. Current-
vegetable oils, including locally-sourced European oils ly 100% of KLK plantations in Malaysia are certified by the RSPO
like sunflower and rapeseed. with similar targets for Indonesia. Certification and compliance
to the RSPO’s P&C is independently verified by RSPO-approved
Both sites have strong heritage in both technology certification body.
and processes and are certified to produce for food,
pharmaceutical and personal care products.
KLK Tensachem The European production sites in Emmerich, Düsseldorf,
KLK Tensachem is part of KLK OLEO’s long term Moerdijk,Hedingen and Ougrée are all RSPO SCC certified. With KLK,
goal to focus on deeper downstream products. KLK customers have the choice to buy a broad range of products that
Tensachem, based in Ougrée (near Liège) in are certified to a level of sustainability of their choice.
Belgium, is a manufacturer of anionic surfactants used
in personal care and home care sectors for more than For further information, please contact:
40 years. Its product portfolio finds a wide applica- [email protected]
tion in hair care, skin care, body cleansing and oral
hygiene care, also in pharmaceutical excipients,
amongst others, as well as in the home care sector for
liquid and powder detergents. 19yearbook 2017
KLK OLEOs Europareise
Menschen auf viele Arten berühren...
KLK OLEO ist ein weltweit führender Hersteller von oleoche- GeorgeTown Festival 2015 (photo: Pek Min Han)
mischen Produkten auf der Basis von Palmöl und Talgfett. Seit
2007 baut die Unternehmensgruppe ihre Marktposition in Eu- Uwe Halder
ropa als Lieferant oleochemischer Produkte aus. Geschäftsführer von
Kolb und KLK Tensachem
KLK OLEO berührt Menschen in vielerlei Hinsicht…. Wir finden „Durch Kombination all unserer Fach- undAnwendungs-
die Produkte in allem, was wir alltäglich benutzen: von mor- kenntnisse, Schnelligkeit, Kundenorientierung und der
gens beim Aufstehen bis abends, wenn wir schlafen gehen. So Integration in die KLK OLEO Lieferkette, können wir
enthalten beispielsweise Zahnpasta und Körperpflegeprodukte unsere individuellen Fähigkeiten auf einer neuen Ebene
auf Palmöl basierendes Glyzerin und Emulgatoren. Wasch- vereinen. Dieses Ziel erreichen wir nur gemeinsam.“
und Reinigungsmittel, die wir beim Wäschewaschen oder beim
Putzen verwenden, beinhalten Tenside und Netzmittel. Wir fin- Ralf Ewering
den auch oleochemische Rohstoffe in Schmiermitteln für in- Geschäftsführer von KLK Emmerich
dustrielle Anwendungen. Aus Palmöl gewonnene Tocotrienole
sind Vitamine mit starker antioxidativer Wirkung, die vor allem
in Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln und für Heilzwecke verwendet
Vorstellung von KLK OLEO „KLK OLEOs Engagement, in unsere europäischen
Teams und Produktionsanlagen zu investieren, sowie
KLK OLEO ist Teil des 110 Jahre alten, ursprünglich im Plan- das kombinierte Wissen über operative Exzellenz brin-
tagen-Geschäft tätigen Konzerns KLK (Kuala Lumpur Kepong gen unseren Kunden den Mehrwert, der den Unter-
Berhad), der an der malaysischen Börse notiert ist. Durch stra- schied in diesen herausfordernden Zeiten macht.“
tegische Investitionen und eine gezielte Portfolioerweiterung
zählt KLK OLEO heute zu den wichtigsten integrierten Oleo- Martine Dols
chemieproduzenten. Der Einstieg in die Oleochemie begann für Leiterin Marketing von Kolb
den Konzern 1991 in Malaysia mit einer kleinen Produktionsan- „Die Arbeit in einem multidisziplinären und multikul-
lage für Fettsäuren und Glyzerin. Von dort aus hat KLK OLEO turellen Projektteam ist spannend, da wir alle etwas
nach China, Indonesien und Europa expandiert. Einzigartiges mitbringen und bestrebt sind, alles zu
geben, um die besten Ergebnisse zu erreichen. Ich finde
KLK OLEO beliefert heute Kunden in über 120 Ländern und dies extrem bereichernd und faszinierend!“
arbeitet mit zahlreichen multinationalen Unternehmen und
Fortune-500-Unternehmen zusammen. Sie bietet dank ihrer
vertikal integrierten Lieferkette eine große Produktpalette an.
20 yearbook 2017
Die Firmenentwicklung von KLK OLEO in Europa ADVERTORIAL
2007 Übernahme der Dr. W. Kolb Holding, ein führender Gemeinsam Potenzial entfalten – Synergien zwischen den
Hersteller für nichtionische Tenside und Ester KLK OLEO Standorten
2010 Übernahme von Croda Emmerich, Deutsch- KLK OLEO hat das Ziel, als weltweiter Hersteller oleo-
land, umbenannt in KLK Emmerich GmbH, ein chemischer Produkte stets ein verlässlicher und vertrauens-
führender europäischer Hersteller von oleo- würdiger Partner zu sein. Qualitätsprodukte unter Einsatz
chemischen Produkten moderner Produktionsverfahren und -standards werden
durch ständige Verbesserungen und Innovationen garantiert.
2014 Übernahme von TensaChem in Belgien (umbenannt
in KLK Tensachem), ein belgischer Hersteller von Die über den Globus verteilten Standorte sind unter-
Sulfaten, zur Ergänzung der Downstream-Geschäfte einander vernetzt: Produkte eines Standortes sind unter
im europäischen Geschäftsbereich anderem Ausgangsstoffe für die Produktion an anderen
Standorten. Diese effiziente und verlässliche Organisati-
2015 Übernahme des Base Oleo Geschäftes der Nieder- onsform kommt den Kunden zugute. KLK OLEO verpflichtet
lassung von Emery Oleochemicals in Düsseldorf sich zur Lieferung von nachhaltigen Inhaltsstoffen, wobei
(umbenannt in KLK Emmerich GmbH) alle Produktionsanlagen RSPO SCC zertifiziert sind. KLK
OLEO ist eine transparente Organisation, die übergreifen-
Kolb de Teamarbeit zwischen den Standorten ermöglicht. Das
Kolb ist ein führender europäischer Hersteller von nicht- Ergebnis sind multidisziplinäre und multikulturelle Teams,
ionischen Tensiden, Papierprozesschemikalien und che- die zur Unterstützung der weltweiten Geschäftsaktivitäten
mischen Zwischenprodukten, wie Fettalkohol Ethoxylaten, Erfahrungen austauschen, gemeinsame Marketing-
Sorbitanestern und weiteren Produkten für die Benetzung, aktivitäten durchführen und auch bei Forschungs- und
zur Emulgierung und Solubilisierung, zur Schaumkontrolle, Entwicklungsprojekten zusammenarbeiten. Mit dieser
für die Viskositätsmodifizierung und -stabilisierung. Diese Synergie streben sie die Erhöhung ihrer Kapazitäten zur
Chemikalien werden unter anderem bei der Formulierung Realisierung neuer Potenziale an.
von Wasch- und Reinigungsmitteln sowie Shampoos ein-
gesetzt. Das Unternehmen Kolb verarbeitet natürliche und KLK und nachhaltiges Palmöl
synthetische Rohstoffe an zwei Produktionsstandorten in der
Schweiz und in den Niederlanden. Der runde Tisch für nachhaltiges Palmöl (RSPO)
KLK Emmerich wurde 2004 gegründet, um den Anbau und die
Der Standort Emmerich wurde 2010 übernommen, um die Nutzung von nachhaltigem Palmöl durch glaub-
weitere Expansion von KLK OLEO in Europa voranzutreiben. würdige weltweite Standards und durch das
Dieser bereits schon seit über 100 Jahren bestehende Stand- Engagement aller beteiligten Interessengruppen voranzu-
ort am Rhein befindet sich in strategischer Nähe zu wichti- bringen.
gen Kunden und Rohwarenversorgungswegen in Europa.
Mit seinen großvolumigen Produktionsanlagen zur Spaltung KLK ist Mitglied des RSPO und verpflichtet sich sicher-
von Pflanzenölen werden eine breite Palette von Fettsäuren, zustellen, dass seine Produkte nachhaltig gemäß den
hydrierten Fettsäuren und Glyzerin hergestellt. RSPO-Richtlinien hergestellt werden. Dies bedeutet, dass
Im Jahr 2015 hat KLK OLEO durch die Übernahme eines das Palmöl sowohl umweltfreundlich als auch sozialverträg-
zweiten deutschen Standorts in Düsseldorf sein Portfolio lich unter Berücksichtigung der lokalen wirtschaftlichen Be-
erweitert. Die Düsseldorfer Niederlassung wurde ursprüng- dürfnisse hergestellt wird. Dies trägt somit zur Entwicklung,
lich von Henkel 1910 gegründet. Hier werden sowohl Talgfett insbesondere der Schwellenländer, in denen die Ölpalmen
als auch Pflanzenöle wie Sonnenblumenöl und Rapsöl ver- wachsen, bei. Derzeit sind 100% der Plantagen in Malaysia
arbeitet. RSPO zertifiziert, was auch für Indonesien angestrebt wird.
Beide Standorte verfügen über ausgereifte Technologie- Die Zertifizierung und Einhaltung der RSPO-Richtlinien wer-
und Produktionsverfahren und sind für die Herstellung von den von unabhängigen zugelassenen RSPO-Zertifizierungs-
Nahrungsmittel-, Pharmazie- und Körperpflegeprodukten stellen überprüft.
KLK Emmerich ist mit seinen beiden Standorten der größte Alle europäischen Standorte von KLK OLEO in Emmerich,
Fettsäure-Produzent Europas. Düsseldorf, Moerdijk, Hedingen und Ougrée sind RSPO SCC
KLK Tensachem zertifiziert. Bei KLK haben die Kunden die Möglichkeit, eine
Die Übernahme von KLK Tensachem ist Teil der langfristigen große Auswahl an nachhaltig hergestellten Produkten ihrer
Strategie von KLK OLEO mit Blick auf die Komplettierung der Wahl kaufen zu können.
tensid-chemischen Wertschöpfungskette. KLK Tensachem
hat seinen Sitz in Ougrée (in der Nähe von Lüttich) in Bel- Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie bitte:
gien und produziert seit über 40 Jahren anionische Tenside. [email protected]
Das Produkt-Portfolio findet breite Anwendung in flüssigen
und pulverförmigen Reinigungsmitteln, im Bereich der Haar-,
Körperpflege und -reinigung sowie der Mundpflege. Darüber
hinaus gelangen ausgewählte Produkte auch zur Anwendung
in pharmazeutische Formulierungen. 21yearbook 2017
Jazz in Penang | World Heritage Malac-
ca | Miss Malaysia 2014 | Economy Still Interview with the Consul General of Malay-
Booming | Nicol David | Shoe Industry Steps sia | Malaysia At The Expo 2015 | Rubber – A
Up | GMRT | Date With Chef Adu | Medical Vital Raw Material | MCD: ASEAN Evening
Devices From Malaysia | Merdeka In Frankfurt | Frankfurt Book Fair | Study On
Higher Education in Malaysia | DAAD Award
MALAYSIA INSIGHTS #2, Feb 2015 For Malaysian Student | Exploring The Beauty
Logistics Hub Malaysia | Directory of Ports Of Malaysia | Malaysia At ANUGA 2015 |
| Malaysian-German Society | Honorary More Than Just Gloves
Consul General Dr. Helmut Baur | Sabah’s MALAYSIA INSIGHTS #6, Mar 2016
Cultural Heritage | Mühlbauer in Malacca |
Helipad Lounge in KL | ASEAN Economic Pangkor Laut Resort | Hop on Hop off KL |
Community | OAV KL at your Doorsteps | George Town Festival
| Jazz by the Beach | Brief History of Kota
Kinabalu | Save the Sea Turtles! |
MALPROC — Gateway to Europe | Malaysia
at a Glance
Murals, Museums & Makan | 3rd GMRT Malaysia at the ITB | Interview with Malay-
meeting in Vienna | Farewell to KL | sia’s Minister of Tourism and Culture | Malay-
History Of The Malaysian Flag | Hop On Hop sia at GDS | Art of the Nyonyas | MISF 2016 |
Off KL Visit to the Aquaria KLCC | Focus on ASEAN
| African Students in Malaysia | Preserving
Sabah’s History | Bridging Cultures | The
Hague’s Annual Food Event
Malaysia Day Celebration | Economy Day Welcome to Johor! |Beautiful Islands of
Malaysia | Malaysia’s GST | F&B Sector Johor | Shipwrecks Off Lebuan | Metrochan-
Captures International Markets | A Taste of nel Malaysia | 100 Years Ago: Missionary
Penang | Hipster Food For The Soul | Nine Work in Malaysia | Musical Heritage of
Emperor Gods Festival | Tropical Temp- Penang | Carl Duisburg Centren | ASEAN
tations | The Durian – Malaysia’s “King of Investment Forum | New Opportunities |
Fruits” ANUGA 2017
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was a very productive writer with an output of over
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