Look for Black Friday specials and circulars
in this Thursday’s issue of The News Reporter,
which will be published on Wednesday.
The News ReporterPublished since 1890 every Monday and Thursday for the County of Columbus and her people.
Monday, November 23, 2015
Volume 125, Number 42 The American flag flies in Saturday’s magnificent fall sky during dedication ceremonies in the court- R.J. Corman
Whiteville, North Carolina yard at Vineland Station in memory of former Whiteville Downtown Development Director Tom Stanley. Railroad hosts
Several friends shared stories about Stanley’s love for downtown Whiteville. county leaders
75 Cents at Vineland
Two inducted into Cooperative
Inside Extension Hall of Fame Rail service to
resume in March 2016
• Walking trail at Staff Writer
Government Complex Garland McCullen and Jackie Garland McCullen and Jackie Roseboro
Roseboro were inducted into the R.J. Corman Railroad Group, the Kentucky-
not yet complete. Columbus County Cooperative credit in Robeson and Columbus McCullen has more than 30 years based company that recently purchased the
• Your Christmas Extension Service Hall of Fame at counties. “It is indeed an honor of service with the agency. He joined assets of the old Carolina Southern Railroad,
memories needed for a recent Farm City Dinner held at tonight to be a part of presenting hosted about 50 local elected and appointed
Whiteville High School. these two awards.” See Extension, page 3-A officials at Vineland Station to express their
newspaper. appreciation of local efforts that helped bring
The Hall of Fame, located at the about the purchase.
3-A Cooperative Extension office in
Whiteville, annually honors a busi- A highlight came when Craig King, presi-
• Election filing ness that has or persons who have dent of the railroad, presented Tabor City at-
begins Dec. 1. contributed outstanding service torney Dennis Worley with a certificate from
• Resurfacing to agriculture, home economics or Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear naming Worley
progresses on youth development in rural com- a Kentucky Colonel, the commonwealth’s
munities. highest honor.
U.S. 74.
Keith Walters, Southeast District Worley and Doug Wendel of Myrtle Beach
5-A Director for N.C. Cooperative Exten- served as co-chairmen of the two-state Inter-
sion, turned a portion of the award state Commerce Committee that worked for
•South Columbus announcement over to Kevin Kinlaw. nearly four years in an effort to restore rail
High School program service here and in Horry and Marion counties
“Tonight is a real treat, we have in South Carolina.
honors veterans. two winners,” said Kinlaw, branch
manager with Cape Fear Farm Those efforts came to fruition in late
10-A summer when it was announced that Cor-
Sunday hunting so far a man would purchase the assets of Carolina
• Smith pushes sup- non-issue for wildlife officers Southern Railroad. Worley presented King the
port for bond bill Only 11 states, including North Hunting in the state’s two most framed and original hand-written two-page
at county’s annual nLocal pastor remains con- Carolina, still had full or partial populous counties – Wake and sales contract signed after a marathon nego-
Farm City Dinner. Sunday hunting bans when seasons Mecklenburg—is also prohibited tiating session in late summer. In that docu-
cerned. opened this year, according to sun- on Sunday. Any other counties with ment, later contested by Carolina Southern
DIDYOB? dayhunting.org. Virginia, Maine, populations that reach 700,000 will owner Ken Pippin, Pippin agreed to sell the
By JEFFERSON WEAVER Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Massa- be added to the list. railroad to the Interstate Railroad Committee
Did you observe ... Staff Writer chusetts, Delaware, Maryland, New and the committee assigned its interest in the
The First Presbyte- Jersey, South Carolina and West A survey performed by a Virginia contract to Corman.
rian Church Session A controversial new law allowing Virginia still have some rules pro- firm in 2009 showed a solid majority
enjoying a retreat some hunting on Sunday has only hibiting Sunday hunting. The issue – more than 60 percent – of North Because Pippin contested the validity of
on the porch of the caused a few ripples in Columbus is being hotly debated in Virginia Carolina sportsmen and non-hunt- the contract, Corman had to sue and a media-
Gray Cottage at Lake County so far. and Connecticut. ers were against Sunday hunting. tor subsequently ruled that the contract was
Waccamaw Saturday a valid document.
morning? ... Dozens “I haven’t seen any big conflicts The North Carolina law allows Rep. Kenneth Waddell of Co-
of Whiteville High yet,” said Charles Hinson, master hunting with firearms on Sundays lumbus was a big supporter of the Wearing a hat emblazoned with the logo
School couples hav- enforcement officer with the Wildlife on private property with written bill, noting the potential economic of the Columbus Jobs Foundation (formerly
ing their pictures Resources Commission. “We haven’t permission from the landowner. impact on hunting-friendly coun- the Committee of 100), King also accepted a
made in downtown seen a lot of ‘Sunday hunters’. A few Bowhunting and falconry were al- ties like Columbus. That economic resolution expressing the appreciation of the
Whiteville Saturday but not many.” ready allowed under a 2010 law. impact was one of the largest factors
night just prior to the in allowing Sunday hunting. See Railroad, page 9-A
Whiteville Juniorettes Officer C.P. White, who mostly pa- Hunting on Sunday within 500
annual Semi-formal trols Bladen County but also works yards of a place of worship or any State coon hunting groups aStotuotrhnpeoyrt
Dance? ... Columbus, reported the same. accessory structure, or within 500 praised the new law, since hunt- nominated
yards of a residence not owned by ing raccoons with dogs sometimes tjuodfiglel svhaicpant
County Deaths “We just haven’t seen a lot of the landowner, is prohibited. Hunt- meant leaving a coon “treed” if the
people out on Sunday yet,” he said. ing on Sunday is also prohibited animal was found around daylight By NICOLE CARTRETTE
Whiteville between 9:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m., on Sunday morning. Supporters News Editor
Lila Earl Duncan Jodie Owen, a spokesperson for except on controlled, licensed hunt- pointed out that the state allows
the Wildlife Commission, said that ing preserves. fishing on Sunday, and trappers are A Southport attorney is the lone nominee
David James on a statewide level, “we have not allowed to harvest furbearers taken for a district court judgeship in the 13th Ju-
Fair Bluff had any unforeseen problems and Dogs may not be used to pursue on Sunday. dicial District (Columbus, Bladen and Bruns-
minimal complaints from the public or chase deer on Sundays and hunt- wick counties) following a
Kennedy Emory Bullock because of hunting Sunday.” ing of migratory game birds is Opponents to the measure ex- district bar meeting held
Chadbourn prohibited. Migratory birds such as pressed concern that the law will last week in Elizabeth-
When the Wildlife Heritage Act waterfowl are federally controlled allow hunters to disrupt Sunday town.
Patricia Ann Williamson became law Oct. 1, North Carolina and subject to different rules than morning services at rural churches.
Evergreen joined a majority of other states native species. Non-hunting outdoor groups also Jason Disbrow received
in allowing hunting, with some 88 of 88 votes cast at the
Alton L. Williamson Sr. restrictions, on Sundays. The state See Hunting, page 10-A meeting held Nov. 19 at
Nakina has banned Sunday hunting since the Bladen County Court-
at least 1857. house, according to 13th
Virginia Piver Taylor Judicial District Bar presi-
dent Allen Johnson.
Judge Marion Warren Jason Disbrow
Editorials .......... 8-A has recently been named
Obituaries ......... 7-A Director of the N.C. Administrative Office of
Sports ................ 1-B the Courts.
Crime ................ 4-A
Lifestyles ........... 5-A Disbrow, the managing partner of the
Southport law firm Stiller and Disbrow, was
the only nominee to be submitted, according to
Columbus County Bar Association President
Tabitha Etheridge.
Disbrow was admitted to the bar in 1998
after graduating from N.C. Central University
School of Law. He holds an undergraduate de-
gree from N.C. State in business management
and from 1994-1995 was a sales representative
with Glaxo Smith Kline, according to his firm’s
His volunteer work includes experience
with the Brunswick County Teen Court and
See Judgeship, page 3-A
2-A – The News Reporter, Monday, November 23, 2015
East Columbus High School names Your Christmas
Park and Morehead-Cain nominees memories needed
for newspaper
By JEFFERSON WEAVER Locklear is a member of
Staff Writer Heather King Takoda Locklear the New Hope Baptist Church It’s once again time for The paper. Please make sure that
“I have chosen to go into nominee. Youth Group. News Reporter’s Christmas Mem- the child’s name, grade, age,
Two East Columbus High pharmacy because of my ories edition. teacher and school are listed on
School students have been love for math and science,” Heart troubles have played Family and faith are most the back. Please make sure we
nominated for merit scholar- she said, “and I want to make a major role in Locklear’s important in his life, Lock- The annual edition, which have the teachers’ first and last
ships that can provide up to a positive impact in other family, in both young and old lear said. has become a keepsake for names. Children’s last names
$100,000 for higher education. peoples’ lives. If I attend members. many families, features sto- are optional.
UNC-Chapel Hill I will obtain “My family and my rela- ries, photos, art and recollec-
Seniors Heather Renee my prerequisites and then “Heart problems are a tionship with God are most tions of Christmases past as Also, art must be original.
King and Takoda Locklear apply to pharmacy school. serious issue, not only in my important to me because they well as stories of longtime Please, no pre-made drawings to
are both nominees for the Park If I attend N.C. State I will family, but in Native Ameri- keep me grounded and they traditions, special toys, spe- be colored or photocopies from
scholarship at N.C. State and obtain a bachelor’s degree in can communities in general are the best part of me,” he cial people and special church coloring books.
the Morehead-Cain scholar- chemistry.” and I really want to make a said. services.
ship at UNC-Chapel Hill. King has a reputation of difference,” he said. Only one submission of any
being determined both on He continues to be in- The News Reporter needs kind from each student. Space
King and off the court. She doesn’t “I plan to pursue this ca- spired by his grandmother, your stories ... your memories. is limited.
King is the daughter of quit when things get tough. reer because of my little who died in 2013 and is part
Derek and Pamela King of “Once I begin something, brother being a patient of of his inspiration to become From the public, private and Submissions may be hand-
Lake Waccamaw. I am dedicated to it,” she Duke Children’s Cardiology a cardiac surgeon. home schools, we are seeking delivered to The News Reporter.
“It is a great honor to be said. “I never quit halfway since he was in the second submissions of stories, memo- They may be mailed to: Fuller
nominated for these scholar- through a project. Because grade, and my grandmother “My MaMa inspired me ries and art. This includes the Royal, The News Reporter, P.O.
ships because there are many I am dedicated to so many passing suddenly of a heart most,” he said. “We were Columbus County Schools, Box 707, Whiteville, N.C. 28472
competitive students in my things (piano, tennis, bowl- attack at an early age,” he everything to her and ev- Whiteville City Schools, Co- or emailed to fullerroyal@white-
class,” she said. “I feel like ing, community service) I said. erything she did was for us. lumbus Charter School and ville.com.
all of my hard work is finally have learned to manage my She worked hard to make the private and home schools.
paying off.” time and I feel this quality Locklear is an athlete as sure that we were all taken All materials must be submit- The Christmas Memories
She said she sees the fruit will be of great use to me in well as scholar. He has been care of up to the day that she ted by Tuesday, Dec. 8. special will be included in the
of her dedication and hard college.” an offensive lineman for the passed away, even though she Dec. 24 edition of The News
work in her scholastic and Faith plays a big role in ECHS Gators football team, wasn’t feeling well. She took Art should be on letter-sized Reporter.
athletic endeavors. King’s life and work ethic. and is on the tennis and bowl- a part of me when she left
“My parents inspire me “I am a Christian and at- ing teams. Between sports, this world. Christmas light
to work hard,” she said. “My tend First Baptist Church at he’s also in the marching contest slated
mother is a medical technolo- Lake Waccamaw,” she said, band. A member of the Fel- “It is my goal in life to The Whiteville Rotary during the holidays is eligible
gist at Columbus Regional “and I know that God knows lowship of Christian Ath- make her proud.” Club is holding a county-wide to enter the contest.
Healthcare System. My fa- what is best for me. I have letes, Locklear is also part of Christmas light contest from
ther works at West Fraser given my life to Him to use. the National Honor Society Locklear said his compas- Dec. 3 through Dec. 21. This will be an online fund-
Armour Sawmill. He works Following God’s will is and Beta Club. sion for others, and a desire raiser for the Whiteville Rota-
nightshift, but he always most important to me,” she for positive change, are his Anyone who decorates his ry Club as part of the Vineland
finds the time to come to my said. He is male co-chair of the strongest attributes. or her house – or business – Christmas celebration.
piano recitals, tennis match- North Carolina Native Amer-
es and parades. He has taught Locklear ican Student Organization, “I always want to leave Grahams plan Contestants will be featured
me the importance of caring Locklear is the son of Ja- and serves as male co-chair of things better than I found free meal on on WhitevilleRotary.org where
for my family.” mie and Tiffany Locklear. He the Waccamaw Siouan Drum them,” he said. “I have been Thanksgiving people will be able to vote for
She has been a member wants to be a cardiac surgeon Circle. given many opportunities by their favorite decorated house
of the Lady Gators’ tennis so he can help his community. my community and I want to Jason and Tankeshia Gra- or business.
team for all four years of “I plan to go to college to A traditional men’s dancer give back in service.” ham and family will serve a
high school. “This year I was pursue a degree in medicine, and participant in numerous free Thanksgiving meal on The contestant with the
team captain and first seed,” and later become a cardiac pow-wows and other events, Morehead-Cain Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, most $1 votes will win a $300
she said. “I have also been a surgeon,” said the Park and Locklear has also served as The Morehead-Cain schol- Nov. 26 from noon to 3 p.m. at grand prize.
member of the bowling team Morehead-Cain scholarship the North Carolina represen- arship was founded in 1945, the American Legion Post, 313
for four years.” tative for the United National and is a four-year merit schol- West Phillip Street in White- To register for the con-
King is also a member of Indian Tribal Youth and was arship to the University of ville. test please contact Jonathan
the National Honor Society a participant in the White North Carolina at Chapel Medford at (910) 431-3554 or
and Beta Club. She is also an House Generation I Tribal Hill. It includes full tuition. Called From Our Family to by email at jon@inspirenc.
accomplished pianist. Youth Initiative. In 2014 the Morehead-Cain Yours, it is named for the non- com. You must be registered
She plays the piano under Foundation awarded 57 new profit corporation established by Dec. 2.
Melanie Fowler and performs scholarships, with 31 from in 2015, “extending hospitality
in Dr. Sharyn Edwards’ Pia- North Carolina. to serve you and your family.” FRANK THEATRES
no Festival at Southeastern
Community College. King Park Scholarship COASTAL
also plays the clarinet in the The Park Foundation was STADIUM 10
marching and concert band, created by N.C. State alumnus
and is a keyboardist in the Roy H. Park, class of 1931, Showtimes (910) 754-7469
pep band. who dedicated the foundation
She volunteers at the N.C. to supporting worthy causes www.FRANKTHEATRES.com
Museum of Natural Sciences related to education, media 5200 Bridgers Road
in Whiteville. and the environment.
“I love working there be- In 1996 the foundation FREE FREE FREE FREE
cause I learn something new established the Park Scholar-
every day,” she said. “Every- ship, which admits students Thanksgiving Meal
one at the museum is friendly to N.C. State on the basis of
and enthusiastic about shar- their outstanding accom-
ing their knowledge with plishments and potential in
others.” scholarship, leadership, ser-
King hopes to earn a Phar- vice and character. The Park
Scholarship provides a four-
year scholarship, a computer
stipend, enrichment grants,
specialized faculty mentoring
and a wide variety of experi-
ential learning opportunities.
mD degree to someday to be
Walking trail at Governmentbetter able to help others.
The News Reporter Complex not yet complete
November 26, 2015
(USPS 387-600) nAlthough some resi- alleviate those problems. volved heavy equipment. For THANKSGIVING DAY
Strickland says that some example, mowing in the walk-
Published twice weekly by dents already are utiliz- potholes, one particularly ing trail area was taking
The News Reporter Co. Inc. ing it large, have formed along the place. Noon - 3:00 pm
127 W. Columbus St. By ALLEN TURNER walking path. Strickland says that the American Legion Post
Whiteville N.C. 28472 Staff Writer “We just can’t get big equip- walking trail will not have 313 W Phillip St
to await the installation of
Mailing address: The one-mile walking trail ment in with this kind of a planned vegetative buffer Whiteville, NC 28472
P.O. Box 707, at Columbus County’s new fit- weather,” Strickland said before officially opening.
ness park north of Whiteville Wednesday. From Our Family To Yourz
Whiteville, N.C. 28472-0707 near Social Services has not The $221,800 fitness park
yet been completed, although As soon as ground water is funded through a $181,800 Extending our hospitality to serve you and your family
Periodical postage paid at some residents already are tables have subsided enough Community Development
Whiteville, N.C., 28472-0707 taking advantage of the trail. to move in the equipment, the Block grant from the state’s For additional information, please contact
drainage and erosion issues Division of Community As- Tankeisha Graham at (910) 918-5950
Postmaster: send address County recreation director will be addressed, she said. sistance and with a $40,000
changes to P.O. Box 707, Julie Strickland says there are match of local monies. From Our Family To Yourz Non-profit Corporation, Est. 2015
Whiteville, N.C. 28472 Work was under way last
week, but not work that in-
Jim High, Publisher
erosion and drainage issues
Mail Subscriptions preventing completion of
(Columbus County) the work. Recent rains have NEW LOCATION
made the ground so soggy
$35.00 - Mail that heavy equipment cannot
Other N.C. Counties
$49.00 - Other
Home Delivery $48.00 year
Out of State $65.00 year
©2011, The News Reporter Co., Inc. currently get into the area to Mrs. Em
Manicure & Pedicure Specialist
Mishop Springs
United Methodist Church
2756 Pine Log Rd, Whiteville, NC has moved to
Special Service November 29, 2015 Indulgence Salon
United Methodist 1424 S JK Powell Blvd, Ste F,
Women’s Sunday
Worship Service
Special guest speakers, Whiteville
Heather and Ethan
Hinson Get the same Great Quality and Service you expect at Indulgence Salon
will report on their Walk in and Appointments accepted
mission trip to
Nicaragua. Em Nobles (910) 207-1308 Salon Phone (910) 640-1068
Worship service begins
at 11:00 am with a
meal to follow.
The News Reporter, Monday, November 23 2015 – 3-A
Resurfacing progresses on U.S. 74 Election filing begins Dec. 1
By JEFFERSON WEAVER Contractors are working due to the grading improve- By JEFFERSON WEAVER The Register of Deeds (Kan- set for Nov. 8 as well. Filing fee
Staff Writer against a tight deadline, Cox ments,” he explained. “This Staff Writer dace Bullock), state senator for the Sanitary Board is $5.
said. Heavy rains in October wasn’t a normal, straight and state House seats are also For more information, call the
Officials hope a multi-mil- delayed the road improvement forward paving job. When you Filing for a number of up for election. Columbus County Board of
lion dollar makeover for a sec- project, and colder tempera- have to perform a lot of sur- county and state offices begins Elections at 640-6609.
tion of U.S. 74-76 will improve tures limit how far hot asphalt veys, it can make a difference.” Dec. 1, and candidates won’t Incumbent Sen. Jane Smith
storm water runoff and safety can be carried and still effec- have quite as much time to (D-Lumberton) recently an- NEW Shipment
near Whiteville. tively spread. The contract completion campaign as in years past. nounced that she will file for
date calls for work to be fin- re-election to the District 13 Market Totes
Drew Cox of the Depart- Original plans called for ished next month, Cox said, if The 2016 primary includes Senate seat which serves Co- Tote Bags
ment of Transportation said the work to be completed in there are no further weather Democrat and Republican lumbus and Robeson counties. Travel Bags
work is progressing on the December, and despite delays, delays or an early cold snap. races for state and U.S. House
improvements, which include Cox said he is optimistic the and Senate, judgeships, state Brenden Jones, (R-Tabor Scarves & Boot Socks
both resurfacing and improv- job will be done before cold “If there are no other prob- cabinet positions, governor City), has announced he intends
ing the grade on the busy high- weather sets in. lems,” he said, “it will be done and lieutenant governor, and to run for the District 46 House Lokai Bracelets
way. Part of the highway from in December. Elsewise, we U.S. president. The filing pe- Seat currently held by Ken Wad- All Sizes & Colors
the White Marsh (Jefferson “When it gets too cold, you might have to halt work, and riod runs Dec. 1 at noon and dell (D-Chadbourn). Waddell
Street/Red Hill Road) to U.S. just can’t pave,” Cox said. “The then it would be March or ends Dec. 21 at noon. recently announced he will not CVihsirt iOsutrmYaeasrR-Rooounmd
701 has been reduced to one materials get too stiff to work April. It will make a big differ- seek reelection to the seat that
lane in recent days while the with. The patch won’t properly ence when it’s done.” This election cycle marks includes representation of all Trees, Wreaths, Oranaments
work progresses. pour or adhere. Temperature the first time in recent history of Columbus and portions of Collegiate Ornaments
is important. That’s especially Ponding and runoff cross- that North Carolina will hold Robeson and Bladen counties.
Eventually, improvements true since we’re using a stiffer ing the highway have been primary voting on March 15, DAISY’S
will continue down the high- mix on 74, like we do with all blamed in the higher num- rather than in May. Judicial seats, the District
way through an area known major highways. It gets con- ber of car crashes along the Attorney, state cabinet and The Kountry Nest
as a trouble spot during heavy trary when it gets too cold.” stretch currently being re- Republican lawmakers in gubernatorial seats, and U.S. 315 Vinson Blvd. Hwy. 130
rains. paired, and the grading im- Raleigh pushed for the state House and Senate filings take
While a simple repaving provements will help some of to join other “early primary” place in Raleigh. (beside John Donoghue) 640-2601
“We’ve seen some real chal- job would likely have been that, Cox said. The main safety states to have more impact
lenges around bridges, where finished well before Thanks- factor is always going to be on the presidential primaries Filing fees for races where Homemade Cake
the highway narrows,” Cox giving, Cox said the improve- speeding drivers. during the last session of the candidates can sign up locally Dip Ice Cream
said. “It can be very tight for ments on U.S. 74-76 have pre- General Assembly. are as follows:
work zones in those areas, but vented major challenges. “We do all we can to make
overall, the project is progress- the road safer, but we can’t Four Columbus County While seats on the Riegel-
ing.” “We had a lot more surveys make people slow down,” Cox commissioner seats will be wood Sanitary district are
and modifications than usual, said. on the ballot, according to the non-partisan, filing will take
board of elections. Districts place during the same period,
Two (James Prevatte), Three with elections on the board
(Giles “Buddy” Byrd), Four (P.
Edwin Russ) and Five (Trent CD Rates are rising
Burroughs) are up for election.
Continued from page 1-A
Legal Aid of N.C. He is expe- 6 Months $2,500.00 Minimum
rienced in criminal defense, .35% APY
juvenile and family law, John-
son said.
Though he has “big shoes
to fill,” Johnson said Disbrow
Keith Walters, a district director with N.C. Cooperative Extension, Hall of Fame Induct- brings 17 years of experience, 12 Months $2,500.00 Minimum
ees Jackie Roseboro and Garland McCullen, and Kevin Kinlaw of Care Fear Farm Credit. “is very enthusiastic and char-
.45% APY
Extension ismatic.” “He will make a great
judge if the governor appoints
Continued from page 1-A him,” Johnson said.
Under state law the district
bar could have nominated up
the Columbus County Exten- McCullen said he was es- He praised the county’s to five individuals to fill the 24 Months $5,000.00 Minimum
sion staff as 4-H Agent in 1965 pecially appreciative of his agriculture and people. unexpired term “for consider-
and was promoted to depart- Extension career because he ation by the governor.” Gov. Pat .55% APY
ment head in 1975. The depart- learned the hard way that the “People love one another,” McCrory does not have to ap-
ment head title was changed agency was the best fit for him. he said. “I thank everybody for point a nominee recommended The annual percentage yield(APY) assumes that interest remains on deposit until maturity. APY
in 1987 to County Extension making my tenure here such a by the bar. The seat carries a is accurate as of today and is subject to change at any time and without notice. Penalty for early
Director and McCullen was the “I’m just really blessed,” blessing. It’s really a really big Brunswick County residency withdrawals may apply.
first to wear this new title. He he said. blessing.” requirement. District Court
retired in 1995. judges serve four-year terms. 2065 Andrew Jackson Hwy. 1629 S. Madison St. 183 John Riegel Rd.
He took his first job in Roseboro, who had a 35-year The term for Warren’s seat Leland Riegelwood
“During his tenure he was Moore County. “Back then we career with the agency, joined expires in 2016. Whiteville
deeply involved in all aspects called it “poor-more but it’s the staff in 1974 as a 4-H agent 910-383-1650 910-317-0071 910-655-2274
rich-more now” he said as the working with McCullen. In
Visit us at: www.RiegelwoodFCU.org
of Extension activities. Even crowd laughed. After being 1981, family resources man-
after retirement, Mr. McCullen with Cooperative Extension agement and clothing and tex-
was and is a part of Extension in Moore County, McCullen tiles were added to her areas VILLAGE BUFFET
in Columbus County,” Kinlaw decided to pursue other career of responsibilities.
said. options.
In 1995, Roseboro was pro-
“His leadership and dedica- “I thought things looked moted to director. She was
tion to the county programs better in Richmond Va. with the first female and African-
have helped to forge a legacy Southern States Co-op,” he American to be named direc- Open Thanksgiving Day
of teamwork, accountability said. tor in Columbus County.
and quality programming in “I left the Extension for two “Jackie also was deeply
the county.” years,” he explained. involved in all areas of Exten-
McCullen is a member of Before his departure from sion until her retirement in Fried Shrimp Country Style
2009. Jackie’s legacy of quality
the 4-H Hall of Fame. Moore County, his boss told programming, teamwork and
“We had a great team work- him the grass wasn’t always accountability are still a part
ing with Cooperative Exten- greener on the other side. of the Extension’s commit- Baked Turkey Steak
sion,” McCullen said. “This is
what it takes.” McCullen had made a com- ment in Columbus County,”
He credited farmers for mitment though and he was Kinlaw said. “She still expects
sticking to it. the best for the Extension & Dressing Ten
their work in ensuring “we
A few years later, McCullen
are one of the best fed nations would admit that his boss was Staff.”
in the world” and reminisced right. Roseboro said the induction Pork Chops Vegetables
about his days in the field.
“I had the opportunity to “These pastures up here is “quite an honor.”
visit a lot of different farmers,” are sort of brown and not as Roseboro said her years
he said. “I never will forget green as they were,” McCullen with the agency were “truly a Fried Chicken Salad Bar
said on a call to his old boss. blessing. That was my heart.
several of those places. A lot of McCullen asked about any job Working for Extension wasn’t
those places I’d come through openings. a job for me, it was a life,” Baked Ham Dessert Bar
and they’d say Garland, can Roseboro said. “I enjoyed
A few weeks later, he re-
you come about 11:30?” he said. ceived a call about an opening working with all the people
“I was able to gain about in Columbus County. in Columbus County ... thank
20 pounds,“ he said. “We have “I liked what I saw,” McCul- you for the opportunity to Village BuffetSome Items May Vary
some of the best cooks in the serve you,” she told a crowd
nation right here in Columbus len said. Columbus County of about 200 gathered at the Open Sunday
County.” reminded him of where he annual dinner.
grew up in Sampson County. 10:30 - 3:30 39 South Whiteville Village • 914-0100
• WE LOAN MONEY • WE BUY SCRAP GOLD • FREE LAY-AWAY and Display Join us for a walk through a village of gingerbread
Cobra Denali .380 Lasermax Spartan houses from Friday afternoon through Sunday
Rail Mounted afternoon, December 4 – 6, 2015 at the Columbus
County Arts Council.
1 Day Only 1 Day Only The gingerbread house entries are divided into five categories:
Friday Nov. 27 Friday Nov. 27 • Master (chefs, caterers and anyone who chooses)
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• Children (12 and under)
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• Adult with Child (12 and under)
Save on . . . • Electronics • Jewelry • Tools
• Musical Instruments • Guns • Ammo • TVs Competition rules:
• Small Appliances • Bicycles 1. To enter and register a gingerbread house, deliver it to Opening Doors Preschool II, located at
201 S. Lee St., on Thursday, Dec. 3, 2015, from 4 pm – 6:30 pm. There is a $5.00 fee.
See Our Large Discount Jewelry Showroom Plus Much, Much More!
2. House walls and roof must be made of gingerbread. Graham crackers or cookies may be used
Murf ’s PawnMon. - Fri. 9 am - 7 pm • Sat. 9 am - 6 pm WSGCEORLBADUPY as decorations. Kits may be used.
1134 S. Madison St., Whiteville • 640-3344 3. All decorations must be edible. Candies wrapped in foil, cellophane or plastic must be free
of the wrapper.
4. Lights may NOT be used on entries.
5. Completed houses must be secured to a base and be completely covered with an edible substance
(e.g. icing). The edge of the board on which the house rests may be covered with ribbon.
a. House base for Children’s Entries (12 and under) not to exceed 12”x12”.
b. House base for Adult and Young Adult Entries not to exceed 18”x18”.
c. House base for Master Entries not to exceed 24”x24”.
6. Houses will be judged on creativity, design and overall appearance.
4A - The News Reporter, Monday, November 23, 2015 Chadbourn man
arrested on several
Alleged shooters arrested fraud charges
Two suspects have been arrested in connection with a
shooting earlier this month.
Whiteville Police reports show officers arrested Diondi Michael Scott Byars, 41,
of Pine Tree
Sadler, 22, on charges of assault with a deadly weapon with Lane, Chad-
intent to kill or inflict serious injury, larceny of a firearm,
misdemeanor larceny and assault on a female on Nov. 18. bourn, has
been arrest-
Sadler, of 358 Stanley Circle, Whiteville, was held under ed on sev-
no bond.
The next day, Aaron Kelly, 19, was arrested on two charges eral charges
of fraud
of assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill or inflict and forgery
serious injury. He was also held under no bond. based on Byars
City spokesman Hal Lowder said Sadler and Kelly were warrants obtained by White-
arrested for a shooting that occurred at Kent Place Apart-
ments in Whiteville early in November. Kelly’s second ville Police Detective Scott
assault charge was related to a shooting that occurred on Byars, manager of the DCI
Pinewood Drive in Whiteville. Kelly allegedly shot at three
men with a handgun, but none were injured. office in Lumberton, is charged
with using the name and per-
Diondi Sadler’s brother, Deonde Sadler was also arrested sonal information of Eugene
for interfering with police and disorderly conduct.
Ford Jr., a former employee,
to make out payroll checks to
the worker and then forging
Ford’s name to cash the checks
Crime briefs at the State Employees Credit
Union here.
Byars got $446.71 on Sept.
Stolen Elude 11, another $568.18 on Sept. 18,
$485.80 on Sept. 29, $439.81 on Oct.
William Cole Boswell, 33, Jonathan Dwayne Hug- One person was hurt during Thursday’s heavy rains when the driver hydroplaned on 5, and $481.48 on Oct. 13. Byars
of Tom Ses- gins, 24, of Pine Log Road near Whiteville and flipped. The impact crushed the cab, but she was is charged with forgery and ut-
sions Road, Fair Bluff able to escape on her own power. tering (passing) a forged item in
J.R. Gore Road, Ta-
Road and bor City, has each of the five occasions.
Hickory been arrest- Pollard pair involved State Highway Patrol participates in
Ridge Drive, ed on a fel-
all White-
ville loca- ony charge in cocaine conspiracy Interstate Challenge Campaign during
t i o n s , h a s Boswell of fleeing to in Brunswick County Thanksgiving Holiday
been arrest- elude arrest Huggins
ed on three felony charges in- The North Carolina State Highway Patrol along with the Gov-
on a warrant
obtained by Chadbourn Police
volving stolen property, based Officer Ricky Soles. Huggins ernor’s Highway Safety Program will be joining forces with local
on warrants obtained by Sher- fled in a vehicle on Nov. 16 from Pansey Smith Pollard, of cocaine with intent to sell, law enforcement agencies from across the state by participating
iff ’s Detective Ken Elliott and Soles who was attempting to 55, and and the ac- in the N.C. Interstate Challenge Campaign.
Whiteville Police Detective Sgt. make a traffic stop on South Emanuel-
Andre Jackson. Brown Street. The short chase la Lachris- tual sale This campaign will focus special attention to all major in-
continued on N.C. 410 South, of cocaine terstate highways within the state during the Thanksgiving
Boswell is charged with and Huggins was speeding ta Pollard, to an un- holiday weekend.
stealing a 2005 GMC U-Haul in excess of 15 mph over the 29, both
truck in Whiteville on Aug. 29 posted speeds of 35 and 55 mph, of Rie- dercover The purpose of the campaign is to combat fatal collisions
of this year, plus the theft of according to the warrant. buyer for along targeted highways in hopes of obtaining a desired goal of
a 2002 green Saturn on Sept. gelwood, the Bruns- zero deaths within the campaign’s allotted time frame.
26 owned by Shelly Hodge have
Duncan. The third count is been ar- P. Pollard E. Pollard wick Sher- Increased patrols will be used during this initiative by plac-
possession of a stolen golf iff ’s Office. ing a trooper or local officer every 20 miles throughout each
cart, owned by Mark Slomka, rested in Bruns- Pansey/Pan- interstate corridor to include I-26, I-40, I-73, I-74, I-77, I-85, and I-95
on Sept. 23. wick County on during the most heavily traveled periods of the holiday weekend.
Firearm charges involving sy Pollard is also The campaign will be conducted on Wednesday, Nov. 25 from 11
Boswell is on probation for a known as Pansey a.m. to 11 p.m. and again on Sunday, Nov. 29 from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
DWI conviction in July 2015. He conspiracy to sell, Shirley Pollard, and
served a prison term in 2012- and actual sale and To run concurrent with the N.C. Interstate Challenge, the
2013 for breaking and entering, Cray’Shawn Damond Brice, delivery of cocaine, Pansey Vandora Highway Patrol will also be participating in a national cam-
larceny and selling marijuana, Pollard. Her crimi- paign entitled the I-40 Challenge. Neighboring states to include
records show. 19, of Dew according to war- nal record shows Arizona, Arkansas, California, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Ten-
Oil Plant rants obtained by convictions for lar- nessee, and Texas will be targeting several violations to include
Road, Delco, Smith speeding, distracted driving, seat belt use, following too closely,
and driving while impaired.
has been ar- Brunswick County Sheriff ’s ceny in October 1999, and
Detective Eric Sykes. she went to prison, serving Break-ins, thefts
rested on a Malcom Smith, 28, of until September 2001. She
charge of
theft of a Whiteville Road, Shallotte, was also convicted in six
is a third person involved forgery cases in 2002, and
firearm on in the conspiracy, records possession of cocaine in
Embezzlement a warrant Brice
obtained by show. Smith was also ar- 1997, and served a two-month
Sandra Johnston Moore, Sheriff ’s Deputy A.S. Olinger. rested. prison term. Her earliest The following were victims – break-in, theft, if any, not
52, who has Brice stole a Topper 20-gauge conviction was in 1995 and of a break-in and/or theft re- reported.
Leland and shogun on Oct. 30, 2015, one The three are charged involved worthless checks ported on date shown:
Whiteville owned by Jimmy Lee Coleman, with conspiring on Nov. 13 to issued on a closed account. • Nov. 18 – Michael Dennis
according to the warrant. sell cocaine, plus possession • Nov. 18 – Vision World, 2100 Nealy, Natalie Nicole Nealy,
block of U.S. 701, Whiteville 4700 block Old Stake Road,
addresses, Chadbourn – theft of 1.5-carat
has been
arrested in Sheriff offers shopping safety tips white gold wedding ring and
Brunswick band, .380 pistol, Mossberg
County on 12-gauge shotgun.
four charges Moore • Nov. 18 – Ora Lee Green,
Miller Road, Tabor City –
of embezzling money in 2013 Holiday shopping officially or wallet. This makes it much • Shield your credit card website. break-in, theft of 60-inch Sam-
and 2014 from a Boiling Spring kicks off with this week’s more difficult for a pick-pocket number so that others around • Don’t buy gift cards off sung TV.
Lakes man, according to war- Black Friday and Small Busi- to remove. Also store car keys you can’t copy it or capture
rants obtained by Brad Shipley ness Saturday sales. in a pants or jacket pocket. If it on a mobile telephone or of publicly displayed racks in • Nov. 17 – Faye Wood, Will
of the Boiling Spring Lakes your purse is stolen, you will other camera. retail stores. Only purchase Inman Road, Tabor City –
Police Department. Unfortunately, it’s a busy still be able to drive home. gift cards at the sales terminal break-in of vehicle, theft of
Moore is charged with steal- time for criminals as well. • Only carry credit cards from the cashier. $15,000 in cash from purse,
ing $6,350 from Bennett from • Pay careful attention to that you absolutely need. purse containing three bank/
September 2013 through June “The holiday season is your surroundings and avoid • Always carefully examine credit cards.
25, 2014. She’s charged with em- right around the corner and overloading yourself with • Shred anything with your both the front and back of a
bezzling $1,500 from Sept. 17, shoppers are crowding malls packages. It is important to credit card number written gift card before you buy it. If • Nov. 16 – William Cole
through Dec. 21, 2013; another and discount stores to buy have clear visibility and free- on it. you see a PIN number, ask for a Cartrette, Will Inman Road,
$1,500 from Feb. 2 through Feb. the latest gadgets and find the dom of motion to avoid mis- different card. If the card looks Clarendon – theft of 2012 New
25, 2014; a third total of $1,500 best deals,” said Sheriff Lewis haps. • If you’re planning to pur- like it has been tampered with Holland tractor with woods
from March 23 through April Hatcher of Columbus County. chase online, make sure the in any way, put it back. mower attached.
28, 2014, and $1,850 from May 9 “What shoppers are neglecting • When returning to your web page where you enter
through June 25, 2014. is their safety.” vehicle, check around it and your credit card information • Always ask the store ca- • Nov. 16 – Thomas Howard
The victim in each case was in the back seat. Be aware of is secure through SSL (Secure shier to scan the gift card in McKee, Midway Drive, White-
Lonnie David Bennett. Hatcher said that “This strangers approaching you Socket Layer). You can tell if front of you. This will guaran- ville – break-in, theft of 32-inch
time of year attracts more for any reason. Have your car the web page is secure by look- tee that your card is valid when Emerson TV, medication, two
Another shopping-related criminal keys in your hand to avoid ing for the gold lock or key icon you buy it and that it reflects packs of beef.
activity because of the larger spending unnecessary time at the bottom corner of your the balance you just charged
Ernest Lee Baldwin, 54, of crowds and the extended store unprotected from the security browser window. it with. Subscribe Today,
John Spaulding Road, Clarkton hours. These factors and the of your vehicle. Call 642-4104
– arrested recently for break- usual distraction of shopping, • If you’re not comfortable • Always keep your receipt
ing and entering – faces addi- creates a more favorable envi- • If you feel uneasy return- submitting your information as a proof of purchase as long Vineland
tional charges of breaking and ronment for petty thieves and ing to your vehicle alone, find through the internet, call the as there is money stored on the Station
entering and larceny based on other offenders.” a security guard and ask them seller and give them your in- gift card.
a warrant obtained by Sheriff ’s to walk you to your car. formation over the telephone. Available for wedding
Deputy Roy McPherson. The sheriff ’s office offered Never send your credit card • If possible, register your receptions & other
the following safety tips for A growing problem is elec- information via email. gift card at the store’s website. events
Baldwin is charged with holiday shopping. tronic theft, including “skim- 642-3157
breaking into a residence dur- ming” ATM and credit cards • Check the company out. • Never give your Social
ing the Oct. 11-Nov. 11 period • A single shopper is the best and other forms of cyber-theft. Only do business with com- Security Number, date of birth
and stealing a washer, dryer, target for theft. Always shop panies that provide a physical or any other unneeded private
stove, TV, utility trailer and with a friend or relative. “During this time of year, address and telephone number. information when purchas-
golf cart. Pamela Sue High of busy holiday shoppers become ing a gift card. No reputable
Red Hill Road, Whiteville, owns • When going shopping, tell careless and vulnerable to • Keep good records. Always company will ask for this in-
the items. someone where you are going other crimes as well,” Hatcher print out a copy of any online formation.
and what time to expect you to said. “Credit card fraud and products or services you pur-
Pregnant? return. Also, make sure they gift card fraud are on the rise. chase. In light of these problems,
know what you are wearing, as However, taking a few preven- the sheriff warns shoppers to
We are here to help you. well as the type of vehicle you tive measures can help.” While a popular option for be careful so that they don’t
Call us today at 642-2677. are driving. hard-to-buy-for friends and become the victim of criminal
To prevent card fraud -- relatives, gift cards are not safe activity.
• Shop during daylight • Keep a close watch on your from thieves either.
hours. If you shop at night, credit card every time you use “Unfortunately, when shop-
park your vehicle in a well-lit it, and make sure you get it • Never buy gift cards from ping, people have a tendency
area. back as quickly as possible. online auction sites. This is a to let their guard down,” said
• Never write your PIN num- large source of gift card fraud. Hatcher. “However, paying
• Dress casually and com- ber on your credit card. Many of the gift cards are sto- attention and taking precau-
fortably and avoid wearing • Never leave your credit len, counterfeit or used. tions can help eliminate their
expensive jewelry. If carrying cards or receipts lying around. chances of being victimized.
cash, keep it in your front • Only buy gift cards directly You can still enjoy the holidays
pocket rather than in a purse from the store issuing the gift – just be safe doing it.”
card or from a secure retailer’s
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The News Reporter, Monday, November 23, 2015 – 5-A
World War II veterans attending the South Colum- Veterans who attended the Take a Veteran to School program
bus High School veterans program were, left to
right: Clarence Willoughby, John P. Coleman and
Stuart Watts. All are 92 years old or older.
SCHS’s Mane Attraction chorale The JROTC Color Guard is introduced. LTC Timothy A. Lance, keynote speaker
South Columbus High School program honors veterans
U.S. military veterans were with salutes as the JROTC ca- the National Anthem. pal Willie Gore and Cadet Sgt. defend the Constitution of who are younger and were
honored at the third annual dets stood at attention and es- Dylan Inman delivered Dustin Babson. the United States of Ameri- present to adopt a mindset of
Take a Veteran to School pro- corted them into the building. ca, against all enemies, both service.
gram Tuesday, Nov. 10 in the Principal Eddie Beck set the the invocation and a roll call An emotional program in- foreign and domestic,” LTC
South Columbus High School tone by welcoming everyone. of all veterans in attendance cluded some veterans singing Lance said. To conclude the program,
auditorium. The program was standing was announced by along as the SCHS Mane At- the SCHS band performed
sponsored by the SCHS media/ “ A Veteran, whether active Danielle Brown and Jonathan traction Choral Ensemble per- He spoke of what it means “For Our Heroes,” followed by
library, JROTC, arts and social duty, discharged, retired or Clontz. formed a salute to the troops, to serve in the military, ex- the retiring of the colors led
studies departments. reserve, is someone who, at “Stars and Stripes Forever” plaining why many made that by JROTC Cadets under the
one point in their life, wrote a The SCHS Guitar Ensem- and “God Bless the U.S.A.,” choice, the responsibility that JROTC instructors, First Sgt.
An emotional tribute blank check made payable to ble, under the direction of with some wiping tears from they felt to provide freedom, Melvin Matthews, Retired,
proved the perfect lead-in the United States of America, Crystal Hairston, performed their faces. peace and comfort to their and Sgt. 1st Class Karl Gore,
for the official holiday. Mili- for an amount of ‘up to, and in- a medley of “America the children so that they may live Retired.
tary personnel — retired, cluding, their life,” Beck said. Beautiful” and “The Grand LTC Timothy A. Lance, and have the right to liberty,
discharged and active duty — Old Flag.” US Army, Retired, a George- justice and to pursue their Veterans and their families
took part in greater numbers After the veterans marched town native, was the featured happiness. were invited to the media
than ever. into the auditorium, posting A wreath placed on stage speaker. He repeated the oath center for a reception in their
of the colors and the Pledge of honored all veterans who have he took in 1983, then a student LTC Lance, who is now a honor and to share first-per-
Three 92-year-old WWll vet- Allegiance was presented by passed away. Taps was played at South Carolina State Uni- pastor and juvenile crime pre- son recollections and stories
erans, Clarence Willoughby, the JROTC Cadets, followed by after the wreath was placed by versity. vention counselor for Colum- of bravery and dedication that
John P. Coleman and Stuart SCHS Mane Attraction Choral M/Sgt. USAF Richard D. Har- bus County Schools, praised enabled so many of the rights
Watts were present. Ensemble, under the direction relson, Retired; Sgt. 1st Class “I raised my right hand and God for this country and its and freedoms that people en-
of Miranda Conner, singing Karl Gore, Retired; Principal declared that I do solemnly people, and challenged those joy each day.
The veterans were greeted Eddie Beck, Assistant Princi- affirm that I will support and
Logging accident victim improving, but has a way to go
By CLARA CARTRETTE Prayers sought for Derek
Staff Writer
Maeleigh, Derek, Tucker and Ashley Bass Derek Bass of Loris was where Derek and Ashley
A 26-year-old man who was critically injured in the were married and were ac-
critically injured in a July 22 family but was using only he needed more time since he short of a miracle, a true Aynor community in Horry tive in the church.
logging accident has made a about 50 percent of his body. had some setbacks that took blessing from God,” she con- County, S.C. when a large
lot of improvement but he still He had a “trach” and feeding up his progress time. tinued. “We are so very thank- limb on a falling tree struck After the accident, doc-
has a long way to go. tube but a speech therapist got ful for everything that has him on the head. It was his tors didn’t give their fami-
him to swallow some chocolate “I had a few talks with been done. second day on the job for lies much hope, and one
Derek Bass is still under- pudding in late October, the people letting them know that Norris Logging, owned by doctor said prayer was the
going rehabilitation in the first food he swallowed after I know Derek has potential “I have made you and I will Chris Norris. He had worked only hope. There have been
Shepherd Center in Atlanta, the accident. and that he needs more time,” carry you; I will sustain you for Norris a short time some a lot of prayers and Ashley
one of the nation’s leading Ashley said. “I had a few long and I will rescue you,” Ashley years earlier and had just says God is still working on
hospitals that specializes in Derek had part of his skull talks with God, I called my quoted Isaiah 46:4. started back working for Derek. She is hopeful that he
medical treatment, research removed to allow for swelling daddy (a pastor) to call his pas- him. He had been working will fully recover and asks
and rehabilitation for spinal of the brain, but has since tor/preacher friends, I got in Ashley’s latest report, on for Lee Electric, then started that he be remembered in
cord injuries. had it put back, another step contact with friends to join me Nov. 19, stated that Derek has on a shut down and was do- everyone’s prayers.
forward in his progress. He in prayer as well as Facebook been progressing well “and ing landscaping work with
Updates through the past came through that surgery friends, and if it’s God’s will, it since the bone flap (skull) Jason Norris when Chris When it was looking dark-
four months from his wife great and after a day or two will be done. A few hours later has been put back he has Norris called and offered est for Derek, Ashley was
Ashley note that after a shunt he was more awake, alert and I got word that our discharge really come around. We still him a job in the logging asked what she needed.
was put in his head a couple of focused than he had been since date got extended to December. have our good days and bad business.
months ago Derek seemed to the accident. God has been with Derek as days but that’s normal. He is “Prayers and encourage-
be doing well in therapy, mov- well as our family since the doing well in therapy, three The accident happened, ment,” she replied.
ing his arms and legs and nod- Ashley said Derek was accident and He surely has not hours a day now. He’s alert and three days after Derek’s 26th
ding his head. That changed given a discharge date to left us yet. awake most of the time. He has birthday and two days before With no one in the fam-
on Sept. 23. He wasn’t respon- leave Shepherd Center before started saying a few words a his and wife Ashley’s fifth ily working, financial assis-
sive, could not do therapy and Thanksgiving, but she thought “My husband is nothing day. The first was “go,” what he wedding anniversary. tance is also needed for the
was sent to ICU. Bass family. BB&T employee
Derek is the son of Bon- Linda Tyree, who knows the
Ashley said she asked that nie Guyton of Bladenboro Bass family, opened an ac-
the shunt be adjusted after and Leverne Bass of Tabor count for the family at BB&T.
talking with others who told City. Ashley is the daughter Anyone who wants to help
her it was a sign that it needed of Wesley and Doris Watts the family can make dona-
adjustment. After the adjust- of Loris. Her father is pastor tions by sending checks to
ment Derek was alert and of Avant’s Chapel in Cerro Derek Bass Fund, C/O Linda
responding, answering yes Tyree of BB&T, P.O. Box
and no questions and looking 2063, Whiteville, N.C. 28472
like he did earlier.
told the nurse when she took help from therapy. It’s just
Their two pre-school chil- the sutures out of his head. No amazing how far he has come.
dren, Tucker and Maeleigh full blown sentences yet but it He looks just like my husband
have visited their dad. It was a will come. now. I’m overwhelmed at the
happy day when Derek, sitting miracles God has performed
in a wheelchair, lifted his right “I asked him what he want- right before my eyes. Derek
arm, the one that was broken ed for Christmas and he said isn’t back to his normal self
in the accident, and hugged ‘to go home,” Ashley contin- just yet but God is still work-
Tucker. Tears and smiles were ued. “He isn’t walking yet but ing on him. He will get there!”
forthcoming when Tucker is standing much better with
looked at his mom and said,
“Daddy is getting better.”
Derek has since hugged his
6-A – The News Reporter, Monday, November 23, 2015
Thompson House gets historical plaque
Staff Writer
The Reuben Brown House John Thompson and Mayor Terry Mann unveil the historical plaque as Sara Thompson, Family kitchen donation
Preservation Society (RBHPS) Jim Brooks and Donna Scott look on.
unveiled its fifth historical Joan Dorsett, Teri Blackman and Sandra Gore of Co-
plaque Tuesday at the home rooms, breakfast room, sun- cemetery or other structure. lumbus Home Health recently delivered a donation to
of John and Sara Thompson room, laundry and a dirt “It’s not terribly complex,” Lower Cape Fear Hospice for its family kitchen at Angel
on North Madison Street. floor basement. There is also House Hospice Care Center in Whiteville. The kitchen al-
a separate garage with small she said. “You will be doing lows family members access to snacks and nourishment
RBHPS plaque committee living quarters for guests. honor to the longevity of the while spending as much time as possible with loved ones
chair Jim Brooks presided building and the people who served at the hospice care center. Donations are always
over the ceremony and Mayor “John and I are happy that have kept the buildings up,” appreciated. Lower Cape Fear Hospice is a nonprofit
Terry Mann unveiled the we could raise our three chil- she said. “The award can be agency that provides healthcare and comfort to people
plaque as other RBHPS mem- dren in the home that he and approved for buildings that with advanced illnesses, support and counseling to fami-
bers and people in the com- his brother Mack were raised meet the criteria.” lies and education in Bladen, Brunswick, Columbus, New
munity watched. in,” Sara Thompson said. Hanover, Onslow and Pender counties in North Carolina
“The location was perfect The historical Reuben and Horry County, S.C. For more information visit www.
Brooks, who described for us. We were the meeting Brown House Preservation lcfh.org or facebook.com/lcfhospice.
Donna Scott as the “work- place for lots of teens and we Society plaques have been
horse” on the committee, said have enjoyed entertaining in our front yard.” unveiled at the Reuben Brown B&GH Christmas
the plaque program began a house that was designed “We had a wood-burning House at the corner of Frank- Open House and free
about a year ago and this is perfectly for this purpose. lin and Columbus streets, Co- musical is Dec. 6
the fifth time the plaque has insert and I started putting lumbus County Courthouse,
been awarded to a building. “We are grateful for the the ashes around the trees,” Burns Law Office on Pinckney The Boys and Girls Homes Admission is free.
Thompson Home to have been John said. Apparently that Street, Bank of Whiteville of North Carolina Christmas “We are honored to con-
The home was built by passed on to us and we are was healthy for the trees as (now Willie Wood’s law of- Open House will feature a
Thompson’s father, John El- hopeful to one day pass it they are among the largest in fice in front of the old court- presentation of Under a Star- tinue this ministry partner-
bert Thompson, in 1935. It on to one of our children or this area. house) and now the Thompson ry Sky: A Dramatic Musical ship with Oceanview Baptist
was designed by Boney of grandchildren.” House, all in Whiteville. Two for Christmas performed by Church,” said the Rev. Dr.
Wilmington and built by the John explained that the more plaques have been ap- Oceanview Baptist Church. Michael Jones, director of
Smith Brothers of Whiteville. The front yard reflects the house was enlarged in the proved by the review commit- pastoral care and chaplain
Thompson kept a record of beauty of large red maples 1950s by raising the roof to tee but the owners have not This special performance for B&GH.
everything he spent on the and Japanese maples, which create upstairs bedrooms for yet purchased their plaques. will take place Sunday, Dec.
house in a small notebook, were planted about 70 years him and his brother Mack and 6 from 3 to 5 p.m. in the “The performances al-
which shows a grand total of ago. During the unveiling cer- the back porch was closed in. RBHPS members hope to Leamon E. Rogers Memorial ways bring home such pow-
$7,172. emony, John Thompson said branch out in paying tribute Chapel. A light reception will erful and transformative
his mother planted the trees Reuben Brown House Pres- to other historical buildings follow in the fellowship hall. messages for everyone in
While the house was under when he was about five years ervation Society President throughout Columbus County. attendance.”
construction, Thompson’s old and Sara said “there have Janice Young said a structure
mother visited the construc- been many questions over the must be at least 75 years old to For more information visit
tion site and measured the years about the red trees in qualify for a plaque. It can be whitevillenc.com/reuben-
front door. She advised that a house, school, church, barn, brown-house.
it was not wide enough for a
casket to fit through, and the
door was enlarged.
At that time there were no
funeral homes so the visita-
tion was done at home and
the caskets were kept at home
until burial.
Rick Maxwell told John
and Sara that his dad, Richard
Maxwell, visited the construc-
tion site with John’s dad who
jumped on the floor to see if it
was strong enough.
In 1954 the south bedroom
and two upstairs bedrooms
were added by A.G. Carter
Construction Co. for a cost of
about $50,000.
The Thompson home is a
brick structure with a slate-
like roof. The interior walls
are plaster and the floors are
oak. It has four bedrooms,
a study, living and dining
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The News Reporter, Monday, November 23, 2015 -- 7A
NAKINA -- Virginia Piver ELSIE HORNE TODD ALTON ‘LEN’ LENNON Lila Earl Duncan, 80, died
WILLIAMSON SR. CHADBOURN -- Patricia Friday, Nov. 20, 2015 in Le-
WILLIAM ‘BILL’ Taylor, 78, died Friday, Nov. CLARKTON -- Elsie EVERGREEN -- Alton Ann Connor Williamson, land at Leland House. Born
DASHER HIGH SR. 20, 2015 at her residence. Horne Todd, 64, went to her “Len” Lennon Williamson 79, went to be with the Lord April 10, 1935 in Horry
FAYETTEVILLE -- Mr. She was the daughter of heavenly home Saturday, Sr., 58, died Friday, Nov. 20, Saturday, Nov. 21, 2015 at County, S.C., she was the
William “Bill” Dasher High the late James Harry Piver Nov. 21, 2015. She was born 2015 at Columbus Regional Lower Cape Fear Hospice daughter of the late Fred-
Sr., 72, formerly of White- and Linnie Mae Ward Piver. Feb. 14. 1951, the daughter Healthcare in Whiteville. and LifeCare Center in rick Lancaster and Beulah
ville, passed away Friday, She was preceded in death of the late Ed Daniel and He was the son of the late Whiteville. Waddell Lancaster. In ad-
Nov. 20, 2015 at his resi- by her husband, Bobby N. Ava Horne of Clarkton. Alton Loys and Bertie Alois dition to her parents, she
dence. Taylor; and two sons; Bob- She was preceded in death Nance Williamson. He was She was the daughter was preceded in death by
Born in Columbus Coun- by (Buddy) Wayne Taylor by her parents; two broth- also preceded in death by a of the late James Timothy her husband, Wadeus Earl
ty, he was the son of the late and Roger Dale Taylor. ers, James Ellis Horne and brother, Donnie “Dockie” and Minnie Kellihan Con- Duncan; two sisters, Ila
Robert and Helen Dasher Homer Daniel Horne; and Weaver Williamson Sr. nor and the widow of Clegg Pearl Strickland (twin),
High. He was also preceded She was a member of Cy- one sister, RosaLee Horne The family will receive H. (Junior) Williamson Jr. Eloise Coleman; and four
in death by a granddaugh- press Creek Original Free- Watts. friends from 6-8 p.m. Mon- She was also preceded in brothers, Bill Lancaster,
ter, Serena Morgan High. will Baptist Church. day, Nov. 23 at Worthington death by one daughter, Lisa Rudolph Lancaster, Edison
Mr. High was a mem- The family will receive Funeral Home in Chad- W. McKeithan; one son, Da- Lancaster, Frederick Hall
ber of Southview Baptist A memorial service was friends from 6-8 p.m. Tues- bourn. Final rites will be vid C. Williamson; and four (Pedro) Lancaster.
Church. Before retiring, held Sunday, Nov. 22 at Cy- day, Nov. 24 at Bladen- held at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. siblings, Mervine Connor Final rites were held
he worked as a loan offi- press Creek Original Free- Gaskins Funeral Home 24 at the funeral home with King, Grady Owen Connor, Sunday, Nov. 22 at St. Paul
cer at Wachovia Bank and will Baptist Church with in Elizabethtown. Final Rev. Tim Moore officiating. James Riley Connor and United Methodist Church.
was a branch manager for Dr. Tommy Bryson Jr. of- rites will be held at 2 p.m. Interment will be in Mace- Ray Daniel (Dan) Connor. Burial was in Forest Lawn
First Citizens Bank in Hope ficiating. A private burial Wednesday, Nov. 25 at New donia Baptist Church Cem- Cemetery. Inman Ward Fu-
Mills. Pinecrest Funeral was held Saturday at Ward Life Church of God, 107 S. etery. The family will receive neral Home of Tabor City
and Creamation Service, Cemetery. Maultsby Street, Whiteville He leaves to cherish his friends from 6-8 p.m. Tues- handled the arrangements.
4721 Dunrobin Road, Hope with Rev. Dewayne Dick- memory, his wife, Julie day, Nov. 24 at Worthington She is survived by one
Mills is handling the ar- Survivors include one erson officiating. Burial Ann Harrelson Williamson Funeral Home in Chad- son, Whitney Duncan of
rangements. daughter, Virginia Faye will be in Mt. Zion Baptist of the home; one daughter, bourn. Final rites will be Calabash; one daughter,
Final rites will be held at Taylor Bryant (Philip) of Church Cemetery on Red Jessica Lynn Williamson held at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Scarlet Baldwin and hus-
11 a.m. Monday, Nov. 23 at Nakina; four sisters; four Hill Road, Whiteville. and fiancée, Jason Dew, of Nov. 25 at Evergreen Bap- band, Eric, of Lake Wac-
Southview Baptist Church brothers; three grandchil- Hallsboro; one son, Alton tist Church with Rev. Tim camaw; and six grandchil-
in Hope Mills followed by dren, Jennifer Taylor, Em- She is survived by her Lennon “Len Jr.” William- Moore officiating. Inter- dren, Cole Duncan, Jeb
a 3 p.m. graveside service ily Bryant and Andrew husband, George Terry son and his wife, Amy, of ment will be in the church Baldwin, Grace Baldwin,
at Rockfish Memorial Cem- Bryant; and five great- Todd; two daughters, Do- Evergreen; two sisters, cemetery. Jubilee Baldwin, Morgan
etery, Hwy. 41, Wallace. grandchildren, Elizabeth nia Todd Pier of Clarkton Tammie Mizzell of Ever- Baldwin, Virginia Dare
He is survived by his Taylor, Elijaih Taylor, Ian and Tara Todd Baxley and green and Teresa William- She leaves to cherish her Baldwin.
wife of 49 years, Patty; son, Ray, Caden Bullard and husband, Justin Baxley, of son of Chadbourn; and memory, one son, Randy G. A guest register is avail-
William ”Billy” Dasher Daylin Bryant. Whiteville; two sisters, Pa- five grandchildren, Alexus Williamson and wife, Mary able at inmanfuneralhome.
High Jr. and wife, Karen, of tricia Lancaster of Clark- Dew, Victoria Dew, Madda- Sue, of Whiteville; a son-in- com.
Winston Salem, with their DAVID JAMES ton and Cathy Davis of lyn Williamson, Jalyn Wil- law, Tommy C. McKeithan
daughters, Baylor, Ches- WHITEVILLE -- David Shallotte; one brother, Jes- liamson and Gracilyn Wil- of Chadbourn; one daugh- Whiteville Apparel
son, Avery and Mary Dash- James, 58, died Thursday, se Horne of St. Pauls; one liamson. ter-in-law, Robin H. Wil- members luncheon
er High; son, Keir High and Nov. 12, 2015. He was born in granddaughter, Leighanna Memorials may be made liamson of Whiteville; two
wife, Tabatha, of Lowell, Bronx, New York, the son of Nicole Pier; and many be- to the Alton L. Williamson brothers, Zonel Lee (Zon) Union members from
with their children, Isaac, the late Phillip Stramara and loved nieces and nephews. Sr. burial fund. Connor and his wife, Ra- Whiteville Apparel will hold
Mallory, Elena and Mario Nora Brackett Stramara. chel Marie and Jerry Timo- its Christmas luncheon Sat-
He graduated from Camp- CHAPPELLE BRISSON thy “Tim” Connor and his urday, Dec. 5 at noon at the
bell University and was a re- BLADENBORO -- Chap- wife, Carolyn, all of Cerro Golden Corral in Lumberton.
tired captain in Gordo; two grandchildren,
the U.S. Army. pelle Brisson, 76, died Satur- Patrick (T.J.) McKeithan For more information call
High; daughter, Salli High He was very day, Nov. 21, 2015. He was born CLARENCE FELTON and wife, Erica, of Chad- Geneva Thompson at 642-6612.
active in White- Sept. 10, 1939 to the late Caud- CAMPBELL bourn and Taylor William-
Tomlinson and husband, ville Boy Scouts, the VFW, ie H. Brisson and Eva Taylor son of Whiteville; two Happy Birthday and
American Legion and Mili- Brisson. CLARKTON -- Clarence great-grandchildren, Davi- Happy Thanksgiving
Pitt, of Durham, with their tary Vet. Riders. Felton Campbell, 77, died Fri- onna Williamson and Lily
He served in the National day, Nov. 20, 2015. He was pre- McKeithan; nine nephews; In Heaven
daughters, Mercy Rose Final rites will be held at Guard. ceded in death by his parents, eight nieces; 10 great-neph-
2 p.m. Monday, Nov. 23 in the Julian and Nellie Campbell; ews; six great-nieces; 12 Booker T.
and Lily Grace Tomlinson; chapel of Peacock Funeral The family will receive and two brothers, James and great-great nephews; and Peacock
Home with Rev. Jerry Spivey friends from 6-8 p.m. Monday, Jerry Campbell. He worked 13 great-great nieces.
son, Andy High and Crissy officiating. Visitation will be Nov. 23 at Bladen-Gaskins Fu- at Federal Paper Company in Nov. 24, 1961 - April 6, 1999
held Monday, Nov. 23 one hour neral Home. Final rites will be Riegelwood for 43 years. KENNEDY EMORY
Champi of Chester, N.J.; prior to the service. Burial held at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 24 BULLOCK We love & miss you!
will be held at 1 p.m. Tuesday, at Abe Branch Church with The family will receive Mama, Daddy, #5777
son, Mark High and wife, Nov. 24 in Salisbury National Rev. David Clewis officiating. friends from 1-2:45 p.m. Tues- FAIR BLUFF -- Kennedy
Cemetery in Salisbury. Burial will be in Bordeaux day, Nov. 24 at Bladen-Gaskins Emory Bullock, 54, died Valeria and Cameron
Brooke, of Fayettevile, Cemetery. Funeral Home in Elizabeth- Thursday, Nov. 19, 2015 at
He is survived by daughters, town. A memorial service will Lower Cape Fear Hospice and In Loving
and their son, Gray High; Carrianne Volk and Christine He is survived by his wife, be held at 3 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. LifeCare Center in Whiteville. Memory of
Stramara, both of Fayetteville Patricia Bordeaux Brisson of 24 at the funeral home with
daughter, Becky High Sim- and Ashley Stramara of Fre- the home; two sons, Mitchell Rev. Steuart Link officiating. Arrangements are incom- Frances Ann
mont; one sister, Penny Stra- Brisson and Michael Bris- Burial will be in Clarkton plete and will be announced Godwin Goff
mons and husband, Travis, mara of South Carolina; and son, both of Bladenboro; one Cemetery. by Peoples Funeral Home of
nine grandchildren. daughter, Debbie Brisson of Whiteville. 9/22/58 - 11/27/09
of Kernersville and their Bladenboro; two brothers, Ce- He is survived by his wife,
Hallsboro BC live dric Brisson and Cornelius Faye Campbell; one son, Stu- TERRY RANDALL Six years have passed since God
sons, Bladen and Jaxon nativity Dec. 11-12 Brisson, both of Bladenboro; art Campbell of Clarkton; one THOMASBORO -- Terry and His angels called you away. Oh,
one sister, Wanda Scott of daughter, Angela C. Bean of Randall, 48, died Saturday, how the angels walked you through
Simmons; one sister, Sarah Hallsboro Baptist Church Clayton; seven grandchildren; New Hampshire; four sisters, Nov. 21, 2015 at Lower Cape those pearly gates that day.
will hold a live nativity Friday, and six great-grandchildren. Nina Ruth Dixon of Salisbury, Fear Hospice and LifeCare
Helen Clagett of Aquasco, Dec. 11 and Saturday, Dec. 12 Elizabeth McDonald of Albe- Center in Bolivia. Frances, when they said you were
from 6-8 p.m. In lieu of flowers, memori- marle, Etta Gray Hall of Hope Arrangements are incom- going to die, I refused to believe it. I
Md.; and brothers, Bob als may be made to Tar Heel Mills and Sandra McKeithan plete and will be announced couldn’t imagine saying goodbye to
This play, which is a drive- Rescue Squad or a charity of of Lisbon; and four grandchil- by Smith Funeral Home of you. You were more than a wife, you
High and wife, Charlene, of through or walk-through is your choice. dren. Whiteville. were my best friend, great listener
and more. Oh, how I miss our spe-
Whiteville and Walter High Card of Thanks cial talks and all the things we used
to do.
of Rockingham. We, the family of the late
Morris Delano Pridgen, Sr., God gives us strength to carry on,
In lieu of flowers, do- gratefully acknowledge the and one day we will all be together in
numerous expressions of your heavenly home. I’ve cried and
nations may be made sup- sympathy, love, and concern I’m hurt inside so much.
shown by our many, many
porting an existing legacy friends during our bereave- If love alone could have saved you,
ment. Your prayers, visita- you never would have died. In life
honoring his predeceased tions, calls, food, florals, con- we loved you dearly, in death we
dolences, monetary gifts, love you still.
granddaughter, Serena memorial donations, your
presence at the service, and Over my heart you hold a place
Morgan High to Southview others acts of kindness helped that no one can fill. It broke my heart
immensely to ease the pain of to lose you, but you didn’t go alone,
Baptist Church, 4089 Elk our great loss. for part of me went with you the day
From the bottom of our God called you home.
Road, Hope Mills, N.C., hearts, we say THANK YOU.
We shall remain eternally Frances, I can never say goodbye
28348. grateful for your thoughtful- to you, because I could never bear
ness and support. the pain, instead I Love you, until we
Condolences may be left May we all find inspiration meet again.
and peace in remembering the
at www.pinecrestfuner- kind of life he lived and the Albert & Maria #5724
many lives he touched.
alservice.com. May God continue to bless
each of you.
JANICE DEW BRYAN entitled “The day Christ was Please continue to pray for
WHITE OAK -- Janice Dew born.” us as we face each day with-
Bryan, 73, died Friday, Nov. 20, out our LOVED ONE.
2015. The church is located at 551
Hallsboro Road, South. The Family
The family received friends
Saturday, Nov. 21 at Bladen-
Gaskins Funeral Home in PLEASE
Elizabethtown. A graveside
service was held Sunday,
RECYCLENov. 22 in White Oak Baptist
Church Cemetery with Rev.
Danny Lewis officiating.
She is survived by her hus-
band, Bobby Joe Bryan Sr. of
the home; one daughter, Kim
Wilson of Shallotte; two sons,
Bobby Joe Bryan Jr. and Jef-
frey Bryan, both of White
Oak; two brothers, Glenn 112 Jefferson St. • Whiteville, NC 28472
Dew and David Dew, both of 910.642.2128
Fayetteville; two sisters, Dale
Jernigan of Harrells and Deb- www.mckenziemortuary.net
bie Buckley of Mexico, N.Y.;
three grandchildren; and one
After You Read.great-granddaughter.
yreve eid sgoUUdnnwwdaaennttetndeacdawtcsnaatUnsddie every
SHORT RE$NT-A-9C5AR!P.dnLuEopHehEFtrPSitddFaoaLrAygiydEsaatEdAtydiheLieaServptFPEeotruhyneHd.pEouLnPd.!
BROS. 19Hwy. 701, South of Whiteville PLEASE HELP
The News Reporter, Monday, November 23, 2015
Chadbourn Middle University
overcomes hurdles governance
with dedication
It’s not easy for a school with a state per- NC SPIN
formance grade of “D” to exceed growth.
Chadbourn Middle School earns the Recent actions by the UNC
distinction and is one of only 95 of 2,596 Board of Governors have come
schools rated with Ds or Fs that exceeded under question but the concerns
its growth benchmarks last year, according are largely misplaced.
to Nicole Cartrette’s story in Thursday’s
paper. Many didn’t like the firing of
The critics who rarely set foot in a President Tom Ross and were
public school and find it easy it lay blame further angered with the hiring
on teachers for low performance scores process for the new president, but
should walk a mile in the shoes of the they are called governors because
teachers at Chadbourn Middle. they are tasked with making these
The school serves a high-poverty popu- decisions.
lation where many parents or guardians
struggle with a variety of issues that par- They are also responsible for
ents in many other schools don’t have. setting salaries for our chancellors
Yet this summer, even though there and state law allows them to meet
was no funding for summer school, eight in closed session to discuss person-
teachers and Principal Georgia Spauld- The bridge of thanks nel decisions. Our big disagree-
ing created ment is that they should have come
and staffed The point By JEFFERSON WEAVER the community church service, and or the adventurers in Jamestown out of closed session and voted
a summer Staff Writer the truck stays cold enough over- (some of whom were my kin), publicly on those final salaries.
program – Chadbourn Middle serves night to keep everything safe for they stopped and held a meal to Acting Chairman Lou Bissette
all for no an economically distressed If all goes well, I won’t be crowd- celebrate God’s mercy, his bounty, promises to address this issue.
community but is showing ed into a restaurant, sleeping off a and his protection.
pay. growth because of the extra huge meal or trying to understand But
Spauld- effort required in challeng- a football game Thursday. the next day. Run the traps, maybe My own list is long, possibly the larger
track a deer or two, then when the much longer than theirs, but then and more
ing says it ing situations. Teachers If all goes well, I’ll be on the sun gets high and everything else again, sometimes I think too much. important
reinforces and staff ran a summer Bridge of Thanks. settles for the mid-day nap, I’ll head I have a wonderful wife, decent discussion
the oft-re- school program on their for the bridge. health, friends and family who I should
peated and own with no pay. That’s not its official name, of It’s a good place to sit and think, know have my back, a job I love, focus on
true state- course, it’s actually called Henry’s and lean back in the sunshine like too many critters who love me, few the gov-
ment that Pass, a homemade, somewhat rick- people who really despise me, and ernance
teaching is a calling more than a profes- ety, but still solid wooden bridge a tired old dog dreaming of glory a country where we still have some process
over a canal in the middle of one days chasing coons through these semblance of freedom. itself.
sion. of my haunts. The water below is same hollows and bays. If you sit
Chadbourn students still scored only 42 that sand-scrubbed, tannin-brown Even if we no longer have the Before
syrup that works its way into your still long enough, nature gets over sit-down dinners on the good the 1971
soul if you spend enough time in the intrusion of a V-8 engine and china and silver with my parents, consolida- Tom Campbell
percent proficient on standardized tests, the cathedral of cypress and long- gradually accepts your presence. followed by Papa’s famous toast tion of
but students scores are improving. leaf pines. (which always worried Mother), I junior colleges and four-year de-
Statewide numbers show a direct corre- Squirrels argue in a territorial have a stretch of woods, a takeout gree-granting institutions into the
The late Elliot Henry built the dispute; a dozen songbirds that plate of leftovers, cold tea and hot existing UNC System we had UNC
lation between the economics of the haves bridge to connect some of the will brave the winter will provide coffee. Rather than a richly pol- Chapel Hill, NC State and Woman’s
versus the have nots have on education. myriad of horse, ATV and truck ished cherry table seating eight, College (now UNC Greensboro)
It is not a startling statistic, but one that trails through his farm. The first discordant accompaniment to surrounded by love and traditions, under one governance structure.
time I saw the bridge, I was with the dispute. my table will hopefully be a napkin Then president Bill Friday had a
is too often ignored: more than 94 percent Mr. Elliot in a Toyota truck, one Terrified on rough-cut pine and cypress, 100-member board, with a much
of schools such as Chadbourn Middle that which I swore could never make it smoothed by the sugar sand car- smaller executive committee, to
were rated with Ds served student popula- across. The truck did indeed slide ducks will ried by a thousand truck tires and govern the three. People across the
between the rails, although there go to wing ten thousand animal paws. My country were constantly amazed
tions with more than 50 percent poverty. was no room to spare. The splinters from their seat won’t be upholstered, unless Friday had such a large board.
Eighty percent of the schools with A’s had and repairs show where other ve- it’s warm enough to take off my He responded that they weren’t
student populations with fewer than 50 hicles haven’t been quite so lucky. leisurely disreputable hunting coat. My just 100 people, they were THE 100
float down silverware definitely won’t be of leaders of our state. When they
percent in poverty. I began spending Thanksgiving the canal, the heavy flatware made by the decided something needed doing, it
More than 94 percent of Chadbourn on the bridge a few years back; it’s grandson of that Jamestown diner, happened.
students live below the poverty line, and a logical place to stop in the middle disturbed but when all you have is a plastic
of a day of hunting, trapping and because fork and pocketknife, no one cares Friday fought vigorously with
avoiding humans. I’ve been blessed some- if you use the same utensil for then-governor Bob Scott over the
the school has seen its population dwindle so far with having perfect weather times, you dessert that you did for the entree. make-up of the new “system,” but
from 400 to just 120. for these outings, but as I have more significantly with the gover-
The challenges that face the staff and often said, I’d rather be outside just have Don’t get me wrong – I some- nance structure itself, saying from
students at Chadbourn Middle will be hard when the temperature is below to startle a Jefferson Weaver times miss dressing for dinner the beginning that the compromise
freezing and the wind a malevolent with my family, but even when the appointive process for the 32-mem-
to overcome because the grip of poverty is gale from the northeast than stuck duck. day’s attire was shirtsleeves and ber board was misguided and
inside for too long. There have been several times slacks, our family was what made fraught with potential problems.
so pervasive, as Fuller Royal’s story about I’ve grumbled at myself for not the day, not the crystal, the china History has proven him correct.
the Cost of Poverty Experience (COPE) My beloved Miss Rhonda un- or even Miss Lois’ cooking. My
program in last week’s News Reporter derstands this; she knows I love having a gun during lunch, since folks taught me to treasure those All members of the Board of
our family, but I don’t enjoy the everything in the forest uses the blessings, things that last even lon- Governors are appointed by the
revealed. long drive to the big family gather- bridge as readily as Mr. Elliot ever ger than the leftover sweet potato General Assembly to four-year
Yet, there are teachers in Chadbourn so ing in the tiny family restaurant. casserole. terms, not because of any special
dedicated that they gave up part of their When I’ve gone, I found myself did. Although the bridge is a natu- expertise they might possess in
wandering into the nearby hills. ral chokepoint for any number of The blessings for which we higher education, in academia or
summer and worked for no pay to give I wasn’t meaning to be rude, but I game animals, I figure everything should be thankful are much more in administering large organiza-
their kids a better chance to succeed. It just don’t deal with being cooped than eating too much, taking a nap tions. They are political appointees
will take more, however, for the school to up very well. deserves a ceasefire during lunch. and fighting the crowds on the who come to the board simply be-
Deer blow in surprise, or in road or in the store. They are fam- cause they won favor with power-
continue to exceed growth goals, not the That’s especially true at this the case of one solid four-point ily, salvation, safety, freedom, the ful legislators.
time of the year, when the days buck, gently, quietly sneak away. A ability to help others, the right to
least of which is the involvement of orga- are short but the hours long. Work, worn-out hound who was pursuing determine our own course – and I The Board of Governors makes
nizations, churches and individuals who volunteer duties, church, and other have all those things. decisions that affect all 16 universi-
have to be part of the equation. responsibilities mean we don’t that deer – and at the same time, ties, yet the individual campuses
slow down from Election Day until trespassing — stopped to visit with You can have your big, happy are not represented. In an ideal
Chadbourn Middle may be assigned a D New Year’s. I get wretchedly cos- me a few minutes later. I shared family dinners, your sit-down world one representative from
again next year because it has such a big tive, fractious and harder to get meals in eateries simple or fancy, each should sit on the BOG; at the
mountain to climb, but like many public along with than usual. Sometimes, a piece of pumpkin pie with the your football games and early bird least several seats should be filled
a timberbeast just has to howl. hound, both because he was pitiful, sales and Black Friday deals. by these schools so as to ensure
schools in difficult situations, it won’t be and to give the buck time to get a good communications from the
for lack of effort by staff and teachers to Hence, I’ll kiss my bride good- I’ll be perfectly content sitting campuses to the governors and
help their students succeed. bye, feed the critters, grab a gun little closer to the woods near my over the canal, eating my leftovers vice versa. The remaining selec-
and head for the woods. own stand. from a takeout plate, and praising tions should come from academia,
I’ve never had a bear try to cross God from the Bridge of Thanks. from business and the professions
Quotes of Again, Lord willing, I’ll enjoy a when I was sitting there, but I’ve that actually hire graduates, from
the week Thanksgiving dinner fit for a king. smelled one or two nearby. I’ve science and technology, the arts
I always pack a generous plate after been cussed by otters, and ques- and nonprofit world, students, and
tioned by a coon or two. from recognized and seasoned com-
The bridge is a natural place to munity leaders. To ensure inde-
sit and think, and a perfect place pendence neither lawmakers nor
to be grateful. I like to go there to the Governor should appoint the
talk to God, and thank him for all majority of members. Other states
He does for us. have far better processes we should
Indeed, that’s what the original consider.
“I think it is important for the public Thanksgiving was about, and it
to realize that what may go on in some was held outside, too. Whether you To our knowledge the Univer-
of the streets of Chadbourn does not opt for the Pilgrims in Plymouth sity System is the only entity re-
go on within Chadbourn Middle School porting directly to the legislature,
walls.” Potpourri inhibiting independence by the
– Georgia Spaulding, principal of Board of Governors. Legislators
Chadbourn Middle School, on the environ- BY RAY LUNDY preacher.” his friend, the car dealer, was tak- alone will decide whether or not
ment she and her staff try to create at the Special to The News Reporter I eased over to the mother and ing him each time he purchased a governors get reappointed. Even
school. vehicle — so many add-ons. One though state appropriations only
We stood in a cold, late-Novem- two little girls. She and the girls Thanksgiving, the dealer told the account for some 12 percent of the
“This project is a wonderful example of ber-night wind and watched in hor- threw their arms around me, and farmer that he wanted a gentle cow total funding lawmakers act as
what can happen when neighbors don’t ror as Joe’s house burned. all of us cried. for his three kids. “They need to if they are the primary bankers,
settle at asking, ‘Why do bad things learn to milk a cow as I did when I deciding which schools get new
happen to good people?’” His wife and two small girls Peggy, the mother, said, “All their was a kid.” buildings and programs. Legisla-
– The Rev. Sam Loy, pastor at Lake watched from a few feet away as Christmas presents were in a closet tors like to insert themselves into
Waccamaw United Methodist Church, on a the firefighters fought to save their in the house. All are gone. “Oh The farmer delivered the cow the operations of this $9 billion a
community-wide effort to rebuild a home new home. preacher, oh preacher,” she moaned, to said dealer and presented him year operation, as we saw evi-
for a family that was displaced when a tor- and all of us cried again. “We’ll be with a bill which read thusly: basic denced in the recent selection of a
nado hit near Bolton earlier this year. Joe, his wife, and his family had in church Sunday,” and they were. cow: $200: two-toned exterior, $45; new system president.
been working on their new house extra stomach, $75; product stor-
“Dad was on the school board, then city for months on holidays and week- The church took up a very large age compartment, $60; dispensing Our legislature has recently
council. I was familiar with how things ends to build it. love offering for them, got clothes devices, four spigots at $10 each, reformed our tax codes, Medicaid
worked – public service was always a for them, saw to it that the kids had $40; genuine cowhide upholstery, system, highway funding and the
big thing in our household, giving back Now, it was going up in flames. Christmas and turkey and dress- $125; dual horns, $15; automatic fly environment but they have been
to the community.” “It’s awful, ain’t it, preacher,” he ing. Their house was rebuilt, and swatter, $35. Total = $595. blind to reforming university gov-
–Sam Leder, who was elected to the city asked. “Yes, Joe, it’s terrible, but they loved it. I baptized the girls a ernance, for obvious reasons. It is
council in Concord for the first term. His you, Peggy, and the girls are safe.” little later. His friend the auto dealer time they opened their eyes to this
father Robert Leder was elected to his sixth He continued, “Yeah, but it’s still laughed loudly and paid for the needed reform.
term on Whiteville City Council the same awful, all that work, for nothing.” Are you planning to help some cow with all the extras – “luxury
night. needy person for Thanksgiving for edition,” the car dealer said.
I hugged the big man, and he put Christmas?
his head on my shoulder and cried. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving,
I also took off my favorite wool coat A dairy farmer purchased sev- my friends!
and put it around his shoulders. He eral cars and trucks from the local
cried again and said: “Thank you auto dealership, and he felt that
The News Reporter, Monday, November 23, 2015 – 9-A
McDonald’s Presents
Whiteville High School East Columbus High School West Columbus High School South Columbus High School
Alyssia Summer Annela Matthew
King Lee Nobles
Junior Alyssia King is the 16-year-old daugh- Summer Williamson is proud of keeping her WCHS Annela Lee, a 15-year-old Matthew Nobles is the 17-year-old son of
ter of Susan Holley. She participates in student grades up, even when it wasn’t easy. “I’m proud- sophomore, is the daughter of Bethany Natalie and Michael Nobles. “What I like
council and the art, book and photography est of my grades,” she said. “I’ve been through Tiffany of Cerro Gordo. She says her best about my school is the fact that we
clubs. She contributes to NRPOP, adding that some tough situations these past four years, but teachers are what she likes best about have a wonderful guidance program – al-
POP is her favorite school activity. “I want to I’ve still managed to keep my GPA pretty decent.” her school because they push her to ways willing to go the extra mile for our
become a journalist.” Something she’d like to The East Columbus High senior is on the volley- do her best. Biology and dance are students,” Nobles said. His favorite class-
change at WHS is the lack of SAT prepara- ball and softball teams, and is also a member of her favorite classes because, “Biol- es include horticulture and online classes.
tion. She would like some type of SAT prep the Beta Club and Notional Honor Society. “I’m ogy is fun and I have a good teacher. “I love all my classes because all of my
class.She said students could use the extra very motivated,” the daughter of Crystal and Chad In dance, it’s new to me and fun.” She teachers are interesting and involved with
help in getting ready for the test. King said Williamson said. “Once I start something, I always is actively involved in church, theatre, their students,” he said. He is an assis-
she prefers pencil and paper and actual books try to finish it with the best effort I can give.” Wil- volleyball and basketball and she is tant in the guidance department, looks
over technology. “I don’t hate technology, liamson loves the environment of East Columbus. proudest of her abilities in sports. An- after children, is involved in church activi-
though.” Her ultimate dream is to become a “You feel like you’re a part of something,” she nela Lee plans to attend college with ties and enjoys fitness training. “I am most
national best-selling author/novelist or to pub- said, “and no matter what situation you may be a goal of becoming a marine biologist. proud of dropping 10 pant sizes over the
lish successful novels. After high school she in, you’ll always have someone to talk to.” Her fa- Her favorite movie is “Insidious” and course of my high school experience and
plans to earn a degree in journalism and later vorite classes are pre-calculus and chorus. “Ms. her favorite food is McDonald’s. gaining my new nickname Mark Hollywood
earn a master’s degree in English literature. Richardson is a great teacher, and Mr. Faulk is in the process,” said Nobles.
Afterwards, she’s going to “move to Canada hilarious and fun,” she said.
and have a pet spider monkey.”
Columbus Students Now with
Of The Week two Whiteville
locations to serve you
1408 1110 North
S. Madison St. JK Powell Blvd.
Rep. Ken Waddell, left, chats with R.J. Corman Railroad Dennis Worley, left, introduces the eight R.J. Corman Railroad executives who traveled from Kentucky to Whiteville
president/CEO Craig King at Vineland Station Thursday to host a reception for local elected and appointed officials Thursday.
night. Waddell, when he was mayor of Chadbourn, was
instrumental along with Columbus County economic de- Railroad
velopment director Gary Lanier, in the creation of the In-
terstate Railroad Committee nearly four years ago. That Continued from page 1-A
group’s efforts led to the recent purchase by Corman of
the old Carolina Southern Railroad. Columbus County government From left, Whiteville Mayor Terry Mann, Sen. Jane Smith, Brenden Jones, Mitchel Tyler
R.J. Corman Railroad president and CEO Craig King, left, to R.J. Corman for restoring and Whiteville City Manager Darren Currie socialize during a reception at Vineland
presented Tabor City attorney Dennis Worley with paper- rail service here. All seven Station Thursday.
work from Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear naming Worley county commissioners looked
a Kentucky Colonel, the highest honor bestowed by the on as county manager Bill COLUMBUS
Commonwealth of Kentucky. Worley was co-chair of the Clark made the presentation PEDIATRICS
Interstate Railroad Committee, the group that began ef- to King.
forts four years ago that resulted in Corman’s recent pur- & ADOLESCENT
chase of Carolina Southern Railroad. Sen. Bill Rabon, a Fair Bluff CARE
Vice president Bill Henderson, who has been the public native who now represents
face of R.J. Corman Railroad here for the past several Brunswick, Bladen, Pender Welcomes
months, speaks at a reception the railroad held for local and New Hanover counties our new Provider
officials Thursday at Vineland Station. and who was instrumental in
helping obtain state funding Lacey J. White
for an appraisal of Carolina
Southern assets, also attended PA-C
and spoke briefly. Without
that appraisal, the sale of the “Lacey looks forward
railroad could not have taken to providing quality care
place, officials say.
for your family”
Worley introduced Rabon
to the crowd as his “swim- 800 Jefferson Street • Suite
ming coach.” Rabon taught
Worley to swim when both 116, Whiteville 642-2642
were teenagers and Rabon was
a lifeguard at the swimming
pool in Fair Bluff.
R.J. Corman had hoped to
begin rail operations here by
the end of the year, but recent
flooding in the Conway, S.C.
area delayed efforts at rail line
restoration efforts.
The company now hopes to
have trains running here by
March 2016.
Those attending included
Sen. Jane Smith, D-Robeson,
Rep. Ken Waddell, D-Columbus
(who, as mayor of Chadbourn
was instrumental along with
Columbus economic developer
Gary Lanier in the formation
of the Interstate Railroad
Committee), Mayor Terry
Mann and Town Manager
Darren Currie of Whiteville,
Mayor Donald Ray Bass and
Town Manager Bob Jones of
Chadbourn, Rick Edwards
and Les High of the Columbus
Jobs Foundation, legislative
candidate Brenden Jones of
Tabor City and J.E. Thompson
III, newly elected chairman of
the Columbus County Repub-
lican Party, and former Rep.
Richard Wright, a law partner
of Worley, Tabor City Town
Manager Al Leonard and his
wife, Suzzette, also of Wright
and Worley’s law firm, Dianne
N. Ward, Tabor City’s promo-
tions director, and Jennifer
Holcomb, president of the
Columbus Chamber of Com-
merce and Tourism.
10-A – The News Reporter, Monday, November 23, 2015
Smith pushes support for bond bill
at county’s annual Farm City Dinner
nCounty still 17th for Sen. Jane Smith Park more than $2.6 million.
A new plant sciences research
farm income in the state full,” shesaid. group called the Main Street facility at N.C. State and busi-
777 farms Democrats that is focused on ness center at UNC-Pembroke
By NICOLE CARTRETTE business and economic devel- are among the many other
News Editor Of more than 6,000 acres in opment. capital projects included in
Columbus County some 2,000 the proposal.
Sen. Jane Smith (D-Lum- is farmland. There are 777 “I do appreciate and want
berton) was the keynote farms in Columbus County to support business in our “I encourage everybody
speaker at the Columbus with an estimated $187 million counties,” Smith said. to vote for this bond issue,”
County Cooperative Exten- in income. That means Co- Smith said. “It will not cost
sion Farm City Dinner held lumbus County is 17th in the She also spoke about her you a dime more in taxes. The
at Whiteville High School state for agriculture income. support for sales tax reform, money has already been ap-
last week. The annually event which will bring more than $2 propriated in the budget. It’s
drew about 200 guests and “Because farming is so im- million in additional revenue there to pay for what the bond
included the induction of two portant to our district it was to Columbus County each will cost.”
into the Columbus County a very high priority to me in year. She also discussed her
Cooperative Extension Hall the legislature,” Smith said. support for the N.C. Museum Smith said low interest
Fame (See related story on of Natural Sciences branch in rates currently in place make
page 1-A.) She served on the Appro- Whiteville. it a great time for such con-
priations on Natural and Eco- struction projects to begin.
“It is so important to be nomic Resources committee. “It’s great not only for Co-
here tonight,” said the for- lumbus County but the whole “It’s the best time to have a
mer educator and retired “Which is where all the region really,” Smith said. “It bond referendum and we can
real estate broker, who made money comes from for agri- was like pulling teeth to get it get things done a whole lot
clear her intentions to seek culture,” she said. funded.” cheaper because if you wait
re-election to the N.C. Senate 10 years from now it is going
District 13 seat. She also served on the joint Bond referendum to cost a whole lot more,” she
Agricultural and Rural Cau- She also took advantage said.
“Agriculture, as everybody cus that meets monthly. of the opportunity to encour-
knows is a huge business in age voters to support the $2
North Carolina,” said Smith. She said her involvement billion N.C. Competes Bond
“It is a $78 billon business in that caucus has been help- referendum, which will be
in North Carolina and is 17 ful in her staying on top of on the ballot in the spring of
percent of the economy in agricultural issues. “There 2016. She said the bond issue
North Carolina so it is a huge has been a lot done in the leg- is “going to be tremendous”
business ... it is very big busi- islature for agriculture and I for Columbus and Robeson
ness and very big business was happy to participate in counties.
in District 13 which includes that,” she said. Southeastern Community
Columbus and Robeson coun- college will get more than $6.8
ties.” She spoke extensively million from the bond issue
about her support of bills that and Lake Waccamaw State
2-percent farmers were pro-agriculture. Park more than $1.5 million
Just 2 percent of the popu- Main Street Democrats and the Lumber River State
lation (today) are farmers, she
pointed out. “The agriculture Smith said as a former
we have in the U.S. today is business owner that she is
unique,” she said. “We are pro-business and part of a
probably one of the only coun-
tries that has so few people
farming and yet providing all
of the food for everybody else
... a lot of people don’t realize
what farmers have to do and
how important it is. People
sometimes take agriculture
production for granted and
don’t understand the com-
She said when people go to
the grocery store shelves are
full and shoppers have come
to expect that.
“It’s because of all of our
farmers that those shelves are
Continued from page 1-A
opposed the law, since land the Sabbath, it is the Lord’s Some may say, ‘Well, some of
popular with hunters is often day and we believe that one the hunters wouldn’t be in
popular with birdwatchers, should set that day aside for church anyway.’ While that
equestrians and hikers. worship, family, and rest.” may be true, you can’t be in
two places at the same time.
The private land provision While some critics of the I’d much rather they be in
was added at the request of law feared hunters would stay church.”
non-hunting groups who use out of church to spend time
the state-maintained Game in the woods, Heller said he Heller also said he feels the
Lands for activities other than was more concerned about Sunday hunting law is part of
the pursuit of game. interruptions of services, a larger issue.
especially in rural churches.
While the new rule is the “It’s just another slap in the
law, local pastors are still not “One of my biggest con- face of Christianity and our
pleased with the change. cerns is that shots being fired beliefs by the government,”
will disturb worship services, he said.
Rev. Dave Heller is Missions along with barking hounds
Director for the Columbus running all over the place. At ” We used to not have stores
Baptist Association, and also least deer dogs can’t be used open on Sunday. We used to not
an avid hunter. Although he on Sunday,” he said. have any activities scheduled
loves the outdoors, Heller on Sundays or Wednesday
won’t be putting his Bible Skipping service for hunt- nights. And now, we have
down for a deer rifle on Sun- ing is still a concern, Heller hunting on Sundays. And un-
days. said, but in the same way as fortunately, the church has sat
any leisure activity. by and let it happen.
“I am a hunter, but hunt-
ing on Sunday goes against “I am totally against Sun- “The government will take
what we’ve always believed. day hunting, but I am even as much as the church is will-
It shouldn’t be an activity for more against anything that ing to let them have,” he said.
the day of worship and rest,” takes people away from wor- “When we are willing to stand
he said. ship and a close relationship up and say enough is enough,
with Jesus Christ,” he said. then we will be able to protect
“As a pastor, and as a Chris- what is sacred and valuable
tian, I hold to Sunday as a day “If hunters are out in the to us.”
of rest. While technically not woods, they aren’t in church.
The News Reporter, Monday, November 23, 2015 - Page 1B
Tornado passing attack prevails again
Stallions’ late season charge
comes to end at Fairmont
By DAN BISER South Columbus teams have
Sports Editor advanced to at least the sec-
ond round of the state 2A high
FAIRMONT - Once again, the passing and school football playoffs 16
field leadership of Fairmont High junior quar- times in 24 seasons.
terback Julius Caulder proved to be too much
for the South Columbus Stallions football team down on the opening play of the second quar-
Friday night. ter, this time on a six-yard run by Caulder that
upped the score to 24-0 and for all intents and
This time it happened in the second round purposes put the game out of reach for the
of the state 2A playoffs and it was an all-too- Stallions.
familiar scene of what occurred when the two The SCHS offense was kept off balance for
squads met on the same field onOct. 16 in a most of the first half by aggressive Fairmont
Three Rivers 1A-2A Conference game. play. Running back Dennis Leggett, who had
rushed for more than 100 yards in the previ-
Both times, Fairmont jumped quickly on the ous outing with Fairmont, was bottled up
Stallions, gaining commanding first-half leads most of the night, and quarterback Robby
while SCHS struggled on offense and defense. Spencer was hurried on virtually every pass-
ing and punting attempt he made.
In their earlier game, the host Golden McClure’s touchdown run for the Stallions
Tornadoes stormed to a 38-0 lead before the came after a 30-yard pass by Spencer that was
first quarter had come an end and coasted to tipped in the air and landed in the arms of
a 52-28 win. Stallion back Aaron Bellamy.
Fairmont made two more scores over the
Friday, Fairmont had a 38-0 lead at the half final four minutes of the first half for a 38-0
with Caulder having passed for three touch- halftime lead. Waters, a freshman, had two
downs and running for two more scores. touchdown receptions for the night. South Columbus senior fullback Carlos McClure lunges for the goal line on a 15-yard
touchdown run for the Stallions’ only score of the night in their 44-6 loss to Three Riv-
Fairmont opened the second half by scor- The loss marked the most lop-sided second- ers Conference rival Fairmont Friday night in the second round of the state 2A high
ing on its eighth straight possession of the round setback for an SCHS team since getting school football playoffs at Fairmont. South Columbus finished its season with a 7-6
night for a 44-0 lead. From then on, the game thrashed by Western Alamance 45-0 in the record, including a tie for the Three Rivers Conference championship with Fairmont
was played with a running clock. 2000 state playoffs. and Whiteville. Fairmont improved to 11-2 and will travel to play Southwest Edgecombe
South Columbus got its only score in the Fairmont, which opened the playoffs with
final moments of the third quarter on a extra- a 54-8 win over Bartlett Yancey, will travel to Friday in third-round action.
effort blast by senior fullback Carlos McClure take on Southwest Edgecombe Friday night. Photos by Grant Merritt
from 15 yards, making the final score 44-6
Southwest Edgecombe defeated East Bladen
Coach Kyle Hutchison’s SCHS squad closed 41-21 in second-round play after opening the
its 2015 season with a 7-6 record. All of the playoffs with a 42-3 romp over Farmville Cen-
Stallions’ wins came in their last nine games tral. A win by Fairmont Friday would have
with both losses coming on the road to Fair- the Tornadoes going against the Kinston-
mont. The Stallions tied Fairmont and White- Northeastern winner in the Eastern N.C. 2A
ville for the Three Rivers 1A-2A Conference championship game Dec. 4.
title, all with 6-1 league marks. In addressing his team following the game,
Hutchison said that getting off to slow start
Fairmont Coach Mark Heil said that he had against a team like Fairmont is something
hoped his team would come out with same in- very difficult to overcome, and he praised his
tensity it displayed in his first meeting with players for hanging on in both of their games
the Stallions, but he didn’t expect it. at Fairmont this season.
He also said that the team had shown a lot
“South Columbus had really turned things of character as it rebounded from a winless
around since the last time we played,” said non-conference finish to become a strong fac-
Heil, who has guided his Fairmont team to tor in the Three Rivers Conference race.
an 11-2 record in his first year as head coach. The Stallions closed their regular-season
“They not only beat a good Red Springs team schedule with back-to-back wins over Red
twice, but they also beat Whiteville, and that’s Springs and Whiteville and then had to play
something we didn’t do.” Red Springs again in the opening round of the
playoffs, pulling out a 35-29 victory.
The Fairmont victory marks the first time Since South Columbus High School opened
the Tornadoes have advanced to third-round in 1992, Stallion football teams have been to
play since 1949 when they won the state Class the state playoffs 22 times in 24 seasons and
B championship. have advanced to at least the second round 16 South Columbus defender Robby Spencer (11) grabs Fairmont running back Halijah McLean (22)
times. to prevent a long gainer in Friday night’s second-round game of the state 2A football playoffs at
“We’ve made it to the second round a good Fairmont. Fairmont won the game 44-6 for its second victory of the season over the South Colum-
number of times over the years, but this is SCHS won the 2007 Eastern N.C. champion- bus squad. The Fairmont win also gave the Golden Tornadoes their first third-round berth in the
the first time it has happened since I’ve been ship before losing to Lincolnton in the state state football playoff since their state Class B championship season in 1949. Coach Kyle Hutchi-
around,” said Fairmont Athletic Director title game. son’s South Columbus squad advanced to second-round play for the first time in three seasons.
Michael Baker, a lifelong Fairmont resident, Spencer, a sophomore, also saw equal duty on offense for the Stallions as starting quarterback.
shortly after the game. South Columbus also advanced to the East-
ern N.C. finals in 1996, 2002, 2010 and 2011.
Heil said that his team was once again able
to gain the momentum quickly and that Caul-
der’s confidence and leadership were big fac-
tors in taking control.
Heil pointed out that a 41-yard pass from
Caulder to Jordan Waters on the Tornadoes’
first possession got the wheels rolling for the
Tornadoes as they followed up by taking over
at the SCHS 29-yard line following a botched
Stallion punting attempt and scoring two
plays later for a 16-0 lead.
On their next possession, the Golden Tor-
nadoes capped a 60-yard drive with a touch-
Dec. 19 at Spartanburg Jenkins off to
strong start with
CMS sixth grader Lady Dolphins
to play in first-ever
Jr. Shrine Bowl Former East Columbus High School ath-
letic standout Lauren Jenkins nailed the
game-winning basket for the Brunswick Com-
munity College women’s basketball team in
Brandon Tyson, an 11-year-old at 1 p.m. its 61-59 victory over Lauren
sixth-grader at Whiteville’s Central The 115-pound Tyson will be one the visiting Mount Jenkins
Middle School, has been selected Olive junior varsity.
for the North Carolina squad in the of 27 players on the North Carolina
first-ever Jr. Shrine Bowl that is Jr. Shrine Bowl team. He has been It was BCC’s sec-
scheduled for Dec. 19 at the Wofford listed as a running back on the ond win of the sea-
College football stadium in Spartan- team, but he is also capable of play- son over the Mount
burg, S.C. ing linebacker or nose-guard. Olive team and its
fourth victory in as
Tyson, the son of Meishellle Ty- For the last five years, Tyson many games.
son and Maurice Benjamin, was played in the Whiteville Recreation
selected to compete in the game af- Football League, mainly under The 6-foot Jen-
ter being nominated by the coach Coach Lyndon Merritt. This past kins was a three-
of the Fayetteville Buccaneers, a season, Tyson chose to compete in y e a r, A l l - T h r e e
travel team that Tyson has played travel league play in Fayetteville. Rivers Conference
for this season, and All-Columbus
The players will arrive in Spar- County post player
His parents and older sister Kali tanburg on Dec. 17 and their visit at East Columbus
plan to be on hand for the game and will include a visit to the Shri- before graduation
he is hoping his grandparents in ners Crippled Children Hopsital in 2014. She earned
Charleston can attend. in neighboring Greenvile. There
will also be team practice sessions, Brandon Tyson Player of the Year in Three Rivers Conference
The game will be held in con- team-bonding events and banquet. and All-Columbus County selections during
junction with the longtime North her senior year. She paced the Lady Gators
Carolina-South Carolina Shrine Players will also remain on hand to three straight conference championships
Bowl event, which began in 1937 to watch the 79th playing of the and to the Eastern N.C. 1A semi-finals in 2013
and pits teams consisting of the best Shrine Bowl of the Carolinas game. and 2014.
high school senior players from each South Carolina teams have won 44
state. It annually funds the Shriners match-ups with North Carolina Jenkins originally signed with Gadsden
Crippled Children’s Hospitals. holds 34 wins. There have been four State of Alabama but decided to return to
ties. southeastern North Carolina and enrolled
The Jr. Shrine Bowl will begin at Brunswick Community College soon after.
at 10 a.m., Dec, 29 with the regular Those interested in helping fi-
Shrine Bowl game slated to begin nance the trip are asked to call 910- Coach Joe Gaughan’s Lady Dolphins will
918-9645. have their next outing Dec. 4 against Region
10 rival Spartanburg Methodist at Spartan-
burg, S.C.
2B- The News Reporter, Monday, November 23, 2015
Middle school volleyball
Lady Mustangs wrap up perfect season
Sports Writer
Photo by Grant Merritt Nakina put the cherry on top of a perfect Staff photos by Franklin Davis
season with wins against Tabor City and
South Columbus players Akin Ezzell (left), Kendrick Green and Traquan Bellamy (right) Central at Williams Township’s gym. The Nakina’s Shalie Suggs prepares for a kill
corral Fairmont quarterback Julius Caulder for a short gain in Friday night’s state 2A straight-set victory over Tabor City was al- in the Lady Mustangs’ Thursday victory
high school football game at Fairmont. It was one of a few times that Caulder was most anti-climatic after a three-set win over over Central. Nakina completed the 2015
slowed during the evening as he passed for three touchdowns and ran for two more Central in the preceding match. volleyball season with an undefeated
in Fairmont’s 44-6 victory. record.
Nakina entered Columbus County A
Rose paces Braves to victories League play on Thursday with a one-match
over Barton, Mount Olive lead over Central, courtesy of a 25-19, 25-21
win over the Hornets on Nov. 2. Central de-
feated Williams 25-9, 25-11 in Thursday’s
opening match to set up the showdown with
the Mustangs.
Nakina jumped to a large early lead in the
first set that the Hornets could not recover
from, resulting in a 25-14 Mustang win. Na-
kina also led early in the second set, but the
Hornets showed their resolve, coming back
to win 25-19. The Mustangs took control of
the deciding set early and claimed a 15-4 vic-
It was a well-played match between two
quality middle school teams. Several rallies
lasted in excess of 45 seconds. The Williams
gym was packed and the crowd included a
couple of high school coaches and several
high school players.
Nakina finishes with an 8-0 conference
and 12-0 overall mark that included the pre-
season Nakina Invitational championship.
Central finishes 6-2 in conference and 8-3
overall. The Hornets were the runners-up in
the preseason tournament.
In other final day action, Williams defeat-
ed Tabor City 25-18, and 27-25.
UNC-Pembroke All-Amer- three assists and three steals.
ican Quamain Rose had a big
weekend as the Braves basket- Sixteen of Rose’s points
came in the second half. Mount
ball team came away with im- Olive, which advanced to the
pressive wins over Barton and
host Mount Olive in the annual NCAA Division II finals last
year, also got a 35-point effort
Pickle Classic basketball event from Dontrell Brite.
at Mount Olive.
Rose, who had a standout UNC-Pembroke is among the
top contenders for the Peach
three-year career on the White- Belt Conference championship.
ville High School varsity bas-
ketball team before graduating The team finished last season
with a 26-6 record, including
in 2011, is now in his senior a berth in the district finals.
season for Coach Ben Miller’s
UNCP squad, where he has Last season, Rose received
virtually every honor possible
been regarded as one of the - All-American, All-Region,
top backcourt players in UNCP
basketball history. All-District, All-State and All-
Peach Belt. He also broke the
The Braves will take a 4-1 career 1,000-point mark dur-
record into Wednesday’s 5
p.m., home game with Fayette- Quamain Rose ing his junior season. He also
had a nation-leading two triple
ville State. They are currently doubles.
ranked 13th among NCAA Divi- the Braves with 26 points and After getting a freshman
sion II teams. 12 rebounds. On Saturday, the redshirt in the 2011-12 season, Central Middle School volleyball player Kaitlin McPherson (left) gets off a pass to
The 6-foot, 180-pound Rose, Braves took the floor against Rose has since come on as full- a teammate in Thursday’s match with Nakina. Nakina defeated the Central squad
who also had a star-studded the host Mount Olive team, time starter with some of the in three sets and later went on to defeat Tabor City to put the finishing touches
senior season with the 2010 which brought in a No. 6 na- most impressive Division II on an unbeaten season. Also pictured are Central’s Carmen Hilbourn (12) and
Whiteville High football team, tional ranking. achievements in the country. Hanna Hewett (5).
scored 13 points, grabbed four The Braves jumped to a 36- The senior accounting ma-
rebounds, turned in four assists 31 halftime lead and went on jor’s career-high single-game
while adding a steal and blocked to gain a 76-69 victory. Rose point total is 36 with 12 re-
shot in the Braves’ 79-62 win poured in 22 points, including bounds and 12 assists also be-
over Barton. three 3-point baskets and 3-of-3 ing highs. He is approaching
Sophomore guard Brandon shooting from the foul line and his 70th career double-figure
Watts had a career-night for came up with eight rebounds, scoring game.
B League middle school volley champs
The Cerro Gordo Lady Stingers emerged as B-League champions of the 2015
Columbus County Middle School volleyball race. Team members are, front row,
left to right: Catherine Grace Ellis, Anna Kay Nance, Erin Griffin, Chiara Marie
Strickland, Lyric Sammiel. Back row: Coach Candice Walker, Kaitlyn Cooke, Leah
Floyd, Madison Nance, Emily Faulk, Maggie Waddell, Zhasani Graham, Indiya
Williams, Kloey Nance. Not Pictured: Brinkly Arnold.
Photo by Grant Merritt
South Columbus junior running back Dennis Leggett (left) carries the football while Fair-
mont defenders Jiquese Campbell and Caleb Cox close in during Friday night’s second-
round game of the state 2A playoffs at Fairmont. Leggett, a junior who has rushed for
more than 1,400 yards this season, was held to a sub-par night by the fired-up Fairmont
defensive unit as the Tornadoes registered a 44-6 victory over the Stallions. Leggett has
been the Stallions’ leading rusher the past two seasons.
The News Reporter, Monday, November 23, 2015 - 3-B
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CNN (5:30) The Godfather (‘72, R) HD The Godfather: Part II (‘74, R) aaaa Al Pacino, Robert Duvall. HD
DISCOVERY To Be Announced (:01) To Be Announced (:02) To Be Announced (:03) To Be Announced (:04) To Be Announced
8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 E! Meet the Browns (‘08, PG-13) ac HD Meet the Browns (‘08, PG-13) ac Angela Bassett. HD #TheWestBrooks HD
ESPN2 (7:30) Cheaper by the Dozen 2 (‘05) Cheaper by the Dozen 2 (‘05, PG) Steve Martin. In Her Shoes (‘05, PG-13) aaa
Monday Antiques Roadshow Eddie Murphy: The Mark Twain Prize Independent Lens FOOD Titans Go! Titans Go! King of Hill Cleveland Dad HD Dad HD Family Guy Family Guy Robot Squid HD
HGTV Pickler HD Pickler HD Pickler HD Pickler HD Pickler (N) Pickler HD Spanglish (‘04, PG-13) aaa Adam Sandler. HD
Tuesday Pilgrims: American Experience Secrets Of The Dead OneFootGrave BBC WN LIFETIME Anthony: “Iran” (TVPG) Anthony: “Libya” Anthony: “Cuba” Anthony: “Paraguay” Anthony: “Spain”
NICK (:58) South Park: “Black Friday” HD The 40-Year-Old Virgin (‘05, R) Steve Carell. HD The 40-Year-Old Virgin (‘05, R) HD
Wed. Nature Nova SYFY Naked and Afraid HD Naked and Afraid HD Naked and Afraid HD Naked and Afraid HD Naked and Afraid HD
Thursday Alice’s Restaurant 50th Anniversary Concert Chef’s Life NC Weekend Special Keep Up App. BBC WN TCM BUNK’D Austin HD Liv HD Jessie HD Undercover BUNK’D Girl Meets Liv HD Good Luck Good Luck
TNT Maid in Manhattan (‘02) Ever After: A Cinderella Story (‘98, PG-13) Drew Barrymore. Maid in Manhattan (‘02, PG-13) HD
Friday WashingtonWk NC Weekend Great Performances British Antiques BBC WN TV LAND (7:30) College Football: South Florida vs UCF (Live) HD SportsCenter HD SportsCenter HD
VH1 Basketball Sports HD College Basketball: Iowa vs Dayton (Live) HD First Take College Bball: “Wooden Legacy”
Saturday Doc Martin - Seven Grumpy Seasons Doc Martin Doctor Who HBO Ratatouill (:45) Planes (‘13, PG) Dane Cook, Stacy Keach. HD The 700 Club (N) Holiday (‘07) aac HD
SHOW Chopped (TV G) HD Chopped (TV G) HD Chopped (TV G) (N) HD Chopped (TV G) HD Chopped (TV G) HD
Sunday (7:45) Masterpiece Classic Salute To Downtown Abbey Rick Steve’s Eastenders Despicable Me 2 (‘13) Despicable Me 2 (‘13, PG) aaac Steve Carell. Despicable Me 2 (‘13, PG) aaac Steve Carell.
Detroit HD Detroit HD Detroit (N) Detroit (N) Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Detroit HD Detroit HD
Pawn Stars (TVPG) HD Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars (:03) Christmas Dec HD Pawn Stars (TVPG) HD
The Muppet Christmas Carol (‘92, G) aaa HD (:02) Jim Henson’s Turkey Hollow (‘15) HD (:02) Muppet (‘92, G) HD
MONDAY EVENING NOVEMBER 23, 2015 Along Came Polly (‘04, PG-13) HD Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous South Park South Park
Prince Prince Billy Madison (‘95, PG-13) aac Adam Sandler. Friends Friends Friends Friends
8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 The Mummy (‘99, PG-13) aaa Brendan Fraser. HD The Mummy Returns (‘01, PG-13) aac Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz. HD
CABLE BROADCAST ABC Dancing with the Stars (TVPG) (N) HD Castle (TVPG) (N) HD Local Jimmy Kimmel Live (N) Nightline WWE SmackDown HD Haven (TV14) (N) HD Z Nation: “Corporate” Haven: “A Matter of”
CBS Supergirl (TVPG) (N) HD Scorpion: “Arrivals” (N) NCIS: Los Angeles (N) Local
NBC Late Show (TV14) HD Late Late Broke Girls Broke Girls Big Bang Big Bang Broke Girls Broke Girls Conan (TV14) HD Broke Girls Conan HD
ION The Voice: “Live Top 11 Performances” (N) HD Blindspot (TV14) (N) HD Local Tonight Show (N) HD Late Night Desk Set (‘57, NR) aaac Spencer Tracy. Woman of the Year (‘42, NR) Spencer Tracy. State of the Union (‘48)
AMC Gotham (TV14) (N) HD Minority Report (N) HD Local Programs Local Programs Broadway at (N) HD The Great (TVPG) HD The Great (TVPG) HD The Great (TVPG) HD The Great (TVPG) HD
BET Criminal Minds HD Criminal Minds HD Criminal Minds HD Criminal Minds HD Criminal Minds HD Wrath of the Titans (‘12, PG-13) aac HD (:15) John Carter (‘12, PG-13) aaa Taylor Kitsch, Lynn Collins. HD
CARTOON The First 48 (TV14) HD The First 48 (TV14) HD Cursed: The Bell Witch The First 48 (TV14) HD The First 48 (TV14) HD Bizarre Foods America Booze Traveler HD Expedition Unknown Mysteries (TVPG) HD Booze Traveler HD
CNN (7:00) Home Alone (‘90, PG) aaa HD Home Alone (‘90, PG) aaa Macaulay Culkin, Joe Pesci. HD Remember Titans (‘00) Facts Life Facts Life Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Queens Queens Queens Queens
DISCOVERY Yukon Men (TVPG) HD Yukon Men (TVPG) HD Yukon Men (TVPG) HD Yukon Men (TVPG) HD Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern
E! He Got Game (‘98) HD Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Wendy Williams (N) HD The Breakfast Club HD Back to the Future (‘85, PG) aaaa Michael J. Fox. HD Back to the Future Part II (‘89) HD
ESPN2 Housewives (TV14) Vanderpump Rules (N) Après Ski (TV14) (N) HD Vanderpump Rules Après Ski (TV14) HD Home Videos HD Home Videos HD Home Videos HD Home Videos HD How I Met How I Met
FOOD Gumball Titans Go! King of Hill Cleveland Dad HD Dad HD Family Guy Family Guy Robot Squid HD CABLE BROADCAST PREM Night at Museum: Secret (‘14) HD First Look The Leftovers HD (:05) Amy Schumer HD America Undercover
HGTV Last Man Reba HD Hope Floats (‘98, PG-13) aac Sandra Bullock, Harry Connick Jr. HD Cops HD Cops HD Just Friends (‘05, PG-13) aac Ryan Reynolds. HD The Truman Show (‘98, PG) aaac HD (:45) Zane’s Sex: Endear (‘10) HD
LIFETIME Anderson Cooper 360° Long Road to Hell CNN Tonight (N) Anderson Cooper 360° Long Road to Hell St. Vincent (‘14) HD The Affair (TVMA) HD Homeland (TVMA) HD B.S.! Pete Correale HD Notre Dame
NICK South Park South Park South Park South Park Archer HD Archer HD Daily Show Nightly HD midnight South Park
SYFY Street Outlaws: Full (N) Street Outlaws (N) HD Vegas Rat Rods (N) HD (:02) Street Outlaws HD (:03) Street Outlaws HD
TCM Princess Austin HD Liv HD Mickey Undercover BUNK’D Girl Meets Liv HD Good Luck Good Luck
TNT Fashion Police (N) HD The Royals (TV14) HD The Royals (TV14) HD E! News (N) HD FRIDAY EVENING NOVEMBER 27, 2015
TV LAND (:15) Monday Night Football: Buffalo Bills at New England Patriots (Live) (:20) SportsCenter HD
VH1 (7:00) College Bball HD Basketball College Bball: Northwestern vs North Carolina College Basketball: UNLV vs UCLA 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30
HBO Toy 2 (‘99) Finding Nemo (‘03, G) Albert Brooks, Alexander Gould. HD The 700 Club (N) The Family Stone (‘05) ABC Santa Claus (TV G) HD Shark Tank (TVPG) HD (:01) 20/20 (N) HD Local Jimmy Kimmel Live HD Nightline
MAX CBS The Amazing Race (N) Hawaii Five-0 HD Blue Bloods (TV14) HD Local
SHOW Chopped (TV G) HD Cake Wars (N) HD Guilty (N) Top 5 (N) Diners HD Diners HD Cake Wars (TV G) HD NBC Late Show (TV14) HD Late Late
(6:30) Prisoners (‘13, R) aaac Hugh Jackman. Fargo: “Did you do this” (N) HD Fargo: “Did you do this” (TVMA) HD ION The National Dog Show (TVPG) HD Dateline NBC (N) HD Local (:35) Tonight Show HD Late Night
Love It or List It HD Love It or List It (N) HD Hunters Hunters Love It or List It HD Love It or List It HD AMC MasterChef Junior (N) World’s Funniest (N) HD Local Programs Local Programs
Nazis: Ultimate Evil HD Hunting Hitler HD Hunting Hitler HD (:03) Thanksgiving HD Nazis: Ultimate Evil HD BET Criminal Minds HD Criminal Minds HD Criminal Minds: “Lo-Fi” Saving Hope: “Clouds” Saving Hope: “Pilot”
Christmas on the Bayou (‘13, NR) Hilarie Burton. (:02) Under the Mistletoe (‘06, NR) aac HD Christmas on (‘13) HD CARTOON Unforgettable (N) HD Unforgettable (N) HD (:01) Criminal Minds HD (:02) Criminal Minds HD (:01) Unforgettable HD
Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show CMT
Follow (N) Follow (N) (:03) The Longshots (‘08, PG) aa Ice Cube. CNN Home (‘90) Home Alone (‘90, PG) aaa Macaulay Culkin, Joe Pesci. HD Into the Badlands HD The Walking Dead HD
Sponge Sponge Full House Full House Full House Full House Friends Friends Friends Friends DISCOVERY To Be Announced (:01) To Be Announced (:02) To Be Announced (:03) To Be Announced (:06) To Be Announced
Cops HD Cops HD Cops HD Cops HD Cops HD Cops HD Cops HD Cops HD Jail HD Jail HD E! (7:00) Madea’s Family Reunion (‘06) Madea’s Family Reunion (‘06, PG-13) aa Tyler Perry. Wendy Williams (N) HD
Blade: Trinity (‘04) aac The Fifth Element (‘97, PG-13) aaac Bruce Willis. HD Aeon Flux (‘05, PG-13) aac HD ESPN2 Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry (‘07, PG-13) aac Chuck Larry (‘07) aac
Family Guy Family Guy Dad HD Dad HD Big Bang Big Bang Conan (TV14) HD Broke Girls Conan HD FOOD Regular Show (‘15) HD King of Hill Cleveland Family Guy Family Guy Black (N) Bedtime Heart, She Squid HD
Being There (‘79, PG) aaac Peter Sellers. (:15) Some Came Running (‘58, NR) aac Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin. HGTV Pretty Woman (‘90, R) aaa Richard Gere, Julia Roberts. HD Pickler HD Cops HD Cops HD Cops HD
Hoarding: Buried Alive Hoarding: Buried Alive Hoarding: Buried Alive Hoarding: Buried Alive Hoarding: Buried Alive LIFETIME The Sixties The Sixties The Sixties The Sixties The Sixties
Major Crimes HD Major Crimes (N) HD Legends (TVMA) (N) HD Major Crimes HD Legends: “Zakayeva” NICK I Am Chris Farley (‘15, NR) Christina Applegate. Tommy Boy (‘95, PG-13) aac Chris Farley. HD I Am Chris Farley (‘15)
Bizarre Foods America Bizarre Foods HD Booze Traveler HD Mysteries (TVPG) HD Bizarre Foods HD SYFY Gold Rush: Pay Dirt (N) Gold Rush (N) HD Pacific Warriors (N) HD Gold Rush (TVPG) HD Pacific Warriors HD
Facts Life Loves Raymond HD Raymond Raymond Raymond Queens Queens Queens Queens TCM BUNK’D Best Friends (N) HD Austin HD Star Wars Star Wars BUNK’D Best Friends (TV G) HD Liv HD
WWE Monday Night Raw (Live) HD Chrisley Donny! HD CSI: Crime Scene HD TNT Ocean’s Thirteen (‘07, PG-13) George Clooney. The Soup Ocean’s Thirteen (‘07, PG-13) George Clooney, Brad Pitt. HD
Love & Hip Hop (N) Black Ink Crew (N) Love & Hip Hop (TV14) Black Ink Crew (TV14) Love & Hip Hop (TV14) TV LAND (7:30) College Football: Baylor vs TCU (Live) HD SportsCenter HD SportsCenter HD
Kindergarten Cop (‘90, PG-13) HD Jurassic Park (‘93, PG-13) aaac Sam Neill, Richard Kiley. HD Manhattan VH1 (7:30) College Basketball (Live) HD College Basketball: “AdvoCare Inv.” (Live) HD College Basketball (Live) HD
CABLE BROADCAST PREM Exodus: Gods (‘14) HD 3 1/2 Minutes, Ten Bullets (‘15) HD (:45) The Leftovers HD Getting On (:20) Kareem of One HD HBO The Hunger Games (‘12, PG-13) Jennifer Lawrence, Stanley Tucci. HD The 700 Club (TV G) Jingle All the Way (‘96)
The Knick (TVMA) HD Good Night, and Good Luck (‘05) HD The Knick (TVMA) HD Sex Games Cancun Feature 04 HD SHOW Diners, Drive-Ins (N) HD American American Diners, Drive-Ins HD Diners HD Diners HD American American
Homeland (TVMA) HD The Affair (TVMA) HD Homeland (TVMA) HD The Affair (TVMA) HD Listen to Me Marlon HD Avatar (‘09, PG-13) aaac Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana. HD Avatar (‘09, PG-13) HD
Tiny House Tiny House Tiny House Tiny House Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Tiny House Tiny House
Cars HD Cars HD American Restoration To Be Announced HD Cars HD Cars HD Cars HD Cars HD
Dear Santa (‘11, NR) aac Amy Acker. HD All About Christmas Eve (‘12) aac Haylie Duff. HD Dear Santa (‘11) aac HD
(7:45) Teen Mom 2 HD (:55) Teen Mom 2 HD
Window Tinting Now Available 8 Mile (‘02, R) aaa Eminem, Kim Basinger. HD How High
Starting at $99 No Appointment Necessary
Santa (‘14) Thunderman Full House Full House Full House Full House Friends Friends Friends Friends
Vinyl names and decals available
Cops HD Cops HD Cops HD Cops HD Cops HD Cops HD Cops HD Cops HD Cops HD Jail HD
Skyfall (‘12, PG-13) Daniel Craig, Judi Dench. HD Z Nation (TV14) (N) Haven: “A Matter of” Z Nation (TV14)
Four Christmases (‘08, PG-13) Vince Vaughn. Broke Girls Broke Girls Broke Girls Broke Girls Cougar Cougar
Jason and the Argonauts (‘63, G) aaac The Land That Time Forgot (‘75) aa Lost Horizon (‘37, NR) H.B. Warner.
What Not to (TVPG) HD What Not to: “Beryl” HD What Not to: “Mayim” What Not to: “Leanne” What Not to (TVPG) HD
The Dark Knight Rises (‘12, PG-13) aaaa Christian Bale, Gary Oldman. HD The Incredible Hulk (‘08, PG-13) HD
Mysteries (TVPG) HD Mysteries (N) HD Mysteries (TVPG) HD Mysteries (TVPG) HD Mysteries (TVPG) HD
Bride (‘87) My Cousin Vinny (‘92, R) aaa Joe Pesci, Marisa Tomei. HD Younger Younger Younger Younger
(7:00) Fast Five (‘11, PG-13) aaa Vin Diesel. HD Satisfaction (TV14) (N) The Royals (TV14) HD Law & Order: SVU HD
Electronics Repairs & Stereo Installs (7:15) Back to the Future Part III (‘90, PG) aaa HD The Goonies (‘85, PG) aaa Sean Astin, Josh Brolin. HD Top Gun
101 Dalmatians (‘96) 101 Dalmatians (‘96, G) aac Glenn Close. HD How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met
A&M Electronics US Cellular Now Available CABLE BROADCAST PREM Exodus: Gods (‘14) HD The Ties That Bind (N) Fifty Shades of Grey (‘15, R) Jamie Dornan. HD Run All Night (‘15) HD
The Other Woman (‘14, PG-13) Cameron Diaz. The Knick (N) HD The Knick (TVMA) HD The Knick (TVMA) HD
YOUR LOCAL RADIO SHACK DEALER • White’s Crossing Plaza, Whiteville • 642-5442 The Affair (TVMA) HD Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (‘14) HD Homeland (TVMA) HD Notre Dame (:15) Inside the NFL HD
8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30
ABC (:07) College Football: “Teams TBA” (Live) HD Local Local Programs
8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 CBS
ABC Charlie Brown HD Dancing with the Stars (TVPG) (N) HD Local Jimmy Kimmel Live HD Nightline NBC Frosty HD Frosty HD Santa Claus (TV G) 48 Hours (TV14) Local Programs
NBC NCIS (TVPG) (N) HD NCIS: New Orleans (N) Limitless (TV14) (N) HD Local Late Show (TV14) HD Late Late ION Dateline NBC HD Saturday Night Live HD Local (:29) Saturday Night Live (TV14) HD
ION The Voice (N) HD Chicago Med (N) HD Chicago Fire (N) HD Local (:35) Tonight Show HD Late Night AMC (7:30) College Football: “Teams TBA” (Live) HD Golan HD Lucas Bros Local Programs
AMC Grand (N) Grinder Scream Queens (N) HD Local Programs Local Programs BET Law & Order: SVU HD Law & Order: SVU HD Law & Order: SVU HD Law & Order: SVU HD Law & Order: SVU HD
BET Criminal Minds HD Criminal Minds HD Criminal Minds HD Saving Hope (N) HD Saving Hope: “Pilot” CARTOON Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage
CARTOON CNN Home (‘90) Home Alone (‘90, PG) aaa Macaulay Culkin, Joe Pesci. HD The Karate Kid (‘84, PG) aaa Ralph Macchio. HD
CNN Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage DISCOVERY Pit Bulls & Parolees (N) Pit Bulls & Parolees (N) Pit Bulls and Parolees Dr. Dee: Alaska Vet HD Pit Bulls and Parolees
DISCOVERY Jumanji (‘95, PG) aac Robin Williams, Kirsten Dunst. HD Zathura (‘05, PG) aac Josh Hutcherson, Jonah Bobo. HD E! Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Big Happy Family (‘11) HD Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Big Happy Family (‘11, PG-13) ac Tyler Perry. HD
E! River Monsters HD River Monsters: Unhooked: “Face Ripper” HD River Monsters HD River Monsters HD ESPN2 (7:00) Burlesque (‘10, PG-13) Cher. Burlesque (‘10, PG-13) aac Cher, Christina Aguilera. Dead Gorgeous (‘99)
ESPN2 (7:00) Just Wright (‘10, PG) aa Queen Latifah. Being Mary Jane (N) HD Being Mary Jane HD Wendy Williams (N) HD FOOD Gumball Regular Bob’s HD Bob’s HD Dad HD Dad HD Family Guy Family Guy Parasyte Parasyte
FOOD Below Deck (TV14) Below Deck (TV14) (N) The People’s Couch Below Deck (TV14) Vanderpump Rules HGTV Where the Heart Is (‘00, PG-13) HD Bruce Almighty (‘03, PG-13) aaa Jim Carrey. HD Cops HD Cops HD
FX HISTORY The Seventies HD
HGTV Gumball Titans Go! King of Hill Cleveland Dad HD Dad HD Family Guy Family Guy Robot Squid HD LIFETIME The Seventies HD The Seventies HD The Seventies HD The Seventies HD
LIFETIME Last Man Last Man Pretty Woman (‘90, R) aaa Richard Gere, Julia Roberts. HD Pretty Woman (‘90) HD NICK Superbad (‘07, R) Jonah Hill, Michael Cera. HD Kevin Hart (‘11, R) HD Kevin Hart (TV14) HD Half Hour Half Hour
NICK Anderson Cooper 360° CNN Special Report CNN Tonight (N) Anderson Cooper 360° CNN Special Report SYFY Fast N’ Loud (TV14) HD Fast N’ Loud (TV14) HD Fast N’ Loud (TV14) HD Fast N’ Loud (TV14) HD Fast N’ Loud (TV14) HD
SYFY Tosh.0 HD Tosh.0 HD Tosh.0 HD Tosh.0 HD Tosh.0 (N) Drunk (N) Daily Show Nightly HD midnight Tosh.0 HD TCM Jingle All the Way (‘96, PG) aa Mighty Med Kirby Buck Undercover Austin HD Jessie HD Girl Meets Girl Meets
TCM Moonshiners (TV14) (N) Moonshiners (N) HD Men, Women (N) HD Moonshiners (TV14) HD (:02) Men, Women HD TNT Oz the Great and Powerful (‘13, PG) aac James Franco, Mila Kunis. Oz the Great and Powerful (‘13, PG) aac
TNT Brave (‘12, PG) Kelly Macdonald. HD Jessie HD Undercover BUNK’D Girl Meets Liv HD Good Luck Good Luck TV LAND (7:45) College Football: “Teams TBA” (Live) HD (:45) SportsCenter HD SportsCenter HD
TRAVEL USA (7:00) College Football: “Teams TBA” (Live) HD (:15) College Football: “Teams TBA” (Live) HD
TV LAND Botched (TV14) HD Botched (TV14) (N) HD Botched (TV14) HD E! News (N) HD VH1
USA WGN The Incredibles (‘04) HD Wreck-It Ralph (‘12, PG) aaac John C. Reilly. HD Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (‘71) HD
VH1 (7:30) College Basketball (Live) HD Basketball College Basketball: “Maui Jim Maui” (Live) HD SportsCenter HD HBO
WGN MAX Gingerbread (TV G) Cookie Challenge (N) Outrageous Christmas Diners, Drive-Ins HD Cookie (TV G)
HBO College Basketball: “Legends Classic” (Live) HD College Basketball: “CBE Hall of” (Live) HD NFL Live HD SHOW
MAX Marvel’s The Avengers (‘12, PG-13) aaac Robert Downey Jr. Fargo: “Did you do this” (TVMA) HD Mike/Molly
SHOW Pretty Little Liars (N) HD Hungry (N) Pretty Little Liars HD Hungry HD The 700 Club (N) Jingle All the Way (‘96)
Gingerbread (N) HD On the Ranch HD House Hunters (N) HD Hunters Hunters On the Ranch HD
Chopped Junior (N) Chopped (TV G) HD Chopped (TV G) (N) HD Chopped (TV G) HD Chopped (TV G) HD American Pickers HD American Pickers HD Christmas Dec HD (:03) Ax Men (TV14) HD American Pickers HD
A Gift Wrapped Christmas (‘15, NR) HD Gift Wrapped (‘15) HD
Man of Steel (‘13, PG-13) ac Henry Cavill, Amy Adams. Man of Steel (‘13, PG-13) ac Henry Cavill. Christmas in the City (‘13, NR) Ashley Williams.
Fixer Upper (TV G) HD Fixer Upper (TV G) HD Hunters Hunters Fixer Upper (TV G) HD Fixer Upper (TV G) HD (7:00) 8 Mile (‘02, R) aaa Eminem. HD How High (‘01, R) aac Method Man, Redman. HD Broad City Broad City Broad City
Curse Island (N) HD Oak Island (N) HD Hunting Hitler (N) HD (:03) Hunting Hitler HD (:01) Curse Island HD
Henry (N) Shakers Nicky Thunderman Full House Full House Friends Friends Friends Friends
Santa Con (‘14, NR) Barry Watson. HD On Strike for Christmas (‘10, NR) Julia Duffy. HD Santa Con (‘14, NR) HD (7:30) Rocky V (‘90, PG) aa Sylvester Stallone. HD Rocky (‘76, PG) aaac Sylvester Stallone, Talia Shire. HD
(6:30) Hook (‘91, PG) aaa Robin Williams. Finding Carter (N) Follow the Rules HD Broad City Broad City Bourne Ultimatum (‘07) Live Free or Die Hard (‘07, PG-13) aaa Bruce Willis, Timothy Olyphant. HD The Fifth Element (‘97)
Henry iCarly HD Full House Full House Full House Full House Friends Friends Friends Friends Big Bang Billy On Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Ghosts of Girlfriends Past (‘09, PG-13) aac HD
Cops HD Cops HD Cops HD Cops HD Cops HD Cops HD Sweat Inc.: “Circuit” (N) Cops HD Cops HD To Kill a Mockingbird (‘63, NR) aaaa Gregory Peck. HD The Stalking Moon (‘69, G) aa Gregory Peck. Summer ‘42
The Fifth Element (‘97) Men in Black II (‘02, PG-13) Tommy Lee Jones. Land of the Lost (‘09, PG-13) aa Will Ferrell. HD 48 Hours: Hard (N) HD 48 Hours: Hard (N) HD 48 Hours: Hard (N) HD 48 Hours: Hard HD 48 Hours: Hard HD
Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan (TV14) HD Broke Girls Conan HD Olympus Has Fallen (‘13, R) Gerard Butler. HD Now You See Me (‘13, PG-13) aaa Jesse Eisenberg. HD Wanted
Marie Antoinette (‘38, NR) aac Norma Shearer, Tyrone Power. The Women (‘39, NR) Norma Shearer, Joan Crawford. HD Ghost Adventures HD Ghost Adventures HD The Dead Files (N) HD The Dead Files HD Ghost Adventures HD
Cake Boss Cake Boss The Cake Boss (N) HD 7 Little Johnstons (N) The Cake Boss HD 7 Little Johnstons HD Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Queens Queens Queens Queens
NBA Basketball: Boston Celtics at Atlanta Hawks (Live) HD NBA Basketball: Los Angeles vs Golden State (Live) HD NCIS: “SWAK” HD NCIS: “Hit and Run” NCIS: “Troll” (TV14) HD Modern Modern Satisfaction (TV14)
Footloose (‘84, R) Kevin Bacon. HD
Bizarre Foods (N) HD Booze Traveler (N) HD Hotel Impossible (N) Mysteries (TVPG) HD Booze Traveler HD Dirty Dancing (‘87) aac The Breakfast Club (‘85, R) Emilio Estevez, Paul Gleason. HD
Facts Life Loves Raymond HD Raymond Gaffigan Gaffigan Queens Queens Queens Queens Blue Bloods: “All That” Blue Bloods (TV14) HD Blue Bloods (TV14) HD How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met
Modern Modern Modern Modern Chrisley Donny! (N) Modern Modern Modern Modern
CABLE BROADCAST PREM Kingsman: The Secret Service (‘15, R) aaac HD (:15) World Championship Boxing: “Klitschko vs.” (Replay) HD Gumbel
Couples Therapy HD Black Ink Crew (TV14) Love & Hip Hop (TV14) The Greatest (TV14) HD The Greatest (TV14) HD Taking Lives (‘04, R) HD The Knick (TVMA) HD The Other Woman (‘14, PG-13) HD The Knick (TVMA) HD Passionate
Jurassic Park III (‘01) Manhattan (N) HD Manhattan (TV14) HD Manhattan (TV14) HD Manhattan (TV14) HD Homeland (TVMA) HD Spymasters- CIA in the Crosshairs (TVMA) (N) Showtime Boxing: “DeGale vs. Bute” (Live)
CABLE BROADCAST PREM Fifty Shades of Grey (‘15, R) Jamie Dornan. HD Real Sports HD The Purge: Anarchy (‘14, R) aaa HD Unfinished
A Million Ways to Die in the West (‘14, R) HD The Knick (TVMA) HD Sex Chronicles Feature 08: Envy Target HD
Homeland (TVMA) HD Inside the NFL (N) HD Notre Dame Notre Dame Inside the NFL HD ALL ACCESS Salvation
8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30
ABC The Middle Goldbergs Modern black-ish Nashville (TVPG) HD Local Jimmy Kimmel Live HD Nightline ABC Once Upon a Time HD Blood & Oil (N) HD Quantico: “Guilty” (N) Local Programs Local Programs
NBC Survivor Cambodia: Second Chance (N) HD Code Black (N) HD Local Late Show (TV14) HD Late Late NBC 60 Min. (N) Madam Secretary (N) The Good Wife (N) HD CSI: Cyber (N) HD Local Programs
ION Making Wiz Live (N) HD Saturday Night Live: “SNL Thanksgiving” HD Local (:35) Tonight Show HD Late Night ION (:20) Sunday Night Football: New England Patriots at Denver Broncos (Live) HD Local Dateline NBC HD
A&E A&E Simpsons Ice Age Family Guy Last Man Local Programs Local Programs
AMC Rosewood (N) HD Empire (TV14) (N) HD Local Programs Local Programs AMC
BET Law & Order (TV14) HD Law & Order: “Falling” Law & Order (TV14) HD Law & Order (TV14) HD Law & Order: “Zero” BET Christmas List (‘14) A Prince for Christmas (‘15) Viva Bianca. HD My Santa (‘13, NR) Matthew Lawrence.
CARTOON Duck HD Duck HD Duck HD Duck HD (:01) Duck Dynasty HD Duck HD Duck HD Duck HD Duck HD CARTOON The First 48 (TV14) HD The First 48 (TV14) HD The First 48 (TV14) HD The First 48 (TV14) HD The First 48 (TV14) HD
CNN (7:00) Gone with the Wind (‘40, NR) aaac Clark Gable, Vivien Leigh. HD Gone with the Wind HD CNN The Walking Dead HD The Walking Dead (N) Into the Badlands (N) Talking Dead (N) HD The Walking Dead HD
DISCOVERY Dirty Jobs (TV14) HD Dirty Jobs (TVPG) HD Dirty Jobs (TV14) HD Dirty Jobs: “Distiller” Dirty Jobs (TVPG) HD DISCOVERY North Woods Law (N) North Woods Law (N) To Be Announced North Woods Law HD North Woods Law HD
E! Martin Martin Being Mary Jane HD #TheWestBrooks (N) #TheWestBrooks HD Wendy Williams (N) HD E! 2015 Soul Train Awards (N) Post Show 2015 Soul Train Awards
ESPN2 To Be Announced Housewives (TV14) Vanderpump Rules Housewives (TV14) To Be Announced ESPN2 Real Housewives (N) Below Deck (TV14) (N) Housewives (TV14) Below Deck (TV14) Housewives (TV14)
FOOD Regular Scooby- King of Hill Cleveland Dad HD Dad HD Family Guy Family Guy Robot Squid HD FOOD Gumball Adventure Bob’s HD Bob’s HD Dad HD Family Guy Family Guy Rick Morty Tyson (:45) Pretty
HGTV Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man RV (‘06, PG) aac Robin Williams, Jeff Daniels. HD Pickler HD Pickler HD HGTV Billy Madison (‘95, PG-13) aac Adam Sandler. HD Sleepless in Seattle (‘93, PG) aaa Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan. HD Cops HD
LIFETIME Anderson Cooper 360° This Is Life This Is Life This Is Life This Is Life LIFETIME Anthony: “New Jersey” Anthony: “Marseille” Anthony (TVPG) Anthony: “Ethiopia” Anthony: “Congo”
NICK South Park South Park South Park South Park: “Black Friday” HD Daily Show Nightly HD midnight South Park NICK Kevin Hart (‘11, R) HD Keith Robinson HD Kevin Hart (TV14) HD Lil Rel Howery Trevor Noah: Lost HD
SYFY Alaskan Bush (N) Alaskan Bush People Men, Women, Wild (N) Alaskan Bush People Men, Women, Wild HD SYFY Alaska: Last (N) HD Alaska: Last (N) HD Alaskan Bush People Men, Women, Wild HD Alaska: Last (TVPG) HD
TBS TBS Undercover Undercover Mickey Good Luck
TCM Despicable Me (‘10, PG) aaac Good Luck Undercover BUNK’D Girl Meets Liv HD So Raven So Raven TCM Descendant (:40) Tangled (‘10, PG) aaac Mandy Moore. BUNK’D
TLC E! News (N) HD TLC
TNT Kardashians (TV14) HD Kardashians (TV14) HD Kardashians (TV14) HD TNT Kardashians (TV14) HD Kardashians (N) HD The Royals (N) HD Kardashians: “Rites” The Royals (TV14) HD
TV LAND Premier Boxing Champions: “Erislandy Lara” HD College Basketball: “Maui Jim Maui” (Live) HD SportsCenter HD TV LAND Sports HD 2015 World Series of Poker (Taped) HD SportsCenter HD Sports HD
VH1 (7:30) College Basketball (Live) HD College Basketball: “MGM Grand” (Live) HD Sports HD NBA HD NFL Live VH1 (6:30) CFL Football: “103rd Grey Cup” (Live) HD College Basketball: “Wooden Legacy” (Live) HD ESPN FC HD
HBO Monsters Ratatouille (‘07, G) aaac Patton Oswalt, Ian Holm. HD The 700 Club (N) Santa Baby (‘06) aa HD HBO Wreck-It Ralph (‘12, PG) aaac John C. Reilly. HD Jingle All the Way (‘96, PG) aa HD Osteen Turning
SHOW Cutthroat Kitchen HD Cutthroat Kitchen (N) Mystery Mystery Mystery Mystery Cutthroat Kitchen HD SHOW Guy’s Grocery Games Holiday Baking (N) Cutthroat Kitchen (N) Cutthroat Kitchen HD Holiday Baking (TV G)
Man of Steel (‘13, PG-13) ac Henry Cavill.
Fast & Furious 6 (‘13) This Is the End (‘13, R) aaac James Franco. This Is the End (‘13, R) aaac James Franco. Man of Steel (‘13, PG-13) ac Henry Cavill, Amy Adams.
Property Brothers HD Home on the Ranch (N) Hunters Hunters Property Brothers HD On the Ranch HD Life HD Life HD Life HD Life HD Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Life HD Life HD
American Pickers HD American Pickers (N) Christmas Dec (N) HD (:03) Swamp People HD American Pickers HD Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Ax Men (TV14) (N) HD To Be Announced HD (:03) Christmas Dec HD Pawn Stars Pawn Stars
Madea Goes to Jail (‘09, PG-13) Tyler Perry. HD (:02) Temptation: Confessions (‘13) ac HD Madea Goes to Jail HD Gift Wrapped (‘15) HD The Christmas Gift (‘15, NR) HD (:02) A Gift Wrapped Christmas (‘15, NR) HD
Bruce Almighty (‘03, PG-13) aaa Jim Carrey. Along Came Polly (‘04, PG-13) aac Ben Stiller. HD Schumer Schumer Ridiculousness (TVPG) Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas (‘11) aac
Talia (N) Thunderman Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Journey 2: The Mysterious Island (‘12, PG) aac Full House Full House Friends Friends Friends Friends
Bar Rescue (TVPG) HD Bar Rescue (TVPG) HD Bar Rescue (TVPG) HD Bar Rescue (TVPG) HD Bar Rescue (TVPG) HD (7:30) Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (‘09, PG-13) Shia LaBeouf. HD The Dark Knight (‘08, PG-13) Christian Bale. HD
Oz the Great and Powerful (‘13, PG) aac James Franco, Mila Kunis. HD Oz the Great and Powerful (‘13, PG) aac HD
Live Free Die Hard (‘07) King Kong (‘05, PG-13) aaa Naomi Watts, Jack Black. HD
Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan (TV14) HD Broke Girls Conan HD
Four Christmases (‘08, PG-13) Vince Vaughn. Four Christmases (‘08, PG-13) Vince Vaughn. Surviving (‘04) a HD
A Time to Kill (‘96, R) aaa Sandra Bullock. (:45) The Prince of Tides (‘91, R) aac Barbra Streisand.
The Professionals (‘66, PG-13) Burt Lancaster. (:15) The Last Hunt (‘56, NR) Robert Taylor. HD The Flying Fleet (‘29)
My Big Fat (N) HD My Big Fat (N) HD Coach (N) Coach (N) Late Night My Big Fat (TVPG) HD Coach HD
90 Day Fiance HD To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced (:05) To Be Announced
Gran Torino (‘09, R) Clint Eastwood, Christopher Carley. HD S.W.A.T. (‘03, PG-13) Samuel L. Jackson, Colin Farrell. HD
The Librarians (N) HD Agent X (TV14) (N) HD The Librarians HD Agent X: “Truth, Lies” Catch Me If You (‘02)
Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Mysteries (TVPG) HD Expedition Unknown No Reservations (N) Layover: “Los Angeles” Expedition Unknown Mysteries (TVPG) HD Layover: “Los Angeles”
Queens Queens
Facts Life Loves Raymond HD Raymond Raymond Raymond Queens Queens Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Queens Queens Queens Queens
NCIS: “Check” HD NCIS: “Enemy Within” NCIS (TV14) HD Modern Modern Chrisley Donny! HD NCIS: “Frame Up” HD NCIS (TV14) HD NCIS: “Broken Bird” Modern Modern Modern Modern
Sixteen Candles (‘84, PG) aac Molly Ringwald. The Breakfast Club (‘85, R) Emilio Estevez, Paul Gleason. HD Footloose Purple Rain (‘84, R) HD Love & Hip Hop (TV14) Love & Hip Hop (TV14) Love & Hip Hop (TV14) Waiting to Exhale (‘95)
Person of Interest HD Person of Interest HD Person of Interest HD How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met Blue Bloods (TV14) HD Blue Bloods (TV14) HD Blue Bloods (TV14) HD Home Videos HD How I Met How I Met
PREM (6:15) Titanic (‘97, PG-13) aaac HD Getting On The Leftovers HD Real Time Maher HD Oliver HD Leisure PREM Secret Service (‘15) HD The Leftovers (N) HD Getting On Together The Leftovers HD Getting On Together
A Million Ways to Die in the West (‘14, R) HD
The Knick: “Whiplash” The Knick (TVMA) HD The Marine (‘06, PG-13) John Cena. (:35) Invisible Centerfolds (‘15) HD Ouija (‘14, PG-13) Olivia Cooke. HD The Great Bikini Bowling Bash (‘14)
What If (‘14, PG-13) HD Homeland (TVMA) HD
The Affair (TVMA) HD Inside the NFL HD Notre Dame What If HD The Affair (TVMA) HD Homeland (N) HD The Affair (N) HD Homeland (TVMA) HD The Affair (TVMA) HD
6b - the news reporter, monday, november 23, 2015
****Publisher’s Notice**** 3 br, 1 1/2 bath. Power Stat ready. recourse against the Mortgagor, the owing. THIRD PARTY PURCHAS- being the Lot on which S.C. Hayes SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVIC-
equal housing $375 monthly, $375 deposit. Off Mortgagee, the Mortgagee’s attorney ERS MUST PAY THE EXCISE TAX now lives and runs with the North ES, INC.
opportunity Farmers Union Road. Call Linda 770- or the Trustee. AND THE RECORDING COSTS FOR line of the said tract South 87 1/2 SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE
1211, leave message. Additional Notice Where the Real THEIR DEED. degrees East about 93 yards to an c/o Hutchens Law Firm
All real estate advertised herein is Property is Residential With Less Said property to be offered pursuant iron stake on the main ditch it being P.O. Box 1028
subject to the Federal Fair Housing a home For rent in nakina. Than 15 Rental Units: to this Notice of Sale is being offered the North East corner of the said one 4317 Ramsey Street
Act, North Carolina and Columbus Very clean. Private lot. No pets. Ref- An order for possession of the prop- for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS acre Tract; thence with the said ditch Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311
Fair Housing Law which makes it ille- erences required. Call 910-642-6506 erty may be issued pursuant to G.S. IS WHERE IS.” There are no repre- or canal about South forty five (45) Phone No: (910) 864-3068
gal to advertise any preference, limita- leave message. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and sentations of warranty relating to the feet to a stake; thence North 87 1/2 https://sales.hutchenslawfirm.com
tion, or discrimination based on race, against the party or parties in posses- title or any physical, environmental, degrees West parallel with the first Case No: 1167349 (FC.FAY)
color, religion, sex, handicap, familial roommate wanted to help pay sion by the clerk of superior court of health or safety conditions existing line about 93 yards to an iron stake November 16, 23, 2015
status or national origin, or intention monthly bills. Call for information 654- the county in which the property is in, on, at, or relating to the property in the East margin of Franklin Street;
to make any such preferences, limi- 9099 sold. Any person who occupies the being offered for sale. This sale is thence with the East margin of Frank- notice of public
tation or discrimination. We will not property pursuant to a rental agree- made subject to all prior liens, unpaid lin Street about North forty five (45) hearing
knowingly accept any advertising for rooms For rent. Private and ment entered into or renewed on taxes, any unpaid land transfer taxes, feet to the point of beginning. It being
real estate which is in violation of the Shared Rooms available now for or after October 1, 2007, may, after special assessments, easements, the Northern portion of the said one whiteville planning
law. All persons are hereby informed senior citizens. Three delicious meals receiving the notice of sale, termi- rights of way, deeds of release, and acre tract above referred to. Together board
that all dwellings advertised are avail- served daily included. All utilities, nate the rental agreement by provid- any other encumbrances or excep- with improvements located thereon;
able on an equal opportunity basis. To cable and internet included. House- ing written notice of termination to tions of record. To the best of the said property being located at 411 The Whiteville Planning & Zoning
complain of discrimination, call HUD keeping and laundry service included the landlord, to be effective on a date knowledge and belief of the under- South Franklin Street, Whiteville, Board will hold a public hearing as
toll-free at 1-800-765-9372. weekly. Beautiful single story brick stated in the notice that is at least 10 signed, the current owner(s) of the North Carolina. follows:
house with all the comforts of home. days, but no more than 90 days, after property is/are Michael S. Glenn and The above described tract of land is Date: December 7, 2015
3 br, 2 bath brick home. Oak floors Call today 910-207-7999 the sale date contained in the notice Tammy C. Glenn. subject to a 9 foot wide easement as Time: 12:30 p.m. or as soon thereaf-
just refinished, completely remodeled of sale, provided that the mortgagor An Order for possession of the prop- shown in Deed Book 361 at Page 763. ter as the agenda will allow
including wiring, windows, HVAC, pri- For rent Downtown Commercial has not cured the default at the time erty may be issued pursuant to G.S. For chain of title see Book 560 at Meeting Location: Whiteville City Hall,
vate patio. Seller will pay closing cost. Building. Spacious parking. Call J.L. the tenant provides the notice of ter- 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and Page 823 of the Columbus County 24 Hill Plaza
Must See!!! Call 910-640-7192. Powell & Co., Inc. (910) 642-4049. mination. Upon termination of a rent- against the party or parties in posses- Register of Deeds. Zoning Map Amendment: Request
al agreement, the tenant is liable for sion by the clerk of superior court of Being same tract, conveyed to Frank- from Marshall Ray Nobles to rezone
1989 Fleetwood with addition, For rent/lease - 1,200 sq. ft. 6 rent due under the rental agreement the county in which the property is lin C. Walters and wife, Sylvia A. Wal- the property located at 261 West Oli-
porches, metal roof, storage buildings room office. Powell Plaza. Call Mem- prorated to the effective date of the sold. Any person who occupies the ters, dated May 30, 2001 and record- ver Street (tax parcel # 3855) from
on 1/2 acre lot near Walmart. $75,000. ory Enterprises 910-642-5824. termination. property pursuant to a rental agree- ed in Book 652, Page 612, Columbus R-20 (Residential District) to B-3
910-840-5826. Attorney at Law ment entered into or renewed on County Reg. (Highway Serving Business District).
2005 14x80, windzone II. Excellent mobile home lots For rent. Rogers Townsend & Thomas, PC or after October 1, 2007, may, after Trustee may, in the Trustee’s sole dis- Citizens interested in the proposal
condition. For more info call Oakwood 294 Thompsontown Rd., Whiteville. Substitute Trustee receiving the notice of sale, termi- cretion, delay the sale for up to one are invited to attend and participate
Homes 910-654-4128 Tony Stanley 840-2454. 2550 West Tyvola Road, Suite 520 nate the rental agreement by provid- hour as provided in NCGS §45-21.23. in the public hearing. Changes
true FaCtory direCt Custom Charlotte, NC 28217 ing written notice of termination to Should the property be purchased by may be made in the above proposal
built Modulars. Your plan or ours amended notice of (704) 442-9500 the landlord, to be effective on a date a third party, that party must pay the as a result of debate, objection, or
VA, FHA, and no money down pro- substitute November 23, 30, 2015 stated in the notice that is at least 10 excise tax, as well as the court costs discussion.
grams available. Manis Custom Build- trustee’s days, but no more than 90 days, after of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hiram J. Marziano, II
ers Retail Center. 910-754-2005. notice of the sale date contained in the notice Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required City of Whiteville
Foreclosure sale of Foreclosure sale of sale, provided that the mortgagor by NCGS §7A-308(a)(1). Planning Director
lot For sale: Williams Township/ real property has not cured the default at the time The property to be offered pursuant to 910-640-1380
Mollie area. Large lot, nice commu- 15 SP 150 the tenant provides the notice of ter- this notice of sale is being offered for November 23, 30, 2015
nity. Call 642-2872 or 653-3582. 019618-00029/ NORTH CAROLINA mination [NCGS § 45-21.16A(b)(2)]. sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS,
13-SP-106 COLUMBUS COUNTY Upon termination of a rental agree- WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor notice of service
12 aCre traCt of land adjacent to UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power Under and by virtue of a Power of ment, the tenant is liable for rent due the holder of the note secured by the of process by
Magnolia Green, Leland includes and authority contained in that certain Sale contained in that certain Deed of under the rental agreement prorat- deed of trust/security agreement, or publication
2,800 sq. ft. brick house. Commercial Deed of Trust executed and deliv- Trust executed by Michael S. Glenn ed to the effective date of the ter- both, being foreclosed, nor the offi-
showroom, shop & office 60x230, 3 ered by Danella D. Smith and Gary and Tammy C. Glenn to Lynn P. Holley, mination. cers, directors, attorneys, employees, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA
phase/single phase, 600 amps. 6ft L. Smith, dated August 29, 2002 and Trustee(s), which was dated Septem- If the trustee is unable to convey title agents or authorized representative of IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUS-
chain link fence. Incl. singlewide & recorded on September 5, 2002 in ber 18, 1997 and recorded on Sep- to this property for any reason, the either the Trustee or the holder of the TICE
rented D/W. Serious inquiries only. Book No. 702 at Page 989 and modi- tember 19, 1997 in Book 0539 at Page sole remedy of the purchaser is the note make any representation or war- COUNTY OF COLUMBUS
910-540-0150. fied on July 2, 2007 in Book No. 898 at 0036 and rerecorded/modified/cor- return of the deposit. Reasons of ranty relating to the title or any physi- DISTRICT COURT DIVISION
land For sale 4+ acres, 200 ft Page 173 and reformed by judgment rected on November 6, 1997 in Book such inability to convey include, but cal, environmental, health or safety FILE NO.: 15 CV 687
road frontage Georgia Pacific Rd. Call on March 10, 2014 in Book No. RB 0542, Page 0838, Columbus County are not limited to, the filing of a bank- conditions existing in, on, at or relat- COUNTY OF COLUMBUS and
910-642-8310 1079 at Page 752 in the Office of the Registry, North Carolina. ruptcy petition prior to the confirma- ing to the property being offered for TOWN OF BOLTON,
Register of Deeds of Columbus Coun- Default having been made of the note tion of the sale and reinstatement of sale, and any and all responsibilities Plaintiffs
1 aCre large 3 bedroom, 2 bath ty, North Carolina; and because of thereby secured by the said Deed of the loan without the knowledge of the or liabilities arising out of or in any vs
house. Garage/workshop. Near default in the payment of the indebt- Trust and the undersigned, Trustee trustee. If the validity of the sale is way relating to any such condition SHAWN DEL BROWN a/k/a SHAWN-
Whiteville. No pets. 910-640-3896. edness secured thereby and failure Services of Carolina, LLC, having challenged by any party, the trustee, expressly are disclaimed. Also, this DEL BROWN; FRANCINA FREE-
2 br, 2 bath Wooded Acres, to carry out and perform the stipu- been substituted as Trustee in said in their sole discretion, if they believe property is being sold subject to all MAN BROWN; UNITED STATES OF
Lake Waccamaw area. References lations and agreements contained Deed of Trust, and the holder of the the challenge to have merit, may taxes, special assessments, and prior AMERICA, Department of the Trea-
required. No pets. 910-640-9435 or therein and, pursuant to demand note evidencing said default having request the court to declare the sale liens or encumbrances of record and sury, Judgmentholder (Lienholder),
642-5801. of the holder of the indebtedness directed that the Deed of Trust be to be void and return the deposit. The any recorded releases. Said property Defendants
212 w. 3rd ave-Chadbourn; 2bd. secured by said Deed of Trust, the foreclosed, the undersigned Sub- purchaser will have no further remedy. is also being sold subject to applica- To SHAWN DEL BROWN a/k/a
1ba.; W/D hookup, back yard, lawn undersigned Substitute Trustee will stitute Trustee will offer for sale at Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC ble Federal and State laws. SHAWNDEL BROWN and FRAN-
care incl; $650/mo. $650 security place for sale, at public auction, to the the courthouse door of the county Substitute Trustee A deposit of five percent (5%) of the CINA FREEMAN BROWN, above
deposit; first month’s rent free for highest bidder for cash at the usual courthouse where the property is Brock & Scott, PLLC purchase price, or seven hundred fifty named Defendants:
qualifying applicant, apply @ car- place of sale at Columbus County located, or the usual and customary Attorneys for dollars ($750.00), whichever is great- Take notice that a pleading seeking
tretteproperties.managebuilding. Courthouse, Whiteville, North Caroli- location at the county courthouse for Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC er, is required and must be tendered relief against the Defendants SHAWN
com; contact: 252-756-2920 na on December 3, 2015 at 2:00 PM conducting the sale on December 1, 5431 Oleander Drive Suite 200 in the form of certified funds at the DEL BROWN a/k/a SHAWNDEL
3 bedroom, 1 bath house for that parcel of land, including improve- 2015 at 11:30AM, and will sell to the Wilmington, NC 28403 time of the sale. BROWN and FRANCINA FREEMAN
rent in Chadbourn. $500 rent, $500 ments thereon, situated, lying and highest bidder for cash the following PHONE: (910) 392-4988 If the trustee is unable to convey title BROWN and naming you as a Defen-
deposit. 910-770-5810. being in the City of Lake Waccamaw, described property situated in Colum- FAX: (910) 392-8587 to this property for any reason, the dant has been filed in the above enti-
659 Cedar branch rd, Chadbourn County of Columbus, State of North bus County, North Carolina, to wit: File No.: 15-00889-FC01 sole remedy of the purchaser is the tled action. The nature of the relief
3BR. 2ba. bonus room; W/D hook- Carolina, and being more particularly Being that certain tract or parcel November 16, 23, 2015 return of the deposit. Reasons of such being sought is as follows: Tax Fore-
up, private, security system, large described as BEING ALL OF LOT B, of land lying in Williams Township, inability to convey include, but are not closure for the collection of past due
yard; water & lawn care incl; $850mo. CONTAINING 0.53 ACRE, MORE OR Columbus County, North Carolina, notice of limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy Columbus County property taxes.
$850 deposit; first month’s rent free LESS, AS SHOWN AND DELINEAT- containing 0.45 acres, more or less, Foreclosure sale petition prior to the confirmation of You are required to make defense
for qualifying applicant, apply @ car- ED ON MAP PREPARED BY DAVID B. and being Lot 3 as shown on that plat the sale and reinstatement of the loan to such pleading not later than the
tretteproperties.managebuilding. GOLDSTON, JR. RLS, DATE OCTO- entitled “Survey for Harold J. Nealey 15 SP 156 without the knowledge of the trustee. 4th day of January, 2016, said date
com; office contact: 252-756-2920 BER 16, 1991, ENTITLED “MAP OF A South Columbus Estates,” prepared Under and by virtue of the power If the validity of the sale is challenged being 40 days from the first publi-
baldwin woods - 3 bedroom DIVISION FOR DANIEL W. DUDLEY by Robert D. Inman, R.L.S., dated 18 of sale contained in a certain Deed by any party, the trustee, in their sole cation of this notice and upon your
home, 1 bath. Remodeled, hardwood AND ELIZABETH D. DUDLEY”. December, 1995, and recorded in Plat of Trust made by Allison Grey Mar- discretion, if they believe the chal- failure to do so the party seeking
floors. $850 deposit, $850 rent with The above-described property is Book 60, Page 67, Columbus County tin (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): lenge to have merit, may request the service against you will apply to the
1 year lease. Call 910-231-0022 or a portion of that same property Registry. Reference is made to this Allison G. Martin) to CB Services court to declare the sale to be void Court for the relief sought.
910-790-5508. described in deed executed by Isa recorded plat for more particularity Corp, Trustee(s), dated the 22nd day and return the deposit. The purchaser This the 19th day of November,
large home commercial/resi- Powers, Widow to Daniel W. Dudley of description. of December, 2009, and recorded in will have no further remedy. 2015.
dential near Courthouse $1,200 per and wife, Elizabeth D. Dudley, dated The tract herein described is the same Book RB 976, Page 19, in Colum- Additional Notice for Residential WILLIAM E. WOOD
month. Furnished home, excellent January 16, 1965, and recorded in as conveyed by Harold J. Nealey to bus County Registry, North Carolina, Property with Less than 15 rental ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFFS
neighborhood $750. No pets. Deposit Deed Book 238, Page 538, Colum- Michael S. Glenn and wife, Tammy C. default having been made in the pay- units, including Single-Family Resi- 100 COURTHOUSE SQUARE
& references required. 642-4923 bus County Registry. Glenn by a deed of even date here- ment of the note thereby secured by dential Real Property WHITEVILLE, NC 28472
A true and accurate copy of the map with. This tract is a portion those the said Deed of Trust and the under- An order for possession of the prop- TELEPHONE: 910/642-3965
1 bedroom apartment $350. prepared by David B. Goldston, Jr. lands conveyed to Harold J. Nealey, signed, Substitute Trustee Services, erty may be issued pursuant to STATE BAR NO.: 5901
No pets. First & last month deposit. R.L.S dated Octobre 16, 1991, enti- by Levi Porter and wife, Alice F. Por- Inc. having been substituted as Trust- N.C.G.S. § 45-21.29 in favor of the Nov. 23, 30, Dec. 7, 2015
Call 642-0404. tled “Map of a Division for Daniel W. ter, by a deed dated March 20, 1995, ee in said Deed of Trust by an instru- purchaser and against the party or
1 bedroom apartment. Fully Dudley and Elizabeth Dudley” (the recorded in Book 480, Page 351, ment duly recorded in the Office of parties in possession by the clerk of notiCe to Creditors
furnished. References & deposit “Map”) is incorporated in this descrip- Columbus County Registry. Refer- the Register of Deeds of Columbus superior court of the county in which Having qualified as Administrator of
required. No pets. Call 640-8098. tion by reference. ence is made to that deed for further County, North Carolina and the holder the property is sold. the estate of Isabelle Hill Jackson,
2 bedroom apartment. No pets. Address of property: 209 James Ave- particularity of description. of the note evidencing said indebted- Any person who occupies the prop- deceased, late of Columbus Coun-
Please call J.L. Powell & Co., Inc. Call nue, Lake Waccamaw, NC 28450 This tract is subject to those restric- ness having directed that the Deed of erty pursuant to a rental agreement ty, the undersigned hereby notifies
642-4049. Tax Parcel ID: 80812 tive covenants dated February 29, Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned entered into or renewed on or after all persons having claims against
2 br, 1 ba apt for rent, high efficient Present Record Owners: Danella D. 1996, recorded in Book 504, Page Substitute Trustee will offer for sale October 1, 2007, may after receiving the estate of said decedent to pres-
units, low electric bills, water, trash, Smith and Gary L. Smith 523, Columbus County Registry. at the courthouse door in the City of the notice of foreclosure sale, termi- ent them to the undersigned within
yard work & maintenance incl. Small The terms of the sale are that the real Save and except any releases, deeds Whiteville, Columbus County, North nate the rental agreement by provid- three (3) months from the date of the
pets allowed. Bryson Dr, Whiteville, property hereinbefore described will of release or prior conveyances of Carolina, or the customary location ing written notice of termination to first publication, or this notice will be
$600 mo. $600 deposit. Call Eric 910- be sold for cash to the highest bidder. record. designated for foreclosure sales, at the landlord, to be effective on a date pleaded in bar of their recovery. All
640-7690 A deposit of five percent (5%) of the Said property is commonly known as 1:30 PM on December 1, 2015 and stated in the notice that is at least 10 persons indebted to said estate will
apt For rent available Dec. 1st. amount of the bid or Seven Hundred 38 Antinori Lane North, Tabor City, will sell to the highest bidder for cash days but not more than 90 days, after please make immediate payment.
3 BR, 1 1/2 bath. 3 references & Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever is NC 28463. the following real estate situated in the sale date contained in this notice This the 9th day of November, 2015.
deposit required. No pet, or smok- greater, is required and must be ten- A cash deposit (no personal checks) the County of Columbus, North Car- of sale, provided that the mortgagor Daniel Curtis Hill,
ers. S Franklin St. Whiteville 641-1250 dered in the form of certified funds at of five percent (5%) of the purchase olina, and being more particularly has not cured the default at the time Administratrix of the estate of
the time of the sale. The successful price, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars described as follows: the tenant provides the notice of ter- Joseph Edward Nichols
2 bedroom mobile home, East- bidder shall be required to pay rev- ($750.00), whichever is greater, will Beginning at an iron stake in the East mination. Upon termination of a rent- 88 Jackson Lane
over Park. Call J.L. Powell & Co Inc. enue stamps on the Trustee’s Deed, be required at the time of the sale. margin of Franklin Street in the town al agreement, the tenant is liable for Whiteville, NC 28472
642-4049. any Land Transfer Tax and costs of Following the expiration of the statu- of Whiteville, the North West corner rent due under the rental agreement Nov. 9, 16, 19, 23, 30,2015
2 bedroom, 2 bath singlewide for recording the Trustee’s Deed. tory upset bid period, all the remain- of a one acre tract of land conveyed prorated to the effective date of the
rent. $425 per month, plus deposit. The real property hereinabove ing amounts are immediately due and by Mary Hinson to Mary C. Hayes it termination.
No pets. References required. 910- described is being offered for sale
840-6032 after 6 pm. “AS IS, WHERE IS” and will be sold Sell
2 mobile homes for rent. (2) bed- subject to all superior liens, unpaid
room & 3 bedroom. Both has 2 baths. taxes, and special assessments. Call 642-4104, ext. 221 or 237 to place your classified ad today
Also lots 3 to 5 next to 1st Baptist Other conditions will be announced
Church on Wilkes St. in Chadbourn. at the sale. The sale will be held open
15-20 lots across from them. Call for ten (10) days for upset bids as by
910-640-6063. law required.
2-3 br, 1 bath house, open floor If for any reason the Trustee is unable
concept, large back yard, hardwood to convey title to this property or the
floors. $600 mo. $600 deposit. Call sale is set aside, the sole remedy
843-267-4996 of the purchaser is the return of the
deposit. Furthermore, if the validity of
the sale is challenged by any party,
the Trustee, in its sole discretion, if it
believes the challenge to have merit,
may declare the sale to be void and
return the deposit. In either event
the purchaser will have no further
the news reporter, monday, november 23, 2015 - 7b
notice of sale the petition are your neglect of the Defendants ty, which plat is hereby incorporated notiCe to Creditors notiCe to Creditors and
juvenile, your having willfully left him To RICHARD SHIPMAN and FREDDIE by reference for more particularity of Having qualified as Administrator of debtors
IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE in foster care outside the home for SHIPMAN, above named Defendants: description. the Estate of Malcolm Ray Spauld-
OF NORTH CAROLINA more than 12 months without show- Take notice that a pleading seeking Said lands are fully set forth and delin- ing, deceased, of Columbus County, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA
SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION ing progress in correcting conditions relief against the Defendants NEVON eated upon a survey for Martin L. Mal- State of North Carolina, the under- COUNTY OF COLUMBUS
COLUMBUS COUNTY that caused the removal, your fail- SHIPMAN, RICHARD SHIPMAN, colm, dated July 23, 1982, prepared by signed does, pursuant to North Car- FILE NO.: 15-E-495
15SP90 ure to ever support the child in any FREDDIE SHIPMAN, DREWELEN Jimmy H. Turner, which plat is incor- olina General Statute § 28A-14-1, The undersigned having qualified as
IN THE MATTER OF THE FORE- way, your failure to legitimate the JONES and BEVERLY JEAN ROG- porated by reference for further par- hereby notify all persons, firms, asso- Administratrix of the Estate of Daniel
CLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST juvenile by marriage to the mother or ERS and naming you as a Defendant ticularity of description. ciations or corporations having claims Glenn Spivey, deceased, of Columbus
EXECUTED BY DANNY P. LATHAM any other method, abandonment of has been filed in the above entitled See Book 351, Page 542 and Book against the estate of the said dece- County, North Carolina, do hereby
AND ETHEL MAE LATHAM DATED the juvenile for at least six consecu- action. The nature of the relief being 420, Page 755 Columbus County dent to present them to the under- notify all persons, firms and corpora-
AUGUST 31, 2000 AND RECORDED tive months, and the dependency of sought is as follows: Tax Foreclosure Registry. signed on or before the 3rd day of tions having claims against the Estate
IN BOOK 629 AT PAGE 287 RERE- the juvenile per GS 7B-101. You are for the collection of past due Colum- Less lot 26, see Book 609, Page 937. February, 2016, or this notice will be to exhibit them to the undersigned on
CORDED ON NOVEMBER 28, 2000 entitled to attend a hearing affect- bus County property taxes. See also easement at Book 342, pleaded in bar of their recovery. All or before three months after the day
IN BOOK 636, PAGE 158 IN THE ing your rights. Parents are entitled You are required to make defense to Page 865. persons, firms, associations or corpo- of the first publication of this notice,
COLUMBUS COUNTY PUBLIC REG- to have counsel appointed to them if such pleading not later than the 4th TRACT 2: rations indebted to the said estate will or by February 24, 2016 or same
ISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA they cannot afford same. If you want day of January, 2016, said date being All of that certain lot or parcel of land please make payment immediately. will be pleaded in bar of their recov-
Under and by virtue of the power and a court-appointed attorney, you are 40 days from the first publication of lying and being in Chadbourn Town- This the 28h day of October, 2015. ery. All persons, firms and corpora-
authority contained in the above-ref- encouraged to immediately contact this notice and upon your failure to do ship, Columbus County and State of Lesley M. Spaulding tions indebted to the said estate will
erenced deed of trust and because of Fred Meekins at 910-642-8080, who so the party seeking service against North Carolina and being more par- Administrator of the Estate of please make immediate payment to
default in the payment of the secured has temporarily been appointed to you will apply to the Court for the ticularly described as follows: Malcolm Ray Spaulding the undersigned.
indebtedness and failure to per- represent you. At the first hearing, relief sought. Beginning at a point on the West mar- James E. Hill, jr., PLLC This the 23rd day of November, 2015.
form the stipulation and agreements the Court will determine whether you This the 18th day of November, 2015. gin of Brown Street and the South Attorney at Law Katherine West
therein contained and, pursuant to qualify for a court-appointed attor- WILLIAM E. WOOD margin of Holland Street, the intersec- 109 Courthouse Square Administratrix of the Estate of
demand of the owner and holder of ney. If you do not qualify Atttorney ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFFS tion of said streets; and runs South Whiteville, NC 28472 Daniel Glenn Spivey
the secured debt, the undersigned Meekins will be released. This is a 100 COURTHOUSE SQUARE with Brown Street 130 feet; thence Telephone: 910-642-8136 Bret H. Davis
substitute trustee will expose for new case and any previous attorney WHITEVILLE, NC 28472 West Parallel with Holland Street 150 November 2, 9, 16, 23, 2015 Attorney for the Administratrix
sale at public auction to the highest appointed to you will not represent TELEPHONE: 910/642-3965 feet; thence North parallel with Brown Of the Estate of
bidder for cash at the usual place of you in this matter. STATE BAR NO.: 5901 Street 130 feet to Holland Street; notiCe to Creditors Daniel Glenn Spivey
sale at the county courthouse of said The above named male minor child Nov. 23, 30, Dec. 7, 2015 thence with Holland Street 150 feet STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Davis & Boyd, LLC
county at 10:00AM on December 7, was born to Elizabeth DeeDee Fer- to the beginning. COUNTY OF COLUMBUS PO Box 70517
2015 the following described real rari on June 21, 2014 in Wilmington, notice of tax Being the same property conveyed The undersigned, GINA LYNN Myrtle Beach, SC 29572
estate and any other improvements New Hanover County, North Carolina. Foreclosure sale by deed dated October 27, 1959 from HEWETT STANLEY, has qualified 843-839-9800
which may be situated thereon, in You are hereby summoned and noti- Waccamaw Bank & Trust Company, as Administratrix CTA of the Estate November 23, 30, Dec. 7, 14, 2015
Columbus County, North Carolina, fied to answer the petition. You must STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA acting as Administrator, to Hezekiah of DARUS PAUL HEWETT, late of
and being more particularly described prepare and file with the Clerk of COUNTY OF COLUMBUS Nobles, and recorded in Deed Book Columbus County, and this is to noti- public hearing
as follows: Superior Court of Columbus Coun- IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE 221, Page 118, of the Columbus Coun- fy all persons having claims against notice
Being all of Lot No. Thirty (30) of Old ty, Attention: Juvenile Court Clerk, DISTRICT COURT DIVISION ty Registry. said Estate to present them to the town of
Farms Estates, as shown on Plat Columbus County Courthouse, 100 FILE NO.: 15 CV 943 See Book 468, Page 654, Columbus undersigned on or before February
recorded in Map Book 52 at Page 74 Courthouse Square, Whiteville, NC COUNTY OF COLUMBUS, County Registry. 23, 2016, pursuant to North Caroli- Chadbourn
in the Columbus County Registry, to 28472 a written answer to the peti- TOWN OF FAIR BLUFF and The property to be offered pursuant to na General Statute 28A-14-1, or this
which reference is hereby made for a tion within forty (40) days of the first TOWN OF CHADBOURN, this Notice of Sale is being offered for notice shall be pled in bar of their The Chadbourn Town Council will
more full and complete description by date of publication (written below). Plaintiffs sale, transfer and conveyance: “AS IS, recovery. All persons indebted to hold a Public Hearings on Decem-
metes and bounds. You must also serve a copy of the vs WHERE IS”. Neither the Commission- said Estate will please make imme- ber 1, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Below is a
And Being more commonly known as: answer on the petitioner’s attorney TED PARKER HOME SALES, INC., er nor the County of Columbus, nor the diate payment to the undersigned at description of the case for consid-
113 Pretty Branch Ln, Riegelwood, (address below). If you fail to file an Defendant officers, directors, attorneys, employ- the following address: eration:
NC 28456 answer your parental rights will be ter- NOTICE is hereby given that the ees, agents or authorized representa- This the 23rd day of November, 2015. 1: Case No.: CUP-02-15 - The appli-
The record owner(s) of the property, minated. Your failure to respond will COUNTY OF COLUMBUS, TOWN OF tives of either the Commissioner or GINA LYNN HEWETT STANLEY cant is requesting a Conditional Use
as reflected on the records of the Reg- result in the Petitioner applying to the FAIR BLUFF and the County of Columbus make any ADMINISTRATRIX CTA Permit to operate an auto repair busi-
ister of Deeds, is/are Danny P. Latham Court for the relief sought. The pur- TOWN OF CHADBOURN as bod- representation of warranty relating to 141 Mt. Carmel Church Rd. ness at 120 N Wilson Street. The
and wife, Ethel Mae Latham. pose of the hearing is to comply with ies politic incorporate of the State of the title or any physical, environmen- Ruffin, NC 27326 property is presently zoned B-1 (Cen-
The property to be offered pursuant NCGS 7B-1108.1 and to terminate North Carolina, are exercising their tal, health or safety conditions exist- Williamson, Walton & Scott, L.L.P. tral Business District).
to this notice of sale is being offered your parental rights. power and authority to assess, levy ing in, on, at, or relating to the property Attorneys at Law The Public Hearing will be held at:
for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS Such hearing will be conducted on and collect taxes against real and being offered for sale, and any and all P. O. Box 1467 Chadbourn Town Hall
IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee the 11th day of January, 2016 at 9:00 personal property located within their responsibilities or liabilities arising out Whiteville, NC 28472 Town Council Chambers
nor the holder of the note secured by a.m. in the District Court of Columbus boundaries in accordance with the of or in any way relating to any such Nov. 23, 30, Dec. 7, 14, 2015 602 North Brown Street
the deed of trust, being foreclosed, County, Columbus County Court- laws of the State of North Carolina condition expressly are disclaimed. Chadbourn, North Carolina 28431
nor the officers, directors, attorneys, house, 100 Courthouse Circle, White- and the Default Judgment and Order Also, this property is being sold free notiCe to Creditors For questions regarding this request,
employees, agents or authorized rep- ville, North Carolina. If your address of Sale entered on the 22nd day of and clear of all taxes, special assess- STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA you may contact Town Manager Rob-
resentative of either Trustee or the is known, the date, time and place of September, 2015 and are foreclosing ments, prior liens or encumbrances of COUNTY OF COLUMBUS ert Jones at 910-654-4148, Monday
holder of the note make any repre- hearing of the petition will be mailed on the following land of TED PARKER record against said property except The undersigned, ROBERT DOUG- through Friday between 8:00 a.m.
sentation or warranty relating to the to you upon filing of an answer. You HOME SALES, INC. in order to sat- as may have priority under Federal or LAS WHITE, has qualified as Exec- and 5:00 p.m
title or any physical, environmental, may call the Deputy Clerk of the Juve- isfy the properly assessed but unpaid State Law, if any. utor of the Estate of ELIZABETH H. Thank you,
health or safety conditions existing nile Court of Columbus County at taxes and/or special assessments A cash deposit of 20% of the purchase WHITE, late of Columbus County, Robert Jones
in, on, at or relating to the property (910) 641-4440 for further information. upon certain lands. Pursuant to the price, or $750 whichever is greater, and this is to notify all persons having Town Manager / Zoning Administrator
being offered for sale. Any and all David S. Tedder Judgment entered on the 22nd day will be required at the time of the sale claims against said Estate to present November 23, 30, 2015
responsibilities or liabilities arising out Assistant County Attorney of September, 2015, William E. Wood with the balance remaining due to be them to the undersigned on or before
of or in any way relating to any such 111 Washington Street has been appointed Commissioner paid in full by cash or certified funds February 2, 2016, pursuant to North Low Price Tire Guarantee
condition expressly are disclaimed. Whiteville, NC 28472 with the authority to sell the follow- at the Office of the Commissioner Carolina General Statute 28A-14-1,
This sale is made subject to all prior 910-642-5645 ing lands at the Courthouse Door, within three (3) days after the entry of or this notice shall be pled in bar of Behind Quality Ford
liens and encumbrances, and unpaid Nov. 23, 30, Dec. 7, 2015 Columbus County Courthouse in the the Judgment of Confirmation by the their recovery. All persons indebted
taxes and assessments including but City of Whiteville, Columbus County, Clerk of Court. to said Estate will please make imme- 106 Quality Street, Whiteville
not limited to any transfer tax associ- notice of service North Carolina at 12:00 o’clock noon Hearing before the Honorable Amy diate payment to the undersigned at 910-640-FAST (640-3278)
ated with the foreclosure. A deposit of process by on the 8th day of December, 2015 and W. Nance, Assistant Clerk of Superi- the following address:
of five percent (5%) of the amount of publication will sell to the highest bidder for cash or Court for Columbus County, North This the 2nd day of November, 2015.
the bid or seven hundred fifty dol- all interest in the following described Carolina was held in connection with ROBERT DOUGLAS WHITE,
lars ($750.00), whichever is greater, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA real estate: this foreclosure on the 22nd day of EXECUTOR
is required and must be tendered in COLUMBUS COUNTY TRACT 1: September, 2015 at which time Clerk 5711 Pickens Avenue
the form of certified funds at the time In the District Court All of that certain lot or parcel of land Amy Nance authorized this foreclosure Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
of the sale. This sale will be held open COLUMBUS COUNTY, by and through lying and being in Fair Bluff Township, sale as required by statute. LISA P. GREENE,
ten days for upset bids as required by its CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT Columbus County and State of North This the 10th day of November, 2015. RESIDENT PROCESS AGENT
law. Following the expiration of the AGENCY, on behalf of Carolina and being more particularly WILLIAM E WOOD P. O. Box 1467
statutory upset period, all remain- Hazel L. Garcia, described as follows: COMMISSIONER Whiteville, NC 28472
ing amounts are IMMEDIATELY DUE Plaintiff Being all of Lots 26, 27, 29 and 30 as 100 COURTHOUSE SQUARE Williamson, Walton & Scott, L.L.P.
AND OWING. Failure to remit funds in Vs. set forth on a plat of the Scott Subdivi- WHITEVILLE, NC 28472 Attorneys at Law
a timely manner will result in a Dec- Manuel Cisneros Garcia and sion recorded in Map Book 6, Page 93, TELEPHONE: (910)-642-3965 P. O. Box 1467
laration of Default and any deposit Geames J. Bonner, Public Records of Columbus Coun- STATE BAR NO.: 5901 Whiteville, NC 28472
will be frozen pending the outcome Defendant November 23 & 30, 2015 November 2, 9, 16, 23, 2015
of any re-sale. If the sale is set aside TO: Manuel Cisneros Garcia
for any reason, the Purchaser at the TAKE NOTICE that a pleading seeking NOTICE
sale shall be entitled only to a return of relief against you has been filed in the
the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall above-entitled action. The nature of Candidate Filing – March 15, 2016 Primary Election
have no further recourse against the the relief being sought is as follows:
Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, the Sub- That you either be established as the Begins-December 1, 2016 12:00 Noon / Ends-December 21, 2016, 12:00 Noon
stitute Trustee or the attorney of any father of the minor children J’Ceon
of the foregoing. D. Bonner, DOB: 12-5-13 and Jayden The seats that are up for Election are U.S. Senator, U.S. House of Representative, NC Governor, NC Lieutenant
SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD Bonner, DOB: 5-4-15 and if estab- Governor, NC Secretary of State, NC Auditor, NC Treasurer, NC Superintendent of Public Instruction, NC Attorney
TENANTS: If you are a tenant resid- lished as such that you then pay child General, NC Commissioner of Agriculture & Consumer Services, NC Commissioner of Labor NC Commissioner
ing in the property, be advised that an support for them, provide medical of Insurance, NC State Senate, NC House of Representative, NC Supreme Court Associate Justice, Judge-Court
Order for Possession of the property insurance for them, pay the costs of of appeals, District Court Judge, Superior Court Judge, Register of Deeds, and County Commissioner (Districts
may be issued in favor of the pur- this action and submit to wage with- 2, 3, 4 & 5)
chaser. Also, if your lease began or holding. Alternatively, that you be dis-
was renewed on or after October 1, established as the father of said chil- SEAT FILING FEE WHERE TO FILE
2007, be advised that you may termi- dren and have no obligations as to NC STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS
nate the rental agreement upon writ- them. Further, this action also seeks U.S. Senator $1,740 NC STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS
ten notice to the landlord, to be effec- to determine whether or not Geames NC STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS
tive on a date stated in the notice that J. Bonner is or is not the father of said U.S. Representative $1,740 NC STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS
is at least 10 days, but no more than children with either incidental obliga- NC STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS
90 days, after the sale date contained tions of support to them or if not the Governor $1,424 NC STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS
in the notice of sale, provided that the father with no obligations as to them. NC STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS
mortgagor has not cured the default You are required to make defense to Lieutenant Governor $1,257 NC STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS
at the time notice of termination is such pleading not later than 12-28- NC STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS
provided. You may be liable for rent 15, and upon your failure to do so the Attorney General $1,257 NC STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS
due under the agreement prorated to party seeking service against you will NC STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS
the effective date of the termination. apply to the court for the relief sought. Secretary of State $1,257 NC STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS
The date of this Notice is October This the 11th day of November, 2015. NC STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS
30, 2015. David S. Tedder State Treasurer $1,257 NC STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS
Grady I. Ingle or Elizabeth B. Ells Asst. County Attorney NC STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS
Substitute Trustee PO Box 397 State Auditor $1,257 NC STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS
10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 Whiteville, NC 28472 NC STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS
Charlotte, NC 28216 (910) 641 3177 Superintendent of Public Instruction $1,257 COLUMBUS COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS
704-333-8107 November 16, 23, 30, 2015 COLUMBUS COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS
http://shapiroattorneys.com/nc/ Agriculture Commissioner $1,257 COLUMBUS COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS
15-070746 notice of service COLUMBUS COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS
November 23, 30, 2015 of process by Insurance Commissioner $1,257
notice of service Labor Commissioner $1,257
IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE Justice, State Supreme Court $1,399
RIGHTS DISTRICT COURT DIVISION Judge, State Court of Appeals $1,341
COUNTY OF COLUMBUS COUNTY OF COLUMBUS and Judge, Superior Court $1,269
DISTRICT COURT DIVISION Plaintiffs Judge, District Court $1,153
FILE NO. 14 JT 66 Vs.
male juvenile, DOB: 6-21-2014 MAN; FREDDIE SHIPMAN; DREWEL-
TO: The Unknown Father of Chance EN JONES; BEVERLY JEAN ROG- State Senator $207
Lee Ferrari ERS; JUDY BEST, Judgmentholder
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a peti- (Lienholder); STATE OF NORTH CAR- State Representative $207
tion has been filed by the Columbus OLINA, Office of Indigent Defense
County Department of Social Ser- Services, Judgmentholder (Lien- Register of Deeds $678
vices for the purpose of terminat- holder),
ing your parental rights to the above County Commissioner (Districts 2,3,4, & 5) $134
named minor child. The grounds for
Also Filing for the Riegelwood Sanitary District for the November 8, 2016 General Election will take place during the
same Filing period.
Riegelwood Sanitary District $5.00
North Carolina State Board of Elections is located at 441 N Harrington St, Raleigh, NC 27603
Columbus County Board of Elections is located at 50 Legion Dr., Suite A, Whiteville, NC 28472
November 23, 26, 2015
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