NOV–DEC 2017 | VOLUME 29 ISSUE 6 “Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet.” Isaiah 58:1
War on
See Page 5
Dear people, let me grab you by the hand, as the
angels did Lot in Sodom, and hasten you to the safety of
the church of the living God. It is time to drop everything
and anybody that would hold you back, make a bolt away
from the course of this world with its many tentacles, and INDEX
run–don’t walk, RUN!–to this holy flock of God.
Your religion is not working. God rejected it long ago,
and it is time that you did, too! Make your escape lest
God’s wrath fall upon you with them (Rev. 18:4). The War on Children 5
Stop browsing the babblers and slanderers on the
internet and come into the congregation of the holy and Backward 7
know for yourself that God is in us of a truth. The Oppressed Awaken 9
Forsake this untoward generation that is wallowing in
sin as pigs in the mire. Let someone else be Hollywood’s Suicide 10
slave if they will. Leave them with their green and purple
hair, tattoos, skinny jeans, and all the other sin-mania they Armageddon News 12
are so addicted to. Blaze a trail to Zion and let the dust fly!
God’s church is the only solution for this sin-broken Obituaries 13
world, and it is the only gate to heaven. It is the house of
healing for the sin-sick soul and the joy of the whole earth. The Gospel Trumpet Publishing Co.
is registered as a charitable organization in the USA.
“Salvation is a perfect plan; it heals the saddest one.” Please request a tax receipt for donations, if so desired.
This work is supported through free-will offerings.
Turn your ears and eyes Zionward–can you hear the
song of triumph rending the air?
Do you hear the shouts of praise
from the lips of those who have
been delivered from the power of
darkness? Can you see the tears
of joy that flow from the hearts of
those that are beside themselves
with thanksgiving and gratitude for
the mighty works of God?
Come closer, closer. You will
see wonders in Zion, for God is in
our midst! Sis. S. Mutch
Pastor after God’s Own Heart I tried to ignore the returned headache as in faith. I thanked them in a voice barely
best as I could since I wanted to spend this above a whisper. They encouraged me and
Praise the Lord, dear saints. I am so special time of receiving the saints at our then left the room.
house and enjoying the fellowship.
thankful for the true pastors and apostles in I felt very relaxed and all of a sudden
A sister gave me two wonderful mas- I realized the pain was gone! Glory! I sat
the church of the living God. I am thankful sages, yet the pain steadily worsened. up. A dull ache throbbed at the base of my
Eventually, I applied peppermint oil to the skull. I felt tempted to doubt my instant
to be free from false preachers. So many throbbing areas, but the pain intensified to healing but I didn’t dwell on it for very
the point that I couldn’t even open my left long. Resolutely, I got up. “Lord, I’m trust-
false preachers are destroying souls that are eye, and I found it very difficult to tolerate ing you to make the pain completely disap-
the bright lights. pear, even this dull ache.” I fixed the bed
hungry for the truth. and slipped back into my shoes. The devil
Finally, I left the kitchen in the capable whispered, “Don’t turn on the light! It will
I am thankful for my pastor after God’s hands of the sisters and retired to the bed- hurt your eyes!” Immediately, I flipped the
room seeking relief in blessed sleep, but I light switch. I smiled. No pain at all!!
own heart. He didn’t take a 5 year univer- tossed and turned and moaned, unable to
find a comfortable position. The left side Excitedly, I straightened my dishev-
sity Bible study to be a preacher or to stand of my head ached, pulling in my neck and eled hair, stepped back into the kitchen,
shoulders, and causing chest pains along and proclaimed, “I’m healed!” The saints
behind the pulpit. I praise the Lord for that. with a restless arm. I could recognize voic- shouted and rejoiced in amazement as I
es as the saints visited but wasn’t able to began to testify about God’s healing touch
God put them in order! think clearly enough to follow along on and how He instantly raised me up. The
any line of conversation. My husband fixed rest of the evening, I felt completely fine
Preachers in false religion are truly hot tea for me, kept checking on me, and except for a slightly uncomfortable tighten-
prayed for me at one point. He also kept ing on the left side of my chest, although
blind. I’ve been under false preachers me informed on which saints had already that, too, gradually disappeared.
arrived. When I heard that the apostle, Bro.
where you feel very tired, very sleepy, and Addison Everett, had arrived I thought, I have not experienced another head-
“Why should the hostess be sick in bed ache since then. Truly God is a Healer in
very dry! They care not for your soul! At when there’s an apostle in the house?” Af- Zion and is working through His end time
ter expressing my desire of receiving the apostles and prophets. He allowed this to
the end of the sermon, they can’t wait to ministry’s prayers, my husband summoned happen for His glory and I’m ever grateful
them and soon all four; Brothers Addison for this gift of healing. Sis. Alice Yoder
close the service to get the check in their Everett, John Friesen, Markus Tovstiga,
and Lonnie Bontrager entered quietly. Texas, USA
pocket. What a shame!
The peaceful assurance of faith settled Wonderfully Healed!
To be free from sin is wonderful! The over me as they gathered by the bedside The Lord God, Jesus Christ, is worthy
and conversed briefly with me. Laying
church of God preachers have the answer their hands on me, Bro. Addison prayed to receive glory, and honor, and power, for
He has laid down His life to save us from
for you! Thank the Lord for the church of the power of the devil. I am so thankful that
God! Sis. Rufina Simser
Manitoba, Canada
The Pain was Gone!
“And he touched her hand, and the fe-
ver left her: and she arose, and ministered
unto them.” Matthew 8:15. Praise the Lord!
On November 10, 2017, about 40 saints
gathered at our house to enjoy grilled steak
and hamburgers. The sisters were helping
me in the kitchen with food preparation
when a sudden sharp headache began to
develop in my left eye. This same type of
headache had persistently bothered me the
day before, and I hadn’t been able to get
rid of it except by a good night’s rest. Now
The Gospel Trumpet Publishing Co. He saved me and also Sis. Maria (my mother) who got a hold of
true salvation at the age of 85 after many years of bondage in the
Anti-Denominational Holiness Paper world and sectism. Now she is 91 years old and has lived a happy
and victorious life since then.
Editor-in-Chief: Sis. Susan Mutch
German Dept.: Sis. Doreen Tovstiga God has recently done a great miracle for her by healing a
Russian Dept.: Bro. Waldemar Anselm sore on her ear. She had been suffering with a skin condition on
her face and about three years ago she got a sore on her ear that
This definite, radical, anti-sectarian holiness paper is started small and got bigger and bigger. Recently it became very
published in the name of the Lord for the edification of big and deep. It caused her pain and bled very often, especially
the church of God. Its mission is to point souls to full sal- during the night as she had to lay on that side to sleep.
vation through Christ and to expose the errors of spiritual
Babylon (false religion). We desire this paper to be used The dermatologist sent her to the hospital for an examina-
as a sharp instrument in the hands of the Lord, breaking tion. He suspected that it would be skin cancer and need radia-
the spiritual silence in this time of restoration. tion therapy or a piece of the ear cut off. My mother right away
decided against that and said, “Let come what God wills.” God
This publishing work is supported through freewill honored her stand in a wonderful way.
offerings. Biblical quotes are from the King James Ver-
sion unless otherwise noted. We reserve the right to edit When one of the apostles came to Germany in November,
or decline any material and are not responsible for the she was anointed and prayed for. The next day she said, “God has
return of any items. Articles printed in this publication healed my ear.” She squeezed her ear to see if it still hurt, and it
are used on the merit of the truth contained therein and did not hurt or bleed. She testified that she felt a great power she
should not necessarily be understood as a commenda- had never felt before at the time she got prayed for. After three
tion of the writer. The Gospel Trumpet Publishing Co. and days, a scab had formed and three weeks later it fell off. The ear
its subsidiaries are operated under the authority of the is healthy again, and she can sleep well on it during the night
General Ministerial Body of the Church of God. without pain. Isn’t that wonderful? Praise His holy name!
Subsidiaries of The Gospel Trumpet Publishing Co. She is very thankful to have experienced God’s healing pow-
er, it strengthened her faith and removed a lot of doubts. She is
The Gospel Trumpet is available in very encouraged and sings throughout the day to resist the enemy.
English, German, Russian, Spanish, and Portuguese
To see with your own eyes how God is working in this time,
The Shining Light for Children – [email protected] just as in the morning time, is wonderful. I am encouraged to
serve the Lord and am glad to be a part of this restoration. I am
Zion’s Voice for Audio – [email protected] thankful that God has restored the gift of the apostleship and
especially the healing of the body through faith. My faith was
The Bible teaches: strengthened through witnessing this miracle, and godly fear has
increased in my soul. Blessed be His holy name!
Godly Sorrow and Repentance Acts 3:19; 17:30, 2 Cor. 7:10
Sis. Helga Rampelt
The New Birth–a Radical Conversion John 3:3-7 Germany
Freedom from Sin/A Holy Life 1 Jn. 5:18, Lk. 1:73-75, Tit. 2:11-12 I’ve been looking for a church to worship with. I live in Con-
necticut. I have been learning and following the church of God
Entire Sanctification–a Second Cleansing 1 Thess. 5:23, Act 15:8-9 for many years now. I’m from the island of St. Lucia. I grew up in
a church of God. Since I traveled to the United States of America,
Unity of God’s People/One Church John 17:21, Matt. 16:18 I haven’t found the true church of God till I found you online.
Divine Healing James 5:14-15, Isa. 53:5 I’m aware of your doctrine and principles, which I very
much want to be a part of. Unfortunately, there is none here in the
Ordinances Mt. 28:19-20, Jn. 13:14-15, 1 Cor. 11:23-26 state of Connecticut. I do wish there was a branch here because
we all know that the church of the living God is the ground and
Plain, Modest Dress Dt. 22:5, 1 Tim. 2:9-10, 1 Cor. 11:14-15 pillar of the truth.
SanctityofMarriage Mt.19:5-6,Mk.10:11-12,Lk.16:18,Rom.7:2-3 I would really appreciate it if I get a response from someone.
I need to surrender my entire life to God before it’s too late.
Non-Violence Luke 3:14; 6:27-29; 18:20
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my email. I
Restoration (Sounding 7th Trumpet) Rev. 10:7; 11:15 will kindly wait for your response. May God bless you.
Eternal Punishment or Reward Matt. 25:46 L. Baptiste
Connecticut, USA
P.O. Box 1139, Greenville, Ohio 45331 ™
Phone: (937) 548-9876
[email protected]
The War on Children
Bro. Daniel Eichelberger The devil wants your been content with their gains. They know
children. Of this, I am their dominance of the conversation is tenu-
Fact: perfectly convinced. ous at best, because there is still a sizeable
A recent study has The headlines prove it. opposition to their efforts. Adults are prov-
revealed that children They scream out the ing to be too slow in the advancement of
are losing touch with abominable fact nearly their agenda. And so, they target the impres-
vital life skills due to every day. And, as a fa- sionable and malleable mind of youth. They
digital device overuse. ther of four and a believer, they make my are targeting children. Your children.
spiritual blood boil. For, not only are his in-
tentions plainly made known and open for Today they have story times with a
everyone to see (the devil long ago stopped transgender reader movement in the pub-
trying to be cunning and deceptive in the lic library system. There are now public
matter), Christian people still appear to be school systems that have made the decision
so oblivious and blind to the fact. to honor a child’s “gender fluidity” without
mentioning anything to the parents. There
All over the Western world, the LG- are children being punished for “bullying”
BTQ movement has made sweeping chang- transgender classmates by accidentally call-
es to laws and the acceptance of immorality. ing them by their original names. There
In the United States and Canada, in Euro- are teachers requiring their students to use
pean countries, and more recently in Aus- gender-neutral pronouns in class. There
tralia, they have successfully redefined so- are lesbian public school teachers “edu-
ciety’s view of marriage. But they have not cating” their students on how normative
homosexual relationships are, and how they on their multiple vehicles, and their 4,000 in the way he should go: and when he is
can have meaningful and fulfilling sexual square foot home. And aren’t groceries ex- old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs
experiences with one of the same gender. pensive nowadays? You have to stock the 22:6. Leaving worldly people to train your
There are judges abrogating parental rights freezer. children is a blatant disregard of holy pre-
so disillusioned teens can seek transgender cept, and both you and your children will
therapy without parental consent. Got to pay for their participation in pay a high price for it.
sports, too. So much to pay for that they
Hollywood has taken up the clarion need two jobs. All the while, your chil- Nature teaches us better things and
call, as usual, and is now actively promot- dren are being raised by the ungodly and testifies against this lie of the wicked one.
ing the acceptance of unspeakable immo- indoctrinated in the humanistic worldview. Let us consider the example that even Jesus
rality in its child-focused offerings. Take Truly, this is a generation without natural used when He wept over Jerusalem. “How
Disney, for example, a company long as- affection. often would I have gathered thy children
sociated with safe themes for children. To- together, even as a hen gathereth her chick-
day they are normalizing homosexuality in There is a lie that the devil propa- ens under her wings.” Matthew 23:37.
their films, including homosexual- gates among Christian people, and this is
ity among children. Children! Does the mother hen reason that,
that sheltering your children from worldly in order to survive when they are
Despite this, parents still flock influence can be counterproductive and grown, she should allow her chicks
to movie theaters or sit in front of harmful to them. For, the reasoning goes, to play near the snake hiding in the
their televisions with their children if they are never exposed to things of the bush? Leave them out in a heavy
watching Disney shows. They buy world, they will never be able to handle it downpour to fend for themselves?
all manner of Disney merchandise when they are grown and out of the house. Notice the hawk flying above and
for their children and send the chil- This is a fabrication of the evil one and a make no warning cluck, hoping
dren to the public schools. And then bald-faced falsehood. Holy scripture teach- her children will just be okay and
they take them to church on Sun- es us the exact opposite. “Train up a child not become a prey? No, she calls
day, hoping to counteract a week of to them, gathers them, and shelters
worldly assault and indoctrination them. If it became necessary, she
in an hour and a half. They are los- would give her very life in the act
ing the battle. of protecting them.
This is not just a cultural war. It It is a sad testament to the hu-
is a war on children. Your children. man condition that a bird often pos-
sesses more natural affection and
They want them, and they want wisdom than people. Shelter your
them early. children! They deserve it, and God
expects it from you. They needn’t
Sadly, child sacrifice is not be ignorant of the goings on in
a thing of the past. It is happen- the world, but you need to be the
ing every day and in every place. teacher and instructor. You teach
Parents refuse to be a living sacri- them how to interpret what they see
fice to God. They are caught up in around them from a biblical point of view
convenience and worldly comfort. and a godly worldview. You be the hen.
Meanwhile, their children are paying the Children are not missionaries. Though
price. They are offered up to the modern they certainly may be useful to God in
day Moloch of the “American dream.” The witnessing about salvation to others, they
devil has made it so easy. Public education are under your care and supervision for
is free, after all. Send them away on the bus a reason. They are not equipped to daily
in the morning, and forget about them until withstand the onslaught of falsehood and
the afternoon. It gives the parents a break,
you know? It allows both to hold a job so Continued on Page 9
they can “afford” to make the payments
Progressive. Advanced. En- ing at the God of heaven, and glorying in a high price tag. As they indulge, depres-
lightened. Increased in knowl- their own “achievements” and sin-tolerant, sion, anxiety, and suicide rates soar. Many
edge–so modern man thinks sin-promoting philosophies, they would feel there is no purpose in life and testify
himself to be. After all, scien- do well to look around at the social land- to their emptiness of heart. Empty indeed,
tists have invented rockets that scape and consider what is strewn in this for without God in their hearts, man has an
transcend earth’s atmosphere, advanced in God-rejecting path. A society that will not empty void; a void that all of the dainties of
technology at a rapid pace, and are in their hearken to the commands of God is a soci- this world with all of its indulgence for the
zenith of knowledge–presumably. ety that will plunge into a moral free-fall; flesh can never fill.
a bottomless pit of ever-increasing trouble
Now, like King Nebuchadnezzar of and sorrow. Yet still, God-hating secular human-
old, man touts: “Is not this great…that I ists, eager for the rapid proselytizing of the
have built…by the might of my power, and We see the carnage everywhere–chil- nations, labour fervently setting up their
for the honour of my majesty?” Dan. 4:30. dren robbed of secure homes, many abused; pulpits in the public school system, starting
O vain man, you labour with backs deter- youths hurting, troubled and angry, most in kindergarten. The government agenda
minedly set to God, striving in the dust to given over to fornication to the hurt of all, is primed to remove God from the hearts
perfect humanism (that bitter fruit of evolu- often leading to the murder of the unborn; and minds of the masses, thus setting the
tionary and pagan philosophy), yet the fast- women trapped in sensual lifestyles and be- generations backward. Hence, we must
er you run, the further backward you go. ing hurt over and over again, struggling to cry out as did the apostle Peter 2,000 years
raise children while the fathers have moved ago: “Save yourselves from this untoward
Backward is the only direction the re- on to someone else. The list could go on. generation”! Untoward means crooked,
bellious and disobedient travel. Hear the warped, perverted, and wicked. Such is so-
prophet, Jeremiah: Not that very long ago, this was not the ciety today.
usual commentary on society. Traditional
But they hearkened not, nor in- standards, based on biblical morality, once Solomon was right; there is “nothing
clined their ear, but walked in the stood as a bulwark against such sin with its new under the sun.” Today’s neopagan
counsels and in the imagination attendant sorrow. lifestyle is as bankrupt to meet the needs
of their evil heart, and went back- of mankind as the ancient paganism from
ward, and not forward. Jeremiah Now, “sin-as-you-please” is the stan- which it is derived. The apostle Paul lived
7:24 dard of the day, but none will escape the among those ancients. And Romans one is
While the worldly-wise stand snuff- cup of bitterness this will deliver. This his commentary of the sin-trap caused by
“freedom” to do as one pleases comes with
SENECA, their humanistic philosophies– gan society has all this and more, now
vile affections, homosexuality, deeming themselves so “enlightened”
a statesman and fornication, wickedness, malice, that they have declared themselves free
Stoic philoso- from gender “restrictions.” We don’t hear
pher, considered envy, murder, deceit, malignity, of even King Nebuchadnezzar going that
one of the purest haters of God, proud, inventors far backward, yet God turned him into a
moralists of beast for seven years for his extreme ar-
Rome (died 65 AD), of evil things, disobedient to rogance and rebellion! O what judgment
says of his own time: parents, without natural af- is this unbelieving generation heaping to
fection–all this because “they itself!
“All is full of criminality and vice; did not like to retain God in
indeed much more of these is committed their knowledge,” so “God Advancing? No, dear people, be
than can be remedied by force. A mon- gave them over to a repropate not beguiled. This road away from God
strous contest of abandoned wickedness is mind.” is, in very fact, a digression back to pa-
carried on. The lust of sin increases daily; gan darkness with all its attendant social
and shame is daily more and more extin- Contemporary to Paul decay and human sorrow. It leaves its
guished. Discarding respect for all that is lived Seneca (4 BC–65 AD), victims blind, raped of virtue, empty of
good and sacred, lust rushes on wherever a Roman statesman and Stoic heart, and without hope in this world or
it will. Vice no longer hides itself. It stalks philosopher, who was consid- the next.
forth before all eyes. So public has aban- ered one of the purest moralists
doned wickedness become, and so openly in his time. His writing attests, as The world is groaning under its load
does it flame up in the minds of all, that does Romans chapter one, to the of sin. The only hope of recovery for man
innocence is no longer seldom, but has profligacy of the pagan society in is to do an abrupt about-face and repent
wholly ceased to exist.” which he lived. He speaks of aban- to the God of heaven whom they have
doned wickedness and open vice, a been defying. He alone is the answer. He
— Seneca de Ira, ii. 8 disrespect for that which is good and is the One that can “bind up the broken-
sacred, and the loss of shame and hearted,” grant liberty to sin’s captives,
innocence. and “comfort all that mourn.” And His
These woeful commentaries commands are not grievous! They are
of sin and human debauchery are life-giving and blessed indeed are those
now hauntingly and abundantly who walk in them.
in evidence as this generation has
gone backward to embrace an- Dear ones, it is time to stop walking
cient philosophical follies. with your back to God. He pleads: “Turn
That old tree can but bear ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why
the same old fruit. Our neopa- will ye die?” & Sis. Susan Mutch
“Let every student be plainly instructed and earnestly pressed to consider
well, the main end of his life and studies is, to know God and Jesus Christ,
which is eternal life, John 17:3; and therefore to lay Jesus Christ as the only
foundation of all sound knowledge and learning. And seeing the Lord only
giveth wisdom, let everyone seriously set himself by prayer in secret to seek it
of him (Proverbs 2:3).”
— From the first Harvard University Student Handbook, chartered in 1636
(For over 100 years, more than 50% of all Harvard graduates were pastors.)
To forsake the only foundation, is to sacrifice true knowledge and wisdom.
Hence Harvard, along with most other institutions, have digressed to evolutionary folly, to the ruin of nations.
The War on Children Bro. Addison Everett
Continued from Page 6 The Oppressed Awaken
misinformation that is foisted upon them in public school and The entertainment industry is rife with scan-
dals. Hollywood is drowning in the cesspool of
television. Sending them to be educated (that is to say, indoctri- its own corruption. The media is being exposed as
the wicked propaganda machine that it is. The na-
nated) for seven hours a day by those who hold a different world- tions are churning and communities are torn in civil
strife. Prejudice, oppression, and war.
view and values contrary to the scriptures is antichrist.
The Utopian Society of the Enlightened, which
While you have any freedom and any choice still left in the once stood as a Promised Land for the godless
masses, now crumbles to pieces, leaving its inhab-
matter, pull your children from the public school system. Throw itants naked and searching. The silicone dream is
bursting and some are awaking from its spell. The
out the television. Do whatever you have to do. If the mother once contented slaves are becoming restless in their
shackles. They look for a Deliverer. Their slave-
has to quit her job to stay home (it is her God-appointed place) masters cannot hold them. The human spirit will not
bow beneath oppression forever. An awakening is
and school the children herself, do it! Fathers, sacrifice! Make a at hand.
way for your children. Downsize if you must. Get rid of the extra God is heaping mischief upon the heathen.
Their Babel cities are crumbling in confusion, as
car payment. It would be better for you to have one vehicle and God blasts them with thunderbolts of wrath. The
truth has triumphed. The oppressed shall go free.
godly, spiritually strong children, than to have two vehicles and The bruised shall find their balm. The suffering cap-
tive shall find his home again. Who shall prevent
lose your children to hell. Desperate times call for desperate mea- them? Who shall stand in their way as they flee the
disgraced ruins of the wicked city?
sures. And if this isn’t possible, then relocate to a church of God
We shall be their deliverers. We shall be their
congregation that has a school. We will help you. We will educate defenders. We warn the kings and merchants of the
earth, who have made merchandise of men’s souls
them in righteousness and true holiness. We will help you equip (Rev. 18:11-15), your city shall be made desolate.
Weep and howl in misery, for we are your judges.
them to be able to stand in this wicked and evil world. The cries of your victims have entered into the
ears of the Lord of sabaoth. The nations shall flow
Parents, the devil fights you if for no other reason than to get into Zion, and He that sitteth in the heavens shall
laugh. &
at the children. He has been to school, and he knows his math.
He would certainly like to see you personally fall and be lost, but
you are really just small change
to him. He isn’t nearsighted. He There is a lie that
sees the bigger picture, and he the devil propagates
knows if he can take down the among Christian
parents (one or both), he will people, and this is
multiply his gains by getting ac- that sheltering your
cess to the children. children from worldly
The devil is playing for influence can be
keeps. He is in it to win it.
Are you? Do you realize counterproductive and
the seriousness of this fight? harmful to them.
The devil has been successful
at shifting the attention of adults to themselves–their own plea-
sure, their own petty struggles and temptations. Children are an
afterthought in the decisions most people make regarding eternal
things. But behind you are the ones you’ve birthed and brought
into the world. You need to see yourself as the first line, the only
line of defense in this war for their minds and hearts. Treat every
temptation to sin and compromise as a direct assault on your off-
spring, and let it light a holy fire within you!
In terms of real spiritual struggle, we have not seen anything
yet. The impending collapse of society is upon us. The devil has
declared war on your children. What are you doing about it? &
Bro. Thomas Tovstiga
Due to a world-wide resurgence of
humanism, suicide has become less
evil–yes, even excusable–in the eyes
of many professed Christians. Many
In this sin-torn world, mankind is Death is the only pay so-called preachers often reassuringly
losing hope. The ever-increasing
tide of sin has, in our generation, for a society that drinks maintain that the soul of the suicide
swelled to unprecedented levels. iniquity like water. Let victim is at rest. This, however, the
Surrounding us are stark reminders society’s insatiable thirst
of the stunning successes of Satan’s
schemes to eternally destroy the body, for wickedness continue, Scriptures do not support!
soul, and spirit of man. and we will hear the self-
Multitudes, multitudes are seeking murderer’s death-knell
a way out, yet find none. And, tragi-
cally, how many times this widespread without interruption.
brokenness, desperation, and despair is
followed by suicide! “And the Lord God to His human creation: “Thou shalt not
The present revival of paganism formed man of the dust of the ground, kill.” Exodus 20:13. Suicide, the mur-
worldwide has brought with it a surge
of self-murder. Not too long ago, re- and breathed into his nostrils the breath der of one’s own self, is herein con-
ports of suicide were rare. But now, the
selfish sin of suicide has invaded city of life; and man became a living soul.” demned; for this commandment pro-
and hamlet, mansion and cottage.
Genesis 2:7. These words forever seal hibits murder of any kind.
By forsaking God’s laws more and
more, society has asked for trouble. the sacredness of human life. It is God Suicide is not the fruit of a holy
who “giveth to all life, and breath.” life. The apostle John wrote that “no
Acts 17:25. Only He who gives breath murderer hath eternal life abiding in
has the right to take it away. The mo- him.” 1 John 3:15. Although a child
ment a man stretches forth his hand to of God can be tempted with anything,
kill himself, he usurps the authority he is “kept by the power of God” from
which God alone possesses. all sin, committing his spirit, soul, and
Furthermore, God gave this decree body to God “as unto a faithful creator.”
Finally, we make a joyful proclama- time of Christ, the early pagan doctors of brews 7:25. He is the lifter and the healer of
Greece and Rome practiced it, along with sin-bruised souls.
tion: There is a solution to the misery, abortion. It is no wonder that around the
beginning of the twenty-first century sup- To the suicidal youth, to the aged and
depression, and despair that sin has port for assisted suicide grew, coinciding the bed-ridden, to all who are oppressed
with the loosing of the dragon (Revelation by the spirit of suicide, Christ Jesus pleads
produced! To soothe the sin-sick soul, 20:3). What a double atrocity is doctor-as- (Matthew 11:28),
sisted suicide, leaving both killer and vic-
there is a balm in Gilead! For deliver- tim guilty of murder! “Come unto me, all ye that labour
and are heavy laden, and I will
ance from the destroyer, there is a city Look at the aged sinner, haggard in give you rest.” — Jesus Christ
face, yet sporting dyed hair and thick make-
of refuge. For those who mourn by the up. She has tried desperately to escape the Amen, come! “Hope thou in God.”
realities of age, and is now miserable–tired Psalm 42:11. &
spirit of heaviness, the oil of joy and the of living to her lusts and in her fantasies.
She is dying, but is unwilling to wait for Despairing soul, you are loved! You
garment of praise. her appointed time. She clamors for her are loved and THERE IS HOPE! The sun
“right to die,” self-piteously proclaiming to will shine again! Hold on! Take courage!
It is clearly seen that throughout Scrip- the world that her life has lost all “quality,”
ture, every account of suicide is put in a and therefore must be ended at once. She Your dark season will pass.
negative light, and not one is condoned. dies at the point of the physician’s needle, Ending this life is not a solution. It
her life ending in selfishness and disgust. would only take you to endless woe in
The pagan tendency of “you choose She, with Judas of old, will reap the reward eternity. Don’t go there! Look up!
and decide for yourself” has been woven of iniquity in the life to come. Run to Christ, loving, merciful Christ!
into the very fabric of modern society. With
presumptuous boldness and self-will, man Consider now the aged saint on her He is the answer to your need!
does what he pleases–piercings, tattoos, deathbed. At her side are the saints: ever Broken-hearted, bruised, and hope-
nicotine, alcohol, and drugs–after which present, caring, comforting, and pray- less? Come, let Jesus heal your hurt. He
he often ends his life, thereby committing ing. Her grey hair is her glory, and in her really is a refuge for the oppressed.
the ultimate crime against both himself and mind roll the comforting memories of her
God. godly, virtuous life. She is dying, but waits He is the restorer of souls.
patiently for her appointed time. Her life, Love and comfort await you in God
With what boastful insolence he pro- though almost through, is at top quality; and in His true people. Life can brighten
claims, “My body is my own; I can do what for she blesses all by her patient suffering. quickly, be assured! Flee your dark
I please!” The apostle Paul replies, “What? She breathes her last breath and is carried
know ye not that your body is the temple of by the angels to the bliss of Paradise. “Pre- thoughts and hope thou in God!
the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye cious in the sight of the Lord is the death of
have of God, and ye are not your own? For his saints.” Psalms 116:15.
ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify
God in your body, and in your spirit, which Finally, we make a joyful proclama-
are God’s.” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. tion: There is a solution to the misery, de-
pression, and despair that sin has produced!
Due to a world-wide resurgence of hu- To soothe the sin-sick soul, there is a balm
manism, suicide has become less evil–yes, in Gilead! For deliverance from the de-
even excusable–in the eyes of many pro- stroyer, there is a city of refuge. For those
fessed Christians. Many so-called preach- who mourn by the spirit of heaviness, the
ers often reassuringly maintain that the soul oil of joy and the garment of praise.
of the suicide victim is at rest. This, howev-
er, the Scriptures do not support! Such fal- The Man, Christ Jesus, Himself took
lacious teaching grossly misrepresents the part of flesh and blood, “Wherefore he is
law and character of God, and does much able also to save them to the uttermost that
to quench the fear of God in the people. come unto God by him, seeing he ever
One cannot commit the sin of suicide and liveth to make intercession for them.” He-
go to heaven!
Euthanasia, that refined form of sui-
cide, has a long history. Even before the
Church of God Schools
Kindergarten – 12
ONTARIO, CALIFORNIA Reported by Bro. Daniel Eichelberger
The Gospel Restoration Academy
This is war! This is not a game. The knee or commit another act that otherwise
VEVAY, INDIANA news arrives daily from the front, and it is manifests approval with the students’ reli-
Evening Light Christian School not encouraging for the multitudes who are gious experience.”
not on the Lord’s side. They fall daily. They
WARSAW, INDIANA are helped to their destruction by powerless This ban comes about on the heels of
The Church of God Restoration Academy preachers and watered-down religion. They a complaint by the Freedom From Religion
are the slain, and they are many. And yet, Foundation (FFRF), which obtained a vid-
BENTON, OHIO the onslaught from the forces of evil con- eo of a high school football coach in the
Seventh Trumpet Academy tinues unabated. district praying with players before a game.
Cowed into submission by the FFRF, the
GREENVILLE, OHIO Unspeakable Blasphemy school district issued the ban. Bullies be-
The Church of God Academy Emboldened by its various successes get bullies, after all.
OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA in changing the cultural narrative, the ho- A Prayer for the Prince
Gospel Trumpet Christian Academy mosexual movement has lifted its immoral “Fear God, and honor the king,” wrote
hands to touch the very birth of Christ. Los
HONEY GROVE, TEXAS Angeles comedienne Cameron Esposito re- the apostle Paul. He also exhorts us to pray
The Church of God Restoration School cently tweeted a picture of her neighbors’ and intercede “for kings, and for all that are
holiday lawn nativity, replete with baby in authority.” So, it is natural for the sub-
CECIL, WISCONSIN Jesus in the manger, a lamb, and...two Jo- jects of the British crown to offer prayers
Little Pilgrim Academy sephs dressed in pink sashes adoring him. for the Queen and her family. And when
The so-called “gaytivity” has apparently one sees pictures of four-year-old Prince
SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN been an inspiration for other LGBTQ indi- George (the Queen’s great-grandson, and
The Church of God Academy viduals. One admirer tweeted a picture in who is directly in the line of succession),
response of her own tabletop “gaytivity” it is impossible to not offer some kind of
STEINBACH, MANITOBA with the baby Jesus and two Marys. prayer to heaven on his behalf.
The Church of God Academy
Two or three decades ago, could such The “Very Reverend” Kelvin Hold-
AYLMER, ONTARIO perversion have seen the light of the sun? sworth in Scotland agrees, albeit his
Church of God Christian School The very birth of Christ mocked and blas- prayers for the young prince are different
phemed on an open lawn to the lust and de- from the average kind, to be sure. For the
LEAMINGTON, ONTARIO light of ungodly men and women?! “Very Reverend” minister, you see, is urg-
Gospel Trumpet Christian School ing others to pray “for the Lord to bless
School Bullies Prince George with a love, when he grows
LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA They are everywhere in the public up, of a fine young gentlemen.” No need
The Church of God Academy to rub your eyes, dear reader, because you
school system. And they are not just the read that correctly. He wants the Prince to
AUSTRIA boy next door or the girl down the street. grow up as a homosexual in order to force
Chr. Hausunterricht der Gemeinde Gottes The bullies today are the public schools the Church of England to be more accept-
themselves, where administrators initiate ing of the LGBT agenda and gay marriage
BOLIVIA policies that seek to stifle the religious free- like its sister church, the Scottish Episcopal
Academia de la Restauración dom of both student and teacher. In Coweta Church (where the “Very Reverend” Kel-
County, Georgia, the school district has vin Holdsworth preaches, or whatever it is
BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO banned teachers from participating in stu- he actually does).
Academia El Redil del Pastor dent-led acts of religion. According to a let-
ter issued by the district’s attorney teachers His comments shook the blogosphere.
CAMPECHE, MEXICO “cannot join hands, bow their heads, take a But that is not the only thing shaking. The
Escuela Cristiana de la Iglesia de Dios
Continued on Page 14
Academia Luz de la Tarde
Church of God Evening Light School
Restoration Academy
The Church of God Restoration Academy
Sis. Mary Arlene Bontrager was car- portunity to talk to someone about their soul or tell them about his
ried away by the angels into eternal experience of salvation. Bro. Abe cared little for fancy things and
rest on September 2, 2017, at the age extravagance. He lived simply.
of 70.
While he will be sorely missed, we look forward to the day
Sis. Arlene proved by her life when we will meet in the air, and be joyfully reunited in glory. His
and by her death that she was first life is still speaking to many, and his example challenges the saints
and foremost a child of God. Hav- to faithfully endure to the end.
ing been washed in the blood of Jesus
several years earlier, she, in obedience Bro. Byron Loftis was carried quickly
to her Saviour, forsook all man-made out of this world into Abraham’s bo-
religion and took her stand with the som in the early morning hours of No-
church of God in 2006. Though buffeted by the enemy and his vember 9, 2017, at the age of 56.
host, she stood steadfast, enduring the cross and despising the
shame for the joy that was set before her. She found strength and In his teens, he began attending
courage in the Word of God, being especially comforted by the the services of the “Faith and Victory”
verse, “Mary, why weepest thou?” John 20:16. She often thanked movement. Later, upon hearing the
God publicly for having brought her to the true home of her soul. awakening messages of the late Elder
She taught school for much of her adult life and leaves behind Daniel W. Layne and desiring to move
a host of former students who benefit from her labors. She fin- with the light that was being revealed,
ished her last term at Little Pilgrim Academy in April 2017, having Bro. Byron took his stand with the
taught there the last eleven years of her life. She devotedly taught true saints of God in 1989 after taking his young family to the first
not only academics, in which she excelled, but more importantly, camp meeting of the church of God at Charis Camp in Chilliwack,
by example taught all those around her how to be joyful in afflic- B.C.
tion and patient in tribulation. Her life continues to entreat those Bro. Byron rejoiced as through the years he watched all of his
around her to follow her example of holy living. She will be great- children obtain their own personal relationship with the Lord and
ly missed by all those who knew and loved her, but we sorrow not take their stand with God’s true church.
as those who have no hope. His joy further increased as his grandchildren became of age
and they, too, sought and obtained the experience of salvation for
Bro. Abram Friesen, Sr. was suddenly their own. It had been his greatest desire and highest ambition to
transported into the loving arms of Je- see his entire family saved and doing well.
sus after an accident on the afternoon Bro. Byron went against the mainstream and, by faithfully fol-
of November 6, 2017. He was born on lowing what he knew the Bible taught, lived a triumphant Chris-
April 4, 1953. tian life.
Bro. Abe grew up in a religious Bro. Delbert Jay Miller, of Benning-
environment, yet never found the help ton, Indiana, was suddenly taken to
he needed for his soul. He spent years Paradise after a car accident in the
searching for the truth among differ- early morning of December 21st. He
ent religious groups, even traveling to was 16 years of age.
other countries in his zealous search Our young brother escaped the cor-
to satisfy his soul’s longing. Thankfully, he found what he was ruption that is in this present world
looking for in the blessed church of God where he was able to get through the saving power of the blood
the help he needed for his soul and be fully saved. of Jesus Christ in the year of 2011.
Bro. Abe was known by all as a hard worker who couldn’t He was an unselfish, solid, and radical
be discouraged by any kind of work. He was always cheerful and Christian. He stated in his last public testimony while yet with us,
never seemed to be worried or concerned about anything. His was that he “never will cease to love Him.” He has now joined the mil-
a testimony to the keeping grace of God, and his life exuded a lions of the forever-safe Christians of all ages in the glory world!
whole-hearted love for God and his fellow men. When out work-
ing or simply living his day to day life, he never passed up an op-
Oklahoma City Doctrinal Meeting 2017
With great expectation, the church ration in preaching that God is a God of preached messages that answer ques-
of God gathered for the annual doctrinal Crescendo, and this perfectly describes tions that you didn’t know how to ask and
meeting in Oklahoma City. The anticipa- what was experienced November 20-25, most people don’t know anyone who is
tion of the body was well met and sur- 2017. We had revealed and clearly opened qualified to answer. What we experienced
passed! More than nine hundred saints to our understanding what others at best in this meeting has already resounded
crossed hundreds of land miles and thou- surmise, speculate, and sensationalize. throughout the body and will continue
sands of air miles to come together in The congregation, old and young alike, to increase in the world as the messages
what was to be the final November meet- responded, beside themselves leaping, and songs are heard. Hallelujah! We are
ing in this particular location. The air was shouting and praising God in perfect, holy in the 7th trumpet time! Our vision is set,
charged with the glory of God and the en- order. we press into our destiny welcoming and
emy was given no quarter. hastening the coming of the Lord!
Fearlessly and unapologetical-
The meeting began with the decla- ly God’s holy apostles and prophets Sis. Roz Sims
ARMAGEDDON United States of America (907) 376-7133
Alaska (Anchorage): Bro. & Sis. Sims
Continued from Page 12
California (Ontario): Bro. Rick Wiebe (909) 238-4359
thundering earthquake of God’s truth has cracked the very
foundations of the “Very Reverend” minister’s tower of Babel. Illinois (Chicago): Bro. David Kauffman (937) 467-8254
It is listing perilously, folks, and we expect the collapse at any
moment now. Clear out, while you can! Indiana Bro. Lonnie Bontrager (812) 571-3341
Vevay: Bro. Steve Hargrave (260) 433-7637
Connect the Dots Warsaw:
Lovers of astrology and freckles can now take advantage
of both. Jessica Knapick, a Michigan-based cosmetic artist, will
gladly use her talents to give you semi-permanent freckles in Greenville: Bro. Ray Tinsman (937) 548-7373
the pattern of your astrological constellation. Known as As-
troFrecks, the tattoos look like freckles and fade in about two Benton (Millersburg): Bro. Christian Savage (330) 362-8683
years. Laura Beck of Cosmopolitan magazine, insists to her
readers, “You are going to want them.” Oklahoma (909) 212-2319
Oklahoma City: Bro. Markus Tovstiga
Knapick says of her creation, “As many people are right
now, I’m super into crystals in what your best intentions can do, Texas (Honey Grove): Bro. John Friesen (903) 378-3097
and sending your goals and wishes out into the universe.” Aha!
We knew the devil was hiding in the details. This is one for the Wisconsin Bro. Allen Bontrager (715) 509-0000
books. Not even Jezebel of old, when she went to paint her face, Cecil: Bro. Jeff Moser (920) 627-2683
could have thought of it. Sheboygan:
Foolish nations, destitute of truth and doomed for destruc- Canada
tion! Every gospel minister and every saint are needed in this Alberta (Lethbridge): Bro. Peter Braun (204) 392-3804
war. We must preach the truth loud and long. We must set the
culture aright or die trying. Blow the trumpet, brethren! Let the Manitoba (Steinbach): Bro. Jacob Braun (204) 326-5338
nations hear! &
Ontario (Aylmer): Bro. Henry Hildebrandt (519) 765-2331
The Devil
Austria (Wald am Arlberg) (0650) 760-2990
Dear saints, please consider who our deadly
foe is. Satan is striving for people's souls. He is Bolivia Bro. John Hildebrandt 591 7 103 5578
numbing their minds, to where they don't even
know what they're doing; twisting their thoughts to Germany
the extent that they do what they think and don’t Meinersen Kr. Gifhorn: Bro. Alexander Kähm (05372) 67 66
feel ashamed about it. He is changing society in this
evil world to where people kill other people, and Neuenstadt, Kr. Heilbronn: Meeting House (06264) 92 62 20
children get brainwashed by the public schools.
Ireland Bro. Patrick O’Shea, Sr. 353 89 250 8966
What a privilege we, as saints, havein not hav-
ing to send the children to public schools; not hav- Kenya Bro. Jackson Murithi Mwira 254 0710 172 189
ing to go along with this evil society.
Mexico Mission Home (646) 117-3042
Keep on your upward march! Stay encouraged Baja California:
and strive for that home above. & Chihuahua: Bro. John Redecop (625) 283-6889
Bro. Kenan Eichelberger (Age 10) Durango:
Zacatecas: Bro. Isaac Thiessen (677) 879-4572
Bro. Jacob Zacharias (671) 101-7479
Kathmandu: Bro. Binod Mandal (985) 103-3542
Janakpur: Bro. Sanjeev Yadav (981) 624-2640
Marinduque: Bro. Bernard Lustado Santa Cruz
Mindanao: Sis. Cherry Pacauncis Kalilangan, Bukidnon
Luzon: Bro. Josefino Faustino Quezon City, Manila
Bro. Eduardo Rodil Marikina City
Sis. Myrna Luzong Paniqui, Tarlac
Sis. Myrna Nuguid Apalang
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— J.C. Ryle
truth on the altar of peace.
sacrificing any portion of
Never let us be guilty of