礼拜 Sunday 2021.01.17
主日崇拜秩序 The Order of Worship
敬拜赞美 Call to Worship 曾忆韵姐妹及团队 Sis Ocean Chan & Team
使徒信经 Praise and Worship 曾忆韵姐妹及团队 Sis Ocean Chan & Team
荣耀颂 Pastoral Prayer 彭河祥牧师 Rev Pung
三一颂 The Apostles’ Creed 会众 Congregation
读经 Responsive Scripture Reading 会众 Congregation
证道 Gloria Patri 会众 Congregation
差遣祝福 Offertory 彭河祥牧师 Rev Pung
平安散会 Doxology 会众 Congregation
Community Sharing 彭河祥牧师 Rev Pung
Scripture Reading 彭河祥牧师 Rev Pung
使徒行传 Acts 1:1-11
Sermon 彭河祥牧师 Rev Pung
Restoration vs Commission?
Sending and Benediction 彭河祥牧师 Rev Pung
Threefold Amen 会众 Congregation
Dismissal 会众 Congregation
家事分享 Community Sharing . . .
1. 搬迁筹款进展 Progress in Fund Raising for Relocation Plan
所需款项 Fund required RM8,420,046.00
已收到奉献 Offering collected RM4,386,436.00
尚差 Shortage RM4,033,610.00
贷款 Loan RM1,503,000.00
已付发展商款项 Amount paid to developer RM3,066,678.85
2. 奉献可直接透过银行转账到 Permai Chinese Methodist Church, 马来亚银行户口:512482152098 (所有
奉献,除了建筑款)。Permai Chinese Methodist Church Building Fund, 大众银行户口:3149798319
Offering: You may direct transfer your offering to our bank accounts: Permai Chinese Methodist Church MBB
A/C No: 512482152098 (all offerings except building fund), Permai Chinese Methodist Church Building
Fund, PBB A/C no: 3149798319 (building fund only). You can also scan our QR code to transfer your offering
monies to the church account. You may save your offering monies and bring them to the church when our
worships are normalized.
本堂银行二维码已经更新,现在我们可以用国内任何银行提供的 DuitNow 二维码 (粉红色)应用程
We have upgraded our bank QR Code to Nasional QR Code application (pink color). We can now use
DuitNow application provided by any bank in the country to make offering to our church. (We used to
accept Maybank QR
3. 面对严峻的疫情当儿,信徒们应当参与星期二的线上祷告祭坛和星期三的释经班,寻求神的帮助和明
Amid Covid-19 Pandemic, we should attend online Prayer Altar on Tuesday and Bible Exposition on
Wednesday. We need to seek God’s help and to know His will.
4. 本堂婴孩崇拜在主日下午四点整至四点三十分透过 Zoom 在线上举行。有兴趣者请联络孙玉梅姐妹。
Permai Toddler Worship is held on Sunday from 4pm-4:30pm via Zoom online. Please contact Esther Soon
for the details.
In view of the worsening of the COVID-19 pandemic, the government has enforced CMCO. All physical
worships of Permai and PPPP are suspended temporarily until further notice.
Due to worsening of Covid-19 pandemic, the church offices are temporary closed until further notice.
Co-workers are working from homes.
主日崇拜 Sunday Worship : 8.30 a.m. & 11.00 a.m.
周六崇拜 Saturday Worship : 5.00 pm
儿童主日学 Children Sunday School:星期日 Sunday 11.00 a.m.
查经班 Bible Study & 祷告会 Prayer Meeting:星期日 Sunday 10.20 a.m.
* 彭河祥牧师 Rev. Pung Oa Siong TEL: 012-2088455 EMAIL: [email protected] *
Church Contact & Address:-
TEL: 03-8080-9784 EMAIL: [email protected]
FACEBOOK: PermaiCMCPuchong
19, Jalan OP 1/1, Pusat Perdagangan One Puchong, 47160 Puchong, Selangor.
Restoration vs Commission?
经文 Scripture: 使徒行传 Acts 1:1-11
1. 1:1-2:提阿非罗先生:我已经写了前书,叙述耶稣开始所行所教的一切,一直到他借着圣
1:1-2: In my former book, Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus began to do and to teach until
the day He was taken up to heaven, after giving instruction through the Holy Spirt to the apostles he
had chosen.
1.1 《使徒行传》也被称为《圣灵行传》,因为它记载使徒在圣灵的引导之下行的传记。
The Acts of Apostles is also known as The Acts of the Holy Spirit because it is a record of the
acts of the apostles as directed by the Holy Spirit.
1.2 它的作者路加医生,《路加福音》同作者。
The author is Dr Luke, who also authored the Gospel According to Luke.
• 路 1:1-4: 尊敬的提阿非罗先生,因为有许多人,已经把在我们中间成就了的事,按照
Luke: 1:1-4: Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been
fulfilled among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were
eyewitnesses and servants of the word. Therefore, since I myself have carefully investigated
every from the beginning, it seemed good also to me to write an orderly account for you,
most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been
1.3 写书的对象:提阿非罗的意思是神的朋友,爱神的人。因为有尊称,他可能是一位高
Target reader: Theophilus, meaning the friend of God, the person who loves God. He was most
likely a high ranking official, who was with the honorific of the most excellent.
1.4 路加医生要延续他在《路加福音》所记载的事迹。
Dr Luke wanted to continue to record the accounts of the work of God from where he stopped
in Gospel of Luke.
2. 1:2-5:祂受难以后,用许多凭据向使徒显示自己是活着的。祂向使徒显现,并且讲论神的
1:2-5: After His suffering, He showed Himself to these men and gave many convincing proofs that
He was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of
God. On one occasion, while He was eating with them, He gave them this command: “Do not leave
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Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. For
John baptized you with water, but in a few days, you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.
2.1 耶稣被钉十字架后,死了,三天后复活。祂第一件事就是向祂的门徒提出凭据证明自己
Jesus resurrected three days after being crucified. The first thing He did was to show proofs to
His disciples that He was alive.
2.2 耶稣复活后留着世上四十天,向祂的门徒讲论天国的事情。
Jesus remained on earth for forty days during which He talked with His disciples about the
kingdom of God.
2.3 有一次,当耶稣和门徒吃饭的时候,祂吩咐门徒不要离开耶路撒冷,要在那里等候神所
On one occasion, when He was dining with His disciples, He instructed His disciples not to
leave Jerusalem, but to wait for the Holy Spirit whom the Father had promised them.
2.4 他们既要接受圣灵的洗礼,就好像施洗约翰接受水洗一样。
They were about to be baptized by the Holy Spirit, just as John was baptized by the water.
• 约翰的洗礼悔改的洗礼,信徒的洗礼是因为信靠耶稣,而圣灵的洗礼是印证圣灵在信
John’s baptism was for repentance, Christian’s baptism was for faith in Jesus, Baptism of the
Holy Spirit is for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. All three are essential but not in any
specific order.
3. 1:6-8: 他们聚集的时候,问耶稣说: “主啊,你要在这时候使以色列复国吗?” 耶稣说:
1:6-8: So when they met together, they asked Him, “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the
kingdom to Israel?” He said to them: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set
by His own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will
be witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
3.1 门徒问耶稣以色列就要复国吗?这是他们跟随耶稣的目标,也是整个社会的议程。
The disciples asked Jesus was the restoration of Israel take place soon. This was the objective
for them to follow Jesus and their national agenda.
3.2 耶稣告诉他们以色列复国是要按照神所拟定的时间,门徒不需要知道,不关他们的事。
Jesus told them the date for Israel’s restoration was fixed by God. It was not their business
and they did not need to know.
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3.3 耶稣要他们知道的是另外一件事,那就是圣灵降临在他们身上,他们就必领受能力,并
Jesus wanted them to know another different thing, that was they will receive power when
the Holy Spirit came on you; and they would be witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and
Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
4. 1:9-11: 说完了这话,他们还在看的时候,祂被接上升,有一朵云把祂接去,就看不见他了。
当祂往上升,他们定睛望天的时候,忽然有两个人,身穿白衣,站在他们身边,说: “加
1:9-11 After He said this, He was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid Him from their
sight. They were looking intently up into the sky as He was going, when suddenly two men dressed
in white stood beside them. Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the
sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way
you have seen Him go into heaven.”
4.1 耶稣跟门徒讲完祂托付给他们的使命后,祂就被接上升,有一朵云把祂接去了,门徒们
Having commissioned the disciples, Jesus was taken up before the disciples’ eyes. A cloud hid
Jesus from the sight of the disciples.
4.2 当门徒们还在定睛望着耶稣往上升的时候,忽然有两位天使站在他们旁边。
While the disciples looked at Jesus intently while He was ascending, there appeared two
angels stand beside them.
4.3 天使告诉门徒耶稣已经被提到升天,以后祂必照样从天再回来。
The angels told the disciples that Jesus was taken to the heaven and shall return in the same
way in the future.
5. 学习功课 Lessons to Learn
5.1 《使徒行传》开始时,门徒们还是只关心以色列复国的事情。耶稣不要他们理会以色列
At the beginning of the Acts, the disciples concerned only the matter related to the
restoration of Israel. Jesus did not want them to bother about the time of the restoration of
Israel because it was the matter God by His sovereignty would decide. Jesus wanted them to
pay attention to the Great Commission that He would give them.
5.2 门徒的转折点是圣灵降临,住在他们生命中。
The turning point for the disciples was when the Holy Spirit dawned on them and indwelling in
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