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The Pulse - The Winter Edition - December 2022
News, Views and Updates
Market Overview
A Perfect Storm?
Business Generation Ideas
Consumer Duty & AR Regime

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Published by Ingard Intermediary Services Limited, 2022-11-25 09:57:02

The Pulse - The Winter Edition - December 2022

The Pulse - The Winter Edition - December 2022
News, Views and Updates
Market Overview
A Perfect Storm?
Business Generation Ideas
Consumer Duty & AR Regime








A welcome from Ingard’s Directors

Nikki Haworth reviews 2022

05 A PERFECT STORM?David Ewing discusses the importance of really
knowing your client to assist them in these uncer-
tain times

07 INSIDE INGARDNews, views and who’s who, including 30 Seconds
with our two new Advisers.

A look at the schedule for training in 2023 including
our face to face event.

13 PROCESSESBridging, commercial and packaging processes -
we’ve got them wrapped up

Neil Mulhearn gives further insight into what this all

Marketing ideas to help plan for a successfull 2023!

Your handy guide to every Lender on panel

22 WHO TO CALLGot a case to place, refer, or need help with a process?
Contacts for who at Ingard can help!






CONTRIBUTORS Welcome to the Winter edition of the
Pulse where we will be focussing on
DAVID EWING business generation ideas for 2023,
looking at the new regulations from the
Managing Director, Ingard FCA and looking back at a turbulent last
NIKKI HAWORTH The Cost-of-Living Crisis is at the fore-
front of everyone’s minds as the Bank of
Sales & Marketing Director, Ingard England base rate and cost of fuel and
food continues to increase. We review
NEIL MULHEARN the PM and Chancellor’s first full Budget,
the impact this may have on the econo-
Training & Compliance Manager, Ingard my and the initial reaction to it from the
NATALIE HAWORTH With an anticipated £350bn in product
expiries due, we are looking forward to a
Finance Manager, Ingard bumper 2023. We do expect more clients
to fall into the specialist sector in the
LOUISE MOORES coming year, and look forward to work-
ing with you and our lender partners to
Broker Support Manager, Ingard help find solutions for them.
From all the team at Ingard, we wish you
This publication is for intermediary use only and has not and your families a Merry Christmas and
been approved for public use. a Happy New Year!

David Ewing & Nikki Haworth


Ingard’s Sales & Marketing Director, Nikki Haworth, reviews the chaotic last


Since the last edition of the Pulse in August, we’ve had a from the mini budget.
tumultuous few months! Where do I start?
Liz Truss then came under fire from all directions and had
The War between Russia and Ukraine continues, with the to resign making her the shortest serving Prime Minister
situation seemingly getting worse by the day. in UK history, with Rishi Sunak taking her place on 25th
We had a new Prime Minister in Liz Truss, closely followed
by a new Head of State, King Charles III, following the sad On 3rd November, the Bank of England raised the base rate
death of Queen Elizabeth II. by 0.75%. This was the eighth consecutive jump in interest
rates and represents the biggest single increase since 1989.
The ‘then’ Prime Minister was in the middle of announcing
the urgent help on offer to soften the impact of the energy At 3%, interest rates are now at their highest level since
crisis when Parliament was alerted to concerns regarding 2008. The MPC says its updated projections for activity
the Queen’s health. and inflation “describe a very challenging outlook for the
UK economy”. They also say, “further increases in Bank
A period of mourning followed, so further information Rate may be required for a sustainable return of inflation
on our energy bills was delayed. We then had the to target”. The next MPC meeting will be 15th December
announcement the price cap would be set at £2500pa. The where another increase is predicted, but hopefully not as
next rate rise was also delayed by 2 weeks, then base rate high as +0.75%!
increased by 0.50% to 2.25%. Then was the mini budget
with tax cuts all over the shop which had a negative impact, On 17th November, the Prime Minister and the Chancellor
and Sterling plummeted against the Dollar to an all-time delivered the UK Fiscal statement. The Chancellor
low. Lenders pulled rates with next to no notice, and acknowledged that the UK is in a Recession. They needed
not knowing how to re-price some temporarily stopped to find £54bn to fill the black hole in the Government
lending altogether. finances. £30bn was through spending cuts and £24bn
was through tax rises.
The Chancellor then did a U Turn on the 45p tax rate being
abolished and the £ rallied and lenders started to come Tax thresholds have been frozen until April 2028, meaning
back with products – at much higher pay and stress rates. millions will pay more tax on their income. There will be
Whether or not this tactic would have helped increase spending squeezes in Government departments but
growth, the timing was certainly not good! there’s an £8bn package for Health and Social care. The
NHS budget will be increased by £3.3bn for each of the
Kwasi Kwarteng was then sacked, and Jeremy Hunt was next 2 years. There’s an extra £2.3bn for schools for the
appointed, who promptly reversed almost everything next 2 years and pensions and benefits will increase in


line with inflation at 10.1%. There will be no cut to capital previously. The upshot is clients need to speak to advisers

investment. more than ever!

Higher earners will start paying the top rates of tax at 2023 is predicted to be the biggest year in a long time for
£125,140 instead of £150,000 and Energy firms’ profits will Product Expiries so remortgages will be big business.
be hit with an expanded windfall tax of 35%, up from 25%
from 1st January 2023 until March 2028. The household Product Transfers may well form a large chunk of your
energy price cap is to be extended for one year beyond business, depending on the rates available at the time.
April but made less generous, with typical bills capped at
£3,000 a year instead of £2,500. The Green agenda will continue, although for some it will
have been placed on hold due to increasing costs.
Rent rises in the social rented sector will be capped at 7%
in the next financial year. The OBR expects housing activity More clients will fall into the ‘Specialist’ bracket due to
to slow over the next 2 years. The Stamp Duty threshold credit issues, or multiple income sources. It’s been well
increases recently introduced of £250,000 and £425,000 for documented that many are taking additional jobs to help
First time Buyers remain in place, but will be reversed on during the cost-of-living crisis, and of course, many may
31st March 2025. have missed payments during Covid.

Cutting Capital Gains allowances from next April could More clients may look to purchase with friends/relatives
accelerate the disposal of BTL properties and be the final rather than individually and will need a lender who will
nail in the coffin for small BTL owners but may present an accept more than two incomes, or will be looking for
opportunity for other Landlords looking to increase their schemes which will assist with their affordability, such
portfolio. as Shared Ownership or Joint Borrower Sole Proprietor
One of the biggest challenges for advisers this year has
been, and still is, trying to keep up with constant rate Clients may be raising funds to help relatives get on the
changes, often with very little notice from lenders. A housing ladder, some through Equity Release or RIO
rate change doesn’t just impact the rate, but also affects mortgages.
affordability. Several rate changes in a row, can therefore
make a huge difference to a client who you may have been There is also likely to be an increase in the number of
able to place earlier in the year. Clients may be looking customers who choose to take control over their unsecured
to extend their mortgage term to make payments more debt, by consolidating their debt with a second charge,
affordable in the coming year. further advance, or remortgage. This won’t be the right
approach for everyone, but in the right circumstances,
If interest rates do rise as high as predicted, experts say debt consolidation can help people to manage their
2-year fixes in the first half of next year will see average finances through this challenging period, particularly if
monthly payments jump from £863 to £1490! Many just they are already paying high interest on their debts.
won’t be able to afford this. In a year where there are a huge
number of rates due to expire, this is a big problem! On 2023 looks set to be the year when clients need
top of the rate changes, lenders have also increased stress Intermediary advice more than ever!
rates, again causing deals not to fit which would have done



Ingard’s Managing Director, David Ewing discusses why it so important to un-
derstand your clients and what they are truly looking for during these difficult

In a market where interest rates are on the rise,
and where we have seen the Bank of England base
rate increase from 0.1% to 3% in 12 months, it is
fair to say that the advice we provide our clients
is more important than ever. With the cheapest
2-year fixed rate currently sitting at 5.19% com-
pared to a discounted rate of 3.69%, it is no sur-
prise that clients may struggle to decide whether
to take a fixed rate deal or gamble with a dis-
counted rate………. hoping the rates don’t rise too
much further.

Understanding the client’s wants, needs and de- Increasing interest rates has traditionally seen
sires is crucial in helping you provide the best adviser’s incomes start to wain as clients tighten
recommendation. Without knowing your client’s their belts, but the feeling is that 2023 could be
thoughts and plans you cannot give the advice quite different.
that best suits them. You CANNOT assume that all
clients will want a fixed rate or that all clients With expectations that the gross lending from
want the cheapest rates. Product Transfers alone could be upward of
£350bn, this provides a huge opportunity for ad-
Current figures produced by Savills using FCA visers and could represent the larger portion of
mortgage lending statistics shows that as of intermediary business next year.
September some 95.5% of new buyers were tak-
ing fixed rate mortgages, while the proportion of With Consumer Duty also coming into play we
mortgage homeowners who have fixed their rate could see lenders steering away from non-ad-
is also at an all time high at around 89.4%. vised product transfers. This, combined with the
client’s need to stay off the variable rate, could
Whilst these figures clearly indicate that we as well steer us towards a perfect storm. There will
a populous prefer the certainty of a fixed rate also be first-time-buyers who have saved a de-
mortgage, affordability and uncertainty could posit already, who will still be looking to take the
easily sway our view. Whether we see more clients plunge and buy, particularly as landlords look to
opting to take a tracker or discount rate remains increase rents to cover their own mortgages.
to be seen, especially if we see lenders offering
these types of products with minimal or low ERC’s. Now is the time to review your processes and
A number of lenders are also now offering the procedures to take advantage of what could be
option to switch to a fixed deal without charges, a bumper year!
within their initial period.
Make sure you use the system already in place to
Whatever recommendation you make, be sure to monitor your clients coming to the end of their
thoroughly document your rationale, and that initial period and ensure you contact your clients
you have discussed each option. Whilst you can early to discuss their future requirements – as
advise your client on the consequences of each much as 6 months before the end of the initial
scenario, unfortunately you do not have a crys- period.
tal ball, so can’t guarantee what rates will be in
the future. Clients can be very emotional when Remember, all your clients due a product renewal
it comes to their home and mortgage and their can be found in your Hotbox on 360. An Opportuni-
memories can be very short, especially if they ty will automatically appear 6 months prior to the
find themselves stuck in a high fixed or a tracker product expiring. This will show as a “Mortgage
rate that keeps rising! You may need to alter your Review” and that it was created by System. Get in
pitch to focus less on the headline rate, and more there quick, before your client receives a letter
on the affordability of the actual monthly pay- directly from their lender!
ments and achieving the required outcome for
the client.


Five practical marketing
tips for brokers from
West One

With 2023 likely to prove a competitive space in the property sector, it is more important than ever for businesses, to
promote your products and services as effectively as possible. West One would like to share some practical tips and
advice for brokers in 2023 to help with their marketing activity.

1 Differentiate - Look for opportunities to set your 2 Social Media – You don’t have to be a social media
offering apart from the competition, make your wiz, but it’s important to promote yourself, your offerings
services as unique as possible, and look to specialise and your thoughts in a professional manner.
in new areas. Consider what makes your business, Professional platforms such as LinkedIn offer you a
product, service different to your competitors and great opportunity to understand changes in the industry
shout about it! Make sure you solve a problem and and see what competitors are doing. Don’t expect to
provide value to your customers. go viral after one post, but regular considered posting
will increase engagement over time.
3 Content – Content is King! Bill Gates once predicted
that most of the money generated from the internet 4 Contacts – ‘It's who you know, not what you know’. A
would come from content. Providing content is a good popular saying that certainly has some truth to it.
avenue for individuals to share insights to the industry, Making sure you maintain your contacts whether they
become a thought leader, provide business updates are existing, prospective or previous customers. These
and remind the world your business exists. people will lead to new business and help you create a
relationship and expand your network. A regular touch
5 Inbound enquires – An obvious and often undervalued point with your audience is key to staying relevant, this
approach is making sure you look after all inbound can be done by emails, SMS messages or direct mail.
enquires. Respond in a timely professional manner But remember to comply with GDPR regulations when
and start to nurture these leads. They may not convert collecting, storing and using data.
into business on the first occasion, but a positive
experience will help them remain a prospective client
in the future.

You may not have access to a marketing team or large amounts of capital to invest, so it’s important that whichever
marketing techniques you chose you should always look to get value for money. Find out what works for you, and
equally what doesn’t work for you, and keep going.

If you would like to discuss a case, register as an introducer or learn more 6

about what West One has to offer visit West One here complete the short
enquiry form and a member of the West One support team will get in touch.

Michelle Hawthorne & Simon
Our latest news, views Greaves, Mortgage & Protection
and who’s who at Ingard HQ

We are pleased to formally introduce you to two new advisers we have recently welcomed here at
Ingard. Some of you will have already spoken to them over the last few weeks.

Michelle Hawthorne has worked in the mortgage industry for 8 years. She started with us in September
so you will have met her at the Coventry Training Academy.

Simon Greaves joined us at the beginning of November and having lived abroad, has experience with

Both have joined to help with your referred business, so get in touch with any enquiries you need
assistance with!

What do you enjoy most about getting the mortgage advance to leave them feeling cared

being a mortgage adviser? they would like, which can be for and protected by their

difficult to explain to them. mortgage adviser. This

M: Helping customers. It is a With the cost-of-living crisis, customer satisfaction is what I

lovely feeling to think that customers want their monthly strive for.

you have helped someone payments to come down when

buy their home, especially if remortgaging/switching, What do you like to do in your

it’s their first home or if they but with rate increases this spare time?

would have struggled without isn’t always possible, and it is

your help. explaining the importance to M: I am trying to be a runner!

I also like helping customers customers of securing a rate I like to participate in the

understand the importance of now, as we don’t know what local Park Run’s on a Saturday

life and critical illness cover, the future will hold. morning and enjoy power

especially as I have family walking with my sister-in-law.

history of these policies being S: Since Covid and considering I have recently taken up hula

claimed on. This makes me feel the recent cost of living hooping but with a weighted

more comfortable explaining increases, this has forced hoop, so this one hurts when it

the importance to them. everyone to assess what drops!

they spend each month and

S: Your mortgage is usually our what they spend it on. The S: I have two young children,

largest financial commitment. low interest rates were great aged 6 and 4, so spare time

The best bit about being a but unsustainable. Recently, is not something I am too

Mortgage Adviser is working I have seen instances where familiar with at the moment! I

with the client to find a these low fixed rates are love spending the weekends

solution to put them at ease now coming to an end. To with them (and my wife!) and

and to feel that the client compare some of these going for adventures with

genuinely appreciates the rates with those available them in the forest somewhere

work I put into their mortgage. now could mean that some or to the beach. We enjoy

people’s monthly repayments going out to eat and trying

What challenges have you would double, or worse. new foods. I am a keen football

seen trying to place clients Now, it’s more important fan (Newcastle United) even

recently, since Covid and with than ever, as a mortgage though it hasn’t been a good

the cost-of living crisis? adviser, to demonstrate the few years or decades for my

suitability and affordability team. Having previously lived

M: Lenders have tightened of the mortgage being in the Middle East, I used to

up on their affordability recommended. Then, to take miss the ability to walk to

calculators and this is the time to protect the client the local for a nice pint, so

meaning customers aren’t with suitable insurances, it’s great to do that on an
7 occasional Sunday afternoon.


Your Annual Review documents will be sent out shortly. Please ensure you complete every-
thing and return the requirements promptly. There will be more evidence required than last
year due to the AR Regime, so make sure you read the instructions thoroughly, and ask if
you’re unsure. Don’t forget to complete the test through the link on the email!

Next years’ training calendar is on the next page. Mark the dates in your diary! We have lis-
tened to your feedback, and will be having one compulsory face-to-face Training Academy
in June, plus 2 Compliance Webinars, in addition to monthly provider webinars. There may be
other smaller ad-hoc events through the year, focused on particular training needs, so let us
know what you would like help with. Keep an eye out for invites! Our monthly Mortgage
Clinics will also continue.


The Ingard office will close at 5:30pm as normal on Friday 23rd December 2022 and will re-
open at 9:00am on Tuesday 3rd January 2023.

If you do need to contact us during this period, we suggest that you use the central email
addresses such as [email protected] and [email protected] as these will be
being checked intermittently.

During this period, access to our supporting systems will continue as normal, and you will
still be able to use 360. However, technical support from systems providers may be limited,
and Lenders, Providers and Solicitors will have reduced hours. Please ensure you read any
emails issued by our partners and check relevant websites for service levels, and manage
your client’s expectations for responses. If you are taking time off over the festive period,
we suggest you have a relevant voicemail on work phones and/or Out of Office on your
emails, advising of when you will be able to get back to clients or alternative ways to con-
tact you, so you don’t lose out on the business.

The cut off for commission receipts (due for payment in January), will be 4pm
on Friday 23rd December, to allow as much time as possible for payments to be @IngardBroker
included. However, cut off for compliance to be received will be 12:00 noon Thurs-
day 22nd December.

We’re sure you appreciate that a lot of work goes in to producing commission
statements for all of our brokers each month, and checking your compliance.
This will allow time for everything to be fully checked before closing for Christ-
mas, and give our staff a well-deserved break too. Please do not leave every-
thing until the last minute. There is no reason to have outstanding compliance
when cases are at this stage anyway.

Please be aware that cases made compliant after cut-off, will then not be paid
until February’s pay run.

Thanks again for your continued support, and we hope you all have a wonderful
festive break!


Events Schedule Jan - Jun 2023

JUN MAY APR MAR FEB JAN 11/01/2023 Virtual Mortgage Clinic
18/01/2023 Live Webinar

08/02/2023 Virtual Mortgage Clinic
15/02/2023 Live Webinar

08/03/2023 Virtual Mortgage Clinic
15/03/2023 Compliance Webinar

Apr 2023 The Pulse
05/04/2023 Virtual Mortgage Clinic
19/04/2023 Live Webinar

10/05/2023 Virtual Mortgage Clinic
17/05/2023 Live Webinar

07/06/2023 Virtual Mortgage Clinic

14/06/2023 Live Webinar - Provider Spaces Available
20/06/2023 Face to Face Training Academy


Events Schedule Jul - Dec 2023

DEC NOV OCT SEP AUG JUL 05/07/2023 Virtual Mortgage Clinic
12/07/2023 Live Webinar

Aug 2023 The Pulse
02/08/2023 Virtual Mortgage Clinic
16/08/2023 Live Webinar

06/09/2023 Virtual Mortgage Clinic
13/09/2023 Live Webinar

11/10/2023 Virtual Mortgage Clinic
18/10/2023 Compliance Webinar

08/11/2023 Virtual Mortgage Clinic
15/11/2023 Live Webinar

Dec 2023 The Pulse

06/12/2023 Virtual Mortgage Clinic
13/12/2023 Live Webinar - Preparing your 2024 Marketing Plan


Mortgages can transform lives for people aged 50-90+... Why has nobody told them?

Everyone knows that old saying: ‘the older I get, the wiser I become.’

Everyone, it seems, except the financial services industry.

Our new research has revealed there are deep perceptions of ageism towards the industry, by people who often need
help the most. Nearly two-fifths (37%) of people aged 50-90 said they felt their age put them at a disadvantage when it
came to accessing financial services, while one in ten aged over 50 went as far as to say they felt financial providers are
consciously ageist.

Reaching 50 should be an exciting time. After decades of working hard, managing
your money and making the right decisions, thoughts should be turning to the next
chapter – dream retirements, helping people you love, career goals – not being
filled with regrets.

However, sadly the latter is all too common. Many are being faced with unexpected
financial hurdles and of those in that situation, over three quarters said they wished
they'd lived their life differently – this equates to over 1.6 million people.

In our view, this isn’t good enough. People aged 50-90+ need flexibility and options so
that they can keep living the lives they love.

Something must change for 50-90+-year-olds
For the second year in a row, the ONS says there are more older people in England and Wales than ever before. That
includes more than 11 million over 65s – nearly a fifth of the population – with more than half a million people enjoying
life in their 90s.

On top of this, 50-90+-year-olds are proven to be some the most financially astute in the country:
• Over 50s tend to have multiple stable streams of income, as well as having more background assets
• Over 55s have the highest average credit score in the UK
• Almost three-quarters of over 65s in England own their home outright
Yet our research shows that still, as people get older, they increasingly feel shut out from the right financial options.

How mortgages can help a wide range of people
Mortgaging and remortgaging were cited as key challenges in our research for people as soon as they reach 50.

For example, just 4% of people in their 50s said they thought they could take out a mortgage, and for people in their 80s,
it plummets even further to only 2%.

We have set up our mortgage model to help people overcome the challenges that the high street puts in front of them.
Mortgages can be a great tool for anyone aged 50-90+, providing another potential option when planning the future.

For example, as the property ladder gets harder to reach for first-time buyers, many parents and grandparents will wish
to become the Bank of Mum and Dad. Savills says the Bank of Mum and Dad will lend around £25 billion pounds in the UK
between now and 2024, and mortgages offer a potential route for people to do it.

There are many other life goals that a mortgage could help with, from inheritance planning or funding home
improvements to consolidating debts. Meanwhile, during a cost-of-living crisis and in an environment of rising inflation
and interest rates, the mortgage market can help people aged 50-90+ by offering flexibility around circumstances.

It is vital that people aged 50 and above can access these mortgage options, which could well be the perfect fit for their
needs – even if they just don’t know it yet. It’s time that more was done to genuinely help people, whatever their age, to
have an empowered financial life.

It’s time financial services stopped discriminating on age.

Get in touch with us today to help more of your customers aged 50-90+, call 0203 0114 991 or email
[email protected] to speak to a member of the team.

We can consider all income sources, and our manual underwriting allows us to be flexible, even in complex

- Phil Quinn, Head of Intermediary Sales at LiveMore





ǀŝƐŝƚ ŚƚƚƉƐ͗ͬͬŵŽůŽĨŝŶĂŶĐĞ͘ĐŽŵͬďƌŽŬĞƌƐͬŵŽůŽͲŝŶƚĞƌŵĞĚŝĂƌŝĞƐ


e: [email protected]
m: +44 7865246310



10 STEPS TO SUCCESS 01 02 03

Broker contacts The enquirywill be Ingard will source and
Ingard with an assigned to a dedicated then place the case with
overview of the deal Specialist who will ask one of the providers
by telephone or you to send all the on ourvast panel. The
email to enquiries@ information you have introducing broker will gathered so far e.g. be sent a DIP breaking
basic details, bank down the product details,
statements, credit fees and an estimated
file etc. This will help timeline. Ifyou would like
us place the case as to stay involved and help
quickly as possible. the client to complete
We will then contact the signed documents
the client/s for any etc.,we will send you a list
additional info. Please of required documents.
provide accurate Ifyou would prefer Ingard
contact details and a to do this,we will manage
suitable time for us to the process completely.
contact the client.

04 05 06

If the client wishes to A Full Application will be Valuation instructed.
proceed, Ingard will submitted to the Lender.
request the £500 Ingard will provide you
commitment fee. with regular updates
throughout the process.

07 08 09 10

Offer issued Solicitor instructed Ingard will liaise On completion, the
(providing the and completion with the Introducing client will be paid the
Valuation is date set. Broker, Solicitor and funds from the lender.
satisfactory). Client to complete The Introducing Broker
the case as quickly will receive 50% of
as possible. the Broker Fee and
Procuration Fee.




01 02 03 04

Issue your Terms of Send a copy of all case Remember YOU ARE The Case Owner
Business, complete a Fact documents, including PROVIDING THE ADVICE will provide you
Find with the client, assess your sourcing, to our and will earn MORE with a shopping
all proof of income, bank team. Remember to COMMISSION for doing list of the Lender’s
statements etc. and carry provide a PDF of your so. requirements and
out your due diligence, Fact Find - Do not any forms the
and complete your press submit yet as client may need to
Anti-Money Laundering an application has complete.
checks as normal. Then not been submitted.
source the best deal for You will be assigned
the client based on their an experienced Case
requirements. If the most Owner who will guide
suitable option is a lender you through the
Ingard packages for, or if process.
you are unable to find a
suitable Lender from your
sourcing, contact our
team on 01702 538 800 to
discuss the case.

If you are a member of Ingard’s Network, then we will not take a compliance cut from your
commission. You can charge a broker fee, as per your Terms of Business, of which you will
receive 100%. The percentage of the proc fee we can pay out is specified by each Lender, as
per the Route to Lender Guide which can be found on the Portal. There are no packaging fees
payable by the client.


05 06 07 08

Once the Case Owner If you are a member of If any further Our Admin team will
has received and Ingard’s Network, then documents are chase the Solicitors
checked all documents, at this stage you should required or the Lender and push the case
the Application will be submit your full case on has any queries, we through to completion
submitted to the Lender. 360 as normal, by pressing will liaise with you as as quickly as possible.
Remember, they are Submit Business on the the Advisor, so that
checking the documents Fact Find and uploading these can be obtained
have met the Lender’s all of your documents. from the client. We
packaging requirements, Remember, this needs to will provide regular
not checking your advice. be received within 7 days updates on the case
They will then provide you of the Application being progress.
with a copy of the Lender’s submitted. Your compliance
KFI and Application Form, will then be checked as
so that you are able to normal and you will be
write up your Suitability chased by the Admin team
Letter. for any outstanding items
from the Network’s point



With all the chaos that has hit the market in the which will take time and effort to collate.
last few months, and the resulting extra work
for advisers, the FCA doesn’t want to be left out, Ingard Members- I will be providing training in
and is launching two new initiatives to test our the New Year on both the AR Regime and Con-
patience even further. sumer Duty, and how to keep you compliant
with the new requirements- watch this space!
As we mentioned at the Ingard Training Acad-
emy in October, the AR regime will take effect in We will also be updating the Annual Review
December this year, followed by Consumer Duty pack to explain what information we require
rules in July next year. At Ingard, we have done from you, and for the first time, there will be
the heavy lifting for our members, and put ongoing requirements throughout the year. I
together a plan to ease them through these know some brokers feel we are too invasive in
transitions. Most of the work will be carried out what we ask for, and we have heard numerous
by the internal team, but each adviser will have times that other Networks don’t ask for the
a role to play, and will need to work with us to same level of information. We are not trying to
ensure the smooth implementation. be nosey! We have been working closely with
AMI and the other Networks, and we know what
The FCA has decided that there are still rogue they are requesting currently from the ARs and
brokers in the market, hiding from the regula- what they will be collating in the future for the
tor as Appointed Representatives (ARs) rather AR regime, and it is very much in line with our
than coming under the scrutiny of being Direct- requirements.
ly Authorised (DA). This in itself is a nonsense
position, given the far higher level of supervi- The main change you will see is that we will
sion that ARs are subject to, compared to the require evidence of all your income, to fully
approach of waiting for a complaint before a demonstrate how you are solvent. This will need
DA is scrutinised by the FCA. However, the AR Re- to include income from any source, not just
gime is coming into force from December the income related to financial services. We know
8th, and as such, all Networks need to comply brokers do have other interests, and we need
with the new rules. to be declaring these. Don’t forget that the FCA
has access to HMRC records and other sources
The AR Regime changes have largely been of information, and they will be cross checking
implemented on the back of several invest- what you declare.
ment firms that have failed, such as the David
Cameron backed Greensill Capital. Huge AR Networks will have very tight timeframes to
firms have been allowed to exist, that dwarfed respond to the FCA, so it is important you pro-
the Network they were part of. When one firm vide your documents and information within
under the Network’s supervision is responsible the deadlines given by us. As always, these are
for such a substantial portion of the Network’s deadlines, not targets, so ASAP is best! Given
income, how could they effectively supervise the amount of data we need to collect, please
and control that firm? In effect the tail was work with us, and don’t leave it until the last
wagging the dog. minute. The FCA is taking the view that if the
Network can’t collect the information from
The second area of concern for the FCA is the AR firm, can they really be said to have full
that firms often receive income from various control over them? We will give you as much
sources (not all of which will be regulated). It notice as possible as to when we require the
may not always be obvious how the firm is sup- documentation to be returned, so don’t panic.
porting itself, and if it can’t be shown that it is Unfortunately, we will not be able to support
solvent, then will the adviser make inappropri- ARs who do not return the requested informa-
ate advice or take unnecessary risks to earn tion – this would put the Network at risk, and
additional income? that is not something we are prepared to do.
To combat these issues, Networks are required If you are unsure of any of the requirements
to increase the level of information they supply when you receive the list, please speak to us.
to the FCA, to enable them to carry out statisti-
cal analysis of the AR firms and their Networks.
The FCA is asking for vast quantities of data,


R E G I M E Ingard’s Compliance Manager, Neil Mulhearn
gives more insight into Consumer Duty & the AR

The second initiative that you are going to see
implemented next year, is Consumer Duty. In es-
sence, this an extension of the TCF regime that
has been around since the formation of the
FCA. The regulator is stating that the customer
needs to be at the centre of any transaction,
and that it is their interests that are para-

The FCA’s official definition is - A new Consumer
Principle that requires firms to act to deliver
good outcomes for retail customers. In real-
ity, we know our advisers here at Ingard are
already complying with this. Nothing new to see
here! Because of our 100% file checking, we
see the quality of advice being provided, and
we know the advice is already being based on
the client’s best interests.

However, advisers will now need to go further
to ensure that the full journey is documented,
so that there can be no doubt that they did
their job properly. A particular concern for the
FCA is that advisers haven’t considered every
option open to a client, or have potentially just
provided the advice based on what was easi-
est for them, or even the highest commission.
Alternative options for a client may include
products you cannot write yourself, but still
have access to. They are also concerned that
not enough steps are being taken to support
vulnerable customers and ensure their un-
derstanding, and expect full advice to include
considering protection on every single sale.
Those of you who are concentrating will see
there is some cross over between the 2 initia-
tives E.g., if a large proportion of an adviser’s
income is from one area of business, could
this lead to the wrong advice being given, even
sub-consciously? Collating extra data will help
Networks to pick up on any trends, and act if

Although all this may seem like extra work
for no benefit, this is actually going to help
advisers in the long run. This should lead to
increased commission from additional sales,
alongside happy clients that refer more busi-

Adhering to the Consumer duty Rules means
you know that you will have provided the best
product to meet your client’s needs.



Be the Star
Remember you are the star of your business, and ulti-
mately, it’s your name the client needs to remember,
should they need help in the future, or have friends/
family looking for help. Provide top quality service,
and the chances of repeat and referral business are
much greater. Don’t allow standards to slip, however
busy you may be. You never know how many referrals
one client could lead to. We have had clients in the
past take their mortgage adviser into their work-
place, and speak to each member of staff, gaining
multiple new clients from this.
Make a Plan
It’s vital you have a business plan of how you are
going to generate and write the business to achieve
your goals. You can’t just hope you’ll receive enough
to keep you going. You really need to work back-
wards; how much do you need to earn, and how
many completions/applications/enquiries would this
equate to. Your strategy should be varied, so as not
to be too heavily reliant on one area of business, or
even one client’s portfolio. It’s important you track
the successes and failures of your plan, and can
adapt quickly if needed. If you need any help putting
your plan together, speak to us here at Ingard and
we’ll be happy to help!
You are not just a mortgage adviser! Remember to
protect your clients, their families, incomes and
properties. The holistic approach means you’re giv-
ing your client the best advice and service anyway,
but also retaining them as they don’t need to go
elsewhere or on comparison sites (which may be
cheaper, but not always the correct sufficient cover).
Crucially, you will earn more commission!
Marketing (Prospective Clients)
You can use a variety of methods to market to new
clients. It’s important you consider whether you want
to pay for this, as a lot can be done for free/very little
cost. Just a few examples are social media posts/
blogs, printed flyers or advertising in the local hand-
book or shops/schools, sponsorship of local teams/
charities, or signs E.g., a sticker on the car. One of our
members even has their company name on a t-shirt!
Shout about what you can do, but always remember
the target audience, and the reason for the message
you’re sending.

Ongoing Contact/Marketing
Provide your existing clients with an ongoing service.
This includes keeping in regular contact, through An-
nual Reviews and Mortgage Reviews (product expi-
ries). These will appear in your Hotbox automatically,
so don’t forget to work this. It’s also worth looking at



your client’s BTL Addendums, as these will show when
their other mortgage products are due to expire. You
can also send your existing clients marketing bul-
letins, provided they have agreed to email market-
ing. These can also be targeted E.g., clients within a
certain age group. We upload monthly client bulletins
to the Portal you can use, and can provide a list of
clients you can send to. If you want to write your own
or launch any promotions, please remember to have
them compliance checked first.
Network wherever you can. This could be at profes-
sional meetings, such as BNI or PIN meetings (don’t
forget to take the financial and time costs of this
into account). However, this can also be attending
Network and industry events to improve your knowl-
edge and speak with lenders and peers, or as simple
as chatting to people at your children’s school, at
your sports club, or in the pub. Just tell as many
people as you can what you do, and how you could
help them. Don’t forget to have business cards handy
at all times!
Embrace the Complex
In the current climate, you aren’t going to earn a suf-
ficient living from just dealing with vanilla mortgages
to high street lenders, and you’re going to be turning
a lot of clients away. Keep yourself up to date with
the different options and products each lender has
available – knowledge is power! If something is too
complex, or you don’t have permissions to write the
business type, refer it into Ingard. Earn a percentage
of something, rather than 100% of nothing and the
client having to go elsewhere.
Purchase Leads
If you are still struggling to find business, you may
want to look at purchasing leads. There are a num-
ber of companies who offer mortgage leads. Please
speak to us if you are considering this, as we would
need to approve any company before using. It’s best
to start off slowly to get a feel of how “hot” the leads
are, and the level of conversion. The last thing you
want is to spend a fortune for no return, or to be
bombarded with too many leads and unable to deal
with them.
Professional Referrals
Other industry professionals may be looking for
someone to refer mortgages to E.g., developers,
estate agents, solicitors, accountants. Even if they
already have someone, this may change, or they may
still need someone for more complex deals who has
access to a larger panel. It’s worth passing on your




Lender Submission Route Product Type Gross Net Contact
Fee Fee Details
Accord Mortgages Mortgage Club - Brilliant Refer to Brilliant
Aldermore Bank Direct (Mortgage & Buy to Let) Residential 0.55% 0.55% 08451 200 883
Buy to Let 0.65% 0.65% 0333 321 1000
Bank of China (UK) No Club Retention 0.35% 0.35%
Bank of Cyprus Full Referral Specialist Buy to Let 0.65% 0.65% 08456 027 083
Bank of Ireland Mortgage Club - Brilliant Refer to Lender 0.40% 0.38% 01702 538 800
Barclays Mortgage Club - Brilliant All 02072 362 000
Bath Building Society Direct Refer to Brilliant Website 0.35% 0.35% 03450 733 330
Beverley No Club Refer to Brilliant Website 0.60% 0.50% 01225 475702
Bluestone Mortgages Direct Refer to Bath Website 01482 881 510
BM Solutions Mortgage Club - Brilliant Refer to Lender 1.10% 0.70% 0800 368 1833
The Cambridge Building Society Mortgage Club - Legal & General All 2.00% 1.00% 08458 505 000
Castle Trust Packaged Refer to Brilliant Website 03456 013 180
Refer to L&G Website 0.55% 0.55% 01702 538 800
Central Trust Packaged Residential - Unencumbered Only 08000 608 855

Chorley Building Society Mortgage Club - Brilliant Refer to Brilliant Website (Packaged)
CHL Mortgages Direct Buy to Let 01257 235 000
Clydesdale Bank PLC Mortgage Club - Brilliant Refer to Brilliant Website 01252 365 888
08447 360 034

Coventry Mortgage Club - Brilliant Refer to Brilliant Website 0.80%* 0.40%* 08001 217 788
Cumberland Building Society Direct All 0.90%* 0.50%* 01228 403 141
Darlington No Club Refer to Lender 0.95%* 0.55%* 01325 366 366
Dudley Building Society Mortgage Club - Legal & General Refer to L&G Website 0.90%* 0.50%* 01384 231 414
Earl Shilton Building Society No Club Refer to Lender 0.22%* 0.20%* 01455 844 422
Ecology Building Society No Club Refer to Lender 0.27%* 0.25%* 01535 650 770
Family Building Society Packaged or Direct All owner occupier products (excluding 01702 538 800
Family Mortgage & Offset Mortgage)
Offset Mortgage (Packaged)
Family Mortgage
Buy to Let Mortgage
Product Switches
Further Advances

Foundation Home Loans Mortgage Club - Brilliant Refer to Brilliant Website 0.50% 0.45% 0344 770 8032
Fleet Mortgages Direct All 1.20% 1% 01252 916 800
Furness Building Society Mortgage Club - Brilliant Refer to Brilliant Website 08000 220 568
Godiva Mortgage Club - Brilliant Refer to Brilliant Website 08001 217 788
Halifax Mortgage Club - Brilliant Refer to Brilliant Website 03456 025 317
Hampshire Trust Bank Direct BTL & MHO 0207 862 6262
Hanley Economic Mortgage Club - Legal & General Refer to L&G Website 01782 255 159
Hinckley & Rugby Building Mortgage Club - Legal & General Refer to L&G Website 08004 346 343
Hodge Bank Direct 50+ 0.55% 0.55% 0800 138 9109
50+ Additional Borrowing 0.55% 0.55%
RIO 0.55% 0.55%
RIO Additional Borrowing 0.55% 0.55%
Holiday Let 0.55% 0.55%
Holiday Let Additional Borrowing 0.55% 0.55%

Holmesdale Building Society Mortgage Club - Brilliant Refer to Brilliant Website 0.40% 0.40% 01737 232 310
HSBC Direct Residential 0.50% 0.50% 0345 600 5847
Buy to let 0.20% 0.20%

Kensington Direct All 0.50% 0.40% 0800 011 1020

Kent Reliance Mortgage Club - Brilliant Refer to Brilliant Website 0345 122 0033

Keystone Property Finance Direct Specialist Buy to Let 0.80% 0.80% 0345 148 9086

Landbay Packaged or Direct Buy to Let - Individual 0.85%* 0.50%* 020 7096 2700
Buy to Let - Ltd Co 0.85%* 0.50%* (Packaged)

Leeds Building Society Mortgage Club - Brilliant Refer to Brilliant Website 0345 050 5075

Leek United Building Society Mortgage Club - Legal & General Refer to L&G Website 01538 384 151

Lendinvest Direct Buy to Let 0.60% 0.60% 0800 130 3388

Livemore Captial Direct Standard*an additional 0.13%gross everyyear thereafter 0.55% 0.55% 0203 011 4990

for up to 15years 1.10% 1.10%

Enhanced available on our 20year and Fixed for Life


Loughborough Building Society No Club Refer to Lender 01509 610 707

Manchester Building Society Mortgage Club - Brilliant Refer to Brilliant Website 01619 238 030

Mansfield Building Society No Club Refer to Lender 01623 676 345

Market Harborough Direct 0.35% 0.35% 01858 412 610

19 Marsden Building Society No Club Refer to Lender 01282 440 583
Melton Mowbray Mortgage Club - Brilliant Refer to Brilliant Website 01664 414 141


Lender Submission Route Product Type Gross Net Contact
Fee Fee Details
Metro Bank Direct Residential
Buy to Let 0.40% 0.38% 0203 427 1019
Molo Finance Direct Rate Switch - Residential 0.43% 0.41%
Monmouthshire No Club Rate Switch - Buy to Let 0.30% 0.285% 0333 006 8288
MPowered Mortgages Direct All 0.30% 0.285% 01633 844 370
Refer to Lender 0.50% 0.45% 0800 260 5949
Buy to Let
0.60% 0.60%

Nationwide Mortgage Club - Brilliant Refer to Brilliant Website 0.40% 0.40% 08005 453 131
Natwest Direct Residential 0.45% 0.45% 03459 001 110
Buy to Let 0.20% 0.20%
Newbury Direct Retention 0.37% 0.35% 01635 555 777
Residential & Buy to Let 0.20% 0.18%
Newcastle Mortgage Club - Brilliant Retention 3.50% 1.75% 03456 064 488
Norton Finance Packaged Refer to Brilliant Website 0.40% 0.40% 01702 538 800
All 0.55% 0.55%
0.55% 0.55% (Packaged)
Nottingham Direct All 0.40% 0.40% 03444 814 444
Norwich & Peterborough No Club Refer to Lender 0.50% 0.40% 03453 002 511
Paragon Mortgages Direct Residential 0.40% 0.37% 08000 522 222
Buy to Let 0.48% 0.43%
Penrith No Club Retention 0.30% 0.30% 01768 863 675
Pepper Money Direct Refer to Lender 0.60% 0.50% 03333 701 105
Platform Direct All 0.60% 0.50% 03450 701 999
Residential 0.30% 0.28%
Post Office for Intermediaries Mortgage Club - Brilliant Buy to Let 0345 266 8928
Precise Mortgages Direct Retention 0.36% 0.36% 08001 164 385
Refer to Brilliant Website 0.45% 0.45%
Principality Mortgage Club - Legal & General Residential 0.20% 0.20% 01179 331 644
Progressive Building Society Mortgage Club - Legal & General Buy to Let 02890 244 926
Saffron Building Society Mortgage Club - Legal & General Retention 0.75% 0.75% 08000 721 100
Santander Direct Refer to L&G website 0.50% 0.50% 08000 851 390
Refer to L&G Website
Scottish Building Society No Club Refer to L&G Website 0.80% 0.50% 01313 137 700
Scottish Widows Bank Mortgage Club - Brilliant Residential 0.85% 0.50% 03458 450 829
Skipton Building Society Mortgage Club - Brilliant Buy to Let 03458 501 755
State Bank of India Direct Retention 0344 967 1860
Refer to Lender
Suffolk Building Society Mortgage Club - Brilliant Refer to Brilliant website 0330 123 1073
Refer to Brilliant Website 01202 843 550
Teachers Building Society Mortgage Club - Legal & General Professional BTL 01215 572 551
Non Professional BTL 01702 538 800
Tipton & Coseley Building Society Mortgage Club - Legal & General
Refer to Brilliant Website (Packaged)
The Mortgage Lender Packaged Refer to L&G Website
Refer to L&G Website
Specialist Mortgage
Specialist Buy to Let

Direct All 0.60% 0.50% 0344 257 0418
1.5% 0.75% 08005 453 131
The Mortgage Works Mortgage Club - Brilliant Refer to Brilliant Website 1.5% 0.75% 01702 538 800
Together Money 1.25% 0.625%
Limited Availability via Full Referral Residential 1.00% 0.50% 02890 275 965
Ulster Bank Ltd Only Consumer BTL 0.80% 0.40% 01702 538 800
United Trust Bank
BTL & Home Own Bus Loan (Packaged)

Mortgage Club - Legal & General Refer to L&G Website
Packaged Unencumbered
FTB/Purchase & Remortgage

Direct Unencumbered 0.45% 0.40% 0207 190 5555
FTB/Purchase & Remortgage 0.45% 0.40%

Vernon Building Society No Club Refer to Lender 01614 296 262
Vida Homeloans Mortgage Club - Brilliant Refer to Brilliant Website 03300 246 246
Virgin Money PLC Mortgage Club - Brilliant Refer to Brilliant Website 03456 001 516

West One Direct All 0.60% 0.50% 0333 123 4556

Zephyr Homeloans Mortgage Club - Brilliant Refer to Brilliant Website 0370 707 1894

Submission Routes Explained: It is very important that you use the correct submission route when submitting business to a lender, to ensure you
receive the highest procuration fee and get paid quickly on completion.

Direct - This means Ingard has an agency agreement with the lender and will receive payment directly from the lender on completion.
Mortgage Club -ThismeansthelendercanbeaccessedthroughamortgageclubandIngardwillreceivepaymentfromthemortgagecluboncompletion.
No Club - Contact the lender to find out how they will accept business from you and notify Ingard that you are submitting business to the lender so that
we can expect payment on completion.

Packaged - Packaged business needs to be submitted to the lender by Ingard’s Specialist Team, but the advice is given by you, and all compliance 20
documents should be provided as normal. A Packaging Process Guide is located in the Document Library section of the Case Portal.
Full Referral - This means you are referring the case in full for someone in Ingard’s Specialist Team to give the advice, and deal with all compliance. Some
lenders will also only accept business where a member of Ingard’s Specialist Team has provided advice and processed the case.
* Where there is the option to submit business packaged or direct, please be aware that if you submit the business direct then you will receive less
commission. On packaged business, Ingard does not take a compliance cut and the lender may pay a higher procuration fee.



Submission Route: Ingard’s Specialist Team. Call 01702 538 800 or email [email protected]

Lender Submission Route Product Type Gross Net
Fee Fee

Al Rayan Full Referral Home Purchase Plan 0.35% 0.35%
Buy to Let Purchase Plan 0.50% 0.50%
Bank of Cyprus Full Referral Specialist Buy to Let 0.40% 0.50%
Cambridge & Counties Bank Full Referral Specialist Buy to Let 1.00%
Central Trust Packaged Specialist Mortgage - 2.00% 0.50%*
Unencumbered Only 0.55%*
Family Building Society Packaged or Direct All owner occupier products (excluding Family 0.80%* 0.20%*
Mortgage & Offset Mortgage) 0.90%* 0.25%*
Offset Mortgage 0.95%*
Family Mortgage 0.90%* 0.75%
Buy to Let Mortgage 0.22%* 0.50%
Product Switches 0.27%*
Further Advances 1.75%

Interbay Full Referral Specialist Buy to Let 1.50% - refer to
Landbay Packaged Individual Buy to Let 0.85%
Ltd Company Buy to Let

Norton Home Loans Packaged Specialist Mortgage & 3.50%
Buy to Let

Shawbrook Bank Full Referral Specialist Buy to Let Dependent
on product

The Mortgage Lender Packaged Specialist Mortgage 0.80% 0.50%
Specialist Buy to Let 0.85% 0.50%

Together Direct All 0.60% 0.50%
United Trust Bank Limited Availability via Full Residential 1.5% 0.75%
Referral Only Consumer BTL 1.5% 0.75%
BTL & Home Own Bus Loan 1.25% 0.625%
Packaged Unencumbered 1.00% 0.50%
FTB/Purchase & Remortgage 0.80% 0.40%

Direct Unencumbered 0.45% 0.40%
FTB/Purchase & Remortgage 0.45% 0.40%

SECOND CHARGE MORTGAGES Submission Route: Ingard’s Specialist Team.
Call 01702 538 800 or email [email protected].

Castle Trust Central Trust Equifinance Evolution Money Norton Home Loans
Paragon Precise Mortgages Shawbrook Bank Step One Finance Together**
United Trust Bank

BRIDGING LOANS Submission Route: Ingard’s Specialist Team.
Call 01702 538 800 or email [email protected]

Affirmative Alternative Bridging Big Property Finance Bridging Finance Solutions Castle Trust

Funding 365 Hampshire Trust Bank Interbay LendInvest Mercantile Trust

MFS Mint Bridging MTF Oakbridge Octane

Octopus Real Estate Peninsula Finance Precise Mortgages Roma Shawbrook Bank

SoMo Bridging Together** True Bridging United Trust Bank West One

COMMERCIAL LOANS Submission Route: Ingard’s Specialist Team.
Call 01702 538 800 or email [email protected]

Bank of Cyprus Barclays Commercial Cambridge & Counties Bank Interbay Julian Hodge Bank

Lloyds Bank Mercantile Trust Metro Bank Natwest Octane

Octopus Real Estate Redwood Bank Santander Commercial Shawbrook Bank State Bank of India


* Where there is the option to submit business packaged or direct, please be aware that if you submit the business direct then you will
receive less commission. On packaged business, Ingard does not take a compliance cut and the lender may pay a smaller procuration
**Limited Availability via Full Referral Only

21 Issued: November 2022


We’re committed to helping you identify the best solution for your clients’ needs and will support you to
prepare complete and compliant cases for submission to the lender, through to offer and then completion
and will help you to overcome any hurdles you may encounter along the way.


Business Generation & Major Concerns Business Generation & Major Concerns

David Ewing Nikki Haworth

Managing Director Sales & Marketing Director
[email protected] [email protected]

01702 533 400 01702 538 800

Commission Queries & Compliance Compliance, Training & Equity Release

Natalie Haworth Neil Mulhearn

Finance Manager Compliance Manager
[email protected] [email protected]

01702 538 800 01702 538 818

Broker Support Email Contacts

Louise Moores Case Updates & Outstanding Compliance
[email protected]
Broker Support Manager
[email protected] File Review Responses & Pre-Approvals
01702 533 401 [email protected]



Michelle Hawthorne [email protected]
Simon Greaves [email protected]

Our Network members and specialist team are ably supported by
our highly experienced Administration team:

Emily Grindley [email protected]

Rose Miller [email protected]

Our Compliance Officer provides detailed case reviews:

Steve Evans [email protected]

All new case referrals and packaging requests should follow the Initial Enquiry Sheet process
and be submitted to:

[email protected]

For all other queries:

[email protected] 01702 538 800

@IngardFinancial @Ingard @IngardBroker


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