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2. Slide ePembelajaran - Pengenalan Kepada Data Analytics 1

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Published by phoejaydk, 2021-03-24 03:59:26

2. Slide ePembelajaran - Pengenalan Kepada Data Analytics 1

2. Slide ePembelajaran - Pengenalan Kepada Data Analytics 1


[email protected]

BIG DATA is a term that describes
the large volume of data, both

structured and unstructured, that
inundates an operation on a day-

to-day basis. But it’s not the
amount of data that’s important.
It’s what the organisation do with

the data that matters.
BIG DATA can be analysed for

insights that lead to better
decision for strategic moves.

BIG DATA in audit of public sector
certainly involves massive amount of
data that involves various agencies,
multiple systems, dynamic data that
requires evolving techniques and tools.

DATA in audit gives insights to an
organisation’s behavorial towards
control and information. This would
then help auditors to form audit

opinion and audit conclusion.
BIG DATA is defined through three Vs:



Organisations collect data from various

sources, including business transaction, social

media and information from sensor or

machine-to-machine data. In the past, storing

have been a big problem, but new technologies

have eased the burden. The name ‘Big Data’

itself is related to a size which is enormous.

Size of data plays vital role in determining value

out of data. Particular data can actually be

considered as Big Data or not, is dependent

upon volume of data. Hence

is one characteristic which needs to be

considered when defining data as Big Data.



Data comes in all types During earlier days,
spreadsheets and
of format – from
databases were the only
structured dataset, sources of data considered

numeric data in by most of applications.
Now – data in the form of
traditional databases, to
emails, photos, videos,
unstructured text PDFs, audio, facial

documents, email, video, recognition is also the
a n d sources of analysis
audio, stock tick and s applications.
financial transactions.

Variety refers to This va riety of structured
nst ructured data pose
heterogeneous sources u rta in considerations f
and nature of the data. c e

storage, mining and analysing




Data streams in at an unprecedented speed and must
be dealt with in a timely manner. RFID tags, sensors
and smart metering are driving the need to deal with
torrents of data in near-real-time. The term ‘velocity'
refers to speed to generate data. How fast the data is
generated and processed to meet demands,
determines real potential in the data. Big Data
Velocity deals with the speed at which data flows in
from sources like business processes, application
logs, networks and social media sites, sensors,
mobile devices, et cetera. The flow of data is massive
and continuous.

E SAIs could aim to make better use of data

analytics in audits, including adaptation

C strategies, such as planning for such
L audits, developing experienced teams
A for data analytics, & introducing new

R techniques into the practice of public

A audit


I SAIs are encouraged to nurture the
O auditors of the future who can employ

N data analytics, artificial intelligence tools,

& advanced qualitative methods, enhance

1 innovation; & act as strategic players,
knowledge exchangers, & producers of


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