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Published by Dolphina1938, 2019-04-21 05:42:31



‫أوقات تدليل الثنائي‬

‫انعما بذكريات مشتركة لا تنسى وأنتما تسترخيان معًا من خلال مجموعة من العلاجات الرائعة المجددة للخلايا والمهدئة للأعصاب والتي تعزز‬
‫الشعور بالاسترخاء العميق وتخلص الجسم من السموم وتنقيه‪.‬‬

‫وقت خاص للثنائي لمدة ساعتين‬ ‫ملاذ ملكي للثنائي‬ ‫طقوس الحمام للثنائي‬
‫(‪ 120‬دقيقة)‬ ‫(‪ 1٥0‬دقيقة)‬ ‫(‪ 60‬دقيقة)‬

‫انعم بالاسترخاء مع شريكة حياتك وسط‬ ‫ابدآ رحلتكما على طريق تعزيز الصحة الخارجية‬ ‫عزز رحلتك مع شريكة حياتك من خلال‬
‫أجواء متناغمة‪ ،‬واستمتعا بفوائد الجلسات‬ ‫وتلبية متطلبات الجسم الداخلية مع هذه‬ ‫الاستمتاع بالرفاهية العربية المطلقة معًا داخل‬

‫العلاجية معًا‪ .‬احتفي بأنوثتك مع وسائل‬ ‫المجموعة من العلاجات المهدئة للأعصاب‪،‬‬ ‫حمام خاص مفعم بأجواء الخصوصية‪.‬‬
‫التدليل الرائعة‪ ،‬وعزز شعورك برجولتك مع‬ ‫والمصممة خصيصًا لإشباع جميع الحواس‪.‬‬ ‫اغمرا جسمكما بالدلال حيث تبدأ الجلسة بالبخار‬
‫لفتح مسام البشرة ثم فرك الجسم بالتكييس‬
‫طقوسنا الفائقة الفاعلية‪.‬‬ ‫استمتعا بتجربة طقوس الحمام التركي‬
‫المنظف التقليدي التي ُتجرى في غرفة حمام‬ ‫والتدليك برغوة الصابون الغنية بزيت الزيتون‪.‬‬
‫اختيار أي باقة علاجية بمواصفات خاصة لمدة‬ ‫خاصة بالثنائي‪ .‬وبعدها يمكنكما اختيار أي باقة‬ ‫تنتهي رحلة الثنائي بوضع مستحضر الترطيب‬
‫ساعتين • مشروبات مرطبة‬ ‫من الباقات العلاجية ذات المواصفات الخاصة‬
‫المتميز الخاص بأنانتارا سبا لترطيب البشرة‬
‫التي تدوم لمدة ساعتين‪.‬‬ ‫وحمايتها‪.‬‬

‫طقوس الحمام المنظف • اختيار أي باقة‬ ‫جلسة علاج للقدمين • طقوس الحمام التركي‬
‫علاجية بمواصفات خاصة لمدة ساعة ونصف •‬ ‫أو المغربي • مشروبات مرطبة‬

‫مشروبات مرطبة‬

‫رحلات أنانتارا سبا‬

‫التجارب المميزة‬

‫استنادًا إلى خبرة أنانتارا سبا العالمية‪ ،‬والمكونات المحلية الفاخرة الواردة من الجبل الأخضر‪ ،‬والتقاليد الصحية تمزج مجموعة طقوسنا العلاجية‬
‫المميزة بين وسائل التدليل الفاخرة والفاعلية الفائقة والفوائد طويلة المفعول للجسم والعقل والروح‪.‬‬

‫رحلة سيام‬ ‫رحلة الانتعاش مع الرمان‬ ‫طقوس الخلاص الوردية‬
‫(‪ ١٢٠‬دقيقة)‬ ‫(‪ 90‬دقيقة)‬ ‫(‪ 90‬دقيقة)‬
‫اكتشف العلاجات من أقصى الشرق حيث‬
‫نشأت أنانتارا سبا‪ .‬اشعر بالحيوية في بخار دافئ‬ ‫استمتع بتجربة العلاج العماني المدلل للحواس‬ ‫لطالما كان الورد الدمشقي على مدار قرون‬
‫مريح يع ّد جسمك لفرك جوز الهند لتقشير‬ ‫لاستعادة جمالك وحيويتك بالكامل‪ .‬يتميز ال ُرمان‬ ‫طويلة ُيزرع في الجبل الأخضر‪ .‬جددي جمالك‬
‫البشرة وترطيبها وتنعيمها‪ ،‬في حين تنشط‬ ‫مع الخصائص المهدئة والمرطبة والمتوازنة‬
‫الحواس مع الروائح الشرقية‪ .‬تختتم الطقوس‬ ‫العماني بغناه بمضادات الأكسدة المقاومة‬
‫بتدليك الضغط العشبي التايلندي الذي‬ ‫للشيخوخة‪ ،‬ولطالما احتل مكانة كبيرة لقدرته‬ ‫لبتلات الورد وزيت الورد الفاخر‪ .‬تعمل هذه‬
‫يجمع بين الأعشاب العلاجية وتقنيات التدليك‬ ‫الجلسة الرومانسية على تدليل حواسك من‬
‫التقليدية لتهدئة توتر العضلات‪ ،‬مما يترك‬ ‫على تجديد خلايا البشرة وتغذيتها وحمايتها‪،‬‬ ‫الرأس وحتى أخمص القدمين‪ ،‬مما يجدد شبابك‬
‫الجسم الكامل مرتاحا من أي وجع‪.‬‬ ‫إذ يعد مكونًا مثاليًا لصنفرة البشرة ليمنحك‬ ‫وحيويتك بشكل طبيعي‪ .‬تعيد جلسة العناية‬
‫بالوجه الترطيب لبشرتك‪ ،‬في حين تغذي الزيوت‬
‫البخار • جلسة تنظيف القدمين بالزهور • فرك‬ ‫جسمًا مفعمًا بالنعومة والإشراقة‪ .‬استمتع بعد‬
‫الجسم بجوز الهند • دش في الهواء الطلق •‬ ‫ذلك بالراحة والاسترخاء في حين يقوم أخصائي‬ ‫النادرة فروة رأسك‪ .‬جلسة رقيقة لصنفرة‬
‫الجسم بالكامل تجعل بشرتك مستعدة‬
‫تدليك الضغط العشبي التايلندي •‬ ‫العلاج الماهر الخاص بك بإجراء أساليب تدليك‬ ‫للتدليك المتخصص للتخلص من التوتر والشعور‬
‫مشروبات مرطبة‬ ‫موثوقة مستوحاة من الثقافة الصحية القديمة‬
‫بالمتعة الخالصة‪.‬‬
‫لجزيرة العرب لإرخاء العضلات بعمق وتعزيز‬
‫الطاقة‪.‬‬ ‫جلسة تنظيف القدمين بالحليب وبتلات الورد •‬
‫جلسة للعناية بالوجه وترطيب البشرة بزيت الورد‬
‫جلسة تنظيف القدمين بالزهور • فرك الجسم‬
‫بالرمان الطازج والملح • جلسة تدليك من اختيارك‬ ‫وزيت جوز الهند • جلسة تدليك للتخلص من‬
‫التوتر والإجهاد بزيت الورد • مشروبات مرطبة‬
‫• مشروبات مرطبة‬

‫مرحبًا بك في أنانتارا سبا‪.‬‬

‫انطلاقًا من جذوره المتأصلة في دولة تايلاند الجميلة‪ ،‬ينبع جوهر فلسفة أنانتارا «بدون نهاية»‪ ،‬من أصول‬
‫اللغة السنسكريتية القديمة‪ .‬ويتناغم هذا المبدأ مع التقاليد الخالدة للجزيرة العربية والموارد الطبيعية‬

‫المذهلة من الأراضي المحيطة‪ .‬يتم اختبار رحلات السبا الحسية من خلال خمس غرف فاخرة لعلاجات‬
‫السبا منها جناحان للثنائي‪ ،‬جناح خاص لجلسات الحمام و وصالون تجميل‪.‬‬

‫انغمس في علاجات السبا الفاخرة التي تجمع بين خبرات السبا من الشرق والغرب في ملاذ هادئ على‬
‫إرتفاع ‪ ٢٠٠٠‬متر فوق مستوى سطح البحر‪ .‬هذا المكان الدراماتيكي يحفز هروبك من ضغوط الحياة اليومية‪.‬‬

‫ويضم أنانتارا سبا أيضًا أجنحة حرارية منفصلة للذكور والإناث‪ ،‬يوجد بكل منها غرفة بخار بالملح‪ ،‬وغرفة‬
‫ساونا بالروائح العطرية‪ ،‬ووحدات دش رائعة‪ ،‬وغرف داخلية خاصة بها أسرة للاسترخاء‪ ،‬وأجنحة خارجية‬

‫للاسترخاء مزودة بمقاعد طويلة للاستلقاء‪ ،‬هذا بالإضافة إلى منصة صحية مجهزة بوجبات خفيفة ذات‬
‫قيمة غذائية عالية محضرة على الطريقة المنزلية‪ ،‬وفواكه طازجة‪ ،‬وشاي بالأعشاب‪.‬‬

‫قم بإزالة التوتر مع الطقوس الأصلية التي تسخر الطاقة الطبيعية للورود الدمشقية والرمان الذي ينمو‬
‫بوفرة في منطقة الجبل الأخضر الخصبة‪.‬‬

‫إن زيارة منتجع أنانتارا الصحي تربطك بكل من البيئة المحيطة وتراثنا التايلاندي والعربي لتحقيق التوازن بين‬
‫جسمك وعقلك‪ .‬عش تجربة الرفاهية ونحن نحملك إلى عالم من العلاجات الشافية ذات الفوائد الدائمة‪.‬‬

‫في أنانتارا سبا‪ ،‬الرحلات العظيمة‬

‫لا ُتروى ولكن نشعر بها‪.‬‬ ‫ ‬

‫تجارب خالدة لتجديد الحيوية وإعادة الشباب‬


Teens need a little pampering too. Let us soothe tired brains after studying and keep your skin looking young and clear.

Anantara Spa has a new range of therapies especially for teenage bodies, minds and skin.

(30 Minutes) OMR 20 (30 Minutes) OMR 25
Chocolate scented massage oil along with a classic massage Learn how to take care of your skin while relaxing in a tranquil
to soothe your senses. spa environment. Your facial experience will leave your skin
feeling balanced and renewed. Available to teens 13 years
HAPPY FEET to 16 years.
(30 Minutes) OMR 20
Pamper those dancing feet with a soothing treatment of a fruity FAMILY TIME
foot scrub and foot massage. (60 Minutes) OMR 100
Spend time with your child as you unwind with any 60 minutes
HEAVENLY HANDS massage or treatments of your choice while your child can mix
(30 Minutes) OMR 20 and match any 2 specially crafted treatments from our Anantara
Enjoy a gentle fruity hand scrub and massage for skin that Spa Kids Menu
is beautifully soft.

PRETTIFY YOUR NAILS Note: All prices are in Omani Rials and subject to 12% tax
(30 Minutes) OMR 20 and service charge.
Nails are filed to the desired shape. After shaping the nail choose All teenagers aged between 12 and 16 years must be
from our wide selection of nail colours. accompanied by an adult.

PRICELIST ‫قائمة الأسعار‬

Mins OMR ‫دقائق ريال عماني‬

ANANTARA SPA JOURNEYS ‫التجارب المميزة‬

Rose Rescue Ritual 90 85.000 ٨٥.٠٠٠ ٩٠ ‫طقوس الخلاص الوردية‬

Revitalising Pomegranate Journey 90 85.000 ٨٥.٠٠٠ ٩٠ ‫رحلة الانتعاش مع الرمان‬

Journey of Siam 90 85.000 ٨٥.٠٠٠ ٩٠ ‫رحلة سيام‬

COUPLES QUALITY TIME ‫أوقات تدليل الثنائي‬

Couples Hammam Ritual 60 110.000 ١١٠.٠٠٠ ٦٠ ‫طقوس الحمام للثنائي‬

Couples Private Time for Two 120 210.000 ٢١٠.٠٠٠ ١٢٠ ‫وقت خاص للثنائي لمدة ساعتين‬

Royal Couples Escape 150 250.000 ٢٥٠.٠٠٠ ١٥٠ ‫ملاذ ملكي للثنائي‬

HAMMAM RITUALS ‫طقوس الحمام‬

Royal Hammam with 30 minute Massage 90 80.000 ٨٠.٠٠٠ ٩٠ ‫ دقيقة‬٣٠ ‫الحمام الملكي مع التدليك‬

Royal Hammam with 60 minute Massage 120 100.000 ١٠٠.٠٠٠ ١٢٠ ‫ دقيقة‬٦٠ ‫الحمام الملكي مع التدليك‬

Turkish Hammam 60 50.000 ٥٠.٠٠٠ ٦٠ ‫طقوس الحمام التركي‬

Morrocan Hammam 60 60.000 ٦٠.٠٠٠ ٦٠ ‫طقوس الحمام المغربي‬

MASSAGES ‫جلسات التدليك‬

Anantara Signature Massage 90/60 80.000/60.000 ٦٠.٠٠٠/٨٠.٠٠٠ ٦٠/٩٠ ‫تدليك أنانتارا الخاص‬

Stress Release Massage 90/60 80.000/60.000 ٦٠.٠٠٠/٨٠.٠٠٠ ٦٠/٩٠ ‫تدليك لتخفيف التوتر‬

Traditional Thai Massage 90/60 80.000/60.000 ٦٠.٠٠٠/٨٠.٠٠٠ ٦٠/٩٠ ‫التدليك التايلاندي التقليدي‬

Deep Muscle Massage 90/60 90.000/70.000 ٧٠.٠٠٠/٩٠.٠٠٠ ٦٠/٩٠ ‫تدليك العضلات العميق‬

Hot Stone Massage 90/60 85.000/65.000 ٦٥.٠٠٠/٨٥.٠٠٠ ٦٠/٩٠ ‫تدليك الأحجار الساخنة‬

Peaceful Pregnancy Massage 60 60.000 ٦٠.٠٠٠ ٦٠ ‫تدليك الحوامل‬

FACIALS ‫أقنعة الوجه‬

Elemis Superfood Pro Radiance 60 65.000 ٦٥.٠٠٠ ٦٠ Elemis Superfood Pro Radiance

Elemis Pro Collagen Age Defy 60 65.000 ٦٥.٠٠٠ ٦٠ Elemis Pro Collagen Age Defy

Elemis Dynamic Resurfacing Facial 60 65.000 ٦٥.٠٠٠ ٦٠ Elemis Dynamic Resurfacing Facial

Elemis White Brightening Facial 60 65.000 ٦٥.٠٠٠ ٦٠ Elemis White Brightening Facial

Elemis Men’s Skin Energiser 60 65.000 ٦٥.٠٠٠ ٦٠ Elemis Men’s Skin Energiser


Head & Scalp Massage 30 25.000 ٢٥.٠٠٠ ٣٠ ‫تدليك الرأس وفروة الرأس‬

Back, Neck & Shoulder Massage 30 25.000 ٢٥.٠٠٠ ٣٠ ‫جلسة تدليك الظهر والرقبة والكتفين‬

Body Exfoliation 30 25.000 ٢٥.٠٠٠ ٣٠ ‫تقشير الجسم‬

Body Wrap 30 25.000 ٢٥.٠٠٠ ٣٠ ‫تغليف الجسم‬

Thai Herbal Compress 10.000 ١٠.٠٠٠ ‫كمادات الأعشاب على الطريقة التايلاندية‬

Express Nail Care 30 25.000 ٢٥.٠٠٠ ٣٠ ‫عناية الأضافر السريعة‬

Foot Reviver 30 25.000 ٢٥.٠٠٠ ٣٠ ‫تنشيط القدمين‬

Express Facial 30 35.000 ٣٥.٠٠٠ ٣٠ ‫قناع الوجه السريع‬

All prices are in Omani Rials and subject to 12% local taxes and service charge. Prices are subject to ‫ قد تطرأ بعض التغييرات على الأسعار‬.‫ ضرائب محلية ورسوم خدمة‬%1٢ ‫جميع الأسعار بالريال العماني وتخضع لـ‬
change without prior notice. Advance booking is highly recommended to ensure availability. Anantara ‫ صباحًا‬10 ‫ أوقات العمل في أنانتارا سبا من الساعة‬.‫ يوصى بالحجز المسبق لضمان توفر الخدمة‬.‫دون إخطار مسبق‬
Spa is open from 10am to 10pm. Spa treatments between 10pm and midnight are available upon ‫ مسا ًء وحتى منتصف الليل حسب الطلب‬10 ‫ خدمة العلاجات بالمنتجع متاحة من الساعة‬.‫ مسا ًء‬10 ‫وحتى الساعة‬
request subject to availability. In-villa massages are also available upon request subject to availability.
.‫ كذلك خدمة التدليك داخل محيط الفلل متاحة حسب الطلب وحسب توفرها‬.‫وحسب توفرها‬


Enhance your wellbeing in a luxurious mountaintop retreat that fuels Relish delectable offerings rich in anti-oxidants from our Balance Wellness
your mind, body and soul. Unwind with tailored programmes that Menu available in all restaurants across our resort. Begin your day with a
combine the enriching elements of nature with our global expertise healthy breakfast at Al Maisan or choose a superfood option from In-Room
and outstanding service. Dining before setting off to explore the valleys. Sip on a refreshing wellness
juice any time of day or night to refuel your body with the nutrients it
Anantara Al Jabal Al Akhdar Resort offers Balance Wellness experiences requires for healthy living.
that allow you the freedom to enjoy your holiday, whilst nurturing you
holistically at your own pace. Combine your ideal activities with detoxifying Our exciting range of customisable programmes immerses you in the
spa treatments and nourishing food to delight both your digestive system destination. Let yourself unwind with trusted therapies in our world-class
and palate. Our professional health and wellness team will help you achieve Anantara Spa. Navigate the mountainside with ropes and chains before
whatever goals you set for yourself - from deep relaxation to a vigorous treating yourself to a Signature Massage. Choose from our Relax & De-
boost to your fitness regime. stress, Detox & Cleanse, Rejuvenate and Mindful Moments to find the
perfect combination for your goals.
Stretch in the morning sun with yoga overlooking spectacular canyon views.
Discover leisurely hike trails that connect you with the culture and rich Embrace the power of wellness at Anantara Al Jabal Al Akhdar Resort.
landscape. Rejuvenate your body in our Himalayan salt infused steam room
at Anantara Spa.


Himalayan Balancing Salt Massage (90 minutes)

A unique combination of aromatherapy oils and heated volcanic stones, to ease away deep muscular tension

and encourage optimum circulation.

Foot Reflexology (60 minutes) 60.000
Passed through generations, this ancient healing therapy works on the principle that all body organs are connected to the reflex points

on the feet via constant flowing energy channels. Massaging of the feet’s reflex points restores natural flow of energy which aids with physical

healing and restoring well-being.


Lymphatic Drainage Massage (60 minutes) 60.000
Activate your lymphatic system with a light-touch massage to stimulate a natural detoxification process.The lymphatic system helps fluid and waste leave the

body and transports essential nutrients which help to build immune-boosting cells and improve the metabolism.

Deep Abdominal Massage (30 minutes) 30.000
Deep abdominal massage, also known as colon massage, or internal organ massage is a fantastic treatment that focuses on the metabolic and energetic

functions of the abdomen to release trapped gases, blockages and waste products. Benefits include relief from constipation, abdominal fluid retention,

detoxification, improved digestion, and postural health.

ELEMIS Thousand Flower Detox Wrap & Massage (30/60 minutes) 90.000/110.000
The nutrient-rich detox wrap uses the deeply nourishing Green Tea Balm to encourage super skin health and powerful detoxification.

It helps stimulate the elimation process and restore equilibrium to leave you feeling completely reinvigorated.

NOTE: All prices are in Omani rials and subject to 12% tax and service charge.

Balance Hammam Signature Detox Infusion (60 minutes) 60.000
An indulgent body treatment to melt away tension and bring your body and mind back into harmony. This traditional experience starts by deeply cleansing

the skin with a full body exfoliation, followed by a detoxifying body mask infused with aromatic balancing oils, finishing with a mind-clearing scalp massage

and gentle nourishing oil application that will allow you to relax and unwind.


ELEMIS Superfood Pro- Radiance (60 minutes)

A nutritional boost rich in super foods and essential minerals designed to infuse stressed, dull skin with energising, detoxifying active ingredients.

Clinically proven to leave skin plumper, radiant and alight with vitality.

Thai Herbal Poulitice massage (60 minutes) 70.000
Performed for hundred of years, Thai Herbal Poultice Massages are known to provide deep relaxation while relieving stress and fatigue, and improving

health. This therapy relies on the use of warm «poultices» filled with a selection of herbs and spices, generally wet and then steamed, being gently applied

to specific points of the body releasing their healing benefits into the pores of the skin. The hands are also used to focus on knots in the body.

Designed for those who live a fast-paced lifestyle, over-indulge too often, feel lethargic or have a sluggish digestive system, this is the ideal treatment

to kick-start a sense of well-being.

Shiatsu (60 minutes) 60.000
Relax, energise, awaken. In this ancient and graceful Eastern medicine, thumbs, palms, feet, elbows and knees massage and stretch while harmonising your

body’s energy system. Yoga-like stretching and acupressure along your energy lines increases flexibility, relaxes muscles, balances chi (emotions, flow of fluids

and life force) and enhances overall well-being. You immediately find relief from physical and emotional discomfort while aligning the body, mind and spirit,

bringing you to a deeper state of awareness.

NOTE: All prices are in Omani rials and subject to 12% tax and service charge.

Balinese Massage (60 minutes) 60.000
Pamper yourself with a spiritually and physically restorative Balinese Massage which, dates back many thousands of years. Developed in Bali, Indonesia, yet

drawing its roots from traditional Chinese massage and Indian Ayurvedic therapy, this treatment works deeply to soothe damaged tissue and relieve strained

muscles and joints. A rigorous yet therapeutic combination of long, gliding movements, skin rolling and firm kneading along pressure points will warm and

relax muscle tissues and boost your circulation. Personalise your experience by telling our therapist which areas you would like to focus on.


Slumber Guru - in villa service*

(Choose from Omani, Herbal, Chocolate Dream menu) (45/75/105 minutes) 60.000/115.000/150.000
«Taking the importance of a good night’s rest to a whole new level, choose from three varieties of in-room

rituals: Omani, Herbal or Chocolate Dream packages and let our Slumber Guru make drifting away to

the land of nod a blissful pleasure.

Package Includes:
Aromatic bath ritual • Choice of a relaxing massage• Special sleep amenities • Choice of soothing music • Refreshments

Indian Scalp Massage (30 minutes) 30.000

«Indian head massage originated in India over 1000 years ago and began as a way of keeping the hair in good condition. It is based
on the ancient healing system of Ayurveda.
This form of massage works on the upper back, shoulders, upper arms, neck, scalp, ears and face. The areas are massaged using firm yet gentle,
rhythmic movements that involve acupressure points called Marma points.

* Please see the additional menu.
NOTE: All prices are in Omani rials and subject to 12% tax and service charge.




Orange, mango, papaya and passion fruit

An assortment of tropical fruits that treat both your taste buds and body, this is a great-tasting juice that will leave you craving more.

Skinny Shake 3.500
An antioxidant powerhouse, this shake gets all of the goodness from pomegranates and strawberries. Refresh any time of day with this healthy boost.

Cucu Green Iced Tea 3.500
The hydrating nature of cucumber meets the Vitamin-C loaded grapefruit in this delicious iced tea. Because it’s made from green tea you’re getting all of

the antioxidants green tea is famous for, and this tea can also help you burn fat, which is a also a way to get rid of toxins.

ABC Juice 3.500
Apple, beetroot and carrot

An antioxidant powerhouse, this shake gets all of the goodness from pomegranates and strawberries. Refresh any time of day with this healthy boost.

Mai Melon Ginger Juice 3.500
With the fresh and sweet taste of watermelon, both your body and mind will feel refreshed and ready to go. The sweetness of the fruit helps balance

the flavour of the ginger, and coconut water provides natural electrolytes and enzymes that replenish the body.

NOTE: All prices are in Omani rials and subject to 12% tax and service charge.


Anantara Wellness Breakfast 6.000
Your choice of freshly squeezed juice (choice of one per person): 5.000
Orange, pomegranate, pineapple, watermelon or carrot.
Selection of fresh sliced fruits.
Egg whites, either scrambled or as an omelette with your choice of ingredients:
mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, or mixed vegetables.
Our homemade Bircher muesli.
Whole wheat or gluten-free toast with homemade sugar free jam of choice.
Choice of beverage: freshly brewed coffee, decaffeinated coffee, hot chocolate
with choice of milk, fresh ginger and lemon tea.

The no-guilt Quinoa Rancheros

Crisp quinoa flat bread topped with eggs poached in fresh tomato sauce, jalapeno peppers, spring onion and fresh cilantro.
Served with a fresh avocado salsa and calorie-reduced whipped crème fraiche. (V)

Super food Omelette

Made with 1 whole egg and 2 egg whites and a blend of the top 5 superfoods – spinach, tomatoes,
onions, fresh cucumber and avocado salsa, served with homemade blueberry sugar free
jam and whole wheat or gluten free bread. (V)

Good For You Porridge

Soft cooked red quinoa flavored with a touch of honey, vanilla, and cooked with soya milk
– topped with fresh blueberries or bananas with chia seeds. Dairy Free

NOTE: All prices are in Omani rials and subject to 12% tax and service charge.

Sunshine Benedict 6.000

Homemade wholegrain toast with a poached egg and grilled turkey breast,
topped with guilt-free yoghurt Hollandaise sauce.

Our Signature Healthy Pomegranate and Almond Granola 4.000

130 calories dairy free, gluten free, vegan, vegetarian

Steamed Asparagus with Guilt-free Hollandaise 3.500

70 calories, dairy free, gluten free, vegan

Greek Yoghurt with Vanilla and Lavender Honey 3.000

80 calories (V)

Seasonal Tropical Sliced Fruit Plate 4.000

50 calories, gluten free, fat free, dairy free, vegan

Sliced Fresh Avocado 3.500

60 calories, dairy free, gluten free, vegan

NOTE: All prices are in Omani rials and subject to 12% tax and service charge.

Heart Healthy Lentil Vegetable Soup 4.000

Green Goodness 8.000
A healthy blend of blueberries, celery, spinach, and green apples.

Roasted Beet Hummus

A great way to incorporate the anti-inflammatory goodness of beets with the goodness of chick peas.
Blended and then topped with a touch of extra virgin olive oil.
Served with crisp baked pita chips.

Baked not Fried Taco Shrimp Salad

Baked taco shell filled with grilled tiger prawns, avocado, roasted pineapple, grilled corn,
and julienne bell peppers. Cannellini bean and pico de gallo ragout on the side.

Grilled Chicken and Vegetable Salad

Saffron and yoghurt marinated chicken kebabs with assorted grilled vegetables, served over
organic baby mixed greens with our citrus honey vinaigrette.

NOTE: All prices are in Omani rials and subject to 12% tax and service charge.

Gluten free Pasta 7.000

Your choice of fresh tomato and basil, primavera with julienne vegetables, or puttanesca
with capers, anchovies and black olives in a spicy tomato sauce.

Not too Much Red Meat Please 9.000

120 gram very lean certified angus fillet grilled to perfection, simply dressed with lemon,
extra virgin olive oil and fresh cracked black pepper, steamed cocktail potatoes, grilled tomato
and basil compote.

Your daily dose of Omega-3 9.000

Grilled salmon fillet, served with a fresh salad of tomato, cucumber and Nicoise olives,
tossed with fresh whole parsley and celery leaves in a light lemon balm vinaigrette.

French Vanilla Almond and Apple Crisp 3.500

Dairy free almond milk, vanilla beans, roasted apples with non-fat yoghurt, oats, brown sugar
and cinnamon. All baked into a gooey-goodness dessert.

Anti-Oxidant Rich Pomegranate 2.500

Two full pomegranate arils removed from the husk for you to enjoy as a snack anytime
and with only 72 calories.

NOTE: All prices are in Omani rials and subject to 12% tax and service charge.



Sunrise Hatha Yoga (60 minutes) 15.000
Welcome the day and awaken your sense on the rim of the canyon. Feel the mountain fresh air and the solitude of the canyon at your feet whilst

you gaze over the rim and across to the horizon. Keep your mind at peace and energize your body with our mountain yoga by Diana’s Point

to keep your chakra’s in line. Enjoy the soothing sound of running water and views of the rising sun upon the grand canyon.

Hot Yoga (60 minutes) 30.000

Head to the Spa and enjoy ‘Bikram Yoga’ in the hammam where you can let your body detox naturally with 40% humidity
and traditional hatha yoga techniques.

Aqua Yoga Aerobics (45 minutes) 15.000

Aqua Yoga Aerobics takes the principles and movements of yoga and adapts them to the water. Find the optimum stretch
in this low impact, gentle activity.

NOTE: All prices are in Omani rials and subject to 12% tax and service charge.

ADVENTURES 40.000 per person / 60.00 per couple

Jabal Activity Wall (90-120 minutes)

Tackle the Hajar mountain range with a variety of gradual and intermediate climbing routes. Choose your ascent - by foot, using ropes and harnesses,

or trying the Via Ferrata steel cable which runs along the mountainside. Under the guidance of qualified mountain instructors, the Via Ferrata provides

20-metre-long steep and exciting climbs, and also allows the more adventurous to abseil down sheer drop-offs for an eagle eye view.

Ultimate Rock Wall (90 minutes) 50.000 per person / 80.000 per couple

An activity not for the fainthearted - the new climbing route is one of the highest in the Middle East, providing intrepid travellers with a brand new way to

experience Oman’s Green Mountain and its expanse of craggy cliffs and limestone rock formations. The adventure begins, use your hands and a series of

strategically placed metal steps to trace your way along the vertical rock face, before navigating jagged rock formations, ladders and vertical stairs. Below, a

vast canyon plunges to 1,000 metres at its deepest point, providing you with a front row seat to soak in the peaceful silence. Towards the end of the hour-

long climb, two zip lines suspended high above the canyon allow you to fly through the air for the ultimate adrenaline rush.

3 Village Walk Tour (90-120 minutes) 30.000 per person / 55.000 per couple

Discover the history and culture of 3 iconic villages with the help of an Omani Mountain Guru. Al Aqr, Al Ayn and Ash Shirayjah villages still use an ancient

irrigation system called ‘falaj’ to maintain the cliff hanging terrace farms. Learn historical information and interesting details on the people and culture where

they harvest Damask roses, pomegranates, walnuts, pears, grapes, garlic and onions. Pass a medicinal distillery, majlas, mosques, abandoned and inhabited

homes, narrow alleys and old wooden doors.

Wadi Al Bawarid Hike (3-4 hours) 50.000 per person / 80.000 per couple

Meaning ‘cold water’ in Arabic Wadi Al Bawarid is a spectacular valley of natural caves and rock formations. Take a 20-minute drive from the resort to Saiq

Village then hike along a natural fossil staircase as you descend the steep mountain slopes. Walk along the wadi river bed to discover natural pools that rise

and fall seasonally and are home to small fish, frogs, dragonflies and swallows gliding in the breeze. Your guide will bring you to post-war soldier grave sites

and abandoned houses that are 100 years. old. Take a long a picnic to enjoy with the picturesque mountain views.

NOTE: All prices are in Omani rials and subject to 12% tax and service charge.

Anantara Al Jabal Al Akhdar Resort
P.O. Box 110, PC 621, Nizwa, Sultanate of Oman
T +968 2521 8000 | F +968 2521 8008 | E [email protected]

Gym Tennis and Basketball

• Opens 24 hours (on guest’s own risk) • Tennis and Basketball court opens 24 hours with
• We offer complimentary water and apples floodlight option
• Possibility to add a personal trainer for fitness program to
• We offer Tennis partner service upon request
generate more revenue

Infinity Pool Bicycle

• Infinity pool service starts at 09:00hrs till sunset • Bicycles are complimentary for an hour,
• We offer complimentary cold towels, water and succeeding hour will be charge 05 OMR plus taxes
per hour per bike
towels for guest in-house
• Available from 08:00hrs till sunset
• We arrange Biking Tours upon request

Teens Club Asfour Kids Club

• A cool place to hang out and • Offers a variety of interactive indoor and outdoor activities for

socialize children from 4 years old until 11 years old.
• Variety of indoor activities can be • A chargeable babysitting service is offered during day and

offered to the guests (adults and night time.
• Special activities on occasions such as Christmas, New Year,
teens) to enjoy
• It is complimentary and opens Eid and etc…
• Activity starts at 09:30 until 18:00hours everyday.
from 09:00 until 18:00hrs

Three Village Walk Wadi Bani Habib

• Guide: Yes • Guide: Yes
• Level of Difficulty: Intermediate • Level of Difficulty: Intermediate
• Duration: Approximately 2 hours • Duration: Approximately 1.5 hours
• Distance: 3 km • Distance: 2.5 km
• OMR 30 per person / OMR 55 per couple • OMR 30 per person / OMR 55 per couple
• Includes complimentary water, Omani coffee and • Includes complimentary water, Omani coffee and

dates dates

Wadi Bawaarid Hike Rose Water of Jabal Akhdar Tour

• Guide: Yes • Guide: Yes
• Level of Difficulty: Intermediate to advanced • Level of Difficulty: Driving tour to Siaq,
• Duration: Approximately 3-4 hours
• Distance: 6 km moderate walking to distillery
• OMR 50 per person / OMR 80 per couple • Available: March – April
• Minimum of 2 persons and maximum 8 persons per • Duration: Approximately 1 hour
• OMR 30 per person / OMR 55 per couple
guided tour • Includes complimentary water, Omani coffee
• Includes complimentary water and light lunch
and dates

Jabal Wall Activity Ultimate Jabal Wall

• Full experience (2 hours): • Via ferrata & zip line full experience
• OMR 40 per person • Duration: 60-90 minutes hours
• OMR 60 per couple • OMR 50 per person
• OMR 25 per child aged 8 to12 years • OMR 80 per couple
• Level of Difficulty: Beginner to Intermediate • Level of Difficulty: Advanced
• Maximum of 6 participants per session • Maximum of 4 participants per session,16 years old
• 8 years old and above with a maximum weight
and above with a maximum weight of 100 kg
of 100 kg

Nizwa Tour Oman’s Grand Canyon

• OMR 170 per couple / Additional OMR 20 per person • OMR 160 per couple / Additional OMR 40 per
• Minimum of 2 persons and maximum 4 persons per person

guided tour • Minimum of 2 persons and maximum 4 persons per
• Includes complimentary water guided tour
• Includes a light lunch or local lunch in Nizwa
• Guide: Yes • Includes complimentary water and light lunch
• Level of Difficulty: Easy • Guide: Yes
• Duration: Approximately 6 hours • Level of Difficulty: Easy (partly off road)
• Distance: 200 km • Duration: Approximately 7 hours
• Distance: 300 km

Fascinating Forts Archery

• OMR 170 per couple / Additional OMR 20 per person • Adult: OMR 15 per person per session
• Minimum of 2 persons and maximum 4 persons per • Child 8-12 years: OMR 10 per child per session
• Duration: 1 hour per session
guided tour • Maximum 6 participants in every session
• Includes complimentary water and light lunch
• Guide: Yes * Currently takes place in parking area but
• Level of Difficulty: Easy will eventually move in-front of resort.
• Duration: Approximately 6 hours
• Distance: 200 km

Group Sunrise Yoga Sundown Yoga

• OMR 15 per person • Adult: OMR 10 per person per session + 12%
• Level of Difficulty: All levels Service Charge + Tax
• Duration: Approximately 1 hour
• Maximum 20 participants in every morning session • Duration: 1 hour per session
• Timings: 07:00hrs (Summer) • Timing: 17:30hrs – 18:30hrs
• Venue: At the terrace in front of the Spa
07:30hrs (Winter)

Food & Beverage Outlets

Al Maisan – Amazing star Al Qalaa – The Fort

Location: Elevated position above the central courtyard Location: In the heart of the resort
Cuisine: Grill/Arabic
Cuisine: International, including theme nights Operating Hours: Open for dinner only

Operating Hours: Breakfast 07:00 – 10:00 (Friday, Saturday 6:30 – 11:00) 18:30 – 23:00(Last order 10:45)

Dinner 18:00 – 22:00

Themed Night: Wednesday: Asian Night Seating Capacity: 84 (70 Indoor,14 Outdoor)

Friday: BBQ Night

Seating Capacity: 120 (86 Indoor,34 Outdoor)

Food & Beverage Outlets

Al Baha Café – Courtyard Cafe Bella Vista – Beautiful View

Location: Central view in the heart of the resort Location: Poolside
Cuisine: Italian
Cuisine: International/ Snack & Light Meals Operating Hours: 12:00 – 18:30 (17:45 last order)
Daily Fresh pastries display.
(During peak season: 12:00-20:00)
Operating Hours: 10:30 – 18:30
Seating Capacity: 68 (42 Indoor,26 Outdoor)

Food & Beverage Outlets

Al Burj Lounge – Arabic for the Tower

Location: The Moroccan Lounge, “The Tower,” takes the
inspiration from Oman’s traditional defensive architecture.
Indoor Area: Non Smoking
Outdoor Area: Smoking
Shisha Service : Yes (Outdoor Only)
Operating Hours: 16:30 – 00:00



At one of the world’s highest resorts, Dining by Design peaks on an incomparable canyon stage.

Let us tailor the ultimate experience from a choice of connoisseur menus, or craft an entirely new one with your personal chef. Indulge in
your dream location, with flawless butler service. Savour the finest local and world flavours for lunch or dinner. Dine on the canyon-edge
platform ‘Diana’s Point’ - once graced by Diana Princess of Wales and HRH Prince Charles, at sunset or under the stars.

Prices starting from OMR 75 per person


Call our most magnificent mountain
villa your exclusive dining retreat.

Whether you are staying at our exclusive
Three Bedroom Royal Mountain Villa,
or wish to reserve this prestigious residence
for a special occasion only, a tailored
dining experience here is incomparable.

Choose your cuisine from our
connoisseur menus, or craft an entirely
new one with your personal chef. Savour
an intimate evening in the elegant dining
room, or outside on the private deck with
breathtaking canyon views – a butler
taking care of every need.

Prices starting from OMR 150 per person


Rise to the ultimate private breakfast experience,
crafted by your personal chef and butler.
Relish your perfect idea of a decadent breakfast.
Browse our collection of tempting menus, or collaborate with
your personal chef to devise the ultimate breakfast banquet.
Savour the occasion in a choice of dream locations,
with flawless butler service. Relax in the comfort of your room
or villa, enjoying a sumptuous start to the day on your balcony
with a stunning view. Or allow us to lay a beautiful table
in any other intimate corner of our majestic resort
– reserved exclusively for you.
Prices starting from OMR 35 per person

Note: All prices are subject to 8% service charge
and 4% applicable government tax.


P.O. Box 110, PC 621, Nizwa, Sultanate of Oman
T +968 2521 8000 | F +968 2521 8008 | E [email protected]

Assorted sliced fresh tropical fruits
Heirloom Tomato & Burrata Salad A selection of fresh Mezzeh Start your Dining by Design experience
Imported multi coloured tomatoes & burrata Featuring hummus, tabouleh, muhamara, with a taste of Thai, Vietnamese Fresh squeezed juices
cheese from Puglia with extra virgin olive oil, fatoush, assorted olives & halloumi cheese. and Chinese delicacies. choice of orange, pineapple, or watermelon
garden fresh basil, sundried tomato tapenade.
Sfihas of Baalbek Thai “Som Tum” salad of green papaya, Basket of assorted Viennoiseries
Carpaccio di Manzo Veneto Lebanese meat pies filled with chilies, peanuts, green beans and tomatoes in Almond, Butter, and chocolate croissants;
Raw sliced aged Angus beef tenderloin, a combination of minced lamb and beef, pine a sweet spicy tamarind dressing; “Goi Cuon”
Worcestshire mayonnaise, wild baby greens, nuts, pomegranate and fresh herbs served Vietnamese fresh vegetable and prawn spring fruit Danish; blueberry muffin
with cucumber and mint labneh.
Parmigiano shavings. roll; Larb Gai Thai Northern Chicken Salad. Assorted jams and fruit compotes
MAIN COURSE Hot appetizers featuring assorted satays on Main Egg dish consisting
Samkeh Harrah and jumbo prawns lemongrass skewers; chicken, lamb, and beef of Oeufs en Cocotte – poached eggs
Grilled Baby Hammour Ratatouille Local baby hammour and prawns grilled cooked with truffles, Gruyere cheese and
Fresh Omani baby hammour fillet, with a spicy tomato and chili salsa topped – served with sweet and spicy chili sauce,
Chinese bbq sauce or Thai peanut sauce. cream on toasted English muffin
imported taggiasca olives and roasted with pine nuts and coriander. Served with homemade veal sausage,
bell pepper ratatouille MAIN COURSE
or potato croquettes and a Tomato
or Thai style fried whole fish “Plah Lad Prik” in and Onion Confit
Oriental Mixed Grill a sweet chili sauce with coriander and Thai
Mixed Grilled Meat Barbeque Shish taouk, shish kebab, and lamb chops Vanilla, Orange and lavender
– Lamb, beef, chicken marinated with Arabic spices and grilled over basil. French Toast with warm maple syrup.

A selection of marinated meats an open flame. or
grilled on an open flame
Vietnamese “Bo Luc Lac” Shaking beef
Both Main course choices are served cooked
with grilled vegetables and baby heirloom
over very hot flame, marinated with special
potatoes and accompanying sauces; spices and herbs in a mildly spiced garlic
for meats – a natural jus with herbs,
assorted Dijon mustard;
for fish – lemon butter sauce and salsa verde. or

Main courses are served with steamed rice
and Asian style stir fried vegetables.

All Dining by Design events include a platter of miniature
desserts indigenous to our region and an assortment of tropical fresh fruits.

Your dining experience ends in your room/villa with a box of homemade chocolate truffles
with our compliments and our thanks for having shared your special celebration with us.

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